AutoLogistics & SCM 20051 Standardisation in RFID Alfio Grasso Deputy Director, Auto-ID Lab,...

AutoLogistics & SCM 2005 1 AU TO -ID LA B S Standardisation in RFID Alfio Grasso Deputy Director, Auto-ID Lab, Adelaide General Manager, RFID Automation

Transcript of AutoLogistics & SCM 20051 Standardisation in RFID Alfio Grasso Deputy Director, Auto-ID Lab,...

AutoLogistics & SCM 2005 1


Standardisation in RFID

Alfio Grasso

Deputy Director, Auto-ID Lab, Adelaide

General Manager, RFID Automation

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EPCglobal Standards Development Process Workgroups Technical Standards

Hardware Action Group Software Action Group

Standard’s Documents

ISO Standards 18000-1 to -7 Others

Regulatory Standards FCC, ETSI, Australian 4W RFID licence

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EPCglobal Standards Development Process

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AUTO-ID LABS EPCglobal structure

TechnologySteering Committee

Public PolicySteering CommitteeAuto-ID Labs

Business ActionGroup - CP

Business SteeringCommittee


GS1 GS1 USEPCglobal Boardof Governors

StaffArchitecturalReview Committee

Work Groups

Hardware ActionGroup

Software ActionGroup

Work Groups

Work Groups

Business ActionGroup - HLS

Work Groups

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End Solution End Solution %Users Providers Total Users Providers Total Increase

Asia 7 14 21 21 86 107 410%

North America 48 84 132 177 168 345 161%

Europe 10 26 36 39 46 85 136%

Middle East & Africa 0 2 2 0 4 4 100%

Latin America 0 0 0 2 2 4 #DIV/0!

Totals 65 126 191 239 306 545 185%

Jun-04 May-05

Membership May 2005

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AUTO-ID LABS Working Groups

Business Steering Committee (BSC) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS) Transport and Logistics (TLS)

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Hardware Action Group (HAG) Software Action Group (SAG)

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AUTO-ID LABS Standards Development Process

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EPCglobal Workgroups

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Fast Moving Consumer Goods

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AUTO-ID LABS FMCG – Working Groups

Data Exchange

European Adoption Programme (EAP)

Pilot and Implementation (P&I)

Reusable Transport Items (RTI)

Strategic Planning

Tag and Inlay Standards

Asian Adoption Program (AAP)

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The objective of this group is to begin to begin identifying the EXCEPTIONS to the simple Ship and Receive process. These exceptions will be the foundation for the track and trace business process models. The charter of this group will be to explore and document exception processes and defining requirements needed of RFID technology to meet the objective of streamlining the resolution of these processes.This group will also be tasked with identifying any business process hurdles that come to light as a result of their business process definitions, adding some detail and consideration around these issues and then passing them on to the Pilot & Implementation Workgroup for final resolution and documentation.

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AUTO-ID LABS DE - Deliverables

Business Process Document Identifying the EXCEPTIONS to the SHIP and

RECEIVE Process, the pain points that are a result of these exceptions, and the requirements of RFID technology to streamline the resolution of these exceptions.

List of Business Process hurdles that need further investigation and thought. These should contain detailed descriptions of the

issues as well as any proposed process resolutions (not technology) or technology requirements.

A summary of the issues/resolutions should be forwarded to the Pilot & implementation group for final resolution/documentation.

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AUTO-ID LABS EAP - CharterTo help European business to extract maximum business benefit from the use of EPCglobal technology as quickly as possible and with minimum problems and without duplicating the work of other EPCglobal or EAN.UCC work groups.This will be done by

Agreeing and publicising common expectations of how EPCglobal technology will be rolled out in Europe in order to avoid incompatible approaches

Ensuring that European views related to EPCglobal are clearly represented to EPCglobal and EAN.UCC standards and policy groups.

Enabling EAP members to exchange information to assist in the practical implementation and justification of RFID and EPCglobal technology within Europe.

Lobbying and communicating with relevant organisations including industry and consumer groups, government and other regulatory authorities.

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AUTO-ID LABS EAP - Deliverables

Technical Implementation

Business Processes

Radio Regulations

Business Case

Health and Safety


Environmental Regulations

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The objective of the Pilot and Implementation Working Group is to provide end-user companies with practical and timely information needed as they prepare for RFID pilot and implementation projects.

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AUTO-ID LABS P&I Deliverables

First Set:

Implementation Guidelines A five-phase EPC adoption framework with

implementation guidelines and lessons learned. The five phases are Investigate, Experiment, Trial,

Pilot and Deploy.

Share Mechanism Agreement by End Users to share certain levels of

information and process to elicit information

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AUTO-ID LABS P&I Deliverables Cont

Second Set:Vendor Profiles

A list of EPC/RFID solution providers with expertise on hardware, software or services. The vendor list will be segmented with brief description to help End User companies find the services they need

Cost/Benefit Tutorial A list of cost variables companies should consider as they

implement RFID projects. Designed like a checklist, this cost list will enable companies to select the cost variables applicable to their specific occasions or site conditions

Company Work Plan Template A work plan template to illustrate key activities in every

adoption phase

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AUTO-ID LABS P&I Deliverables Cont

Third Set:

Practice Briefing Summarized technical white papers to help

explain specific implementation issues

KPI Directory Listing of industry-accepted measurements

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The overall aim of the WG is to ensure EPC tagging will support the efficient management of RTIs across the supply chain and provide clear links with product tracking requirements associated with the movements of assets.

