Aurelia Adams' Portfolio



Examples of built work, studio work and involvement with different architecture companies.

Transcript of Aurelia Adams' Portfolio

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Aurelia Adams Content 2008 - 2014


HLW InternatIonaL

nIcoLas deL rIo arquItectos

communIty center In Peru

cHaIr desIgn

come uP to my room InstaLLatIon

re-InHabItIng IndustrIaL rome

duratIonaL sPace tHrougH tIme

LandscaPed sPa

PoWerHouse comPany

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7 Bernick Road, North York, ON Canada M2H 1E3 | (416) 226-4958 | [email protected]

I am zealous designer currently based in Toronto. I completed my Bachelors Degree in Architectural Studies at the University of Waterloo and have continued to pursue studies in complimentary interests such as fashion design and design management. I believe the power of architecture does not only materialize within the buildings society inhabits but also emerges in the perceived mundane through design. Design does not only find a solution for obstacles but the most profound design answers questions we hadn’t previously asked. I believe architecture is the amalga-mation of the design fields and its practice continues to inspire culture.

September 2008 – August 2013 university of Waterloo|Waterloo, canada.Earned a Bachelor of Architectural Studies Faculty of Engineering – School of Architecture.

2012come up to my room Installation2010costume designer| The Cyclops Theatrical Play2008 Junior achievement (Ja) Leadership in management award




January-april 2013 Powerhouse company|rotterdam, netherlands.Jaarrbeursplien; Utrecht, Netherlands.Villa B; Munich, Germany.Villa Boender; Zeeland, Netherlands.Zandweg Vleuten; Vleuten, Netherlands.

January-august 2012HLW International|new york city, usa.United Nations Headquarters; New York, USA.Google New York; New York, USA.Google Dublin Headquarters; Dublin, Ireland.Mindspark Office; New York, USA.Glaceau; New York, USA.Hofstra Hospital; New York, USA.

may-august 2011nicolas del rio arquitectos|santiago, chile. MOP Government Building; Santiago, Chile.Propiedad del Sr. Lopez; Santiago, Chile.WH Mountain Houses; Santiago, Chile.

september-december 2010 arquitectonica|miami, united states.Brickell; Miami, USA.Al Mad Hotel; Abu Dhabi, UAE.BEB Beirut; Beirut, Lebanon.

January-april 2010 Parkin architects|toronto, canada.Mental Health Facility; Penetaguishene, Canada.

July-august 2009 salmona tregunno Inc.|oakville, canada.2650 Bristol Circle Construction Management & Documentation; Oakville, Canada.

design management (Ryerson) 2013Wearable media (OCADU) 2013fashion Illustration (Ryerson) 2013diver certified 2010yoga 2006-Currentbouldering 2010-CurrentIntramural soccer 2008-2013PhotographyY DOMINO EL esPanoL DIARIO, LEO, Y COMPRENDO


career ProgressIon


2008 - 2014Aurelia Adams Curriculum Vitae

ProfIcIent+5 YearsautocadPhotoshopIndesignIllustratorsketchupmicrosoft excelWindows & apple Interface

IntermedIate+3 YearsrhinoV-ray

noVIce+1 YearrevitarchicadVectorworks

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Jaarrbeursplein 2013PoWerHouse comPany

Internship Jaarrbeursplein Powerhouse Company

1. Max Enveloppe 2. 50,000 ms 5. Wind5. Passage 5. daylight access for larger mass 6. set in 7. connect3. Tower

8. identity �oors

1. Max Enveloppe 2. 50,000 ms 5. Wind5. Passage 5. daylight access for larger mass 6. set in 7. connect3. Tower

8. identity �oors

Jaarrbeursplein is an office building in the centre of Utrecht. The building is conveniently placed right outside of Central station and therefore a great location to activate the ground plane with a public square and restaurants for the office and passersbys to interact. I was involved in every aspect of the design process, beginning with the massing studies into the diagrams, floor plans, sections and renders. The massing is derived by the area, site lines, and light permeability as the building lot is quite deep.

