Atlas of Medieval History - 1961


Transcript of Atlas of Medieval History - 1961

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Note l c mps

Thc primary requiremet of te tra\er i a

it of the pae he wi be aing throgh or

by; n the edeva peiod wen trae! �a

oty by ea te ned wa et b) ist of oata town. The e it were readiy onerted

to diaa of te type on te bak er

whih ow, aon the bottom the eee

of n oata town fro Haifa in Paetie

to Damitta at th eater orner of the

Eyptian dca Fro Jaa in the ete a road

eads nand to eraem whi i aowed an

xpadd ae and oiderabe deai: fom

eraem anoter road i own oing o to

aas at ogy the orret ane and irohy the rht reatiohip to the Rier

ordan and te Dea Sea oweer, te

preentaton of a right·aned piee of oas ine

as raht bring te Ne to ne with he

pine of te book and Cairo p aat

ersae (op rit-an orner o that te

map annot be ad to be a rea s

Mattew Pari who drew th ap wa a

onk te map on te fnt r is by a

profesiona Abraa re olia map

and ompa aker to Peter I of Araon

Inreangy odent e o the opa i n the

h ety ed 1 a demand for abe harts

and pped the informatio neesary fo

teir ottio by te end of the etry an

asoisiny arae otin of te edier

ranea wa aae pemosed on

obie rid of ompabeari This grid wa

extended a a famwork for he eaborate Aa

of the Word wh Cree proded in 175

a a gif for the Kin of ane Th eionown on te front er, he ingdom of ehi

in e nothweern qarter of ndia a ony

non to rs by heara and the map's

eda oe kns and oter reat

in he itt·known erad are at r iht

t most strii featre Bthe eb of oas

bearing the ontat ae orret

orenta on of the tin o oata town and

ecn the fat ta the town ar repreented bystandard sybo rah than ndiida

pitre pthe drene between a map ad

an itration between edia and oer

atitde 14 re on wet to

Poa whee a roje for reahing dia by

irnaigati fra was being atiey

died te ariner of he Ae o Disoery

were o s hart drawn p o the Caaa


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Con McEvedy Th PgAtas f

a Hsp evse he uhor r o Wooo

eui ook

t Itoio r vrd 2. dn ud 4

Lttn 6

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Noe o Mous rr 2s 490I 9 1

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de opl h l ha ee o hohe ufold o edev hor uope dhe Ne   couou o o o h of o ho le hhlre dee fre of ho d e eded pl ork of refeece h heo h h e hve uh hor oo ovou fc hch he purel ol ppoh oe oe d he oderede o roop l ed o kppere ou offou. I oul eph-

d he ehod of preeo here dopedd f he eu h ere pcorloue pepecve eee o he holehh ehe he eve popoo o d�fee ho eve

here oggrpde o he p forepe he o h o ho Lodo or deo o po u he do of e pl he do of Fced eve udvded o uche oue

d o o here hoeve uh ore hoolol de h uul eh e e  ho dere po e d h oeherh he o e o dee epoch oe drel coped

he hreh p h ke up he ered ve eo he uk of eh eco de up ove o p ho he poce o he e ervl h vere foe o ore p (ded he ee d e he de he e of he e)orepod de o he l po oe dho epecve he ee of hedod e deveope of he ecoo oplee2

he eco l he p ove e he ere urope Norh r d he dde he reo or he hoe of h re e ude o he hoe l d equre explo oe leh

I he edevl perod he o of uroped he Ner fored ou he ee o hh o reed o eh ohe uere lo opee u o ro he e ofheod ph er We c hk ofhe uopeNe re culdeche ouh oue of he ck e foed he cc crle c Oe d Sheer (Fure I) he ouhe e redoud o he r Se d he p of he ckd oe oehe he uppe do

o he e of he ou d heoe up he Sue e he ouh hueduced o he reo of he Ou d reve (u uke) d e d h o eee he uopeNe� e d he re o he od ook plce vuke he ppe ecepo o h rulehe Nore he ouuee d he derof he Shr d pe oue hoeve rhe dvdu ever ueed elr

he uopeNee hoo du heperod uder odeo (6014) ru of he chevee el deo-

re h I he he Nore dcoveedd ooed Geeld dur he h eurd he ler eooeed dee ouo he o of Noh erc hch he eredld u hee eve ere repored e f l uope d he hh odo heveul euhed he Geeld coo ddo ecoue ere he eouce equred fohe ued eo eeded o eh he lre pee ee o f ve u- he feeh ceu d he ucceu eped

o of he 1490 le oude our peod hedovee de he oruuee eoe 4ee relve pek upo he oed he lc co o he Gufof Gue he ouher er he Shr o foe o he deered r hdee o he o d ho fer he Icoque o Noh rc oue ere opeedup eee ooccoe d he eerSud hoe lve vo d old provded he or ourh rShr rde heo eee he o oue odeedre he he ur of oocco uredouh heed he Nero pre of Ghhch hd held uch of he Ne d Seea ce he fourh ceur d e he

coveo he popuo o I. e hhe k eee he o oue ecepue eo d he ve Ic epre of hh repled Gh 140 purued h eeve oo o he ehe p rue coe Id h er

G 1 he uropeNeer ou edevl e h he Id d erl (Nod oue u

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Aaba and Egyp carried a far gter trac hanhe Saharan oe bt aso was esponsibe fo he medation of a politicoreigos change ononly one casion n the Aras saled toSind the wesenmost povnce of Inda and ied

fo he Calphae. Agan he atemp to defygeogaphy was ony momenay sccessf andSnd hogh etvey Isamized, was neithe consos of he emporal athority of the Caphnor even membered n aghdad

aned tha hese incdens do not invadatethe essential ccmscripion of the EoNear-East area thee emans he moh of the sackTkestan where the seted agrctra commntes of the Nea Eas petered o and he Asatic

steppe the doman of he nomad began Thendian cdesac also opend on o western rkesan (a he Khyber pass) and n antty,

GMoements nto and ot of the Eropean

NeaEastern area

Norse (nnhenth centes)B Potges (feenth centy) Mabs hteenh cenry) Arabs (eghh centy) Nomads (thoghot he perod).

when the neare pars of Trkestan were moedentey eted and cold be conted whn heNearEastern area it was possibe for the Persianand Macedonian empires o nclde an Indianponce Ding the medeal period when the

nomads' hold on rkestan was nbroen, theand rote to nda ws never atemped by awestrn army The hrd seed ciaton theChnese, lay on he other sde of he en of nomads, fa beyond the eecte poiti reach of he tmes Oeland trade etween the cizedhree was consderabe espcaly when the nomads ereced her larger empres and he caraanscod jorney n safety bt as wh the Saharanand spe rotes commncatons were eay oo

enos to bea anyhng weghte han resand gospes; the nomads eectvey ed he mothof the sac

f the nomads had en content with a sacrole there cold e no obon to he treatmentof he EropNeaEas area as an soaedentity nfornaely their par was fa fom pa-se and their aggessions bogh a commonfacto no he hsoy ofChnanda Erope,andhe Near Es Hns, Tks and Mongos arepa of the sory of eah he Ne Eas andJnda shang adjacen openngs on to Asia oftenshared he same sorm from the Steppe; he powe of the Kshans Whte Hns and Tmrds fo exampe orginaly centered on he Oxs basnextended smtaneosly nto the Near East Asaproper and Ind a; and hogh Chna was frtheraway he exceptona empire the Trksh n thesxth cenry and the Mongol n the thrteenth cod ear on boh Chna and he EropeNear-Eas aea a the same me t if there is an n

trsie eemen n the hisory of al hree IndaChna, and he EropNearEastern powescold only aect each other indrectly by someeort aganst the ineposed nomads (fo eampe

Chinese atacks weakened he Trish Khanate inhe seenth cety and ths eased the Aab con·es of ranoxana) and as ong as not saen of the doings of te nomads in Trkesanand of hei hinese and Indan interess he

ropeNeaEast area can thn be faly con-sdeed in aco

The area whn the sack as dened in Fgrecontans a ot f dead space the area aen hebase map for ts book is speimpoed on herst in Fgre 3) emnates most of hs On henorthen and western boders he sacice of northen Scannaa celand, he Cnares andthe Atanc coas o Afca alows a great edction n area ithot moe han insigncanty

aecn he hstorca comprehensveness of h!map. A more dasc economy has n made nhe soth the exclson of the Easen SdanAbyssinia an the sothen hrd of he Arabanpennsla Nbia and Abyssna are nata back-wates and, n he medeval perod, they were fr-ther solated by their Christan fah whch madethem alen to er Moslem neghbos. he petyNbian prncaies wee naly desoyed by heMamks n he thteenth and foteenth cen-res; Abyssnia ost h e coasine to the Arabs i nhe tenh centry bt was othewse ef aone heArabs colonied he coast as far soth as Zanzibardrng he tenh and tweth centies b neereached or knew of Madagasca Beow anbarthe sohwad cent was consdered too t toaow a rern orney) o eave ot sch aeas sreasonable enogh The ingdoms of SohAraba, stagng posts on the mb of the spicerote tha went to Egyp and Eas rica are asoltle loss fo he deser eectiely ct them o

from he other ddeEastern conres Btfrom he desert itsef came one of the mos vtal of medeva forces Islam. he exclsion of pat of s brthplace s sted by the atitde of Isam

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ise, no oe ied o Abi n iiniy oPleine Win iy yer o e opede, Abi d becoe ee ponce o eEpe o cu nd i en eeed o originl condiion o unogned nodi

e lic powe wee neier neeed n eir o uc deole borde eoy no ex-cep in o ey concerned e Mecc pil-gige oue, we o e Und e e cicunce wo d o Abi rely ee ueenoug

e eern border cu o oe o Pei n eou nd becue o e exigencie o e pojecion ncude n unnecey p o Siber ne no e excuded p o Pei i olydee nd py pie ole n ioy, ely

lwy ponce o e e conollng ep iible on e p e iddl ecion o ecen bode exend beyond e uppe ndlower pt o ow e uenn nec ene in e oerlp i u o e epoyoppe o e EuopenNeen bole

2 n e poliic p e nguge o e doinnpeope in ny e cn be deduced o e d-ng o e e or e ype o bode round i Aclssicion by lnguge i ig pooubiue o e e eueen clicionby ce. Ti idel no been eped plybecue o r no ye bed on pyicl cceriic pogced uc beyond e webownyellowblc diion o coon ob-

rion e pprenly oe cenc ineg-on uc ul eueen nd bloodgoup deeinion only o rel ue in eudy o l ioled populion nd end o


e e coeed by e bc p ed i

i boo.

ge e e nwe ec e wen pplied olge goup wiin e wie ce, e only onew wic we concened For enyone wo in i dy nd ge goe oundeurng ed in e expecion o brodlyppcble eu ne i neigono eng pr e c ul pe i by noen enirely geneiclly deerined, i i ob-

iou e concep o oginlly pue ceicegened by oeen ng plce in ioic ie i obolee i i ncien u bereplced a e eled docine o pecilceon o nil pece by eory o con-inuou eoluion. A pure c in uc iew iply one wic been ioled o ucienie o nube o pecil cceiic o declop nd wiin wic ee i e coninul ix -ing necey o ped ee crceiiceeny

ougou e populion Bu duing ny iolion oe ueu pecuiiie n e eelypyiognoic will ppe dilec poge ine o ne w lnguge nd ll iion n e

pen o cooingpo cn be te r ep owd new culure ee cnge o ngugend beu e ucepble o oe re-wding nlyi or ey gie n indicion o encey o group well ery eniie

index o i ecuiy. Being in ind nguge, ce nd culur e ingle copex, elnguic clicion will be en o be ld nd oe ueul n e purey pyicl

By e le ou cenury e inbin o e Ron Epire wee pedoinnly inpeing in e we reepeng n e eyond e rone wee bbn w ln-guge blonging eie o e ndouropengoup o wic bo in nd ee belong oro one o e oe

We lnguge goup

oSeic o AicnArbin ndrlAic Ain e lnguge o ipornce e begining o e ediel peiod e ownogee wi eir cceiic dng o bode in e lgercice in e p on e oppoepge wic i e lnguiic ey or e Aong e ndouopen ongue in ndee e e plin elc i ecly linedeuonic gien doed peipey, S nd Bdgonly lned in oppoie ene nd nin

oionlly lined Wiin e rnin

goup,An nd ud e cloely ded Peinbodly e Aenn dply er coe erion o e rnn ype ee Mp 362 o loug ingiiclly ey deee pen o ei own, ey wee enicly ongly nzednd eiioccy w eniely Pein Hioy nee ben i o e Arenin nd i io l o bing o now e ie ndSee o e pupoe o i boo ynony-

ou wi ebe nd Ab, rc coced,e Seie ing e wide e e AicMongol d u e bode o cicleolid in one c open in e oe e ln

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Fn ae iled. It i no kow whc o te Altaic language wa oen by te Hus,and te choc of e Mogo rater than teTurksh sybo er a Ma 362 ieiely arbtay

The ec trucue o te oa Eie aa o Ancie Hitoy and, a by e auagetest each al wa evey hoogenized in theouth cetury no dsecton is underake ee.But in oe ovces e eoe did eit theaiiaton roc one exale Britain,whc reained eltceag to e ed of teEire anohe is te egio o he westerPyenee whee te Basques clung to er aivetongue a indeed tey sil do today. Basue sbeleved o be eated to te Georgian anguageso Transcaucasia wich are equaly nonIndoEuroea ad uclasiable if t i he woeoe ay b e enant o a onc wdesreadouatio a ou Wte anguage grou wose dece antedates ou eaest ecods TeBaque who ae her st aaranc onMa 47, have a grea ect fo er own ati-quy sayg tha wen God eeded soe boeswi whc o ae e t an He too tefro a Baue ceeey and it woud requir a

king aten o do jutic o the oddity Butke e Georgas eent o Ma 362 as te eebe o Abga and e Kingdos of braand Laica, they layed oy a inor role nedeval hisory so, rate an overtress theiriortace ave eft e ain

Te aer crcle the a on ow teatens ued o anguage whic dierenateddung the couse of te eriod coveed by theatla Sani aear ate the al o Vigotc

Sai (Ma 737 Fenc ad aan ater ecolase o the ranks Eie (Ma adVc the fournth cury Ma 1360, ale ing aindeved aguages ad hereore

unshaded Ate Ma 98 e connental Ge-as ar all enclosd wiin te cateated bordeo thei edeval Eire ad dots becae hediinguisng ark o he Scandinavans Theoran loe e do a tey ae aslated,

bu for dagaatic eaon the Engi do oregain eir eve wen they have abobd theirenc aistocacy; e evoluion o Teutonsdot) ito Eng (ain Scandavia (dots)and Gean caellaed) ereoe ac alvsual logic Silary whn he Maya aearMa 37 there i no sig o ei aentage basically inni wit a Turkis eleent aed in eir atern of vetica tre, and the ussias when the e coe to d eentate tefro the oer Slavs (Ma 9) ar given a co-letely new atern ad not one evolved ro teSlavs obliue ading n both ca he coce of a contrasing sybol as bn dctated by edesre to ainain te caty o the as a aie wen e  itoy getg iceaingy co-caed A a la constecy the doted borderis aso used for e crusader sae, Bac evan-e ad Aegea; altoug Teuons onoolzede Baltic crusade, hose n the Medierraeawere donaed by he Fench and oras and

e use of dos cano jusied ecaly onguistcaly. Te cruader aes nded a uy-ing chaaceritc owever and do ovide asasacory eco o te Vkr"drung of efth ad sixth centues

Bede gving a overal lgusc icure adte dvion ino state, te a ao indcae ina aoxiae anne te degree to whc tevariou ol iica etiie were interaly orgaiedAt e triba level tere i no bounding ine aound

he sading and ony when he tribe evolve atable Kngh i gven a outlie i be-coes an Ee the ne hicened Theexcetio o hs rue ae e Scadavia

Kigdo wic are neve ouedFo Kigdo woud have bn ueu to give

bot the dynty and he county ( oa Kgdo of Engld o in he cae o sac dyn-aties whc are uualy couled wth er

caital e ae o i a wel e dynatctte Uayyad Erate o ordova ) osdeaons o sace oibt te use o es ul teand I have ned te wesen Kgdo o earydays by her ounder ribe and aer e al o e rankih Eire, by tei coury (FashKgdo Kingdo of Frace) The easternsaes are reeed o siy by dynasty extwe a dyasy ha severa brache in whiccae tey are ditinguihed by teir catal owns(Buwahds o Bagdad, Haadan ad Isaan)

Te nae of the TurcoMongo dynaesee o caue ore dcuy han can b exlaied by h r exotic eing and ronunciaioTe iortan oi to eeber is at a dyn-asty such a te Seu ust be disinguiedfo a eoe uc as the Ghu, jut heHoenaue ut dingued ro theGeas In the ranteraton o saic andTucoMogol aes I have ben ececic tyngo oow i the ajoriy of cae e verions

avoured by odern cholar bu retag incostecies halowed by tie For insace Iave alowed Murabi and Muwaid o reacAoravid ad Aload but etained Otoaad Gu n lac of the oe exac orsOsanli an Toquzohuz t case o inguistc grous wth a disctve ading enae are oited ae a few aeaan

ttThe eade o any hsorca ata oud

warned aas alowg h critica acuies o

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b damd b appart obtt of a map.T ap of a oatln t of a to, a fat ad ubosou u u oapn a tu or mattr fatpd a l ubt mar T of a ln, t of ltr allmpaz rta fatu of at ral parmap ad pa ptur ad opd o p opood o ommntar aompan map, but mut admt ta as bmpobl T t an am tat turat poed a b rod tmap t t maxmum obt I a om-mad Tr a, of our b o atmpt top opon out of ommntar fatao r no lfull ufar lo

of fat a m o a prap dr tubtl bouqut of prud

T a ln of tm at parat amap a obou xampl of tp of eatmnt at a asl pror o paralt Ioud b to a map at xd ral andot to b ad nto omprn or xtdnt tral b a dr to o a Empr at tabout pa or a tuaon at t mo talHor, to p a xd ntral and t ll t

to of t Mddl A ould rqur a arnum of map pobl tr m as ma unua dtrbuon a adopd mpl a ou of t nd to oom.

t a of assal ta, o mod of tra-mnt oud am to b xat for r a rof pobl poto at ad nto o anotA aal a l b pro of tar a t onl a oma autonom or b fa dpd, mr o t formaua of a mpot moar It ma pao a o amount of tbu ad t ondrf a par of larr ol l o otand a dfad tat ma b pa a run

blama tout urrdrn an of t o- I u a tr to o a tat adpd or a a al or to norpora ttn a Empr out dun at allmu b a peroa do t otrmt al dar� A pal bordr . ) ud fo f ld b o orn portn rtor of anotr (for xamp b t of Enand ra or for oe db a oor por t lad mor tao tat for xampl t Du of urudt lad bot Fraand Grma)No otf ar o

En appantl fatual rporn, rar dbatab po, for mdal tor a atud ot tout t oror Wr

bodrs ar ura, or, a n mor oftt a r r mor ta xtm au a rd o da b p tm o-mtral mp Compard to t maaua n our od of mdal onomo, poltal urtat ar f adfar bt ad t se of map da tt onom of t EuropNarat ara muof formato prd uppotou t xrm So tat pat of urbazato a

b se on o of a rta z ar o Ampl a r rpre a to t a m-mum of tt touad abat taddto of a outr r to rl o att numb of nabtat a at t tm mnmum .. a nt touad or mor Sofa o ood but ufortuatl data rurd amot ntl la al ult t oa f fat, a dal of assumpon ad fra ada mo uor n mot

a t z of a

to' popuaton n mda tm an o amatr of opon. Ho t mor odan I ould a arumn or a pauarto a a tat I t oral ptu

to ut tru to utf t m

4 T mdal peod opd t fall of

Mdtrra Empr of om W ad rplamt b a upa Grmanzdt, radua old t fudal aWt t o out of t Earn af of tEmp b Ilam alo ora t Afrapro of Wt, ad t ntao of t Sa t Crtndom t mpa Crta rld ftd nortard u a d of t Mddl A l Lat (Caol)Cur a ouon t Gr (Ortodox

bot r ond o ontal EuopA r of am aton rnd t Mdr-raa, r bul appearn o pr Crt-dom from xpandn aa pt of aran Crta prpondra alt adoo

At ral trouout t nturtat parat t a of Rom from a of Contao a of omad appard fromAa to trror tr m auurat

ad to dllr Tr dasao dd muo undrm propert of am ad to p-nt Rua from dopn tp t rtof Euro b b t d of t prod t rarl t lo d

Ma ubt dsr ful duo a a t ommnar tat aompan map bu t bf ummar of t MddA tr ubjt parular dmad addtoal tram. Wout om udtad of  fal of t Wr Roma Empr, ouon ad d of fuda ot, ad ruromad on, t our of mda oould appa rat and man


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e n nd f e clssicl wd is subecwic f ms ppe s c spec nd iscin s wr sm nss e seesz f e mpi, nvr uled n Wes b sic nd e mn ccs, bnin e Dk As, wic civzin sesw e Rmn n e lds f culu, w, nddminisin cnrbue s lin uwe vcs f e Gmns r dser mnkind? Suc viw is bs xmind bcnsdern w wud ve ppend if mpire d suvived b cnsidein in exmpe we u individu mpiesxisd n f spn ws fundmn em mpe ws eced c im T

rsu ws endenc snn r es emee rsuin f emns d been cedn ds f ns s Te cncp few nl ves m be rcve, buee s b sid f secin newrus even e xpns f e ld Rme divn d ve nd u cnsderblxibli ws sil xibed n sm ws, Rmn s ckd vi A e end lens wee n muliplin, e wee simp

burdTis bins us prblem cn be cnsdeed me cncr erms w dd Ws mpe fl wn dd? e mmdinswr s, cue dvnc f e unswic rned Gemns in din we d n d cpc d f b nnumbs nd in ms we b n superr e lenrs w mnned e fnes Tedcine e mpirs ppuln m vebn bslue mee cmprv brbinnce. m ve bn due e c seble pprin f e msses wee svessvs d nrusl w reprducn re)


d n e ubn peiwic mus vc ben decimd b ndemic ndpidemic dsses u wevr xn esn e mnpw sun mpiecin deered

