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    WASHINGTON. D.C. 20310


    AGFA (M) (26 Nov 69) FOR OT UT 693212 5 December 1969

    -uiiiICT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 101st

    QAirborne Division Artillery, Period Ending 31 July 1969 (U)

    This r--'~ the ?Vntional

    YEIf r. DISTRIBUTION : - . t 'o

    in any low.'

    1. Subject report is forwarded for review and evaluation in accordanceO ith paragraph 4b, AR 51.5-15. Evaluations and corrective actions shouldbe reported to ACSFOR C -, Operational Reports Branch, within 90 days

    - of receipt of covering letter.

    ). Information contained in this report is provided to insure appropriatet, ,..its in the future from lessons learned during current operations and.ay be adapted for use in developing training material.


    KENNETH G. WICKHIAMMajor General, USAThe Adjutant General

    1)t S'RI BUTTON:Cr.a4anding Generals

    C". Continental Army Conandi;., Army Combat Developments Command

    C on.aldants!JS Army W ur CollegeUS Army Command and General Staff CollegeUS Army Air Defense School DEVIUS Army Armor SchoolUS Army Aviation SchoolUS Army Engineer SchoolUS Army Field Artillery SchoolUS Army Infantry SchoolUS Army Missile and Munitions SchoolUS Army Ordnance SchoolUS Army Signal School Regraded unclassified when separatedUS Army Southeastern Signal SchoolUS Army Special Warfare School from classified Inclosure.US Army Transportation School


  • 7



    Copies furnished:Office, Chief of Staff, US ArmyDeputy Chiefs of StaffChief of Research and DevelopmentAssistant Chiefs of StaffChief of EngineersOSD(SA) Assistant for Southeast Asia ForcesConanding Generals

    US Army Materiel CommandUS Army Weapons Comand

    Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Force, Plans & OperationsConnandant of the Marine CorpsSenior Army Represantative, Marine Corps Development & Education CommandUSAF Air Ground Operations SchoolThe Air University LibraryDirector, Weapons Systems Evaluation GroupDefense Documentation CenterSecurity Officer, Hudson InstituteUSAF Project RANDCommanding Officers

    US Army Limited War LaboratoryUS Army Logistics, Doctrine Systems & Readiness AgencyUS Army Nobility Equipment Research & Development Center101st Airborne Division Artillery

    Best Available Copy 2CONFIDENTIAL



    APO San Francisco 96383

    9 August 1969

    * ~zt~ic.& Ii Jp~rt -- Lassona Learnadi-IL.y 1969 - 31 July 1969

    .. d.J k 525-15

    ,!., luL. t Ab 1iv Reg 525-4

    01: rti ons fl-po't - Lessons Learned required by references Is submitted.,d 2 tky 1969 -'31 July 1969.

    - .A oh 1. Operations, Significant ActivItless

    ,'- ,f, f ificant actJvittest

    ti,. M ay 1969 tta lOtaL Airborne Division Artillery was deployed as fol-

    , W. i L(.y. Division Artillery was collocated with Division Headquarters

    1 . bit , Artlil'ry Taak Organization as follows:

    :.jU 1' 'y Camp Evana YD541318 DS 3d Bde,SB filazo Y0537023FSB Borchtesgadn Y1435011

    C FSB Rakkasan YD488195

    ;2,t,th A'ty Camp Eagle DD81153 I st Bdo

    ,. FSB Los Banos AT832999-,t"y b FSB Roy ZD057028

    ±:r C FSB Pistol YG902902C)5,- -m P0 02) DOWNGDIID AT 3 WIt IM WMALS;


    Best Aa

    Best Available Copy

  • CONFIDENTIALAVDG-DAC 9 AugustSUBJECT: Operational Ropott - Lessons Learned 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    lot Ba, 321st Arty FSB Maip Y05888" DS 2d BdrBtry A FSB Shield YC7

    3try B FnB Whip Y058 78Btry C (5 Tubee)FSB Lash YC67L(105= H102)

    6th Bn, 33d Arty Phu Bai YD8'Z2!28 RBtry A FSB Thor YC6 q35Btry B FSH Panther II YD79:,(105mEm H101)

    A Btry, lit Br, 40th Arty FSB Sally YD639271 GSR, 101st !bi- FI."(105m SP 1O8)

    4th Ba, 77th Arty (UH-ic) Camp Eagle YD814153 GS, 1lst 10.Btry A UA3C.) Camp Eagle TD814.153

    y BAH-lG) Camp Eagle YD814153Btry C (AH-la) (UH-iC) Camp Evans YD541318

    2d Bn, UthArty Camp Eagle YD814153 GS 101st Abn DivBtry A (5 Tubes)FSB Pike YC667747Btry B FSB Whip YC588878Btry B SB Lash YC670667Btry C FSB Barohtsgdn YD435011Etry C PSB EVans YD541318(155 1f4Al)

    2d Bu, 138t Ar y Gia, I YD829150 GSR 101st Abn DivBtT7 A FSB Ba .togn. YX)628098Btry B Phu Bai YD884127Btry C 1Z Sam Y869841(155=*S 1SFle)

    lot Ba, 83d Arty Gia le YD829150 GSR 101st Abn DlvBtry A Vic FSS Son YD478029Btry B FSB Roy ZD057028Btry C FSB Bastogne YD628098(Sin SP llO)

    Btry A, 2d Bn, 94th Arty FSB Evans YD541318 GS XXIV CorpsBtry B, 2d Bn, 94th Arty Gia Le YD829150Btry C, 2d Bn, 94th Arty FSB Nancy YD435395

    (8i SP 11O)

    Btry D, let Bn, 44th Arty Phu P i YXU7150 CSR XXIV Corps



  • AVDG-DAC CONFIDENTIALSUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Laarned 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    Sea Btry 0, 65th Arty Phu Bai YD8250 GS XXIV Corps(w ad 50)

    4 oc Dt .y i, 9t2h krty Phu Ba1 YDMI52150 GS XXIV Corps~(SL)

    (c) Btry D, 2d Bn, 320th Arty continued to be attached to the 3d Bn, 506th,Phan Theit, RVN. Additional fire support bases used during the reporting periodini,1ude:

    F3B Blirmigham YD702102 FSB Zan (ARVN D472011P3B "drborna YD355071 FSB Geronmio YD691202FS5 Rakkasan 11488195 FSB Cannon YD478029FS73 Currahoo YC398949 FSB Tomahawk ZDU71O4iSB Fist YC866836 FSB Thor YD664835F3D Nuts YD757854 FSB Carroll YD348193FSB Nancy (ARVN) YD435395 FSB Brick YC835995FSB Bradley (ARVN) YD273123 PK 17 (ARVN) YD647284FSe Tiger (IRVN) YD251088 FSB Quick I YD906029FSB Eagle's Nest YD405036 FSB Sledgo ZC059928

    (d) On 1 May 1969, +th Division was continuing operation KEN4TUCKY JUMPER.

    (1) 1 May: Div Arty continued support of operation KEITUCKI JUMPER,MASSACHUSE'rTS STRIKER and BRISTOL BOOTS.

    (2) 4 May: Btry A, lot Bn, 321st Arty moved by air to FSB SHIELD (YC744644)from FSB BIRMINGHAM (YD702102) to support Operation KENTUCKY JUMPER.

    (3) 5 May: Btry B, 2d Bn, 11th Arty moved three (3) howitsers by air fromFSB WIp JYcG588878) to FSB BIIU4INGHAM (YD702102) to support Operation KENTUCKYJuM PER.

