ASUM 2015 - Australasian Society for Ultrasound in … 2015 45th Annu Al ... International Keynote...

Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus ASUM 2015 45th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 11–13 SEPTEMBER 2015 | DOLTONE HOUSE DARLING ISLAND WHARF, SYDNEY NSW KEY DATES DECEMBER 2014 Call for abstracts opens JANUARY 2015 Registration opens 1 MAY 2015 Abstract submission deadline 17 JULY 2015 Early bird registration deadline 11 SEPTEMBER 2015 Conference opens International Keynote Speakers include: Professor Tom Bourne Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, United Kingdom Professor Christoph Lees Imperial College London, United Kingdom Professor Aris Papageorghiou Oxford University, United Kingdom Professor Thomas Fischer Charite’ Campus Mitte, Germany Professor Frank Miele Pegasus Lectures, USA Cindy Rapp Toshiba America Medical Systems, Canada Waves of change Advancing patient care

Transcript of ASUM 2015 - Australasian Society for Ultrasound in … 2015 45th Annu Al ... International Keynote...

Sponsorship & Exhibition ProspectusASUM 2015

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEting

A u s t r A l A s i A n s o c i e t y f o r u l t r A s o u n d i n M e d i c i n e

11–13 september 2015 | doltone House dArling islAnd WHArf, sydney nsW

Key DatesDecember 2014 call for abstracts opens

January 2015 Registration opens

1 may 2015 Abstract submission deadline

17 July 2015 Early bird registration deadline

11 september 2015 conference opens

International Keynote speakers include:professor tom bourne Queen charlotte’s and chelsea Hospital, united Kingdom

professor christoph lees imperial college london, united Kingdom

professor aris papageorghiou Oxford university, united Kingdom

professor thomas Fischer charite’ campus Mitte, germany

professor Frank miele Pegasus lectures, uSA

cindy rapp toshiba America Medical Systems, canada

Waves of changeAdvancing patient care

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

2 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

introduction to ASuMMissionthe Australasian Society for ultrasound in Medicine is a multidisciplinary society whose mission is to advance the clinical practice of medical ultrasound for the highest standards of patient care.

Purposethe purpose of ASuM is to promote the highest possible standards of medical ultrasound practice in Australia and new Zealand.

Rolethe primary role of ASuM is to assist in the dissemination of scientific information, to provide education and to set standards of practice in this continually developing specialty.

Aimsthe aims of ASuM are to:

1. Encourage and assist education and research in diagnostic ultrasound

2. lay down appropriate standards of practice

3. Provide certification indicating proficiency in ultrasound

4. Advise government and Statutory Authorities on aspects of the practice of diagnostic ultrasound

5. Provide social intercourse and good fellowship among practitioners

MembershipASuM has over 3,500 members including practitioners in the following fields:

¡ cardiac ¡ Emergency medicine ¡ Engineering ¡ general Practitioner ¡ Hepatology ¡ Midwifery ¡ MSK ¡ nuclear medicine ¡ neonatal ¡ nursing ¡ Obstetric and gynaecology ¡ Physicists ¡ Physiotherapy ¡ Radiology ¡ Radiography ¡ Respiratory ¡ Rheumatology ¡ Scientific ¡ Sonography ¡ Sports medicine ¡ Surgical ¡ therapeutic ¡ Vascular; and ¡ Veterinary

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

3Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

corporate Membership Benefits 2014-2015corporate Membership enables industry partners to join with ASuM to advance the clinical practice of medical ultrasound for the highest standards of patient care. in addition to the general membership benefits outlined below, corporate membership provides your company with a broad range of sponsorship opportunities aimed at gaining exposure to and communicating with our professional members.

corporate Partners

corporate Membership feethe cost of becoming a corporate Member is $1,500 (gSt incl.) per annum. corporate Membership at the time of the ASM is mandatory.

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

4 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Key Reasons to Sponsor and Exhibit ¡ Maximum exposure at a premier conference dedicated to ultrasound

¡ the opportunity to deliver a clear message about your commitment to the ultrasound industry

¡ inform and update this niche sector about your products and services

¡ increase exposure to and sales and consumption of your products and services

¡ Build brand awareness

¡ Draw your target market to you in one place at one time

¡ Build prospect databases

¡ Become an ASuM corporate Member

Marketing and Public Relationsthe ASuM team is here to ensure you get the most out of your investment. We encourage you to contact us to discuss the many additional ways we can further assist your marketing efforts and build your business through ASuM.