--e Germn nd

s din ws xd b e spclin f Rmn sce Wie v du meGemn ws sesn sde c Rmnin repesnd e dnce smeens even undds f civilins Tu prssnl sdie s dvns f dcipend expen nd cn usul be ied n df svr ims numbe f musei cpci f dn s is evil dependen ni bein we uipped nd i s ppnd , mmn wn e numbers wee ben

nin el ns m e einies und e meds nd equpmn wee pelesslbs e Germn sder f e end efu nu d be swd mde f bsee nd Gs d ln s cnues f cvr wfe fm nmds eRussn seppe T Rmns w ef dpendenn diplin nd nesp, nd wen efed s f e mus n n un, n iin Gemns Germns Tis s

culd n be spp n indspensbesld wil s up n is n f even s msspnsible demnds re n me n e end,e Wsen mpe ws desd b ms fe prssn Gemn sldir mpeincss d ceed

u i is s ue w did n s fls we s Ws T nsw s bck Julus esr w b cnun Gu u fpersn mbiin, cied e mn les cnnenl upe. Te Gks nd in-ns d cnzed nd cnmicl unied eMedernen l pvidn e bsis ispic uncin s ceved b Rm Juius

srmcd nd cnns s nuluni nd !nducd Mdinen culu innce nd nlnd Tee ursd neld mnne we e pliicl cme wsvurbe u wen e Rmn rnirs cd xpnd d dfnc css bn rse esnde de f nrws died up n ee xin nd e ppl f cs fc e x mn's nn T Wes snpved cmp unbe p is w. Onc edvisn f mpire bcme li nd Ws ws deprved e supp frwelie m ubnid i clpsedms spnnus Te s ws jus cenu u nvds nd i udsTus survived inlus nur nd

b Jusinins ime d bu nive rm nnw ins

e rein wns nd d xnpenl s vil ne nd e bsen f szblwns nd f nd d rus n e Wesis srkin eur f Mp Te ewe f wnsmn lss d w isimpnce e exceur n s sibind s pmn n cs, cs clnxes n mne s mniml T r prcene

f e pru scrd uncpivpesn nspr i we cn mr·keed uilid wu xbin wse,ields ve pr eun. n e Ws, xnkld wns nd de nd nl lende rul ppn T s ws red flwen smn kncked d


T scp pc f Rmn x cllcr pess n e e ds Rmnmpi en pu emseves und e precn bies cl lndwnes n unfr e psns lnd, lndwner

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ue he cvi nteret hi cient n r pie hle him rm txe h eem hr n rm the pent' pint view rhe urenee hi rehl n cme enntwhm the nr cu evct t wil n it tln meure the uen xtin tht inthe lat ntuy the etern mpire the ree-hlin pentry vlunily luie ithe nl ine l run He tene tkeh incren en in pruce where pile he e mney thee w ut, the le the tax-therer t t ecme necry r him t iven hi n n n in itnt wn n he ncme miniter he eveyy lie hi een it prcicly rihc pentry huhhe cenr uthrity i nt exit

he Gemn wh ven the et were h-in men win lence t the he theirn which they h expree in n th theennn the cmpin In n er cnnu-u wrre, t miht hve en iven the memn r mny yer n hee w rwn teneny r he uccul ee rl rup  wn ecme ccepte pemnenKin Previuly he Knhip h n tem-prry p cree ny t nwer uen

emerency, n even when t ecme ieln iw nt rt prerive ny ne huehe rue uccen evve wy n in-exle yem prve the implet meth  vn nuiny cne t the crntinBy then he Germn were rely ettle nRmn n n the meme wrn hcme lnwner hey til we n liin miliry vce n tme trule he chie thc l wrn n he he Kn hepeant pivey ccepte he iry ue  he new nwne n pi hm ent in kin ri ur n eurn r hi prtectn hey pry un hm cheper t uppt thn Rmn

whe tnr ivn w rele t cty iehi prtectin exene int he mliy pheewhere the Rmn h een impten

The ciety rme y hi uin le Rmnn Gemn yem clle eul It i eenily eplcement lw n mney y i-tn n tthe he inl Rmn iel  venmen n the eu ne can e chemtic-lly cmpre hu:

RANr PRRxo) (Epu


May!obaoA pdu   una abuPAAT

he erenc ween the tw hwever,reter thn h, r whee the vernment w

nly pt he Rmn ie eulim pemete meev mn' extence he Rmntnuhe we nw, etween rhlern tenn Frenchmn the eeventh cen-ury everyne, rn r pent he h e tenn r keep t he h t rener ue  me r puce lur mltry ervice thi verlr Yet n he he hn, whie heenere hi ue, he cul nt e evice rmhi e n he cul p i n t hi heir, thtn me wy he hel uht here w hu cmpee un ecnmic n plticl -ln n he cipal elnhp eive her, n v

Brn i he eul im reuie -viin, r he th en y the mle nknih reee t thei lcl leer, h prvnci uperir, n nly the ie nwe leince rect t the Kn Al themiliry itin w pey eenive, n Kin wihe we enve wr he h tc lwe y pmie plune r pi-n. A hme ure ween n wee cntnuu n en ete y rce thuh therew enency t reque he in heKn A pweul perniy t the p culmke he we ytem eem me cey nihn t w u Kin cu pwer epenen the ie the ryl mn he ln wneirecy y hm y hi wn niht

It wil e een tht he re hin ut eu-m w t chepne huh he utice minitere within t rmewrk w veyinerir rt i prec he pent t minmlct Utimtey the pen epene n the nure hi rn n ne h hvecnele h n mnkn t hpe r neee ecin when, exmple rentunl cmpe entiely n. utthe e hiry the Rmn mpre h prve

ht u cn c mre hn t th n heeu ytem cme elie t pveyricken urpe y rinn tme h eun e rmle! n w wkin rly wel Usually lnd ut nt aways A c mlitay antment cl eqully e a e and nce yu stat tn n s wed way t dcult draw e ne anywee

2 Te earle German Kngdms n Wesen ue stlssesse a sdeale amunt e man macnery enmen and a lng me ns' erentates(nts wee aned eac admnstae dst As

e antmet sn ecame eeday and te caans uld btan m e ing an mmunty wcgaanteed ter ndendece, cunt ame mey neeual tte

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However, fom ts paculate natre, feudasmwas nstabe for age Empes and he naCaoingan owerng was bon o wthe Infac in is e feudal sysem was elf-orrecingfor if thee were wo o moe sons the Kng'snheitance was aways ivided ween them.

Fo reaons of economy, the Byzaines tootoye wi fea instiions They set p peantcommuntes on state and wich etrne miliaysevice instead of en On ccasion they eenswalowed teir feeng ta t was angeros oge he cl an miliary adminisraon of anarea to a sngle man an spli the mpe nobaronia-ype nts But e magnates weealways subjec o a strct sta conro, and in heend the mpre aways revete o a tax-payng

peasany and a professiona amyThe feudal system gan to dcline wen

aond , ro became scenly weathyto aord a imed rern to centraze government The wo Noman Kingoms e the wayte Noman genus being asisted by te piosstory of te ans they conqeed In ngand,he Roman element had en nearly exermnaedn e sow AngSaxon advance an the land repeoped by immigans from Germany The resu

was a socey akn to e pimte Geman andtough ate inences from te continen causeda spercia fealizaon hee was nee hesame olook as there was n rane The ormans wo won ngland beng few, cold onlyhope o ol the prze f hey obseed a miaydiscpine an alhogh e uiized feudal forms,Wlam n fac oganzed the nw state in a manne tat mae him t e ecve aho�iy ougho e land Soen ay ad been ecentlyByzantne wen seized by Gar and waseasy fo im to eve te machinery of aucacythoug agan the ermnoogy was agely feuae smal sie of te kingdoms sted tem o 

he ole tey payed n eintodcing cenralzaion They did not srain e smpe communicaons of the imes, and hey sowc at, on scha cale a east the new meod of governmenwas economcal an ecient As the natonancome n he West connue o se an moneyene to a domna place n evryay lfe eecencies of fedasm became moe obvousI became ader o bar wh the ocal eccenrictes tha wee s ineiable adnc o crcmven is nebiliy and to couner is bascawlessness The mecants and he peaansfond he champon in he Kng wo by arspltng nssence on hs fedal ighs and byrevial of decayed pecedent ofen managed towear down e unsbodnate baronage o to

rie hem o a reol n whc hey cod beestoyed Roya popaganda encorage herow of natona as opposed o poncia patriotsm; t apeaed o the memoy of Romangreatness and Roman aw o e end of eMdle Ages however the size of te area inwich sch a pes coul be moe an emporariy sccesf remained mie rance corrpone to he maximum he Geman mpirewas wel aboe i an maey e cenrifuga

fores spli i no a maze of big an lite efswho isores of evorng an iving are lkehe crcar sores of pond ife

Merchan an monarch wee boh concerned olmt the power of the baonage and, as is taskreqed ther actie aance the basic ssue between the iteress of the two aely showeuing the Mdle Ages When the feudal systempouced a compete fagmenaon of aortyand wee the towns were lage an ch, therches an mos powefl mercants cou se pan oigchcal government of their own Theepbli of Nogood and Vence ae eampesof he type of rban placy tat eslte and

ee wee oers in Germany Iay and nothRssa v in e boom of th posperty,suc ciy staes were aways iable o capue byan ngenous or foreign espot, an of them aonly enice te wealtiest an the s efeneby nate manage to preserve e from

Te olgay was a far aong the oad towasdemacy mediea man eer sw In mostconries, te ast mss of te poplaion wasasanty slen an kng only o left alonexreme wretceness occoned a few olsrisngs (Face 37 Germany 40 of bindsal fuy n ngan he only distrbance wasa o for er wages (38) whch was as poically dumb as tes Smary, te ony exposons of e rban poetaia came in imes of 

epession an though n s case reots inlandes (38) an lorence (379) i ea tothe temporay erecton ofpopuar govemenste faied ecause e miries they wee sppos to aleiate wee causd by conomic facosrae han misrue Tere was nee any spontaneos emoion n favou of demacy in teMidle Ages an t was ony in the sckns of testate tat sch aations were n

TH NOASAthough nomaism is a more primitie statethan agrcutraism i s cacey ess siaizedand in e meeal peiod nomad socees ofenpossd a ctre comparable in evel of atainment to tha n te contemporary seted communties Flocks of sp, goats an hoses pode al the raw mateias nessary for a smplefe and a goo many uxuies too Inee inweat the noma ofen exceeded e agrcturas fo if is pasue was poo n ualiy i wasnealy imiess in exen an wile e coud keepmovng is hes cod of gea size

he abii to move fa an fast was the key

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o of th oads xs a th root o hssss wa Napoo's d of taryot sas that th a strgth of aary s th prot of s s ad spd Noaars whh vry a was o oy horsd

bt had a spa ot ow o ov at aspeed tha or h ra was phoa. asof hs oby thy gav a toay sadg prsso of oros brs a th worhord ogay a tr for a Tko oorgt a to a a ab swar Ths oos psso wa strgth byh oads ostk apaty for horoghdso whh std paty ro th harsh·ss of spp ad dsrt f party fo hropg hat ad a of th v·tpyg

peaas  Tor spra or a oad advaea h to prpar th way fo vtory

Th s aothr aaogy wth osts whh sworh prs: osts say v ot thr vss sotay gasshopprs h aras o srbwhh ar sattd hogh th sert A s·sso o goo yars ass a argt o hsrb sads d osqy of th ost popao; th x ya s attrophay ba thsads shrk to a ao o hr orga sz

a h osts a owdd toghr Th sgh o hds o oh o hs kd g abot ot o h stats h va ost toaophos Wh h hag o th gratoyor s opt th who swar res ao ro h sa hy hav a ba ass ot o pasrs w

ow bg a pat sh pry at asspayd atg oad ovs s d·baab ttps hav bee ad o ra h

htoy o Asat ov o a ya sao oth o bt probaby th haso xposv gato s h too sv to a gd o og aos s obvos

howv ha physa fators o ths yp wrrsposb for h of h st tha at sook hod o th oad wor ad whh ssay dsr pry poa ts

Of h for grat oad atos th Arabs,

rs Tks ad ogos th st wo havhsos whh ar par o th gratr soy of sa Thr ssses h to gv p oa·s ad et o th ads hy had oa hogh oasoay w bs (abtsQaraas swp fo h dsrt to ovhrowh Eprs sabsh by hr forbears, hrwas vr ay atpt to pos h d wayof  f o h std ots of th NarEas aa Th Trks a ogos w far otora a ary aways gord th habts of 

th popaos hy ad hevs astrs ofThy rgardd rgato woks a othr aso rasg th tty of h a as ps to grazg a oy ds o r th sobak to past Thy had a sp aswr o thpob o sps popao whh sh a drop provy ta

Th ary powss of th Trkoogosad th habtay rhss way whh wsxpod bogh osdrab gas to h o

a wod Th s, Avars, ad agyars t boght th gara stpp wth hAsa obt, th Sks h sa fo Aatoa,wh h bos of th stp w ary awaysdr oad doato ad h wrt o thga Khas xtdd a yo Yt a h dof h d Ags th strgg was gog agasth oa spy beae paoras a sp·port oy a sa popao As s ost vd h sgg tw Cha ad th oads o

h orth bod t was h provspeory o th agrras that wo h ayTh xpag ass o Chs tay ovr·owd th wa ha had bee b o kp th

artar ot ad o assar o or thaotary stop th a aggsso o hpeasay Th oad ght apa hoseor h ys o th o th oad thosa tpato of hs s was a sob

at that th st sez h o o xst Wh th owss ehoogy dd thay sprory o th oad, th bat hadaady e wo gay had be orpoado Chsdo a h Tks of Aaoa wtg th s hy ha dsoatd Otoas adTrds th at Trksh oqros bt thras ao a atry orThs book dos ot prtd to o o ogahoarshp o rseah s a opao hof tdos wok vovd brgg o prsI hav be h ssd by th oagof y broth ra Evdy by h fordad dt o of tr so by th aa of at o Wood, ad yh ga a ssa a fshd by y w


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ves e on scl eres sown n ebse of s boo e oen cosen b n

s s bondres b onn brres ioseeves on ocl geog nd conseenl desee es el enon nor-ne e re iossble o dsl nob-svel nd ve d o b eeged o s ncon w n ell necess ndcon ofe gener crce of e errin

e ses nd os convncng ees o onn foners e e Penees nd Alswc se o e bein nd lnennsls Mnor nges sole Boe e

Crns gve Hngr n border n ees e Bnines wee ble o recee foe dees o e eg cnr b seeng be·nd e s Soe rnges of e egwere o ess ornce e Als ere relse edge o e Sr e Irnn le rrees n olcl soon becse s sercrcescl doned negborng enes sc s Mesoo og s occsonl esced e le of Consnnole ns

o e onns bween e fones wne Bns e oe ofen e res of concbeween se ower nd nd owe Bznnesvess Slvs nd Bgs enens verss Bnines nd ons n e olnes o nr eror nis silr e Aennnesnever rrbd e bll nsverse dvsonof l B oo og e boo w enbee reder o e s own dedcons

n el edev ies e cons beween

oe wi e jo o s nd oenlbe nd e lnds of e so Medenenlorl nd er s w on occson srso good lnd ws less ng n ig see


e re cl nde clvon n e Wesws onl rcon o e ossble, e res beng

oes nd n one ie l e ceed ndws ling flow. In g nd Mesoo ervers bog no on we b ferlng slnd n e song sn e eds wee enoroslge nd olons corresondngl denser.Afe 10 ores clenc in o ied ebnce owds Crsendo revios o de obbl on elled e bndonenofesed lnd wees e oon o ene s e end of e edevl eod wsobbl less nd cenl no oe n i d

ben n Ron ies e wesern ovncssowed n ncese of e ode of 50- ercennd sern oe one gess n evengee rse e cone oess of norenldes ened of cose enrel vgn ndinsigncn nbed

I. In Mesopotamia over-rrgaton had dangers as

could n tme rae the water able. whh s salne, o a leel

at whh rops were aeted It hs ee sugested that hs

rather than Hlu's vstaton ws h aue of Msopoa

a delne n h te edeval pod

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Augustus th s Roa Epo( B D 4) ithr cosidig

hat th Ep had rachd ts aural liis orbtrd by his ow faiu to subdu Gany,advsed his succssos agais fuh pasio,

ad his advic was, by and ag folowd Thcoqust of Grany woud hav liatd adangous y ad shortnd h Roa lnbu t was vr atptd again though hcnury folowig h dath of Augustus hRoas had a ca iliary superorty h wtra provices whch wr acquid i this piodwr o tl vau and wth o cpio hade los agai by h da of th s ap in thissers Thcpo was ian whos conqus

bgun by Caudius (44 was probably es·sary to proec h coast of Frac It also athat h Roas had pracicaly copltd hircoqus o h lts O Span oth Itay,ranc ad h British ss, oy Iland adPcsh Scoand raid fr) Th Ep wason th dfnsv af th dah ofTraan (98 7 b fo a log whil i aiaind s ttory adrepusd n hi ay atps o ba thoughth RhnDanu for h ng Gasturd a fo h ddLebensraum. Pont

i hs ov wr h Gohs who i h hdetu achd h Back Sa wh hy stablshd two cofdacs hat o th Visgohs(Ws Goths) ad tha o h Osrogoths (EastGoths). Th Osogohs adopd a oadic wayo if, sud to th spp, bw h Dipand h Do whch was h ct of hi powad a asrs o a vast tact of coutywhich reachd back o th orgial Baic ho·ads. hn as ow h Slavs od h basc

popuao o Eastn Europ ad EuopaRusia oly h fw who d orthwads aongh inish peops ad preevd th feedoar vsb i his ap As h Osogohs a h


a of th pow udr h agdaykg Eaaich advacd yod th Do, thyca io cotact wih th Aas an Iaiapeop oadzig n th Caucasus and wih hHus who wr h vanguad of h Asiacs

h Goths w h stogst of th Gasand h os advnuous Grany tshr was o ato of coparab pow Thtibs wr anagostic to ach othr ad dsuntd wthi hevs Oly ts o cisisdid a tib c a ig it was th poliical adogaizatoa supioiy of th Roans whichwas h ost ipoan acto th prsevaioo h Epr i at cuis Th aish andAlanancodatios w h ot robl

so h tbs ot acuay on th foti wit own although th Agls ad Saosraidd h coass o Brtai ad Face h Frs·ians, howv who wr th an pow thoh Sa, w idly o th Roas

Th Easn ro o th Roan Epi waspotctd in s orhn pat by h bur satso Lazca beia, ad Ana but i Msopoaa h Roa and Psia Epirs w ndict conact Psia, adiioaly hosi wash oy sa tha rivalld Ro sabliy and

civlztio wn th wo thr w rquntif ypcay ndcsiv wars East o th Prsiasw h Kushas holdig h valy of th Ousad tdig o boh ca Asia ad Idia

Th Aabia ad Aica fotirs of hRoan Epi corrspond wth h dgs of thAabia and Afican dsts Th Arabs adBrbrs who ihabtd ths ihospitab placsw a uisace to th Epi but nvr or thana loca dagr

If th ois o h Roan Epi hadchagd lit n thr and a ha ceuis thEpr tse was vry dirt fo hat ofAugusus. Th rquts o h la,

always buso had bec crushg as hpopulato and powr of Ros es hadicrasd owads h d of h hird ceturth Epi had early dsngrad udr hatacs o Gras and Psans ad ahough

t was savd th rorganaon by ilan(830 crad wha was ray a nw EprThorcaly at ast th whol conoy wasroz ad th tad to h i o provid foh casgly sv profssiona sodyDce bea h pri coc ad i cose-quc a good gra was th best Epor Asa coolay o this h sparat rois rqurdspara coads, and t was usual to dvd hEp into wsr ad ast halvs i i

wih th divsio bwn Lati and G spa-ng populaios. h vctory ofChrsaiy whchfurh asod th Epir is dat wth aspara secio

In cotdictio o ths vaious trds, thyar 362 saw th Ep uid ad ocialy rvig to paganis undr h Ero Juia Acop gral h had dcisivly datd hlas FacoAlancnvasion o Fa houghh alowd s o h Franks o ettl i Bguaig h trba orgazation whl acow-

ldgg h supeacy of Ro (38 hs forula h r '/oedeati was ar used odsib such tibs had alady be appd oth Norh Biish ad was o b usd ncasigyn th t ty yars but uia probaby rgardd it as a poay pdit, ssaybecaus s ita dssesios ad hn Psiaaacs quid hs psnc and ay i hEast

I Liea nd Ibra w h t Kgdoms of h

Gorgias, a d had b vu y hstazd. T or

prlv Absgas aso o oga stk mad


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46 Jian's xpdon agas Prsindd in diss H himsl s

kild ad h my oy xid his ssso hd signd y by whih h mpirdd h sn hl o Roman Msopoamiawhil bia and Armnia bam sian assals4 y and lag h Romans kp hs ms,hogh hy ond i dil o sis ingin Ami n h d h kingdom was diiddbwn h wo wih h sns ging ohs o h oy 7 h Romans apdhis bd bagi wih li, o i ws by his mssnil o h p o h asn roni.hir misons hr w only a mooasshdow o wh was aing pla in op

7 h sdy swd xpnsio o h

Osogohs pookd an pos io omh Hs o h Voga spp maah saw hisamis swallowd p by h nomd hods d hisg mpi mbl wy h Hns old owd o h nb, shing h Visigohs dnsling h Gpids who had h mison oopy h Hngian spp 7 h hysld dow wih h oks, ods o psha shd ba o h Cspian. n h yrshy hd obrad ny o Grmn xpan-

soWhil h Gpids mind wh hy w aassals oh Hs h Gohs ad Asdig Vdlsppid o h Romn mpi o snay hRomans allod hm nds og h nboi b d so obargly h by 7 hVsigohs had bok o in ro agais hiw mass h my ha h as mprold o l h ol ws nhid by hGohi alry Adiaopl. Caly hd dmonsrad h i ws h dis am d hgons w sd s h Romns hadll ary hi rmy ws om now on gyomposd o Gman or Hnsh mrnars

nd i was no long bo bbi gs wwidig osdrabl polal pow os-qn o his ddn h Visigohs abo a oid ows od o plk h iso hir ioy d w mpoly pd by mixr o diplomay and bokd ) hybok o again i o b similay sldhis im in pis (ohws G posonom whih hy od dn o ihr ha oh mpi n hy add y only o bbn bk by h skil o Siliho h Vadlwho ommandd h amy o h Ws Whl hyrord gosli iiho was abl o da a ormidab oalon o Osogohs, Qdnd Asding Vands 4) b o dd ay hwas ord o sip h Rhin oni o roops

h x y oiio oMomani Qdd Asdng and Siing Vadals oghr wih la o Alas who hd d om h Hndomiad Cass mod wswd owdh now dnlss poin o a On hlas dy o 4 hy rossd h on Rh aMain

e ea es ag e u Daue e Ale·

ma ama, ad Qd k olce asSuv follo e oues oe alt f406 u·q maps e e s sed o denoe e MaroanoQuad onge

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4 There was nothing to oppoe heravages of he Aan-VandalSuevic

hode whch swarmed over France in 7; the only

possbilty o deiveance lay n he garrson o

Briain, which had revolted and set up a soldieEmror o ts ow. He did ndd cross he

Channe in orce and ostensiby it was to paciythe province, which he auhoies at Rome ap·

peaed to have abandoned but in act he smply

sough suppot or hi uurped imperial te omhe ank Bugundan, and Aemanni who hadaken advantage o the ollapse o the onie oannex the let bank of the Rhine he Aan

