Artikulli Per Isak Njutonin

Lived 1643 to 1727. Isaac Newton is perhaps the greatest physicist who has ever lived. He and Albert Einstein are almost equally matched contenders for this title. Each of these great scientists produced dramatic and startling transformations in the physical laws we believe our universe obeys, changing the way we understand and relate to the world around us. Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in the tiny village of Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England.His father, whose name was also Isaac Newton, was a farmer who died before Isaac Junior was born. Although comfortable financially, his father could not read or write.His mother, Hannah Ayscough, married a churchman when Newton was three years old.Newton disliked his mother’s new husband and did not join their household, living instead with his mother’s mother, Margery Ayscough.Beginning at age 12, Newton attended The King’s School, Grantham, where he was taught the classics, but no science or mathematics. When he was 17, his mother stopped his schooling so that he could become a farmer. Fortunately for the future of science Newton found he had neither aptitude nor liking for farming; his mother allowed him to return to school, where he finished as top student. He began making significant progress in three distinct fields – fields in which he would make some of his most profound discoveries: calculus, the mathematics of change, which is vital to our understanding of the world around us gravity optics and the behavior of light Newton discovered the equation that allows us to calculate the force of gravity between two objects .Dividing by distance squared means Newton’s Law is an inverse-square law .Newton proved mathematically that any object moving in space affected by an



Transcript of Artikulli Per Isak Njutonin

Page 1: Artikulli Per Isak Njutonin

Lived 1643 to 1727.Isaac Newton is perhaps the greatest physicist who has ever lived. He and Albert Einstein are almost equally matched contenders for this title.

Each of these great scientists produced dramatic and startling transformations in the physical laws we believe our universe obeys, changing the way we understand and relate to the world around us.

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in the tiny village of Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England.His father, whose name was also Isaac Newton, was a farmer who died before Isaac Junior was born. Although comfortable financially, his father could not read or write.His mother, Hannah Ayscough, married a churchman when Newton was three years old.Newton disliked his mother’s new husband and did not join their household, living instead with his mother’s mother, Margery Ayscough.Beginning at age 12, