Astronomy Wise February Free Astronomy Magazine



Astronomy Wise is a community based free Astronomy Magazine. Packed with articles, news, interview with the Meteorite Men and much more

Transcript of Astronomy Wise February Free Astronomy Magazine

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Editors Note…..

Welcome to the February 2013 Astronomy

Wise EZine. I hope you all enjoyed any Star-

gazing Live events you went to. This month

we have the return of Lets Talk our monthly

interview slot, and I am pleased that this

month we have the Meteorite Men.

Astrophotography is becoming more and

more popular and accessible to the amateur

astronomer. Mike Greenham continues

looking at imaging the skies with a look at

deep space objects with a dslr camera.

We have our monthly ’The Night Sky’ with

John Harper F.R.A.S our guide to what to

observe during the month.

We are also going to look at Polar aligning

with different mounts, Mike Greenham and

Ralph Wilkins from Active Astronomy

provide the help.

This month I am having a look at easy to find

objects in the night sky, starting off with The

Plough or the Big Dipper as it is known in

North America.

The Astronomy Wise team was out in the

community helping St Marks Brownie pack

(Scarborough) with their stargazing badge.

January 11th Astronomy Wise held it’s first

of the year public stargazing nights inline

with Stargazing Live.

Editor: David Bood

Twitter: @AstronomyWise

[email protected]

Front Cover Photograph

Photograph by Suzanne Morrison ©

Aerolite Meteorites, LLC

Design Edward Dutton & Robert Watson

Occultation information

Plekhanov andrey

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Meet The Team


Jason Ives co founder

Events organiser,

Rogues Gallery, writer

David bood co founder

Magazine editor,writer

Edward Dutton graphic

design, adverts, t shirts

John Harper f.r.a.s

Sky notes,

articles, advice, public


New competition see page 16 for

details, you must read our interview with the Meteorite Men to get the answer. Contact Details

Rouges Gallery: [email protected] Design: [email protected]

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Lets Talk… This month we have an interview with two guys from across the pond. They have featured in their own hit TV shows, written books and featured on Science programmes. So I am pleased to introduce Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold best known as the ‘Meteorite Men’.

AW: For those people who are new to Astronomy and looking up into the

night sky could you please tell us what exactly a meteorite is and how they get to


GEOFF: Meteorites are cosmic debris that have fallen to our planet from outer space. As far as

we know, all recovered meteorites originated within our solar system, and the vast majority of

them come from the Asteroid Belt. A compara-tively small number of meteorites are of lunar

and Martian origin and it is possible that a very few are remnants of comet nuclei, but that is

only a theory at present. Most meteorites are rich in iron and nickel and there are a few minerals that are unique to meteorites.

AW: Steve and Geoff how did you become interested in Meteorites?

STEVE: I became interested in treasure hunting and metal detecting about 21 years ago and purchased a book on the subject. During my research I came

across a story from 1890 where a lady sold a meteorite she found to the University of Kansas. That got me thinking to myself, "If meteorites were worth money over

100 years ago, are they still worth money today? And do they have metal in them so maybe a metal detector could find them?" The answer to both questions I

asked myself was "Yes!" I began researching, hunting for, finding, and selling meteorites, and I never quit.

GEOFF: My father was a keen amateur astronomer and, even as a little boy of six,

I was an avid rockhound -- always scrambling around in quarries and on cliff faces, looking for minerals and fossils. I first encountered meteorites when I was about

seven years old, during a visit to London's Geological Museum with my mother. It

was something of an epiphany; here were strange rocks from outer space that

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were, to my wide eyes at least, very

clearly a marriage between astronomy and geology. Looking through

telescopes at stars and planets was fascinating to me, but this was one

better: I was able to actually touch the fabric of another world. That wonder

and fascination simply never left me.

AW: How did you guys link up?

STEVE: Back in the early days of the Internet, I did a search among

AOL members and I found about eight people with the word "meteorite" listed

in their profile. Before the word "spam"

was coined, I "spammed" all eight of

them, and one guy who responded was Geoff. We struck up a friendship which

lead to us meeting in person for the first time at the Santiago, Chile airport. Off

we went on a two week excursion into the Atacama Desert in search of

meteorites. What would have driven most new acquaintances far apart,

seemed mysteriously to bind our friendship together. Anyone who wants

to know more can read all about that adventure in Geoff's new book,

Rock Star: Adventures of a Meteorite Man

AW: How do you find

meteorites which are buried? What equipment do you use?

GEOFF: Since most meteorites

contain anywhere from about 20 to 97% iron, we employ sophisticated

metal detectors to search for buried pieces. Of course, our

detectors also pick up anything else that contains iron, so we have

literally excavated piles of nails, bullets, barbed wire, horseshoes,

old farming equipment, tools, cans, and stumbled upon more than one

unexploded missile. That keeps it

interesting. If we are hunting in a zone that we believe has

meteorites buried less than a half meter, we will use hand-held

detectors, and particularly favor Fisher Labs, Teknetics, and

Minelab. More deeply-buried masses require a larger detector

and different technology. Pulse Induction detectors by PulseStar

and Lorenz can be used with much larger electromagnetic coils that

can "see" further into the ground.

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AW: What is the largest meteorite

you have found?

STEVE: On October 17, 2005 I discovered a 1,430-pound

pallasite buried 7 feet 4 inches below a Kansas wheat field in

Brenham township.

GEOFF: Yeah, Steve definitely holds the record for our work. Not

only was his big pallasite find one of the largest meteorites found in

the United States, it is also the largest oriented pallasite ever

found oriented meteorites being

those that have acquired a rounded or cone-like leading edge as a

result of ablation during flight. We found seven hundred pounds of

meteorites while making the Meteorite Men pilot, and have

recovered space rocks on four continents.

AW: I can imagine most meteorites

fall in to the sea, where on land would you say most meteorites


STEVE: Statistically speaking, me-teorites randomly fall pretty

evenly all over the globe. There are, however, places

on Earth where those space rocks

remain preserved and are able to survive until they are found. I'm

referring to deserts where there is little moisture and fewer freezing

and thawing cycles. In a dry climate the meteorites don't rust or

break down as quickly as they do in other climates. It is definitely

easier to find meteorites where there is less competition to locate

them. This would include the ice fields of Antarctica, deserts, dry

lake beds, and farm land with few or no terrestrial rocks allowing

farmers to hit them with their

plows. Also, locating the "bullseye" of a fresh meteorite impact

dramatically increases the odds of finding some and often they can

be visually spotted rather than requiring the use of a metal


AW: What is the most rare meteorite have you found?

GEOFF: We have been particularly successful working with pallasites,

a beautiful meteorite type that is

composed of approximately 50%

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nickel-iron and 50% olivine crystals. In

a pure form, olivine is known as the gemstone peridot. There are currently

almost 45,000 different recognized meteorites and of all those, there are

only 95 pallasites. We have found numerous examples of three different

pallasites: Brenham (Kansas, USA), Admire (Kansas, USA), and Imilac

(Atacama Desert, Chile). Another find of particular note was the rare

mesosiderite Vaca Muerta from Chile. Like pallasites, mesosiderites are stony

-iron composites, but are rich in pyroxene and feldspar, and do not

display large crystals. We found a

complete 3.4-kg mass in 2010 and two prominent meteorite experts said it

was the finest example of a mesosiderite they had ever seen. Some

of our other finds have displays usual features that were of great interest to

meteoriticists and a number of scientific papers have been written

about meteorites that we have recovered.

AW: Can you tell us about your


STEVE: I am excited to announce my brand new Smart Phone APP which

allows people to access all things meteoritic, including our Meteorite Men

site, with just a few taps on their phone screen! The Meteorite Smart Phone APP

can be found at:

My wife, Qynne, and I recently opened

America's only brick and mortar meteorite store in Historic Downtown

Eureka Springs, Arkansas called Meteorites and More. I know it is "low

tech" and is bucking the flow of every-

one else on the planet who seems to be leaving downtown and going online,

but it allows us to reach out and share the "awe of the cosmos" with tourists

who come to this quirky town.

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In addition, we still sell a lot on EBay.

GEOFF: One of the great things about Steve is he's always pushing the

boundaries of technology and looking for new and better ways to do things. I think it's just great that at the same time he's developing a

groundbreaking meteorite app, he also opens a store in weird and wonderful Eureka Springs. I like to think of that as a kind of converse

strategy approach to business. We make a good team because Steve is an ideas person and I'm a media person. In addition to being a meteorite

specialist, TV host, and amateur astronomer, I am a science writer, art director, publisher, and photographer and, together with my publicist Becca

Gladden, manage our public relations and web presence. I designed and built the official website for our television series

and I manage our social media presence on Twitter , Facebook , and

Pinterest . We are very active on Twitter

and I also have my own account . I find Twitter to be an extraordinary resource for connecting with like-minded

science and astronomy enthusiasts and I warmly invite all tweeps among your readers to connect with us. I am in the process of collecting all of the

best Meteorite Men interviews and articles on our Pinterest site, and it's been interesting and enjoyable to revisit some of the features we've done

over the years. My flagship website is dedicated to my commercial meteorite company, Aerolite Meteorites, LLC . We are one

of the leading suppliers of quality meteorite specimens and have worked with most of the world's leading collectors and institutions and we are

always happy to advise and assist new collectors. We also maintain a private mailing list and

send out a monthly newsletter with details about our expeditions, television work, and new meteorite acquisitions.