Vandals and Suv were alowed to cros the

Pyens and eize ands along the Alantic seaboard o Span (409) he only othe ect o hs

revolt was tha in takng with him the rooprom Bitain he et the counry wih no defen

agat he AngoSaon rads ecep or whattheunwlngly independent provncials coud provde om hei own esources I n the end he waeaily capued and euted by a Roman army

tha would have bn te employed esewhee

(41 while Engand slipd out o he Romanorbit into Cetic anarchy

When in 8 Sticho wa mudered by the Emperor who distruted h ambiion he aliancore of he Empie, or which so much had bnsacriced was mmedately oeit he Empre

had eised o o long that no one could imagine alteative; he babaians asked ony o andand ubdes n ieu of punder thei eaders formiitary commands within he amewok o the

mra sysem Onc Sicho wa dead Aaic

King o he Vigoth preened his dmands at thegaes o Rome and, hough at st he wa con

ciiaoy the refusal o the Wen authortie

(ae in the new and impregnabe capia oRavenna to mee h clam ed o the stomingo he city (40 Although the acua ack wa

mid and almos esctul he pretige o he

Roman world el wth the ancient cene o t

greanes and now ha it helplesnes wa ba

oned aboad the anom aked by t enemies

grew Ye Aaic's succeso were l sucientympreed by he civlzation they held a hei

mercy o work to peseve it In he mralservice the Vgoth eneed Gaul (42 where

anohe val empeor who had been ceaed by

he Fank and Alemann was disposed of 4 3hey hen moved to Spain (44 atacking he

ates ounded by he AanVandalSuevic invader he Siling Vandals and Alans wee ete

mnaed (6 the Suevi and Asdng Vandals

ony aved by he Romans who feau o he

Vsigoths coming al powerfu pemauly

ruaded hem to retre to he etensive ands insouthwet ane whch were the rewad of hei

abours he new Vsigohic Kingdom wa fom even nomina imrial uzerany thee was

now no ormua o diguie he breakup of

Roman powe

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45 a ga af tr h tth a, th H ark

ay t t d Ala 333) y adfl f h rgh ad f h ak fh hal f p hy ad adad d f th a p

ad dd d ray datg th gda 3) r tlda fda y h Ra d a (3)Oy Saa) ak rha a -apd h Ala th (Rpaarak f t Rh ad a l th t th a aal f h H

Ata d ay ad t a alar a A y dy f Ra, gda ad Saa ak, th a gh

ak gahd pp h Aa fl akfr Ola (th tt p rahd yay f Aaa r ad th a at h Cap Maa h atl ahardfght l th r hktla ad rd t thgh d tHgay p a lt pard. yar radd taly trg ad ad t ght. a tr h dd ad t h p pad t a dtryd y ara l Ld y pd a

hd r rrd a h at f Nda(

Wh p a paalyd ad al dy h a f Ata, Afa a add y thAdg adal () lakad tp f th Ra a prt Afra pply fr ay 44 Kg a, ly ad hls ldad pr ad t hlf a

gad fgt y R, a add y

at y l , I, Ag SaJt, ad a h Jt ga a pra tt h hat (4 S

f t r apd fr al h y g a, h thy fdd a dpdty la ad ak a t

p f h Ka t a gh f Pra, ad dlg adly

fr pak h sd ry y gg f f ry Kha ad ghly Pad ad thyr pt aay y th H 4, a Mgla h gatd f Ala ga h t, ra a hld rah ha ay r prd ly aggr trrrg th ar pr f a mpr ad h ra f th Kha Afgaa

I. Th5 t clacal . bt t kly that Jtlad

n Dak a on b h Dan a cndabl t

bf th onqut of uh-at Engl;d ad hat t a

t f Fa tb T a ha ndd U

dpad fo ar ad tprar ettld ra

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476 After the dsaser at he eda,sme he Huns emained a ew

yars in Hungary, raidng he Easten EmpreWhen they und that even hs was beynd hestrengh hey lwed their behren wh hadretuned the Rssan steppe 40 On the shes

the Sea Azv he w ntngens knwn asKurgrs and tigurs, bikered ver the srryremnant the Empire Ata Nex t themn he Cimea, a pcket Ostgths suvived asa memen Ermanarihs kewse vanishedglry

The ul exent the Savs s nw reveaedHdden bee by the Osrgh and HunnshEmpres he Savs had ped he ands east he Ode, and nth and east the Capathians

srthng the upper Dn n Rssa w theymved in the territres he ermans had etvaant and their western and suhen bndariesbecame the Elb and he we Danube O theman grps Slavs, he Anes sth Russawee the weathes and mst pweu but pay al he Savs as well as he reaed Bas, weeve backwad Their myrad hietans laked asns uny and were heree easiy dminatedby ther ras

he nal sage in the disnegratn heWese Empie has nw n eahed The Vsi-ghs expanded he ire and he Rhne 40n ran and cnqered Span (498 exptr he pars cpied by he pevus Sev nvaders and by he abignal and alms inacess-ibe Basqes e Bugndians estabshed a nsideable dman srechng m Switzeland he Mediteanean, whle he ranks and heAlemanni advaned mre gaduay tay was nhe hands Odaer a barbaran genera w

nally disnsed wh puppet emprrs (4, andaknwledgng insead he szeranty heEasten Emperr wh he pvis ha n atemp

be made reaze it reied as Kng ay Othe Wesern Empe here emained ny Da-mata where dwet u 48 an Emper alyregned by the East; he nthwes uarer rane was stl n Rman hands but as he n-dependen Kngdm Sssns he reatin a

evted general n as part the EmpireBere he Wesern Empre st the ast its

and had st its mmand the sa he re-sight the Vanda Kng Gaser in budng aee nw enabled hm dminae the edterranean Aer mpleting he nues Aa45 he annexed he Balears Crsia, Sardinia.and he wesen end Sy whle hs adersbrght bak the plnder bth West and Easthe Vanda sak Rme in 45 was ar mre

thrgh and busnesslke than Aais Butapar m Vanda rads, he Easen Empre wasgiven a beathng spae n whih t epair andrnew itsel

I Ocialy the extinction of he Western hlf estoe

he uty fte Empe. bu it is sefl teti he gegh·il qulion s meue o he m dieene be

ween he ssil mpie f Rme the Rom mpie

of Costniole

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8 Th a al of th Ws Eidid ot bin stabiiy tohGa

stas tha had ow n ts a doawho had etsios to th Iial ihtanand Daata on th dah o its Eo(4; and wh h ians ossd h anb

fo Boha h dad th so shily thatthy vanih o histoy (4 thi a nBohia was ak by a oday of Svieans th Bvaans doas sssstatd th ss of h East oansTh ovnt of Constanio had bn havin iasi tob with is stoothi odas ad as t sood o o by his sss oai oad Thodo h sooh oivad Itay At a hadfoht wa (493

ad so jdiios ahy Thodoi adhse ast of a lad alian Kido.Th nw Goth ow was sabishds to vn th o oase of th od

Byatnsoof hs vals and tih and fo olity Covs ad hislso Ki of th Fas In 4 h aned hKdo of Soissos and n 5 th ads of hAani t fo a oo whh Thodooo d his oion and inooad i hOstrogothic Kngdom. Bu Clo

vs's mos mport-ant ahivnt was his voy ov h Visiohsa Voill (5 afte whih h wold hav nth ot of Fa altoth f hodo hado itvnd aain Thodoi too h ova oas o th Bndans (thy had los ito th Visohs in 4 and had oy js andt afr th Visgothc dbacle). H h dfeadh Fanks ad aid o h Vsioths th stof Medierranea Face kown as Septimana.

Th death of Cvs ( and h divsion of hs

Kndo w hs o sons weakd thFaks, ad thei dismal atemp o annex Bur-

gudy potd only Thodoc, who inceased his


holdi i ovn As Thodoi aso d hVisohi a o bhalf o ts boyin hst o th Goths was nv hih It was vnst to ak h Vandals iv hi ohold n Sily wihot a

Th sas had bn ab o tak advata

o th baassns o h oa E asthy had had oad ob of thi ow Iattin o dfnd th asn ovi foh ana ioads o th Whi Hs h sanKi nally ost his l and ay 44 ThEie was lt a th y of h vios, whohowv i t oad fashion, otnd hslvs wih a asootoand a iodattbt Th atttions w iasiny diedto Idia h atway o whh had b i thi

hands si hi iaio of h Kshas oAfhaisa (c. 4 Psia bathd aai bsoy

T rio w o S�": 0 o s

ch r o cor. T sg 'ingdo

hro o s ow o o c d ddo o h wod b o ch s igcc o

h F go w rgrdd sg

ov jo b og

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Th fourth cntury saw h ti-umph of h Chrisian Church. A

its sart, Chistians w stil std; by hnd h adoption of any oh igion by an Empro was unthinkabl, and h Chch was unassalab. This vctory of Chrisiany ov pagan

sm ws a wakovr fo its doga ws smpl, sthical and sia mag mor pogrssiv, andis oganzation, vallng ha of h stat bocin and mlitan With n addition a clarspoy in podigy and miracl th ony spris is hat h marty shold hav en somany. Prhaps ths was d o th dmand forlics th machinry sd in many xctonssms o hav bn dsgnd wih th nnionof poducng vaid mans

Amnia cam h r Chrisan stat 303);h Roman Emp followd337 and thogh hEmpro Jian dissablshd and dsavowdChrisianiy h faid to rvvify th ancint bifsHs synthtic no-aonism which boowd hsrur and oubid th ssion of its valhad no ral folowng and his sccssor rtordth Chch o its pvous poston In h as hafof h cnury h nw igon spad to th Grmans (Burgndians, Lombards Vandals and hris to th st of h Vandals in Map 362), b

nfortunaty hy wr convd o AanChsiany which hogh tmporariy n vogun h Empr was soon dnouncd by h hrachy fo its dviaionsm conrning h naturof h Tny This was mch dbad: was Godh Fah Q sparat from God h Son· (thArian viw) ? was on mrly an aspc of thohr (h Salian viw) ? o wr hy a oncdistinct and simlr y h tim his was tldth Arians and Sablians ponouncd htica

and h thd ida accpd a nw som had brokn ovr th rlaton of h human and divincomponns of Chist whthr hy wr com2

py fusd nrly spaa, or spaat btcommingd As bfor h mysical compomiwas nally adoptd, h Monophysit doctrin ofcompl fsion and th Nstorian of ntr spaaton bng condmnd aftr a stuggl lasinghogh th fh and sxh cnus Th im

potanc of h s\bl agmnts ls n thadopton of dsning viws s a badg by opla odds with athoy or by natons gropng for asns of ny n thos days of pagmatc politicalthough, an attmp to scd from th Empi onh bss of 'Armnia for h Arnians wodhav en nhnkabl Bt h cnra powcod b ndircly changd by adopng thlocal pariotic hsy and ths th Monophysismso pssionay adhrd o in Egyp Syria (which

at s incind o toriansm) and Armnawas aly a sign of dsconnt ohwis inxprbl Th African Donatistscod no achvso sub a sbmation in opposing th apponmnt of a ctain bishop of Cathag thi nsubordnaon crossd th indn bonda wn lay and clsasical aars and hyboght down on thi hads h ful wgh of thcivl am agan ism th natv Btsh dvlopmn rahr os ts poin whn h lgions l andth hahn Saxon bcam th anagonst, bu n

s conc with ths if ah than h nx itsms tmpoaly o hav appd a dp stamn th insar chaactr

n const, Gman Ariansm was h bannof a pod and vry succsfl minority fafl ofabsopton ino th ass of Cathoics hy hadsubjugatd Ths atmp o xis as a dstinc andsurior class was shosightd for i was a coninal mndr of th narow bas and forignna of Gohc l. Covis King of h ranks,

owd mch of hs sccss ovr th Visigohs to hsshwd adoption of Caholcism, whch nabdhi o pos as lrao to h Roman provncials

and hr piss T cacy of his co wasshow on ld of Vouil in h sisncand vialy f h rankish sa s a whol andby th imitaion of th urgndians, who ansfrrd from Aianism to Cahoicism in 516

Th wsh rligon won adns aong th

Brbr and Aabs a hs im b h ony fahwhich advad compaaby wih th Chisianwas that augh by Mani (2-76 whch rlas oMazdasm (th naonal rigion of Prsia) rathas ds Chisianiy o udaism Manchismwhi apng th Mazdais this ha lif is astgg twn h Gods of good and vlpachd an advancd ronal thic havng manysmlats t th Chrstian n spi of rprssioni sprad rapdy i rsia (though nvr dispac

ing Mdais and afr is intoducion o homan Empi for a im md o bchalngngth Chisias nwy-won position t pblicopinion soo turnd against and by th sxhcntuy ution had forcd undgroundTh Christan counrinvasion of Prsia, hwork of h Nsoians, nvr raly dvlodEach govmn sms o hav bn rdy owlcom th oth hrcs and f th Manichans ovr-xpoitd hir origina wcom uingit into nmiy h Nstoians svval n Prsia

can b ad o hr vy imd succssNbia and Abyssna h only Chrisian

counts no on th map thy w convrd inth ay sxth and fth cns rscvly blost what lt conac hy had with h rs ofChstndom whn h Mosms conqurdEgyp (s pag 24).

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5 � Catholir-rnd W� A-cd Ut

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hs ap sos t prcpatad ros ad tons o t

EroarEas aa t ary stntry ad t coots hc podcdpovncaly n potab sps o tradros t th ara ro ots or

ortry h sl ro sttcd o hnaacross ntral Asa ad Prsa o h EastrnRoan Ep otr, h sp rot rona crossd h nan can an Prsan Gla jon t s ro n Msopotaa hscrt o so ct ha gaaly spacoss Asa aog t h rac prodc,b conoogy o ts spa s vry rtanAt dt ohs ap t natr o s as stlobscr to th Eastr Roans Ra sl ad sgoos r as on gh pt, t stapl o s rot r spc, ovr obscrsrah ta plans h coos o h natra t ncds a rag o goods trad nsa aon not y t ppp covs tg an so o o today b also ys, oras,snts, pgnts gms nns, an a ro-gnos colcon o sbstans opy b-v o b o a va Sps ravs allros b ay drvd ro na an topoan provn o Prsa rang

ots ar Mdrranan nto donatdby Consantop ac Sa nson os by hc ra s carrd o nsad t Rd ot o Araba an East Arca

t l b s hat ay al th arg tos oth ay on poat ros ad ocors taon bn trad ad to s ndantalan aly nrtv o th tar caavanor sp t on o a hav o say hr co chag or sl goos an rst h

sss o t onsa h ta as bota or o rv and an otl or prodctso a agctr an sry A os pro28

cd s gass poty, an ao anv tr as tt r ssta cnq btn h procs o on to an toso anotr t or psv artcl co btadd a a pro o t dosyncrasy o clco ts casashp h as no atpt

o so sc anactrs on t ap thy ascny cad by h prsn o a onhy dd ov gray sll vol oa an t a oads gvng a ot a vttyo ts o

S goods ad spcs rpatly od ncopoay sors gv an prsson tat Eastn Ep as ag o balan s a adtat ts gol rsvs r bg dsspat to byrvos t contporary socs ar otsadng o cptvat by cptoa so otc orgn ac abr Araban radsdan ars and aons y gl hvo o oaday ta h sror sz o hgat as Roan cs as probably cdn a vo o porab aacrs ta sysd o pay o t rs portd roPrsa an togh s hat t Eastrn E-pors obad pot o bllon a ts tts s prncpaly d to t tay anssAl avaab god as or sbsdg

rns ad paang s abroaSo portant coods o Roan tad

av ot ntod so a co congo Egypt Scy an h Cra rs oRssa an slavs o th babaan borsvryh Egypt a a onopoly o papyrsbt papys no ongr t nq pac ha acnt od Snc th bgnng o thCrsa ra parchn boo had nstay osng h papyrs ol

h pacty o os an ta conntalEo a ts t hs bn ar n tpra Evn Mtraan rac a pracc

aly co to a sop t Ws, hog hs casch o t cl as o t prdaoy actvts o h Vaals Ro ddld o a cy ot scon ran oc t sppy o Arcan cornr p ad as th Vanas bca ss gr so ty ost conto o h no an bca

nab r thy a ory b ng ton h o hogh h East EprorJstnan conqrd th Vanals oo provcapabo rgang h vaab ad pas oh provn and hr as rvva o rad nh strn Mdrraa stnan's oocpocs lgnt bt nqtd Sng thstaglol Prsa a on h s an spcots h attptd to dvr hs rr o tot ad soh spctvy An bassy as so th ransoan s o t s raccol b rod no o t span h nr-nc Araba ad Abyssnan aars as n-tdd to sgad t R Sa ott an ncorag t Egyptan rchats to sa rondAaba to da hs thy ad don n t aryays o h Epr and pobably a dgoods s ass ths ay va Aab dnt Egypta sps plyng t Rd Sa at hs t only concn h Sdans ad EasArcan gol, voy, ad savs and h h

spcs hat s gos and Araba cod po-v Jstn ald s atpts o toghs das r son bot ros r ytzd a cns ar cod no vbgn to cotro sc dsant as as Vogastpp a byssa Hs o qad conoc sccss as obag slors bysat hy p to o by 55

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56 ustinian who became Empeor n27 dedcate himself and he East

e Empire o the econques of he West Thsrequied a defensive polcy on the Persan fontieand in spe of amost continual war Pesan annexaton was lmie o Ibea. whch was aeay

he vassa Justnan's mliay avenure beganwih an atack on the Vanas whose kngomsnegaed wih unexpeced s ( eavngh vctor fee to tun aganst the OsogothsSiciy was taken ( and tay nvae 6 butafe a colape as apd as tha of the Vanals theOstrogoths alled an were not nay cusheduntl 6. when a ond army was sen ou by heand oute o ay n a Visgohc civ waoeed an easy occupaton of the southen hd

of Spain were remarkable succee; blany served by t class generals ustnan hadachieve a vey consdeable pa of his unreascplan t s ashonabe to say that h cos o hsvctoes was oo high; that he Eatern homeansha bn exhauste o wn back provinces hat

wee too �evastated o een temelves Bu the etoraion o Roman hegemony in the Meie

anean incease the power as wel as he pestgeof he Empe as Sanca Sophia and San Vae

epesen somehng more han the whim of aespot

The our sons o Clovis contnue thei ahesagganzemen of the Franksh kingom Pa of

pimana was weste fom he Vsigoths (an Thurngia was annee n the same year;Buguny was subjugaed 4 and ovene acure rom the weakening Osogoths 6 n

the Bavarians who ha moved ino moeBavara on the olape oheOsogoths acknowlege rankish suzeainy The enlaged ank

ish Kingom came moreove under a singe ulein 8 by which ae al bu one of the sos ofClovis had ded The suvvor however left the

Kingdom on hs eah (6 to his four sons andn thei issensons he st riod of ankishexpansion came o an en

In far Asa he destrucon ofagea Mongolan

Empe by th revolt o ts Tuksh vassals 2le to a westwad igh of he vanquished known

o he Chnee a he ouan oua The Turkshpower ha wa oune by hs vctoy advandapidly and ts western ames cshe he WhiHuns n On the defea o ther old enemesthe Persans quckly occupied the ands souh o

the Oxus ouly clamng he vicor as thei ownhe amagamae emnans of he ouan ouan

and the Whte Huns wee known n he West asthe Avas Defeated again by he Turks (9)they move to he Russan steppe where usnan

pa hem to subugae the Huns an Savs whowere habiual rades o he Roman provinces in

the Balkans (96 Supeme fom the Vogato the owe Danube he Avas tuned norh andwes subung the Slavs as they went tl in 62they ame nto conact wh he Franks on theEbe Afe a enurs abence the Asiaic hadretue to Europe

Some me ater 2 the ish began o coonizeWe oland he term Scots ognally analeative to rsh soon came o apped exclusively o these setles fom whom he northenKingdom eventualy took ts name

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6 T vas wsd Eas Turnia fm ans a a sar

srul (563, u viur f dfnc madfurr Wsn vnurs unaracv. n as, nvasn f aucsus y Tus 56sm ndic a y w nnn

flw nms, vars n Eu, uinsad ir fn d aain n ivsin Kana (582 (Ts Caucasan isd isf imran n a i add a Turis r Kaas arady rnus uanf n. T va Kan was us l f cml cnus Slavs an in-vn n a maGid wa wc a im anuniy ain Hunian s. TLmads ny nd is allanc a ric

wn as wl as Gid rry TGids anniad Lmards mvd Iay, an vas as ad Huns fr mcnr i Em n nwly wn and (568T Rmans lisly rad Kan y si-in Gd wn f Ba an au ws una x m un 8 Kan n s vnan n kan rvins Rmans, uy cuid y a Psian war, wdud uyin m

unay f Rmans rsians css mmn inul n nrna issnsnswc cuminad n f Prsan Knss Rman cm T EmrMaurc sn m ac wi an army wic -aind m s rn n aymn ssd is nfacr ia and nay al -mnia (51. s vcrus cncusnRman s cu ansrd Eu rsr Danu dfnc in and vn avanyn css vas n mands

frmnia was and an Bakanswr srvd fr Em a cnsa a alywas s mads, w ady vran


nrn a w xcn cass (56872 and a Pava cial f nw kn-dm au su rsuld in main Ducis S and Bn-vn (5282, aad fm ir rcalvld in Pava y cninun mial cn

rl f RmRavnna ci Wn in 5a Rman cunaac cad P valy asfa s as f Pavia nw kndm was i-slf narly cu in alf, u mards w yn mans cus and usiy f fnindcad unainyfissu nSain , mral inianc dwin. T vivinVisic Mnacy rduc Rman s-sssins a casal si (55 and y annxin Suvc Kindm (584 Visis ru

nary a ninsula undr r cnrl

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66 60 e Rma army gig ea eed maed C

aile ad mdeed e Eme Maiee Eme aidly ame iee e ad e mee lde w wa aed ee i ace Te a deaaed e

Baka ef deecee y e eel geir ae a diraed eidcly byble e Sla aal e EaC f Pea w ad lea rm eRma r fm dya rie de-aed i ei aegig i ae efarMarie Pe Pea eie ad ee amae f radg i eg Cre emarked a rgazed e f e Eaerie. Te free ma Meama

wee eded (607 ile meia wa eced ad alia aded 66 Egy ell e Pera ad e Eae remaig e Rma wee raaged a Heaw ad me Emer 610 derederg e Eme aew e ed ad ia Hwee e maaged maa i e Ea w re fr eex e yea wad e ed a me begig aeaak alae e Kazar

Wi ie raegi ig e efed ae irece aie aem ega ederire mag g Laza adbera decded e Pea mead (64 e Pea reaed by aakg Caie alae w e ar (66 b ee were eed fm ig by e -ig Rma l e ea ad e araa e ad a f e aal wa re-eled ae deed i w cia frmHerai' amy C wa deed ad

mdered y i e ed ea leil i i f af e Ea (68 Tge eaai f ered erie a


mee il 6 a yea a e riereed Heai e meey ealede adma f e Emire e araerad lagage f w ad eme ieagyGreek i e a al ey regii fi eai e Eme a re-

amed Byzae by ira Bya ge d Geek ame fr Cale

Te ar we ad e deiig ge g yea e ery. Te Sla eElb ad i Bemia redaed ar eaiy ad e me Sla be admed e delaed aea e Balkald e eeely dmiaed Fwig ea falre efre Caie 66 eeaaed mlee deedece. Te H al

eded ad Ugr ad Krg aeigrmed a ied Kaae e egi Teame H a exaged fr a Blgaad e ew a bme k a GeaBgria.

