ATER'S Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEED! CUKE OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague. Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, for the whole class of diseases origi- nating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. No one remedy is louder called for by the necessities of the American people than a sure und safe cure for Fever uud Ague. .Such we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise fioin its use in any quan- tity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immense service in the communities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful distemper. This " Cure " expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Aole from the system and prevents the develop- ment of the disease, if taken on the first ap- proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the beat remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body; and in bilious districts, where Fevee and Aoue prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over r ever discovered for the speedy and cer- tain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it pro- duces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Thoso cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth- ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become period- ical. This " Cure " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immi- grants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the in- fection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few w ill ever suffer from Intermittents, if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy af- fords. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the ranse of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ- ism, correcting its "diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. hot only do they cure the every-da- y complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints : Costive-nes- s. Heartburn, HeadacJie arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in ami Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe- tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. They are an excellent alterative for the renovation of the blood and the restora- tion of tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseues, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tioii, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu- merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub- licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ lor the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have faded and been discarded, this mis gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro- duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to Ue forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER &. CO. LOWELL, MASS. For sale by J. M. Mills and W. H. Avkrill, Frankfort, and by all Druggists. SURE, ECKSTELY Sfcc, Cincinnati. March 2S, lhoiMy. General Agents WORMS! WORMS!! WORM'S!!! rnHK season is at band when these scoursrea of child- - X hood begin to become both troublesome and dan- gerous. UK. JOH.N BULL'S VEGETABLE WOKM EK Is a remedy alike pleasant and effectual for Uie evil, lhereis not Uie least difficulty in getting: cnu-dre- n to take the Medicine. It is prepared lo the form of Candy Drops, and will be eaten with avidity by chil dren of all ages. It destroys and expels worms more effectually than any remedy now in use, while at the Mime time it will in no wav afi'eet injuriously the health of the child. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. BULL, at li is Depot iti rilin street, north ol Main, and bv Druggists gener- ally throughout the country. For sale in Frankfort and vicinity by W. H. AVEli- - 1LL, Urugpist, Mum street,' aoors iron, rost Oillco. Oct. 27, IdatMiio. SOUTH FRANKFORT. Grocery and Dry Goods Establishment. IT AV IftU purchased me siock oi good's ol r. u. ked-- 1 1 dibu, the undersigned will continue tbe Grocery aud Dry Goods buhiue9sal his old stand. 1 have just receiv ed a fresh, supply of Family Groceries, and will keep constantly on hand u well suleclod stock of all articles iu iua)lioe of biuine&M, and will sell as low as any other in Fruukfort. 1 will trade lor country produce oiVft kinds, ou fair terms, liy strict attention to and selling low, 1 hope to desene and receive a share of the public patronage. HKNRY C. MtTCHKLI,. Frankfort, JuneiM, THE REPORT OF THE "Kentucky State Agricultural Society," FOR 1851) AND 1R57, Just published, and for sale at this vfftre, at $2 per copy Report will bo found very interesting and useful THIS all who feel an interest in the Agricultural Im- provement of the Slate. It is bound in the style of the ..w.nnrt of the Kentucky Geolozical Survey; isavol- - ume of 5116 pages, embellished with a number of cuts of the animals WUtcu lOOIt premiums at me otaie rauo. All orders to be addressed lo Sept. S(4. IBM. A. G. HODGES. STRAY NOTICE. rn KEN up as a stray, by James M. Wist, living I about two miles Northwest of Frankfort, and near , - ..I. miA A.. Otilf. iimnnu tsi uie ft.eniucny river, one r.- - be two years old next Spring. No brands or marks per- - eeivable. Appraiseu io u. u.,..-- .. signed, a Justice of the Peace for said county, by Charles i. HA1.4 nminttf rri ri u rki h thta r. Owen, a Housekeeper in jaiu wu-- .j , - -- .. ., Uay " UDOr- - 'TeO.W. GWIN, J. P. K.C. Dec. 19, 185tMtw. Guard against Fall and Winter Tires! BY CHOICE INSURANCE WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL, - $1,000,000. ABSOLUTE A.D UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF - 912,I81 72, And the prestige of 10 years success and experience. UPWARDS . . OF 12.000.000 v r Of Losses have been paid by the .Etna Insurance Com- pany In the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from tlm lV.Ur.wl., LOSSES PAID BY THE ETNA During the Past Five Yean): In Ohio, - - $431,520 P3 In Michigan, - $10B,043 SI In Wisc'n, - JU,955 07 In Indiana, - 14i,839 81 In Kentucky, .404.939 40 In Illinois, - 41 .Missouri, - 364,51s 04 Tennessee, 97.r.t!) Iowa . UI,3'.lit 40 Kansas Neb, I'J.iMS 77 Penn. & Va., - 31.5W HJ Ark. & Ga., - a3,W5 1)9 .Mississippi and Alabama, S33.41it in Fire and Inland Navigation. Kisks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and lair pronl. Especial attention given to Insurance of DWELLINGS and Contents, Jor terms of 1 to 5 years. l'lio solid service long and successfully tried, and Uie many advantages of tile Insurance Company pos- sesses in its line, should not be overlooked by Ihose rea dy lo insure and understanding their best Interests. During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable In- surance becomes an imperative duty the ubilily of prop- erly owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. Agencies in all the principal cities and towns through- out the Suite. Policies issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Agents of the Company. ITJBusiness attended to with Despatch and Fidelity. II. Wl.VUATE, Agent, September !), 1859. Frankfort, Ky. EDGAR KKENON. JOHN N. CRtlTCKElt. KEENON & CRUTCHES, SUCCESSORS TO Morris & Iltunpton aud II. Evans & Co., Main Street, Third Door from St. Clair, FRA.VKFORT, RE.VTICKY. DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Boots, Shoes, Huts, s Caps, and Straw Goods. AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors and Scissors, Port Monaies, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Perfumery, &c, &c. T he nubile is respectfully requested to call and ex amiue our stock of Goods. irjA liberal discount made to teacher. November 9, 1859. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, VINES, SHRUBS, &C, CULTIVATED AKD FOH SALE BY Ed. D. Hobbs & J. W. "Walker, AT TDK EVERGREEN YCRSKRIES, Tvtioe Milts East of Louisville, Ky., mmsttiately on the Louisville aud Frankfort Railroad. ....... . K Neatly primea catalogue oi . 4if?SiX the Fruits, Ornaments, Tree, ij.-.- J f named Nursery, Eaav be had by i, application to A. ii. Hodoes, Frunklort, Ky. mav be addressed to HOBBS & WALKER, Williamson Post Othce, Jolferson county, Ky., orto A. 11. MODliES, Frankiort, Ky. Frankfort, Oct. 17, 1854. A CLERGYMAN having cured himself of Con- sumption In its worst stages, after boiDg given up to die, by me most celebrated physicians, desires to make known the mode of cure, (which proves successful in every case,) to those afllicted with Loughs, Colds and couauuipu on, and he will send the same to any address, free of charge. Audress, At J. rik t e., ;nit iuie Agent,; Aug. 29, 10 Cortland St.tJf. Y. Reopening of the Mansion House. G. L. POSTLETHWAITE & CO. Prop'rs. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. old and n Hotel has just been THIS repaiied and refurnished, and wi'l t.'e to the traveling public and boarder mi th - i ti4i. The present lessee has been heretofore engaged in ho- tel keeping, and from his expeiience in ihe business nopes to give satisiaciion. ins oiu lnuuus uuu mo c generally are requested to stop wiih him. Nov.21,l859-t- C New Livery and Sale Stable. --- M. B. & W. J. CH1NN have pur- - chased of W. K. Link his Livery Sta- - tATvvVHi "lsi anU mtena keeping a o. i iav iVt'hU ery and Kalo Stable. Will always keen Carriages, Buirsioa, Wagons, Saddle Horses, &c &.C.. to hire on reasonable terms. Will keep horses by the day, woek or year. We have also made large ad- ditions to the Stable, which will enable us to accom- modate all ol the old customers of the Stable, and as many new ones as choose to favor us with their patron- age. We hope, by strict attention to business, and honorable dealing, to merit and receivo a largo portion of the patronage of the community. Dec. 13 M. B.