AW: Can you both tell us about your

tv shows? A little bit about behind the scenes.

GEOFF: Our very first television show

about meteorites was an episode of The Best Places to Find Cash &

Treasure for the Travel Channel. We found numerous space rocks at two

different locations and were advised by the network that it was the

highest rated episode out of the

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entire series. We went on to work

with Wired magazine and PBS on the pilot of a science series called Wired

Science. It was a successful show and ran for several seasons. We have also

worked with TLC on American Chopper, National Geographic on

Naked Earth: Our Atmosphere, and Discovery on Cosmic Collisions. We

are, however, best known for our three seasons of Meteorite Men, which

aired on Science in the US and Discovery Networks around the world.

At present, Meteorite Men is showing in 27 countries and has introduced

millions of people to meteorite science

and meteorite collecting. We filmed on four continents and travelled about

120,000 miles while making the 23 episodes. It is the first and only

television series about meteorites and has generated a tremendous amount

of interest, worldwide, in a previously little-known scientific discipline. We

worked with many different directors and producers and it is interesting to

see how different creative teams bring their own vision to an existing series. Some producers were more interested in the adventure and treasure

hunting aspects of the show, while others made episodes with more scientific content. During the first season, we were amassing about 65

hours of footage for each episode. In American programming, if you take out all the adverts from a one-hour show, you are left with 43 minutes of air

time. So, every broadcast minute was edited down from about 1 1/2 hours of footage. That means there are a ton of great outtakes and bloopers in the

archives and we hope some of them will see the light of day in the future.

AW: If someone was interested in collecting samples of meteorites what sort of price would be a good starting point? (£ or $)?

STEVE: I strongly suggest people keep their first purchase reasonable

enough that they won't be tempted to sell it if financial troubles arise in

their future. It would not be good to struggle with the temptation of selling off your "first meteorite" just to pay a bill. Hock your second or third, or

1,000th meteorite, but not your first one. It's just too special!

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AW: Apart from featuring in "Astronomy Wise" (lol my little joke) what are

the highlights of both your careers?

STEVE: While there were many significant events throughout my career and many that directly led up to the pilot episode of our TV series,

Meteorite Men, it was the production and airing of the Meteorite Men pilot which was the most significant of my career. It was significant

not only in what it did for me personally, but in what I was able to give back to the meteorite community and in what I was able to share with the

public at large.

GEOFF: Either individually, or as a team, Steve and I have appeared as invited speakers at the Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF), The USA

Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., Stellafane, Challenger Space Center Arizona, National Metal Detector Day, Lowell Observatory,

the Arizona Science & Astronomy Expo, and many other events and

venues. I greatly enjoy the opportunity to share my passion with science-friendly audiences.

Making the first season of Meteorite Men was definitely a high point for

me. We worked with some extremely talented people and filmed those first six episodes quickly and efficiently with a small and very capable

crew. The first season had an almost guerilla-like feel to it: we were constantly on the move, switching locations at the last minute due to bad

weather, thinking on our toes, and finding meteorites, or course, and it was all very exciting. In Season Two we had the extraordinary opportunity

to work at the Henbury Craters Preserve in Australia, and that was a dream come true for me. I find Henbury to be one of the most fascinating

places on the planet, as there are fifteen well preserved meteorite craters in very close proximity to each other. The publication of my

autobiography, Rock Star: Adventures of a Meteorite Man, in June of 2012

was another big moment for me, as I had been working on it for fourteen years. When the first books arrived, we opened a bottle of champagne in

the office!

In October of 2012 my meteorite exhibition, They Came from Outer Space, opened at Challenger Space Center Arizona and the opportunity to design and curate a significant museum display was extremely rewarding for me.

Steve was a big help with that project too, as he loaned us some of his remarkable meteorite finds. My latest project is working with Deep Space

Industries, a private sector space exploration company that is building a fleet of robotic ships. They will be used to mine asteroids and return

samples to earth. And I just love getting out and meeting the fans, and talking about our work with meteorites at gem shows and astronomy


AW: I understand you are filming can we have a sneaky peak about the


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GEOFF: I am currently working with

Vivid Light Pictures, a New Mexico-based production company on the

feature film Unfinished Business http://

The writer/director is Suzee Corbell

and she's had a long and exciting career in film. I am a producer on

the film and also playing the role of Dr. Josh Byrnes, a paranormal

scientist with expertise in ghost hunting.

Unfinished Business is a genre

bending thriller that includes elements of film noir, paranormal,

romance, action, and steampunk. Unfinished Business is now in pre-

production and we expect to begin filming in February, 2013.

AW: Can you tell me about your


GEOFF: I have been working as a

science writer since 1998. Most of my articles focus on meteorites, but

I have also written extensively about paleontology, history, astronomy,

adventure travel, and the arts. My first book, Meteorite Hunting: How to

Find Treasure from Space, is the world's first and only hands-on guide

to finding rocks from space. It won a 2012 IPPY Award as one of the best

independently-published science books of the year. My second book,

Rock Star: Adventures of a Meteorite Man is my autobiography, and it was

published Jun 1, 2012. The book was

fourteen years in the making and, again, much of it focuses on my life

as a meteorite hunter, but there are also chapters about my childhood in

an abusive British public school, and my years as a professional rock 'n'

roll musician. For years, I have been

archiving my best adventure and

expedition photos and, as a result, Rock Star includes over 130

exclusive images. Both titles can be ordered directly from the publisher or from Amazon


X0DER&sellerID=A2PPO5PARD0OR9 Steve has photo credits in both

books, as there were numerous times when we were way out in the

wilds, somewhere, hunting, just the two of us. We'd make a find, or there

would be a terrific vista and I say to

Steve: "Hey, take a picture of me here!"

AW: Ok i know you are both busy so

last question, do you both get chance to go out with a telescope on view

the wonders of the cosmos?


“The Vivid Light Pictures Studio in New Mexico, Where some of the

interiors for Unfinished Business will be Filmed”.

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GEOFF: We both had the opportunity to look through some excellent

telescopes at the Stellafane convention in Vermont, this past summer, and I was most amazed by the Lagoon Nebula. I inherited my late father's old

refractor, and I also have a Celestron NexStar. The joys of living in southern Arizona include our very dark skies and about 350 days of

sunshine per year. I know this will make some of your readers envious, but for good astronomical viewing here, it's a simple as carrying my telescopes

out into the back garden.

A big thank you the Geoff and Steve for taking the time to answer our Questions, to our reader please check out the links in the article they are

live and one click takes you their source. Well folks we have some goodies to give away. We have signed books from Geoff so go to page 16 for more

details on how to win a singed book.

The Australian Outback at sunset. An

image form Rock Star: Adventures of a Meteorite Man By Geoff Notkin

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Competition time

To enter the competition you

must answer the question set

We have 2 rock star and 2

Meteorite hunting books to give

away. So there will be 4 winners

each winning one book each. All

books are signed by Geoff notkin

From the interview answer the

following question:

What is the largest meteorite Steve has found?

Terms & Conditions: Answers are to be email to [email protected] Subject Meteorite Competition

Closing date is March 31st 2013. All correct entries will be put into an hat and drawn at one of the Astronomy Wise Public meetings. The winner will be notified

by email. We will ask the winner for their delivery address details. Competition

open to UK only. The competition is free to enter. Four winners will be drawn win-ning one book each.

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THE GREAT WINTER TRIANGLE When I was 12 years old in the days long before PCs and laptops, and was starting

to become serious about Astronomy, there was only one way to learn the night sky. I had to go outside armed with nothing more than my eyes and a book in order to

find the constellations and identify the stars by name. I remember at that time learning a fascinating short poem probably written by another astronomer describ-

ing one of the wonders of the winter sky, “The Great Winter Triangle” which we can all see around now if the weather permits. The poem goes like this:

“ Let Procyon join to Betelgeuse, and pass a line afar

To reach the point where Sirius glows, the most conspicuous star; Then to the eye’s delighted view, a figure fine and vast,

Its span is equilateral, triangular its cast.”

The Great Winter Triangle is made up of three of the brightest winter stars and can

be seen very clearly in the accompanying star chart generated using Stellarium Software. I have connected the three stars together so that you can see the

triangular shape. The stars reach their highest point in the southern sky at around 9pm during the second half of February, and if you are far away from streetlights

where there is no light pollution, you may notice that the faint light of the Milky Way passes through this beautiful Triangle of three bright stars.