    (41) 6 May: Btry B, 2d Bn, 320th Arty moved by air frm M3 HOY (ZDD57028)to " yjyj F YC866836) to support Operation BRISTOL BOOTS. Btry B, 12th ARVNA' ty moved by ir from FSB PISTOL (YC902902) to 7W FIST to mupport Operation-3dSTOL LVOV., Btry A, lst Bn 321st Arty moved by road from IN BIRMINM(Y7D'A 2) to FSB BOY (ZD037028) to support Operation KENIUCKI JUMPER. try C2d ixt, yc-. mrty moved by air from 133 PISTOL (10902902) to 183 PIKE (YC66774')to. oupor, Operation BRISTOL BOOTS. Div Arty TPS-25 Radar unit moved by air'fr u;, -L:aon)HE II (1)795106) to 5B SAJ (YDB97187). The Div Arty C&C air-m -aft. (LOI!-6) exporienced tail rotor failure and crashed at grid YD708940#results: Div Arty 00, Pilot and one passenger slightly shaken, aircraft sus-tainad major damage.

    (5) 7 May: Btry A, let Bn, 321st Arty moved four (4) howitzers by road fromFSB ROY JZD059032) to FSB BIMINGHlM (YD7021.02) to support Operation KENTUCIKYJ3MPIm . ytr7 B, let Bn, 321st Arty moved by air from F8 WIP (1cB588878) WH ISP



  • CONFIDENTIAL1.VDG-DAC 9 A.ugust 1:69SUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    ROY (YD059032) to support Operation KENTUCKY JUMPER. Btry A, 2d Bn, 320th Artymoved by air from FSB LOS BANOS (AT832998) to FSB THOR (YC664835) to supportOperation BRISTOL BOOTS. Btry A, 6th Bn, 33d Lrty moved by7 air from FSH THCR(YC664835) to FSB LOS BANCS (AT832998) to support Operation KENTUCKY JUIIPER.lot Bn, 321st Ar-y forward CP moved by air from FSB WHIP (YC590878) to FSD SALLY(YD639271). LTC Fulwyer assumed command of the 2d Bn, 319th Arty from LTC HAIULL.Btry C, 4th Bn, 77th Arty credited with 1 VC killed, mission fired on gridYD358075.

    (6) 8 May; UH-I aircraft hit a 105mm howitzer belonging to Btry C, 2d En,319th Arty at FSB AIRBORNE (YD355071), one (1) W dounded (minor), aircraft sun-tained moderate damage, howitzer sustaineid minor damage (repaired & operationa1).Btry C, 2d Rn, 319th Arty moved six (6) of its organic howitzers by air from F39R1JKASAN (YD488195) to FSB AIRBORNE (YD355071) to support Operation IACHE SNOW.Two (2) howitzers of Btry B, 2d Bn, 319th Arty were moved by air from FSBBZ TESGADEN (YD435011) to FSB AIRBORNE (Y355071) giving Btry C, 2d Bn, 319thArty eight (8) howitz;.rs to support upcoming operation. Btry C, 2d Bn, 11th .r',moved three (3) howitzers by air from FSB EV*NS (YD541318) to FSB A'IRBORNE (YD:071) to support upcoming operation. Operation W4S&CHUSETTS STRIKER terminatedat 1200 hours.

    (7) 9 May: Btry A, 2d Bn, 319th Arty moved By air from FSB BLZE (YD5362,':'to FSB CURRAHEE (YC398949) to support Operation APACHE SNOW. Btry B, 12th 'RVNArty moved by air from FSD FIST (YC866836) to FEB NUTS (YD757854) to supportOperation BRISTOL BOOTS. Btry B 2d Bn, 320th Arty moved by air frob FSD FIST(YC866836) to FSB NUTS (YD757854S to support Operation BRISTOL BOOTS. Btry B,34th Arty (ARVN) moved by air from FSB NANCY (YD435395) to FSB BPIUDLY (YD273123)to support Operation .APiCHE SNOW. Btry B, 2d Bn, 11th Arty moved three (3)howitzers by air from FSB BIRMINGUAN (YD704101) and Dtry C, 2d hti, 11th Artymoved I howitzer by air from FSB BERCHTESGADEN (YD435011) to FSB CUIFOXEE (YC39894 )to support Operation APACHE SNCW.

    (8) 10 May: Btry A, n1th ARVN Arty moved by air from FSD NANCY (YD435395) tFSB TIGER (YID51088) to support Operation 'XACHE SNOW. Btry B, 2d Bn, 11th Artymoved one howitzer by air from FSD LJSH (YC673660) to FnD CURAHE (Yc398949) tosupport Operation P..CHE SNOW. 2d tn, 319th Arty moved its CP by air from CampEVANS (YD541318) to a forward location at FSD EIGLE'S NEST (YD405036) to supportOperation APACHE SNOW. Operation APACHE SNOW became effective 0001 hours.

    (9) 10 May: Battery A, lot Bn. 321st Arty moved by air from FSB DIRMINGHi.M(YD704101) to FS13 RAKVESAN (M1490198) to support Operation KENTUCKY JUMPER. Dt-yA, 34th Arty(ARVN)moved by air from FSB ZON (YD472011) to FSD GERONIMO (YD691SW02)to support Operation KEITUCKYf JUMPER. DIVARTY METRO STATION moved by air fromFSB BLAZE (YD536020) to FSD CURRAHEE (YC398949) to support Arty units supportingOperation 'PACHE SNOW.

    (10) 12 May: 2d tn, 319th Arty reported FSB EV0NS (YD541318) received 5122mm rockets at approximately 2330 hours. Results: 4 US VHW, I US Civ WIL , p1bable damage to airdraft parked near perimeter, Arty including AR . engaged suspkc-.



  • CONFIDENTIALAVD(.-D:.. 9 August 1969-:'t' . x.rtii st Lostz;n Learned . May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    rids i'&463243 Lnd YD45:257. !"try E, 6th Dn, 33d Arty :eportcd a roundIn a O15 . n ftv (MIOLA1) at FS: P::TIER II (YD795106) exploded whale personnelWere *'tt.p-ting to eject roun oit-i 0.Jector. Results: 4 US injured. Ist Dn,• t:.ty r, FS. CGW .f.&098) received approxiwautely 46 RPG and

    .- 3. m. no .1,.s -i r.ct hits on parapets detonating section tsnier fire, RPG's and fragments from ex-

    I 17-i :rd, 18 JO 2DF-VAC. 4th Dn, 77th Arty reported 1 UH-lC air-L;. ift d1o-ed engine falire at grid YD521099. Results: aircraft forced down.o dai:ego, no casualties, crew extracted. Ground troops secured aircraft over-nrght, nircraft to be oxtracted tomorrow.