Wee Ee ee ee a maleal Te rak kgdm ied aga 6a ally dded a mae wi gegaaly ad merely geeagaly alidTe kgdm f Na ad raa a de-

ed a e eaai 63 ae a iyw d rm e rei diceedad ag ai Sa e Vge eded e Byzaie e (6 aly e Lmad egaed f ee a (601

Te gSax e f Egad wa a f rg e ameed e y e me er ey kig Te i-aded lae wa er m mre ady adi a ee Nrmba a e

derae gSax kgdm wa ealedUde Nmbia leade e em eadae keed ad e ee a a

eaed a w i e Bi f Wae wer rm eir weaker kfk Sa-yd e r ad Crwal ( e .

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I !' 1 i l P :� K , h . Norhumbna

! I I I I " ; I I� "Bnosh 'nglo - " x

B",' I 1>. 1 fRAN

K,of. < NW5tria' ,OTH

: Sweds 




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65 We te Bye d PeiEe d e egged eir

fe d y e Ab d b l-tly d iiuly ed by Med Te ge ie, e s f Ab ee fte ieet ey reted te ftier f

rude by ubidig e eet iefti, eure i d y bee deute freB g, g ve e edted eity ised by Med ded it (63 ived t eete el ued eed t yd te f e PretBy 634 Abi d bee rutd d te rtre dited Hel ed ie ervie e d bk ere t gi. Bue Arb did ret tet i Syr Egyt

d Me ueed 6368 2, d636 epetivey bt sd Trt (2d ere i diuy eed fr TuTe ld er, e ed f e l f Ge e brd d f e t peilse S t te Viig (63 uve fet t ife k d bee v

Hi erte eeie te Per y elve dered i frte Teir Ee eely verru 634 d t f fe ble ied ei deedee te s f Tbit te iet Pette e ef f Te Pe eri- lded te eiy f te T e Oud f e Krs Trsu Te lsf te Wee Turk Ke i 630 eveede Tk fr eitig e Per dterd e Arb t eed teelve ite Pe frer But te Ks ere edig ridy d cica 60 tey defeed teC e te A d e Bgr

Te urd e f e e er ed t te e dive f e Ab ded reed ee Kr


Ab d Byie Are i e-ded tt uy it te ur ided-ee f ' d Cyu fr i btArb d Bytie eted tbute i iiy ideed d y te

Te e f Med te Cli

bed e d, e e f e dp d ee eleed Te ird Ct 6 f e rr fy f teyyd d e fudti fr ereditryClite by eteive e He ged teltie esetl ul r by igudered, d tug te e Ci Ai ei f te Pe e be t bekte er f e yyd. Tey egied Clite i det 66) d eld i f te

e ety Te ter i f e dyie f e feeg tred by e -ti t e yyd tt Al d i desedt ere te igtf e f te Pet eied i e religiu dg f te diteed fti Tei beee teOr-d (Se d Ald (Sie l rtdy e e yyd re e e eig.

I Bi te iy e fr Nrt-b by te idld Kgd f Mei ( i te re f e AgS gde e ubet.

I Some o Ie Bulg e o te Dbe; some e

Vol te olg ulg er K st

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,!· I :ru, I i l l [ 1 I h I . hq l 'f . " KBrnh  ·Mia  . o¢· , " 1   . �<'.,C    �AO' 




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77 The st d f sm hd sese by d thh thee ws

rey ece the ftes f the ew ste teext h cey dd t b dces teres ec sce The ytes hd shte e th ee ctetced As

M d h my Ts. t heces f te ees e eewed fce sm Ac d the ye cestere wee e The ces swet t d he deet the Vsths ) deeed he whe es wh he exce te st t he Abs he des st e he Vshc ce f ce d be- t ere t eeetcy Te Frks dhweer bee eed by be e Myrs

fthe Pce wh beh he metdeceds s rested he rem the f ts ee dys [ the My hresMe cted the Arbs deet scetydecse ed the thet Fce th teAr rds ced edced sce smeyers

O s cer d este fts e et te e t et ts secd wd. Te ces f Arme er d Lc ws tceed t s sccess ws wed y dest s f e Kh meds whch t ed he retess eKhe" t he et see tc ste 8 fed msey d heytes remed ceed. Te e At ws swy sed bck hwee d the s tey wee fced cede d tthe s we te De )Te tc cseeces te ed yte e cetr ty d the weste

Medtere he rdemet the Lmbrd Kdm the deedece esAm d Vece d he emeece f the

P ttes e ret hs m Whtbme f sc d d s bsce

The dss d dssess the Tks mdeestwd exs cmtey esy heAbs t ws t the ery ehhcey ht y csdere ertry ws e

dced d the s Ac he cests weede t the eey the c Em ete t te dect f e hte Tehs themsees wee eed t tete hectc deedece the hd stccy Tbs mch eer hme

the Kdm f hmbr e-ed te edes te Axs )d edced t sse the Wes s the tshhd cme t e ced) f thcyde te cs

d he cts ths re ws bef d eebefre the Pcts d cts thew the rth-mbr yke the the Ax Kdms d trsferred the ece t Mec

I Ts ot t vby ip sus

Ko of t Astus, ih d tuos i to

b t h of th isioths

h ol ls took dvt of t Kz

ft ss t pc t s s pobbl

u f Mys Fs tib t h i

tpp d bco t ist oK oo sot uss T pos fy o

ith t Khzs b co so of


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;�' Ii "I . PlSo.�   I I " 

. d l i   K of . Irish Nonhuba 

' 1 1 1 1 1 " ' I I�'1 :  K .of  � . .  �' rrcia " q i'K of .-.

Wrs5fx Turks



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e e ato w Sra

Aea, a Et e e ro Cosaoe was ovos e eae ww e el to e esas We e a eae te for e Ee, Heaus atee

to oate e Mooss rol

a a oroe ote Mooeesw suese a e uo o o a Ma

Cs tou o suer e e o

eer ooe, was sue oee toafes tse otwar oe vea

eer Mooeles ot o reole

te ssat oves a ee was oeess o expt a aa ue we ol e sowas e eae Moeove ate te est o

e Ere, so we e Moose aea was

overu te Moses a Mooteets lostts ea was qe aaoe

Oral e Csta Cu a o

ae ve Paaraes: Roe Cosatole, A Jersae a Aleara, ao

w Roe a alwas lae a seortaowe te otes reae e aswout rata sae e uae

reous auo was at wee eEros Afe e Ara oqes o Atoeusale a Aleaa te aates el

o te eo rak Wt ol Cosaole aRoe ef e r Roes a at ts re

ee e auor over te woe ueae ra ols Roe leve lkee ause w a aa aas Ia reo of relous aars

e a of te West a ee te Poe rosuoato to a Epeor a a ae s

as teatoal We usta reueRoe e re to epose a o wo

o t te ral le a t looke as toute ol as a retre B e uk o teRoa a teefoe o Paal avt st


a otse e Ere a e Paa ket uo te atoo t a ae As e sa

tw Costaole a Roe fute re

e te osst of tereee te Poe

o ave to oow te wss o Iera loa as te Pata o Costaoe I

oseqee te oaave uwave ouro e Paa ae aar eve to e Eas a

tuer o of relo ta te Paraate oe as a state eate

Dur te Bae ro oow te

Loa vaso, te Eeos o o etal

Ia raua sle a te aos soaePoe asse te teora re of Roe a sevos as a Iea oe He us aeve

eeve freeo wtou o uue.

ae we e oast aeeakrs of e Epeor eo ave e Po aae o ata s eo ojeve otol ove

te Easer Cu t was 77 ta e Ero sae e oooe a ootes Moses oae te estuo o

relos ues a statues te so erous

a so veerate s oos as o e eee ols o oes e ssue was oe o

w te Wes wee aes were ove

veeae a oolas teefore ot uestoo, a e Eas were aes wee eesveaore ol e ue ue e aer o ePaa oosto to te Ero a se arar eo II was eouae

a e os t ue aa roo t tewole see ae se I e rs ae eautoa te East ove sro eo oar ot te oolas eees ste o al

oosto so ta e aea reo Paalsrea ot ae fat se

we e sotItala stts ove w teBaes reae oto were rasere to

e Patraae of Costatole ; te so

alto Ceral Ial was so o te Poa te Bae atet a oques ae,

te o e oas overa all of eet

Vee a sa oeera a Roe a teaea rou e Poe ae se wt teVeea a ate to w ak tra Ial

fo e Ee, ta s as a ove o e reue we oas a ee eo a

te aal ra aete ut te Veetasou ol etake Ravea a tat was os aa

ao 70 B e was ovos a e a

a ae; wt te Easte C

e Bate ool te Poe was ef as eoal o of a estae oo sal o e vale a

oa evoet e Veetas olow

e oea sts aee a oa

peral suat w safeuar ter a a Costatoe a left te r oteates u as ou o e ar o e

Roa seI eral s a sows a skae of

Cseo ue o e avae of Isa wle

teal e elao o Aas o

quest Osroots a Vaas o oveso toCaos o ars 653 Vsos 589 soe ta oueaae e EastWest

st B aks oquest Crstat wasrout o e uras a Bavaras;

rs a Ro evaes o te Ps seur a e AoSaxos of Ela

sevet eu e Is C ut o ro

Roe te aara vass sor aer ts

fouao t eur a s esse reasoro to te Roa see t ultatel

aquese ese wee sa sesses to etaast e loss of Afa Sra a Sa

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3 WinJ r

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lam a lea at rt, bhity a ace t an aa cm-

arab i iz t th Rma Emir, a it wanatra hat a a cviza hl w ch an virmn B wha h RmanEmi ha h Mitraa a a cet, h

rab Emie cci a li a ma Saa i bt it ta wa larly vranh a Rman rt cli an th nwcti that a wr vr n th a ch axn th ab in h hin hat caavan v i wn Eyt a T-iiaaln th ba cat f rh fca Cn-rn h lativ c f lan an ea tranrt,thi i t f th fal f th Calhat acfy v i cata wat. Th ab w

air h ta rt fm Ina -ih n hir han a hir iracy evlyama Byzanti ra y hy fai t iz h a ar hm Th f h rabaccm rt jny m r-nbl f thi I xara h tncy fh Eat ra may i Xry , f yh mal a cty ca cmicaly ran van

Jtnian rc f h nn f nw

cam t friin n ab im Wih Piaabia, an Ey n , th wa nbtacl t h himt f Inia a abiaic t Eyt; Ey n tr x taba h cn hat ln wn t Cntantin N th ab b th Khaar biniac t h Ria ma ib th aliza-i f Jian th ia: th tin fan ta nth f th Caian Thi brhtm cmna t h Byatin f th f mch ewh a Mtanea ra

hra, th Back Sa ac xa h Byzan c w hwvr, avly ,an it w a achivmn t vv. Th f


yt man t y a ha f c bt ; an h icnclatic mvmt wa b-ably ay mtivat by th ncity f ainth Chrch accmla f ci mtal

Th ra f rhwt Ere c a vrymr t n th t tw cmic ma

a thh t ha cea wth h aaan fth at Rman hi fm th tlatc 22 Bcmmcia activty, mainly n Fiian han waciab, win lt, an il bin tra aw a th a manfactr (a txtil,mtalw fw Byzan clathh h l r Sthrn Fanc a n r h W et av, rn a timbr hEa

h i erha a cnvnn mmt rvy

h xil f h mval er a a whThr ar fr naaly crr b whichcan be wvn in ch Th mt laml, ha aleay bn i wh ax fmwhich in ma w alm anywh Th f wl wa a vra, bt th hwf Ee baby away e a etrqaiy an n bean xrt wll Ctn rwn wa cn th a Ea wa nc t Sain a Itay by th M

lm bt nv a fh an th wa lttlman f i in th c th Of th y avai-ab, h xtract fm an (wa a-r a mar w cmmn al cnt;th litm lichn rew y n th nrth By far hbet y w h iv fm nct f hCcia famiy Th mt fam ay i c-chal b hi cm fm th Nw Wr anh c frih th m (carmn fSain a th Near Ea (articary nalaan raacaa an th la f Iia! T vay

h ct ib wih ch a mal mr fy an n hm mr bilan an ab mat (ay am wr ncy

m w bta rncaly fm h Saharavia Ey a Mcc an fm natlia t th f h hirtnth cty th n ancmlt cntl f h mart btann thirli fm ich mn in wrn naa Byha m t ynhi f am (frm amnmlhat a wi ha achiv by abchmt bt th ce vr achiv cmmcia imrtanc Whn th r cc a·ia Er wa ny av fm an am famnby h icvry f xtniv f alnit(a minal cey rlae an eaiy tanf alm) n t Paal Stat Paa am facitat cin n h ml f th ftnthcetry an th Paacy ln h a mly iam hrear

I Though sout or the A: - no oth i Jus:'s


2 Ida alo expoted a ogwood dy

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l �O M'Vie




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Antioch • _ �

'leppo Iskhr. .-.� .    •

J.DIUC15  .BJsra 

x 'SNce/4t CR


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77 I 79 poiicl d eigos dis-coe wi Uyyd e sddey

bled ot ito ope elo bt pt foe ssce of te Uyyd fy wc teyposeced wt vgo e ebes d few s coo Te es ws o oe t

cge of dysty e Abbsds wo epe ow e eediy, decig foOodo s spie of e ccil sppot eyd ecved fo te Sies. Te decle t dbeg de te te yyds cotied dee Abbsds e fics t d sisted owod coes dsppeed d o pospe-os d powef te pe cesed o expd

Te Uyyds d goveed fo scevg to te Ab cp of Mc oly is

egios pedoice e Abbsids foded ew ciy Bgdd (763 fo wc o le eeioes d ceigly iecd by ePes clte wc soded te, tey ostoc w te Abc d Moois copoesofIs Howeve e oy povce wic c-ly efsd o ecge e ey Abbsds wsSp Tee oe of te few yyds o svvefoded depede se (756 fe biestgge wic gve e sis of oSpi e cce o w bck Gc d efod

e Kigdo o se bsisAfetg Rvefo e Veeis 750

te obds peped o bsob e ite-tolly idede d ppely epessp Ste. B e ope s ed of Wesesedo, ppeed to e ks to pecis tepo doio Te Myo Ppi II soof es Me gd o elp we e Popesctoed e deposiioofe ls ofe ppp-kgs of e ose of ovis d te eevto of

Pp to e ks toe Te obdswee defeed d Pp peved s ksdedecy Pp Ste wc e ope

sded to elge o te sie of e estweBye povice (7569.

A o tog sigict cde s e esbset by te Bv Dcy wc se 638d bee vitlly we of ts egc o teFs of potectoe ove te Slv o ts

ete bode te begig of oveet tws o dive wedge betwee te sote Svsd e i ss of ei ki 8

I Tabisa hov, as 5

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8 Chlene, the on of Pinho ecae ole Kn of te F

et lo en tin cotinu ·reive a He annexed the Load Kindo ic ad tated to ne at the Po'etate aan toeter t te Duch o Soeto

77 thouh te Duch o enevento eaiedit deendence evat telf to a rncalit n 8 the Duc o Bavari oed intothe ran Kindo and Caeae ntened te Bavarn oc of etln otectorate ove te neourn Sv The Avar theon oe o ht ve ooed ti ere aoe i decie Te ee detroed coied ani and Buaian attac (96, andtou the Bua too over te e at o te

Avr terto e did not toue te Slav aeaunde ranh rule (ic incuded Boeoava Auta, and Croatia Carene'oenive at te Ud Eate a olinl ucceful, tou te ti ofnothenSan acuired (82 ue nt oileoe evva Te hadet tin of t ecoderod of Fnh exanon aaint teSaxon, o ee on ovecoe ate eeatedcain (828 te einton of te rn, o hd lot alf ter and to the an centur fore (689 roud othe lt of i con-uet B ronal ene Careae adrout under ne ule an ae c, if it coreonded to te acient Eie o te et ine rather th oto ae juticatonfo i evivi the title o Eeo (8 Evenater deat (814 te oentu e d irted to hi ceton dued fo le it cof oveent cne n fact at t t con-tinued to o But te voluntr ent into te

Ee o te Beton d o Srdin due tothe ve ic tat devatatin te NortSea nd edterranean coat


Raidin in the editernen reeented telat ve o te orina Iaic ood, ut it ot directed te Aid Cihte, hoeteoral oer a ai ft Te oredtantEiate tended to ecoe deendet ad ere-ditar, in Tuiia (uled afte 8 the

Alad dat ad Eaten Peia (ruled afte82 the Taid dnat ile the did oorocco eected even the itu utoit oBadd found Siite Clate (89 Interto unde ter dect rule te Aaid Cal-ih ee inaae o viorou ede aea 788 te ot Lazca to te Aaian dt t the can o eon v te Blac SeThe etern ole tate on te oter and notonl terorized the editeaea ut aied at

teoeon of it iand. Te Uaad eante educton o te Balearc nd (98 teAid tht of Sc (82 hie Cete aoveun ole fo Sa (823

In te oth Sea te raide ere Scandnavianain teir exloive entr into Euroen to The dvance o te aih fotier adouht te Dae into contact ith eternChrtedo and te dee o te iian adleft the No Se oer vacuu ut te futt tee event aeared to eleae a the eultof Sandnavian overouaton troue, hich n navatio ade exore Te etad din o te i (Dane and or-eian ored in te Eat te aaeo te ian (Dane and Sede alon teeat ive o Ruia. e Sede hd een colonizin te Ruian hoe of te Batc for oetan centur no iciaitie ee erectedt ovood ad Kiev in te et o te Slavterto, hie te eaent of Blac trohold at Tutoon 82 clened teKhzr conto of te Don·toContatnoletade. Te ucce o tee inteo venture ed

to te doet o te e otale Scan-dnvin coone te Gu o Ri

A the tie aroced en te i tooould dute fo ic to couet, tFrani Eire dilaed te dadvantae of unt eod t ean d te Biti Ie te

ooite ei of divion Te tate of te AnoSaxo oved oeve, te ie of tKido o eex, hic ovece te Corniel d the outhen deendence o ecia(82 and the eoced the uion of otecia d otuia (829

I s h pss Fras 74 l

Islas rs bo

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i�' I "

5(r� f

" l I i F , '  ; K.of " /n 1 �· bQ 1 1 1 1 'I�% . ' I ;

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888 I 84 the rakih Eme wa d-vded betwee h thr gado

of Charemage ad i he xt foy yea thrwa a kaeidoo ei o ato ad amalgamato tg Caoiga rodioad moaity_ Hitora der the divio

a ga wh they orod o moderfo ad gmati hem a yaly dyawh hy do ot, bt by 88 a er of aidhad reted h Eme, ad i wa 8878 hatth deiiv diegaio took ae The mai

or kgdom wr ae Germay adIaly addiio, ambto oble avd ot themo kigdom of ove ad Ja Br-gdy th Beto ad aq eved o thetradtoa idede ad the oty of Bar·

eoa am ratialy iddt. Therakh ahoty over th mdde EroeaSlav agly oaed i i lae aroe he avKgdom ofat Moavia

Dig th am erod th Abbad Cahaeoid i ow owe dvolo Th eatEma aed ito the oeo of th Saa·d 87) ad Said (86) dyati whih eted a aioa eria vval Egyt amdede der th ld Emi ad Chr·ia Ameia vd atoomy at th re oftibe Th weak ofh Caihae eve oed o toeate he etabihme of a dedat oAi Tabaita dr the otto o h o·She Saad (88. th Mdtraea heAghlabd aiay omd their oq ofSly ad from to 880 hld he h of IalyThey w xeled by ombid yzaieakh eo o whh the Byzatie gaiedhe rot It wa hr r erioial gai for wore ad thir oio o it wa aed

more by the oliia diiy ad moveihedae o he la ha by h for of m·ra arm What eore th Byzat o


ed were eeded i the Balka whre heBlga we xadg raidly thogh maily atthe exe ofh Sav

Thravage of th Vkg wee dibed ovrth who of he aa wthi he ah, bt theBrh Ie were he obet o hei attm at

oqe The oreme ovra h iad adhe oh ad we hor of Sotlad, the Daehe tr wo hird of Egad Bt i eah ah ivad tmlaed thir rey ito ty,Kth MaAi tg he Pt ad So ad Alfed o Wex the oy ta Eg·ih Kgdom, ghtig for h who Eglhao Wh 88 Ared reated odoh hae of Dah le Egad add

The Ra riaite foded by th Va

aga w itd by Og 880) ad he exaio of th vat w tate roeeded h moady fo th deea of the Magya by thatziak Tk (c 860) Th Paiak vaiodrov a wedg wee he Khazar ad hiior artr, he Maa ad h Volga Bga, ad eded he Khaaoto o h Riaee I the eig gg bw he omad Tk ad th Ria riaty fo thoio o Soth Ria, the Khaa ayda ieagy imoat art, thogh they doo aly daea t abo 030

i i igm mi clu w

r l Gg gm I

<pl T m

2T (Nr) l gm w pu w

rg fu uy fSpl fuly p y

i Pciply v w pli i

v Cpu Slr pr p

m Vic ug mly yzi w

cly ip

Sly cm pcy f gm

Sl i 8 w rmlly i i 954 y Sci il y gmy

f y wg gm wul

m v

(885 m D

w i pp p Sw w

mry m l f Tmpyuiy w ly cv Dmk Sw

r H g g fr u

chlY i l pm

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Vg d Mlm mudrd rdy c f c

tury w Mgy rd Eup b wa y mry f Crtdm -cm cmp cd u f Ru by t -ik (83) Mgyccupd Hugryy

igty d by t Bulgr w pw y uf Du) d wt rgd -cgm f m g p t p-g y f t tury dryg Emp f Gt Mr T tir rmd dg t w rpd, wdpd,d g f br pir Tuppy cdt t Wt t m i ww y Burgudy t wicwud ppr b cmpriy iccbl

b wic wii lf y w pd byVg, Mm d Mgyr uTwd d f t d Vig c-

tribui w ig D Egldwr fcd rcg uprmcy f Wx8) Bt rs w t wr s d-pd d w pp w rgzd ly md ir ld Scld bucud ut brd f Id ()d rd Vikg gip rt Eg-ld T ly cim t D w cai f Nrmdy cdd by c g ( w wa buy xpdig ifrtr t x f iig rmy.