buILdIng strategy

massIng studIes

VIeW to tHe PubLIc square and offIce buILdIng

ProPerty LInes Vs requIred massIng

maxImIzIng HeIgHt & PerserVIng VoLume

creatIng a WInd break

LInkIng a VItaL Passage

aLLoWIng LIgHt PermeabILIty

coVered WaLkWay around PerImeter

creatIng PHasIng oPtIonsconnectIng tHe tWo buILdIngs

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Rotterdam, Netherlands Jaarrbeursplein 2013

3737Jaarbeursplein Gebouw Schets Ontwerp 28 maart 2013

Eerste Verdieping - flexibele kantoorruimte

ground fLoor PLan

second fLoor PLan

massIng modeL

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010Internship Villa Boender Powerhouse Company

Villa Boender 2013PoWerHouse comPanyVilla Boender is a private home right by the sea in the district of Zeeland in Holland. The shape is inspired by a mus-sel, which can be found in the thousands along the shores during low tide, and the building is designed within very strict property lines and height restrictions. I was assigned to build the entire model for this project as well as help in the rendering of the interior and exterior of the house.

exterIor render

nortH sIde InterIor gLazed facade

nortH-West corner

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011Rotterdam, Netherlands Villa Boender 2013

nortH-east facade

soutH-West facade

tHe tHree LeVeLs of tHe modeL

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MINDSPARK Office Design 2012HLW InternatIonaL LLP

Internship MINDSPARK Office Design HLW

The MindSpark Office Design competition was one of the various interior design projects that I was involved in during my 8 month internship at HLW International. I was responsible for the 3D modelling and rendering of this project as well as compiling the final client presentation. The design charrette was a quick proposal for what could be done in the old elevator factory space. We proposed hanging boxes that would be supported off of the existing single beam overhead crane, this would provide private spaces in the open concept office.

offIce recePtIon area

5tH fLoor toWer

4tH fLoor mezzanIne

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New York, USA MINDSPARK Office Design 2012

green WaLLHangIng boxesraIsed PLatform


scHematIc sketcHes

ProPosed fLoor Layout5tH fLoor toWer

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Internship Ministerio Obras Publicas Government Building Competition Nicolas Del Rio Arquitectos

The MOP Government Building was a competition submission for a 9000 sqm office establishment in downtown Valapariso, Chile that was to replace the existing degenerating office building. I was responsible for the initial massing studies and then moved on to structural principals of the building before developing the 3D Model.

MOP Government Building 2011nIcoLas deL rIo arquItectos

The availability to natural light was a problem in the existing building and after some initial light studies it was determined that roughly 20% of offices had access to natural daylight. By introducing an open courtyard and cutting away the corner, the percentage of offices with access to daylight could increase to 70%Bridges were created to link the two sides of the building. This produced meeting spaces and open areas above for social interactions.

strategy and LIgHt PermeabILIty

sectIon tHrougH buILdIngsectIon tHrougH brIdges

exterIor render

accessIbLe courtyard70%

Introduce courtyard60%

exIstIng condItIon20%

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Santiago, Chile Ministerio Obras Publicas Government Building Competition 2011

fLoor PLans

second fLoor : 4.7m

fIrst fLoor : 1.2m

tHIrd fLoor : 7.9m

courtyard renderaerIaL render

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On August 15th, 2007 the town of Pisco, Peru was at the epicenter

of an 8.0 magnitude earthquake. At the time most of the buildings were made of adobe brick.

Almost 80% of the city was flattened or severely damaged. Aid poured in from all over the world, but in spite of great efforts to provide disaster relief to the people of Pisco and the surrounding area, the magnitude of the disaster had overwhelmed them.

3 years later....Although reconstruction has started there are severe delays in debris removal. Many people are still living in insufficient temporary houses and tents. People have become impatient and have started reconstructing their houses with the same poor construction practices and poor quality materials as before the earthquake.

seIsmIc Proof Community Centre built in Pisco, Peru 2010

Dirt-bag housing is a building method used to absorb seismic activity in the event of an earthquake. Pisco Sin Fronteras is an organization whose goal is to slowly rebuild the city of Pisco by helping the needy rebuild their lives. Within three weeks a group of hardworking volunteers including myself designed and completed this community centre for the neighborhood. Using just the materials and tools above we hoped to start a trend within Pisco. Dirt-bag housing is cheap and very builder friendly.

Built Work Seismic Proof Pisco Sin Fronteras


comPLeted buILdIng



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Pisco, Peru Seismic Proof 2010

The neighborhood children who would benefiT from The cenTer. They also volunTeered around The siTe.