    2 13Mr: 2d ,, !1th Arty reported FSD AIRBORNE under ground attack at'.. ..- .. .;n, 'tchu' charue. nd s-nall arms. Defensive targets were fired

    .CUfhE (fBtry D, 2d D3n, 11th Arty; Dtry It, 2d Bn, 319th Arty; Ltry A,tL : ..r'(r:iv) FS-W C,ANNON (Btry A, ist rn, 83d Arty), FSB DWDLEY (Dtry D, 34th

    .. ... .,........ ,D- ( try Bt 2-n, 319th Arty; Itry C, 2d Dn, llth Arty),* ... G6! (tay i., .Uth !rt'#. -,tt!ck stopped at 0515. Rusults: 22 US KHL,

    . uS tUs ., 2 US 4HA, 32 VC KIA, 17 individual weapons and 1 crew served weaponc ptdru. US ws-pons &tmaged: 4x105mn and lxl55mm howitzer. Breakdown by unit:Lt-ry D, d ?, 319th, Arty-13 KH,, 29 WIL - Co A, 2d Bn, 501st Inf-7 Mi05, 17 WHJ,-co E, 2d Zn, 502d Inf-2KHA, 9 WA, 2 1-W,. Dtry C, 2d Dn, 138th Arty moved byri,"d ir.-n jSF IFIST (YC866836) to FSB iM.AWK (ZC117014) to support OperationKrc *I.!Ci J[-KEi. rtry's A & C, 2d .Ln, 320th Arty moved I howitzer each by a &rfrs:- iS: iLTOL (YC901902) to FSD THOR (YD664835) and FSD NUTS (YD757854). How-i tz.-:r wcrQ returned to parent units to continue support of Operation BRISTOL£CCOTS. ist "n., 83d Arty METRO STATION moved by road from FSD FIST (YC866836) toFSU ROY (YD590320). Div Arty TPS-25 moved from FSB SAB01 (YD897187) to FSDTOIILIIA.,'K (ZC117014). 2d 2n, 320th .rty moved Un FDC by air from Camp EAGLE(YU1153) to FSD NUTS (YD757854) tc control organic and attached units inOperation IcISTOL BOOTS.

    3z) - %Lhy: Dtry C, Ist Dn 83d Arty moved by road from - B DSTOGNE[Y ) to FiD D"LAZE (YD536020) to support Operation IAACHE SNOW. Dtry A,

    n, t'th t . r:,url ry r,3d from FSD BASTOGNE to FSD BIRMINGHAM (YD704101)*'- r .. , r .tiun KFhTUCK JUMi . . ist Dn, 32 1st Arty moved int MPQ-4 by air

    V7-1 4';) to .& SALLY (YD639271).

    13' 15 Kay: 2d 3n, 319th Arty reported FSD AIRBORNE (YD355071) receivedt;. t:, ;c:iber rourds. kt. : no casualties or damage. Btry C, 2d Em,

    Arty fircd at susp.ctcd 12=ch sitos and Btry D, 2d Un, 319th Arty fircd.;1, t--t ,: for 3B ,!aO;EX:. 2try A, 2d Dn, 320th Arty moved by air from - -THOR (YC66 4 835) and Btry C, 2d 1n, 320th A'rty moved by air from FSD PIKE

    ?:4668747) to rfHU BAI airficcIf to load out for TAM ICY. These units were divertudfzom supporting operation BRISTOL BOOTS to support operations in the "J-MICALDISV1ION ..0. Dtry A, 4th Dn, 77th irty (WLA) moved six (6) IA-iG aircraft toC!'J L.I (Tm,Y) to eupiort 101st Abr, units in AM.RICA'L DIVISION LO. Btry L, 2d Dn,l1th rty moved two (2) howitzers by air from FSD IASH (YC673660) to FSD DE2CHTES-GADEV (YD35OIlO) to support Operation APACHE SNOW. 2d Dn, 320th Arty moved itsLn FDC and Forward CP by air from FS3 NUTS (YD757854) to Camp EAGLE (YD814153) injroparator for move to TAM. KY to control orgAnir firing hIAtteris supporting




    SUE JICT: Oprational1~

    operations in the 2U~

    (14) 16 May: !try C, 1-_,t t.~t,)bo FSD THOR (YD6648-'.) t

    ." ,:r'd C11 and :ir .- , t

    failure in vic D.,. NANG. ~..~.t. s-,.va,.) Crew (4) suf tr-. n,- i. r.rt-portod FS2 .i~cE(:.Rcs'ilts: No c- sualti .r .t..--crtar fire WSC rourt'L,,. 2 d 'r .. A.,v.t. .U......fild closing out unit ::i v,: t.'.7-' f 'r n rw 1 ,

    command would fly over n .ri , ...ij. -I

    (16) 1~9May: 2d :z-, 319th x.ty rc z-, -12 unknown caliber mortar r os 1k' , r319th Arty and Dtry C, 1st -'r., 83d Ar'ty f' 1 4Dn, 11th trty moved thrztc (3) h-witzcr- .,EVAIS (YD541318) to su-pport Oparatin H{A'I"JU CK' -fjjcloso-d.

    (17) 18 May: 1st Ln 32"IstAry:3xl22= rockets and 7x82:.'crt round-.s. u .',.:. trr:mortar fire was fired on ss~tI *n~ ~moved remaining 2 ho-.itzcrs by air FS- F :'-K- x7Yi2-,aPfu.7) tI..535315) to supyport Opcration KINTUCIY jiU4?,:Ei. lx;~t. z(~ (T,.5; n~by air from FSD TOM4AILiK (Z'Cil7O1!j. to S!-' "LT7 I(YY'~O)

    (18) 20 May: 2d '.n, 31,)U. ..rty r ~ r.l~z L.57) cXiunkn=wn nuribur -n 1 tuble ricrt r roun Is. ~Iusult-, I ~~.r *ng..tryBs, 2d Dn, 319th rty and>:y~ Ith1,7> . . . .. n"launch site. Div ;Arty CO pilct 't -k H-i.~it~.6), iil- t Lek*tto 22daurgHcsp, damge t(, aircr~ft minar. 4th -rn, 7'th -.rtj ~.A repcrt.dAH-1G aircraft sup_.orting -1-MdCA L DIVISICN cr~oh.&-l in v.ic cf VA KY, en-uscunknown. Aircraft destroyed. Toth pilotso sust.-..A trincr injuri--s.

    (19) 21 May; 2d En, )19th xrty rc~ru 2~ w.~~t 5;' i,^ roe.5x6Omm mortar rounds. NOt: W ~ .,:-. ~ ...Arty and Utry D, 2d Un, 319d' *Xty fr. id : .;tajS3 Div Arty; Illumination r.ur; s irk;I n-- r i:. [email protected] Strike Zonu. will ~. i~tL . t A.vt-igfiros during the dry s-as-n.

    (20) 22 May: Btry E, 1d :-n,3C'i rt- Vr FiiAto FSD BLAn (Yfl536020) t-. 2ndii~.........~. ..... .

    W]N I"E BU L

  • CONFIDENTIAL.L. .J 9 August 1969."': .perational Report - Lesbons Learned 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    3141.h Aty, fired a mission, Gric YC30459907, Results: 6 NVA killed by

    4 !--.v: 2d Rn, , . n i' -.-pormed FSB iIRBORNE (YD355091) received' V1- 4.6m mc'r :,.r., s. Posuits: No casualties, no damage. 2d

    . ', hxty re.r rtad FSL' GU! .4 .F (Yf.398949) received 6xl22mm rockets. Re-:Aut9. No casualties, no dpmage. .try A-B, 2d Bn, 319th Arty; Btry B, 2d An,11th &ty; Btry A, Ist Bn, 83d Arty; and 4th Bn, 77th Arty engaged suspectedlaunch sitae. 2d En, 319th Arty reported an artillery incident at gr..d YC325-

    personnel wounded by Btry C, 4th Bn, 77th Arty (ARA). Personnel'. it Li, 5%th Inf which Btry C, 4th Bn, 77th Arty (ARA) was provid-. '

  • r

    CONFIDENrTA.AVEG-DhCSUBJECT: Operational Rq;.. - L :%-;.

    Arty reported hrty inci.. Bt: .targets in support of Co r,2 n C,-! '.

    i ~~~serious , 3 mino: , all MEDEV,..!. '....road from FSB SALLY (YD639271) o kL , .

    (28) 30 May: *1 Lvf,-

    cessation of offensive .ct'cns in obscr . .C'Arty reported FSB B114IMJGLNi received 12-15 uz .nOw c diue : c: 'mortars, M42 twin 44n Pasters) znd Btry r, i Bn, 138'n ,rty f il c:z..location. Defensive targets were fir, . ..-. .. , ... ,,proper clearance due to Cease Fire.

