Assignment brief 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Assignment brief 2


    Creative Arts & Industries

    Tasks / Evidence / Submission Date Grading Criteria NYA WT Achieved

    Task 1: You must create a Presentation using Power Point assessing

    and discussing the implications of the following on your ability to

    perform effectively in the session. Make sure you include the

    following information in your presentation:

    1. Describe the session, which you are taking part in; is it live,or studio? Is it a band recording or individual recording? Do

    you have any experience in this type of session? If soexplain. Do you know how long you will have to get it done?

    2. Discuss some of the potential issues that could arise; Howwould you prefer to have the information given to you (sheetmusic, chord chart, verbally explained, tab etc). What wouldyou do to make sure you could cope if it was not given toyou in the way you hope? Would you bring any spares ofanything? Think of some other potential issues and discusshow you could overcome them.

    3. What if you were asked to improvise in the session? Whattechniques would you use and why? Do some extraresearch for this.

    4. If you did not have to bring your own instrument what is theideal equipment you would choose to use for the session?(Make sure it is suitable for the style). Would you take anyeffects?

    5. Discuss the Health and Safety implications associated withworking in a recording studio. (see website for tips). Whatissues could occur in your specific situation and how couldthey be avoided?

    6. Look back at your personal goals and discuss how takingpart in this session could help you achieve them. (If youwanted to improve your sight-reading maybe forcingyourself to do it at a session will help you achieve this)? Do

    you think there are any of your goals that you will need toachieve BEFORE you do the session?

    Make sure you discuss these points in detail

    Evidence: 2-4 minute class presentation

    Submission Date: 12th

    February 2012

    D.2: Evidence clear understanding of what the performance will look and

    feel like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be strong evidence of clear understanding of

    where potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with clear

    strategies in place for how these may be overcome effectively. Clear

    understanding of the relevant health and safety implications associated

    with performing music in the relevant context will be evident, with clear

    understanding of where issues may occur and how they may be avoided.

    There will be no tutor input into this undertaking.

    M.2: Evidence clear understanding of what the performance will look and

    feel like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be evidence of clear understanding of where

    potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with strategies in

    place for how these may be overcome. Clear understanding of the

    relevant health and safety implications associated with performing music

    in the relevant context will be evident, with some understanding of where

    issues may occur and how they may be avoided. There will be no tutor

    input into this undertaking.

    P.2: Evidence an understanding of what the performance will look and feel

    like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be some evidence of understanding of where

    potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with some thought

    given to how these may be overcome. An understanding of the relevant

    health and safety implications associated with performing music in the

    relevant context will be evident. There may be nominal tutor input into this


  • 7/29/2019 Assignment brief 2


    Task 1: You must create a Presentation using Power Point assessing

    and discussing the implications of the following on your ability to

    perform effectively in the session. Make sure you include the

    following information in your presentation:

    1. Describe the session, which you are taking part in; is it live,or studio? Is it a band recording or individual recording? Doyou have any experience in this type of session? If soexplain. Do you know how long you will have to get it done?

    2. Discuss some of the potential issues that could arise; Howwould you prefer to have the information given to you (sheetmusic, chord chart, verbally explained, tab etc). What wouldyou do to make sure you could cope if it was not given toyou in the way you hope? Would you bring any spares ofanything? Think of some other potential issues and discusshow you could overcome them.

    3. What if you were asked to improvise in the session? Whattechniques would you use and why? Do some extraresearch for this.

    4. If you did not have to bring your own instrument what is theideal equipment you would choose to use for the session?(Make sure it is suitable for the style). Would you take anyeffects?

    5. Discuss the Health and Safety implications associated withworking in a recording studio. (see website for tips). What

    issues could occur in your specific situation and how couldthey be avoided?

    D.2: Evidence clear understanding of what the performance will look and

    feel like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be strong evidence of clear understanding of

    where potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with clear

    strategies in place for how these may be overcome effectively. Clear

    understanding of the relevant health and safety implications associated

    with performing music in the relevant context will be evident, with clear

    understanding of where issues may occur and how they may be avoided.

    There will be no tutor input into this undertaking.

    M.2: Evidence clear understanding of what the performance will look and

    feel like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be evidence of clear understanding of where

    potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with strategies in

    place for how these may be overcome. Clear understanding of the

    relevant health and safety implications associated with performing music

    in the relevant context will be evident, with some understanding of where

    issues may occur and how they may be avoided. There will be no tutor

    input into this undertaking.

    P.2: Evidence an understanding of what the performance will look and feel

    like, its duration and how they will engage with it in relation to their

    personal goals. There will be some evidence of understanding of where

    potential issues may lie, including technical issues, with some thought

    given to how these may be overcome. An understanding of the relevant

    health and safety implications associated with performing music in the

    relevant context will be evident. There may be nominal tutor input into this

  • 7/29/2019 Assignment brief 2


    Task 3: You will write a short essay, evaluating the degree of

    success of the performance as a whole and, most importantly, of

    your role within it.

    Analyse your strengths and areas for development for future

    sessions and discuss how you would go about making these


    Evidence: Written essay 450 Words (+/- 10%)

    Submission Date: 26th

    March 2012

    D.4: Evidence clarity, maturity and realism in evaluating the

    degree of success of the performance as a whole and most

    importantly, of their role within it. A detailed analysis of

    strengths and areas for development lead to the development of

    strong strategies for the ongoing refinement of their skills as a

    session musician, which will be of ongoing value to the learners

    development as a musician. There will be no tutor input into this


    M.4: Evidence clarity and realism in evaluating the degree of

    success of the performance as a whole and most importantly,

    of their role within it. A detailed analysis of strengths and

    areas for development leads to the development of clear,

    achievable strategies for the ongoing refinement of their

    skills as a session musician, which will be of value to the

    learners development as a musician. There will be no tutor

    input into this undertaking.

    P.4: Evidence skills to evaluate the degree of success of the

    performance as a whole and of their role within it. An

    analysis of strengths and areas for development leads to the

    development of some strategies for the ongoing refinement

    of their skills as a session musician, which may be of value tothe learners development as a musician. There may be

    nominal tutor input into this undertaking.