& W.J. CHINS. SAMUEL'S NEW ESTABLISHMENT. TTENKY SAMUEL. Barbkrand Hair Urkhher, is hap- - XI py to inform his friends and the public that he is again established in comfortable and commodious rooms, and ready to attend to all who may give him a cull. His new establishment is in the building of Col. Hodges, on St. Clair street. Ho solicits public patron- age, and hopes that his old friends and customers espe- cially, who patronized him before the lale Art), will now Und "their way back to his shop. Murcu 12, l8o-- by. N. A. CROUCH, O o a, o Xi - 3VI tx Ix. ox, (RUBKL'S OLD STJJVD,) Arch Street, Bardstown, Ky. XTTew Work Warranted Twelve Months. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. For Sale. OFFER for sale a very desirable Brick Dwelling, I on Clinton Street, near the Penitentiary, with a good lot attached. Apjdv to roe In South Frankfort. Aug. Mas, L. HKKNDON. THE VESPER GAS, OR AIR LIGHT. The Cheapest, Brilliant, and moat Conveni- ent ArtiDclol Light In the World! THE Vesper Gas Light has won for itself a reputation elegance, economv, safety, and simplicity lar be- yond any other artificial light.' The Vesper Gas flame and fixture- precisely resemble in form thosa of coal gas; but in brilliancy and purity of light It a decided advantage ovr even Louiville coal gas. Ii requires nofhimney; there is no need of daily trim- ming of wick; and the construction of the fixture is so simple that it is not liable to get oi. of order, and a child can manage It readily. The gas burned in the Vesper fixtures is generated from pure coal oil, with- out uny admixture of alcohol or other oreigu ingredi- ent. It Is entirely free from odor while burning, as, uy a simple contrivance, the vapor of the oil Is with the utmosphere, producing perfect combustion and a most intense light. The liaht Ikis beer pronounced, by those who have had it in const idi use for month's as most pleasant to the eye while reading or sewing, there being no flicker or unsieudlnots in the flame. The Vesper Gas Llgbl is portable, and cun be used In tow n or countr in fact, wherever artificial light is required. The fixlure) themselves are adapted in styles to suit ail tastes, from the plain single-lig- burner to the most cosily chandelier. Each chandelier is porfct in itself; there is no outlay to be made for service pipes. The gas Is generated in ihe burner, aud all fixtures, from the cheap single-lig- burnei to the expensive chandelier, are miniature in themselves. They are sold at price which do not exceed the cost of the ordinary gas fixtures of similar st le and ornamentation. A price list will be sent to un address on application. MERCHANTS Visiting Louisville should not fail to procure the Ves- per Gas Fixtures for their stores. Churches, Hotels, Public Halls, and Private Throughout the State can now be fitted up with these elegant and convenient chandeliers, and other beauti- ful gas fixtures, which add so much to the appearance of such places, and lo the comfort of the home circle, and which herotolore could be used only in those districts embraced withiu the coal-ga- s limits ol large cities. The limited space of an advertisement precludes the insertion here of the numerous testimonials of appro- val we have received from all quarters. Suffice it to say, scientitic men and others who have examined anil thoroughly tested the merits of the Vesper Gas Light, pronounce it the best and cheapest artificial light now known. IrThe proprietor respectfully requests responsible merchants in every town and county in the state t with him. believing they will rind ii to their in- terest to aid him in introducing this uucquated light to their customers. Vesper Fixtures and Coal Oil prepared expressly for tii is liuruer kept constant Iv on hand, and tor sale whole- sale and retail. ViM. H. SE1 I'LE, .Xo. 0, Masonic Temple, Loitismllr, hij. April I, tf. VESPER GAS. WE are the Agents for the VESPER GAS, ami are pre- pared to supply customers with Lamps and Coal Gil at Manufacturers1 prices. The public are invited lo cull at our btore aud examine these Lamps. W . H. KEE:K V CO. April 1, lgjJMvAlwtf. M. I. M HENRY. W. H. M 'HENRY. M. D. & W. 11. M'HENRY, ATTORNEYS AND LAND , AGENTS, D E S MOINES, IOWA, PROPOSE to practice in the various Courts of Polk and in the Supreme Court of Iowa, and the United States District Court. They have also established a General Agency for the transaction of all manner of business connected with Land Titles. They will enter Lands, investigate Titles, buy and sell Lands, and invest money on the best terms and on the best securities. They will enter Lands in Kansas and Nebraska Terri tories, if an amount sufficient lo justify a visit to that country is offered. ihe nemor partner having been engaged extensively in the business of the law in the Courts of Kentucky for nearly thirty vears,and theJunior having been engaged in the Land business in Iowa for eight years past, during which time he has made actual survey of a Largre portion of Polk and adjoining counties, they feel confident they will be able to renaur a satisfactory account oi all bus- iness entrusted to them. They will enter Land with Laud Warrants or Money, upon actual inspection of the premises, and will buy aud sell Lands on Commission, upon a careful investi- gation of title. Persons wishing to settle in the State can find desirable farms and city property for sale, by calling on Uiern at their office in .Sherman s Building, comer of Third Street and Court Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. March 11, l57-l- f. NEW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Best Selected Stock of Ready-mad- Clothing ercer brought to Frankfort. SCHLOSS & UETZ HAVE just received from their manufacturing house the largest and most complete stock of Fall and W inter Ready-mad- e Clothing. Hat and Copt, Trunks and Carpet-bags- AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ever offered in Frankfort. They are all made express- ly for this market, aud we guarantee to sell us cheap as can be bought in Louisville or Cincinnati. Everjbody Is Invited to call aud examine for themselves, and if they wish to purchase we feel assured we can suit them both in price and fit. Gentlemen wishing Clothing for themselves, their sons,or their negroes, would do well lo give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, at we guarantee to sell as good Goodaand as cheap as can be bought anywhere. SCHLOSS y GETZ, Comer Mainand St, Clair Sts. Frankfort ATy. Sept. li, John Bull's Compound Pectoral OF teal of public approbation baa been so unmis- takably fixed upon tins Medicine that the proprietor feels it lo be his duty to call the attention of all ihose persons to it who are suffering from, or who are threat- ened with, affections of the Lungs or Throat. Its basis is the active principle of the Wil,j Cherry liark, but it contains also, in proper proportions, other of the most efficient pectorals of the ma.tkria mkdica. Its compo- nent parts and proportions are well known to physici- ans eve vtfijUTv. u; tbe proprietor makes no secret ot them, auM ffloy have met the universal approbation ol the faculty, who, as a general thing, prefer using this preparation to any prescription which they can have prepared by a druggist. It can be procured from and country stores everywhere. Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Ofllce, Louisville, Ken- tucky. in Frankfort aud vicinity b u . (. AVER-IL- Druggist, Main Street, 2 doors .rom the Post Office. October -- '7, l5y-b- THE KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE, DIRECTED by a Board of Visiters appointed by the Mate, is under the superin tendence of Col. K. V. MOItUAX,a distinguished graduate of West Point, and pipl a practical Engineer, aided bv an able Facuilv. The course of study is that taught in tho best Colleges, but more extended in Math ematics, Mechanics, Ma- chines, Construction, Agri cultural I hemistry and Mining Ideology; alsoin Kngush Literature, Historical Readings, aud Modern Lan- guages. Schools of Architecture. Knirlneeriuir, Commerce, Medicine, and Law, admit of selecting studies to suit time, means, and object of professional preparation both before and alter graduation. The tweuty-tlfi- session open Septem borm,lrC9. Charges, 102 per y session , pay able in advance. Address the Supnrlutendont. at "Military Inntitu r rank iiu.springs, fry. ''or the undersigned. P. U KV. July 22,18511 bv President o the Hoard. Highly Important to Both Sexes. AND SINGLE. IN HEALTH AND MARKIKD DR. LA K.MONT'S PAKIS, LONDON , AND NEW YORK MEDICAL ADVISER AND MARRIAGE GUIDE, 30lh edillon. Over 4K) pages, l'.'mo , cloth, about one hundred electrotypcd engrHViugs. Price 1. Sold also by V. A. Townsend & Co., No. 4ii Wulker St., near Broadway, N. Y. Among Us contents is the anat. omy of the soxual organs of the male and female, all their disease, and weaknesses; latest discoveries in re- producing; European Hospital practice; quacks, (ad. vertising) their recipes and specitics; the author's Paris and London treatment. At No. 1117 road- way, up stairs, three blocks above St. .,i( holas Hotel, New York, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. "We concur with other papers in recommending Dr. Larmontandhis work." Courrier des Etals Unis, Ger- man Die Reform, Sunday Dispatch, Na- tional Democrat, Dav Book. Eei Standard, Hahway, Advocate, Empire City, Police Gazette, N. York Pick, New Brunswick Times, Mercury. Atlas, &c. Aug. 3D, 1819 K or tw3ul. HORACE WATERS, AGENT, 333 Broadway, Kew York, Publisier of Music and Music Books, Dealer in Melodeons, Alexandre Organs,Organ PIANOS, Martin's celebrated and other Guitars, Vio- lins, Tenor Viols, Viollncellos, Accordoons, Flutlnas, Flutes, Fifs. Claroneus, Trh.ngles, Tuning Forks, Plpes,and Hammers, Violin Sows, best Italian Strings, Hruss Instruments lor bands, Pi.uo Stools and Cover,, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. MUSIC, from all the publishers in the U. States; Hertint's, Huntin's and Modern School, and all kinds ot Instruction Hooks lor the above instrument Church Music Books; Music Klegantly Buund; Music Paper, and all kinds of Music Merchandise, at the low- est prices. MiW PIWOS. at $170. S'2?5, 250. and up to rttJ: SECOND ,HANO PlAN'OS fr.m up lo $lbu; NEW AIKLOUKONS, S45, 900, 875, $100, and up to S iviX, ShCOND HAND MKLuUKO.VS, from $30 to ALKXANUKK OKtiANS. with live stops. $lti0. nine stops, $liand $$25', thirteen stops, :u. and $3ou, filieen stops, 83-- and S 37 5; ALbXANuriK OKG.