    (29) 31 May; CeasL in obsrv-c . Au '2.: . ,Div Arty immeditat4y began H&I firus. Iessg ft ]ara a.1ty C6 to 1J. Lr_No LZ's wilU be declared green prior to 15 mrnin't.-s ftr ;'-Pur. R.ItA wili s:an station and tube arty wal b rz- .. fi. .. .r • £j:sertion is completed and LS is green, UL -.' .. - 'prior to H-Hour plus 15 mi.utes.

    (30) 1 June: ist Bn, 321st ary r.,r ..rounds, at FM SALLY (YD2'QC7Y71 ' . 6th R', .fired on suspect location, lesults: Unknown. 2F an 3.iVtY .r, vcpo:,: .XLCQRR (Recon SGT) and PFC C,.1Di LL (RTO) of 2d Bn, ]53th ixt ,ru I klcd Iincoming mortar round whilu 9,r'ing in -aC j--"y it.h 3 !Kn. , , .319th Arty reported FSB TIGF2 (YD251C88) rc ~:ixI2 rock- - or L.=z.Results: No casualties or AFA. .... . . ,-cation. PHU Bdl received x22m r . :7,, IC J<IdRj. was dispatched. Counter or-tar -.- d.

    (31) 2 June: ist -7r, j12Lt ,rty , ...20 mortar rounds, Results: No casuzltcs or i,.e. -3u:p ct lo.caticri wa:with 4Qm and 81rm. Nc ,r'- , . .howitzers from FSB iv" ,, 7; . -KENTUCKY JUMPER. Btry C, 2- Bn, 320th V ALDIVAiJY CO, departed or.' r. ..

    (32) 3 June: 2d Bn, 319th Irty reportv' . tS t.*:) E-ecei ,-122ra rockets, one at 1450 hrs. one a, 1500 hra, one a. 1600 hrs. Results:casualties, no damage. M, 101st Aln 'iv visited the DIV;JXY TOC and was nid.:by the Acting DIVAWTY CO (LTC Janson) aid staff.

    (33)5 June: 1st Eno 32lst Arty raoc*,> .. 'v-, .....TOC ;0% (Zl17014). R,.sultsi No Cui-, :.. ., . L..Arty fired 8 FC rounds in suppcrt.

    (34) 7 June: Opert.. I ;o-CHE -! -,



    ..... .'.re1 -9 August 1%9; -. 'Per..itior, Pt,-,rt-Lun ion s Learned 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    I:. i n .. :T.;J'LERY RNDEZVOUS began at 0001 hrs. Btry h,... ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 3 6 L.r,. : : . . ' . d ' A Z ~ j t F 6 5 C, Ei O L L (Y D3 j B I 93 j

    ".,.-. CUla, -i'EE (Y C3 8%9) receivedI. tLlS, or a-nageo Btry A, 2d Bn, 319th

    S -j, A- *.L, I LO ,. y; )i-ry i,, 12tn aty iAVN fired counter rocketir6. 3iat Rn, 321st .rty reoorted FSB b,4STOGNE (YD622098) received 12x6Qm

    - '... .:.~. ~ ~ sno damage. IBtry C, lot Bn, 321st txty=,. Y.398%9) was attacked with 6Qnm

    - ...... -....... xttack force estimated as 2 NVA companies.wns .tLaCked WiLh, iu-G's, and small arms. Resultsl 1 US KHA,

    .;h.,B; Btry b, 2a Bn, l1th -rcy FDC received direct hits; total casualties.. -. , ... .Ir S *44t .&a ,.aJ-, US f!' , i D.'AC). kitry B, ist Bn, 83d Arty; Btry &, let Bn,3od ,My: Btry C, 2d Bn, l1th Ary Btry B, 2d Bn, 319th Arty; Btry A, 2d En,3 ....... y .:q. .; -L ) lired counter mortar and direct fire

    * f) 10 JuneZ Camp E*LE renii-oad a rocket and ground attack: Hotel. r ','if sectors received iFG's -aii s-all arms. Results: No casualties, oneS- er, L~'P- destroyed. DIV kTf f i:.i counterbattery plans. JJVA, 4th Bn, 77th

    ,-zr.y, uspatched and Flaro/Gun sh:pa were employed in Hotel sector and area ofk5b PANTHER II (YD797109). PHI 130 (Y8813) reported it received four 122m

    :" - ...... . :..., u 5 ton truck moderate damage, two 5 ton:.-ht .tmage, one generator shad s.light damage. Counterrocket plan

    .. .. , ~DIV jJRTY. 2d Bn, 319th Lity reported FSB CURRWE (YC39%%9) re-:Ji.:i lcx82mm round and 7x122mi rockets. Results$ 'I US WHA. Btry A, 2d Bn,11;tn trty; Btry B, 2d Bn 319th Arty; Itry B, 2d On, l1th Arty; Btry C, 2d Bn,

    . . .ty f : .. t Lti. Btry B, 34th Arty ARVN moved by airfrnm FS 3;R.DLY (YD273123) to FS3 1b.NCY (Y135395). The unit is no longer in

    ry" ,:. .rtyr no'ved by road from FSB BiSTOG!'E;6LA208) to F3 bi!MLV.-'M (YLn C1 rl',) to support Operation KENTUCKY JUMPER.

    -• *. 4:. ~:'... ..: d hrty moved 1 Gun by road from FSB BLAZEport Operation KENTUCKY JUMPER.

    (,0) 14 June: Btry C, 2d Bn , Lth rty reported FSB BEhG1TESiDWN (Yb424013) received MFG, small arms, and a ground attack by an estimated 75-100NVA sappers. The attack came from NW, W, and S. Results: 1eoy 30 NVA EL-.(29 Icc!!tod inside perimeter), 3 NVA WIA PW's, captured 8 MI's, 2 launchers,8 AK 47's, miscellaneous medical supplies, 27 M rounds, 80 Satchel charges.11 U$ kiN., 47 Wit. 2d Bn, 319th Arty reported FST BER{TEi.= (Yi24033)



  • CONFIDENTIALS AVM D AC 9 August 1969

    SMBJEOPi Operatinal Rport-Lessncs 'earned 1 may 1969 - 31 Juy 1969

    received 4x;122m rockets. Reaultas 1 US XHa, 8 US ih{&.. 2 Lz, 11th arty (2tubes) cnductedp in conjunction with 2d En, l7th Cav, an Arty IMid on MBRICK ( 35990) 2d Di, 11th Arty (2 tubes) moved by air fr FS BEhCHTE ,iJ2:;(YZMQ3) to FS8 BRICK -,d returned to FSB3 DMOTE.M. A total of 12 tar-gets were fired expending 443 rounds. (Special Intel Tgte). Etry C, let Ln,83d Arty engaged 5 targest expending 25 HE routd. '1 try -, 2,1 Y, 319th Arty-,ired in defense of FM CUiY(-BEE (YC398%9)o hosultst 19 'lvA illed by areI-lary-

    (41) 15 June$ Btry , 2d Bn, 319th Arty reported F.S- W1hH (YC39849)received Incoming RM rounds and ground attack (satchel charges and sall arms).Resultes 1,hany 54 NViA RA. Friend3s 5 Us WHA (minor). Special Intell TgtesBtry C, lot Bn 83d Arty engaged 11 targets expending 54 HE rounds. Results$ 12bumkers destroyed and 8 bunkers damaged.

