Assignment 9 opening sequence analysis

Film Opening Sequences L/O: -to know what an opening sequence is -be able to use key terms to analyze an opening sequence

Transcript of Assignment 9 opening sequence analysis

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Film Opening Sequences

L/O: -to know what an opening sequence is

-be able to use key terms to analyze an opening sequence

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Key Terms

• Opening sequence• Title sequence• Teaser

• Billing– top billing

• Titles/Credits• Film title• Film credit• Opening credits• End credits

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Film opening sequence

• What is it?• What are their purposes?

• What are some of your favourites? Why?

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Film Title



(Top & Last)

Opening Sequence


Title Sequence

Opening Credits

Closing Credits

Title of film Name and/or role of person worked on film

The process of placing titles and credits in a film

The opening of a film

More modern films that set a scene in the opening which creates enigma (like a trailer) is called cold open or teaser. Example = 4-3-2-1 opening

The opening credits of a film in which the title and credits are separate from the film itself

Ex James Bond

The credits and the beginning of the film

The credits and the end of the film

Top = most important

Last = least important

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Recent trends• Opening sequences used to just be titles (billing)

• Now there are so many styles: – Opening sequence (montage or narrative based)– Title sequence– Teaser– Short and sweet and some long and complex

• Many major American films have done away with opening credits, not even displaying the film title until beginning of closing credits– Van Helsing in 2004 – Batman Begins in 2005– High school music – scene AFTER credits– Liar Liar & Cheaper by the Dozen 2- bloopers– The Hangover (intrigued to watch pictures which answer story in film)– Slumdog Millionaire (end credits have dance routine worked in)

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• Different films and genres do these different:– Introducing characters– Establishing setting/story– Graphics/titles (title sequence)– Showing titles only


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EVOLUTION (WIK)• Some opening credits are presented over the opening sequences of a film, rather

than in a separate title sequence.

• In some films/TV shows, the title and opening credits may be preceded by a "cold open," or teaser (brief scene), that helps to set the stage for the episode or film

4321 Scream 4

Is a ‘teaser’ as it previews a section later in the filmIt cuts off suddenly to create enigma, in which the film will answer the ultimate question as to why she jumped off bridge

Next slide….

No credits!!! But has a good reason….-trilogy (actors/companies and previous films already known-way to sell a film which people see as ‘typical horror/slasher”

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Scream 4 opening

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3-typical convention with slight modern twists (facebook/texting)-similar to first opening sequence

-audience sees that part 1 is a like a parody of scream 1 – -however the convention of ‘unpredictable killer’ is then a parody

-they discuss stereotypical conventions of horror films- The chase/kill sequence reinforces conventions but also challenges them!

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Opening Sequence Record Sheet

• Make sure you record all the opening sequences you watch over time!

• Write in chart• Eventually you will put on your blog

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You will analyse an Opening Sequence


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Template to fill in

• Use this to take notes as you watch a clip

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Art of the Title

This website is fab!

Has loads of great opening sequences and title sequences.

(no animated or title/credit only title sequence analysis!)

If you click on one, you can then scroll down for more info (usually from directors)

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Opening Sequence

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• To complete a group analysis on 1 opening sequence

• BUT you must individually keep researching opening sequences– Write down on the record chart to keep track of all the

ones you watch– Then put them on your blog:

• hyper link of address (from youtube/artofthetitle)• screen grabs• bullet points about how they are effective)

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Task (Assignment 9)

• These are the instructions!

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GroupsGroups Names Film to analyse

(From art of the title)1 Chelsea Monae Laura U turn

2 Abigail Russ Nicole Red lights

3 Rosie Marisha Helen gattaca

4 Jodie Amy Maria Cabin in the woods

5 Jhane Ingrid Fatou Dawn of the dead

6 Michaela Rianne Pam To kill a mockingbird

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Model ‘Seven’

• Let’s do one together• Get your opening sequence template• Will watch 4 times so take as many notes as



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Assignment 9: Opening Sequence Analysis

Name 1Name 2Name 3

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Group names & responsibilities

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Name 1 Purpose/Conventions MES Narrative theory:___________________

Name 2 CAM SAM Sound Narrative theory:___________________

Name 3 Editing Narrative Narrative theory:___________________

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‘Seven’Film Details

Genre Psychological Crime Thriller

Year 1995

Director David Fincher

Main Actors Brad PittMorgan FreemanGwenyth PaltrowKevin Spacey

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Film: Se7enGenre: Psychological Crime Thriller

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Template Notes

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Purpose (Genre)

Thriller Crime Psychological

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Purpose (Opening Sequence)

• The purpose of this opening sequence is….

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ConventionsGeneral conventions of genre Conventions in Seven








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-no mid shots or long shots -to create enigma and mystery of objects, settings and characters

• Explanation 1• Explanation 2• Explanation 3

See parts of a book but in reverse for mystery

Understand a book or journal is involved – but shot is not overhead so audience can’t see content

Can see pages of the book, not detail of writing but can see the writer is very obsessive

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Camera Angles

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Camera Movement

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Mise-en-scene: Lighting

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Mise-en-scene: CharacterTerm Screen grab and AnnotationRepresentation

Body Language



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• Diegesis• Continuity Editing• Pace• Time• Cutting• Transitions• Transitions• Special Effects

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SOUND• Sound scape• Diegetic• Non-diegetic• Synchronous• Ambient• Sound effects/foley• Score music• Dialogue• Volume control• Voiceover• Mode of address/direct• Sound perspective

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