A number of the objectives are linked to on-going work with other EPCglobal WGs.

Wherever possible dialogue will be established with those WGs to ensure consistency of approach and shared learning.

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Defining the concept of Returnable Transport Item Ensure all possible equipment types relevant to the

Consumer Goods Sector are included in the WG scope

Confirm and validate existing GS1 standards for RTI codification and the relevant EDI messaging schemas underpinning the efficient management of equipment and product flows

GRAI /GIAIValidate the existing code numbering standards for identifying returnable assets and components are sufficient to meet the needs of efficient asset management

EDI messaging for RTI management

Review and validate existing proposals for RTI (and product) tracking. This will build on from the prior work of EAN member organizations and International Council for RTI (IC-RTI).

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Converting to EPC tagging Validate that Tag Data Standard V1.1 meets the

requirements for RTI tagging and is consistent with existing GS1 standards, above.

Asset & Product Tracking

Determine business guidelines for the synchronised tracking of assets (GRAI) alongside of products (SSCC). This may include:

Development of requirements for the possible encoding of GRAI and SSCC into a single tag.

Alternative use of separate asset and unit load tags for tracking purposes

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Non-unique coding Develop guidelines for the use of identical tags for

a single RTI (e.g. returnable plastic crate, RPC), designed to enhance readability.

EPC Data Exchange Propose amendments to existing EPC data

exchange schemas to include the tracking of RTIs as an optional, but integral part of overall EPC data exchange for key supply chain processes

Future RTI tagging requirements Develop user requirements for tag functionality

specific to the future needs of RTI applications (e.g. read/write, temperature and trauma sensing)

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AUTO-ID LABS RTI - Deliverables

Guidelines: EPC application for the management of

RTIs and product tracking

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Ensure that the EPCglobal Strategic Work Plan is aligned with End User business priorities

Provide collaborative, focused interaction between EPCglobal End Users and EPCglobal on the work and priorities of the overall Action Groups.

Capture requirements and prioritize the critical path elements needed to support End User implementations of EPC and the EPCglobal Network.

Recommend the Strategic Work Plan priorities to the Business Steering Committee

Provide visibility into the prioritization and Work Plan process

Facilitate a process to assess the delivery of EPCglobal Strategic Work Plan elements and evaluate the effect of changes

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AUTO-ID LABS SP - Deliverables

EPCglobal Strategic Work Plan that illustrates critical path Network elements.

Objectives/Requirements Prioritization Scope, Schedule, Resources, etc…. Work Plan Change Management process

Process to facilitate communication to and from EPCglobal End-User community and workgroupsRegular meetings with the Business Steering Committee to present results and status of Strategic Work Plan Miscellaneous research and deliverables requested by the Business Steering CommitteeGlossary of terms

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I - Charter

The objective of this WG is to create a Tag and Label Standard specification to enable silicon RFID chip, inlay, tag, RFID printer, and RFID applicator manufacturers to standardize their product offerings to meet the end user requirements described in the RFID Usability Requirements.The goal of the Working Group is to complete the necessary documentation for the Tag and Label specification to conform to EPCglobal requirements.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I Key Objectives

Deliver a specification for standard label sizes. Review of RFID Usability document. Review existing label standards EAN/UCC,

GSMP EPCTDT. Define user requirements for label sizes. Make recommendation for standardize

sizes. Develop standard label size specification.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I Key Objectives Cont

Deliver a specification for standard Inlay locations. Define no print areas.

Determine if a no print area is possible, if it is, define the most acceptable location for the user community and create a specification.

Printer/reader Applicator requirements.Determine the Printer/Reader and applicator antenna location requirements in combination with 1.1 above. If an optimum location can be determined, seek consensus and publish a specification.

Maximum Height of inlay in print areas.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I Key Objectives Cont

Maximum Height for no print areas.

Standardize inlay sizes.

Other topics TBD

Additional Topics TBD…. Some may be too proprietary to standardize. Chip pad formats Chips sizes Strap designs Antenna design requirement for chips, i.e.

Capacitance and resistance, etc.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I Key Objectives Cont

Identify the process and format for adding future tag and labels standards as new requirements occur. Review the possible requirements for tag

and labels standards in other industry sectors apart from Retail/CPG that may potentially become users of EPC technology.

Develop a process for adoption of new inlay and label standards.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I Key Objectives Cont

Environment and Safety issues of tag design and disposal.

Review the possible requirements for tag and labels with corrugated manufacturers for control of waste products in recycling of paper

Quantify and make recommendations on material usage and effect to the environment.

Evaluate existing packaging standards and label requirements for use of heavy metals such as copper, aluminium and silver. (used in antenna fabrication)

Other medical and safety issues regarding tag and inlay materials for child safety, toxicity, etc.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&I - Deliverables

Tag and Label Standard V 1.0 document

Appendix to describe guidelines

Appendix for process & template of future scheme requirements.

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AUTO-ID LABS AAP - CharterTo help Asian business to extract maximum business benefit from the use of EPCglobal technology as quickly as possible with minimum problems and without duplicating the work of other EPCglobal or EAN.UCC work groups.This will be done by:

Obtain agreement on standards adoption by EPCglobal members in the region and publicize common expectations of how EPCglobal technology will be implemented in Asia in order to avoid conflicting approaches

Ensure that Asian views related to EPCglobal and user requirements in the region are clearly represented to EPCglobal and EAN.UCC standards and policy groups.