-t- ACCOKDhoN' a new instrument Just im- portedprice $30 and $3.". A liberal discount to Cler- gymen, Churches, gabbaih. Schools, Seminaries and Teachers. Tbe T rude supplied at tho usual trade dis- counts. Sabbath School Books published by this House: The Anniversary ttnd Sunday School Music Book jYo. 1, contains 3tJ tunes and hjmns. Price 3 cent cacti, 9 per hundred. The Annierrsary and Sunday School Music Book Jfo. 2, contains 3G tunes aud hymns. Price 3 cents each, $2 per hundred. The Anniversary and Sunday School Music Book, Jo. 3, conlainsSO tunes and hymns. Price A cents eacb, $3 per hundred. The Anniversary and Sunday School Music Book, com- bining Nos. 1 and 3, with several additional pieces, con- taining tunes and hymns. Price b cents each, 5 per hu ndred. The Revivul Penny Music Book, Jfos. 1 audi. No. contains It tunes and hwnus. Price 1 cent. No. 2 contains 30 tunes and hymn- - Price 3 cents each, $2 per hundred. Postage one cent each. The .Sabbath School Bctl contains 151 tunes and hymns. Price 12 cents each, fii porhundred; postage ii cents cttcn: elegantly bouml, ,'0 cents each; $15 per hundred. Conirrerrational Singing An eight page Tract. Price 2.ric. per doz., $ 50 per hundred. TKSTI.HO.M.4LS OF THK HO It ACK WATl-llf- 11 A ft OS AM) iVlKLOOLONS. Tim Piano came to hand. Hint in first, rite order. it is u beautiful instrument and no mistake.1' Uk V Vvlklk , Philadelphia. John Hewitt, of Carthage, Now York, who u:n had one of the Horace Waters Pianos, writes an follows: "A friend of mine wishes mo lo purchase a Piano for her. she likes the one you sold me in December, !Kt. My Piano is becoming popular in this place, and 1 think can introduce one or two more; they will lc more popular than any other make " "Wo have two of Waters" Piano in use in our Semi-- ; nary, one of which has been severely tested for three years, and we can testify to their good quality and du nihility." Wood & Giueoory, Mount Carroll, 111. H. Waters, Kdo.. Dear Sir: Having used one ot your Piano Fortes for two years pant, 1 have found it a very superior instrument. Alonzo Gray, Principal Brooklyn Heights Seminary.' U'J he Piano I received from you continues lo give; satisfa ion. 1 regard it as one of the best iustrumonlei iu the pltiee." J amies L. Clark, Charleston, Va. The Melodoon has suTely arrived. I feel obliged to you for the liberal discount; will do all 1 can for you in these parts." litv. J. M. McCormk k, Varquesville, S. C. "The Piano was duly receivod. It came in excellent condition, and is very much admired by my numerous family. Accept my thanks for your promptness." KoBfcKT Coopkr, Warrenham, Bradford co.,Pa. "Your Piano pleases us well. It Is the best one in our county. " Tuo. A. Latham, Campbellton, (ra. "We are very much obliged to you for having sent such a tine instrument for we shall take pains to recommend it." Urank,Hkld & Co., Buffalo Dem- ocrat. "The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best. We are enabled to speak of these with confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and durable quality.1' A". Evan gelist. "We can speak of the merits of the Horace Water? Pianos, from personal knowledge, as being of the very best quality." Christian Intelligencer. "Nothing at the State Fair displayed greater excel- lence in any department than the Horace Waters Church mau. "The Horace Waters Pianos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material. Wo have no doubt that buyers can do as well, perhaps better, at thisthan at any oluer house in the Union." Advocate and Journal Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challenge com parison with the finest made any where in the country." Howe Journal. "Horace Waters Piano Fortes are of full, rich, and even tone, and powerful." JV. Y. Mustcul Review. "Our friends will find at Mr. Waters1 store the very-bes- assortment of Music and of Pianos to be found in the United Stales; and we urge oar Southern and West- ern friends to give him a call whenever they go to Now York." Graham' Magaiinc. Warerooms 333 Ilroadway, New York May 2, 1859-t-f. COACH FACTORY, HEMING & aUIN, rrKKP oonstantly ou hand a fine asoortmenlof Car- - f riages any kind of Carnage made to order and ol he best material. W'e have purchased the sole right of Everett's Patent Coupling, for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln an Garrard. N. 8. We would call the attention of purchasers to our Spring assortmentof Carriage. YJ All work made by us warranted for onevear. April2, 1855 tf. T II E Hartford Fire Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. CAPITAL, $500,000 1. ITS C A VITAL IS AMPLE. ',. ITS RATES ARE KKASONABI.K. 3. IT PAVS ITS LOSSES PKOJIPTLY. II. HC.V ri;TO, President. T. C. ALBY.M, Secretary. J. M. MILLS, Agent at Frankfort. KENTUCKY CENTRAL RAILROAD tfrl ffJrmn f'intm ifjrQ COVI.GTO. AXD Li:.VIGTO DIVISION .NOW OPEN TO XlCHOLASViLLE.) pONNECTING at Nieholasville, morning and evening iioi.villp. Hurrodsburfi. Somerset. Crab Or ctmrd, Stanford aud Lebanon. Two Daily Trains Each Way. THK EXPRESS TK.UN LeavHs Covington at, ti:'2. A. M. und arrives at Lexing- ton at 11 :18 A . M . Keiurnicg. lt';tvt's Lt;inj;ton at a: 13 and arrives ai Covington at 7:03 P. M. Pansengers by this train arrive in Danville, Ilarrodshurg ir Lancaster, in time for dinuer. This train also eonnecis with stage lilies at Paris, ioM;tysville,Miliorsbu rg. Carlisle, Sharps-bur- Blue Lick, W inctiesler, Ail. Me rhng and George town; at Lexington wnii stai;e to Kielunond, Lon- don, Versailles, Winchester, Barooursville, Cumber- land Gap. THE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Covington at P. M., and arrives at Lexing- ton at 7:24 P. M.; stopping at Paris for breakfast. Returning, leaves Lexington at i:IO A. M., and ar- rives at t'ovinirton at JU:iU A. M Passengers by tuis train arrive at'Danvillo tlie same evening. FKEIGHT '1 KA1N leaves Covington at5:20, A. M., and urrives at Lexington at P. .M. Returning, leaves Lexington at 5:30 A.M., and arrives at Coving- ton at 4:13, P. M. up to 5 o'clock P. M. FOR TICKETS, or information, apply at tho Ticket OQlces of the Company, in Cincinnati and Covington. C. A. WITHERS, Sup't. G. M. Clark, General Ticket Agent. THE OMNIBUS LINE w ill cull for pussongers iu any partol Cincinnati, io v n jf i m , ir n jri. March 2, 13'J. C I, AVION (V YOUNG. Kockaway for Sale. TWO Seat nocKuway, almost new, which will be A sold cheap for Cash or good pr.per. Apply to June 13,1H;U- k. HkNSLE Y . HOME Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, OFFICE, No. 4 , W ALL STREET. CASH CAPITAL, 5(H,OUO OO A.M'l OF AK I s ltJan. H 3 3 4 A.ll'l uK LI VUil.l l lEa. 4 1.1 li Ol This Company ciintlnus Injure Buildings. Aierchan-dise- , ships in port nd thir cargoes. Household h urnlture a no Property uji.! Lti-.- or uaniiige by Fire--, on uvoru-M- Los-e- tiiiiniih At!jtitfii uttU Promptly Abstract of the SKM STATEMENT of the affairs and cvtidtion of the HOMIi INstltANt E CO.HAY, of the City vf York, on tf,tZ)st day oj December, ls37. ASSETS. Cash, Balance in Bunk, ... $ 37,1)00 0 Bonds and Mortgages (being first lien on Real Estate, woilh at least Jgwui,. Ouu,) - 4ti0,tHt 00 Loans on Stocks payable on demand. market value ot socuriMes, 150.P39 Hii Rank Stocks, (market value), - - 77,000 00 Real Estate, No. 4 Wall Street, (Uie of- fice of the Company), - - - C7,Ct4 72 Interest due nn 1st Jan., 185, (of which, $i2,o-,;- W has since been received,) 14,375 (l Balance iu hands of Agents and iu course of transmission from Agents, on 31st Dec, (of which $7,837 57 has since been received), - - - 4,bH4 75 Premiums due and uncollected on Pol- icies Issued at OnU-e- - - - 2,Utf7 53 ;ud, . LIABILITIES. Outstanding Lujses uo 31st Decembr, 157, estimated at Due S 01 Stockholders on account of Seventh Dividend, 1,7CU CU $ 41.111) III Nkvv York, J:mnnry. 236. J'HVS. J. MARTI.V, Pres't. V. F. U IDi vai ll, Vice 1'res'l. J. MILTOAi SMITH, Sec'y. H. WIXGATE, Ajrem, Oct. 12, Frankfort, Ky. 3 V. !Ut'A. AND ITALIAN M A UB LE WORKS, WILLIAM CEAIE., 0poHltfthe e, St. Clal r Street , FRANKFORT, KY . HAVING purchased ' - '., ;. of KNIGHT dc CLARK .' their entire stock of .; ' ' Marble AI o n ume nts Aj :'1V', i': c .lyW,' - Tombs,ic.,l willcou- tinue to finish to order Monuments, Tablets, i2 1 ombi, Head-htone- t?.4'eiueter Posts, Is J ' ' ? J.1. hie Tops, Cou n t r. rs ' ;r everything in the .V... "r'tT M ur bl o line, at short r. ; i 'notice an in the very ;":.2ri'I::--Ji.