August 2013 NUUSLETTER 2013 NUUsletter.pdfUnitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St....

Unitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St. El Paso, TX 79930 EL PASO N UU SLETTER August 2013 UUCEP, family and friends of Ken Muncy will be gathering to wish him farewell, bon voyage and vaya con Dios Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. If you would like to be of assistance to his family or with the service, please contact Ann Singer.

Transcript of August 2013 NUUSLETTER 2013 NUUsletter.pdfUnitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St....

Page 1: August 2013 NUUSLETTER 2013 NUUsletter.pdfUnitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St. El Paso, TX 79930 EL PASO NUUSLETTER August 2013 UUCEP, family and friends of Ken

Unitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St. El Paso, TX 79930


August 2013

UUCEP, family and friends of Ken Muncy will be gathering to wish him farewell, bon voyage and vaya

con Dios Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. If you would like to be of assistance to his family or with the service, please contact Ann Singer.

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August 4th Book Discussion:

Proposition 31 by R. Rimer

Theme: Polyamory

Proposition 31 is a 1968 novel written by RobertRimmer that tells the story of two middle-class,suburban California couples who turn to apolyamorous relationship to deal with their multipleinfidelities as an alternative to divorce. The novel iswritten as a case study by a psychologist supportinga fictional "Proposition 31" that would amend theCalifornia Constitution to permit polyamorousrelationships. In the book, the solution to the couples'problems with adultery and the impregnation of onecouple's wife by the other couple's husband is tocommit to a group marriage to raise their fivechildren in a home compound in which the husbandsrotate among the wives. The book is a plea to passthis proposed proposition to offer a sane alternativeto divorce.

August 11th To Be Announced

There will be a CYRE meeting following the

discussion to begin planning for the new RE season

August 18th

Book Discussion:

A Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

Theme: The useful power of institutions versus their tendency toward corruption

This book tells the story of Valentine MichaelSmith, a human who comes to Earth in earlyadulthood after being born on the planet Marsand raised by Martians. The novel explores hisinteraction with—and eventual transformationof—terrestrial culture.

Sunday Services

August 25th

Jesus and The Seven Principles

Presented by

Alexandra Von Swernigen and Sonia Galindo

Join us for the opening service of the

2013-2014 UUCEP Season as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus

of Nazareth in the context of the turbulent times he lived in, the beautiful artwork that depicts this life, and what we can learn from this to help us better apply the Seven Principles in our lives today. The discussion will be based on

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of

Nazareth by Reza Aslan

There will be a forum and a welcome

back pot-luck after the service!

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Veterans Food Pantry

Veterans, if you don’t have enough to eat, we are

here to help. You have served your country and

we appreciate your service.

Open Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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The Sunday Programs Committee is seeking speakers and worship associates for

upcoming services. If you are interested in either, please contact us via the UUCEP at

[email protected], or see our Sunday Programs Chair, Alexandra Van Sweringen,

at a service. You need not be a speaker yourself to suggest topics, ideas, or to let us

know about speakers or groups in the community. Also, if it will be your first time volunteering as a worship associate, know

that we are here to support you with training, script, and support throughout the process.

Hospitality Volunteers Needed 


Everyone knows UUs love their food and coffee! We need volunteers to help make it


There are plenty of opportunities to bringsnacks, help set up the Sunday feasts, and/orhelp clean up afterwards. There is a sign-up sheet on the table next to the double doors inthe sanctuary, or simply contact JenAlderman



The Caring Committee at UUCEP is alive & well!

If you have concerns for yourself or for others; or if you need a ride to services, please call the UUCEP

office at 562-4001; or call Ann Singer at 915-755-6818.

We will do our best to see that you are taken care of.

Annunciation House If you would like to volunteer to help prepare

a meal or donate items, please contact Ann Singer or Janet Kincaid for more info.

If you would like more information, please contact: Ann Singer, 755-6818 or Janet

Kincaid, 539-8851.

Food Bank Place donations in the clear box with a bluelid next to the Sanctuary information table.Food is donated to the Missouri StreetShelter.