Enable AAP members to exchange information to assist in the practical implementation and justification of RFID and EPCglobal technology within Asia.

Communicate with relevant organizations including industry and consumer groups, government and other regulatory authorities.

Attract adoption of EPCglobal standards from key entities in the region.

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AUTO-ID LABS AAP - Deliverables

Four meetings per annum including presentations, demonstrations and

information exchange for AAP participants.

A clear statement of a common approach to EPCglobal roll out in Asia which covers: Technical Implementation Business Processes Radio Regulations Privacy

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Healthcare and Life Sciences

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AUTO-ID LABS HLS – Working Groups







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AUTO-ID LABS Strategy – Charter/Objectives

Develop and manage the execution of a Strategic Work Plan, designed to coordinate and prioritize the activities of Work Groups within the HLS BAG.Provide specific input to EPCglobal Technical and Business Action Groups, and other standards-setting bodies, as appropriate, regarding the requirements for

standards, policies, and agreements between and among trading partners and regulatory

bodies in the extended healthcare and life sciences supply chains as related to the application and use of RFID technology

in general, and the EPCglobal Network, specifically, to track, trace and authenticate articles of


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AUTO-ID LABS Strategy Charter Cont

The development of specific Use Cases, and Scenarios, which describe (i) the route traversed by articles of

commerce and (ii) business interactions involved at each

node of the supply chain, focused initially on compliance with

international laws and regulations, State pedigree laws and US FDA guidelines

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AUTO-ID LABS Strategy Charter Cont

The development of specific Use Cases, and Scenarios, which describe (i) the route traversed by articles of commerce and (ii) business interactions involved at each node of

the supply chain, focused on elements that may include

enhancing supply chain efficiencies, improving care provider efficiencies and effectiveness,

and enhancing the patient/consumer experience, compliance,

and safe usage.

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AUTO-ID LABS Strategy - Deliverables

Prioritized list of Use Cases and Scenarios, accompanied by detailed recommendations

A Strategic Work Plan that includes the following:

Objectives/Requirements Priorities Deliverables Scope, Schedule/Timeline, Resources, etc…. Work Plan Change Management process

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AUTO-ID LABS Policy – Charter/Objectives

The objective of the HLS Policy workgroup is to

promote the adoption of RFID and EPC technology

within the healthcare supply chain by developing opportunities for the

enabling regulations, guidelines and mandates

to be enacted, promoted or enforced through existing industry channels of communication and bodies of influence.

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AUTO-ID LABS Policy - Deliverables

Detailed, well-documented reports identifying which areas of regulatory compliance, public policy, privacy, security, patient and consumer education, and business policy A Policy Work Plan that includes the following:

Objectives/Requirements Priorities Deliverables Scope, Schedule/Timeline, Resources, etc…. Work Plan Change Management process

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AUTO-ID LABS Process – Charter/Objectives

Develop the business processes that will outline the key EPCglobal HLS BAG use cases and define the underlying process descriptions Development of specific Use Cases

The scope of the Use Case includes all nodes beginning at the point of Pharmaceutical Packaging and ending at the decommissioning at the Hospital or Retail Pharmacy.

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AUTO-ID LABS Process - Deliverables

Detailed RFID enabled supply chain Use Cases and Scenarios, Process description, flows and information maps

A Process Work Plan that includes the following:

Objectives/Requirements Priorities Deliverables Scope, Schedule/Timeline, Resources, etc…. Work Plan Change Management process

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AUTO-ID LABS Information – Charter/Objectives

The Objective of the HLS Information WG (IWG) is to recommend information business requirements and related process for the Healthcare and Life Sciences supply chain for use cases.

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AUTO-ID LABS Information - Deliverables

Documents describing Information Access API Specification. Numbering Systems. Data Retention. Data Synchronization and Data Validation Data Ownership, Visibility, and Sharing. Data Security and Privacy EPC Number Assignment

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AUTO-ID LABS Technology Charter/Objectives

The objective of the Technology Working Group (WG) is to serve as a technical resource to the other work groups inside the HLS Business Action Group.

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AUTO-ID LABS Technology - Deliverables

Prioritized list of Use Cases and Scenarios, accompanied by detailed recommendations for action by EPCglobal Technical and Business Action Groups regarding development of appropriate Technology. A Technology Work Plan that includes the following:

Objectives/Requirements Priorities Deliverables Scope, Schedule/Timeline, Resources, etc…. Work Plan Change Management process

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AUTO-ID LABS Research – Charter/Objectives

Develop requirements for further research as defined and prioritized by the Healthcare and Life Sciences Business Action Group Strategic Planning Working Group.Review and summarize the existing research on the effect of RF on products, humans, and the environment. Survey the major stakeholders in pharmaceutical applications of RFID technology on the research they have performed, the areas in which research is continuing, and their willingness to share results. Coordinate with academic RFID thought leaders to assess the state of the art in RFID research, including MIT, Michigan State, and the University of Adelaide, Australia.Examine and summarize research on the effect of Cold Chain on RFID technology.Review research concerning the effect of sterilization procedures on tag performance.Determine plausible scenarios and timelines for sensor technology development.