Each star belongs to a separate constellation, so the Great Winter Triangle itself is

not a separate constellation at all but is, what astronomer’s term, an “Asterism”, an interesting configuration of stars. Another example of an asterism is “The

Plough” (USA: “Big Dipper”) in the northern sky. The Plough is an asterism of seven stars within the much larger constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

Returning to the Winter Triangle, Procyon belongs to the constellation Canis Minor,

The Little Dog. It is a yellow star almost twice the diameter of our sun and lies

some 11.6 light years away. Procyon is the second nearest bright star visible in northern skies. As you look at it, you might like to reflect that the light of Procyon

falling in your eyes left the star over 11 years ago! Nearer still, is Sirius, the lowest and brightest of the triangle’s three stars. Sirius, the Dog star lies in the constella-

tion Canis Major, The Great Dog. Sirius is a pure white star 8.7 light years distant, but because it shines through a denser layer of atmosphere due to its altitude,

atmospheric refraction causes Sirius to twinkle with all the colours of the rainbow. Take a look at Sirius through binoculars and see the spectacular coloured light show

it seems to put on just for you! The Triangle’s third star is Betelgeuse, a red giant in the constellation of Orion, the

Hunter. Betelgeuse is so big that if it were placed where our sun is, all four inner planets, including Earth and Mars would lie beneath its surface! Look quickly back

and fourth between Sirius and Betelgeuse, and you will see the fiery light of the latter quite distinctly.

John Harper F.R.A.S. President and Founder,

Scarborough and Ryedale Astronomical Society (1976)

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Part 2 Deep Space Imaging with a DSLR

I often get asked how I take pictures of galaxies and nebula so here’s a brief guide showing how I do it. Firstly let me let me explain a few things. Because of the

earth’s rotation the sky is constantly changing and although the stars may look almost stationary when using a telescope they actually move relatively fast. When

you consider to take a deep space image we will be using exposures of up to 5 minutes the stars will have moved a

considerable distance in the field of view. To combat this we use a mount

that tracks the stars and attempts to keep them motionless for long

exposures. As good as modern mounts are they still have errors and tend to

start to drift after a minute or two.

This isn’t a problem and we can just stay within our mounts limit but if we

wish to exceed this limit a guide scope is used. This is second telescope,

mounted piggy back style on the main scope or side by side, who’s role is to

guide the mount and keep the stars static.

To achieve this we attach a camera to the rear of the guide scope and aim it

at a star near to our target. Guide scopes can be mounted via guide scope rings or a dedicated bracket such as the

one offered by Skywatcher. I use the Skywatcher one because it allows me to adjust the direction that the guide scope is pointing in very easily. A simple turn of

a thumb wheel is all it takes. You can buy standalone guide camera’s such as the

one shown in the picture, a Synguider, or use one of many camera’s offered by QHY, TIS, Atik etc. Using one of these requires the camera to be connected to the

laptop and then the laptop connected to the mount. Software such as PHD is then used to convert what the camera sees to movements the mount has to make. I use

a Synguider as it connects direct to my mount eliminating the need to connect it to the laptop and use addition software. Once I lock the synguider onto a star I simply

tell it to guide and it communicates with the mount informing it in which way to move to keep the star I locked onto completely stationary.

Another method would be to use the finder as the guide scope and attach a camera to that. I’m unsure how effective this method is as the finder obviously has a much

shorter focal length than the imaging scope and therefor the stars would move in the imaging scope before the movement was detected and corrected via the finder.

Some people use off axis guiders. These work by being placed within the optical

path. It comprises of a small mirror that redirects some of the captured

light to a second guide camera. The benefits are that no guide scope is required resulting in a reduced payload on the mount

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So what do you need? Well first off

we need a driven mount that will track the stars. Next we will need a

telescope. Any design of scope will work but the faster the scope the

better. I use a refractor and a Newtonian. What you have to

consider is the longer the focal length of the telescope the smaller the field

of view. This has the added problem that it shows up any errors in

tracking/guiding more. A good starter scope which is relatively fast with a

nice 600mm focal length is the Skywatcher Evostar ED80. It is a Apo

refractor which means it is almost

completely free from achromatic abbreviation. Next up you’re going to need a camera. I use a Canon 500D DSLR which connects to the telescope via a T ring.

There is lots of info on the web comparing DSLR camera’s that go into noise levels at various ISO settings at various exposure lengths. It’s all a bit complicated for

someone just starting out in this hobby so I’m not going to go into it. Most of the newish models of camera’s available are pretty good with low noise levels.

Remember in part 1 I touched on live view, well the same applies here, it’s great to be able to focus live on the laptop screen using the Brathinov mask also

mentioned in part 1. To control the camera I use a program called Backyard EOS. This almost completely automates the capturing process. You tell the software how

many pictures you want to take at what exposure level and leave it to run.

The image on the right is a 4 minute exposure on M42 The Orion Nebula using a

2” Skywatcher light pollution filter. As you

can see the filter gives the image a pur-plish hue but this can be removed during

processing. So you have decided on the best exposure

time for the circumstances. If you’re using Backyard EOS just input the amount of

exposures to take and sit back. If you’re going to do it manually, which I did at the

start, you will have to sit with the laptop/camera and manually start and stop each exposure with the DSLR in bulb mode.

You want to capture as many exposures as possible. The more we capture the more stretching during processing we can do and the less noise will be in the final image.

Once you have completed taking your images, what we call ‘Lights’ we want to take a series of Darks. To take these you just put the scope end cap on and take a series

of images with the same settings as the lights. Don’t change anything, keep the

same exposure length as your lights. I usually take between 10 and 20 Darks. The purpose of these is to remove any hot pixels or amp glow from the final image.

Next you need to take a series of flat frames. Again I take between 10 and 20. You can take these by opening a blank notepad document on the laptop and holding the

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screen against the scope. Another method is to take them at dawn whilst draping a

white t shirt over the scope to diffuse the light and give an nice even illuminated field. I use the laptop method as I can take them just before I pack away. You need

to keep the camera position and focus exactly the same as it was for the lights. This time let the camera decide on what exposure to use (AV mode). What a flat

does is highlights the vignetting or uneven field illumination, In other words how the brightness varies from the centre to the edges, along with showing and dust

and smudges present. Some people also take Bias shots but I don’t bother as I have yet to see any advantage.

Right that’s it, you’ve imaged your target. Now download a free program called

Deep Sky Stacker. Once you have this installed and running drag and drop your im-ages in telling the software if the picture is a light, dark or flat. Then hit the Batch

Stacking button and let it do its magic. The software will align and stack all your images before removing the data from the dark and flats. What you should be left

with a combined image of all your lights.

There is some very good tutorials about on the use of Deep Sky Stacker so I sug-gest you take the time to read one of them to familiarise yourself with the soft-

ware. Put simply after stacking you align the Red, Green and blue channels in the histogram, up the saturation slightly and adjust the midtone luminance before sav-

ing and opening the image in your chosen photo editing software.

The image on the left is the result after stacking and processing 60 of the

4 minute exposures shown above.

I hope this brief guide has been of some use. Below are a few of my images with

the settings and scope I used to capture them. All mages were captured using my Canon 500D DSLR. They should give you some idea what can be accomplished in a

given time and particular scope. With some of the images I used a focal reducer. This reduces the focal length of the scope resulting in a wider field of view and a

faster F number.

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Left : Here is M31 The Great Andromeda

Galaxy. To capture this I used a Skywatcher ED100 refractor with a Skywatcher 0.85

Focal Reducer. It’s the result of 60 exposures varying in length from 90 to 240 seconds

giving a total exposure of 120 minutes. ISO set to 800

Right: : M42 The Orion Nebula

Captured using a Skywatcher 250PDS Newtonian. Total exposure time is 90

minutes at ISO 800

Left: M45 Pleiades (Seven Sisters)

captured using a Skywatcher 250PDS. Total exposure is 60 minutes consisting

of 40 x 90 second exposures.

Right : NGC 7635 The Bubble

Nebula. A cropped view captured using a Skywatcher 250 PDS. 80 x

90 Second exposures giving a total of 120 minutes. ISO 800

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: M27 The Dumbbell Nebula. A

cropped version captured using a Skywatcher ED100. 60 x 120

second exposures giving a total of 120 minutes at ISO800

M13 Globular Cluster. Cropped. Captured using a Skywatcher

ED100. 30 x 120 second exposures totalling 60 minutes

at ISO 800

Right: NGC 891 Edge on

Spiral Galaxy. Cropped. Captured using a Skywatcher

250 PDS. 40 x 90 seconds totalling 60 minutes. ISO


Images & Words

Mike Greenham

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Capturing the full disc of the Sun.

Andy Devey

This month I thought that I should cover how to capture the Sun’s full disc. The Sun is a very large target and beyond the size of most CCD chips in the video

cameras that are now available to the amateur astronomer. Some of my friends use the larger chips in their SLR’s to capture the full disc through a telescope but

these cameras have colour CCD chips and this will wash out much of the detail that is available to the monochrome CCD chip. The options available to today’s amateur

solar astronomer are dependent on the personal goals that individuals set in this field.