Flowers & Music For opportunities to help provide flowers or

music please call 562-4001.

Recycling at the Community El Paso recycles not only paper, but alsocardboard, junk mail, plastic containers, cans,and aluminum foil. We now have recyclingpickup at the Community! When we havecommunity events, please place recyclablesin the blue bin outside.

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It’s not too early to start planning for Camp Thunderbird 2014!!!!!!

Start making plans to attend!

July 3-8, 2014 (Thursday - Tuesday) are the dates set for camp for next summer!


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The next Board of Trustees meeting will be announced. Regular meetings are open meetings with noset agenda. Members and friends of UUCEP are invited to attend and present matters forconsideration by the Board.

From the Finance Committee:

Pledge Drive We now have 48 pledges for a total of $66,319.00. This is our best pledge drive in several years. If you haven’t yet turned in your pledge card, please see Nick Emerick or Pat White. Albertsons Card Our latest check from Albertsons was for $146.18. If you need a card contact Nick Emerick or Pat White.

Membership Committee Chair: Janine Peters If YOU are interested in membership in this Community, please ask the greeter for a membership application. Aftercompleting the form, please put it in the offering basket or give it to a greeter at the end of the service.  The Membership Committee meets every other second Sunday, 30 minutes after the service.  All are welcometo attend.  If you need a new nametag, please see a greeter on Sunday morning. You do not have to be a member towear a nametag.   Interested in getting to know us? If you have been visiting and feel that you would like to get to know us better, please fill out one of the light‐greenWelcome Guest!/Visitor Cards that can be found in the packet provided by the Greeter and on the shelves near theentrance to the hall. Place your card in the offering basket or give it to one of the Greeters at the end of the service.Remember  that you do not have  to be a member  to wear a nametag; so,  if you would  like one, be sure  to  let usknow. 

Mon: Closed Tues: 10-2 Wed: 1-5

Thurs: 10-2 Fri: 1-5

Address Changes: Anytime you move, change your phonenumber or your email address; please letJudith, our office administrator, know soshe can update our records and thedirectory.

Orders of Service and Bulletin: Announcements need to be submitted to Judith no later than Wednesday of that week either by calling915-562-4001 or emailing [email protected] Events taking place at UUCEP will be listed on the calendar when a room reservation (Building UsageForm 1-A) has been made through the office. Forms are available in the hutch outside the office.Forms need to be submitted 30 days before the event.

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Email Addresses

We have set up email addresses for board members and committee chairpersons that are forwarded to the individual holding that position. The following email addresses have been set up:

[email protected] which goes to Sonia Galindo and office

[email protected] which goes to David Wyatt

[email protected] which goes to Pat White

[email protected] which goes to Joe Knapka

[email protected] which goes to all board members

[email protected] which goes to Tina Priester

[email protected] which goes to the Sunday Program committee

[email protected] which goes to Janet Kincaid

[email protected] which goes to Steve Mills and Heather Furr for the veterans committee


Janet Kincaid 08/01 Sophia Anderson 08/12 Hope Berry 08/12 Sally Savage 08/14 Mary Walsh 08/22 Carol Jackson-Long 08/26 Patricia E. White 08/26

Xander Kullman 08/28 John Padalino 08/30 Barbara Peters 08/30

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Denominational Affairs Mountain Desert District (MDD) Office: District Executive: Rev Nancy Bowen [email protected]

2242 S Albion Street

Denver, CO 80222 (303) 756-1378

Russell Lockwood Leadership School: August 4th-10th, 2013 Alta, UT JoUUrneying to Leadership

The Mountain Desert District offers the finest means to Affirm, Deepen, Nurture, and Buildeffective leadership within your congregation – the Russell Lockwood Leadership School!One inspiring week communing with fellow adult UUs of all ages from around the westexploring the history, values, policies, inspirations and complexities of the UnitarianUniversalist liberal religious tradition. One week engaging a wide scope of materials focusedon nourishing what ís meaningful for an individual being a UU while equipping anindividual with skills to be a contributor to both the local and global communities.