O r d Mm dig grwmr r Crca d Srdii w badd by Ctdm ug c y wt cty ccupd by Mlm irt s ucr cu wwcd Umyyd pr usg raxiumi Prc rmt ba, pttd

md f Eup imd Si dyty w rplcd gbid i Tui , miid mrim

rt tir pdcssrs dms f gbid mt t d f m bbsidctr i Tuii, b lw bbidpwr dwt mr ri bgig Egypd t dct u d prig i fm t rrw f t prSiit Sid by

t dx d frmly d Smaid() Bt t rlt f t Qrmi (8 Sii c dmtd rbi w blw t bbd prg, d ddtm f t Sd mr f bi mkd ciuc ld cig tdci.T ctii f Sjd Emr wr mly di-rcd wrd dprig rm trdy ml f wlt d ppi ubl pprc t prbm w ci

f ri m gdm (Vspurk, 8) bitr rry w t w d t rgfud bld mi tst dig f maacig rmi.

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Z = I £

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8 In e earl pa fe en neven te mst stlid wld ave ad

adequa easn f eding te glm ped�ins f s nmerlgiss nenng e a·ang miennim bt in fa e state fCisendm imrved nsdeal as Dame neae Te Maga Msem, and Vikingsuges ls eir b tug nl e Magarswere ug t a denie stp_ Te Mslem adswere diminised b te eipatn f anem(97) te is f e alan sars, and e e·vival f Bzantne seawer Te Vikngs, ve-me n Engand and Ieland, retained nnand eand Orkne and Nmand fwi Nrmand alne was eandng and, as terewards f ira dimnised, eir raids died

awaTe disve defeat f te Magars a e Lfed (9) w egan te transfrmatn f anAsai rde in te Cristan ingdm fHunga was ined n em te resugenermans Unde te San dnas e ermaningdm regained 9 e erri reviusls t ance defeated te Danes and b rng-ing Bema Mava and te ElbeOder Savsint dendene began te rocess fermanizatin tat (in te EbeOde egn) k tw n-

dred eas mee and was neve avemre an sura suess in Bemia adMavia Te anneain f nt tal (91 61)nvered e ngdm in an Eme te a-men e emni Ps Piniait f amage at was nd e wer f e Em-ire t ea enraged te view ta a Rmanae ad en reeaed e eman natinBu te Emie at ad en esreted wasCalemagnes nt Cnstanines sered

fm e same deienies in ts lak f brea-ra and its etreme deendene n te pesnai f s e Mreve alg ssessing a

mu smae sli f Wsern Crsendm, isensins were m greater and te Imiale sn beame its seveest andia

In te same peid e slw srinkage f eBzantine Emre was evesd te enqest fCree (961) and Crus (96 mre an men

saed f te ss f e as f Sii 96 andadvanes were made n and Bt gans at e e-ense f te fragmened Lmad and Amenianrniaes and te anneatn f mn and n-sued Emirates emasized n s m teeal f e Eme tg ta ad bvuslmpved as te sikness f is enemes Smilarl was a Rssan invasn ta brke e we fte Bgarian Emire and enabed e Bzaninest edue s easen alf (97 Te Varangan

Prinalit f Russia reaed is ak in e 96wen i nluded te wle f su ssa twn Dn and Danu PrnceSviasav ilaged azas and Bgas u is deat 97) ina Painak ambus was gnminis and s aquisns rved imemanent

Te dminin f te Abbasd Caliae,tug n te Caliate isf was eingsedb te Buwads a rSie Persan dnast twm te Emrs f Mestama and westernPesia ad a genera mage ta gives a fase

impessin f Bwaid seng an impessnemaszed te ad dene f e mainrvals, e Samanids w wee deprved f Tansiana e aakanid Trks (9 In fa,e maintenane f te largel lusr werwas te mt f Bwad aaiiies

Aner Caliate dsappear was tat f eMan disds w disnegrated under Fati-md and Umaad ataks Wen e atimdsnquered Eg (9677) te nters n M

deied and t was te maads w -tained ts smssin Te nw argel Beramies f e Sanis Caiate as erdal

devastaed te Cisian ingdms f e ntu ug e Mslem surema n San adnev efe een s skngl enfred, e vi-tres wee n fwed Te Cristian kingad teir ibte and suvived er defeats

Te rgnal egan ingdms ad nt re

aared n e Arab wdrawal fm Tans-aasia Te Lazians ad earl en bratedb eir kismen te Aasgans; e Iberans adacepted te e f Armenian rnes WenAasga rcristened erself ega 98) sewas makig a bd fr sut f a an-egan artsm t wa en beinning tmake isef aarent

cd �nid 85 ndc 90 ih

hy n h knys cny ppd bf h

s nitin

h bspti by S f th cnv v·

ds s dty tstd in h m Svsv, n h

Pincipiy f Russi is hf n mkd s

Sndnvn h dihtmy bn Russins nd

Svs siny ppt m s im n jss h

nduin of s n hs pin

Th Clpht, ts tmp ms vy mh by·

c s cs t n ppim cspdnc h


4 h tl f iph kn by th UmyydsfSp

in 99

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/rd� '\ . trkn� �; / 

:, . Scotland

, 1 Il P :i'

I Jnh I '

; 1 1 , .

, l i l t K wrbh Ii I En9iand

NOrlFD.of ; 1 .Q, ' 

Brtany  Y·  K.Of

K of 'Novay . Ko  Swen

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Guz0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 00 0 0 rkhids 


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8 m the peak f suess eUmaa Capate Spa

api esee bliv Civil wa betweeAas a Berers beame eemi, a uge Caipate gee ti1 10 3 i was as a mptet spetatr eber mis prame the

epeee i e su a wes f Spa a M he easte seapts s flwe. TheCrsia staes tetatve reewe their ataks,pauarl e ques avae wh hab arge isuae fm e ravages vsite their eigburs pvius eaes b e rggeesshe se Te muai Kigm'sms mpta gai, weve, e prv fCastile (1026), was mae at he expese eelw Cista Kgm f Le

I was t pe ha Isam ws e·a te Fams a uwais mg tuei te appeaae f stregth, u here wa tlevgur i eie. I strg as t astesateael fas a iert is the Gazavmiate ue b a Turish geea (Tuks abee e stape f he earasr Msem armr mre a a e wh vethrew is Sam·ai maste 999 a seize he vaat hreTe aggess f e Ghazavs emphasi ebarup the ler uais u thug

he wee s pessg e uwais he ·uests ae pat f Ia, rathe ta f ea·aste hs Dig ths pe he Baeseimate e wes·Bulgara mpie aee e Sebs vassaage quee temea (1 01 6 a aee te Armea ig·m f Vaspuraka (10 mea ls ahievemes a sae wse artees were agea eal hae tha thse its Islami rivas

Alug the Vikg ep a ee w e

ea a Craa te Saavaigms, Demar at east stl heise the lamiis a ese wee gus f re fu


e ue Cate hs ari gvemetCate mae ga, e supal est fhs ae (0, e tee pve amp whse resuces were sue hi r He was uabe t e same r Nr·wa e sumss 02 was bite a e·

pa Ate sma ai, Pla pie p aagerus amu f g at ts tme The pait was elage a he expese GemaHuga a Russia A pl f all ru ag·gress wve mu i ma iuee pepews ew fies a tese sueses ast a sawarss e fute f a sate ametal weaerha a f is eghurs The pruet Stswere wser we e t a smal gese sef ga 01, a gai tha segthee e

gm wthu ireasig ts mmtmets

I h io of h imid' r Provi w

o mo o or hir Zrid ovror hd b

ry oomou i h imid rmov yp.2 Th ouhrmo ofh wo roup Co d Sr

io wih h ouh v hd prd

ui pudiov w r o h dh oS dimir

(O ) d pc w oy hiv 1024) y h divio of

h oury w h ri o ovorod d Chriov

- h r o hodi muoro - whi h bwr

of Poo w i ipd Uiy w ord

(xp for oo wh h Pr oChriov did 0)

bu oly d ih yr o 105

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D . 'Nom"ndi� · ·    o I l l y · . .



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0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 000Ghaznavd


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8R tog t omard ratorcd t Pop o srrndr t

titoy o Rom to rans opd to ps rdom o action and y cowning t Carongans rst Kings and tn Emprors to rn ogaton Carmagns ws on t Papacy

wr, ow, Q Byantin, and t Po,ling ta t wold nwis to pook tromky aptd a sconday poson n diisions o t Emp atr 830 mad t asy orsalis Papa indpndnc Carong-ians n ond tat t Pop not connt to drawll was mong on aad T xm Papaclaims wr xprssd in a docmnt prporngto t wi o Empror Constantin nwc t tmporal u o t wo Ws

to t Vicar o Crist T Kings o Wst wrtus mrly tnans o t Pop, and ir pos-tion ad o ratid y im T act ta tisdta ad nr n osd was ardly srprising as Constantin sms to a ngld odaw up s wl ni ad n dad or ornddyars t, y sking t Pops lssngor ir usrpaton o t ron o Cois and yalowng t Pop o polaim anis Em-pir o Wst t Caroingians ad put m-sls in a dict position In unainrtrosct o t ms s ations smd o ollowng gnaion a ac admsson o Papal srainty at ad no n mootd wny occud Y t darnss o t Dar gswas a twodgd swod; i t mad possl accptanc o an oous orgy, mn w tooiltrat and l too caotic or any documn toxt muc ct Tog or xampl t Papaauoiy or t Cuc ad n n ca-lngd n t Wt w t disingration o

l macnry o Caongian gornmnt rws no mans o turnng Papa pstg inoacta pow Papal commands o t Crc

could no ad ao cang o arms com-mands o t tmpoal aotis smd in ccumstancs ludcros indpndnc o Pop cam ta o a Roman sop soon, tconsion incrasng n tat was lost and tPop cam pupp, no o som grat powr

tat could at at mantan t ocmnal digniy t o pty arons o Cnal Itay Twondd yars atr cutting its o om By-anin word Papacy ond sl n otrdarnss

ltoug wt t nd o iconclasm in 83 aormal rconciiation twn Byanim andRom took pa mno doctina dincsw soon ound to mantain t cl twn two wic ndamnay concd t rati

postons o Crc and Sat On t apid dcino t Papacy dic qar apsd t com-tton was r in missonary ld wrot gaind consdal sss T st ara oconict was Boma wr orgina nda-ou was Eastn 8) t t nal ictoy Catoc8) t t sam tm Blgara (870) and Sria87) wr won or t Eas and t Croats 87or Ws round t ya oCurcsnagd rt Eastn y t admson ot ssans 88) t Catoic y conrsiono t Pos Magyars and Sandinaans Slas o t ran odr wr conqd ra-tr tan contd as w t Saxons otm and al o Crstian Span was asomo a mat o sword tan word T Byantnadanc nortnaty or tm it asordalrady contd countis or ncord scismatics sc rmnian Monopysits

sctcsm is a componn o al gos mo-mnts and og mor prominnt n t Ornt

was always prsnt in Cristianity Emulation ot lony rmis soon d o t mit colonyand tis to t monas wc inttuton

cam widspad n Easrn poins o tEmp in t ou cntury T Byantn monasts wr many and powrul, tog tywr dmnisd in num and wat duing iconoclastc conrosy, wn tr opposion o mpia dcrs rsutd n a dn psc-

on T typ o monasry inatd y St Bndct n t Wst was dirnt rom its Eastnmodls in at t d and aintand tsl y itsown ndaor rar an dndng on n-dowmnts o t pios and oug dtio-ating condtions o t nn and ary tntcntris causd a sarp dop n Bndctinstandards t Cniac rorm o tntnntrs raisd Wstn monastry yondt pious l It m an oais o pac

arnng and stalty, irrigaing t potnalyrtil grod around i Clunacs payd anmpotan ar in t upswing o prospry atraldd t opnng o Cstiany's eondmilnnm

Wa dscssion o Isam s undrtan n isook w ound scatrd trog t sris omaps as a wo i is prnnt to os rt paral wn Siitism and t Cristiansis T poincs o Caipat in manyas rst sdd in t nam o i pan s anxcption, u mayyad cas was a scntdstinction) Tir indpndnc soon pasd yond cang ad t scond gnration oEmas, Muas Zirids, and Samanids rturnd to rtodoxy, adiy acnowdging acommnty octu wit Bagdadonc dong sodd not prjd tir rdom

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nmQflim 1

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8E Th os o th Vik dVgs domi h oh

h o his mp Th Vkgs xpdd hsi Noth S tc sh wi sd mtls d xdd i io h Altic t wspobly thy who s spplid Egish woo o

th msh cloth idsy wh g to o h spy om Fc. To h s thVgs od os h vsd hwho o Rss d ok h Kh gp o htd to ostio As o, th mb d slv ds ovdd th bsis o bsisswith th Byzi d smic mpis bt wxd hoy w so xotd Wx d tlowcdls w sdy plcig vglolms d i hs h itgic ds o l

go gv d Hoy ws vlb swtigmt th oly o ow i h Ws whsg, xpesiv spic ws sd s mdicVkgVg cvy gg om cdo h bods o ks, om osoplo h Acc cic ws o cdib vy ddig d it is sd th so mch o th ot wswsd i dg Th oth hos dd odig to d til thy hd id o vqish;thy pd oodstd goos god to sdy mctl o

s o possib o show th bsc gowh htws tkig th Ws oomy t hsim Th poltio th tic wscsig hmlts xpdig ito vlgs dvlgs io sm ows Y h optiv wods smll d o o h w ows c iyo iclsio h Th oly xcpto s Vc,d is is ps my o compes o hll o Rv d h cls o Rom So whco show ms bo i m d th

cmlig o h st ts o Rom civlizows ccomid y th pc o w ocsml bt mos8

Vc owd ts s o its olitic dd-c h g o its isd sits; d o its shwdccptc o om Byz szity dcov o whch t ws l to moopoiz th EstWs td Stt lgisto ocg low tss o gict sos discogd h By-

zts om ig sch highis sisss logdstc dg; th vdy xcho hviy o v h hmbst mchtshd by t h ovhds o Eme, th Byzis cold o com wh th Vtis vo itl ots, d Vi two go c h tv Byt o oh o o h h Vis scd petil ts o h txs hy dd py 992) di 11 hy w b o xto om h col-

lpsig Empi h igh o d ywh withiis odi whot stictio o xo o y kid ig sch motgg, h vivdByzi Empi o h y wlh y oly cld shm

7 owldg o h his oss omctig p om x d od ichd Tks. spd sowy thoghosm chd Siciy d Si th wthcy y i h thitth, d my h s hl o h oth Th xot oppys by Eypt hd sed od 7 hodctio o pe mct h hcty h mkg o ys soppd tlyTh loss o h sss moooy dd gy thm m sh cm cosidb xoo pp

th ly Middl Ags wh tspo wscosty d c locl soc o w mtiv i poo o ws woth woig Dpositso  io o o xmpl, widspd th

Wst, d ws ot so costs cmdow h it mtd mch tht Scdiv dmy podcd th bs d chs o A

h oth d o h sc Egld hd evmoopoy o i i h Ws d Sp o m-cy, smply bcs o o ls hd vy mcht l Sly mos ws god cm omBohm

Ld, sv, d copp cm somwh

btwe ths two clsss: mos cois hdwokb dposs, om h h cymy d to s x Scdvi ctdd domitd oig ms Al his igosh s Th th mis o tiqy w lywokd ot d wh h s cosmpto o mtl th Byzt d smic cotis cmimos ly Am d mtopit Psipodcd y cosid mot o o; o ths Byzim ld o Wst Eop, sm

o Wst Eop d Tst

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/ J




LAVE n,F r

Z ' ,B J


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7 he Ghzvd ate he rst he Mse Tksh pres

ws s csd by the e he Sejs, c ecery Ghzz wh eved rGhzvd epy 107 he grwh he ewwe ws heey s. By 55 he Ghz-

vds hd bee exeed Pes d theBwyhds ceed As ethe the Seksppette wr the re dvce shwedy sgs sceg, bth he Byzes whwere be preve he ces Tsccas d he tds whe Syr deedeces wee vded, wched he ese -es wh grwg ccr Reeed dg Byze Ae by the Sek St ApArs sed sggsh espse,he per he rchg gst he b-

bs wh hd vted the jesty ewRe. B here were dcs (the ss Ity he cqest the e by he Cs 06 d he ev Serb 3 h heByzae revv hd pased ts k

sewhere Is he vese the dsg Te ds, wh hd ccepted the de-dece he Zds wh ey, rectedshrpy t he ssy (the rds decedheseves Orhd 1 bt he revege

ws ecd hd ers Q Abs wh hd e sbded eer de bythe ds wee ched gast he Zd heecs' ( 050 he gr hese ds he hed Ager d s was rre destrctve the hArca ecyth the erer Abces ct he cywa red e etvey th the Zd whgered he red ses stwrd,Mrc ws cered (05 by he Mr-

bs, Shr Bers wh bgh ew vay trthAc s I S he Ab Ereve bke he Ber hd he Sh bt

ehe Seve y ther Spsh recd std gs he Chrss he rh, thgh ve hd e dvded he c-est Le by Cste (037) esbshed r-he gd cpbe xcg the hge he dvded Mss

The hsy he Ghzz s r zd by he Sejk c he , hahe pr the be ved he Rss sepe 060shg he Pzs e the d deetghe Sh Rss prces (06 wrds heed the cey the Cs, s he Ghzzwere ced by he Byzes, destryed T-k ther geece heeed the serty eve re th the secty he sh-R ces.

I s d Rss the eeveth cey s

ded by he Ghzz, e prper ths she cey he rs The bed Vgd r the chy rdced rce hybdvgr, e wh he b d vestbshed re hty ve her sbecsh hd hhe exsed the Wes W theBstrd, ke rdy was ste r-the ce d by rge he he t gdwhch hd e deedet sce he deh Ce (1 03 d he br hs epr I

066, W p hs c wh eds d g he w shpg gd hsdas rs wh cved ewd rW's ces d ther pty thechc ety Lbrd d Byzate sther Iy whee the pgess he Se ece t rch s eched hecreer he , Rbe Gscad thgh hspecee ces Byzte y h wey yes e he tred gs he

bds d he Mses Scy. eheW's Gcds es ge he p, b hs es he prtce they

were sde Is d Byzt, the s sttes be eectvey rgzd sce the Reshed the yse 1066 s the seed the t secr se

he e he d stye Ger eested s eeg cde Thgh ws te

segheed by he cst chc Br-gdy (1032) the ht by Pd ws eveged th cty ccg e sze tehvg de eees s eghbs

Th i flan corpo o Empo or Khmpi comp svty n v h ricio oh riiion o h Clph o srtua m

h picipi ino hch vded

1054 hca ak n c or. ih h GrPrnaty oKv aki pc ad xi a d

val cono hich vaid prsay f hicmb W h i, h ida as f al t s omov p on; mih b xt oh a


aays ill

o ihr h rrl o rlinqh

h sysm rk a sasmday h a mrktdny or pincipli o com ri n on

ra o h Hou3 Onoh Lomb pincipii Sn. had

n no h h o oh omn advu 1058).

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B Y Z L]

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e tle Mziket 07 ), wic te ztie m ws

ese e Seks, s mpec fe ecisve ttles f str Aiple eqll csig efe frm te srictlmitr pi f vew, t it few cseqes

f e t Afte Mzker, tee w tg ppse e Tks , l te s·ps sve e mpire Alp Arsl imsel fllw p s vicr e ws kille slfte gtg e kis, w wee -sr te Seljks i 107), te cqes A w el mgr f Trkisres e vcm tt Miket cete cmplete pse e Armeis ie vtig Ts mis Te rmp f e Bzie mpie ts wles cpe wit, tzik Cmris ivs isc e-pele t e s ers e eevet ce-tr, pe ws qete te ec f teSjk stte ee te cce imie e-cqest i As wever, te zte ppelt e Crisi Wes mecees precpittete rt Cse, exggee espe r ste Crisiit, treeg e TeCsers e cpit ticsm me

em ges llies teir esism i stem fm smpt wi e rpresse zties wm te rege wt sspici tfm esire f e l ces rm eTks wse cvesi t slm w t ecefr tem t lw Cisti pigrmge s etlet tims.

ws, weve, i te Msem wl tt ficism ws crrie t i exeme te Siesect f Asssis, w exere iece f

ppt ei me e spig se e pitic teciqe t wic e ve giveei me is i t erives fm sis te

eect f wic ws erpee s glimpse epise t cme me te itites f tesect impe s wrl livs f tepersl cseqeces er cs ges, sece pe, existe g e Mle st,eivig teir istcis frm te fess f

Alm i Ts, were e eqtes fte sect wee se p i 1090. Assssi ctivteswee mie e smic w tect e Cistis

esies te crpe i te t e teevets Crstem seem ivil, g tekg f e 0) ws te s get step e ecqest f Spi Te vce ws te te Ms f Mcc, w crsse eStris il e reqest f te SpisMslms 10) 109 te crpreit te mpie l e Sps emites excepBj, Arci, Srgss wic tetk i 109, 1 0, 1 0 espective Ote Cist sie, e cws Ag Nvre wee ite i 07

Te Nrms cie t exp te cqes f Sicl ws cmpee te s Lm-r sttes wee exe teir stligp i te t te septi te Dcfm g Wiims et cse i t se

g, tg g ge erri fm eSc 10) e Wes 103) e Agl-Sctis e w kes its l fm wee qtecmpete Sctis cqes f eml pssesss f te l rke 107egis e eimiti te Nse eemet mSctis is) Te gwig pwer f e pc ts fl isrptive re wi eGem mper wic eg tis time recvee i e pge s e e cmmeci em

pires te seprts wse tiswee i te is ccpti Sii00) Crsic 077, te Veeti f

si 1) Dlmi 076) Te lte c-qsii ws eee te Hgs te107, we te cqee Ci, lst

em 1 10

I he me pi pped b the yzi

hd ge tes n this egn, d whe he T

risg n he IOOlge nmes Ameistelled

hese se lnds tht lhugh Ameni ppe d

n ppe gin n his series lesse Ameni n the

emns hile e

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prSafS!f¥a APLES


il SS

F lU

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e t rade wa a geat ·ce, t it left te ear Ea de

ploay coeted wt pety ae Bot tecce ad e cogeto wee agey de to eeadow o te cetal e powe o o elaae o Nicaea amada ad Mev to

wic te mpeplt oly Mev teeatemoetaied a meae of power ad aity etaate o Nicaea wic ieied e adcoqeed om te Byzatie wa ae toxrac oediece fom it depedat, te amadid, wo ed early af e tetoyad i powe wa emporary roe y te defea it eed at te ad ote ade weey deoced rom oatople i 97 eader maced tragt tog o Aioct e Byzatie ed o to ome ofe grod,icdig icaea, ta ad ee cleared o i e poce, we idiay mperial cam·pai regaed te Bac ad Medieraeacoat e Daimadid mate wa compaatvey reteed ad ame te oivio ofSe aoriy, ow receted o com.