Some of my friends have opted for large frame CCD cameras such as the new

DMK51 combined with a focal reducer such as a 0.5x Barlow, this will allow the

user to shoot full frame video of the full solar disc. With this option every part of the Sun is shot at exactly the same time a real must with such a

dynamic target in the field of view. Further the processing required to achieve the complete photo is restricted to just a few minutes. One

friend uses this system to produce time-lapse full disc animations, these will show solar flares in the context of full disc and they

are also very useful to capture associated shock waves [Moreton waves]. The images captured by the GONG network

telescopes also capture full disc images, each image is a composite of two exposures one for the disc and another for

the prominences. This is the easiest way to get full disc images but it does not deliver high-resolution full disc


If your goal is to achieve medium resolution full disc images

then you will need to take shots of the separate parts of the Sun and then merge them together in a suitable program

such as Photoshop to create the full disc. Most imagers that I know will merge 4 or 9 panels to create the full disc. When

tackling such a work it is essential to work fast as your target is moving [through plasma flow] and with a long delay the

features will not match up across the different panels. If you have never tackled a mosaic I would recommend that you initially

experiment on a static target that is about the same apparent size as the Sun, I am suggesting the Moon!

If like me your goal is to achieve a very high resolution full disc, then

longer focal lengths are necessary and this reduces the field of view so far more images are required to produce a full disc. The time element to process these

larger images is significantly longer as I have recently found out.

Making a mosaic

Download the latest image from the active GONG site as this will help you rotate

your camera to get the correct solar orientation before starting on your imaging run.

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To produce a successful mosaic it is vital to make sure that as the telescope is traversed across the face of the Sun and carefully ensure that the whole disc is

covered with the photos taken. If an area is missed this is like trying completing a jigsaw only to find a piece missing! When I am making a mosaic I ensure that I

have plenty of overlap with successive photos on all sides of the images. I normally start at the left side of the top of the Sun and traverse right while shooting 500

frame video sets and then move down working to the left and so on.

The next stage is to process all the images to the same standard, this is fairly easy if the seeing is consistent and there are no thin cloud present but more difficult if

not. I use Photoshop CS5 to construct my mosaics and I presently have no experience of other programs but there are many that are suitable.

I start by opening a new document and initially select the International paper

option [a large size sheet]. I then default the background colour to black using two

brightness/contrast background masks and then I click on “layer” and “flatten image”. I import the first photo and set it in position, I then select and import the

second photo and use the “move tool” and make it 50% transparent in “layer” this allows for fine positioning of one photo over the other [zoom in a few times to

check for exact alignment]. Turn the layer back to 100% [fully on] and then select the eraser tool to merge the two together and remove any hard edges that show a

clear indication that they are separate photos.

Some of my friends use this process to build ¼ of the image as separate pieces and then at a later stage put the four quarters together to achieve full disc.

Once the full disc is fitted together it may still look patchy with areas of dark and

lighter tones. This can be smoothed out by selecting the eraser tool again at a low percentage say 2% and gently work on the darker patches to blend them lighter so

that the image acquires a more even appearance. The colour layer can then be

added after this stage. When I add the colour to my photos and movies I always use the colour balance mask with three separate layers for shadows, mid tones and

highlight colours. I try to recreate an impression of the colours that I see in the eyepiece.

The photographic equipment available and the image processing techniques are

continuously changing and improving as technology advances. I personally am not expert in computing or advanced image processing techniques but I am always

experimenting, willing to learn and also share my experiences and mistakes. Mistakes are a very valuable part of the learning process so just analyse what went

wrong and then find the solution.

The internet and particularly solar observing forums are an invaluable link to tap into the experiences of lots of expert amateur solar images and everyone is wel-

come to join in. I would recommend joining SolarChat and the solar section of the

Cloudy nights forum.

One expert solar imager Ken Crawford has posted an absolutely brilliant tutorial on solar image processing in Photoshop CS5 here is the link. I would recommend you

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work through this tutorial a great way to get your desired result without

reinventing the wheel.

Have fun with our Sun

Andy Devey

Photo 1: Here is my first attempt at a

high resolution solar mosaic; it comprises 40 separate photos taken

at 1.6m focal length. At this stage I have merged the photos but not

balanced the tones to make it look like a single image..

Photo 2 my first ever

large scale mosaic at-tempt: a photo of the

Moon in Memory of Neil Armstrong

Photo 3: Here is my

first attempt at a large scale high resolution

solar mosaic achieved with only very basic

skill level in Photoshop CS5 usage. There is 20

hours work in this im-age and I shall revisit it

from time to time in the future as my skill

levels increase.

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Photo 2

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Photo 3

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How do stars shine? What makes a star shine? It’s a question,

more often asked of the Sun over millennia, but it applies to stars as well.

It is only relatively recently we’ve had an answer to that.

We should probably discount ideas based

around various gods and chariots having nothing much better to do all day than

ride across the sky, and presumably spend all night preparing to do it all

again tomorrow. If you were a god, would this really be the limit of your

ambition? Anyway, the first reasonable

ideas centred around a large structure of burning coal. It’s a reasonable idea, and

makes some sort of sense. Take what you know and make it bigger.

However come the scientific age, and a

good understanding of thermodynamics, it was soon found to be untenable. The

Sun weighs in at about 330,000 times

the weight of the Earth, but even if it

were all coal, and presumably sitting in

some sort of oxygen rich environment, it would only provide around 5,000 years

worth of burning. It might stretch to a few thousand more, or perhaps less - we

can’t really do the experiment - but regardless, it is not going to keep us

warm very long, at least historically speaking, never mind geologically


Another idea was dropping stuff onto the Sun. As things fall onto the Sun, they

speed up and hit it with quite a whack. This gives off heat, and if you had enough stuff its a very efficient way to produce power. It powers the brightest objects

known in the universe, objects that outshine entire galaxies, but it does require a lot of stuff to be consumed in the process. Lord Kelvin did a lot of these calculations

in the mid 1800’s, saying he couldn’t see any way the Sun could shine for more than about 100 million years, unless there were some unknown mechanism at work.

Come the twentieth century, and the era of radioactivity and nuclear physics, bring-

ing with it the famous equation E=mc2, and suddenly new possibilities opened up for sources of power. Einstein’s famous equation means we can convert mass into

energy, and c, being the speed of light, and a very big number, then squared, means a small amount of mass can make a lot of energy.

It was known through spectroscopy that the Sun was made mostly of hydrogen and

helium, so it was a good bet that whatever it was doing involved those elements in

some way. Now if you weigh an atom of Helium, it is about four times heavier than an atom of Hydrogen. This is not surprising as everyday Helium is made up of 4

particles in it’s nucleus (two protons, two neutrons), and Hydrogen just one (a pro-ton). However if you weigh it very very carefully, you find that 4 times the mass of

Hydrogen, is a little bit more than a single Helium. That bit of missing mass would add up to quite a bit of energy, and if a lot of H’s are coming together to make He,

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we have a plausible source of energy, nuclear fusion.

Problem solved? Well not quite. There are a few awkward issues. First a Hydrogen

atom consists of a single nuclear particle, a proton. A Helium nucleus is two protons and two neutrons. So you can’t just add 4 H’s together to make a He,

somehow you’ve got to either borrow or make neutrons. There is also the tricky issue of getting two or more protons to stick together. You see protons have a

positive charge, and like charges repel. So as you bring them closer together, there is repulsion between them. It gets stronger as they get closer too. It’s like

pushing two magnets together; they try to avoid each other. Even if you could squash them together, there is no such thing as an element with two protons on

its own. It would be called Helium-2 or 2He, but if it does ever exist, it falls apart back into two protons almost instantaneously. When two nuclear particles get very

very close a new force can get to work, called the strong nuclear force. This can hold things together despite the electric force trying to push them apart. In this

case though, it is just not strong enough to hold them, without some additional

help, so it falls apart back into two protons.

However, there is another force that can

be useful. The weak nuclear force. As its name implies, it is weaker than the strong

nuclear force, and indeed weaker too than the electromagnetic force. In truth its not

much of a force either, but it does have a useful role. It is the agent of change, and

in this case it can change a proton into a neutron, and should we get in the lucky

position of getting two protons very close, and the weak force jumping in just at the

right point, we will end up with the

change happening and a proton and a neutron stuck together. This is a very

rare event, but luckily we have numbers on our side. It might take a billion years

for this to happen to a given proton, but when you have billions upon billions of

protons milling around in close proximi-ty in the Sun, it will happen quite often.

This slowness is actually a good thing, otherwise the Sun would go off literally

like an H-bomb!

To get two particles really close, they still need to overcome the repulsion,

and you can do this by throwing them at

each other fast enough (this works with magnets too - but can get messy). How

do you make protons move faster? Well one way is to heat them up. This is one

reason the Sun needs to be hot, other-wise the particles would never even get

close. In fact, the Sun is not “hot enough” to make this happen. If you do

the calculations, and throw in the tem-perature of the Sun, they should never

get close enough. Luckily the weird world of quantum mechanics they live in

helps save the day, and sometimes they are allowed to break the rules a little

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and “tunnel” into each other. Another key thing is to be all squashed together, so

these fast moving tiny tiny particles might stand a chance of running into each other.

So, this whole process makes a

nucleus of deuterium, or heavy hydrogen as it is sometimes

called. To balance the books, a positron is produced (an anti-

electron) so that we start with two units of charge and finish

with two, and an anti-neutrino which helps balance energy and

other quantities. The positron will find an electron in short

order, and commit mutual suicide with it producing a

gamma ray.