ASuM offers a unique opportunity to increase your company’s exposure to a diverse cross-section of industry professionals through the following marketing and communications strategies:

¡ E-marketing – including regular conference newsletters promoting program updates, key dates and featured speakers

¡ Marketing collateral – including flyers to be used at industry events to stimulate interest and provide key details

¡ Website – will be used as the main information distribution channel and, as such, will be regularly updated and refreshed with the latest updates. All sponsors’ and exhibitors’ logos will be displayed on the site.

¡ Advertising – scheduled for all relevant major international / national conferences and events so as to keep the target market informed of progress and to stimulate interest in the ASM 2015

Sponsorship packages and commitment levels vary and can be tailored to suit your marketing strategies.

Whatever your business, the conference has a sponsorship package that will help you meet your brand and marketing objectives.

ASuM 2015: Key DatesDecember 2014 call for abstracts opens

January 2015 Registration opens

1 May 2015 Abstract submission deadline

17 July 2015 Early bird registration deadline

11 September 2015 conference opens

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

5Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Major Sponsorship OpportunitiesOur Major Sponsors are our priority partners and we seek to ensure that you receive the highest profile branding and delegate engagement opportunity. ASuM will work directly with you at every stage of the sponsorship to ensure that your aims are achieved. the advertised amounts are gSt inclusive so you always know the cost of the sponsorship.

Signing up early will provide you with the highest degree of exposure for your company, brand and product and avoid missing out on some benefits if, for example, advertisement deadlines are missed.

the marketing for the 2015 conference has already begun. As a Major Sponsor you will receive priority in our marketing and communications campaign. the plan includes a broader conference program which will attract other industries and delegates using ultrasound, multiple e-newsletters to the ASuM and registration database, previous conference delegates and other relevant industry organisations and companies, advertising in relevant industry publications, a concise website and promotional flyers.

conference survey results will be shared with you. Please note a limited number of sponsorships are available in the Platinum and gold categories, sign up early to avoid missing out on this opportunity.

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

BEnEfitS $100,000 $50,000 $25,000 $13,000

Platinum Sponsorship (option 1) includes: ¡ 2015 ASM gold Benefits plus ¡ July 2014 - June 2015 17x Branch

Workshops – Platinum Benefits ¡ One (1) international Speaker


Platinum Sponsorship (option 2) includes: ¡ 2015 ASM gold Benefits plus ¡ $20,000 named Research grant ¡ $20,000 named teaching fellowship ¡ One (1) international Speaker


Prime exhibition space and inclusion in conference social functions held in the exhibition area 6m x 6m 6m x 6m 6m x 2m 3m x 2m

confirmed exhibition space consisting of: ¡ White base overhead fascia panel with company name and stand number ¡ One (1) x company sign per each open aisle fascia (logos can be included at an additional

charge) ¡ two (2) x spotlights per 9m ¡ One (1) x 4-amp power point per 9m ¡ Back and side velcro compatible walls (2.4m high)

complimentary full registration to all conference sessions including refreshments (option to purchase additional registrations at the discounted rate – Platinum/gold – 50%; Silver – 30%; Bronze – 15%)

10 10 5 2

complimentary tickets to all social functions: ¡ Welcome Reception ¡ faculty Dinner ¡ gala Dinner (with ViP seating; option to purchase additional tickets at the discounted rate –

Platinum/gold – 50%; Silver – 30%; Bronze – 15%)







company flyer, brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure), cD or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

3 3 2 1

colour advertisement in the final Program Book in a prominent location (sponsor to supply the advertisement)

full Page full Page ½ Page ¼ Page

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

6 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

company logo and acknowledgement as a major sponsor: ¡ On the Sponsor’s page in the final Pocket Program (ASM only) and Program Book ¡ On the conference website (including logo and hyperlink to your organisation’s homepage) ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the main plenary room ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the concurrent rooms ¡ On the conference flyer ¡ At key social events including the Welcome Reception, faculty Dinner and gala Dinner ¡ On the conference sponsorship onsite acknowledgement board (quantity and type at

ASuM’s discretion) ¡ On the back of the delegate satchel ¡ Alongside conference advertisements placed in industry publications ¡ On the ASuM facebook page ¡ On the delegate name badge and exhibition passport ¡ On tickets and dinner menus

Hard copy of the delegate listing on bump-in day including last name, first name, company, position and email (subject to privacy laws and the delegate opt out option)

Soft copy of the delegate listing including last name, first name, company, position and email (subject to privacy laws and the delegate opt out option):

¡ At the close of the Early-bird rate ¡ two weeks prior to the conference ¡ two days prior to the conference where there has been a 20% increase in registrations since

the last update

A named room in which workshop sessions will be conducted on friday and Saturday, using ultrasound systems supplied by the sponsor. Sponsors have the opportunity to create their own program (subject to ASM committee approval) and are encouraged to use these rooms for promotional displays, hospitality, teaching and demonstrations during the refreshment breaks.