e wete mace o e Slaate of Hamada wee i e ad o mero idepedetemi wo aided were ale to pevet tefodaio of e cradig ae of Atoc

ipoi, dea ad ealem (979, adwe te Georgia wept fom ocrty itoii (1 21 te ita advace reacedtreateig popoto wa ag, m ofMo, wo rog i to a at ad ga ecote·attac well a eapg ome of tepro of e rt ade te Byzatie rogte Ser o ad deroyed te aza( 22 we e deea of e ma y eRa prcpaty, ow eed for te a

tme (1 332, eieved e Empe of teir raidO aga, Byzatm ad rvved te apparelylmate .


ecoet of e orma i Soter alywere coolidad y Roge of Sciy, wo roge gdom e ceated 129 to te zeit of itpower we e aexed e id emae ofia (1 33 weat ad cviizato, icor ivaled ta of otaople omady

iel, pawed y De to rai moey fo tet ade, paed o i faera cedio, teig of glad, we te De o i reproved capale o redeemig it

o e ret, oad ded e Pomeraa1 1022) oway te Oey 109 o e-orcg e omage tey caimed e rgt to expec e coe o Barloa ad Provecewere ited i 1 12 Aago ad avarre epaated 1 1 3 werea Arago advaced itmal fote agreivey, avarre came aacwater ad oo 2 ot afit errtoy oatile

I Ma r actua t aab' (aria. ah ov o bhaf o ia Sju pic, bu hir

abii o p hhar£ aiv soo opac h fio S hos h aab a ompaab maafor h prooa rhabao�, bt h m a thparta of Rhar a f o t:k p h ha.

wo m ar to h o-commi ti of mr Nap wa ak i 1 5 a h orth oaa ih i 1 144

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7 l s Mvh y pw k s

chs bi h dysy i mbld iy h v is mis1 15) symmy isy is, s,dsyd by psis h diminisdsu Hmd i l n mr is yl dmin, nd h vn m dimiishdsu Iim hugh h c ulsw hd d hiy h  md d dily sbishing  iddc h Abbsid Cip is i is ·gy), un Iium ws y pvndm bsbig Dnismdid nd h mi mis Ai by usig xind subsidy h p bh yznis ndZgids, gu h uk gis w n

y xhusdvs i h sdig ss bd up

wih h xpsi Zgds hisd Zgi d dss 15) d his suddin sily d u h pii scnd Cusd whi ws h Chisin spns Is ind h gnl ill sss l Csds wd h ssmpin Csdig dsip by Kigs up, wh d spd bu lilim in s nd w n subsi

ld-hugy nhng--Is bng sCsd 15 Msm yi ws id byuddins bspin h mi Dmss d h sgg h mvd gyp wiwh d nvlsd by h d s Fimid Ciph h sd lizd mpn is ny, ws sus wld did h m h sggl bw Css dCs i Lvn, b Chisis d pv viy d gyp gg ddi16

As h md Cip h dxZgids hii mpi ws d s66

by Mwids, wh v h iis  h dissvig Mbis 1 15 xpd h ms d mins h Ziids 1 52) dnd i spmy v h rb dAb mds wd Cisi dvc ipi w hd wi h sssn Pug11) nd 157) m Csi dispsd sgh Kingdm h uni  Ag d 10) bd his divisi d hg Muwid Ciph ws  impssiv xn h ppd in pin hdby nw pssd Chisis

Rssi piipiy ws ly spli p in 1 nd vgu spmy ws vsd ih Pis iv did suviv Kivssk h ds Pi zd 16)W in uhiy mid his d

vlvd n his Pi, w bi w cpilVldimi i ud sd wh Vldimi in Vyi us is w digniy1 118 Pd dividd in simly biingpiipiis

n xini h m i i ngd15) h pssd C Anw d mid h iss Auin hKig gld hus hld h m Agvind Ain s, mkig hm v i

m pw h h h Kig hngish invsin Ilnd 16), wdishm ild d yi ns mi d C h ps iA h d h mp h yznssudd i xg hm m h pinpliy A, lglly d m, s h Csds hd gd hld vslg mpi ny d hy mig u h ywih pM Impil

Bf that I J nsina a faln t h

aakhitai, hist Mnglin h Khn stt!h

th hl f ukstan hi i inintally t ny

tim tht a hdist stat appas n th map.

n ms f th ssia pinipaitis a mas f

p as hl by th mhnts th pital, ut in N


thp ty ildd as s gat hat Pin< s

bt th it f ti st magistrt nd th nstittin as

n fa pulin As ih h ala ad man tis

hw, it must mmb that pubn masligahi t dmai ly mn f sbsa aig i ai

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Nredd ced ride Ml eve fe e cque f

Egyp, wc w rued e by udgeel Sldi w ike fr e ewi w cpble f wggig e dg, d ideedfe Nureddi' de Sldi e up

w, e Zgd becig e ubrdie f e Ayybid dyy Sdfuded e cce f e ew Egypi l-e w sred by e vicry f Hi wicedced e gd f Jerule e iglew f yre ( , d lug Acre 9 d rip f e le c were regiedby e wklke d Crude, e gdf Ace d e reduced ged pci-plie f Ac d ipi were re g bee e fce Sld Epee d Cde bigge ucce w eeire f Cypru r e wekeig y-ie e urriy e Cri ede ild kgd e E gd prp-

W e rk Iciu, yu cldever re ecre. A deeied e ws de didge e, bu e ble fMyrpl 6) w e Miker, d g epied by e k i le e Epe deece

e A e plysed yie wied r c-rpe e dil prvi f e Epie felwy : Cr d Dl Hugy d we Ai e Seluk 20,wle Sebi lgr d Lee Arei regied e idepedece Ye e Epire exied e f g icx f equre cey, d we e exced ed cei w b i e bck f e fr Cusde 2 e vili f i pie wee e

g Cder w blidy cu e ertf e dyig Epie b e Veei wse ypi cved e perve f

e eerpre Hvig gu by kig e Cu-der py fr er psge by kg fr Vecee Dli w fZr 0, ey eded byeg ll e d ly e de reey w plied Eig cerie le eu Crude prbby ei i pl e

gee ceci f e.g e Crder cld dey e Epe ey cud ld e p f i,d f ge eied uder Gk rulee Depe Rde w igic eEpire rebd well uried by rde bdied pliicly by e igd fGegiw e eg f i pwer I w e Epire ice d e Depe f Epu pe e eebe f yie lei Ciple wee veed

If e igd f Egd d Scy were lger i Nr d e igd icilyd e ieied by e Ger dyy fHefe 9, ei cie eedic Fr were e rc d bee re e c f ruly brd b, ed e rk f de e wee cque f e Eg e Frce 20w clced by e vicy e 2,cy w, ereig e, ver e

Ger e f e Egli e exEg p-ei e e sl ppey eFrec ig, kg pwefu eug efce uprecy rug e cry

I c, e Ger Eper, w digily ed ciderbe el pwer, d byi ie diped e exrvgce f eipeei, e ucei uccei d eqrrel wi e Ppcy wee gely repiblef i Gey ce se fede f

ge w e Eper fed give led e fier were e Epie w iexpdig Ae l cery rugge,

Ily cfly epdied ll c, d ce sc f cye ly legci kep w e Epi e rgge wDerk fr e c irl i ie ggi Dek fv w e d prelylcl ce, w e ewrd dve i w

pickg p peed gi we ei w exed , d e ig e Swd re rgii fCrude e ef e eplr d e rder evlved i eE k Rg i 20.

Te ecrudescece f e Seuk le dd ve e er fr deci 9 by eS Sl f wr w creed ewuki pire we e ced i ived u i 20 e ef cquired by Ag i e u f Fce e did blce e f rvece deedey brug y ube f y ivlved eri e Albgei cde

I F f w cot h ots or Mom th

Popos wkh hd ot nt 6

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Pc " " D"POtatf[

0 0 0

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h hisoy of h aoinianEmp was a sson n h im

pmann of babai suss ha was no oson h man Emos On way n whih hy o insu aains a l a was by noua-n h fom of h man huh fo h

uiy of suh a movmn ha n mons b h lunas Soon h man Empo an hs bshops w oopain in asinh naon fom savay, inln h p oh bua ls, nouan h paialla an plon hi fun nonnnsp fo pa w wih h suss of hispa an h bshops bam plas o h nwo nal 04 h Empo salva hPapa an saw ha h o was ompnlyl

Wh h mmo o s own humlaon slfsh h Papa oo was mn o pvn aon olaps Pvousl h Papal hashp ofh Wsn huh ha n pasv h Papayha n h uima ou of app fo s-asis bu ha ma no mov unss apal ooy h a s h assi xp-on o his u) Now om avly inf inpovna aais xnin s auhoi houhh amiaons of h huh Th s phas of

his inbl ap juvnaon n whn homan laiy was xu fom Papal lions,a mov whih was mo han an amp o plah Papa ou of ah of h ubuln oalnobl y imn h h o vo o h a-inas i n h Empo an pa n hon an poaim h npnn of Popfom Sa Ths vo wn unhan hEmpo Hny IV was a mno an h nywa La of opposiion noua h Papa

o p

biz h onaion o onsann anvv is xm n of Pop abov Sahus lamin h Emp isf an man on

i nviab h Papa ha on avanta oos s obvous wanss h pnn oh Emp on h man huh, whih po-vi muh of h mahny o ovnmn Ifh Empo w pv of an sa in h ap-ponmn of bishops an h aan ou

won b h Papa h sua pow wouwh an b mly h onamn ofa hoa,wh sasis mmun om sua obiaon

Papal mpaism was noun b Hny I Vwhn h oban pow Th s oun of hons n n a sounin Papal vo, hEmpo on pub pnan 1077 u hPapa ha o pos h Empo wou havha i ha h no ala bn apowu vo in man an on hs habn ush n a hs onssons

la h Pop pos n his un, an hs own ana o om b fo of ams hPop o h omans nssa oppos oan pansion of Impal pow n Ia anais up anoh Emo fom amon h is-onn man baons h sul u-ua fo haf a nu fo h Imal amywas oo ofn n lswh fo i o asonom pmanny an, on lf h a Popun Mos mn anowl h Empo

bu no his pupp Pop an h Pop bu no hispupp Empo In 2 2 am h ompomi Pop an Empo fhn b h ownlawlssnss h onnua vl wa nna o abanon h pupps an h jonapponmn of bishops Pa was unasy an nh on su fo npnn of h nohIalian owns, h Pop pov a wln aaains h Emo fo houh h sna-on of h Empi wou xpos h Papa o

hash wns w Pops oul ss on sn suuA h sa o h hnh nu papa

pow h s pa h man Empi,appanl h sons sa in hsnom,ha n fo o yl if no ompll aas o many o h papa mans Exommunaon ba by blian oppounis plomaybouh simia vios in oh ounis

noably nlan, 22 show h aholhuh as a son sipln inaonal o-anizaio an wiy sabish h ia havn n ay asps was answab ony oh Pop

h sas ha also as Papal pswhl h huhs buaua ha n onnuous mpov u if a was anfom h s usa lss an lss m wh hla ons, an h ouh usa mus hav joh whol onpon an suba fom s

nv vy a spiual Simlal h owhof Papal vnmn an s inasn n an uso mon ma h ly sm woy, vn o-up An anlial movmn awn on honhin Manhsm, sinany ssspov a hasy Is man aan ahnsw nown as oomls in noh a ansouhn an wh hy w onl a l lssnumous, as ahaas an Abinsans spv In Ialy, psuon su o xn-

ush h hsy h aans w on hah o h Papay an n an a holy wawas n Ths Abnsan usa was ana punn by fboos 20929) x-posin h Pop's nabiy o onol hs osI n fa, h mpoa umphs w b hsen o mn ns o a ampan anno b pmann os

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A 12 12 r ccU u

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nitr t Vkngcivmnt w t mrcnt

Fn t brgt Engli wl t tFm wving twn n t ni clttrgt t ntn r t f t gin ta bcm ti lt f ti cntr t n cmmt wic incringlmint t t. Vngin lt ti trt t wn t Cmn invn n Rin tr wt ntntinpl Rnpincipiti rintt ti xpt t tBltic n rm t twlft cntr n tirtllw, n, wx n c t Wt inncng mnt. Bltic nt n crrit Rin t it ri icr tnt in t Nt S, n bing n blgt f t miv rtn rnk n

t nrtrn mkt cn n t w cttrctin tmpt t Flmi mcnt ntt ltic bt t vg n t Dnipninl w lng n mc trc w trnpt cr t b f Dnmrk i rtct bgt prprt t bck t Grmntwn t t Bltic n f t cing prprt rti b t nb pit f t lt,vitl t t pvtin t rng ctc Grmn lic f t Bltic tr incr

rpil n n bm t mr n. NwGrmn twn wr n v rtr twr t gn w c b t pcr t Knigt t Swr n ttnic Knigt n ct t Bltic w t bcmng Gmn , wn, t t bgnning t ttnt cntr, Dnmk bt nt ctivit gin Dn' vr wn tm biprmc bt in t 10 t r cripplingt Gmn twn cn nw b cll tHn, tg t Hn w nt n

nt mr tn nt t t citinlr xt n w wkng n prit f t


im xcln f gn tr fm t Bltcn xtnn t Grmn gmn nt tNrt m wr n fct t t t Btic b 1 n mi tr clintrftr

gm n lv w imptnt cmmt trgt t mvl pi pticln t Et, w v w mc m pt ft cnmic tm n w pilgrimg winitit b Ilm Wtn lv t cln ft t lvnt cnt wn t lv,w rm t rw mtril, bcm pplpt Crtnm Bt tr plc n t wmr tn ll b t pigim n Cr t l cnti f t cn milnni m pigim p t prt n rtg nrlibl bt pmnt pn p n

tmpil cr t trn mrkt Vnicgtr t ci bnt incing tr t Bntn Empir r t pt t frt Cr wi tk i tfrm f ln, wic pvi wit ncr n ilnb b. t vtg ntiv ntrpi w tn xtpt n lcmmc brgt nr Vntin cntrl

Vnic nl riv w Gn, nw mrging t minnt pt t wtrn Mtr·

rnn tw wr mrtl nm t wilt gt c t pnl n t Et mng lning t Vnc wr p qit vn t Gn fr rxprt t nc Gf Gmn rm Vnc wnt v t Alp Vntin ctin t Ltn mp cGn t ppt t Bzntn n in tn,t ltt gnt Gn t xmptin prvil blnging t Vnic

Amng Wtrn xpt t t Et wllg pmnt. iv nl in mingr rm t nrtn ntr, mt f tmbing prc n nt tl wr lrnc n

Miln ppli t tn n trn mrktir incing cpcit trn t lclwl ppl wc t b gt m r Engln B t twlt cntr lk pctin bgn ntrn Itl. All t g twn wi ng fpplmntr mnftr,pticll iln, m fr it mtwk. nt bming ct tl Wtn cptlm wbrn n fl mn cnm rviv f cin p t t cnt t rbnpptin mn mr gin n wltmrcnt bgt tt tm intgrt

Bi w mnct n mtl tEt impt tmbr n tmbr pct ptct trpnti, n pt pt w t


imptnt c kli n w in gl

n p nfct, gling n t niingf ct Et xp iglt txt i n bc wll cpt, tptr,n frit Bt t bnc lw pn npic wic wr t t Nr Et, lrgl trnt tr Wit tbl tim vtkng tClipt in Mptmi, mt t pccm wt i Egpt w wl incrrpi

n h r thrnth n h of k's ow

ws i t ftr nd ts siz ths d dos no llow s

ison on th ows on his p. pprs n Mp47 t H, hNoh S ndofh ro hoh

wthy n ows snly o rn ths dstnton

2 l h rs b h ost ponn nnhnh

tri. is pld hr n h lnh try oh

only r l d flln to Nons ( 1 1 ) d h

isns nly n h Ths ws h pk of isn powr; yh nd of tlh nry sh ws yidin h rs pl

o Gno

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he seady rumb mediealMgla hsry as t ds·

a t e head y Weser ears ad, hgh acasa gad ep se hle epesyig acss he map by the time hese alycame est hey had lst ctac ith he pace

igi hch emaed tside he bds Weser edge he at he begg thehireeh cety a e per came beig Mgia geat egh sike a eitheChia r Ere tht shiig s cere hsas he creati he Mg chea emih sed the arg mad rs a icible ea he cc 26 celebaedhe cmpeti ths he st par hs pahe secd he cques he d beydMglia, as there iiiaed hle i acia-

Temui the tte eghs Khad the earh By ay stadads exce his he ca e caed a scsl ma r the asey years hs le he made a gd sa -ards he ces Cha aexed he KaaKhiai haae ad i mercless campaigs 22 ad 22 ) smashed he Kharmhahdm rg he ate a, he deached acs t ecie the esads hich deliered a seies cushg deeas he er

gas as Cmas ad sthRussia ries222) eath came t the Kha 227) beehe cld ei he eaesses his icsaid dscsed is Eme hich ced udiided setched m Persa ea his i-cmaale aga amies emaied a theat tChistedm ad sam alie

I the cered ese ragmes theahdm Kharzmea re as suprsiglyapidy eied y a eergeic yg hah adhgh he cud t challege he Mgls he sme degee ecped hmsel r hs ahe's

les y seg zeraa ad ergia elkad yyubid cmbied hee, pse hsher adace ad he ell ac deeated estagaist he h he Mga dag heyyuds et the Chisias hae ersalem ad acridr t he cas t esal ay picig

Crsdes he hee mraees marched ithe Eas a tre i slig assessme theCsder's residual teal

iced by he cedeate Christas udrthe ae Caste the us deea heMahidsat Ls asde sa 2 2 st heed Msem a Le ad Castile iedrm 223, med steadiy ad theeate.Prtgal, a kgdm sice 39 qickly ccuedhe segmet ated ad rag, i addti mailad adaces, used the sa per Ba-

cela t cqer the Baeaics 2232he scambe he Batc ads ctiued

emark t Esta 23) ad he the PicatyNgdsed Kaea 22the Rssascame it cac th he edes iadhe ema Crsades, the Kights he dadaced p the ia he a sste gp theetic Kighs receed pemssi m P-lad ad the Pe sar mssiary actiiiesamg the Pussas

he erma Empie e as argely aaded by its e Empe edeick II hestae hse reig as set tryig suderth Itay Ocaly he as reistatig the Im-peial ahrity, b i act he as eedig heies the Kgdm cy hich he hadiheted ad hch pded the eaiy hse

he Empe Ncaea eimated the Laism sia ad absed the espate Rhdes

bt the esptate Eirs seemed t be iighe ae t Cstatipe tag aa i

223 ad reamig tsela Eme ceeratihe hd ree sate, he Empir rezdas cu rm he hers he its este halas er y the es 2).

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Kinom Nrway,; i l l [ � K f · · ·J�corland




78 i d t t t E i T b S j It d t h

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78 in yeas eapsd tn teMngs' rennirng amp

agn 222 and teir etrn n 236, b nnie rn a been me against tem andey eimnaed e ppnents n ery seene e ga lgas (237 te geat inpay Ylami (23 te mans an lans239 and te shRssan prnipaiies (240ee ern iht k e Mng amyen spt n t inae Erpe prpe (242Te nern t e es an teTen Kghts, the sern te ngaansbt n pemanen ns as mae s theMngls itre en e Kan ded It isnMarst sppse ta a meey man eensme ee an a al hsand mies aay nene he ineabe pgress hsty, an

t is nkey at the Mngs ad te eses mpse he Tarar ye rter es tn Rssar any engt time Ms s bgeis, hee, eel at he Kan's demse saed entalErpe rm a ey nasy raage

he stRssan inipaiies ad een mpeely estye and te nten inpai�iesgh sil na ee eatened by nemieste an teir Mngl erds The ties eane esky, rne g, er

e Sees (I20 and e Teni Kngs 22pesed te nr's ienty, hg is eemas t eman in pan e Mngls r entries Te nrtes Rssians nd petrs in he Lhanians h ane n he aseede in resisting the Teni Knghts, nthse rganain the Knights te Sd haben abs (237

The Mng adane m ersia as a seies smal seps The esete Kam Sam as eingise n 23 Gega nered in 239, an e Selks eeated aned nt assaldm in 23 (The Kngm


rmena an te Empire Tebzn, Sejassals a deae, ts hange mastes Telas esa ampagn pened ih te etirpatin e ssssins lamt h eeielyende teir stry (256 its ima, he saagedestrn te bbas aiphae (2,ked Isam is se, he batle GiasSping (260 maed he end Mng epansin Thee te Mamls, seregns reaed rmamng emsees by te Tis paae ga e las yybis, eeae the Mng ateptt seie Paesine In te same year, te MngEmpire as dded amng te Gengis Kaniprnes, nly nmna spemay emanng tKba, Khan na The reatins eeen eesten Kanaes Rssia, ersia an Tesan ere nee a and en ey ere at pen

ar; ih te Khanate esia s satee Mamlks elmnae te rsde itiesih te ess mltan yybds ad tleratedJesaem ha aleay allen t a hre Karmians eeing m e Mngls 24te Mams re nt (263 Tipi(29 an naly e 29

Fede IIs sggle t niy aly as ntne by his bsta heir Maned (simply King Sy, n Emr Germany ike Feer

h nd mse smiary a enmty th tepe, a rn enal Itay n is n ightan m aganst any talan aray eep hsn Te pe nane e Kng Fransbrher, ares n, in an atta n Mane hih seee (266 s ell at haleseneed by s be ith n, marie trene an maser e Kngdm Siilyimseseeme the demn he a eize Wenmany te strieeay nrthIalan ities (anRme) srrenere t im thei ehase m, hales' re pgress seemed inetable ;b is ambtn as alembaing t al

m resa Itay, and te nrh as nrrgiby partilars T ld rman prjets absrd m s enegy T btain an ranprine, e ee his bter's rsae 272 against Tnsia gaining hee nly a tempray ibte hle easa, by nan (27and by prasng te emnans te LatnEmpire in Geee 27 he heatene the nelyesabise yannes Te Empe iaeaad reaken nstantnple in 26 (the Empire Salna ad n hmbed by e Bgars in230 and san ba nt Epirs bee teiaeans, rne teir sess by ganng ase Gee 262» bt is na splay Byzantne esiiene as ny te paial sess a minr state Tee as lttle let t ae nedangers natey r yanim ares

s sated by the Siian elt 22,h pie im the rest is lie

The Mad alpae sappeae n 269,e by the Marnd Sltan ez t haaready s ms Spain e lte tat remainebemng e nepenen Emiate Granaa,ie n t in mainland i ha been lageyreplaed by the asis Tns (m 23 Telate te ite aip in 29 n te enn e Baghda alphate

England brg the Welsh t ee ate a naaep it he rerganie 2 inipaliy Waes, tg the late ested nt 22 TeSts tk te isles rm ay in 263 TheKngm Naae ame ne Frenh le been 2 an 3 6