After this step, its all downhill

relatively speaking. It’s easy now

to bump another proton into the deuterium to make Helium-3 - which is stable,

the extra neutron acts as a sort of nuclear glue. This probably only takes a few seconds, compared to the billion of so for the first step. Then the next step is

two Helium-3’s to come together to make Helium-4 with the loss of two spare protons. This also happens relatively quickly, at around 10,000 years or so,

peanuts in the life of a star. These last two steps also give off the most energy too.

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At several stages along these steps,

energy is released. It is released either as a particle of light - a photon in the

gamma ray range, or as an anti-neutrino. The anti-neutrinos hardly ever

interact with matter, and leave the Sun never to return. The photon of light

meanwhile has a much harder journey. It bumps into protons and electrons and

gets jostled around, but after several thousands of years, it makes it to the

surface, and there it can escape to make the Sun shine. It is rather wearisome

from it’s journey, so leaves not as a high intensity gamma ray the way it was

born, but more commonly as a visible

light ray, which is what we see (occasionally!) in the clear blue sky. This

process is known formally as the proton-proton chain reaction 1 (or PP1

chain - there are other variants) and is what most small stars like our own use.

Bigger stars have some more options which we might explore later.

How do we know all this? Well some of it by theory and calculation. Some of it by

using neutrino telescopes which can look inside the Sun to some extent. Astroseismology (studying of sun-quakes) can also tell us some of the internal

structure of the Sun. We’ve also made fusion reactions on the Earth, but usually in rather uncontrolled H-bombs, as controlled fusion has so far eluded us - although

not for want of trying.

Words: Julian Onions Twitter: @julianonions Astrophysics PhD student

Background Images: Andrew Devey

Images: Wikipedia

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Recent Discoveries & Developments

From the Reviews:

This book is packed with interesting new

topics in easily readable chunks.

No maths, just plenty of illustrations in glori-

ous colour, sprinkled with explanations and


An excellent read for kids and grown-ups

alike, ideal for browsing on a journey.

Can't wait for the next edition…


Although the lifetimes of stars and galaxies are played out over hundreds and thousands of mil-

lennia, the field of Astronomy itself is fast paced, with hardly a week going by without a new dis-

covery or development hitting the headlines.

This book delves into the most significant, ground breaking, headline making stories that have

come out of Astronomy throughout 2011-12 and presents them in an easy to read, easy to under-

stand format.

The Perfect Introduction

The Perfect Catch-up

Available from Amazon in Kindle and Paperback Formats

For more information go to

Facebook page:

Follow the Author on Twitter @PMRumsby

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Paul Halperns new book ‘Edge of the

Universe’ A voyage to the cosmic horizon and beyond.

The universe is a vast and complex

place. It is full of mystery and wonder. We can peer out into the

galaxy from our back gardens with small telescopes and see the stars and planets.

However have you ever thought when gazing up

how did this magnificent spectacle begin? How big is the universe? Is there more than one Universe?

Like you I have asked myself these and many more questions.

Dr Paul Halpern who is an American Professor of Physics and a well publisher author may have the

answers I am looking for. I downloaded the book onto my Galaxy Pad, using

the Kindle app from amazon. Firstly the book is well laid out and easy to follow. It is not over

complex and the beginner to Astronomy and those with an interest of the universe will quickly be

absorbed into the pages. We soon learn that the universe is full of dark energy and dark matter.

There are ideas on multi-universe and unseen dimensions.

Download this book, buy this book in traditional form, which ever you choose get yourself

comfortable and begin your journey to the cosmos.

Astronomy Wise Rating 5/5

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What Is Lurking Around The Plough?

Some of you may have had a new

Telescope for Christmas. Some may have a set of binoculars sitting in a draw which

need a dusting off, or you may just wonder in awe at the delights of a clear

night sky. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the millions of stars

overhead, you may find it difficult to find an object in the sky. So to give you your

bearings starting this month we are

going to have a look at constellations to

get your bearings. However to make it easier we are going

to take part of a constellation which is easy to identify and find. This is called an

‘asterism’. This means a small formation of stars which is recognisable, but is part

of a larger constellation. The image below left shows the constel-

lation Ursa Major or the Great Bear.

The Plough which is part of Ursa Major is part of the night sky which most

people find easy to find and pick out.

Finding the plough helps you find your bearings and you coordinates. The plough

shape is quite distinctive in the sky and once found you can find North or the pole star Polaris.

Ursa Major is a constellation which is in the night sky all year round. It appears to

rotate around the Pole Star Polaris.

Generally speaking the Plough is in a northerly direction. At this stage will imagine you are standing in a circle and you are standing in the centre. We can divide the

circle into two halves, one we will call North and the other South.

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The Plough which is part of Ursa Major is part of the night sky which most

people find easy to find and pick out.

The image to the left is an illustration,

be it a simple one of finding north. Finding North and the North Star

(Polar Star, Polaris) is how we polar align our telescopes.

This is really a brief and simple

way of finding North and from here you can find other objects

in the night sky. However these days many of you have

smartphones, tablets, laptops etc. So downloading software

such a Stellarium will help you navigate around the sky.

( )

The image to the right is an image taken using the

Stellarium software. If you have a telescope or

binoculars then there are some

interesting objects to find and look at. The Plough is in my

opinion an area of the sky which many overlook, however with a

little patients you too can view the wonders of this region of the sky.

What to See! Here are some objects

Planetary Nebula: M97 Owl nebula

Galaxies: M51 (Whirlpool), M81,M82,M101,M108,M109 Double Star M40

Meteor Showers: Alpha Ursa Majorides, Ursiden, Leonider—Ursiden Multiple Stars: Mizor and Alcor

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Image Source:


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Polar Aligning an Equatorial Mount

The following procedure shows the polar alignment of an NEQ6 mount. This

procedure can be adapted to most equatorial mounts.

Step 1 : Place the Tripod in position so that the

locating lug seen in this picture is facing roughly North.

If you are using your telescope in the same place every

time, ie a patio, it’s a good idea to mark the patio in

some way so you can quickly put it back in the same

position each time.

Step 2 : Level the tripod in all directions. I use a

small level as this is much more accurate than

the bubble levels built into mounts. Once this is

done place the mount head on the tripod and

tighten the bolt underneath

Step 3 : Roughly set your altitude using the

altitude bolts. You can find this info using

your phone/ Google maps etc. I use a free

app for the iPhone called Scope Help that has

a few useful features .

The following steps 4, 5 and 6 only need doing the first time you set up the


Step 4 : Now loosen off the RA clutch and rotate the mount though 90 degrees.

Place the level on the

counter weight shaft and get it perfectly level before locking the clutch. Adjust

the RA clock by loosening the

small screws and

rotating the clock ring until the

arrow is pointing to 6 o’clock

and lock the ring in place. Now

loosen the RA clutch again and

rotate in RA so that the clock

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shows 12 o’clock. The counter weight shaft should be

now facing down. Take a black permanent marker and

transfer a mark onto the mount as shown in the

picture on the left. This has now marked the home

position in the RA. When your black mark is in line

with the arrow your mount is vertical. We need to do

this because in further step we will be moving the RA


Step 5: With the RA still at 12 o’clock we will now set the

declination clock. Loosen the Dec clutch and rotate until

you can place the level as shown. Get this perfectly level

and lock the Clutch. Now adjust the Declination clock as

we did above setting it to 90 degrees. There is no need to

mark anything as this clock has no need to be moved

again. Now if you rotate the declination so that the clock

reads 0 you mount will be exactly in its home position.

Step 6: Now have a look into the polar scope.

You will see something very similar to the image

on the right. You can see Polaris is clearly

marked as a small circle located on a large cir-

cle. Polaris isn’t actually stationary in the sky. It

follows the path of the circle in the image. Loos-

en the RA clutch and rotate the mount in RA un-

til Polaris is at the 6 o’clock position as shown in the image. Lock the clutch and now

go back to the RA clock and set it to 0. This clock is now set and should be tightened

as we won’t be moving it again.

Step 7: Move the mount back to its Home position and put on your counter weights

and scope and make sure everything is nicely balanced. Do this by firstly loosening

the RA clutch and rotating the mount in RA. It

should stay in any position you put it in. If it isn’t

balanced it will swing so that either the weights go

down or the scope does. Adjust the weights to

obtain perfect balance. Next lock the RA in the

position in the picture and then loosen the

declination clutch. Now balance the scope by

moving the dovetail within the mount or by sliding

the telescope within the tube rings.

Step 8: Ok now we are ready to turn on the mount and align with Polaris.

If you haven’t got the Synscan handset then skip this step and obtain Polaris’s

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position using your chosen method. Once you turn on your mount the handset will

greet you with the version of software it is running before asking you to enter your

location, time zone, date, time and daylight saving. Daylight Saving is British

summer time so answer yes in the summer when the clocks have been moved


Once we have entered all the above we will be

faced with this screen. It tells us the last time

Polaris transited (passed through the 6 o’clock

position in our polar scope). What we do is

loosen the RA clutch and rotate the mount in

RA so that the RA clock shows the time shown

at the top of this screen (00:24 ie 24 minutes

past midnight). Lock the RA clutch and now

look through the polar scope. By using only

the altitude and azimuth bolts move the

mount so Polaris is

dead centre in its little circle. Depending on the Polaris time

the small circle will be in different positions so don’t worry if

it doesn’t look like my illustration.