Lets do this!

Where do we even begin?

Don’t let go of me!

When do we break?




Almost there!

It’s too hot!

building The wooden framework for The concreTe foundaTion

local life: a group of sTreeT cleaners sTop by The siTe and a worker aT The hardware sTore loads our bike wagon wiTh rebar.

The heighT where we begin To inTroduce The windows. a meTer of rebar is also hammered inTo each corner for more sTabilizaTion.

an 8 liTre flour bag is filled wiTh dirT using a meTal x frame To supporT iT. once filled The bag is folded and Two nails secure iT.

due To shifTing layers while The bags are packed in place, Tempo-rary cross bracing sTabilizes The windows and door frames.

The firsT layer of dirT bags is placed righT on The foundaTion. 38 bags were used for The boTTom layer and sTamped in place.

door frame is secured To The foundaTion wiTh The wooden slaTs & The bags are sTomped inTo place To seTTle and harden The dirT.

seTTing The concreTe using unconvenTional meThods due To lack of adequaTe Tools. iT seT perfecTly.

barbed wire was placed beTween The layers of dirT bags in place of morTar. cemenT was rendered on Top of The bags To proTecT Them.

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a throne to admire nature 2011a cHaIr for sIr daVId attenborougHInspired by Sir David Attenborough’s fascination and knowledge of nature, the chair evolved to manifest his way of teaching appreciation. It was designed to disassemble into individual components in order to demonstrate the funda-mentals of a chair. It is through the manipulation of the pieces in which the chair earns the respect of it’s occupant.

The Attenborough Chair is made up of corresponding pieces that come apart and stack together for easy transporta-tion, perfect for a nature man on the move. It’s made of 100% environmentally responsible material, and the individual components allow the pieces to be recycled and replaced without compromising the whole chair.

Built Work StructuresA Chair for Sir David Attenborough designed with Quinn Greer

connectIon detaIL

constructIon Process

sLottIng togetHer

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Cambridge, Canada 2011A Chair for Sir David Attenborough

0. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

00:00:32:53Attenborough Chair Assembly Video Documentary Scene 3_Construction Step 2

00:03:23:35Attenborough Chair Assembly Video Documentary Scene 7_Construction Step 7

assembLy InstructIons

constructIon documentatIon

a PortabLe cHaIr

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turn me on Come Up To My Room installation at the Gladstone Hotel Toronto, Canada 2012

Come Up To My Room (CUTMR) is an annual four day design exhibition hosted at the Gladstone Hotel during Toronto design week. The event features approximately 20 installations. “Turn Me On” was selected as a public installation for the 9th annual CUTMR exhibit.

The installation is made up of designed geometrical components repeated to appear to grow on the wall. The geom-etry of the shape allows the installation to become more organic as certain areas cluster and other areas deteriorate. Selected modules contain lights that responds to moving people with the use of programmed motion sensors.

Built Work CUTMRTurn Me On designed with Matthew Davis

InstaLLatIon render

cutmr eVent

assembLy Process

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Toronto, Canada 2012Turn Me On


Configurations Per Sheet of Museumboard

Constuction System

Wall Component Types Site Plan

Process Quantities



Assembly Time (Hours)Quantity (Units) Material (Sheets)

3 Way Installation

Cut Time (Hours)

150 +

500 / 0 500 / 0 40 / 0 40 / 0

constructIon Process

InstaLLatIon dIagramLocatIon on eVent PLan

gLoWIng comPonentsmotIon sensors

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Studio UWSAMolding Evanescence

a study of durational space through time 2011moLdIng eVanescenceThe project was the imagining of an energy-filled space, which transcends form and time within an urban fabric. The intention was to contrast the city [a rigid, logical entity] with a flexible, shape-shifting concept by studying the movement of liquid.

Liquid is formless; its shape is dependent on that which contains it. The idea was to model the movement within this liquid, and the forces that create positive and negative spaces within liquid. The internal structure of fluid movement was revealed. The movement broke the uniform city program into discrete elements that could pulsate with the energy of a nightclub one moment and sooth with the stillness of a sanctuary the next.