A named room in which workshop sessions will be conducted on friday and Saturday, using ultrasound systems supplied by the sponsor. Sponsors are encouraged to use these rooms for promotional displays, hospitality, teaching and demonstrations during the refreshment breaks

Opportunity to: ¡ Have a hospitality suite to conduct private meetings or demonstrations ¡ Hold a Breakfast Symposium from 7:30 – 8:30am on the Saturday morning of the conference

as part of the program in your workshop room (max 25 delegates) ¡ Be actively involved in the ASM Planning committee ¡ conduct product launches via conference newsletters and at the conference (sponsor to

provide the content and timing to be in conjunction with conference newsletter publication) ¡ Be actively involved in Branch Meetings and craft groups

asum is confident that your participation in these prestigious events will provide your company with exceptional commercial reward

Exhibition OpportunitiesRunning in conjunction with the conference will be a comprehensive Exhibition providing you with the opportunity to showcase your products and services directly to the conference audience.

A number of strategies have been devised to maximise booth traffic and enhance networking opportunities, including exhibition hours structured around the Scientific Program, all refreshment and lunch breaks being held at the entrance to the exhibition area and a passport prize which will encourage delegates to visit your exhibition.

Exhibition booths are sold according to the pricing structure below and are available in raw space or shell scheme stand type.

Exhibiting will also provide you with a minimum of two (2) full exhibitor registrations enabling personnel to showcase your products, network with other exhibitors, interact with conference delegates, be entitled to all refreshments and attend the Welcome Reception.

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

7Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Exhibition Booths6M x 2M

(shell scheme booth)

3M x 2M(shell scheme booth)

BEnEfitS $5,000 $3,000

confirmed space consisting of: ¡ White base overhead fascia panel with company name and stand number ¡ One (1) x company sign per each open aisle fascia (logos can be included at an additional charge) ¡ two (2) x spotlights per 9m ¡ One (1) x 4-amp power point per 9m ¡ Back and side velcro compatible walls (2.4m high)

company logo and acknowledgement as an exhibitor: ¡ On the Exhibitor’s page in the final Pocket Program (ASM only) and Program Book ¡ On the conference website (including logo and hyperlink to your organisation’s homepage) ¡ On the exhibition passport

complimentary access, satchel and name badges to the exhibition area including refreshments (no admittance to sessions or the gala Dinner)

3 2

inclusion in conference social functions in the exhibition area, including Welcome Reception

Receive a hard copy of the delegate listing on bump-in day including last name, first name, company, position and email (subject to privacy laws and the delegate opt out option)

company flyer, brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure), cD or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

2 2

Exhibition floor Plan Darling Island Wharf, Doltone House


3 3 3 3 3

6 6








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3 3 3 3








ASUM 2015 Conference11-13 September 2015

Doltone House, Darling Harbour Wharf, Sydney

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

8 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Other conference Sponsorship OpportunitiesSocial Programthe conference Social Program is the highlight of the conference.

consisting of a Welcome Reception, a faculty Dinner and a gala Dinner, these are the opportunities to network in a relaxed and social environment. the gala Dinner is the pinnacle social event on the conference social calendar. As well as an opportunity to dress in evening wear, the gala Dinner is the primary event to thank the sponsors, speakers and conference officials and recognise outstanding achievements and graduating students in the industry.

individual and packaged opportunities are available and an involvement in the conference Social Program is an exclusive and excellent opportunity to make a strong, lasting impression on all delegates at an exclusive venue.

individUAl PAckAGES

faculty Dinner

Welcome Reception

gala Dinner

Welcome Reception/ gala Dinner

faculty Dinner/Welcome

Reception/ gala Dinner

BEnEfitS $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 $12,500 $15,000

company logo and acknowledgement as the relevant social function Sponsor (with organisation logo):

¡ On the Sponsor’s page in the final Program Book and Pocket Program ¡ On the conference website (including logo and hyperlink to your organisation’s homepage) ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the main plenary room ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the concurrent rooms ¡ On the conference flyer ¡ At key social events including the Welcome Reception, faculty Dinner and gala Dinner ¡ On the conference sponsorship onsite acknowledgement board (quantity and type at