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AUTO-ID LABS Research - Deliverables

Annotated survey results showing RFID industry research snapshot.Backgrounder document on the state of the art in RFID research.Gap assessment of critical research not yet done or not yet publicly available. Documents summarizing public use cases on the effect of RF on product, humans, and the environment. Special consideration will be given to the effect of RFID on liquids and biologics. Summary documents on the implications of using RFID in Cold Chain and Sterilization environments, again based on use cases in the public domain.

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Transport & Logistics

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AUTO-ID LABS Transport & Logistics (NEW)

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Hardware Action Group

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AUTO-ID LABS HAG – Working Groups

Class 1 Generation 2 (Work completed)

Gen 2 Testing & Certification

Joints Requirements Group for Item Level Tagging

Others planned

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Software Action Group

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AUTO-ID LABS SAG Working Groups

Reader Protocol

Reader Management

Filtering and Collection



Tag Data Translation


EPCIS Phase 2

Tag Data Standards

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AUTO-ID LABS Future Working Groups ?





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EPCglobal Technical Standards

Hardware Action Group

Software Action Group

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EPCglobal network: roles and interfaces

2004 EPCglobal

• Green boxes represent Specs.

• Blue boxes represent roles, not necessarily discrete components


Reader Protocol / Mgmt Interface

F&C MiddlewareF&C Middleware

EPCIS Capturing Application

EPCIS Capturing Application

F&C Interface

EPCIS Query Interface

EPCIS Repository

EPCIS Repository

EPCIS Accessing Application

EPCIS Accessing Application

Partner Accessing Application

Partner Accessing Application






Tag Protocol (Gen2) / Tag Data Std

EPCIS Capture Interface

CaptureBusinessXactions& F&C Events



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Hardware Action Group

C1G2 – Completed

Testing and Certification

Requirements Item Level Tagging

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Define the interfaces between hardware components (primarily RFID tags and readers) in the EPCglobal Network

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AUTO-ID LABS C1G2 Features

Tag must be able to communicate from 860 MHz to 960 MHzTags must understand 3 different modulation schemes

Double Sideband Amplitude Shift Keying DSB-ASK Single Sideband Amplitude Shift Keying SSB-ASK Phase Reversal Amplitude Shift Keying PR-ASK

Coding is by Pulse Interval Encoding (PIE)T=>R data rates 40, 80, 160, 320 and 640 kbitsSelectionAccess & Kill PasswordsEPC up to 256 bitsDense reader channelised signalling

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Interrogator/tag operations and tag state














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AUTO-ID LABS Inventory

Reader Talks First Sets up communication parameters, defines a round Round Size (Q value), slots are numbered from 0 to 2Q-1

Tags select a slot within a round to offer a replyTag States

Ready Arbitrate Reply Acknowledge Open Secured Killed

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T1 T2 T1




Single Tag Reply


NAK if EPCis invalid

QueryRep orQueryAdjustif EPC is valid




Collided Reply






No Reply


Invalid ACK

T1 T3






RN16 PC + EPC + CRC16

RN16 RN16


Query Ack

Ack QueryRep




T1 T2

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NOTES 1. Select: Assert/deassert SL or set inventoried to A or B. 2. Query: AB or B A if the new session matches the prior session; otherwise no change to the inventoried flag. QueryRep/QueryAdjust: AB or B A if the session matches the prior Query; otherwise, the command is invalid and ignored by the Tag. 3. Query starts a new round and may change the session. Tags may go to ready, arbitrate, or reply.





Power-up & ~killed


CMD: ACK [valid RN16]Reply: PC, UII, CRC-16CMD: Req_RN [invalid RN16]Reply: None

CMD: Req_RN [valid RN16] & {access password <> 0}Reply: handle

CMD: ACK [valid handle]Reply: PC, UII, CRC-16CMD: Req_RN, Read, Write, Lock, BlockWrite, BlockEraseReply: See state-transition tablesCMD: Kill [valid handle & kill password = 0]Reply: Error codeCMD: Kill, Access [invalid handle]Reply: None

CMD: AllReply: None

CMD: QueryAdjust [slot = 0]Reply: New RN16



CMD: Access [valid handle & valid access password]Reply: handle when done

Power-up & killed

CMD: Kill [valid handle & valid nonzero kill password]Reply: handle when done

CMD: Req_RN [valid RN16] & {access password = 0}Reply: Handle

NEW ROUNDCMD: Query [mismatched inventoried or SL flags]Reply: None




NEW ROUNDCMD: Query [slot > 0 & matching (inventoried & SL) flags]Reply: None

NEW ROUNDCMD: Query [slot = 0 & matching (inventoried & SL) flags]Reply: New RN16

CMD: Select Action: Return to ready Reply: None. Note 1CMD: Query Action: New round Reply: Note 3CMD: All other Action: Remain in ready Reply: None

CMD: Select Action: Return to ready Reply: None. Note 1CMD: Query Action: New round Reply: Note 3CMD: All other Action: Return to arbitrate Reply: None.CMD: None within time T2 Action: Return to arbitrate Reply: None.

CMD: Select Action: Return to ready Reply: None. Note 1CMD: Query Action: New round Reply: Notes 2, 3CMD: QueryRep, QueryAdjust Action: Return to ready Reply: None. Note 2CMD: All other Action: Return to arbitrate Reply: None.