The curriculum of RLLS evolves continuously as we present congregational leaders with theresources and perspectives to help them guide 21st century congregations. The faculty andstaff strive to present a fully integrated curriculum each and every year. Leadership, historyand theology will be woven into each presentation. We will use a case study model to helpparticipants integrate new information and perspectives with authentic congregationalsituations. We will also include presentations and activities on how to build the BelovedCommunity with Deborah Holder and Alicia Forde as we explore the integration of justicewith all aspects of congregational life. Each participant will receive a rich variety ofresources to share with the boards and congregations.

We encourage all UUs on a journey to leadership to take advantage of this uniqueopportunity. Go to for more information

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2013 Chalice Lighters - First Call

For the first time in 8 years we did not receive Chalice Lighter grant requests until this spring. Without specific requests we did not write to you. Now we have three excellent growth oriented requests and half a year to hope for generous funding for each of them. Perhaps you will consider making your normal annual contribution to Chalice Lighters and we will divide it equally between the three calls.

Our first Chalice Lighter call this year is for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder. UUCB is the national pilot congregation in Developmental Ministry. In 2008 the congregation identified five primary areas of change needed for them to become a vital center of Unitarian Universalism in Boulder. They have consistently pursued these goals with the help of an experienced minister. Now they are exploring addition ministerial staff with a part time ministerial resident. This contract position will allow them to explore the additional gifts of a diverse ministry team.

The second call is to support multiple MDD congregations participating in the Pacific Western Regional Leap of Faith project. The Leap of Faith project matches aspiring congregations with larger congregations able to mentor them in growth strategies. In the national Leap of Faith we learned that visiting a larger congregation with opportunities for leadership dialogue gives congregational leaders an embodied experience of a larger church. Our contributions will defray the congregational expenses.

Our third call is to fund the Small Congregation Grant Fund. This fund helps congregations with small projects that do not need a full Chalice Lighter grant. Most recently we have funded professional workshops in Idaho Falls, ID, Helena, MT and Sheridan, WY. These workshops included leadership development, membership growth and exploration of the role of covenant in congregational life. These small grants help congregations throughout the year when a little gifts allows something special to happen.

For more information on the Chalice Lighter program, go to

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Hello! I am excited to be joining the Universalist UnitarianCommunity of El Paso! My name is Cemelli de Aztlan, and I am thedaughter of Maria de Jesus Robles and Carlos Aceves. I am a proudmember of the Kalpulli Tlalteca, an indigenous traditionscommunity in El Paso, Texas where I have served as an electedofficer for 2 consecutive years. In 2013 I will be a first year moondancer, and I hope to deepen my spiritual insight, connect to thefeminine healing power, and, as a collective force, offer a prayer tothe world. I am currently an ordained minister through the FirstNations Ministry and would like to learn to conduct two-spiritwedding ceremonies for LGBTQ couples, and become certified toconduct weddings within ICE Detention Centers and Jails. In myprofessional life, I serve as the Racial Justice Program Manager atthe YWCA and I will be teaching Indigenous Religious Studies part-time at UTEP in the spring. I have a B.A. in English and ReligiousStudies from Concordia University in Austin; and a Masters inDivinity with a focus on Women in Religious Studies and IndigenousReligious Studies from Harvard University. I am a mother of twochildren, Itza'e and Ameyalli.

Please be sure to introduce yourself and welcome her to our community!

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Do you have musical talents?

UUCEP is seeking members and visitors interested in sharing their musical talents during the offertory of each service. Please

contact Alex at

[email protected]





[email protected]

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EL PASO, TX 79930

Phone: (915) 562-4001

E-Mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web! WWW.UUELPASO.ORG This congregation welcomes the participation of all

members, friends and visitors without regard to race, class, national origin, physical or mental

ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression.

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Page 14: August 2013 NUUSLETTER 2013 NUUsletter.pdfUnitarian Universalist Community of El Paso 4425 Byron St. El Paso, TX 79930 EL PASO NUUSLETTER August 2013 UUCEP, family and friends of Ken