ASuM’s discretion) ¡ On the ASuM facebook page ¡ On the exhibition passport (packaged sponsorships only)

company logo on dinner tickets and menus

naming rights to the respective function and the function room

freestanding banner(s)/banarect(s) - maximum size 2m high x 1m wide and number to be determined on a venue by venue basis, which will be positioned in prominent locations at the respective social function (sponsor to supply)

complimentary tickets for company representatives to attend the: ¡ Welcome Reception ¡ gala Dinner (with ViP seating)







Opportunity for a company representative to present a three (3) minute speech (basic audio visual will be provided – additional audio visual is at the expense of the Sponsor & content to be approved by the Organising committee) at the:

¡ Welcome Reception ¡ gala Dinner (ASM only)

complimentary registration to the Saturday conference sessions including name badges and refreshments (option to purchase additional registrations)

2 4 4 4

company flyer, brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure), cD or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

1 2 2 3 3

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

9Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Refreshment and lunch BreaksDemonstrate your hospitality for the industry through a sponsorship within the Refreshment breaks. A sponsorship within the conference food and Beverage Program is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your hospitality and goodwill for the industry. consisting of Morning and Afternoon tea and lunch breaks on each day of the conference, these are unique opportunities to network with the delegates. individual and packaged opportunities are available – involvement in the Refreshment breaks is an exclusive and excellent opportunity to make a strong, lasting impression on all delegates at an exclusive venue.

dAy 1 dAy 2 PAckAGES

AM tea

lunch PM tea

AM tea

lunch PM tea Day 1 & 2 AM &

PM tea

Day 1 & 2


Day 1 & 2 AM/PM tea &


BEnEfitS $750 $2,000 $750 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $3,000 $3,500 $6,400

company logo and acknowledgement as a Refreshment and/or lunch Break Sponsor (with organisation logo):

¡ On the Sponsor’s page in the final Pocket Program (ASM only) and Program Book

¡ On the conference website (including logo and hyperlink to your organisation’s homepage)

¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the main plenary room ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the concurrent rooms ¡ On the conference flyer ¡ At key social events including the faculty and gala Dinners and

Welcome Reception ¡ On the conference sponsorship onsite acknowledgement board

(quantity and type at ASuM’s discretion) ¡ On the ASuM facebook page ¡ On the delegate name badge and exhibition passport (major

Refreshment and lunch Break package only) ¡ At the respective Refreshment and/or lunch Break

naming rights to the respective Refreshment or lunch Break

freestanding banner/banarect - maximum size 2m high x 1m wide, which will be positioned in a prominent location at the respective refreshment break (sponsor to supply)

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

company corporate literature displayed on the refreshment stations during the sponsored Refreshment Break or lunch (sponsor to supply)

Small table signs featuring the company name and logo displayed on the sponsored Refreshment Break or lunch tables (conference Managers to supply)

complimentary tickets for nominated guests to attend the sponsored refreshment break and/or lunch

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4

complimentary tickets to attend the: ¡ Welcome Reception ¡ gala Dinner





complimentary registration to all Saturday conference sessions including name badges and refreshments (option to purchase additional registrations)

company flyer, brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure), cD or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

2 2 4

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

10 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Program Book the conference Program Book is the delegate’s bible. this publication contains everything that a delegate needs to know about the conference when onsite and is an invaluable reference tool for delegates during and following the conference. the educational and scientific nature of the Program Book combined with the blank pages for delegates to make notes at the back, ensures that it will leave a lasting impression on delegates and that it remains a reference tool well beyond the conference.

Delegate name Badge & lanyardsEach delegate will receive a name Badge when registering at the conference which they will wear attached to a lanyard around their neck when onsite at the conference. the name Badge identifies the sessions that the delegate has registered to attend. it is constantly handled and is always in full view for all delegates to see which reinforces the delegate’s awareness of your brand.

Satchel Each delegate will receive a conference satchel full of information about the conference. the satchel is an item that many delegates use throughout the conference to hold their personal belongings and will continue to use even after the conference has finished. the satchel contains everything that a delegate needs to know about the conference and the companies exhibiting including new products and is a valuable tool for delegates during and following the conference. the design of the satchel means that a delegate is exclusively exposed to your brand every time they open and close the satchel thus reinforcing your brand. the satchels multi-functionality will leave a lasting impression of your brand on delegates as they will use them during and following the conference.

conference Applicationthe conference will have its own smart phone application than can be downloaded by delegates to access a range of conference information. fully operational within the venue Wi-fi delegates will able to view the full conference program, create their own personalised program of sessions to attend, access the exhibition floor plan and view speaker profiles. this opportunity provides prime delegate awareness of your brand as delegates will constantly be interacting with the application throughout the conference.