CMD: QueryAdjust, QueryRep [slot=0]Reply: New RN16

CMD: QueryRep, QueryAdjust [slot <> 0]Reply: None

CMD: ACK [valid handle]Reply: PC, UII, CRC-16CMD: Req_RN, Read, Write, Lock, BlockWrite, BlockEraseReply: See state-transition tablesCMD: Kill [valid handle & kill password = 0] or [invalid handle]Reply: Error codeCMD: Access [valid handle & valid access password] or [invalid handle]Reply: handle when done

CMD: ACK [valid RN16]Reply: PC, UII, CRC-16

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Testing & Certification

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UHF Gen 2 Testing and Certification Working Group Approved by EPCglobal legal counsel - 24 March


Objectives/Charter Review Gen 2 Certification Test Plans for RF and

Protocol Testing currently being developed by MET Labs and its partner, CETECOM Spain.

Provide technical feedback on UHF Gen 2 Certification Test Plans via comment matrices.

Actively resolve all technical feedback through comment resolution process.

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AUTO-ID LABS T&C Deliverable

Comment resolution matrix for METLabs Certification Test plan

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AUTO-ID LABS Activities

Conformance Trade Marking Compliance Specification Sheet

Owned by EPCglobal Vendor Neutral Keyed to TID, so system can pull compliance information from

the EPC Network

Testing philosophies RF Interface

Connector or radiated Interoperability Compatible

Parameter Matrix EPC compliant devices will have a matrix identifying what

parameters were tested

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AUTO-ID LABS T&C - Working Documents

Protocol Requirements Requirements of test equipment for C1G2 and measurement

requirements of both, interrogators and tags, for testing operating procedures and commands in the Tag-identification layer

RF Requirements Requirements of an RF test system for testing the physical

interactions, i.e. the signalling layer of the communication link between C1G2 Interrogators and Tags

Protocol Protocol test system for testing operating procedures and

commands of the data link layer of a layered network communication

Design Interoperability Test system for the operating procedures for testing end-to-

end functionality between two communicating RFID devices

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Requirements - Item Level Tagging

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AUTO-ID LABS Requirements Group

New Group, established in July 2005Initial Membership limited to 10 members from Fast Moving Consumers Group, 10 members from Healthcare & Life Sciences

Group 10 members from HAG A member of the Auto-ID Labs A member of the Architecture Review Committee


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AUTO-ID LABS Proposed CharterTo develop requirements for an Item-Level Tagging Specification including but not limited to a) Minimum and maximum tag read and, if appropriate, write rangeb) Minimum and maximum tag read and, if appropriate, write ratec) Security requirements including general type, encryption strength, and key managementd) Privacy features, including consideration of worldwide regulationse) Memory features, including size and organizationf) Read and write reliabilityg) Complete description of physical operating environments common in the handling of individual items in the supply chain – needs to reflect environments for both HLS and FMCG supply chainsh) Other requirements and expectations as decided by the JRG

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Software Action Group

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The definition of software interface and other standards both within the EPCglobal Network elements and between these and other elements of enterprise systems distributed over a number of enterprises and geographies.

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AUTO-ID LABS Working Groups

Filtering and CollectionReader ProtocolReader ManagementObject Name Service (ONS)EPCIS (Information Services)SecurityTAG Data TranslationEPC Information Services Phase 2Tag Data Standards

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AUTO-ID LABS Filtering and Collection

Charter Create a specification for a software

application programming interface (API), associated data specifications, and reporting mechanisms, through which clients may obtain filtered, aggregated tag read data from a multiplicity of tag read sources.

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AUTO-ID LABS F&C Deliverables

Application Level Event Specification (ALE): Filters and Counters (normative document)

Report: Recommendation of future standards Recommendations for topics to be addressed by

follow-on WGs to this one Use case coverage

Identification of use cases addressed by the specification, and not addressed by the specification.

Prototyping and acceptance test plan.Certification and compliance requirements.

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AUTO-ID LABS Reader Management

Charter Define a set of standard functions that enable

configuration, provisioning, monitoring, and alarm notification of individual RFID readers. It will leverage the standard communication protocol defined by the Reader Protocol Working Group where applicable. This set of standard functions will provide a baseline for management operations, will be extensible for future revisions, and will provide the ability to accommodate vendor specific extensions.

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AUTO-ID LABS RM Deliverables

Reader Management Specification (normative document) defining: Standard objects that need to be managed

by all RFID readers. Set of operations that can be performed on

the objects. Extensible object model.

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AUTO-ID LABS Reader Protocol

Charter Define the protocol specification for

exchanging data and commands between hosts and readers, supporting functions such as reading tags, writing to tags, and killing tags.

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AUTO-ID LABS RP Deliverables

Reader Protocol Specification v1.0 (normative document as outlined in the charter)

Report: Working Group Report On IP Prototyping and Acceptance Test Plan Certification and Compliance requirements

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AUTO-ID LABS Object Name Service

Charter Complete outstanding work concerning the

Object Name Service. This includes bringing the "Object Name Service 1.0" document to the Standard Specification level within the EPCglobal standards development process. In addition to the base protocol specification, the group will also specify an application programming interface (API) for issuing ONS queries and an operational guidelines document that outlines industry best practices for the operation of DNS infrastructure.

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AUTO-ID LABS ONS DeliverablesONS 1.0 Specification:

Alignment with the published version of the Tag Data Standards and the namespaces and DNS encoding of those namespaces. It is important to note that there is a normative dependency between this document and the final publication of the Tag Data Standards.

