Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API

Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API David Lippman Pierce College Lumen Learning


A talk from the Washington Canvas User Group 2014 meeting, about using PHP to automate tasks using the Canvas LMS API. Sample code is available at

Transcript of Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API

Page 1: Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API

Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API

David LippmanPierce College

Lumen Learning

Page 2: Automation using Scripting and the Canvas API


• Quick overview of the Canvas API

• Why would we want to use it?

• Examples of scripting against the API

• Examples of scripting against export files

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API = Application Programming Interface

A way for other programs to access data or make changes in Canvas courses

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JSON format return

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HTTP Authorization Header

Send access token in the query string<ACCESS-TOKEN>

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Generating a Token

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Generating a TokenScroll down…

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Generating a Token

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Generating a Token

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So where does that get us?


Why should we care?

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Use Case 1: Adding Attribution

Course with 100+ text pagesAll needed a Creative Commons attribution

statement added

Option 1: Edit each by handOption 2: Modify an export fileOption 3: Use the API!

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The General Idea

Call the page list.

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The General Idea

Call the page list. Repeat if needed.

$endpoint = “/api/v1/courses/$courseid/pages/”;$itemlist = json_decode( file_get_contents( ‘https://’.$domain.$endpoint. ‘?per_page=50&page=‘.$pagecnt. ‘&access_token=‘.$token ));

foreach ($itemlist as $item) { $url = $item->url;

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The General Idea

Grab the wiki page body.

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The General Idea

Grab the wiki page body. Add attribution.

$endpoint = “/api/v1/courses/$courseid/pages/$url”;$page = json_decode( file_get_contents( ‘https://’.$domain.$endpoint. ‘?access_token='.$token ));$html = $page->body;$html .= $attribution;

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The General Idea

Send back

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The General Idea

Send back using CURL

$endpoint = “/api/v1/courses/$courseid/pages/$url”;$ch = curl_init(‘https://’.$domain.$endpoint. ‘?access_token=’.$token );curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ‘wiki_page[body]=’.urlencode($html));$response = curl_exec($ch);

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Time to Library-ize


$api = new CanvasLMS($token,$domain);

$pages = $api->getPageList($courseid);

foreach ($pages as $id=>$name) {

$body = $api->getPageData($courseid, $id, 'body');

$body .= $attribution;

$api->updatePage($courseid, $id,



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Use Case 2: Assignment Settings

Adding Instructions to all Assignments in a course

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Use Case 2: Assignment Settings

$assn = $api->getAssignmentList($courseid);

foreach ($assn as $id=>$name) {

$api->updateAssignment($courseid, $id,



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Use Case 3: Fixing links

foreach ($pages as $id=>$name) {

$body = $api->getPageData($courseid, $id, 'body');

$body = str_replace(“”,“”,


$api->updatePage($courseid, $id,



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Use Case 4: Removing Links

foreach ($pages as $id=>$name) {

$body = $api->getPageData($courseid, $id, 'body');

$body = preg_replace(


' $1 ', $body);

$api->updatePage($courseid, $id,



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Use Case 5: Rehosting Images



$str, $matches);

foreach ($matches[0] as $m) {

$bn = basename($m);

cp(‘http://’.$m, ’./imgs/’.$bn);

$str = str_replace($m, ‘’.$bn, $str);


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General purpose, web-based tool

AppendReplaceSearch-and-replaceRegex search-and-replace

Alternate Approach

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Working with Exports

Upsides:• Can be faster for large numbers of pages• Can look at changes before uploading

Downsides• Can’t be done on a live class• Have to make sense of the file format

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Working with Exports

• Canvas exports are based on Common Cartridge

• Exports are renamed zip files• Exports contain XML, HTML, and files• Main file is imsmanifest.xml– <resource> shows type and location of items– <item> shows item structure (modules)

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$zip = new ZipArchive;$zip->open($file);

phpQuery::newDocumentXML( $zip->getFromName("imsmanifest.xml"));

$ref = pq("resource");foreach ($ref as $r) {

$reflist[pq($r)->attr("identifier")] = pq($r)->attr("href");

$reftype[pq($r)->attr("identifier")] = pq($r)->attr("type");}

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$items = pq(“item”);

foreach ($items as $item) {

$iref = pq($item)->attr("identifierref");

if (isset($reftype[$iref]) &&

$reftype[$iref]=="webcontent") {

$filename = $reflist[$iref]);

$html = $zip->getFromName($filename);

$html = str_replace(‘</body>’,

$attribution.’</body>’, $html);

$zip->addFromString($filename, $html);



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Sample Code

• A simple library for doing API calls• A sample program using the library• The web-based general purpose tool• Search-and-replace in a cartridge example