Stationery (sponsor to provide pads and pens)

the ability for delegates to take and refer to notes during and beyond the conference is crucial and while the Program Book provides some space, it is insufficient for the delegate’s needs. Providing a pen and an A4 sized writing pad are valuable items for the delegates and with them included in the satchel, which every delegate receives, ensures reinforcement of your brand to all delegates. this is an exclusive opportunity for a small outlay.

Plenary Session Programconference Plenary sessions are highlights of the conference Program and are usually presented by a well-known and respected international speaker(s). the Plenary session is a stand-alone session, held historically on the Saturday morning, which is the most well attended day of the conference, attended by the majority of delegates. this session is an important educational experience and aligning your brand alongside will ensure that you gain the maximum exposure at one time and in once place.

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

11Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

concurrent Session Program concurrent sessions comprise a large component of the conference Program. they involve all of the conference speakers, include the broadest cross-section of educational information and are attended by all of the delegates often on multiple occasions. these sessions are an important educational experience and aligning your brand alongside will ensure that you gain the maximum reinforcement and recall of your brand by delegates.

international SpeakerMajor highlights of the conference program are the sessions presented by renowned international speakers. these sessions are historically the most popular and well attended achieving the most constructive feedback from delegates.

As an international speaker sponsor you will enjoy a personal relationship with the speaker at the faculty and gala dinners and be provided with the right to present the thank-you gift to the speaker on stage during the gala Dinner.

We will provide an introduction to the speaker pre conference so that an initial relationship can be formed and we will ensure that you are personally introduced to the speaker at the earliest opportunity. Your company should not miss the opportunity to gain premium and concentrated levels of exposure.

PatientsWorkshops are an integral component of a conference and enable delegates to see the theory in practice. Workshops will only be successful if patients kindly contribute their time and allow selected body parts and in some cases of an intrusive nature to be examined. As up to 20 patients per day are needed this is an excellent opportunity to make a significant contribution to the conference for a minimal outlay. the sponsorship can be in the form of a direct financial contribution or the provision of a product or gift to the value of the sponsorship.

Satchel insertEach delegate will receive a conference satchel full of information about the conference. the satchel is an item that many delegates use throughout the conference to hold their personal belongings. the satchel is the best opportunity to reach your target market at a cost effective price by inserting your company brochure, flyer, cD or information on a new product or service directly to the delegate.

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

12 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus




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company logo and acknowledgement as the relevant Sponsor (with organisation logo):

¡ On the Sponsor’s page in the final Program Book ¡ On the conference website (including logo and hyperlink to your

organisation’s homepage) ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the main plenary room ¡ On the Sponsor slide displayed in the concurrent rooms ¡ On the conference flyer ¡ At key social functions ¡ On the conference sponsorship onsite acknowledgement board

(quantity and type at ASuM’s discretion) ¡ On the ASuM facebook page

complimentary tickets to the: ¡ Welcome Reception (u= unlimited) ¡ gala Dinner










full page colour advertisement on the inside back cover of the Program Book (artwork to be supplied by sponsor)

complimentary registration to the Saturday conference sessions including name badges and refreshments (option to purchase additional registrations)

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

company flyer, brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure), cD or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Prominent position of your company name and logo printed on the front of the conference satchels

Exclusive branding rights on the conference Smart Phone Application

Exclusive naming rights to the Plenary session

Rights to present our gift of thanks to your international Speaker at the gala Dinner

complimentary full registration to all conference sessions on the day where your speaker is presenting

company logo and acknowledgement as inserting into the satchel (with organizational logo) on the Satchel insert page on the conference website (including hyperlink to your organisation’s home page)

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

13Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Program Book Advertisingthe conference Program Book is a delegate’s bible. this publication contains everything that a delegate needs to know about the conference when onsite and is an invaluable reference tool for delegates during and following the conference. Each delegate receives a Program Book which they carry with them when onsite at the conference. the educational and scientific nature of the Program Book, combined with the blank pages for delegates to make notes at the back ensures that it leaves a lasting impression on delegates and remains a reference tool well beyond the conference.

Advertising Material RequirementsPress quality pdf with contract proof preferred; eps, tif and jpeg accepted. low resolution 72 dpi images as used on the internet are not accepted. images that are 300 dpi at 100% are press quality. Material may be delivered by email to [email protected] or on cD or uSB by post to ASuM 2014, c/- PO Box 576, crows nest nSW 1585.