Alignment of the NAPTR records Service field with the protocol element of the EPCglobal Network.

Update of all content to be consistent with the new EPCglobal standards development process

ONS API Specification A document that outlines the API for interfacing to an ONS resolver

and returning the outputONS Operational Recommendations

A document that references guidelines developed by external standards bodies for the proper use of DNS infrastructure.

Future Issues List for consumption by the TSC A short list of future items that the working group identifies as

possibly needing future development.

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Charter Deliver a set of recommendations to provide a

security framework to ensure different levels (i.e. ‘low, ’medium’, ‘high’) of consumer information privacy, data authentication, integrity for both wireless and wired data transmissions, and mutual business confidence for collaborative business trading networks

Re-charter, so that Security WG can develop the EPCglobal Certificate Profile that will be a normative document.

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AUTO-ID LABS Security Deliverables

Data Security Recommendations

Consumer Privacy Practice Recommendations

Report: Working Group Report On IP

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AUTO-ID LABS Tag Data Standards

Charter The objective of this WG is to extend the

current TDS specification to enable it to cope with potential issues associated with the expansion of subscribers, particularly to other sectors of industry.

Provide guidance/methodology as an extension to the current TDS specification, to address issues that are expected to arise, see next few slides.

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AUTO-ID LABS Alpha-numeric handling.

There are many existing coding schemes that require the use of alpha-numeric coding (such as GRAI and DoD/UID).

EPCglobal need to address the use of alpha-numeric coding for the specification.

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Define pure identification form of URI for current EAN/UCC codes.

Current TDS 1.1 specification defines the URI form presupposing the physical limitation of tag, such as bit length.

TDS need to define the pure identification form of URI stated in TDS 1.1, based on the actual and current EAN/UCC coding.

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AUTO-ID LABS Transition management.

TDS need to identify requirements and document methods to enable smooth transitions to current TDS specifications from prior tag data white papers specification published in the Auto-ID Center period.

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AUTO-ID LABS Manufacturer transit codes.

TDS need to identify the requirements of the tag manufacturers to encode “transit” codes that make tags unique at the time of initial sale, and provide guidelines and methodology to address such requirements.

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AUTO-ID LABS Non-unique encodings.

TDS need to identify the requirements of non-unique encodings, such as “non-serial ID” and longer bit tags which store more than one identifier (e.g. pallet tags which have both a GRAI and an SSCC encoded in one physical tag) or use of two identical tags for single object to enhance readability, and provide guidelines and methodology to address the use of these encodings.

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The requirement of synchronization / incorporation of ISO data standard structure to EPC TDS specification.

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Identify and document the required correction and enhancement to the current TDS specification, in particular to make greater use of tables and diagrams and less use of prose-based descriptions.

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AUTO-ID LABS Future Formats

Identify the process and format for future tag data standard scheme requirements. The requirement of tag data in other industry

sectors apart from Retail/CPG that may potentially become users of EPC technology.

What kind of data standard is required by Class 2 tag and beyond? In particular, will the fast filter value or even the header (which identifies tag length / numbering scheme) need to be programmed into the user-writeable part of the tag memory?

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AUTO-ID LABS TDS Deliverables

Tag Data Standard V 2.0 document

Appendix to describe guidelines

Appendix for process & template of future scheme requirements.

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AUTO-ID LABS Tag Data Translation

Charter Develop the necessary specifications to express

the current Tag Data Standards encoding and decoding rules in an unambiguous machine-readable format, which will allow any component in the EPC Network technology stack to automatically convert between the binary and tag-encoding and pure-identity URI formats of the EPC as appropriate. The motivation is to allow components flexibility in how they receive or transmit EPCs, to reduce potential ‘impedance mismatches’ at interfaces in the EPC Network technology stack. Reference implementations of software that demonstrate these capabilities will also be developed.

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AUTO-ID LABS TDT Deliverables

Specifications for an XML data table (simultaneously both human-readable and machine-readable) to represent the formatting structure of the various numbering schemes defined in the Tag Data Standards specification.Specifications of an API for a software conversion engine or other software that uses the XML data table to obtain access to updated versions of the data tables, by means of which it can update its processing rules, to support additional numbering schemes in the future.

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AUTO-ID LABS TDT Deliverables Cont

Specifications for a standard language or data type by which applications or any component of the EPC Network technology stack can express the preferred representation of EPC, which should be input/output from that component.

A reference implementation of the XML data table, which is consistent with the current specification of EPC Tag Data Standards.

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AUTO-ID LABS TDT Deliverables Cont

Specifications for a software conversion engine which is able to convert between the various EPC representations (raw tag information, tag-encoding URI, pure-identity URI) and ideally also the native representations in the numbering schemes, which are included in the Tag Data Standards.

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AUTO-ID LABS TDT Deliverables Cont

A reference implementation of the conversion engine, which uses the data table to update its processing rules. Note that the engine is not required to parse the original XML data table for each conversion operation. Implementations may choose to store these rules in database tables or generate programming code based on the XML table.

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AUTO-ID LABS TDT Deliverables Cont

Relevant additional coding schemes for other industry sectors should also be considered in the design of the table and the computational/processing functions required of the conversion engine, in order that the core functionality of the engine anticipates and supports their future inclusion. This may also include support for alphanumeric coding schemes.