-i;;:- : style. I have t securea the servicesol one ofthe best of de V'tl signers and carversin i?'1 Philadelphia, and 1 pledgo myselftogetup better work than has :J over been finished in Frank fort, and a. ascan berlnih. .fjed elsewhere vj Call and 8ee. Iron RailLner, Verandahs. &c. have a greatvariety of designs at the shop, and Ulfiirnisb the work at manufacturers price . W I f lOI IU Jan .15, IK5f. Yemian copy.1 SECOND VOLUME OP THE KENTUCKY FARMER. Only One Dollar Per Annum!! NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE!!! Tut First Volume of the Kentucky Farmer" closed with the June uumber and the Second Volume will commence in July. We promised a year ago to try and give to tbe Agriculturalists and Stock Raisers of Ken tucky a paper worthy of their patronage. We put the question now to every one of its patrons: Have we tq deemed that pledeV Ha re we given you a fair equiv- alent for THE DOLLA which wns paid for Uie Ken tucky Farmer? If so, let every ooe of our present subscribers renew thoir own subscriptions, and try and send us one or Mons additional natnesfor tho SECOND VOLUMK. The receipts for Uie First Volume have about paid the expenses o( Us publication. We promised our patroas that wo would publHh One Volume whether we obtain ed a sufficient amount to pay its expenses or not. The publication ot the Juuu number hns redeemed that pledge. Shall we have the kiud and continued support of its present patrons, together with their aid in extend ing Us circulation? It' so, we promise lo do everything in our power to make the paper worthy of a generous Kentucky public. The "Kentucky Farmer" will still be published monthly, in Us present form of sixteen large quarto pagea, for ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable invaria bly Id advance. At the small amount charged for the paper will not Justify tho trouble and expense of collect ing subscriptions, no paper will be forwarded unless paid for in advance. HZ'Sul.scrlptloas can be forwarded io us by mall, a our risk. Letters addressed to us need not be register. ed. Simply address A. G. HODGES, Frankfort, Ky. June 15, 1859. FRANKFORT AGENCY New York Life Insurance Company a meeting of the Local Directors of .ew York AT Life Insurance Company. held in li.eciiyof Frank fort, Ky., December 4tb, I83ri, the following was y adopted: 'The uutiersirned. President and Directors of the Company, have examined the reiKrl andexhibitof the New York Life Insurance Company for the half year ending juiy lsi, i&)h, ana being suiisrieu with its pros- perous condition, cordially recommend it to the en- - couragemeiil and support ol the community. Tho iNow York Lite Insurance Coinumiv nas been in existence fourteen years, its capital has attained the sum of $l,5MO.O00, invested in state stocks, bonds ana mortgages on rejiiesLate. We think it u most s:ife and profitable mode of in vesting money. The profits enure to the bent-fi-t of the insured, aud nave averaged not less than 30 per cent perannum on ihe premium paid. Besides these investments in stock, &c, the uw of New York requires as additional security, that $100,000 shall he deposited with the Slate Comptroller, to meet any lawful demands which the Company may fail to pay. We invite attention lo the nature, objects and advan- tages of Life Insurance asset forth by this Institution. It wili be seen by tiie above statement that this Com pany is in a nourishing condition. Those desirous of iiiionuuuou in reguru w mu suujectoi insurance would do we l to call on the Local Agent of tho above Company, who will give them any information that may be desired, or for reference apply to either mem- ber ofthe Local Board, all of whom are insured in thisollice. C. S. MOREHEAD. President. EMU. H. TAYLOR, 1 rHO. S. PAGE, 3HAS. G. PHYTH1AX, S Directo K. W. SCO IT, H. 1. TODD, J CLAIMS PAID AT THIS 4UEXCV. John Lane, $ 5.0(10 lhoinns F.Thornton, r,,twi0 h il. lfuviess, 6,(ioo Williiini G. I'ruiL', 5,00(1 John C. Hertitlnti, 5,000 John T. rVmiitMoii. 1,500 S 'JU,500 MEDICAL EXAMI.NKK, . W. C. KXEED, M. D. II. WI.VGATH, Agent, July 1, 1859-t- f. Franlifort Branch Ban':. Cheese! Cheese!! I LARGE Outline ('he.-se- t 'J Lartze X Y. Croain Curese; ilozon I'nlch Cheese; 1 dozeu Extra r'nie Apple Clveeee: 4 buo Choe.-e- jast receive! and for sale bv April 11, 1M9. OKAY A: TODD. INDEMNITY lakes, and Policies Issued in the following prompt and reliable Companies, by JAMES R. WATSON, Agent, FKANKFOKT, KY CHARTERED A. D. 1841. f eoria Marine & Fire Tnimrance Co., .No. 39. MA1.N STKEET, PKOIflA. ILL. Tliis Company continues to issue Policies on Marine, Inland Navigation, Transpor- tation and Fire Risks, AT REASONABLE RATES. Capital, - - S500,OOQ. DIRECTORS, IfAAC CNbKRIULL, William Funn, V'M. li. fuKLPS, B. L. T. BouRLiNU, Theodore C. Holland, Samuil Howk, VVm. A. Hkkron, Ai.kx. G. Tvnu, J. Rkynolus, Piulo Holland, K. Ukkou L. Holland, OFFICERS, t ODiatMlLK, FreMldeia. U. L. T. 1IOCULAAU, iee Pre. idem. C. HOIXXAU, Secretary. JAAJKS K. WATSO.N, Agent, Audilor'i OiUce, Frankfurt, Ky. March 31, lrtB If. The Quaker C;ty Insurance Company, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Franklin Buildings, No. J2, Walnut Htrret. Capital & Surplus, $250,000 Chartered Capital, 500,000 Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE, and the Perils of tlie Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. OFFICERS. GEO. H. HART, President E. P. ROSS, Vice President H. R. OOCRiSH A LL, Secruinry V Treasurer. S. H. BUTLER, Assistant Socrtury DIRECTORS. Gkokuk T. Hart, E. W. Bailbt, E. P. Roe, Charlks G. Imlai, A. C. Cattell, Wat. D. Lewis, Jr., Joseph Edwards, J. L. Pomerot, JuIin G. Dale, Andrew R. Chambers, Hon. H. M., II. R. Coooshall, Foster S Perkins, Samcel Jones, M. D., John 11. Chambers, A. F. Chesebrouoii. JAMES R. WATSON, Ajrent, Audltor's Office, Frnukfort. Ky. March 31, lM5rt tf. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers Union Insurance Company, AT ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., JAM'ARY 1, Cash Capital which U all paid up, $30O,000 OO burpliulu addition thereto, &37,13s HO 4337,13 ASSETS. Cash on hand aud on deposit S 13.42 Ca?h io the bunds of Agents aud In course of tramtnlssion secured b bonds with sureties, 6.667 tt 54 Bunds and Mortgages, (ii & 7 per cent interest,) 152,315 OU 19 Bunds, security ample, ; interest b per cent,) 47,6X5 00 Bills Receivable, viz: Proruiniiory uotes payable on demand, 4.000 20 Cash due from responsible parties on deniaud. 1,3.3 47 Interest accruod ani priucipully due January 1st 1857. 11,045 53 $237,13de2 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and not due, 61,10 Loeses claimed aud unadjusted, 3,9j5 10 I O3oe cJ iii mod uud reslttod, 2,000 00 Losses reported on which no aclioa is Utken, l060 00 All other claims the company are small cot exceeding. 300 00 $8,405 00 Whole amount of risks taken during the year, 820d,3oa 00 W hole amount of property a ri&k at aaie, 2,75402 00 FRANCIS TVLER, Prea't. J. E. Canfield, Sc. Statb or Pennsylvania, cotnty or Bradford, I Athens, January 24ih, 1857. ( Perwoally appeared Francis Tler President, and J. E. Canfield Secretary of tho Farmers Union Insu- rance Company, and made oath that the foregoing ute-rue- by them subscribed, is true to their best knowl- edge and belief. J. B. REEVE, Justice ofthe Peace. P. S. Copies of Report, list of losses during the year dc, will be sent you for circulation soon as print- ed. J.R.WATSON, Agent, Auditor's Office, Frankfort, Ky. March 31, 18.S8 tf. STATE Fire and Marine Insurance Company, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Office Harrisburg, Pa. CAPITAL 390,000 DOLLARS.. Insure iittt he safer classes of Property against Loss by Fire , Perils of Inland Navigation and Tra n. portation. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. S. WARD, See'y L. MORTON, rice Pres't. J. H. WATSON, Ageol, Audltrtr'a Office, Frankfurt, Kj. March 21. 1838 f. 3Y STATE AUTHORITY. Increnxe of Cash Capital. PE(ENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, DEVOTKD TO FIRE INHRAACK EXCLlSIVtLV. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) Cash Capital, 9400,000. S. L. LOOM1S, Pnsidevt. H . KELLOGG, Secretary. Branch Office, 31 c 33 West Third St., Cincinnati. M. A1AGILL, General Agent. Aitcnts In the principal Cities and Towns of the Union. LOSSKS PROMPTLY PAID. TTr'Applicationa recoive't, and Policies issued and renewed by H. VV1NGATE, Agent, July 1'. Frankfort, Ky. Kentucky School of Medicine, LOUISVILLE, KV. rri HE Lectures in this Institution will commence on 1 the flrst Monday In November und continue four monlhs. During October preliminary lectures will be the Hospital aud College without addition- al charge. FACULTY. BKNJ. W. DUDLEY, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Sur- - HhNKY M. BULLITT, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. JOHN HAKD1N- - M. II., Profensor of Obstetric sod Clinical .Medicine. C. w. WRIGHT, M. D., Professor of .Medloal Cben- - lstrv. N. B.'.MARSH.ALI., M. D., Professor of Mutoria Medt- - cu and Therapeutic?. MlDDiTON GOLDSMITH, M. D., Professor ofthe Princiiile.. uf Surperv and Clinical Surgerv. W. I) SI IK'.VIAN.M. D . Hrof"sor of Anslomc G W. HAVI.KSS. M D., Profossor of Phjsiulogy and Pu'holuL'ical AiuMnruy. DAVID I'UW.MINS. M. II. nemnnj'rator. PEUs.-Ka- ProfessorSI5- -f .il cuursa 31115. G. VV. BAYLKS. M. II., IMan ofthe Faculty. July 12 1859 wcltw3m ch. Lou. Jour.