The project materialized through numerous studies of overlaying various heavy against light shadows in order to create a layering effect which mimics a cavernous space. The spaces’ impression can be a tranquil darkness or a light-filled spaciousness brimming with sensory stimulation.


exterIor render : InterruPtIng tHe urban fabrIc

dIffuseabsorbProJect bend & tWIst

LIgHt Is abLe to:

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Studio 2011Molding Evanescence


meetIng sPace

InterIor nIcHes

InterIor Passage

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Site: 36 m2 Program: Public Square

SAint Peter’S SquAre, romA

PiAzzA PoPolo, romA

Site: 23 m2 Program: Public Square

SAint mArCo’S SquAre, VeniCe

Site: 37 m2 Program: Public Square

Site: 152 m2

253 m284 m

203 m

203 m

310 m



Studio UWSARe-Inhabiting Industrial Rome designed with Suzan Ibrahim

The Gasometer is a prominent artifact in the Roman skyline when approaching the district of Ostiense. It creates a destination in itself but unlike other prominent artifacts in the Roman Skyline, it is not accessible. The specific site to be designed is an old gas producing site which belonged to Italgas. The site is located just outside of the Centro Historico of Rome in the South. This area is being redeveloped into a cultural area to compliment the cultural center in the North. As the site will become an extension of Rome, the relationship of the city to the site is being considered. Scale comparisons have been made with other public spaces in Rome, to better understand the area.


18m 22m42m43m 24m

190416261603126 625

?Pantheon Santi Luca e Martina Santa Maria di Loreto St. Peter's Basilica Tempio Maggiore


18m 22m42m43m 24m

190416261603126 625

?Pantheon Santi Luca e Martina Santa Maria di Loreto St. Peter's Basilica Tempio Maggiore

NProgretto Flaminio

SProgretto Ostiense



occupying the abandoned Italgas site 2012re-InHabItIng IndustrIaL rome

comParIng tHe roman skyLIne

noLLI maP sIte anaLysIs

Site DimenSionS

Site: 152 m2 Program: induStrial area

exterIor render

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Studio 2012Re-Inhabiting Industrial Rome

The revitalization of Via Ostiense depends on linking this natural destination to the city through the introduction of public space. Three observations determined the approach for the creation of public space; the extension of Nolli’s Map, the conditions created by Geometry and Entry and revealing the metamorphose of the site.

sIte PLan

HIstorIcaL condItIons of tHe sIte

HIstorIcaL Layers WItHIn sIte

IntroducIng urban Passages

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Studio UWSARe-Inhabiting Industrial Rome designed with Suzan Ibrahim

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art corrIdor

tHeatre corrIdor

agrIcuLturaL corrIdor

cItta anaLoga of ItaLgas urban totaLIty

Studio 2012Re-Inhabiting Industrial Rome

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Studio UWSARe-Inhabiting Industrial Rome designed with Suzan Ibrahim

exPerIentIaL PLan of Largest gasometer

agrIcuLturaL corrIdorLookIng uP In tHe gasometer

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Studio 2012Re-Inhabiting Industrial Rome

tHeatre corrIdor

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an urban retreat of contemplative spaces 2013tHe LandscaPed sPaThe Native American Sweat Lodge was the source inspiration for the project. The sweat lodge is a place of repose, defined by its structure, its covering of animal skin and its earthen floor. The project considers the interactions of the physical elements of the sweat lodge as independent entities and in combination by manipulating them to discover how these circumstances define the conditions of a space. The program is a series of distinct rooms each with a unique atmosphere, yet maintaining the essence of the sweat lodge; diversifying the elements of structure, skin and earth to better meet the programmatic needs.






PartI sIte concePt




Studio UWSAThe Landscaped Spa

exterIor render

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The inhabited program of the building is expressed above the terrain. Like the sweat lodge, which is an independent structure, the volumes appear to be independent enclosures scattered within the landscape. The enclosures vary in size to suit their function and positioned to avoid the overshadowing of one another.

car Lot eLeVatIon

front eLeVatIon

rIVer eLeVatIon

Long sectIon

sHort sectIon

Studio 2013The Landscaped Spa

PLunge PooLWet & dry sauna

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green HouSe


bacK oF








reSidence 1

reSidence 2


Studio UWSAThe Landscaped Spa

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Studio 2013The Landscaped Spa

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