    (42) 16 June$ 6th Blu, 33d Arty reported PHU 1da (Y18813) received unIknowr.nunmber of 12am rockets. ReiAlts: No casualties. Damages 1 rocket hit PXbuilding. Special Intell Tgtus try C, lst Dn, 83d Arty fired on 6 targetsexending 47 HE rounds. esults$ 1 bunker destroyed. Others dazaged.

    (43) 17 June: 2d In, 319th irty reported FS JRRMJEE (YC 398%9) re-cAlved 5W(m and 82m Lncccdng mortar rounds. Resu.lts: 1ey un nuown.Frimdlys Btry A, 2d Bn, 319th Arty$ 10 US VEA (8 MEDEVkC); Btry B, 2d Bn,11th Arty: I US Vtk. Damages 1 howitzer (155mm) - Btry 1, 2d Ba, 1th Arty,direct hit,heavy damage.

    (44) 19 June$ 2d En, 238th Arty reported FSB',a TCV1A£,1*X (ZDI1U), RI(ZD5"2) and LOS BAONS (i%32998) and District Headquazters at HU LOC re-ceived approximately 175-190 60= md 82= mortar rounds, umnkiov number of Mrounds, mwa.f arms fire and satehel charges° Results: mhems 10 NVA KIk.Frindlys Btvc , 2d E 3th Artys 6 US X, 22 IiA; Btry B9 lat 4p, 83dArtys 6 IA. nmagesI Btry C, 2d Bn, 238th Arty 3-155=u howitzers SP moder-ate damage, .M77 (IMD) light damage, 9 vehicles light damage. Camp WLE

    "08163) re"aied Iz]22= rookt In NCO sector (426th IS Bn Class I & IVstorage area). Jsml.s: No casualties, light damage to storage area., neU42 tvwn 40= of Btry D# 1t Bn, 44th Arty moved by road from FSB RO (ZD05 92) to FSB =Pi Cr(9e8%9) to support Operation KMTGI( M VOUS.

    ..... (45) 21 Je& Btry A, 83d Arty moved by road from FSB CIMNH (Y7029)to PF BJL Z CD536020) to support Operation KErTUCKU JUMPER.

    (46) 22 ime Btry A, )lZh Arty ARVN moved by air from FS3 WRRJUJEE (1C3%-%9) to pg_17 (fZ47205) to support Operat1n X= = JtMPE. Btry 1, 2d Un,3201h Arty moved by road from FB BLAZE (YD536C=) to FS3 BAIXOME (ID622oe)to amtIme s4pt of OperatIAM KDTUCK JUMPER.




    9 ku~guBt 19

    2-4t- ry 2- hIt rty rmoved by roaO from FSD D~aNG{iJa aupport c~f Operati~i1 KM2TU1(

    'TN y 313) received 15-.20 MIG rounds. Resaults:%%-1rty 1U j.%Mge1 it' ; 77th ~wau

    .i ~~i561 iL-& rotor-L411t LU.operation 2TNESSE PIG.E becaAr ~>'~CIfor 2d iso 0600 hour s

    ~ F~osa~iL~u(YU424COL2) received 5r]22za rockets. hL-AT/,; no d:9kkb .ry A i) 2d 1h 319th ^A4.1 Btry B # 2d Dn, 319th- - 39th .rty i -r, d is llthrty and Btry C, 2d 1 ,1th

    r, jiufgpect location Ya3509WO, LTC Lois C. Friederedorf aa~ed cm-

    ~ t~n~; -~U iJ.!.U~d~ij-aceived lx.122= rocketo ITng Da Trainingcev212x122m rocicats. 1Reaultat No dazagest 1 US Vr 1k. fty1,2

    ~ 2V: ~'73. 2d 1!n, 1311Vt .-- y -Tnd Etry Do 6th 13i, 33d tirty fired..%:tar cou~nter rociat l.,ie.try fl, 2d Env 1YUt ;xty and Dtry L,

    f tyfired e.atL1:uiect -P-t Y1845057 and 1rS45C45.

    :Junel try j., 21th ks..y (ARVN 1(5MM) moved by air frcmFS; CIj9ROLtaF ?1. NI= (111.35395). Llit in no longer In iCEat Am Div AD. 3trY

    n , 18th Arty moved bry road from PHU baI (Xrsei3) to PSo TO(jIjWa (Zfl17-il! * -t,- V11 2d :zo 13Th 4 euy moved by road from Fa- T046AiW' (ZD.U7Q4) to

    Y111813) to vntinae Support of Opereticn KXWU=CI jWl34Th

    2-?9 Jmzet LTC %om- a H. : pece assawyed ooeand of the 4~th Eno Mt rt7-2d ',r, ,31 9th sra-te -*po gted LZ MA~#R (YC4 967 ) receve to

    ~1 -mu roflJ. Loth "izdad outside perztterv no ecualtiess Dodlm1 41, ' n 31t? iixty .1x4a 22 HE@ 8 W at auspect mortar location,

    ~A~d'Y 3 ~e31~i irdt and last light reonnaisance mis-

    .iJul.~ Btry iL# 2d1 -V 1th% Arty moved iby road from FSs Lj.iGr. -LW4IIM (YU7C41o1). 0petwb TEMNSS PEIDE terminated

    Fr3, ,I~jLY (Yi4Z) rcived 2rondsof a11q &mea fireSNZ of the perimeter. Flare ship called w statim. Infaitry

    ii .i* p of the area with negative fiults. No iaty fired. LT OR directed-J, .h nedntain Orange AUert until 040600O Jul.

    (1() 5 July$ FS3 SALLY (fD640271 received 2x]22 rocketsu. B~oth landedSperiaster, no~ oasualtieoa no damages. flt7 A, lot .:bi, 40th Artyv fired

    t.~ A, wsipect launch mite, Grid YflU5215. Cho (i) hoiodtser of tItry A& lotR' Art7 accductbd an Arty Paid to fire on special intolI tgbe of oppor-


  • CONFiDEN'i P..

    tunity In the vaemg pm-tlm of thc% 3d Ldefrm F au- BIAZE WrD536XCut S C,s f, j(iLx

    in the Arty Raid fb~h' frx% FS!, --LZE p-56 rotmds. Resultas - ; ctzi( !r~s dt.-trcyc c . .- &~~Ds, lat 1ki, Ii4th 4itj Luvd itrm kz k-4.J , . ±J.J~t':3Move due to project-d cauai of FSbL 1 C!.',.

    (57) 7 Julyt PHUJ :i (x.I OCL-i'.No casualties , nio damt- i . LL.' ±-*. -1Qjd22= rockets fri Ulu, acr, -6th tki, 33d Artyj Btry C, 2d1 ;J, 13-Ai :As-: *.~ t_

  • CONFIDENTIALV9 Agut 9 1969

    SUJET: Opetational Report - Leascte Learned 1 May 1969 - 31 J01y 1%9

    Ath rtyi Btry B, 6th En, 33d ,xty; Btry B, 2d It, tb Arty and 4th Bn, 77thArty fired counter mortar and counter rocket targets in defenae of HU.

    (62) 13 Jly1 B3try ., 377th jirty reported LQ{ received ground fire at gridYD3O980. Altitude 400 feet. So daie.

    (63) 14 J91yz 2d Bn, 11th Arty reported PFC D.R. %uck, at F b BERQITETZAN(Y1424C12), removed Pase from projectile, the fuze than dltctated in his lefthand. Puss lot #&A-1-4OM-i is being checked to ee if defective.