Transcript of ATER'S VESPER HOME INDEMNITY Ague Cure, ·...

Page 1: ATER'S VESPER HOME INDEMNITY Ague Cure, · andselling low, 1 hope to desene and receive a share of the public patronage. HKNRY

ATER'SAgue Cure,


Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague.Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, DumbAgue, Periodical Headache, or BiliousHeadache, and Bilious Fevers, iudee.ilfor the whole class of diseases origi-nating in biliary derangement, causedby the Malaria of miasmatic countries.No one remedy is louder called for by the

necessities of the American people than a sureund safe cure for Fever uud Ague. .Suchwe are now enabled to offer, with a perfectcertainty that it will eradicate the disease,and with assurance, founded on proof, thatno harm can arise fioin its use in any quan-tity.

That which protects from or prevents thisdisorder must be of immense service in thecommunities where it prevails. Prevention isbetter than cure, for the patient escapes therisk which he must run in violent attacks ofthis baleful distemper. This " Cure " expelsthe miasmatic poison of Fever and Aolefrom the system and prevents the develop-ment of the disease, if taken on the first ap-

proach of its premonitory symptoms. It isnot only the beat remedy ever yet discoveredfor this class of complaints, but also thecheapest. The large quantity we supply fora dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Feveeand Aoue prevails, every body should have itand use it freely both for cure and protection.It is hoped this price will place it within thereach of all the poor as well as the rich. Agreat superiority of this remedy over r

ever discovered for the speedy and cer-tain cure of Intermittents is, that it containsno Quinine or mineral, consequently it pro-duces no quinism or other injurious effectswhatever upon the constitution. Thoso curedby it are left as healthy as if they had neverhad the disease.

Fever and Ague is not alone the consequenceof the miasmatic poison. A great variety ofdisorders arise from its irritation, among whichare Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache,Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth-ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of theSpleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic,Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach,all of which, when originating in this cause,put on the intermittent type, or become period-ical. This " Cure " expels the poison fromthe blood, and consequently cures them allalike. It is an invaluable protection to immi-

grants and persons travelling or temporarilyresiding in the malarious districts. If takenoccasionally or daily while exposed to the in-

fection, that will be excreted from the system,and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantityto ripen into disease. Hence it is even morevaluable for protection than cure, and few w illever suffer from Intermittents, if they availthemselves of the protection this remedy af-



are so composed that disease within the ranse oftheir action can rarely withstand or evade them.Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,and invigorate every portion of the human organ-ism, correcting its "diseased action, and restoringits healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theseproperties, the invalid who is bowed down withpain or physical debility is astonished to find hishealth or energy restored by a remedy at once sosimple and inviting.

hot only do they cure the every-da- y complaintsof every body, but also many formidable anddangerous diseases. The agent below named ispleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,containing certificates of their cures and directionsfor their use in the following complaints : Costive-nes- s.

Heartburn, HeadacJie arisingfrom disorderedStomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in ami MorbidInaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe-tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,arising from a low state of the body or obstructionof its functions. They are an excellent alterativefor the renovation of the blood and the restora-tion of tone and strength to the system debilitatedby disease.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,FOR THE RAPID CURE OF

Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseues,Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumptioii, and for the relief of ConsumptivePatients in advanced stages of thedisease.So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu-

merous are the cases of its cures, that almostevery section of country abounds in persons pub-licly known, who have been restored from alarmingand even desperate diseases of the lungs by itsuse. When once tried, its superiority over everyother medicine of its kind is too apparent to escapeobservation, and where its virtues are known, thepublic no longer hesitate what antidote to employlor the distressing and dangerous affections of thepulmonary organs that are incident to our climate.While many inferior remedies thrust upon thecommunity have faded and been discarded, thismis gained friends by every trial, conferred benefitson the afflicted they can never forget, and pro-

duced cures too numerous and too remarkable toUe forgotten.



For sale by J. M. Mills and W. H. Avkrill,Frankfort, and by all Druggists.

SURE, ECKSTELY Sfcc, Cincinnati.March 2S, lhoiMy. General Agents

WORMS! WORMS!! WORM'S!!!rnHK season is at band when these scoursrea of child- -X hood begin to become both troublesome and dan-gerous. UK. JOH.N BULL'S VEGETABLE WOKM

EK Is a remedy alike pleasant and effectual forUie evil, lhereis not Uie least difficulty in getting: cnu-dre- n

to take the Medicine. It is prepared lo the formof Candy Drops, and will be eaten with avidity by children of all ages. It destroys and expels worms moreeffectually than any remedy now in use, while at theMime time it will in no wav afi'eet injuriously the healthof the child.

Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. BULL, at li is Depotiti rilin street, north ol Main, and bv Druggists gener-

ally throughout the country.For sale in Frankfort and vicinity by W. H. AVEli- -

1LL, Urugpist, Mum street,' aoors iron, rost Oillco.Oct. 27, IdatMiio.

SOUTH FRANKFORT.Grocery and Dry Goods Establishment.IT AV IftU purchased me siock oi good's ol r. u. ked-- 1

1 dibu, the undersigned will continue tbe Grocery audDry Goods buhiue9sal his old stand. 1 have just received a fresh, supply of Family Groceries, and will keepconstantly on hand u well suleclod stock of all articlesiu iua)lioe of biuine&M, and will sell as low as any other

in Fruukfort. 1 will trade lor country produceoiVft kinds, ou fair terms, liy strict attention to

and selling low, 1 hope to desene and receive ashare of the public patronage.

HKNRY C. MtTCHKLI,.Frankfort, JuneiM,

THE REPORT OF THE"Kentucky State Agricultural Society,"

FOR 1851) AND 1R57,

Just published, and for sale at this vfftre, at $2 per copy

Report will bo found very interesting and usefulTHISall who feel an interest in the Agricultural Im-

provement of the Slate. It is bound in the style of the..w.nnrt of the Kentucky Geolozical Survey; isavol- -

ume of 5116 pages, embellished with a number of cutsof the animals WUtcu lOOIt premiums at me otaie rauo.

All orders to be addressed loSept. S(4. IBM. A. G. HODGES.


rn KEN up as a stray, by James M. Wist, livingI about two miles Northwest of Frankfort, and near

, - ..I. miA A.. Otilf. iimnnu tsiuie ft.eniucny river, one r.- -be two years old next Spring. No brands or marks per--

eeivable. Appraiseu io u. u.,..-- ..

signed, a Justice of the Peace for said county, by Charlesi. HA1.4 nminttf rri ri u rki h thtar. Owen, a Housekeeper in jaiu wu-- .j , - -- .. .,

Uay " UDOr- - 'TeO.W. GWIN, J. P. K.C.Dec. 19, 185tMtw.

Guard against Fall and Winter Tires!BY


Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual.


NET SURPLUS OF - 912,I81 72,And the prestige of 10 years success and experience.

UPWARDS. . OF 12.000.000v r

Of Losses have been paid by the .Etna Insurance Com-pany In the past 40 years.

The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent fromtlm lV.Ur.wl.,

LOSSES PAID BY THE ETNADuring the Past Five Yean):

In Ohio, - - $431,520 P3 In Michigan, - $10B,043 SIIn Wisc'n, - JU,955 07 In Indiana, - 14i,839 81In Kentucky, .404.939 40 In Illinois, - 41.Missouri, - 364,51s 04 Tennessee, 97.r.t!)Iowa . UI,3'.lit 40 Kansas Neb, I'J.iMS 77Penn. & Va., - 31.5W HJ Ark. & Ga., - a3,W5 1)9

.Mississippi and Alabama, S33.41it in

Fire and Inland Navigation.Kisks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and

lair pronl.Especial attention given to Insurance of DWELLINGS

and Contents, Jor terms of 1 to 5 years.

l'lio solid service long and successfully tried, and Uiemany advantages of tile Insurance Company pos-sesses in its line, should not be overlooked by Ihose ready lo insure and understanding their best Interests.

During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable In-surance becomes an imperative duty the ubilily of prop-erly owners to sustain loss being then much lessened.

Agencies in all the principal cities and towns through-out the Suite. Policies issued without delay, by any ofthe duly authorized Agents of the Company.

ITJBusiness attended to with Despatch and Fidelity.II. Wl.VUATE, Agent,

September !), 1859. Frankfort, Ky.



Morris & Iltunpton aud II. Evans & Co.,Main Street, Third Door from St. Clair,




Huts,s Caps, and

Straw Goods.


Pen and Pocket Knives,

Razors and Scissors,

Port Monaies,

Hair and Cloth Brushes,

Perfumery, &c, &c.T he nubile is respectfully requested to call and ex

amiue our stock of Goods.irjA liberal discount made to teacher.November 9, 1859.




Tvtioe Milts East of Louisville, Ky., mmsttiately onthe Louisville aud Frankfort Railroad.

....... . KNeatly primea catalogue oi .

4if?SiX the Fruits, Ornaments, Tree, ij.-.- J

f named Nursery, Eaav be had by i,application to A. ii. Hodoes,

Frunklort, Ky.mav be addressed to HOBBS & WALKER,

Williamson Post Othce, Jolferson county, Ky., ortoA. 11. MODliES, Frankiort, Ky.

Frankfort, Oct. 17, 1854.

A CLERGYMANhaving cured himself of Con-sumption In its worst stages,after boiDg given up to die, byme most celebrated physicians,desires to make known themode of cure, (which provessuccessful in every case,) tothose afllicted with Loughs,

Colds and couauuipu on, and he will send the same toany address, free of charge. Audress,

At J. rik t e., ;nit iuie Agent,;Aug. 29, 10 Cortland St.tJf. Y.

Reopening of the Mansion House.


old and n Hotel has just beenTHIS repaiied and refurnished, and wi'l t.'e

to the traveling public and boarder mi th -i ti4i.

The present lessee has been heretofore engaged in ho-

tel keeping, and from his expeiience in ihe businessnopes to give satisiaciion. ins oiu lnuuus uuu mo c

generally are requested to stop wiih him.Nov.21,l859-t- C

New Livery and Sale Stable.--- M. B. & W. J. CH1NN have pur- -

chased of W. K. Link his Livery Sta- -

tATvvVHi "lsi anU mtena keeping a o. i iaviVt'hU ery and Kalo Stable. Will alwayskeen Carriages, Buirsioa, Wagons, Saddle Horses, &c&.C.. to hire on reasonable terms. Will keep horses bythe day, woek or year. We have also made large ad-

ditions to the Stable, which will enable us to accom-modate all ol the old customers of the Stable, and asmany new ones as choose to favor us with their patron-age. We hope, by strict attention to business, andhonorable dealing, to merit and receivo a largo portionof the patronage of the community.

Dec. 13 M. B.& W.J. CHINS.


XI py to inform his friends and the public that he isagain established in comfortable and commodiousrooms, and ready to attend to all who may give him acull. His new establishment is in the building of Col.Hodges, on St. Clair street. Ho solicits public patron-age, and hopes that his old friends and customers espe-cially, who patronized him before the lale Art), will nowUnd "their way back to his shop.