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Ad SizE tyPE ArEA triM SizE BlEEd cOlOUr B&W

full page 175 x 275mm 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm $1200 $900

inside front cover 175 x 275mm 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm $1500 $1100

inside Back cover 175 x 275mm 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm $1200 $900

Outside Back cover 175 x 275mm 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm $1500 $1300

Half page horizontal 175 x 125mm - - $700 $500

Half page vertical 85 x 275mm - - $700 $500

1/3 page horizontal 175 x 82mm - - $450 $350

1/3 page vertical 58 x 275mm - - $450 $350

1/4 page vertical 85 x 125mm - - $350 $275

1/8 page horizontal 85 x 60mm - - $175 $125

Awards Programthe award sponsorships recognise academic achievement and excellence, scientific research, emerging scientific talent, education and employee standards, best practice training and significant industry contribution. these are the pinnacle awards in the industry and will be presented to the recipients at the ASM gala Dinner. As an exclusive sponsorship category, these are excellent value for money and provide the sponsor with an entrée into the sponsorship market to build your profile.

in return for sponsoring an award, a sponsor will receive: ¡ Exclusivity in the award category ¡ the rights to present the award to the recipient ¡ Verbal recognition as the award sponsor during the Award’s presentation ¡ One (1) complimentary ticket to the Welcome Reception and gala Dinner (option to purchase additional tickets) ¡ company logo and acknowledgement as an Award sponsor:

à On the Award Sponsor’s page in the final Program Book à On the conference website and flyer à in conference newsletters

AWArd invEStMEnt lEvEl AWArd invEStMEnt lEvEl

life Member $250 tutor / trainer of the Year $250

Honorary fellow $250 Employer of the Year $250

Australasian Sonologist of the Year $250 Humanitarian of the Year $250

Australasian Sonographer of the Year $250 Young Sonographer of the Year $250

Best clinical Presentation $250 ultrasound Volunteer of the Year $250

Best Research Presentation $250 lucky Door $250

Service to ultrasound in Rural Areas $250 Passport $250

Best AJuM Article $250

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

14 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

cPD Branch Meetings and Workshops: Au and nZ SponsorshipASuM continues to prove it is the leading authority in the diverse use of ultrasound.

We plan to hold at least two (2) workshops in each Australian State/territory and new Zealand over approximately a 12 month period. in addition to the 17 Platinum sponsored workshops, there is further scope for more events to be created. Workshops in Australia are usually held on Saturdays and consist of 5.5 hours tuition time and may include live scanning, depending on the speakers’ preferences. new Zealand branch meetings are 3.5 hours long.

if your company would like to sponsor one or more ASuM workshop/branch meeting events please contact our growth and Quality Manager. You are required to be a corporate Member at the time of the event. ASuM is responsible for all the administrative work and request ideally 3 months lead time before the date of the event. for details of non-Platinum workshop sponsorship opportunities (excluding Sand Surf Soundwaves conference, Kingscliff and nZ ASM) please refer to the table immediately below:

AdditiOnAl (nOn-PlAtinUM) WOrkShOPS SPOnSOrShiP OPPOrtUnitiES Sponsor foyer trade table

cost (incl. gSt) per event $4,000 $500

Determine focus of workshop, e.g. O&g, MSK, Vascular, general etc. Yes no

Opportunity to select one interstate and one local presenter Yes no

nominate the region/s you would like the event held Yes no

Promoting your company as a sponsor in all advertising prior to and on the day of the event including: Realtime, mail-outs, website, flyer etc.

Yes Yes

complimentary full registration to all sessions, incl. refreshments 2 1

Presentation session to showcase your company, new technology or current models 20 mins no

number of ultrasound units to be used in workshop Max. 2 no

list of delegates who attended the workshop Yes Yes

sand surf soundwaves conference, Kingscliff 28 February 2015ASuM holds an annual event at the Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff in far northern nSW. the conference runs from 8.30am-5pm (AEDSt) and includes a number of speakers running concurrent sessions offered in 2 plenary rooms giving delegates a variety of lectures to attend. this year the key note speakers are Jenny Parkes and Dr fergus Scott.

SPOnSOrShiP PAckAGES fOr SUn SUrf SOUndWAvES Gold Silver trade tablecost (incl. GSt) $4,000 $1,500 $500

Quantity of packages available 2 4 3

Promoting your company as a major sponsor in all advertising prior to and on the day of the event including: Realtime, mail-outs, website, flyer etc.