    (64) 15 July: FO team with 1st 2n, 3d 4JOJI reported received mortar fireat 1335 hrs, grid YC334927. Remilts t I US KHh, 3 US WiA. Btry i, 2d B4, 319thArty reported VR ship do vic YC35%. PO Lt. Middleton wounded in axm, e-tansive damage to aircraft t rm 2QCAE47 rounds. Etry B, 12th Arty (105 A,)moved from FB SABER (Y 979187) to F5B SLOE (ZO059 ) to support OpwtimCA1PBL V

    (65) 16 July: Btry k, Iet Ba, 321st A~rty moved by road frcm Cemp EVMNS(YD5"I) to ROCK CHESR (ZD01OM5) and by air to FTS SLEIGE (ZC05992) torapport Operatin CJPBEL Mrf&JR. Btry A, let ba, 83d Arty conducted anaty Raid (Ceiso XZ1l) firing irtefl targets and recon by fire miaEions inthF weaste= portion of the 3d Bda AD. The unit moved two howit we by roadfromz FSB BLdXZ (YD36c20) to VSB C91 (YD478029)o fired ca 10 targates, --pmding 78 HE romd end retutlmed to FS BLi (YD536MO). TP.25 Par mo lVedbY aa frc P$JflER UI (XI7197109) to CamP EVAJS (112535315) to support operationKENTUJCKY JTPER.

    (66) 17 Julys let AIN LNO reported HUE received 3xO rocket*. ResatsI PF MU. Btry Bg, 2d En, %M 4ty; I1try C, 2d Bh, 138th 4ty and Btry B, 6thE, 33d arty fired in detmeie of HUE. PSB GNOM (690 received grounand mortw atthek. F imudly: A3 t WA, 9 AIL WA. 3iem: S VC EA, I PW,6 INC. Btry C, 2d B, 138th Arty and 4th Bn, 77th Arty fired in spport of FS3

    BDER. Ai-1 from 4th %n, 77th 4rty reoeived &*'ad fire &wlmg 1Z P W atGrid ID304. lirr&tt hit with WzO caliber rcunds wbils flying at 60 ft NW.

    (67) IS Julyt iltry C, 2d Da, 13Mt Arty mioved frcm PIU WA (Y1~3) byroad to F(B QUICK I (1DS%69) for Arty Raid (Casom x ) ad reurned toPHU BAl1, Fired on 18 tar5sets, eranded 325 rounds. lPQ-4 radar wved 1 airfrM~ MS Wf~ (ZD59032) to FSB MMVME 0098949) to WIPPort OP~rUMM 'M BMiROzZM US. bgl. Bass Dafunie conducted Opwational Exe ise.ARA# 4th n, t Arty, launched wihin two minutes of'r6tifioation.

    (68) 19 July' 1P3 EIOC reported HUE received 2Zbm rockets. ResutsiImpact Grid 1188220, no o altiee, no damages. OtW B, 6th En, 33d Arty;Btr7y C, 2d n, lth Art y; Bty B, 2d Eh, 94th Arty and 4th Bn, 77th Arty fired

    owtemorter and countarroket targets ad suspect en=7 locations in defenseof HUE. F8 Bl 1WAC (XV70ica) received 434e1m mortar rawds; &U landed



  • CONFIDENTIALA YM - A C 9 i . _ rt, , .SJBJ a Opil'tjical Roort - Lessos Leared 1 May 1969 - 31 July 155outbdde perimetr; no damages, no casualties. Btry C, lat A, 321st e',YDtr7 A, 2d Da, 13 Arty f1red at sum.ct molrtar ocat4iMal Y9,00CO, "I,064a I6900O and ID69006L. PC llaift, Btry Bo 2-;. r.- 3W at F55CUMUMI (YC39%9) picked up a dad 2.75 rocket, it ep1oded, )d112Av_ h~n,.

    (69) 2D Julsy Btry B, 2 d , o3M Arty fired oe rorid in spportO Co -W B , th m tha mded one mm with a sheln frapaent in th. e*'are.

    (70) 21 Juzyt 2A AM reported MW DA Training Center (vie YXI 41ftixed 62322W rockets. Results Aw=ition cbnp hit and burned, ani, rriu-

    deetrwoyed, no CAWualties. M7r B, a 2d bn g %tb Arty&; BUT~ A& 2aid bnp 138thArtri Btry B, 6th lE, 33d Arty; and 4th iii, 77h Arty fired counter aorttcr faounter rocket target. in support of DO Dk.

    (71) 5 Adu , Mv Uty VR sbdlp spotted 142 rocket o growd at 0-!UR53.-I.lred cn tafe with ARAO 4tM Bi, 77th Arty. rocket destzi-Yot..

    (72) 24 July: Btry C, 2nd Bn, llth Arty (3 howitzers) moved fro) FS,'-BORNE (YD355071) by air to Camp EVANS (YD535315) to support Operaticn K, ..JUMPER. FO Team (2nd Bn, 319th Arty) with Company C. Ist Bn, 327th Inlay':,reported receiving incoming mortars, Grid YC 307895. 3 FO party members v:u ......ed. RTO was MEDEVAC. Btry A, 2nd Bn, 319th Arty expended 56HE in 2pp :r -

    Btry C, 2nd Bn, llth Arty (3 tubes) moved by air from FSB AIRBCR0. r>T7-'to Camp EVANS (YD535315) to support Operation MONTGOMERY RENDEZVOUS.

    (73) 25 July: Btry A, 2nd Bn, llth Arty moved by road frum Ca:i.p EA2>(YD541318) to ROCK CRUSHER (ZD012018) and by air to FSB SLEDGE (ZC05992'Nsupport Operation CAMPBELL STREAMER. Btry C, 2nd Bn, 319th Arty mcvc c-from FSB AIRBORNE (YD355071) to Camp EVANS (YD535318) to support Operai-,.-KENTUCKY JUMPER. A CH-47 dropped a 105mm Howitzer and its "piggy-back" loacof ammunition attempting to come out of FSB AIRBORNE (YD355071). .ir.rolled into trash dump and burned. Howitzer sustained minor damage.

    (N 2 JUIFS 18 AUMW &WIM~f) offieial y cloed. NAJ( HOA and FT'71recvifea1husmifl vrmbg~g MAN HOA: 26 Dm40 rocits. Ueatst .1 t.,,kcI-stkicyo no caNAUltie. RWs 2X122=m ckets. Besailt.: To caun2± 'edamages, BtrY C, 14 1h. 321et Arys U17 A, MWd Eo 30th krty; Btry C, 2tzBi 13th ArtyjBta7 Bo 6th Ba, 3d Arty; Dtry B, 22d Ra, 94th Arty and 4i..77Mh AA W I ird leared color plan targets and ppect rocket UaMid&site target. in sp Orof HUB nsa NAM BOA. Whring the fiinfg Btry7 A. 2r.-238h %rty fired a roqmd (255m) while ube was stMl in loading positicia-2o4d "vt through a bumksr Of DtrY C let Bus 321At Afty, Llso located at'BZREBMW ?Z1C028, dsastj the bunker. No Wxp WLsn, round riot located,No asualties.

    C 4



    3U.;2 oprtiona R ort-4asuo~ tamned1 Kw 1969 - 31 Ju1v 1969

    (7)2 July$ Rtry A, -lot Bh, 4Otih Aa4'Moved bY VOad tma~ SBLL M I~Y~'i I) '~J INGH.M~j (,0Q() LT~C kjwetd &. RAm~s aer1ad ocuiand o)~~,;.Jokrty, LTO hiWra It. 4ittt~rngrc assumd cbime as [;r ArtV -0-3o



    AVDG-DAC " A...

    SUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned I May 1969 - 31 IJlv l,',

    (2) EVALUATION: In the Battalion's role of delivering ordnaancc .the enemy targets, many times extremely close to friendly ele:nelts, .