Murcu 12, l8o-- by.

N. A. CROUCH,O o a, o Xi - 3VI tx Ix. ox,


Arch Street, Bardstown, Ky.

XTTew Work Warranted Twelve Months.Repairing done with neatness and dispatch.

For Sale.OFFER for sale a very desirable Brick Dwelling,I on Clinton Street, near the Penitentiary, with a good

lot attached. Apjdv to roe In South Frankfort.Aug. Mas, L. HKKNDON.


The Cheapest, Brilliant, and moat Conveni-ent ArtiDclol Light In the World!

THE Vesper Gas Light has won for itself a reputationelegance, economv, safety, and simplicity lar be-

yond any other artificial light.' The Vesper Gas flameand fixture- precisely resemble in form thosa of coalgas; but in brilliancy and purity of light It adecided advantage ovr even Louiville coal gas. Iirequires nofhimney; there is no need of daily trim-ming of wick; and the construction of the fixture is sosimple that it is not liable to get oi. of order, and achild can manage It readily. The gas burned in theVesper fixtures is generated from pure coal oil, with-out uny admixture of alcohol or other oreigu ingredi-ent. It Is entirely free from odor while burning, as,uy a simple contrivance, the vapor of the oil Is

with the utmosphere, producing perfect combustionand a most intense light. The liaht Ikis beer pronounced,by those who have had it in const idi use for month's asmost pleasant to the eye while reading or sewing, therebeing no flicker or unsieudlnots in the flame. TheVesper Gas Llgbl is portable, and cun be used In tow nor countr in fact, wherever artificial light is required.The fixlure) themselves are adapted in styles to suit ailtastes, from the plain single-lig- burner to the mostcosily chandelier. Each chandelier is porfct in itself;there is no outlay to be made for service pipes. Thegas Is generated in ihe burner, aud all fixtures, from thecheap single-lig- burnei to the expensive chandelier,are miniature in themselves. They are soldat price which do not exceed the cost of the ordinarygas fixtures of similar st le and ornamentation. A pricelist will be sent to un address on application.

MERCHANTSVisiting Louisville should not fail to procure the Ves-per Gas Fixtures for their stores.Churches, Hotels, Public Halls, and Private

Throughout the State can now be fitted up with theseelegant and convenient chandeliers, and other beauti-ful gas fixtures, which add so much to the appearanceof such places, and lo the comfort of the home circle,and which herotolore could be used only in those

districts embraced withiu the coal-ga- s limits ollarge cities.

The limited space of an advertisement precludes theinsertion here of the numerous testimonials of appro-val we have received from all quarters. Suffice it tosay, scientitic men and others who have examined anilthoroughly tested the merits of the Vesper Gas Light,pronounce it the best and cheapest artificial light nowknown.

IrThe proprietor respectfully requests responsiblemerchants in every town and county in the state t

with him. believing they will rind ii to their in-

terest to aid him in introducing this uucquated light totheir customers.

Vesper Fixtures and Coal Oil prepared expressly fortii is liuruer kept constant Iv on hand, and tor sale whole-sale and retail. ViM. H. SE1 I'LE,

.Xo. 0, Masonic Temple, Loitismllr, hij.April I, tf.


WE are the Agents for the VESPER GAS, ami are pre-pared to supply customers with Lamps and Coal

Gil at Manufacturers1 prices. The public are invited locull at our btore aud examine these Lamps.

W . H. KEE:K V CO.April 1, lgjJMvAlwtf.



D E S MOINES, IOWA,PROPOSE to practice in the various Courts of Polk

and in the Supreme Court of Iowa, and theUnited States District Court.

They have also established a General Agency for thetransaction of all manner of business connected withLand Titles.

They will enter Lands, investigate Titles, buy and sellLands, and invest money on the best terms and on thebest securities.

They will enter Lands in Kansas and Nebraska Territories, if an amount sufficient lo justify a visit to thatcountry is offered.

ihe nemor partner having been engaged extensivelyin the business of the law in the Courts of Kentucky fornearly thirty vears,and theJunior having been engagedin the Land business in Iowa for eight years past, duringwhich time he has made actual survey of a Largre portionof Polk and adjoining counties, they feel confident theywill be able to renaur a satisfactory account oi all bus-iness entrusted to them.

They will enter Land with Laud Warrants or Money,upon actual inspection of the premises, and will buyaud sell Lands on Commission, upon a careful investi-gation of title. Persons wishing to settle in the Statecan find desirable farms and city property for sale, by

calling on Uiern at their office in .Sherman s Building,comer of Third Street and Court Avenue, Des Moines,Iowa. March 11, l57-l- f.



Best Selected Stock of Ready-mad- Clothing ercerbrought to Frankfort.

SCHLOSS & UETZHAVE just received from their manufacturing house

the largest and most complete stock ofFall and W interReady-mad- e Clothing. Hat and Copt, Trunks

and Carpet-bags-

AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,ever offered in Frankfort. They are all made express-ly for this market, aud we guarantee to sell us cheap ascan be bought in Louisville or Cincinnati. EverjbodyIs Invited to call aud examine for themselves, and if theywish to purchase we feel assured we can suit them bothin price and fit.

Gentlemen wishing Clothing for themselves, theirsons,or their negroes, would do well lo give us a callbefore purchasing elsewhere, at we guarantee to sell asgood Goodaand as cheap as can be bought anywhere.

SCHLOSS y GETZ,Comer Mainand St, Clair Sts. Frankfort ATy.

Sept. li,

John Bull's Compound PectoralOF

teal of public approbation baa been so unmis-takably fixed upon tins Medicine that the proprietor

feels it lo be his duty to call the attention of all ihosepersons to it who are suffering from, or who are threat-ened with, affections of the Lungs or Throat. Its basisis the active principle of the Wil,j Cherry liark, but itcontains also, in proper proportions, other of the mostefficient pectorals of the ma.tkria mkdica. Its compo-nent parts and proportions are well known to physici-ans eve vtfijUTv. u; tbe proprietor makes no secret otthem, auM ffloy have met the universal approbation olthe faculty, who, as a general thing, prefer using thispreparation to any prescription which they can haveprepared by a druggist.

It can be procured from and country storeseverywhere.

Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Ofllce, Louisville, Ken-tucky.

in Frankfort aud vicinity b u . (. AVER-IL-

Druggist, Main Street, 2 doors .rom the Post Office.October --'7, l5y-b-


MILITARY INSTITUTE,DIRECTED by a Board ofVisiters appointed by theMate, is under the superintendence of Col. K. V.MOItUAX,a distinguishedgraduate of West Point, andpipl a practical Engineer, aidedbv an able Facuilv.

The course of study is thattaught in tho best Colleges,but more extended in Mathematics, Mechanics, Ma-

chines, Construction, Agricultural I hemistry and Mining Ideology; alsoin KngushLiterature, Historical Readings, aud Modern Lan-guages.

Schools of Architecture. Knirlneeriuir, Commerce,Medicine, and Law, admit of selecting studies to suittime, means, and object of professional preparationboth before and alter graduation.

The tweuty-tlfi- session open Septemborm,lrC9. Charges, 102 per y session , payable in advance.

Address the Supnrlutendont. at "Military Inntitur rank iiu.springs, fry. ''or the undersigned.

P. U KV.July 22,18511 bv President o the Hoard.

Highly Important to Both Sexes.AND SINGLE. IN HEALTH AND

MARKIKD DR. LA K.MONT'S PAKIS, LONDON , ANDNEW YORK MEDICAL ADVISER AND MARRIAGEGUIDE, 30lh edillon. Over 4K) pages, l'.'mo , cloth,about one hundred electrotypcd engrHViugs. Price 1.Sold also by V. A. Townsend & Co., No. 4ii Wulker St.,near Broadway, N. Y. Among Us contents is the anat.omy of the soxual organs of the male and female, alltheir disease, and weaknesses; latest discoveries in re-

producing; European Hospital practice; quacks, (ad.vertising) their recipes and specitics; the author's

Paris and London treatment. At No. 1117 road-way, up stairs, three blocks above St. .,i( holas Hotel,New York, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.

"We concur with other papers in recommending Dr.

Larmontandhis work." Courrier des Etals Unis, Ger-

man Die Reform, Sunday Dispatch, Na-

tional Democrat, Dav Book. Eei Standard, Hahway,Advocate, Empire City, Police Gazette, N. York Pick,New Brunswick Times, Mercury. Atlas, &c.

Aug. 3D, 1819 K or tw3ul.

HORACE WATERS, AGENT,333 Broadway, Kew York,

Publisier of Music and Music Books, Dealer inMelodeons, Alexandre Organs,Organ

PIANOS, Martin's celebrated and other Guitars, Vio-

lins, Tenor Viols, Viollncellos, Accordoons, Flutlnas,Flutes, Fifs. Claroneus, Trh.ngles, Tuning Forks,Plpes,and Hammers, Violin Sows, best Italian Strings,Hruss Instruments lor bands, Pi.uo Stools and Cover,,and all kinds of Musical Instruments.

MUSIC, from all the publishers in the U.States; Hertint's, Huntin's and Modern School, and allkinds ot Instruction Hooks lor the above instrumentChurch Music Books; Music Klegantly Buund; MusicPaper, and all kinds of Music Merchandise, at the low-

est prices.MiW PIWOS. at $170. S'2?5, 250. and up

to rttJ: SECOND ,HANO PlAN'OS fr.m up lo$lbu; NEW AIKLOUKONS, S45, 900, 875, $100, andup to S iviX, ShCOND HAND MKLuUKO.VS, from $30to ALKXANUKK OKtiANS. with live stops. $lti0.nine stops, $liand $$25', thirteen stops, :u.and $3ou, filieen stops, 83-- and S 37 5; ALbXANuriKOKG.-t- ACCOKDhoN' a new instrument Just im-

portedprice $30 and $3.". A liberal discount to Cler-gymen, Churches, gabbaih. Schools, Seminaries andTeachers. Tbe T rude supplied at tho usual trade dis-

counts.Sabbath School Books published by this House:The Anniversary ttnd Sunday School Music Book jYo.