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Charter Produce an informative description of alternative

interfaces (at a functional, not technical implementation level) for capturing, securing, and accessing EPC-related data, with supporting data model abstractions (metamodels) as appropriate to serve as input to BAG WGs to help them see "what's possible" as they consider Use Cases that leverage EPCIS. Present these informative interface descriptions to the EPCglobal community including the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for technical direction and the BAG for business direction.

However, Activities suspended to form and work on EPCIS Phase 2.

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An informative description of alternative interfaces as defined to include: Supporting data model abstractions (meta

models) as appropriate for understanding Identification of use cases addressed by

the interfaces, and not addressed by the interfaces

Recommendations for topics of follow-on Working Groups

Assumptions about interactions with other EPCglobal specifications and work groups

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Charter The initial Working Group has completed a concise,

preliminary functional description of EPC IS in the form of a slide presentation, and presented that description to BAG. The initial Working Group is also in the process of writing a more complete, user-level informative document, which, when delivered, will end the initial working group.

This new EPCIS Working Group is chartered both to continue user level requirements gathering and documentation, and to create technical specifications within a narrowly defined set of objectives. The motivation for limiting the scope of this WG to a narrowly defined set of objectives is to expedite the specification writing and consensus building process.

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AUTO-ID LABS Scope of EPCIS2EPC IS version 1.0 will address Data Capture by providing an interface specification for representing and transferring operational events in an EPC network that may include both basic EPC data and be augmented with business level transaction identifiers and other additional information.EPC IS version 1.0 will address Data Query by providing an interface for querying EPC IS information from compliant systems.Access Control and Authentication will be addressed, to the extent that it is possible, by citing existing well-established industry practices for Internet B2B commerce. Access Control specifications will be created for dimensions that are particular to EPC IS, in the context of pair-wise information sharing between trading partners having a pre-established relationship.

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All specifications will seek to adopt the layered approach already adopted by the Reader Protocol, Reader Management, and Filtering & Collection Working Groups, in which services are described abstractly through a neutral notation such as UML, with bindings to specific message syntax and transport specified separately. In addition, EPCIS specifications will seek to cleanly separate the specification of data from operations upon data.The only binding of the abstract service descriptions provided in this version of specifications will be a binding to a web services framework, using WSDL and XSD.

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AUTO-ID LABS EPCIS2 Deliverables

Version 1 of an EPCIS Application Protocol Interface specification covering data capture and data query.Non-normative Report:

Recommendation for areas to be considered by future Working Groups.

Non-normative Report: Use case coverage: Identification of use cases

addressed by the specification, and not addressed by the specification.

Prototyping and acceptance test plan.

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Graphical Illustration of roles

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AUTO-ID LABS Tag Data Standards

An Example of How GTIN Integration Could Work With the EPC

EAN - 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 8

3 1234567 89012 0000000123456

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 8

Company Prefix Item Reference Check Digit )

Illustrative Example (EAN-13): 12 34567 89012 8

Remove Check Digit

Header EPC Manager Number Object Class Number Serial Number



1 23 456 7 89 01 28 >

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AUTO-ID LABS Tag Data Translation

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RFID “Middleware”

Palletizer(Operational App)


Reader Protocol




dozens of individual tag read events from specific antenna

“between the time the case crossed the first beam and the second beam at location L, the following tag was read”

“at time T, the association of the following case tags to the following pallet tag was created at palletizer #3”


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EPCIS Concepts

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AUTO-ID LABS Possible Retailer Implementation

Dist Center

Retail Store

Retail Store

Enterprise-wide Repository

Rdr Mware App

EPCISTrading partners

EPCIS Capture


AutoLogistics & SCM 2005 119


EPCIS Events

Operational Apps

Capture Application

Palletizer DockPortal














Manufacturer Retailer

Dist Ctr Dist Ctr Store

Tagging Station

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EPCglobal Standards

Up to date as of 29 July 2005

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Ratified Standards C1G2 V1.0.9 C1G2 Conformance V1.0.2

Working Documents C1G2 V1.1.0 Testing & Certification

Protocol Requirements RF Requirements Design Interoperability Protocol

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Ratified Standard Tag Data Standards V1.27

Proposed Specification The Application Level Events (ALE) Specification,

Version 1.0

Candidate Specifications EPCglobal Object Name Service (ONS) 1.0 Tag Data Translation Version 3 June 2005

LCWD to Candidate Specification Reader Protocol 1.1

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AUTO-ID LABS SAG Standards Cont

Last Call Working Draft Reader Management 1.0 TDS V1.3

Working Drafts ALE Futures ALE Compliance Security Working Drafts

ALE V2 EPCIS V6 Reader Protocol V1 Reader Management V2 ONSV2 Security Survey Security White Paper EPCglobal Certificate and Certificate Validation Profile EPCIS Service Binding Interfaces to Backend Applications

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AUTO-ID LABS SAG Standards Cont

Working Drafts EPCIS

EPCIS-User Definition EPCIS_Web Services Definition Language EPCIS ContainmentProfile.doc AS2 Vs WebServices for EPCIS.doc

EPCIS Phase 2 EPC Information Services User Definition EPC Information Services

TDS V2.0 ONS Compliance

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ISO Standards

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AUTO-ID LABS RF Regulations

Regulators Classify RFID as Industrial, Scientific and

Medical useISM bands 125-134 kHz (ISO 18000-2) 13.56 MHz or HF (ISO 18000-3) 433 MHz (ISO 18000-7) 860 to 960 MHz or UHF (ISO 18000-6) 2.45 GHz (ISO 18000-4) 5.8 GHz (no ISO standard)