Th Rsa hte died betee he

Wht ad Gde Hde d thid hih tke it me

m t t h Cheib h Kh ei dpd

m 1295 e ti ih Nti Chtity T

h f d uksa fled t c 32 d t tly fly oed a

depedet st utsd th Emi 78

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6 Alhough the nerl etweenhis mp nd the lst is one of the

ongest in the seies few mor chnges curreddung ths perod he most strng s the ds-ppernce of the Khnte of Pesi nd its clientSeluk sutnte of conum he wee replced

petho of pet tes n Antoi, urishEmtes in esern Persi nte proinclgoements whe he dminished centr powerdeoled on the Mongo dnst of the \idsf the Antoin ms the Kmnn ws rst the songes ; then the gdul ut ineo-e conuest of zntne A terd he lnceof powe fo whle the southwes ws spit tween s Emirs he ene northwest ws ten newl rred cln the tomn

In Euope too zntine domnion wtheed.s st sength ws squndeed n ciil wrwhich ndoned the ecent nneed espotteof Epus ogeher wth l Mcedon to theSers nder Seen ushn he south Sls tlst cheed n Empre nd he moment hdcome f them to clim the heitge of znum. ut ushns feesh temp to epoducen decde f ctor he spendour of mienndecine fied for he lc of he one success thtmight he cemented the others: he tng of

Constnnope He ded (155) efoe he coudtempt he sege nd hs Empe fe into hf dozen wng pincipltes two ers preousl,he tomns hd crossed to Euope nd sezedGpoi

ourshed Agon fom whose o houset drew ts ngs, u wth which it ws onl e15) unted) relous Scl on whichhes of Anous dems hd rt come owreck mntned tsef gns tempts t re

conques th were pssed n fo centur nwhch nl ehused oth contestns herefte he Angen couse ws downh Anjou


iself e ecme dughers dowr 0, henorthItlin powe undemned elouspc, ws soon epudted the fctouscommuntes whle he foothod n Seri wsost n 60 he Angen dominons wee huseduced o Proence, the mnlnd poon of the

Kingdom of Sicl ter cled the Kngdom ofples) nd the tn Empe in he Blns ofwhch hf he uch of Athens hd een ost(11) o nd of feeootng Argonese Hecpci to thwrt he Angens nd he rnge twhch she could do so s mesure of the isingpower of Argon She poted lso fom he unous oehow of Ps Geno 84 seizngSdn whe Geno oo Cosc

o ose these losses thee ws onl he setngof n Angen on he hrone of Hung hsHungin ne poduced n ous the Get rueecho of Ches: int endess mtous,nd supeci successful He epeed he Venetns fom mt 5, epnded the e-pens of he lchns, Ses nd ugs659) nd n 70 dded e cown of Pondto tht of Hungr e in l ths he did ltle toincrese the relt of hs power nd mde theeementr mste of leng on dughers tosuccd hm

etween he Mrnds of Moocco nd he Hfsids of unis there ws endess senseess stfe,prtcurl s to who should eceie the homgeof he intrenng nids of Agei n 1 60 thelter wee independen nd the Hfsd domnondided

1 he Ltnakng Walahan an Mol\ n n

habtn en Ruana ae t entone at the ben

nn o th oteenth enty he lae ai to eenant o the Roan oonit ante thee n the

eon enty D �ee enentou an ioae o

the Roan withaa o Ruana 270 an the a

pearane o the Vlah ae are epaate y a lenn

wh the onty wa the popy o a an noa

an whih eo o a eene o Roan urva

lot erainly he ah ae o the weten Baan

an ony iate nto Ruana a he noa aanone

n the ate hteenh an eay o«n entury

2. The h onay ha bn eoe n 132 ate

an nteal neay wo enre


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AfJgcv p05so



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• Chcbaid

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4 c f f t f Bl l i t cs rsa r n Dl w r

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4 n scn f f t fnt cny t Otn -

nc gr s Attts y t s nBgrs ist t Otn cnqst fTc ft n Bgrs ss ( 7 ) ln By n st y is

rign t rs gin ts n t gn f Kss (19. i in tn,c ssal f Ts s i Bsni nWlc n 9 wil n 196 Bg wsnnx tgt Rsnng tg se c-rs f By wr, ty wr ssse y sAsn cgns 1 9 92 n 9, in wc nnx t sn ining Antlin Eir-s (n ry n s y s ftn 1 Ts sts s stn frnir n Ers n n t it Tn

rt By ws gr wr ws sisrn ncnr grt

t gts is Gr, n, wHngy s r wry, rr t Grn Brngsn , ss t n n s n sn w tni gsn ss c n isy, f s Crs, g t gsics Csng i (gisn nly css s ntr gt in, s n n was

cy s r t sst tt isry ns By t clis 96T lsinin n was ls st tw cnts l n rnt ctins i-ni, wic xn Bc 16 ws t xi cn GnHr n ws ry c rnc Tnic Kngs( 2) in rn r f n nt T ls t Btc Gns wt rnt cnn n r nn ni

n n Lin w n t t Grn nc Wn nin tcwas t y Gn Hr (199) n

Blc l s i ws t nnst T ynstc g wy wnn Dn (19, fl 97) ws y sns t Grn ggssin n t Btc

T st gis, tg ngst t Knts rsting r t ttn

Gngs Kns Eir ws tt Tsnn 6 Tis n r (Trlnscc n ling Kn Trnsxi-n g in rnc t l rncf t Mngl s, ntn Gngis Kn s is tc Fr Trn-sxn, T s y n t sttng ys gins is nigrs si nMs n st cntinl ts wrc st wny ys w nssc, ts w ny lns Tr

incrt n s E Hs r xiinssg n n , n rn i tin nrlll n H l nnlns 99), Kns Tsn (171 7, 1 n 9 n Gn H(3 19, n 195) n t Ms (1t nr n is cts r iingt stt stts Trs iy cciyn is tcl stity w swn in is ct rtrw By t An (1

ft wc sy rnst sn Antn irs, tng t Otns c wrByi s T t ncntalys t Byntin Ei c t Cn-stnin lnc n n ncl in t lnnss r t int rst n nsgt By ly gn As gtctin Tir s tsn Gngs KnBr s nslgt t Ons w tnt Ms gs (ty cnq

An in 175) n t Gn H stil -i (y sac rs Mscw cl rnciliy Vli n Ds

cs, rsa r n Dl w r- slic wrs n i is cis nc Ms T sc l s ny c njr t t in nly yrrng t inisc King Grg 9 199, 1 1)

nc wl cnry Frnc nging fw n stn lf irrn w Gn Eir By rst c t frnt rg n wrRn ws wly rnc, n s Fnc sly css t ir y wr sn gntincily n 15, wn nc ws se t nsigtin f Agnn , w n r cgnin y tn Angins ing t scs. Ts g r As n wn Gn, ng fr

nl y Vnc, cc Fnc -cn 96 sg s se lscrnc nrnn n ty B ws y cny ct ws -t y Gn in 19 1n stws Fnct xtn f t Engs stts ct insi n Englis icis ty tn wn wr gins f Frnc nrcy w s y cnnl nwn Kings rs wi xtns cis T

Brgny ls n in Grny wnt t n wr rr irss way lnrs ns c t n s n wr nAlnWsn nts n ty sst sw wy y t Tris

. 8 h H Wl q y h

W h h s s T

kw Ws s h G

2h w f V c h ak

y h &s 7 h G

ap h Rus ws p by py s

Msw w w ly u.

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/\ BK ·

, FC(v J·�KPo9l K CSTL

B By di p05ts

OI. 0

oooooo chribandKhu




4 W r ft crst Cristm r t g i l c sg frm t g-

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4 W r ft Frc s t trig t rg

lst gis fs, s tmig sz Fc tr. Alic i t stist mus uk f urgu icli tEg b muu c i g ss c r"s mii ar skill cul uAgicu (15 l r mis f cr, u t lgm ir fus t cg is surr st u sii gmt su f t L 129cm J f rc tu f i glis uickl lsg Cg ( r frc t ugu r urgui ssssis i Cuis Tuk f ugu l bc f rbt mi ctsts, i

13 rsfr s su c ur f utm xulsi f gis cam mtr f im

u rs f srugg Gr-m S, t culmi i t btl fTbg (1 1 r t Tutic Kigs quis b isLiui mT Kgts , , mliz t sm-t f Wst c s tm s sss cru-s i t ic u

m li t igl rts f Kigs, u c as quisu t t gig f t ft cuilmic rssu s u xusctrs cct c b ic l mst ct usu ic s rg

T cls f t Otms flg tl f Ak r Cists uiquut fr xg Msms fm lks T Ai lf f Otm m- l ut iaar, , as ss fi ubbl r ur mrsi Sbi fu tmss fr gi


crst, Cristm r t g iui Sgismu f Hugr bcm Grm Emr ( 0 t Kig f mi(9, bu r s ils suggs i fc mtili T mr s biius fs mrs xistc mi gus -t (1936 ug isf, tr b cils, suc l t Vic as rgi lmti cst. S g s r rcstiui f Otm ucus c 6 12 mstits cr b axg f Atliamts rct b Timu. T Ottm -c i Eu str u g t t c-us f Ai Sk 130 t mmtfr Crsi cuttck st.

Csrg imu g s-

rumt f g xct trr, t s rmk-l t is mm succssrs mg rt ctr f mst f s m srt f Prs s ls lck S Turks(0, s r csut cis tf i rils t Wt S Turks m T-mur s u gs tm i At Trs lt ck S Tuks siz Msmi, uttg t Ji suttc rstlis r 105 T

Turk Tmuri lc gs c truas c s aWt t qus f Si sl cm,

Cists g t curisi f Mcc Prugus szg Cut i 115 Tc f t Mcc Mriis, ic tsft m t t f t Hfsis gi tulr sumc r t fsr rt Afic.

Scil s uit t is kigm i 09.Smlsk s bsr b PlLtui 1 T Cm urks si frm -ciig G H 0

l c sg frm t g-lis gr fr r cu l rf ck its rgill sul fm

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wg ss


znmKof TT 0Naple f: SULTANE �G [ N '

Lrin y

tr n l)ngn K O' ':)Cyp

" '1AD.430 

E CKan


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478 I e ke o Brgdy too Te Eg wer aly eeled rom Fra ole or may daers ad te lle cos

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478 I e ke o Brgdy toorde lg te weaet tate

Ero, e alo reted at t dvo By waad ca e as e oeed a codor e-we te Low Cotre ad Bgdy oer te ecame emoed wt te Sw at eoe ed o domo ad exectedlyeed a ee o deeat, cmatg deat ad te al r o cae at e atteo acy (177) Sce Adaoe, cavary adad er ad dow, ad alway eeecay or vcoy ad y ad lage ad domated te atleed Te agte o te B-gda gt y te Sw eme rogaty to te oe aga ad owed tat oed oo cod w te day Frace leatto acto ate Bgdy date deermed

o emate orever e vaaltat ad mlaede o oe, tog Kg Lo X movedady e ee o Bgdy eeved amoal o e eterlad ad Flader y maryge ead o e ag oe ad etg ad T Hag ad aready made emevee mo owerl o te erma ao ate3 e ema cow wa alway etowed oaarg or em e aco o e LowCore wa e tat o a geeaogcal oy

rde at wa o cmae y yea aer tearg Cae e Ft, Emeo o ermay mate o Cae Aago, avarre Sarda Scly ae Fader te eteadad more I 17 t wod ave ee dct omage c a etate, or Sa wa t mcdvded ad tog Aago ad coqeedae 12 5 t wa aga madea eaate kgdom, tme o a oya aard Teo o Arago ad Cate y te amo marrag o edad ad ala ad e reveso oe Kgdom o ale were to rovde edagte woe dowy wa te agacko

Te Eg wer aly eeled rom Fra(ece Cala) 15 3 Scolad reved erey ad Setlad om emak 72 adSwede let te Scadava o 1Say wa aly comg to e ma o WeeEroe wc wa to cote mc te amet e etee cey Eaer Eoe waaoter mater, og te real o te grearce o Mocow e arcac tle o Vadmrca ow droe) o ay rte to e mor-d ode Horde ad coet o ov-good (17) eged e Mcove domao o Ra Ideedet olated Tver wa oto ee e ed o e cetry ov, wc adaved tel y etrayg t aet ovgood adRaa, wee to e aoed te oeg decade o e ext y wc me te log ta o

olg ac te ol Kgdom ad g o-lad tog ewaded wt overwemg cce te at tggle w te eoc Kg(l 66)owed a ae alg to ecre eral elmato ta eoeed weake, adwa late o e owly qaed etw ermaad Ra Te tee cey wa te aogeeo te o ae; taa wa oly a o aer 30, we Moldava wa a vasa, adBoema e g tde o a Slav eacto, a

aedage o e Pol crow (Moava adLata te oter Sav art o e ema Eme, we o Hgay Bey ( 39} Hgarytoo ad ee ed w olad, dcg oeo oe ea aggomerao tycal o tetme ey wee ey to te T teatey wee eecve, o a Sgmd ad d-covered wa aga te de eded ame ada colecto ocrow te odced lte moreta oca

/Crtedom ae to reod

gcaty to e toma advace wa raa alre to see wat wa at take. Cadg ada otae emotoa aa tat ad ee e

ole or may daers ad te lle cosqece a ad ad or e We delede mreo a Cadg wa ceary awel a mactcal. It wa oly w te all oCoaoe 53) a e ealty ad magtde o e Ca lo came aae TeByzate Eme ad log eore veed awayad dee wa overde c a cotet eal ack mgt ave come a a atclma BCoatoe eve e ded o otweged ay oter cy ad gate wee e gateo te East. We e ew toad deedes ade ovewemed ad te Trk omed tm tog ee at ad ee deeted geeato eoe te We ot o teEate re ad ero mooolzed awte deved o a t eage. e o

Cade ad come ome o ooe oter toma coet ca ey

lted ope Sea (139), Sote ce( 56, Boa (163) Walca (175) AaMo e remag two Emrae ad eatec ltle Emre o Teod (137Eve te ea wee to ave te eag oEoea oy oce te ttoma aer adee eectvey eeced e Wte See vaqed e eeme o te Bac See

167 ad reed ard o te eg Tms, tee ve ave ot te g o te od Araad Mogo coqet. e ea Eas wa -comg a acwate e Ra ee, terewa e ame dmedo; dcoeted ectoo te olde ode oded te mo Kaateo Kaa (145 ad Ataa 66) at e e-pee o e ma ode, already e owea te Crmea Kaate wc eceved teort ad ackowedged te zeraty o tettoma Te Cead Kaate coaed 71 e ode Hode lated tll 150.

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Puga OF


. I AD 478

. �Khfzn 0 0• 000•• 00• • • • ••00 Ki 9-k0 keJ 0 u

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�g8o%JUlmd E.f Sm k nd


he medie eiod is oen r going bck o Agon gin when he ded The rssg o ctuy The council strted bisl

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he medie eiod is oen reed o s he ge o ith, d

nso s this mens th wthout sgniceceon he hbits o Wese conetluo wee Csn d hd h he h s enough In the ely eod hs h

ws tuy uuesonng nd thee ws ite co-ct bween wh the Chuch ugh nd whtemed ntu n he isolted u commuiesht mde u Weste socey Ae hs de thesedy d n he coomy oeed behbetwn eeydy ctice nd the ws lid downby the Chuch, whch wideed he moe idlyo he clec nthemton o l notions, om usuy o he coss bow At he smetime the secil oson o the cegy in esec ottio d temol eonsibly ws co

demed by kgs seekng o estbish elntol uny n thei domiios The oiticbundes o the Pcy wee umeous tcu-y stikg oe ws the ogconinued Psuot o the Angeins he Sicii w ds cmes o couon d neoism wee ehs gee d ceny tte ubiced buthe eeed ilsucces o the Poes nd he stedydowwd td o thei estge the ledde Ages wee gey ineitble nd ony

y consuece o hei inbity to dto he new sociey

The P Stte n y, ecogzed s indedet by the Emo in 27 ws n uhyemt o oide temo bsis o Plowe To gin much o he su weth ohe Chuch ws squdeed, bu the bity ohe Chuch o ule the ds it hd ough o somisgudedly lowed them tos ide no lwessnessSo comete w hs dstegtion h 3the Pcy hd o seys ske, to whdw toAignon n southe nce, nd when n 3 Pope dd eun to Rome, he ws o the on o

going bck o Agon gin when he ded TheRomn mob sezd s chnce nd oced the Colege oCds toelect Poe whom hey ncedwoud ou he emet eestbshmet othe Pcy in Rome he Cdinls esced ssoon s hey could, eudied he Poe who hdbee oced uon hem d ceted nothe ohe own choosig Ae scue, he seodPoe nd he Cds wee oced o ee bck oAigo, whle the s eged in Rome suored by College o Cdins eney o hsown mkg Thus eg he ge chsm whchdided he lgieoChistedom d boughthe Pcy to s d hy yes e, genelcounc o he Chuch met t Pis nd ttemtedto estoe ode bu it ony succeeded dding hd Poe to he ene The ne councl (held

Cons, ) mged o me he deosiio o l hee eecte nd eestblshedte unity o the Pcy nd the ouwd dgnity othe Chuch stled, howee, on the cucqueso o eom nd tuned sgey o thosewho temted o e mtes no the owhnds bunig the Bohemn Huss, o his eus o ccet s dicttes (6 Huss hd oudin the enscet Sls o Bohemi ege suoo hs ttck o uhoy d hs olowes te

his deth ot ony coninued o stgmtze ceiclcoution bu suceded elminting omthe Bohemn Chuch he sisece on ceicnd ly shg le in the Communin bdgedhe wdenng gu between the two dence ohe doctin desosm o he Poe The huwee conequeny odeed o ttck the Hussiteheetics, but the Cusde ws sco Fo twentyyes (3) the Bohemis oded oesouhe emy oe he hiechy cueedin comomise By then nohe council hdmet t Bse (3 o discuss the ee ostonedeom o he Chuch, the need o which hd been

rssg o ctuy The council strted bislurlng with he Poe s o which o he wohd he timte uthoy Chstendom, ndmes soon ogessed o oe uue ndnothe shsm (3 Wih such ddling hetime ed; he oc eom moeme collsed d he deluge o which he Hussites hd the eld ws edeed ineble

Whe olcl nsigcce ws becomgthe lo o Westen Chstendom oc eincto oeook the Este hodo Chuch Ashe uk stediy whiled dow the ByzneEme he Byzte mo sw hoe osui i cceng the uhoy o Rome s heice o Westen suo Bu the eunon o 3ws iscee, ee cced by he oe oCostnole nd wys deoucd by hei

clegy ny cse he dys when the Pcycould dect the mmets o the Wes wee ongst nd he meo ws soon bought o eihs Byztum ought d e in the nme o hehodo Chuch ny the sg st o ucoyd the dying glow o eogi emied o hehodo s the og night o ttom suemcybegn

Avig a nall prchad ui"t e Ppc


2 e p (exet tul) lan ppt t pf a linup ih et crepltia alls

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- - -

AD.478J� 1:>:0 cc

T gowt of t WsEuo- guisd falure to maintan a ral ansio of  m Gman coonaon of Balc and

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ean conomy continud a araid a untl mddl of t foureent nuy wn for a vaiy of reasons was avling o, if not an acual slum To contm-oais smd ovious a s was du to Back Da wc decimad t ouaionaticualy n owns and it s stl simst tofr to t last wo ss of mdval conomctoy as and osBlack Dat

n Back Dat riod t towns of Gman Hans osd graty and acvd ancv monooy of t Batcort Sa adT conqus of Tuonc Knigts ond u Balc intand and t Gand Mas of Odr mself a mmr of Hans cm grast corn mcan in word Fom 0

on, is gan acd Ws n incrsng quanity and cused a sgncan owrng of c(T Grand Ms aso rsrvd o imsf ig o dal in am mos ancin of Batccommodiis n rturn, Russa and t Batcsas incialy imotd txtls gnaly tcommodts of notrn trad maind t samas n evious cntuis oug y is tim rs coa ws ing sid fom otumrland. Bot and in t ow Countrs coa

ad en used laly for som tm rvously,ut ws only in foutn cntury ta iwas cognized as a vaua fu yond t im-mda aas of s natura occurrnc

Itaan roduction was stagnang vn fo arival of t lack Dat taly ad f rawmatias and its manufactus cam ncrsngly tid to ig qualiy goods Fom 3 onVntan and Gnos ss ok se and East-n wa sdircly o not Euo via t Atantc.T ss tund it Engls ool and it

goods fo reot o t as Grat ics stcam o aly from tis asWs ad and ds

indusry Gnoa rotd fom Byzanin rs-toaion of  6 ng awardd som Aganislands and mo imoant gting control of t Black Sa. ne Mongos ad estalsde in Asia, t caavan routs ecm us tan vr for and wit wo of t ree trans-Asian ous nding a Black Sa Gnsemrcans ad no illusions aou valu of ir gmony in t aa. Atoug Vnice -gand admitance to t Byzann ors in aly fourtnt centuy s nvr managd odsac Gnoa in t Back Sa; sw, swas awas aad, and in wat and ow Gnoanvr ualld

It was along nortnmost caravan ouat Black Dat (uonc lagu cam to

Euoe It srad from t Cima (346) vaConstannol o ay and Wstrn uro(3), n o t or Sa and Batc counrs(350 Is mmdiat motalty was cetainy col-ossa (as a qua o a trd in aas iaecd and it ad u a invas for cnuisaer ut i s no necessary o suos at ist on conomy ws uly disutv 1tcn argud tat o mov a quar of oulation will cause food ces to fal a only

t st land contnus in us Wags wil ise -caus t mony in circuaton is constan asml inationary ct u scarcty ofa ou ould lkly to c a is n ral ags As sound scous, ut in fac a considalamount of vdnc as n gatd to suott viw tat pr cpit t ostBlack Datoulation as tr o Howv, t communty as a o ws oorr and, ose tan atwas ft i a smalr at of incras To rva catals economy mus xand and t Blac

Deat ut a sto to markt gow y ouaionre Tis was t mo seous in tat a t sm

Slav counis cam to an nd wi Mongolu in Asa colasd and ovrland ad yad ncoagd fl o castoialy n tosBlack Da e nomy of Euoa as aa ws contcted and slug-gs T anse ssumd a dfnsiv osue; iwas, in fat ned to ang on o gans of rl days at d o t Hans ing formulatdas a discind ody. A wa wit Dnmakrougt a eion of vcory of  andconm d t Han satic domination of Scn dina van conomy An Engls callng o i monooy of Balc and or Sa ovdmo dicut o a o Howv civl wa dis-actd ngls and in nd it ws t Ducwo sucedd n oning ou aound

Dans nnsua A at Hans w inreat, i t mos owrful mm tGand Mast of Tuonic nigs vn ts dstd t Gmans; at  0 t Baliccatc dcind wi t or S au wc Hans could no contro, stadiy incasd invau

n fnt cntuy almos a sal camfom dosits na t mout of t Loir.

om 350 on Engs mad u an inceas-

ng oortion of tir woo into co eforxorting t, and t wavs of Fandrs and of Ialy ad to l ga wtwoo of oo quaiyfom Sa and Ir<nd Howvr Eng� cotwas s snt to t Low Countris to undgo comlcad ocss of nisng a ca of ic t Dutc ong rmand t masts

T dsaanc of oCisan Mon-gols and t aiva of uncooatv Otomans incrsd t isks and dmnisd r-tuns of astWs trad T sa ous

maed faily saf and roal owv solong as Vntians and Gnoes rtand  

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strng of isand bass n te Eas and whle Con numerous and revoluionary Gunpowde ei i

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stantinope held on he Tuksh jaws encclingte Black Gen and Veneians fougt achote he moe bittely as e stuaion camemo pcaious and neve combned to sem headvance of Islam. The long sruggle eached abiter clma n 3980, wen he Gens laid

siege o Venic and wer ovetown Genoa adso e bo and neve agan did Veni come sonea o losing e Mediteanen supremacy. ne nt cenury Venice annexed muc of henolan plan, an en�pi hat safeguardede Tanalpine oute o Gemany and guaaneedhe co supply bu involvd e in te ppetualand deblitaing wars of he aian city statesfrom wich se ad ihero eld aloof

n e spee of nanc he Ialan emaned

maser unl he end of he ddleAges The banking system aced is ighes eciency and thebanks he grats siz n aly and it was theea he s god conage n e West was mintedFloen 1 Te Papal colng oniion naualy favoud Iaian empoyees andis pfen dd much o esablsh and maintaine pdomnance of Itaians in uoan banking a pedomnanc so makd hat even eNohSea ade was lagely nancd by em

The ae of noogca advance duing themedieval peod was desperaely sow paricuayin te r af when e few dscoveries ha weemade ook lally nuies o come wdeyaccped. Te eplacemen of e smple pougby e wled one and he us of e or atehan he o o daw i· we procsss a bganin Caolngian imes and emained incomplee athe end of te idde Ages Somemes an nvenion go compley fogoten a case n pont sGreek e.!