1, contains 3tJ tunes and hjmns. Price 3 cent cacti, 9per hundred.

The Annierrsary and Sunday School Music Book Jfo.2, contains 3G tunes aud hymns. Price 3 cents each, $2per hundred.

The Anniversary and Sunday School Music Book, Jo.3, conlainsSO tunes and hymns. Price A cents eacb, $3per hundred.

The Anniversary and Sunday School Music Book, com-

bining Nos. 1 and 3, with several additional pieces, con-

taining tunes and hymns. Price b cents each, 5 perhu ndred.

The Revivul Penny Music Book, Jfos. 1 audi. No.contains It tunes and hwnus. Price 1 cent. No. 2contains 30 tunes and hymn- - Price 3 cents each, $2per hundred. Postage one cent each.

The .Sabbath School Bctl contains 151 tunes andhymns. Price 12 cents each, fii porhundred; postageii cents cttcn: elegantly bouml, ,'0 cents each; $15 perhundred.

Conirrerrational Singing An eight page Tract. Price2.ric. per doz., $ 50 per hundred.


11 A ft OS AM) iVlKLOOLONS.Tim Piano came to hand. Hint in first, rite order. it

is u beautiful instrument and no mistake.1' Uk V

Vvlklk , Philadelphia.John Hewitt, of Carthage, Now York, who u:n had

one of the Horace Waters Pianos, writes an follows:"A friend of mine wishes mo lo purchase a Piano

for her. she likes the one you sold me in December,!Kt. My Piano is becoming popular in this place, and1 think can introduce one or two more; they will lcmore popular than any other make "

"Wo have two of Waters" Piano in use in our Semi-- ;

nary, one of which has been severely tested for threeyears, and we can testify to their good quality and dunihility." Wood & Giueoory, Mount Carroll, 111.

H. Waters, Kdo.. Dear Sir: Having used one otyour Piano Fortes for two years pant, 1 have found it avery superior instrument. Alonzo Gray,

Principal Brooklyn Heights Seminary.'U'J he Piano I received from you continues lo give;

satisfa ion. 1 regard it as one of the best iustrumonleiiu the pltiee." J amies L. Clark, Charleston, Va.

The Melodoon has suTely arrived. I feel obliged toyou for the liberal discount; will do all 1 can for you inthese parts." litv. J. M. McCormk k, Varquesville,S. C.

"The Piano was duly receivod. It came in excellentcondition, and is very much admired by my numerousfamily. Accept my thanks for your promptness."KoBfcKT Coopkr, Warrenham, Bradford co.,Pa.

"Your Piano pleases us well. It Is the best one inour county. " Tuo. A. Latham, Campbellton, (ra.

"We are very much obliged to you for having sentsuch a tine instrument for we shall take painsto recommend it." Urank,Hkld & Co., Buffalo Dem-ocrat.

"The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among thevery best. We are enabled to speak of these

with confidence, from personal knowledge oftheir excellent tone and durable quality.1' A". Evangelist.

"We can speak of the merits of the Horace Water?Pianos, from personal knowledge, as being of the verybest quality." Christian Intelligencer.

"Nothing at the State Fair displayed greater excel-lence in any department than the Horace Waters

Church mau."The Horace Waters Pianos are built of the best and

most thoroughly seasoned material. Wo have no doubtthat buyers can do as well, perhaps better, at thisthan atany oluer house in the Union." Advocate and Journal

Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challenge com parisonwith the finest made any where in the country." HoweJournal.

"Horace Waters Piano Fortes are of full, rich, andeven tone, and powerful." JV. Y. Mustcul Review.

"Our friends will find at Mr. Waters1 store the very-bes-

assortment of Music and of Pianos to be found inthe United Stales; and we urge oar Southern and West-ern friends to give him a call whenever they go to NowYork." Graham' Magaiinc.Warerooms 333 Ilroadway, New York

May 2, 1859-t-f.


HEMING & aUIN,rrKKP oonstantly ou hand a fine asoortmenlof Car- -

f riages any kind of Carnage made to order and olhe best material. W'e have purchased the sole right of

Everett's Patent Coupling,for the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln anGarrard.

N. 8. We would call the attention of purchasers toour Spring assortmentof Carriage.

YJ All work made by us warranted for onevear.April2, 1855 tf.


Hartford Fire Insurance Company,


CAPITAL, $500,000


II. HC.V ri;TO, President.T. C. ALBY.M, Secretary.

J. M. MILLS,Agent at Frankfort.


tfrl ffJrmn f'intm ifjrQCOVI.GTO. AXD Li:.VIGTO DIVISION

.NOW OPEN TO XlCHOLASViLLE.)pONNECTING at Nieholasville, morning and evening

iioi.villp. Hurrodsburfi. Somerset. Crab Orctmrd, Stanford aud Lebanon.

Two Daily Trains Each Way.THK EXPRESS TK.UN

LeavHs Covington at, ti:'2. A. M. und arrives at Lexing-ton at 11 :18 A . M . Keiurnicg. lt';tvt's Lt;inj;ton at a: 13

and arrives ai Covington at 7:03 P. M. Pansengers bythis train arrive in Danville, Ilarrodshurg ir Lancaster,in time for dinuer. This train also eonnecis with stagelilies at Paris, ioM;tysville,Miliorsbu rg. Carlisle, Sharps-bur-

Blue Lick, W inctiesler, Ail. Me rhng and Georgetown; at Lexington wnii stai;e to Kielunond, Lon-

don, Versailles, Winchester, Barooursville, Cumber-land Gap.

THE ACCOMMODATION TRAINLeaves Covington at P. M., and arrives at Lexing-ton at 7:24 P. M.; stopping at Paris for breakfast.Returning, leaves Lexington at i:IO A. M., and ar-

rives at t'ovinirton at JU:iU A. M Passengers by tuistrain arrive at'Danvillo tlie same evening.

FKEIGHT '1 KA1N leaves Covington at5:20, A. M.,and urrives at Lexington at P. .M. Returning,leaves Lexington at 5:30 A.M., and arrives at Coving-ton at 4:13, P. M.

up to 5 o'clock P. M.FOR TICKETS, or information, apply at tho Ticket

OQlces of the Company, in Cincinnati and Covington.C. A. WITHERS, Sup't.

G. M. Clark, General Ticket Agent.

THE OMNIBUS LINE w ill cull for pussongers iu anypartol Cincinnati, i o v n jf i m , i r n jri.

March 2, 13'J. C I, AVION (V YOUNG.

Kockaway for Sale.TWO Seat nocKuway, almost new, which will be

A sold cheap for Cash or good pr.per. Apply toJune 13,1H;U- k. HkNSLE Y .

HOMEInsurance Company


CASH CAPITAL, 5(H,OUO OOA.M'l OF AK I s ltJan. H 3 3 4

A.ll'l uK LI VUil.l l lEa. 4 1.1 li Ol

This Company ciintlnus Injure Buildings. Aierchan-dise- ,

ships in port nd thir cargoes. Householdh urnlture a no Propertyuji.! Lti-.- or uaniiige by Fire--, on uvoru-M-

Los-e- tiiiiniih At!jtitfii uttU Promptly

Abstract of the SKM STATEMENT of theaffairs and cvtidtion of the HOMIi INstltANt ECO.HAY, of the City vf York, on tf,tZ)stday oj December, ls37.

ASSETS.Cash, Balance in Bunk, ... $ 37,1)00 0Bonds and Mortgages (being first lien

on Real Estate, woilh at least Jgwui,.Ouu,) - 4ti0,tHt 00

Loans on Stocks payable on value ot socuriMes, 150.P39 Hii

Rank Stocks, (market value), - - 77,000 00Real Estate, No. 4 Wall Street, (Uie of-

fice of the Company), - - - C7,Ct4 72Interest due nn 1st Jan., 185, (of which,

$i2,o-,;- W has since been received,) 14,375 (lBalance iu hands of Agents and iu

course of transmission from Agents,on 31st Dec, (of which $7,837 57 hassince been received), - - - 4,bH4 75

Premiums due and uncollected on Pol-

icies Issued at OnU-e- - - - 2,Utf7 53

;ud, .

LIABILITIES.Outstanding Lujses uo 31st Decembr,

157, estimated atDue

S 01

Stockholders on account ofSeventhDividend, 1,7CU CU

$ 41.111) III

Nkvv York, J:mnnry. 236.

J'HVS. J. MARTI.V, Pres't.V. F. U IDi vai ll, Vice 1'res'l.


Oct. 12, Frankfort, Ky.


WILLIAM CEAIE.,0poHltfthe e, St. Clal r Street ,


HAVING purchased' - '., ;. of KNIGHT dc CLARK

.' their entire stock of.; ' ' Marble AI o n u m e nts

Aj :'1V', i': c .lyW,' - Tombs,ic.,l willcou-tinue to finish to orderMonuments, Tablets,

i2 1 ombi, Head-htone-

t?.4'eiueter Posts, IsJ ' ' ? J.1. hie Tops, C o u n t r. rs

' ;r everything in the.V... "r'tT M ur bl o line, at short

r. ; i 'notice an in the very;":.2ri'I::--Ji.-i;;:- : style. I have

t securea the servicesolone ofthe best of de

V'tl signers and carversini?'1 Philadelphia, and 1

pledgo myselftogetupbetter work than has:J over been finished in

Frank fort, and a.ascan berlnih.

.fjed elsewherevj Call and 8ee.

Iron RailLner, Verandahs. &c.have a greatvariety of designs a t the shop, and

Ulfiirnisb the work at manufacturers price .