    AVDG-DAC 9 August 1969SUBJECT: Operational Report - Iesson. Learned 1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    (b) EVALUATION: Due to the canopy, steep terr'in, inaccuracy ofple tad tiia aid dize of stream intersections, a lack of suitable regis-tration points exists.

    (c) 7IO-dCQA*lDATIOU: That car bodies or some other well defined ob-ject b1e pl~ced in a suitable area, be surveyed in, and be used as registrationFoints. A survey program to establish registration points is being institutedby Division Artillery.

    (4) The MOUNTAIN MET.

    (a) OBSERVATION: Utilization of a mountain Met message becomesprogres3ively more important as the difference in height (dh) between the met.- tntior iind the battery altitude increases beyond 300 meters.

    (b) EVALUATIONs Table D in the tabular firing tables is based uponthe assumption that a standard temperature and density lapse ratop exist in theatmosphere. This assumption does not introduce an appreciable error into thegunnery pboblem until dh becomes greater than 300 meters. If a visual metstation with a capability to measure surface temperature and pressure (densityderivvd) was positioned in mountainous areas, then a correlation could be con-ducted at the weather station. Consequently a more correct density and tem-riraturo could be predicted for the mountainous area. This technique provedvery successful at FSB SLEDGE (ZC060925).

    (c) RECO*WDATION: That visual met stations be habitually posi-tioned with artillery units that occupy fire support bases that introduced adh greater than 300 meters.

    (1) Co-locatint ARVN and US "i.i Direction Centers.

    (a) OBSERVATION: Co-locating ARVN and US fire direction centersiTovidcj cuntralized control, more flexibility and more responsive artilleryfi'vu in an area of operations.

    (b) EVALUATION: When operating in a large AO it is difficult to-,;thntni, enLtizud control of the artillery available. At the presenttize' th" 2d Brigade A0 extends approximately 100Km from northwest to south-cqst. Operation CAMPBELL STREAMER is being conducted in the southern portionof the AO with five infantry battalions (3 US and 2 ARVN). Three 105 batteries(2 US and 1 ARVW) two 155rim batteries and one 8" battery are available to sup-port the operation. With oaly three close support batteries available to sup-port five battalionsit is necessary to maintain centralized control, yet withsuch a large AO it is not feasible to displace the Battalion CP. The AHVN:105mm battery and one US 105nm battery were positioned on the same firebasernd the battery PDC's were co-located. Control of all artillery available tosupport the operation was maintained by moving a battalion Jump FDC to thefirebase. The Jump FDC oornducted tactical fire directions while the parent


  • CONFIDENTIALAVDG-DAC 9SUBJECT: Operational Report - aesone Learned 1 MAy 1969 - 13 July 196i

    unite of the batteries oheoked firing data. This arrangement has proviled r-poneive artillery of all olibers to all nanwover elements. Both US and A~-"artillery are responsive to either US or ARV mneuver elements. A -. jor a-!vantage in that all artillery can be adjusteid by either US or ARVN forward cK-servers. klthougb US forward observers are ,r-.ded to ARVN maneuver elemer-,

    (a) RECOMMMLDATIONs That US and ARVN FDC's be oo-located wben PDSSI _.

    c. Traiingi

    (1) O8 VATION: The liaison sergeant is often required to take chargethe liaison seotion and its duties whenever the liaison officer is absent. J,0such, he in required to know the duties and rcoedures whic;: are inherent totho task.

    (2) =VALUATIONI Division Artillery conducts a liaison offlicor course on!n irregular schedule. This course covers the duties of the LNO and is high-Cighted ijj th live demonstrations.

    (3) RZOMMIATION: That NCO's who are or will be working in liaisonGecions be gven the opportunity to attond the Division Artillery LiaisonOfficers Cowee, (This training is being instituted by Division Artillery).

    d. Inteioigzie, Ncno

    a. Losietioes

    (1) (a) OBSRVATIONt That the sensor axpllfier of the Stabability ClontroqAuPentatioe 3yutam.(SWAS) in the AH-IG attack helicopter created availabilityproblems.

    (b) EVAWZAMON: Daring this past quarter, the Aerial x:-tillery hasexperienced failure of four sensor amplif Ier units. This required retrogradeof the unit to. 0OM for repair and retura to thic Battalion, To data, noneof these senor amplifier unite have beea returned, even though more than sixt)" have elamped. The A&llI is not a stable weapons platforn capable of giving

    direot fire. a ert oloae to .friandly elements when -the sensor amplifier is notinstaled. At the preet time sensor amplifier units are being changed frmft aircraft to anther in order to maint -i mawimiu flyable aircraft in a mis-

    (0) REON: That m.intenarce float sensor amplifier unitsbe MAintained at DS Maintennce Company level or at the TC Detachment 2e val,,.provide opt±M aircraft availability.

    f. Organization; %oe 1=1 1,




    AV -BAG 9 kAuat 1969SUBJECTt Operational Report - L/esAns Imarned 1 May 1969 - 31 JaY 1969

    SEsoape, Evasion and urvivall VMS

    46. M.)M

    (Ora&& .icUaz.a1 St"ture) to colieg FAOperational Report-Lessons Cuinuddngl1-i:. .M 1969-31 July 1969

    ri. : ro 1 UTIONI;flG S4.W: .'-.. .. AVHG-ISpT; APO US An-ees 9375

    2 - tI OJSARAAC, A'PT POP-D, APO TS lorces QOAS5- co, XXrV Corps

    6 - /, 101st kbn Div1 - B:101st Abu Div ArtyI - Si, 101st Abn Div ArtyI S2, 10lst Ah Div Arty10 - S3, 1lts Abe Div Arty1 a $, 101st AhW Div ArtV (File)I % 34, ]Oist Ai Div ArtYI 101st Abf Div Arty

    4 - 2 Bn, 319th Anm ArtyI --2d Bn, 320th A- Arty4 - Ist Bn, 321st Abn Arty4 - 2d Bn, Ilth Arty4 - 4th Bh, 77th Arty (AA)I - 00, 2d En, 138th Arty

    - C1I 1.7 -, 83d Arty1 - CM, 6th Bn, 33d Arty

    - GO, lat Bn, 44th Arty (AW)1 - CO, 2d n, 94th ArtyI - CO, let Bi, 40th Arty



    AVDG-GC -H (9 Aug 69) let 1ndSUBJECT: ORLL of 101st Airborne Division Artillery for Period Ending

    31 July 1969 (U)

    DA, HQ, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile), APO San Francisco 96383

    29 Aug 69

    TO: Commanding General, XXIV Corps, ATTN: AVU-GCT, APO 96308

    The ORLL for the 101st Airborne DMvsion Artillery has been reviewed andthe following comments are submitted:

    Section 11: (C) Lessons Learned.

    Para 7a: Personnel.

    Part 7a(l): Concur (GI). a. Comments concerning personnel con-tained in paragraph 7a, basic document, are substantially correct butneed amplification for clarity.

    b. The term "experienced aviators" is defined by the CommandingOfficer, 4th Battalion, 77th Artillery, as an aviator serving his secondor subsequent tour in Vietnam. The number of hours flown, type air-craft, duty position, or other factors are not considered in this classifi-cation.

    c. The 4th Battalion, 77th Artillery has 102 aviators assigned and ofthis number 21 (20.6%) are experienced. Seventy, of the 102 (69%) avia-tors assigned are AH-IG qualified and 20 (28. 6%) of these 70 aviators areexperienced.

    d. Thirty-five aviators have been sent by the 4th Battalb-., 77th Ar-tillery to Vung Tau for AH-IG qualification. Of these 35, 13 (37%) areexperienced aviators. The other 35 AH-IG aviators arrived from CONIUSschool trained in the AH-1G, and 7 (20%) of these 35 are experienced avia-tors.

    e. There is a total of Z I experienced aviators in the 4th Battalion,77th Artillery, and all but one are AH-IG qualified. The significantstatistics are recapitulated below:




    AVDG-OC-H 29 August 196 9SUB 3ECT: ORLL of 101st Airborne Division Artillery for Period Ending

    31 July 1969 (U)


    Aviators AH-IG Experienced Experienced

    Assioaud Qualified Aviators AH-IG Aviators

    102 70 (69%) 21 (20.6%) 20 (28.6%)

    1. The 4th Battalion. 77th Artillery has approximately the same ex-perieace level as the 2/17th Cavalry and D Company of the 101st and 158thAMB's. In Cobra qualified personnel, the USARV goal of 25% experiencedaviators is exceeded.