Against such a background te innovaions ofhe ls quaer of he medieva pod appea

compass and pinng ae e iglgs oa enda ws disceble in the elds of mnn mealurgy, manufacurng, and navigaion and tawas ealtiy conced wit pactica sulsPumps, oe cushes, and fuing and papmanuctuing machiney wee developed wihn e

imatons impod by he esticon of powe ohat obainable from wind and wael As discrepancies bween he igd dogmaa of hecoomen and he acual naue of ings bcamencreasngly appaen e old sysm of ogic felno disepue and a eoetica cen was bonwh asked new quesions and epeaedly reued o reay o check the valdy of its reasonng mpcism enuy and heoy blendedn e Pouguee cptans wo in e fnh

cntuy sied ever fue souh along he coasof Aica payng fo te epedtons by bringngback e saves god and ivoy of he westenudan Te cape ws eched and ounded in 88and en yeas late Vasco da Gama naly eacedhe c Jndan make y ten te GenoseColumbus was aeady seting ou on his hdvoyage o Amerc The wals at ad connedEurope oughout e Middle Ag wee shatted te ls dcades of e fnh centry

duing whc tis wok was done ae a pa ofoden Hisoy

A eo a a e o o e Do e as

sg ot o ya w was te as o e Ma

luks e Mogols ealy eees a eace e sea a

e Kigo oAea

2 A sbsio a as log el y e lck o a

cola a ol eable e o l whou oig


Geek F s a e ale loosely o ay eay

ae se eeal waae b i scly ees o a

lu a ne soaeously o coac wi wae a

w was aal baes e basc aeial eay

al ese xues was eol wic occus o e sface

e ease acass e sece aiie a cause o

coac w wae was ceaiy cacu ose

obably aace by ea a xe o e a

boes wi i

D X As 1 , 2 S 3 3

Ai 2 2 1, 8 26, 36 38 46, 48;

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Th rnc/wg h nm of

n t is t th n )Abss, 5 16 52b


6, 8, 5, 52, 66 76

Ayssii 3 26 28

Ae 7 68 7 6Al 5 6628 slds 6 88hs 2, 2Ai, 2, , , 2, 2, 26 34 8

2, 76Ahlbds 6 8 5Air 3 82rculr 1 2 d 28 58AkKy[ e W e Sh rks

Am 6, 62, 76Als , 6, 8, 36 7, 76Alr, i Viss 18 22A 8 82Ar A 62Abesis. 68 7Alm, 8, 22,24Axd sy, re

rod 76Alxdr 7 Ard K W 8Aer, 2 78A h 36, 8Amhds s whdsAmids, s rbsA Arsl Sl, 6, 6As 2 72,8A 2Am 5, 38 8 72Amb, 28, 88A I I 3 38 2, 62, 66, 68

78882Aes 66 78 8 86

ASxs 1 8 3, 38, 4 6A A 76, 78Aj hs 76, 78A 66Akr 6 8 82Aes 22

A, 6 4 6 66 68 6Aqe 66Arb 3, 28, 36 5Arbs 2, I 1 26, 36 38 2

5, 54, 6, 66; x Sd 3; wrs 54; i S, 38; Trsx 3 s 4 e, 26

A 6, 64 66 68, 4, 78 84s 68 i wh rl

66 w sle 8Ar S, 42Arsm 26, 4Armi, 4 1 16 6, , 34 36, 8

4,48 d 5, 5 54 58, 6268 76 8 Arb s 38 my 8 dd 1Rom 3; hrsiy i, 26;Kdm 8 d , 76 esse 6 68 mls 8;r dss i 58; Psi ·qss 6 riy , 52

Asd Vds 1 6 1 8, 2 Vds

Asi 1 288As r yzi ks ,

38 m qss , 84Asssss 62 76Asrkh 4, 84Asrs, Kdm 8Abs, Ahs Dy 6 78A e, 5 8

Ass m me 1 4Assi, Kdm 34Asr dr rsh rl, 6Ars, 1 , , 32, ,46Ai 5 86A hs Sr

Ayybds 68 6Azerb, 5 7

dz 6 6dd, , 6, 4 6 56 76r sds 2 6 d 4lks, 3, 34 8 48 , 8

78 82 ss 6 68 . 4,

6 8, 82, 88

rbs, 4 8 6 8 8e 5 8 6 66 4s, 86ses 6, 2, 8, 48, 5r 4 6is 3 4yd, Sl, 8, 82lm rksh srs, lrde, 5, 3, 5 2, 6, 8rbes4 1 , 4 6,38.5 54.6,66er r, 48k h 88k S 14 8 , 42 46 6 8, 88

l S rs 8, 84hm 4 4 46 5 56 58

82,84,86si 5 8 82 84s , 68

res es res, 2 6 8

A·Ss 8 6 38 6ri , 26; re sRom 18 Rom es 14; rb orno , 1 Vki sis 48

s, 5, 8

ddss 66l 4 5 5 56 68 8s , 36 38 d , 6

48, 5, 52, 5, 6 8, 8rds 18 2 24 6

d by hdr 4ri 6; ds

dy 4 2, 24, 48, 5 684 hy , 8; k 782, 8 s , 5 Kd

8 5; s r rmmr 6 sb ys 4

rs rswyhds 6, 5 54 6yzm 565 8 6, 64, 6,8 86

S alo s

s, Jis, 8, , 8ihs, 36 38 44, 6 48 5

54 56 66, 7 ms rs n Ki 54, 6, 5 8rs 56 rh 6 8, 26 S, 16 28 42s 5 6 64 66 4 84ss 4 1 4 1 6 3 ls m qss , 1 4

6 82hm. 4, 82

9 1  

Carag Kg ak 4 t, Miraa 8 i, 0,2 aat' t 0 Frax, 5. 50 52

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48 525al 7 78Ca r Gra 84Car art 38 4Ciba Kaat 84Crg, 3 54Cia 3, 8, 1 , 28, 74, 7re I , Kg Pa, 32. 34Crta. 4 7 2 4 2 40

5 6, 8 S ao RigC at 0 8 78 90a Rom r 14 Kg Fr 24 2 30

3844la 5 70Cal xt a r 88

Cag 2 90Cb Cit 9Cr ra a ra

Rat 14 2440ta 4 8oi, Rom rr, 52,

5. 0ool 24 28.344042.

4 58

68 2 84, 8

eealo z tCwa 3 34ori 22 38 4 50 2 78Ct 4, 52ra 4 28 5 0 82 84 88

y o 54: Cat, 0 tra 28

rata. 4 4 54 2 8 aart Hgar 8: zati r Frak 4

, 6 7

Ca 2 4 8 0 2, 748084


Ca 2 6 72 74 7 S a

Gzzr, 3, 52 8

Daaa 5 22 24, 2, , 8 7882 ax b aa. 24 art Hgar 8 atit a 2 8

Daa, 7 4 80Da 20, 4 48 a , 50 52 54Daai 6 Dab 4 5 1 , 22 30

32 3 52D 80Dark 20 54, 8, 2, 74, 80,

84 88 tak a 4

wt Nrwa a Sw 80wa wt t a 88

Dta Ra mo, 4Da t a 8 88Dr r 4, 4Do r , 4, 22, 4, 52, ODo 6D, 32, 80Da St 78D 88

Da r 2, 74 42

t Gt see trgb aaa 4 gt 3 2 2 28 34 3 40 42

48 S 52 54 . 58. 8 72b i 3 22, 30 52ga 10 20 a 34 50 52

54 58, 0 272 88 gl-

Sax ou , 34 wai 88 Da 50, 54 Norm

ai i tr, 20 a gi 0; ,58 g i 52 w ra i,72, 88

, 2, , 84, 78raar Kg trgt

14 ia, z b Dak 4a r 7 80xa 9Fat 50 52 54 60 2 Fa, 7 0 72F7, Fi a 10 3 80 88Fia 74

F 14Fi 72 88Fla 3, 0, 72, 80, 84, 88F. 72Foee 5 0, 72 Frat, 1 4 20 24Fra. 10 4 1 8 20, 22 24

2 38 48

SO52 0 8 0

72 7. 80 82 84 8 rabtra t 38 rt tlr i

20 gi , 82, 84 xai tt t 50 , 880 Fa1a iai, 4 a ttr 20: Kg , 48, 80mohy , 80 ol. 10 ligo , 70 SaaFak 20 gt 1822 wa w Ga 1


Fak 4 18 20 22 24 a

2 30 32, 38 4 4 a 48

5 r 4 48 5Kg 24 a , 30, 34, 4

rrk I Ga er 4F Fra 14 20, 42 4 58

Gari Kg g aa2022

Gala 4Gali S 78Ga ,8, 18Ga 20Gg a Jji 4, , 80Ga, 5 3, 42 72 a 78 80

880Grga 4, 48, 52 4 8 74,

80 8Gi 1 32

rm 8, 9 a 14, 1 20,2 50,52, 54. 80. 82. 88

Gra 8 0, 4, 22 24, 4852 54 58 0, 8 0 2, 74, 80890

2Gaza, 54 0Gzz 0 S o umGl 2 28 42, 58, 90G Hr 76

n 80 a 82

84Gat Srg Jat 7 7Gt 8. 14. 1. 24, 2 S ao

Oogo a iigGraaa rat 7, 8, 18484Grk Fir 9 a egory Grat, 70Gia Rbrt 0 0 2G St 48

aa, aai 7 78, 82

2 D E ' F 5 G 3

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° Roo6


I ° 1 c 1 D


5R.}ort(s;lf \ 


Hmd ule 7 6 66 w rd 88 K, Ke 2 84 Mgr 6 I 38 48 0

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Hmburg, 3, 72.Hmie, 4He e 72, 88Hburg 84H 7 68

Hr I erm merr 70Her , Kig gld 82Herliu, Bie merr, 34

36, 40Hugr I , 2 20, 22 0 2, 4,

62 68 76 78 80, 82 84 Age-i 78 riiiy i I Hu i, 22; Kigd 2Mgyr i, 0;

Hu, 3 8

14 16, 20 22 28

30, 3234

Hu, 86

Ir 6 2 4, 6 3, 32 34 3848, 2 Arb ue 38Arei rue , 2; ee e 32; Ki gm 14 ,48 Peri l 16 30

Iel 2 . 8Iu 6, 4 66 68 78Iolm 40 42 6

Iri, 46 2di 3 14, 28 42 d , 4 80

exi id by Arb, 3 zid i 4; Ku i 4 m ii 3 u , 80 re ue ,328

Ireld 4 20 30, 40 0 2 6682 88; rii i, 40;iz ld, 30

gi i 66: rii , 0: rid gldb 20; ikg rme b 2;


m, 2 3, 4 7 I , 36 38 40 42, 4 6 8 60, 72 76 80;r e i 8 religi i,36, 76

ri, eei i 4 62

y 0 12 14 16 20 22 24 3032 34 38 40 42 48 , 28 60 62, 64 68 70 72, 74, 7680, 86 88 Agbid 48Byie , 30 38; iy e 0 rm i 2: uiri 10 60 ; Hu ri 20 i-eeee 70 idry 88 Kigd , 24 48 d Lmbr i, 32 34 Nrm, 10 60 64 rg i 24

religi , 70; er 262; rde 72 ui (76; iig 6 ee sP

Iry de 2, 28, 0

Jlyri 78 82Jre yr ry) ri 4 2Jerule 7 40 64 68 74 76J A 82

Ju Ju 30ui, Rm merr 4 1 6 26

28 30i Byzie rr 8

30 0Jue 20 d

Krkid 62Krki 66, 68, 74KrKulu

Bk ee

urkKrmi 78Kreli -EI 74

Ke 3 1 32 34 36, 38, 66.74, 76 78 80, 84

Kr 32 34, 36 38 d 42,46,48 2 8

Kwrim m 68 74, 76

Ki 3, 46, 6 66Kig e wr 68 72 74, 76Kre 74K, 80Kubli K i 76K um umKur, 4 4Ku, 3, 14, 20 24Kurigur, 22 34

guge 4 6

i mir 72 76 78z 4 34 3846, Leeld 4, 2Legirie 8 6e Byzie er 40 Kigdm 4 60 66 74Liu 80 82 84Lire ri �4 22, 82, 88Lmbr, 26 32 34 36, 38, 40 44,

46 2 , 62 ure

e 36 ure e dee b Frk 44 ; i I34 40 religi 26 40

348 N e l 6 74u X Kig Fre, 84u re Kig Hugr,

78 80w Cure 82 84 88bek 3 72

ui 3 8

Med 3

2 6Mi 3, 1 6Mmuk 4 76, 80 .Mred Kig ii!y 76Mim, 26, 70

Miker 6 62Mrmi, 16Mri 76 78 82Murie merr 32 34Mzim, 26Me, 4 Mdierre, 22 28 38 46 48

64 72Mererie 16 , 62 66Mer, [0, 28 66 72 88Meri Kgm 36 38 46

Mer, 6, 64 6 6Mei 67 2, 14 , 16 , 28

34 36 2 72, 80, 82Me 8, 72 0Mwrk 28, 42 72Mil, 4 72Miig 8 90Mldi 78, 84Memi 6 68Mgl 3 4 6, 1 20 30 74 76

78, 80, 88Miim, 26 40, 6Me1em40Mri 4 46 48 0 2, 8Mr 2 42,46 2 4, 60 7882Mw, 2 , 80 d 84Me 3 26 42 46 0 2

60 62 66 74 8082Mul 6 64 68Murbi 2 7

6 60 62, 66

Muie 86Muid 7 66, 74, 76Myrielum, 6 68

c 84p 5 38 48 78 84

Ptm P t h t 40

b hooc 24 Kgom o48 b c 80

84 88 c wr 54 o·p 4; Kt o 76

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p 5 38 48 78, 84r 54 60 62 6 76 84o 4 20 22tom 26 76th 84t gom 34

c 5 64 68 4 76copo 5 80om 3 4 7 8 0 14 6

24 48 60 66 74 78orm 50 52 64om 6 10 606 70 72om 2 48 50 52ot c 2 60 82o S 14 46 58 72 88


othmb 34 36 38 46 88ow 46 54 76 80ogoo 2 10, 46 54 66

74 76 84 Prc o 54 76r St 66 68

O 3, 22 52Ooc Kg o l 22 24Om


O 52 62 6 84

O, 4 20Om see OttomOt see Otogot 14 6 22 24 30 40Otm Cp s UtmOttom 7 I 12 78 804 88O m D 5·6 2 3 14


Pgm 4 4 26 74Pt, 76

Ppc Ppl St 38 40 42, 4446 62 70 76 78 86

Ptcht 40Pt 48 50 52 60 62 64P 32Pch


Plg m 26Popo 68 80

Pp Kg o 44Pr 7 3 4 12 4 6 20 24 26

28 30 32 36 40 42 46 44 4852 5 60 74 76 78 8082; ctr o 44; mp o 34 16 36; t o 32 ht o 76 78;o pot 58 lgo o26 bmo

Lr o 80

82 w wt Rom 4 6

32 Wt 24P 4 20 38 4048Pgm 4 7 2Pc 46 50 52P 5 62 72 78 86Po 5 32Pol 52 54 56 60 66 74

76 78 80 82, 84; Kgom o 78 84 Pcp o 52 66

Pootk 2 54Pootz see CmPotm 40Pom 64 68Pop pow o t 40 44 56 70

74 76 80 86 Popo 7 8 2 46 58 88Pog 66 74 86Potcort 44 46Poc 5 24 30 48 50 6 68

76 78 80; g omo o

78 cot t w c·o Frk 30

48 b c 80Pr 74Po 2 84P 12 8

Qrm 50 60Q 16

R 5 18 44 58R S 28Rgo 2 3 4 7 26 36 40 56

60 70 74 86 om o 26R om o pmt 0Rh .), 4 16 8Rho Dpot o 68 74

Rh 45 22 80R 3 84Rg 2 46 68Rog Kg o Sc 64Rom mp 4 6 7 8 4 16

22 24 26 28 30 34 70; -mto o 8 14 34; co, 8 14 6 t 7 8, 22 2428 0 34 pot mpoo 28 o o 1 4 ·

gg o 46 lto wPr 4 6 34 rlgo o, 426 70 t o o 28;Wtr 7 8 22 24 28

Rom 5 7 8 14 18 22 3440 56 58 60 mpro o 1460 Pic o 40; trio r to Lomr56

Rg, 24Rmi, 78R 6 7, 10 14, 22 28 38 42

48, 50 52 54 56, 58 60, 66 . 726 . 80

p 4; Kt o 76 Mgr pl om 50;Mco omo o 84om ggo 7 Pco 66, 74 80 Pcpto 52 60 64 66

72 76 t o 28 5 8 88

S 48 50Sh 2 42St ct 56St Vm 54S mt 50S 68Slo 5 48 6

So 5 74 76 80 82Sm 48 50 52 54 56Sgo 62S 4 80S 22 38 46 50 62 78 84So 14 20 2646 52Sc 6 46 48 54 56

5888Scol 14 30 48 50

54 86 coloo o

30 Kgom o 48 54 84o o o 48 50Scot 30 38 48 62 76Spot 62 72 88S pow 22 52, 58 68 74Scj 6 1 60 62 64 66

68 74 76 78Sm 4Spm 5, 4 30Sb 54 56 60

68 78

80 82 84

Sl 6 St 84


Shiie 36 44 46, 48, 50 5 56 Silih he Vl 16 8 Tle Te R 4 8 Veie Ye 4 10 , 38

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62,66Si 22, 24, 28, 30 46 48 5, 58

60 62 6 68 74 76 78 82, 8486 Aghli i 46 48; n-ie i 30 5; Kig 6874 76 78 Nm i 60 62;e mue in 58; elin 76 ; e 8 ; V i

Sgmun King ung 80 8Slg Yl 6 18S 28 42 72Si ee b Ab 3Sle 8 8 58 7 90S, 6, 7, 12, 4 22 30 3 34 44

46 48, 5 54 n n, 56 72, 78n 8 84 86 88 A

ne , 30 3; iPee ; Fkih Pee 46; eeene 34; eligi 7 56

Smlen, 3 82Si Kingm 4 22 24Sin, 14 18 30·8 46 5 n

n , 54·62, 66 74·6 826, 86n 88;Ab in 38 6 0 ebe ieenee 54; lihe 5 n

. 56 hiii i 56 66 ;mie 62 Fih mini in 46; meu i, 58 ; e mnuuei 58Viigh in 18, 22 3, 34 36 e 88

Sle uh 5, 3 46 48 48n

See 3 8 4 16 8 30,32 48 60 84


Shle 3438, 48S 3 8 90Suei, 6n 8 4 3Sulne 606 78 80 8Sunie 36

Sul 66Sil Pie Rui 5Swee 46 48 66 74 76 80 84Swie 2 84Si 6 36 40 60 66 90

Ti 36, 38, 44 48 62Thi 46Tmblne Timu 80, 8Tnebeg 3 8

Txin 8 9 14 58 86 90Tehg 1 90Temui eghi KhTeuni Kigh 74, 76, 80 8

84, 88Ten 5 7Texile 8 4 58 7 88Thei he gh 24Thei


The 5, 80

Thuingi 30 3 40Ti 5 48n 6Tim Tbne) 80 82Timi 3 1 8 84Tin uin 58Tihe 9Tm 4 46 54n 60Tle 56 6Tueg


Twn 8 16 8 58

40 446 58 6687 8 88 90T Rm me 4Tni 56 6, 36 4, 5260Tnxi, 5 3 5 66 68 80T 42 58

Teu TebiTbi 5 68 74 76 84 9Tiul , 9Tili Si 7, 64, 68 76Tilni 7 3 6Tli 48Tni 6 76Tii 36, 38, 4 46 50 60, 64

76 78 nex Rge Siil

6Ab k 36

n ue i 4 m

migi i 60Tue, 2 3 58, 66 76

n 80Tk Tukih mi, 3, 6 I

8·32, 36, 4, 48 54, 64 68,80·6

Te 80 84T, 7, 68

m 364 446 50 5 . 54 56

Uhm, lih, 36igu 34

Yl 16 8, 0 4 6 830,40

Vgn 46 48 5 58 7Y m 90Yun 50 54

40 44 48n 58 6 68 7 788 88 ieeee 3858 heee b ee 0e ,

458 88

Vikng 4648 50 52 54 58

Viigh 5 14 16 18 4 63 3 34 36 38 n 40

Yh 78VimiS , 66 76, 80

n. 84VlimiinVlh 3, 66Vg i. 3 30 36n.Vlhi, 66Yl 4, 4 26

le 3 34, 38 46 6 7 6llhi 78 , 80 84ee Kigm 46 48e h Yiighhi e 76n 80he un 3, 20, 24, 30he Shee Tuk 8 84ilim uke Nmn 0

60 6 e 42, 72, 82 88

ug 16

gi m M 64 66Zgi 66, 68Z 5 68i 54.• 56, 60,


Zii 78

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