W I f lOI IU

Jan .15, IK5f. Yemian copy.1



Only One Dollar Per Annum!!

NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE!!!Tut First Volume of the Kentucky Farmer" closed

with the June uumber and the Second Volume willcommence in July. We promised a year ago to try andgive to tbe Agriculturalists and Stock Raisers of Kentucky a paper worthy of their patronage. We put thequestion now to every one of its patrons: Have we tq

deemed that pledeV Ha re we given you a fair equiv-alent for THE DOLLA which wns paid for Uie Kentucky Farmer? If so, let every ooe of our presentsubscribers renew thoir own subscriptions, and try andsend us one or Mons additional natnesfor tho SECONDVOLUMK.

The receipts for Uie First Volume have about paid theexpenses o( Us publication. We promised our patroasthat wo would publHh One Volume whether we obtained a sufficient amount to pay its expenses or not. Thepublication ot the Juuu number hns redeemed that

pledge. Shall we have the kiud and continued supportof its present patrons, together with their aid in extending Us circulation? It' so, we promise lo do everythingin our power to make the paper worthy of a generousKentucky public.

The "Kentucky Farmer" will still be publishedmonthly, in Us present form of sixteen large quartopagea, for ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable invariably Id advance. At the small amount charged for thepaper will not Justify tho trouble and expense of collecting subscriptions, no paper will be forwarded unlesspaid for in advance.

HZ'Sul.scrlptloas can be forwarded io us by mall, aour risk. Letters addressed to us need not be register.ed. Simply address

A. G. HODGES, Frankfort, Ky.

June 15, 1859.


New York Life Insurance Companya meeting of the Local Directors of .ew YorkATLife Insurance Company. held in li.eciiyof Frank

fort, Ky., December 4tb, I83ri, the following was y

adopted:'The uutiersirned. President and Directors of the

Company, have examined the reiKrl andexhibitof theNew York Life Insurance Company for the half yearending juiy lsi, i&)h, ana being suiisrieu with its pros-perous condition, cordially recommend it to the en- -

couragemeiil and support ol the community.Tho iNow York Lite Insurance Coinumiv nas been in

existence fourteen years, its capital has attained thesum of $l,5MO.O00, invested in state stocks, bondsana mortgages on rejiiesLate.

We think it u most s:ife and profitable mode of investing money. The profits enure to the bent-fi- t of theinsured, aud nave averaged not less than 30 per centperannum on ihe premium paid.

Besides these investments in stock, &c, the uw ofNew York requires as additional security, that $100,000shall he deposited with the Slate Comptroller, to meetany lawful demands which the Company may fail topay.

We invite attention lo the nature, objects and advan-tages of Life Insurance asset forth by this Institution.

It wili be seen by tiie above statement that this Company is in a nourishing condition. Those desirous ofiiiionuuuou in reguru w mu suujectoi insurancewould do we l to call on the Local Agent of tho aboveCompany, who will give them any information thatmay be desired, or for reference apply to either mem-ber ofthe Local Board, all of whom are insured inthisollice.

C. S. MOREHEAD. President.EMU. H. TAYLOR, 1

rHO. S. PAGE,3HAS. G. PHYTH1AX, S DirectoK. W. SCO IT,H. 1. TODD, J

CLAIMS PAID AT THIS 4UEXCV.John Lane, $ 5.0(10lhoinns F.Thornton, r,,twi0

h il. lfuviess, 6,(iooWilliiini G. I'ruiL', 5,00(1John C. Hertitlnti, 5,000John T. rVmiitMoii. 1,500

S 'JU,500


II. WI.VGATH, Agent,July 1, 1859-t- f. Franlifort Branch Ban':.

Cheese! Cheese!!I LARGE Outline ('he.-se-

t 'J Lartze X Y. Croain Curese;ilozon I'nlch Cheese;

1 dozeu Extra r'nie Apple Clveeee:4 buo Choe.-e- jast receive! and for sale bv

April 11, 1M9. OKAY A: TODD.

INDEMNITYlakes, and Policies Issued in the following prompt

and reliable Companies, by



f eoria Marine & Fire Tnimrance Co.,.No. 39. MA1.N STKEET, PKOIflA. ILL.

Tliis Company continues to issue Policies on

Marine, Inland Navigation, Transpor-tation and Fire Risks,


Capital, - - S500,OOQ.DIRECTORS,

IfAAC CNbKRIULL, William Funn,V'M. li. fuKLPS, B. L. T. BouRLiNU,Theodore C. Holland,Samuil Howk, VVm. A. Hkkron,Ai.kx. G. Tvnu, J. Rkynolus,Piulo Holland, K. UkkouL. Holland,


t ODiatMlLK, FreMldeia.U. L. T. 1IOCULAAU, iee Pre. idem.C. HOIXXAU, Secretary.

JAAJKS K. WATSO.N, Agent,Audilor'i OiUce, Frankfurt, Ky.

March 31, lrtB If.

The Quaker C;ty Insurance Company,PHILADELPHIA, PA.,

Franklin Buildings, No. J2, Walnut Htrret.

Capital & Surplus, $250,000Chartered Capital, 500,000

Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE, andthe Perils of tlie Sea, Inland Navigation

and Transportation.


E. P. ROSS, Vice PresidentH. R. OOCRiSH A LL, Secruinry V Treasurer.

S. H. BUTLER, Assistant Socrtury

DIRECTORS.Gkokuk T. Hart, E. W. Bailbt,E. P. Roe, Charlks G. Imlai,A. C. Cattell, Wat. D. Lewis, Jr.,Joseph Edwards, J. L. Pomerot,JuIin G. Dale, Andrew R. Chambers,Hon. H. M., II. R. Coooshall,Foster S Perkins, Samcel Jones, M. D.,John 11. Chambers, A. F. Chesebrouoii.

JAMES R. WATSON, Ajrent,Audltor's Office, Frnukfort. Ky.

March 31, lM5rt tf.


Farmers Union Insurance Company,AT ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA.,


Cash Capital which U all paid up, $30O,000 OOburpliulu addition thereto, &37,13s HO


Cash on hand aud on deposit S 13.42Ca?h io the bunds of Agents aud In

course of tramtnlssion secured bbonds with sureties, 6.667 tt

54 Bunds and Mortgages, (ii & 7 percent interest,) 152,315 OU

19 Bunds, security ample, ; interest bper cent,) 47,6X5 00

Bills Receivable, viz: Proruiniioryuotes payable on demand, 4.000 20

Cash due from responsible parties ondeniaud. 1,3.3 47

Interest accruod ani priucipully dueJanuary 1st 1857. 11,045 53


LIABILITIES.Losses adjusted and not due, 61,10Loeses claimed aud unadjusted, 3,9j5 10I O3oe cJ iii mod uud reslttod, 2,000 00Losses reported on which no aclioa is

Utken, l060 00All other claims the company

are small cot exceeding. 300 00

$8,405 00

Whole amount of risks taken duringthe year, 820d,3oa 00

W hole amount of property a ri&k ataaie, 2,75402 00

FRANCIS TVLER, Prea't.J. E. Canfield, Sc.

Statb or Pennsylvania, cotnty or Bradford, I

Athens, January 24ih, 1857. (

Perwoally appeared Francis Tler President, andJ. E. Canfield Secretary of tho Farmers Union Insu-rance Company, and made oath that the foregoing ute-rue-

by them subscribed, is true to their best knowl-edge and belief.

J. B. REEVE, Justice ofthe Peace.P. S. Copies of Report, list of losses during the

year dc, will be sent you for circulation soon as print-ed.

J.R.WATSON, Agent,Auditor's Office, Frankfort, Ky.

March 31, 18.S8 tf.

STATEFire and Marine Insurance Company,

OF PENNSYLVANIA.Office Harrisburg, Pa.


Insure iittt he safer classes of Property against Loss byFire , Perils of Inland Navigation and Tra n.


JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President.S. WARD, See'y L. MORTON, rice Pres't.

J. H. WATSON, Ageol,Audltrtr'a Office, Frankfurt, Kj.

March 21. 1838 f.


Increnxe of Cash Capital.




Cash Capital, 9400,000.S. L. LOOM1S, Pnsidevt.

H . KELLOGG, Secretary.Branch Office, 31 c 33 West Third St., Cincinnati.

M. A1AGILL, General Agent.

Aitcnts In the principal Cities and Towns of the Union.LOSSKS PROMPTLY PAID.

TTr'Applicationa recoive't, and Policies issued andrenewed by H. VV1NGATE, Agent,

July 1'. Frankfort, Ky.

Kentucky School of Medicine,LOUISVILLE, KV.

rri HE Lectures in this Institution will commence on1 the flrst Monday In November und continue fourmonlhs. During October preliminary lectures will be

the Hospital aud College without addition-al charge.

FACULTY.BKNJ. W. DUDLEY, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Sur- -

HhNKY M. BULLITT, M. D., Professor of Theory andPractice of Medicine.

JOHN HAKD1N- - M. II., Profensor of Obstetric sodClinical .Medicine.

C. w. WRIGHT, M. D., Professor of .Medloal Cben- -

lstrv.N. B.'.MARSH.ALI., M. D., Professor of Mutoria Medt- -

cu and Therapeutic?.MlDDiTON GOLDSMITH, M. D., Professor ofthe

Princiiile.. uf Surperv and Clinical Surgerv.W. I) SI IK'.VIAN.M. D . Hrof"sor of AnslomcG W. HAVI.KSS. M D., Profossor of Phjsiulogy and

Pu'holuL'ical AiuMnruy.DAVID I'UW.MINS. M. II. nemnnj'rator.

PEUs.-Ka- ProfessorSI5- -f .il cuursa 31115.G. VV. BAYLKS. M. II.,

IMan ofthe Faculty.July 12 1859 wcltw3m ch. Lou. Jour.