That’s it. Your mount is now Polar aligned and should track

the night sky with a good degree of accuracy. After you have

exited after this screen the handset will ask you if you want

to begin alignment. If you answer yes it will give you the

option of using 1, 2 or 3 stars. If I am imaging I normally

only align on 1 star, choosing one that is near my target. If I’m just going to visually

browse the sky hoping from one target to the next then I complete a 3 star

alignment. I find that this then brings most objects nicely into the field of view when

using the goto feature.

Words & Images Mike Greenham

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If you’ve just got an equatorial mount, this is a super quick guide to getting yourself polar aligned.

It’s not as accurate as the full alignment (a full alignment guide is coming soon), but it will be more

than good enough for visual observing and even

medium exposure astrophotography. Steps 1-5 cover the initial set up, while steps 6-9 take you

through aligning.

1) Make sure your tripod is level using the bubble level (if your mount has one) or

use a spirit level on the tripod before attaching your mount. 2) Set your mount on its tripod, facing as close to north as you can (use a compass if

you have one), add the counter weights then the tel-escope.

3) Rotate the Right Ascension (RA) axis to this

position and check that the scope remains horizontal when you leave the RA clutch unlocked.

Hold the scope while you try this! If the RA axis

moves, adjust the counterweight until it - and the scope - are balanced.

4) Keeping the scope in this position, unlock the Dec clutch and check the scope

remains horizontal. Again, hold the scope while you try this! If the scope starts to rotate, its position in its saddle will need adjusting until balanced.

5) Return both axis to the home/park position (pointing towards Polaris) and lock the


6) Find the latitude of your location (Google, GPS or an iPhone app can do this for you - Stockholm is 59º, London 51º, Vancouver is 49º, New York is 40º, Athens is

38º), and adjust the altitude adjustment screws until the arrow on your latitude level points to this number.

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7) With the azimuth adjustment

screws loosened, look through the polar scope and turn the

mount until you can see the pole

star – it will be far brighter than any other (see image right).

8) As the pole star is not quite

aligned with the North Celestial Pole, use some free software

that gives you its current position (such as Polar

Finderscope or Polar Finder). Rotate your RA axis

until the view through your polar scope matches the software’s position.

9) Use the altitude and azimuth

adjustment screws to move Polaris into the small circle on the edge of the larger


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You’re polar aligned!

Return to the home/park position to begin

star hopping or set your goto controller.

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The Night Sky.. By John Harper F.R.A.S

As the month starts, the Sun lies within the constellation of Capricornus, the Sea

Goat until it crosses the border with Aquarius on the 16th at around 04h, where it remains until the month’s end.

The Moon

The moon’s perigee (nearest to the earth) occurs at 12h09 on the 7th, and apogee (furthest from the earth) around 08h30 on the 19th. Look out for ‘Earthshine’

illuminating the dark hemisphere of the waxing crescent moon from the 11th to the

16th, and the waning crescent on the 4th to 8th.

Last Quarter moon is on Feb 3rd at 13h57, in western Libra, 4°

below Saturn

New Moon is on the 10th, at 07h21 on the Capricorn/ Aquarius

border and passes 4° north of the sun.

First Quarter, 17th, at 20h31 in Taurus, 8° to the west of Jupiter

Full Moon is on the 25th at 20h27 in the constellation of Sextans

the sextant, 10° below Regulus the brightest star in Leo.

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The Planets

The first of two favourable evening apparitions of Mercury takes

place this month, during which the planet reaches its greatest elongation (18°) east of the sun, during the evening of the

16th. Look for Mercury low in the WSW sky soon after sunset, when binoculars will help you spot its bright scintillating star-

like appearance. If you scan the area of the sky just mentioned on the 8th, just before 18h, you may be able to see a close

conjunction between Mercury and Mars, when the two are sep-arated by a quarter of a degree (half a moon width). However,

the two objects are low in the sky, some 5° above the horizon at this time. On the 11th there is a challenge of spotting the

very thin waxing crescent moon and Mercury and the very much fainter Mars. Mercury is 4° to the lower left of the moon;

whilst Mars is 2° below Mercury. For observing Mars, binoculars are necessary as the planet is now far from the earth and on

the other side of its orbit. The time to attempt this challenge is

around 18h in a clear sky, as the three objects are within 10° of the WSW horizon.

Venus is still a morning object, rising in the SE, just half an jour before the sun at the very beginning of the month. The ex-

tremely thin, waning crescent moon lies 4° above Venus on the 9th and you may be able to spot the two as the pair is rising at

around 07h30. Venus is very close to the horizon, but it will be spotted easily in binoculars, as will the moon. By the middle of

the month, Venus is lost as it moves behind the sun towards its superior conjunction with the latter at the end of next month.

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Mars is very difficult to spot in the evening twilight,

when during the month it sets approximately one hour after the sun. Worthwhile occasions for trying to locate

the red planet have already been described above. During the month Mars is comparable in magnitude to

its ‘rival’, Antares in the constellation of Scorpius. (Antares means ‘rival’ of Mars, whose Greek name was


Jupiter is visible high in the south during the month as

evening twilight fades; indeed it is the first star-like object to appear in the sky after sunset. The giant

planet is moving slowly eastwards in Taurus somewhat midway between the constellation’s brightest star

Aldebaran and the glorious Pleiades open cluster. The first quarter moon may be seen approaching Jupiter on

the 17th, forming a pretty triangle with Jupiter and the Pleiades. The following evening, the 18th, there is

another interesting alignment, when the slightly gibbous waxing moon lies 3° to the lower left of Jupiter and 3°

above Aldebaran. Don’t forget to look for the Galilean satellites and the craters on the moon at this time,

through firmly fixed, well-focussed binoculars. As the month proceeds, Jupiter sets from between 04h at the

beginning to 02h at the end.

Saturn in the constellation of Libra, rises at 01h as

February begins and at a few minutes past 23h as the month’s end. It is now becoming a beautiful sight with

the northern surface of its ring system well presented to earth. It is a wonderful sight even in a small telescope.

There is a conjunction between Saturn and the last quarter moon on he morning of he 3rd, when at 06h in

a brightening sky, the ringed planet lies almost 5° above the moon with the terminator (the line separating

the lunar day and night hemispheres) pointing towards the planet. The two objects are to be seen at an altitude

of 20° in the south.

Uranus is a faint object to be looked for in the evening

skies of February before it sets at 22h at the beginning of the month, and 20h at the end. You will need a star

chart and binoculars to identify this remote world, as its position is in an area of he sky devoid of any bright

‘marker’ stars other than Alpheratz and Algenib which point down to the planet’s faint greenish blue disc as

seen through astronomical telescopes.

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Constellations visible in the south around midnight, mid-month, are as follows: Cancer, Leo, Hydra, with its brightest star Alphard (‘the solitary one’), and the faint

constellation of Sextans the Sextant, to be found just below Leo’s brightest star Regulus.

All times are GMT 1° is one finger width at arm’s length.

Neptune is in conjunction with the sun on the 21st and is lost in

the glare of the latter during February.

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Welcome to Scope Review Welcome to Scope Review Welcome to Scope Review --- Part 3Part 3Part 3

This is the last of three articles covering

astronomical telescopes. In the December and January editions of Astronomy Wise we

looked at beginner’s telescopes around the £150 mark and Intermediate instruments

between £300 and £1,000. To conclude the series we will look at advanced scopes

currently on the market costing in excess of £1000.

This section of the market is dominated by the Catadioptric design. There are some

superb Dobsonians like the Meade 16” LightBridge and a raft of large aperture

Refractors available but in this area my money is on the Meade and Celestron Cats,

instruments that offer a wealth of features and are at the forefront of new technology

and development for the amateur.

Let’s start with Celestron and their NexStar

range. The series comes in 4”, 5”, 6” and 8” versions but only the 8” fits nicely into this

section costing around £1,250. This 8” scope

(right) is a good all round performer but not ideal for astrophotography as the mount

takes a while to settle when touched. The computerised GOTO mount has 40,000

objects in its database and is easy to set up but lacks GPS, which comes as a plug in

optional extra.

For those wishing to immerse themselves in

the world of astrophotography the more stable design of the C6 S-GT XLT (right) may

be worth considering but at £1,400 you get 2” less aperture for the increase in cost.

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Moving on to Meade’s offerings we

have the tried and tested LX90’s, the 8” version (Left) comes in at around

£1600 with its 10” Advanced Coma Free (ACF) sibling costing around

£2400. Both are outstanding performers but require an equatorial

wedge for long exposure astrophotography.

The LX200 range of scopes are the

workhorses of many an amateur astronomer and society. The range

includes 8”, 10”, 12”, 14” and a massive 16” instruments. Starting at

around £2500 for the 8” and a whooping £16000 plus for 16” (far

right), these are serious pieces of kit with serious price tags. Be warned,

the 12” version and up will require 2 people to setup and are more at home

permanently installed in a dome than

in the back yard.