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AUTO-ID LABS Other RFID StandardsISO_IEC_18000-1

Reference architecture and definition of parameters to be standardizedISO_IEC_TR_18001

Application requirements profiles ISO_IEC_18046

RFID Tag and Interrogator Performance Test MethodsISO_IEC_TR_18047-2

Test methods for air interface communications below 135 kHz ISO_IEC_TR_18047-3

Test methods for air interface communications at 13,56 MHz ISO_IEC_TR_18047-4

Test methods for air interface communications at 2.45 GHz ISO_IEC_TR_18047-6

Test methods for air interface communications at 860 to 960 MHz ISO_IEC_TR_18047-7

Test methods for air interface communications at 433 MHz ISO_IEC_19762

Harmonised VocabularyISO_IEC_24710

Elementary Tag Licence Plate functionality, for 18000-2 to 18000-7

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AUTO-ID LABS Other Relevant ISO Standards

ISO_IEC_15418 EAN/UCC Application Identifiers and Fact Data Identifiers and Maintenance

ISO_IEC_15424 Data Carrier Identifiers (including Symbology Identifiers)

ISO_IEC_15434 Transfer syntax for high capacity ADC media

ISO_IEC_15459-Parts 1,2 & 3 Unique identification of transport units

Part 1: General Part 2: Registration procedures Part 3: Unique Item Identification for Supply Chain Management

ISO_IEC_15961 Data protocol: application interface

ISO_IEC_15962 Data protocol: data encoding rules and logical memory functions

ISO_IEC_15963 Unique identification for RF tags

AutoLogistics & SCM 2005 129

AUTO-ID LABS EPCglobal submission to ISO

EPCglobal submitted C1G2 V1.0.9 to ISOPDAM to 18000-6 issued 26 Feb 2005 Preliminary Draft Amendment C1G2 will be 18000-6 Type C

PDAM Ballot Resolution MeetingSingapore, 7 June 2005 174 comments resolved

New FPDAM released 15 July 2005

FPDAM Ballot resolution Meeting Klagenfurt, Austria, 30 November 2005

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Regulatory Standards

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The UHF tags will be able to be read by readers operating within 860 – 960 MHz range.The readers will be restricted to a small subset of this range depending on where in the world they are being operated.There are also regulations on the amount of power emitted by the readers depending on where the readers are being used.Therefore, a tag may be applied to an item and shipped anywhere in the world, but a reader has to be specifically set up for the region or countryLatest update on UHF from ISO WG4

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Map of the ITU regions

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ITU Region 1 (EU and Africa)EN300-220 & EN302-208

CEPT countries 869.4 - 869.65 MHz : 500mW erp : DC<10% 865.6 - 867.6 MHz : 2W erp : LBT

South Africa 869.4 - 869.65 MHz : 500mW erp 915.2 - 915.4 MHz : 8 W eirp

Note: all of the above operate in < 250kHz channels

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ITU Region 2 (Americas)FCC Part 15.247

USA, Canada and Mexico902 - 928 MHz : 4W EIRP FHSS, 500kHz wide channels permitted – relaxed emission requirements within the whole band.

Central & South AmericaGenerally similar to North America but varies from country to country.

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AUTO-ID LABS ITU Region 3 (Asia)

Australia 918 - 926 MHz : 1W EIRP 920 – 926 MHz : 4W EIRP

Experimental Strict conditions apply

New Zealand 864 - 868 MHz : 4W EIRP

Elsewhere in Asia Generally follow CEPT some exceptions below China 917 to 922 2W ERP Hong Kong 865-868 2W ERP & 920-925 4W EIRP Japan 952 - 954 MHz : 4W EIRP (licensed) Malaysia 919-923 MHz, 2W ERP Singapore 866-869 MHz 0.5W ERP & 923-925 2W ERP (licence) South-Korea 910 – 914 MHz Taiwan 922-928 1W ERP (indoor) 0.5W (outdoor)

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Australian 4W RFID licence

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AUTO-ID LABS Experimental Licence

The original licence for RFID 1W EIRP, 918 to 926 MHz

Experimental 4W EIRP Licence Granted to GS1 Australia 12 July 2005 Operates from 920 to 926 MHz Only licence that will be granted

Statistics needed to determine possible interference to Vodaphone Receiver base station at 915 MHz

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For details contact Fiona Wilson [email protected]

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AUTO-ID LABS ConclusionsMany RFID related Standards PublishedMany people working on those standards

> 1500 people within EPCglobal workgroupsEPCglobal standards are ratified ONLY after artefacts have been validatedEPCglobal working on both Technical & Business StandardsSecurity is a big focusMulti-vendor support for the standardsConformance documents being published/developedUHF band opening up

Many GS1 countries already have band allocationsAustralia well placed (2nd best in the world)

4W EIRP 12 by 500 kHz wide channels

Auto-ID Lab, Adelaide Australasian Adoption Research Initiative RFID Automation

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AUTO-ID LABS Further Information

Alfio GrassoDeputy DirectorAuto-ID Lab, AdelaideGeneral Manager

RFID AutomationUniversity of AdelaideWeb: www.rfidautomation.orgEmail : [email protected]: (08) 8303 6473Mob: 0402 037 968