Yes Yes no

complimentary full registration to all conference sessions, including refreshments 4 2 1

number of ultrasound units at the event for use or promotional display 2 1 no

Machine used in one of the concurrent plenary sessions for the full day Yes no no

complimentary flyer, brochure, (max. 4 pages/brochure), cD, or other marketing product (subject to organising committee approval) to be inserted in all delegate satchels (sponsor to supply material)

Yes Yes Yes

Presentation session to showcase your company, new technology or current models 10 mins 5 mins no

new Zealand asmfor sponsorship opportunities at the new Zealand ASM please contact Martin necas directly via email: [email protected]

named teaching Fellowshipthis opportunity allows a sponsor to nominate a presenter for one or more cPD workshop/branch meeting events and have your company promoted each time your nominated presenter is mentioned for that event/s.

SPOnSOrShiP lEvEl One national event 2 or more national events (each)

nominating a Speaker from nz to present in AU or vice versa

teaching fellowship $1,500 $1,000 $2,500

a u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

15Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

ASUM 2015 BOOkinG fOrM

ASUM corporate Member number:

company name:

contact name and title:

company ABn number:


State / Postcode / country:

telephone: ( )



2015 AnnUAl SciEntific MEEtinG cOSt

ASuM corporate Membership (if not already paid) mandatory


SponsorshipPlatinum $100,000gold $50,000Silver $25,000Bronze $13,000Exhibition 2015 Annual Scientific MeetingShell Scheme Package 6m x 2m $5,000Shell Scheme Package 3m x 2m $3,000booth location preference Additional Sponsorship Opportunitiesfaculty Dinner $2,500Welcome Reception $5,000gala Dinner $10,000Welcome Reception & gala Dinner $12,500Welcome Reception, faculty Dinner & gala Dinner $15,000Morning tea $750 or

$1,000lunch $2,000Afternoon tea $750 or

$1,000Day 1&2 Morning and Afternoon tea $3,000Day 1&2 lunch $3,500Day 1&2 Morning, lunch and Afternoon tea $6,400Program Book & Pocket Program $5,000Delegate name Badge and lanyards $2,000Satchel $3,000conference App $2,750Stationery $1,000Plenary Session Program $2,000concurrent Session Program - day 1 $2,000concurrent Session Program - day 2 $2,650concurrent Session Program - days 1 & 2 $4,000international Speaker $5,000Patients - day 1 $800Patients - day 2 $800Patients - day 1 & 2 $1,100Satchel insert $750

Program Book Advertisingfull page - colour $1,200full page - B&W $900Half page - colour $700Half page - B&W $500third page - colour $450third page - B&W $350Quarter page - colour $350Quarter page - B&W $275Eighth page - colour $175Eighth page - B&W $125inside front cover - colour $1,500inside front cover - B&W $1,100inside back cover - colour $1,200inside back cover - B&W $900Outside back cover - colour $1,500Outside back cover - B&W $1,300Awards 2015 Annual Scientific Meetinglife Member $250Honorary fellow $250Australasian Sonologist of the Year $250Australasian Sonographer of the Year $250Best clinical Presentation $250Best Research Presentation $250Best AJuM Article $250Service to ultrasound in Rural Areas $250tutor/trainer of the Year $250Employer of the Year $250Humanitarian of the Year $250Young Sonographer of the Year $250ultrasound Volunteer of the Year $250lucky Door Prize $250Passport Prize $250named teaching fellowshipOne national event $1,5002 or more national events (each) $1,000nominating a Speaker from nZ to present in Au or vice versa $2,500Branch Meeting/Workshop Sponsorshipgold $4,000Silver (Kingscliff only) $1,50017 x Workshops per year nationally See Platinum Sponsorship

foyer trade table $500

45th AnnuAl SciEntific MEEtinga u s t r a l a s I a n s o c I e t y F o r u l t r a s o u n D I n m e D I c I n e

16 Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Application Procedure1. Please return this completed application form indicating your sponsor-

ship/exhibition/advertising preference/s to:

ASUM 2015 ASM Secretariat

c/- the Association Specialists

PO Box 576, crows nest nSW 1585 Australia

Ph: +61 2 9431 8600 fax: +61 2 9431 8677 Email: [email protected]

2. Acceptance of sponsorship/advertising/exhibition applications is subject to ASuM’s approval

3. An application does not warrant immediate acceptance and should an application be accepted an invoice will be issued

4. for advertisers to be acknowledged, your payment must be received before the advertised bookings & material deadline outlined below

5. Sponsorship and exhibition applications and advertising requests are considered in order of receipt of application form

terms and conditions The Exhibitor/Sponsor/Advertiser’s application is an offer which is accepted by ASUM on making the application.

booking conditionsAcceptance of Sponsorship/Exhibition/Advertisement applications will be subject to ASuM approval. ASuM reserves the right to decline applications based on any association, direct or indirect, that does not uphold ASuM’s objectives.

