Audience Research

AUDIENCE RESEARCH By Charlotte Griffin

Transcript of Audience Research

Page 1: Audience Research


By Charlotte Griffin

Page 2: Audience Research


I made a questionnaire on survey monkey to find out quantitative and

qualitative data about people who read music magazines.

This is what I found …

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Question 1:

This survey was completed

entirely online meaning that

overall the audience will

generally be younger. From the

18 people who responded to my

questionnaire 17 of these

people were in the 16-20 age

bracket. 1 person was in the 21-

25 age bracket. This suggests

that the main audience for

magazines are people aged 16-

20. I will take this on board

when creating my own music


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Question 2:

I asked my friends on the

social media site Facebook to

complete this survey knowing

that most of the replies would

therefore be from females.

However, there are twice as

many female responses as

male responses, showing that

more women read magazines

than men.

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Question 3:

From this survey it can be

seen that Pop is the most

popular genre of music

within this sample of 18

people. The least popular

is Classical , but Pop only

has 3 more votes. Just

because Classical music

has a smaller fan base,

there is still a large

enough fan base to

create a magazine for

them. I will consider this

when creating my own


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Question 4:

Answers included:

• ‘interviews and latest music news’

• ‘I don't, but if I did it would be for

the interviews’

• ‘For event listings and info.’

• ‘Interviews, Posters, Competitions’

• ‘I want to be keeping update with

music 2014’

• ‘To see when my favourite bands

are touring etc.’

• ‘To keep up to date with the music

industry gossip’

• ‘To get up to date with current

popular music’

• ‘to find out more about artists I'm

starting to like’

The phrase ‘up to date’

reoccurs throughout the 17

responses for this

question. I will use this

feedback to make sure that

the content of my

magazine is modern and

‘up to date’ and relevant to

today’s music lovers.

Interviews are also shown

to be very important

features in magazines. I

will consider this when

creating my own magazine.