As I Get Older

AS I GET OLDER, I’m finding that ...


"As I get Older, I’m Finding that ..." I wrote that statement on Facebook along with my list of 4. Here is how people replied.

Transcript of As I Get Older

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AS I GET OLDER, I’m finding that ...

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I wrote that statement on Facebook along with my list of 4:

1. Most actions and decisions are not life or death.

2. What mattered yesterday does not always matter today or the following year.

3. Most people are pretty understanding.

4. Most people mean well, but sometimes are not great at communication.

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Here is what some people said...

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I can't control the actions of others, only my reaction to them. Also, the importance of flossing (dentist is totally right).

-Sunny Hunt

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Assumptions are the root of most screw-ups. Confusion is the root of most communication problems.

-Andrea Frederick

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If you want to understand someone, figure out what is important to them by watching where they spend their time, money, and attention.

-Matt Pollack

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Every day, I realize just a little more that time is the single most valuable commodity I have.

-Brad Williams

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At the end of the day, it's really all about who gets to control the remote.

-Deb Ng

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Never to take anything personally! There is always something going on with that other person that you may not know about. Be more empathetic.

-Anna Barcelos

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I finding my window for adrenaline-inducing events closing soon. That is, doing like 130+ on highways.

-Joe Manna

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Most communication breakdowns are due to sloppy listening. One must train the ear. You can quote me on that.

-Jennifer Iannolo

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Bacon goes with damn near everything.

-Dave Linabury

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Time spent solving a problem instead of pouting about it goes a lot farther.

-Eva Danielle Quarles

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That most times if you check your perception of a situation and go forward listening to understand with a attitude of wanting to assist, the conflict that could occur does not occur.

-Tarra Woodard Ofosu

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The river water does not get angry at the rocks in it's path, it simply finds the path of least resistance around and keeps moving forward. Be like the water and focus your energies more on moving forward and less on the things that try to hold you in place.

-John Hopkins

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One of my favorite teachers taught us this and it stuck with me "it doesn't matter how the dishes are put in the the end of the day they are clean anyway" basically..because someone does a task differently doesn't mean the way they do it is wrong.”

-Sarah Lilly

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I've learned that most things are not black or white...the more gray you let in the happier you will be

-Suzi Demsey

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