All monies due and payable must be received (and cheques cleared) by ASuM prior to the event or advertisement being published. no company will be listed as an Exhibitor/Sponsor/Advertiser in any official material until full payment and a booking form have been received.

it is a requirement to be a corporate Member at the time of the ASM.

cancellation policyin the case of the cancellation of or reduction in exhibiting/sponsorship/advertising, a service fee of 50% of total fees applies for cancellations greater than 60 days prior to the conference or published advertisement. After this, ASuM reserves the right to retain monies received. if the balance of sponsorship payment is not received within the trading terms, the allocated sponsorship will be cancelled and this cancellation policy will apply.

attendancethe Exhibitor understands that all attendees must register officially.

booth allocationthe exhibitor understands that booths and/or space will be allocated strictly to order of receipt of booking form and that ASuM’s decision will be final.

liability and InsuranceAustralian regulations require all exhibitors to have adequate Public and Product liability insurance cover based on a limit of indemnity to a minimum value of AuD$10,000,000. this refers to damage or injury caused to third parties/visitors on or in the vicinity of an exhibition stand. Exhibitors are required to submit their Public liability insurance certificate along with their booking form.

the exhibitor and the servants, agents and contractors of the exhibitor occupy and use the exhibition space/booth allotted under this exhibition contract and enter the conference Venue and act under or pursuant to this exhibition contract at their own risk.

the exhibitor hereby indemnifies and releases ASuM, the conference Venue and the exhibition contractor and each of them against all actions, suits, costs, claims and demands brought against ASuM and the Venue Managers by any natural person, firm or corporation for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly to, or suffered by any person, firm or corporation as a result of any act or default of the exhibitor or the servants, agents, contractors or invitees of the exhibitor or resulting directly or indirectly from the attendance of the exhibitor at the exhibition, including travel to and from such venues and

without limiting the foregoing ASuM and the Venue Managers or any of them shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss, damage or injury which may occur to the exhibitor or the servants, agents or contractors of the exhibitor or for any damage to their property including damage to exhibits, plant, equipment, fixtures, fittings or other property whatsoever or for any loss of profits which they may suffer howsoever caused.

it is strongly advised that each exhibitor seek to cover their equipment, exhibits and display material with adequate insurance and also effect public risk insurance at the expense of the exhibitor.

consequential DamageASuM will not be liable for any direct or consequential damages arising out of a breach of this exhibition contract.

securityAs arrangements vary from venue to venue, security arrangements will be confirmed within 30 days of the conference.

VariationsASuM may in the event of any circumstances which renders it necessary vary the booth or stand space allocation and the exhibitor will accept such re-allocation without any claim for a reduction in charges or otherwise.

unavoidable occurrencesin the event that the exhibition is cancelled or delayed through no fault of ASuM, the Venue Manager or the Sponsors including but not limited to fire, flood, labour disputes, natural disasters, acts of god, civil disorders, riots, insurrections, work stoppages, slowdowns or disputes, or other similar events then the exhibitor shall not be entitled to any refund or to claim for any loss or damage.

assignments and sublettingno exhibitor shall assign, sublet or share the whole or any part of the space booth allotted without the knowledge and consent of ASuM.

HoursASuM shall determine the hours during which the exhibition shall be conducted and as to hours of access for exhibitors including variations of such times as shall be necessary.

privacy statementi consent to my details being shared with suppliers and contractors of the conference to assist with my participation, being included in participant lists and for the information distribution in respect of promotion of the conference.

Please tick one.o Yes o no

Important: We accept the terms and conditions as printed in this sponsorship prospectus.

Signature: Date

the Australian goods and Services tax (gSt) at 10% applies to all goods and services offered by ASuM and all prices in this document are inclusive of the gSt (except the advertising rates). gSt is calculated at the date of publication of this document. ASuM reserves the right to vary the quoted prices in accordance with any movements in the legislated rate of the gSt.

completion of this application form indicates the applicant’s willingness to abide by all terms, conditions and general rules as stated in the industry prospectus. this application form will serve as a contract.