    Para 7b: Operations.

    Par& 7b(l): Concur (03). Space on a fire base is frequently criticalde to terrain and other considerations. Internal rotation is a good con-cept. No action neeoed by this headquarters.

    PILra 7b(2): Concur (Chemical Officer).

    Par 7b(3): Concur (03).

    Par& 7b(4): Nonconcur (Weather Detachment). The division presentlyhas twelve (12) Air Force trained weather observers, who are operatingvarious weather stations throughout the area of operations. Location 6,Sth Weather Squadron currently maintains a sufficient number of weatherstfetme at various altitudes in the area of operations fom which the ar-tsllory unit can obtain data.

    Pars Tb(5): Concur (03). It is the policy of this division that opera-timoa will be combined and in close coordination with ARVN forces. Theco-location of headquarters and FDC s assists greatly in control and co-ordination.

    Para 7c(I): Training: Concur (3). No further action necessary.



    AVDG -GC -H 29 Auguet 1969SUBJECT: ORILL of 101ot Airborne Division Artillery for Period Ending

    31 July 1969 (U)

    Pars 7e(l): Logistics: Concur (G4).



    Amsistant Adjutant General



    AU.MT (9 An 69) 2nd Ind NAJ Mark'ijpgi2s.SUDJIC Oetlonael Report of 10lat Airborne Division Artillery for Per

    =1An 31 JuY 1969, RCS CS1O (RI) (U)

    DA, Hea aters, I Corps, APO Sy 96308 1, ,i

    TO, Comnding General, United States Army, Vietnam, APO ?F 96375

    1. The MU of lOlst Airborne Division Artil ery has been reviewed at h.,XM Corp and is forwarded in accordance with USARV Reg 525-15.

    2. Bept au noted below, Concur with the report as inaorsed by 101st Ai,bo ne Diviuioni (A).

    a. Reference itse conerning personnel, section II, page 15, jert , ti7a Oonamr, Recoma the reporting mit's recopmendation concerning th.inpt of a minim= of 50% experienced pilots be forwarded to tbh approlrx.-offlee n DL for consideration.

    b. Jefermno item cnoerning firing of ohemical shall, secticn I, p.16, paragph 2b(2) Nonconcur. FT 105-H-6, provisional suppla:e'r -i,_'Noy 67# ow-n ;a the procedures to be used when firing cartridge, tact i-as, DI629.

    R. D. PECCO

    MAJ. AGC



    ,t I I I I I I I I I I I I

  • CONFIDENTIAL,VHG-)6T (9 Aug 69) 3d Ind3U1iJ rLGT: Operational Report-iessons Learned

    I May 1969 - 31 July 1969 6 OCT 19G9

    H:.ADXtUAkWRS, UNITED) 6'ATb Ah,,Y, VILTNI, A.O San Francisco 96375

    TO: Cowmuinder in Chief, Unites 6tates Army, Pacific, ATTN: GPOP-DT,,&0o 96558

    (U) This neadquarters has reviewed the Operational Report-LessonsLearned for the quarterly perioc ending 31 July 1969 from Headquarters,101st Airbo.rne Division Artilier-..

    2. () Comments follow:

    a. (C) Reference item concerning "Personnel," section Ii, page 15,paragraph 7a; nonconcur.

    (i) An examination of the experience level of AH-iG aviators assignedto the 101st Airborne Division (-d) as of I September 1969, revealed thatof the 202 AH-1G qualified aviators assigned, a total of 51 are presentlyserving a second tour in RVN. This gives an overall experience factor of.-:.. - siign ly auove t, jA objective of 25 percent experiencedv.vator5 for RVN as a whole, a5 well as for this particular aircraft. The

    assignment of AH-IG aviators to subordinate units (Div Arty) within the7616t Airboriie Divibion (AM) i5 controlled internally. Approximatelyzo percent of the assigned aviators in UbAltV are serving a second tour in

    (2) To raise the experi6nce level in Cobra units would require thereduction .f experience levelb 3n other aviation units, or an increase ofthe DA objective of 25 percent. An increase in the DA objective wouldshorten the turn-around time between tnurs for all aviators. Due to theshortage of aviators, an increased experience level for aviation unitsis not feasioie at, this time.

    b. (U) Reference item concerning "Mountain Met," section II, page17, paragraph 7b(4), and let indorsement, paragraph 7b(4); nonconcur. AirForce weather stations do not provide artillery units with the necessaryinformation to compute metro corrections for artillery firing data. Visualmetro stations enable artillery units to obtain this data in areas wherethere is a difference in altitude of over 300 meters between the batteryand the metro station.



    AVHGC-DST (9 Aug 69) 3d IndSUBJECT: Operational Report-Lessons Learned-

    1 May 1969 - 31 July 1969

    c. (C) Reference item concerning "Logistics," section Li, pa,-18, paragraph 7e; concur. The unit is advised to submit a request tochange the SCAS float authorization IAW USAKV ,essage 42722, dated21 June 1969, subject: Change in Avionic Float RequsitioninL iroceaurc,.



    Cy furn: Assistant Adjutant General

    101at Abn Div ArtyXXIV Corp.


  • - 12.~ P(pt- of H-Q, 101st Airborne Divisioni cry ior Pt. iiod Ending 31 July 1969, RCS

    fOR-6 5 (R1)

    IIQq UIS Army, Pacif ic , APO San Francisco 96558 5 0 OCT 69

    TO: Assintant Chief of Staff for Force Development, Departmentof the Army, Washingt'on, D. C. 20310

    Thi s headquarters concurs Wx subject report as indorsed.


    CPT, AGCAssiAG

  • I;NC:I AS! I FI F I j


    I ORO GINA TONG A C TVIa I' (C.p-1 Aw- Ia1.. "Ca'on I Sc..",~ Cs a C(-

    CONFIDENTIAL11Q, OACSFOR, DA. Washington, D.C. 2103104

    3 4100PNT TITLE

    Operational Report - Lessons Learned, HQ, 101st Airborne Division Artillery

    c 6. CI ogcmpyVI NOTES i1rpe o .I..porwed Ia.cti.,*IV difees

    Experiences of_ unjit engaged in counterinsurgency operations, 1 May 69 - 31_July 69.-S .u ,.4r (P. ... a;"d. amand.. 1000

    CO, 101st Airborne Division Artillery

    a REPORT, 0117 Ia. TOTAL NO 0- P-GES RE.N. FNPS

    9 August 1969 29"b. CONTRACT ONt GRANT NO *.OINIS REPO" I i4PH%

    6. PROJECT P40 693212N/A__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _

    ab OT"I ER HCORI .11151 (Anry .1hit, -.. birem thct y h. .0010M.0u




    N/A [OACSFOR, DA, Washington, D.C. 20310it. ANSTRACT


    DD remA 7 UNCLASSI FIEDDD NW41.473Security Classification