To conclude, if money really is no object or maybe just to dream awhile, we

have the Meade Max2 20” (0.5m) personal observatory. This telescope has so many features it’s hard to list them all but at £35,000.00 one would expect

quite a lot. Get’s have a look at the main ones:

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20" (0.5m) Aperture

Fast f/8 Advanced Coma-Free™ optics

Electronic Front Focusing

13.625" gears

250 lb total payload

Clutchless precision-loaded worm-drives

Carbon Fibre/Kevlar Optics Tube

Internal Cabling

Local Network Control

Remote Web Control

Robotic German Equatorial Mount

Improved counterweight and OTA support

Dual imager integrated autoguider

Ultra Precision Pointing

Assisted Drift Alignment

Meade's Ultra High Transmission Coatings

(UHTC™), Electronic Front Focusing System

Laser-Aligned Primary Mirror

Diffraction Limited Optics

Electronic Collimation

Computer-Optimized Baffling, Cooling Fan

Multi-port control panels

Carbon Fiber/Kevlar Optical Tube,

Built-In Anti-Dew Heater

GPS Receiver

Patented Level North Technology

I hope you have enjoyed this short three part overview of astronomical telescopes currently

available on the market. We have seen that all budgets are catered for and some great deals can

be found. The technology available to the amateur

increases yearly and one can only wonder what will be on offer in five to ten years time.

Clear Skies,

Paul Rumsby

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It may seems that the title is bizarre but Universe is bizarre also. Obviously it is some of the jokes that astronomers and cosmologists plays since Universe is fun.

What you can see in the image is an object which is 14,700 light years from the

Earth toward the center of the Milky Way. It is the debris of an explosion, that is a supernova remnant. The final stage of a star could be its death in form of a violent

explosion called a supernova. The glow of its debris is the supernova remnant. These remnants are called G350.1-0.3.

After the explosion the remain is a neutron star and a glow. But, as you can see in

the image, the supposed neutron star is far away from the center of X-ray emission which means that the star has got a violent kick to be displaced. It is as if the su-

pernova played a cosmological football play.

This region has more intriguing features such as its shape. Usually many remnants

are spherical but this one is asymmetric. It could be due to the stellar debris ex-panding through the cloud of interstellar gas.

It is believed that the explosion took place between 600 and 1,200 years ago, which

means that is a new event similar to others ones such as the supernova in Crab Nebula or in SN 1006.

This time these debris could not be viewed by an optical telescope since X-rays are

colour in gold and infrared in cyan, purple and green.

Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane, et al.

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Saturn by Liam Tomos Edwards The ringed planet Saturn is the sixth planet away from the Sun. It is also the second largest planet in our solar system, after the fifth planet from the Sun,

Jupiter. Saturn was named after the Roman god with the same name. Saturn is what’s known in astronomy as a ‘gas giant’. A gas giant is a large planet mostly

made up of gas. It has a radius of about 9.45 Earth’s (diameter of about 120,536km). Saturn is primarily made out of hydrogen (96%) with a small

percentage of helium (3%) and an even smaller percentage of various other trace compounds including methane, ammonia, ethane and hydrogen deuteride. This

planet is made famous by the majestic and complex ring system it has around it. In this article we will delve into the mysterious and alien world that is the planet

Saturn. Saturn is classified in astronomy as a ‘gas giant’ planet. This means it has an

exterior primarily made of gas and it lacks a definite surface. Scientists believe it does however have a solid core made out of hydrogen being squashed into a metal

by the immense pressures and temperature deep down in the bowels of the

planet. Due to the rotation of the planet, it is shaped into an oblate spheroid – basically, it’s flattened at the poles and bulges outward in the middle. All the other

gas giants are also oblate spheroids, but not to the same extent as Saturn. Saturn is also the only planet in the solar system that has a density lower than water (i.e.

it is the only planet that, given a bathtub big enough, would float on water). Its average density is 0.69g/cm³. The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, is

about 318 times the mass of the Earth whilst Saturn is only 95 times the mass of the Earth – even though Jupiter is only 20% larger than Saturn. But they’re still

massive because together they hold 92% of the mass of all the planets in the solar system.

Most of the planet is gas (hydrogen and helium with some trace compounds) but it has got a solid core. The pressures, temperatures and densities deep within Saturn

cause gaseous hydrogen molecules to transition into solid metal. The core is about 9-22 times the mass of the Earth which means it’s about 25,000km in diameter.

This solid core is surrounded by a thicker layer of liquid metallic hydrogen

(basically a soup of metallic hydrogen whizzing around), followed by a liquid layer of ‘helium-saturated molecular hydrogen’ that gradually turns into a gaseous state

the further away from the core you go. The outermost layer is the atmosphere which we can see, and it spans a further 1,000km. Although the average

temperature of Saturn is about -178°C (-288°F), the temperature in its core is about 11,700°C! This is due to Saturn’s immense gravity compressing its core

(this mechanism is called the Kelvin-Helmholtz Mechanism). Moving on now from Saturn’s core to the atmosphere itself. Saturn’s atmosphere

is a wild and chaotic place with storms raging almost constantly. We don’t see most of these storms however because they happen lower down in the atmos-

phere, just out of sight. The outer atmosphere consists of 96.3% hydrogen and 3.25% helium. The quantity of elements heavier than helium is unknown but is

estimated to be about 25 times the mass of the Earth – with most of that making up the core. The upper clouds are composed of ammonia crystals which give

Saturn its distinctive cream coloured appearance, while the clouds lower down in

the atmosphere consist of either ammonium hydrosulphide (NH4 SH) or water molecules. Saturn does have bands of clouds but they’re much fainter than

Jupiter’s iconic bands.

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Saturn does have some pretty nasty weather – it has the second fastest winds in

the entire solar system with wind speeds of about 500m/s (1800km/h). This planet also has fantastic cloud patterns such as the North Pole Hexagon situated about

78° north of the planet’s equator. Each side of this hexagon are about 13,800km long making them larger than the diameter of the Earth! The pattern’s origin is

under much speculation but most astronomers believe it was caused by some wave pattern in the atmosphere. Another fantastic feature of Saturn is its great

magnetosphere that is about 1/20th the strength of Jupiter’s, but it’s strong enough to deflect charged particles coming off the Sun and thus aurora can be seen

around the planet’s poles. Saturn is, on average, about 1.4 billion kilometres (9AU) away from the Sun. It has an average orbital speed of 9.69km/s and completes one

orbit of the Sun in 10,759 Earth days (29 ½ Earth years). The planet turns once around its axis in 10 hours, 32 minutes and 35 seconds as of September 2007.

The most notable and, in my opinion, the most beautiful thing about Saturn is its wonderfully graceful system of rings. They extend from 6,630km to 120,700km

above the planet and are, on average, 20m thick. 20m might be a lot here on Earth

but compared to Saturn, it’s very, very thin! The rings are composed of mostly water ice (93%) and those pieces of water ice can vary from a few millimetres to

10’s of metres in size. But don’t be fooled, all the other gas giants have ring systems around their equators; they’re just much thinner and therefore much

fainter than Saturn’s. Nobody knows exactly how the rings were formed but the main hypothesis is that the rings came from material in orbit around Saturn that

had not coalesced into one of the Saturnian moons. This material either came from a very old moon of Saturn that crashed into another old moon and caused all the

debris to fall into fine orbits around the planets equator, or the material was already there from the nebula our Sun and everything else in the solar system

formed from. The last thing I’d like to talk about is Saturn’s intricate network of many moons

that orbit the planet at various distances. Saturn has around 62 moons of different sizes ranging from the mighty Titan (5,152km in diameter) to Aegaeon (1/2km in

diameter), although most of Saturn’s 62 moons are very small ‘moonlets’. Titan is a

truly fascinating place for astronomers for many reasons. One, Titan accounts for 90% of the mass orbiting the planet so it’s pretty big for a moon. Two, the surface

temperature of Titan is -179.5°C which is the temperature of liquid nitrogen – and if you have any interest in anything scientific, you’ll know that liquid nitrogen is

pretty cold stuff! The surface of Titan is in fact so cold that it has lakes, rivers and perhaps small seas on it, but they’re not lakes of water like we have here on Earth,

they are lakes of liquid methane. This also leads onto the third reason why Titan is a cool (pardon the pun) place to study. Third, Titan has rivers and lakes of liquid

methane which means that, if methane can form there, so can lots of other hydrocarbons like ammonia which can ultimately lead to life.

