Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12:...

Lecture 12: Imaging Outline 1 Spectroscopy 2 Filters 3 Photometry Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 1

Transcript of Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12:...

Page 1: Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: · 2013. 11. 26. · Spectrograph Requirements wavelength range simultaneous

Lecture 12: Imaging


1 Spectroscopy2 Filters3 Photometry

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 1

Page 2: Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: · 2013. 11. 26. · Spectrograph Requirements wavelength range simultaneous

Basic Problem of Optical Spectroscopy

two spatial/angulardimensions, one wavelengthdimensiondetectors are onlytwo-dimensionalneed to slice hyperspectralcubewill have to scan in onedimensionfilters: scan in wavelengthslit spectrograph: scan in onespatial dimensionor multi-object spectroscopyand integral field units

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 2

Page 3: Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: · 2013. 11. 26. · Spectrograph Requirements wavelength range simultaneous

Spectrograph Requirementswavelength rangesimultaneous wavelength coveragespectral resolution R = λ/∆λ

spectral profile (point-spread function)scattered light (far wings of spectral profile)wavelength stabilitywavelength accuracy

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 3

Page 4: Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: · 2013. 11. 26. · Spectrograph Requirements wavelength range simultaneous

Broadband Filters

Different Types of Color Filtersdyed gelatin (Kodak Wratten)

advantages: thin, cheap, large sizesdisadvantages: limited optical quality, heat-sensitive

colored glass (Schott, Corning)advantages: stable, rugged, high transmissiondisadvantages: limited bandpasses, limited sizes

interference filtersadvantages: very narrow filters, almost arbitrary bandpass shapeand wavelengthdisadvantages: expensive, very limited sizes,temperature-sensitive, humidity-sensitive, aging

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 4

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Wratten Filters

colored plastic sheetsnamed after Frederick Wratten, manufactured by Kodak for about100 yearsrecently: Wratten 2up to 100 mm by 300 mmcan be used for experimentsimproved performance when put between glass plates

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 5

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Typical Wratten Filters

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 6

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Colored Glasstypically useful from 200 - 1000 nmSchott

UG: Black and blue glasses, UV transmittingBG: Blue, blue-green, and multi-band glassesVG Green glassGG: Nearly colorless to yellow glasses, IR transmittingOG: Orange glasses, IR transmittingRG:Red and black glasses, IR transmittingNG:Neutral density glasses with uniform attenuation in the visiblerangeN-WG: Colorless glasses with different cutoffs in the UV,transmitting in the visible range and the IRKG: Virtually colorless glasses with high transmission in the visibleand effective absorption in the IR (heat protection filters)


Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 7

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Schott Colored Glass

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 8

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Schott Colored Glass

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 9

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Schott Colored Glass

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 10

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Schott Colored Glass

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 11

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Schott Colored Glass

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 12

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UBV by Johnson and Morgan (1953)VRIJKLMNQ (infrared) by Johnson (1960)(combinations of) glass filtersinvented to classify stars with photomultiplierszero point of B-V and U-B color indices defined to be zero for A0V stars

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 13

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Limitations of UBVRI Photometrylimited spectral resolutioneffective central wavelength changes with color of starstar’s magnitudes and color depend on the star’s colorshort-wavelength side of U filter extends below atmospherictransmission cutoffproperties of sky define width of bandpass, not filterno clean separation of information from different filtersdifferent detectors have different sensitivitiestoday: Bessel or Cron/Cousins UBVRI with CCDs

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 14

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Other Filter Systems̃olte/AY257/ay257_2.pdf

other filter systems haveless overlap and/or highertransmissionJohnson system designedto measure properties ofstarsThuan-Gunn filters for faintgalaxy observationsStromgren has bettersensitivity to stellarproperties (metallicity,temperature, surfacegravity)Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) for faint galaxyclassification

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 15

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Interference filters

thin film:layer with thickness . λextends in 2 other dimensions� λ

reflection, refraction at all interfaceslayer thickness di . λ⇒interference between reflected andrefracted waves



n1, d1

n2, d2

nL, dL

n3, d3




L layers of thin films like Fabry-Perots: thin film stacksubstrate (index ns) and incident medium (index nm) have infinitethicknesscan be taylored to almost any specificationssensitive to temperature, humidity, angle of incidencecan tune filter in wavelength by changing temperature and angleof incidence

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 16

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Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter

main ingredient is Fabry-Perot with tunable plate separationstability of cavity spacing is criticaloften combine two or more tunable elementsalways need interference prefilter

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 17

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Photometrygoal: determine flux of an astronomical object in well-definedwavelength rangeproblems:

seeingextinctionsky backgroundtelescope, instrument, detector

calibration with (standard) starsall-sky photometry: compare objects all over the skydifferential photometry: compare objects on same CCD exposure

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 18

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Sky over La Palma

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 19

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Atmospherephotometric night = uniform, stable sky conditionsthin clouds and cirrus are hard to see at nightbright, grey and dark observing timeseeing defines size of stellar image for large telescopesimage = convolution of source and Point-Spread Function (PSF)integral over image = integral over source

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 20

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Air Massextinction due to atmosphere proportional to amount of air alongline-of-sightairmass = amount of air one looks throughat zenith (z = 0): airmass=1.0absorption coefficient K = 2.5 log(f (z)/f (z = 0) where f (z) ismeasured flux as function of zenith distance zK ∆X = ∆m change in magnitude is absorption coefficient timeschange in airmassmeasure magnitude for different airmasses and extrapolate tozero airmass (no atmosphere!)

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 21

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Dark Sky in Alps

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 22

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Bright Sky in the Netherlands

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Photometric Observationsobserve object and standard stars with different colorsobserve standard stars at low and high airmass to determine their(color-dependent) extinction coefficientsreduce images with bias, dark, flat fieldmeasure fluxes fi with aperture photometrycalculate instrumental magnitudes: minst = −2.5 log10(fi/texp)

calibrate instrumental magnitude for zero airmass:m0 = minst − K sec zzero point from standard stars: mzp = mstd −mstd,inst

remove zero point: m = mzp + minst

absolute photometry: determine actual magnitudes with transferequations derived from standard starsdifferential photometry does not require calibrations

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 24

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Airmass: about sec z

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 25

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Sky Background

use annulus around staruse median instead of mean to neglect cosmic rays

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 26

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Aperture Photometry

determine location of star by fitting 2-D Gaussian or Moffat PSFmodeldetermine and remove sky background

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 27

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Aperture Photometry (continued)optimum aperture size depends on brightness of startrade-off between capturing more starlight and adding noise fromsky background, detector etc.plot result as function of increasing aperture and estimateasymptotic valuefor variability measurements (e.g. exoplanet transit) withdifferential photometry (standard star in same image):

use fixed and identical apertures for target and reference star(s)optimum aperture minimizes scatter in constant parts ofmtarget −mstd

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Color Correctionextinction depends strongly on wavelength (color)measured flux through broad filter depends on stellar spectrumadditional correction: m = m0 + k sec z + k2C sec z where C iscolor index (e.g. C = B − V )

Christoph U. Keller, Leiden Observatory, [email protected] Astronomical Observing Techniques, Lecture 12: Imaging 29