Another interesting moon of Saturn is Enceladus. Enceladus is only 505km in diameter, which is pretty small in astronomical terms, but underneath its surface

there’s thought to be a liquid ocean with more water than there is on all the Earth’s oceans combined! In 2008 astronomer located plumes of water ice ejecting from

the south pole of the moon at speeds of about 1,360mph (2,189km/h). The get the

plumes travelling at that speed there needs to be a lot of liquid involved. It’s also thought that the ocean beneath Enceladus’ surface is salty due to the reason that,

in the section of the rings where Enceladus lies, salt particles have been found

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along with water ice particles. These could only have come from Enceladus due to

the fact that the ringlet is constantly full of these particles which mean something is constantly pumping them into the system. So Enceladus is also a candidate for

extraterrestrial life due to the chance of a liquid water ocean underneath its surface. In ancient times, Saturn was thought to be the last planet in our (then-unknown)

solar system because telescopes hadn’t been invented and therefore Uranus and Neptune were too far away/too dim to be seen without the aid of optics. Then, in

1610, when Galileo Galilei pointed his primitive telescope at Saturn, he saw something he did not expect. Something either side of the planet that he just could

not explain, although he gave it his best, his best theory was that the planet had ears! So Saturn’s rings eluded us until the Danish astronomer Christian Huygens

used a larger telescope to see that they were in fact rings. Then, the next important discovery in the history of our observation of the rings of Saturn came from

Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1675 who discovered there was a gap separating the rings into two main sections. This was known as the Cassini Division in honour of the

discoverer. The last major discovery came when astronomers discovered that the

rings were in fact made up of smaller rings called ‘ringlets’. These ringlets where then categorized and given names. The 5 major components of the rings where

called the G, F, A, B and C rings.

However, in reality, these five major ringlets are divided into thousands of

even smaller ringlets. orange and ultraviolet frames obtained by

Voyager 2 on August 17, 1981 from a distance of 8.9 million km (5.5 million

miles). Credit: NASA

Astronomers have been fascinated by Saturn for thousands of years and that

enthusiasm and dedication to know more about it has not faded over the past 10 or-so years. Both NASA and the ESA have sent many probes and satellites to orbit

the planet (or to fly by it) to take pictures with increasingly better resolution. It started with Pioneer 11 which carried out its first flyby of Saturn in September 1979,

when it passed 20,000km above the clouds. Pioneer 11 made some pretty important discoveries while it was operational – it discovered the thin F-ring and also measured

the temperature of Titan. Then came the two Voyager spacecraft, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, to try and discover even more about this mysterious world. In November

1980, Voyager 1 arrived at Saturn and sent back the first high-resolution images of Saturn, the rings and its moons. For the first time, geological features were seen on

some of the moons, this was something that Pioneer 11 couldn’t achieve due to the poor resolution of its cameras.

Due to the vast amount of things to see and record around Saturn, NASA astronomers were spoiled for choice! They also only had a limited amount of time to

choose where to point the spacecraft’s cameras so they opted to try to take pictures

of Titan. This would prove to be a mistake NASA would regret because in order to get the pictures of Titan, they had to adjust Voyager 1’s course and that meant

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taking it out of the plane of the solar system.

However, NASA chose to continue with Titan and as the spacecraft approached the moon, it soon

dawned on NASA that none of the cameras on board could penetrate the thick atmosphere of

Titan and could therefore see no surface detail at all. Voyager 1 was now hurtling out of the plane of

the solar system, never to return. Voyager 2 however was much more successful

than its counter-spacecraft because almost a year later, in August 1981, Voyager 2 continued the

study of the Saturnian system. Many more high definition images of the system were acquired

which led to more discoveries such as the small Maxwell Gap (a gap in the C-ring) and the Keeler

Gap (a 42km wide gap in the A-ring). Saturn’s

gravity then helped push Voyager 2 towards its next celestial target, the planet Uranus in a

process called a ‘slingshot manoeuvre’ which uses the gravity of a planet to give spacecraft/ space

probes more kinetic energy (i.e. acceler-

ates it) and also bends the spacecraft’s trajectory slightly.

The final spacecraft is the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft which was launched

from Earth in October 1997 and is still in operation around the Saturnian system

today. In July 2004, the probe entered an orbit around the planet and sent some of

the first pictures of Saturn’s moon Phoebe a month before in June 2004.

Cassini has captured some truly breathtaking photographs of the

Saturnian system but one of its major achievements was landing a probe

(called Huygens) on the moon Titan. That

was the only landing of a human-made object on a celestial body outside the

Earth-Moon system to date. So to conclude, Saturn is a mystical place

filled with beauty, complexity and awe-inspiring examples of just how

amazing the Universe is and personally, I believe Saturn should be explored much

more for it houses a few of the most promising environments for

extraterrestrial life in our Solar System

and perhaps even in our close cosmic


Image: NASA

This image has been

generated with Celestia; 3D model by ElChristou

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And Now For Something

Completely Different……… With the blues of January gone we thought we would do something different, something Calming. Our regular

writer Zantippy Skiphop has put together some short poems about Jupiter's moons.

Haikus for Jupiter's Moons: the Conquests of Zeus Zantippy Skiphop


Many-Eyed has failed. I morph into fiery beings.

Zeus can't find me here.

Io image credit: NASA/JPL/Voyager1


He pulled me from land

Guarding Father's still waters.

There's life within me.

Europa image credit: NASA/JPL/Ted Stryk


My iron cup Feeds the crowing cock.

Hera is not pleased. Ganymede image credit: NASA/JPL from

Galileo Spacecraft

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Owl moon castaway. Nymph foot in icy waters.

Still, I'm luminous.

Callisto image credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech

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Astronomy Wise went out

and about in January.

St Marks Brownies

Scarborough invited AW members to

continue helping them with their

Stargazing badge. They had to observe

and name some objects.

Jason Ives and Neil Samples were kind

enough to set up their telescopes for

the troop to look through. Conditions

were not good with

Jupiter being the most visible. John

Harper (FRAS) gave a little talk and asked the girls some questions. In line with stargazing Live we gave out the free stargazing live booklet. A big thanks to

Alison Birley for asking us to come along.

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Sawdon Village Hall– 11/1/2013

The first meeting of 2013 was upon us. Stargazing live had just been on the telly

and this was our first event in line with the Stargazing Live event. It was our intention to give the public a chance to look through different telescopes and see the

wonders of the cosmos above. However the British weather was against us and thick fog descended onto the event. In the hall tea and coffee was on sale, the team had

set up the laptop for a talk and we decided to put telescopes around the room. This would give members of the public a chance to come and talk to the AW members

about different telescopes and generally ask questions. Through the BBC print outs were provided and we had the Stargazing live booklets to give out.

Despite the poor weather conditions the

room was soon full. Jason and I firstly got up and introduced the event, and after

prompting by Carl Dutton we finally introduced ourselves to the group. The BBC

had provided a DVD which was an introduction to Stargazing Live events. The

DVD was hosted by Prof. Brian Cox. This gave people the chance to see what the

event is about and to look at some of the wonders in the night sky. John Harper

(FRAS) gave a talk and this was to introduce people to the solar system and

some of the things we may have seen if the skies had been clear. Refreshments were

provided by Jacqueline Ives, Mr Ives’s

better half. During the break AW members were on hand to answer any question and

let people look and have a play with some of the scopes. The second half of the

evening we had a closer look at the planets.

A big thanks to all that came along and to the AW members who came along and

helped out.

Clear Skies……. Dave Bood

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Android Free Apps

It is back a pick of Astronomy & Space

Android apps for your phone or tablet. As always tested on a Samsung Galaxy

10.1 tablet.

Messier Catalog is basically what is says.

It is a list of Messier objects. This applica-tion is ideal when you are out viewing

through a telescope, look at objects such as the Orion Nebula M42 and find out

more information about it. The App. Also gives you an image of what you are

seeing. Ideal learning tool for all Google User Rating 4.4/5 AW Rating 5

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I think in recent years asteroid

tracking has become more popular. NASA tracks and publishes details of

asteroids, the news covers near earth asteroids so why not have a tracker as

an application on your phone or tablet.

AsteroidTracker is a science aggregation app that displays tracking

information about Near Earth Objects from the NASA NEO program. (Google


App Link HERE Google Rating 4.4/5 AW Rating 4.6/5

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Near Earth objects is a new monthly feature. Each month we will give you a run

down of objects zooming past earth.

Date (Feb 2013) Object Size (m) Distance (Km)

1 9 16,291,441

1 158 8,018,560

2 680 28,543,678

2 470 21,961,280

3 45 12,012,881

3 255 28,139,760

4 151 21,796,718

4 58 10,606,640

4 110 4,697,440

5 1,295 22,305,360

7 58 8,826,400

8 195 11,085,400

12 31 11,085,360

12 109 11,504,240

12 3,400 22,110,880

13 205 24,220,240

13 62 1,421,200

14 21 14,062,399

15 2,100 18,894,482

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Date (Feb 2013)

Object Size (m) Distance (Km)

15 335 21,751,840

15 58 29,920

15 95 12,132,520

16 485 14,152,160

17 151 20,944,002

20 595 23,307,680

24 18 26,539,038

25 1,020 22,933,680

25 270 15,049,760

28 295 20,749,518

FEB 15TH 2012– ASTEROID 2012 DA14


2012 DA14 will sweep close to the Earth, however it will not hit us. In terms of closeness It’ll pass within the moons distance from Earth – closer

than the orbits of geosynchronous satellite .

Time 19:26 UTC/GMT MAG less than 7 just fainter than naked eye viewing.

Image: Wikipedia

Information: NASA

Data: Android Application NEO Driod

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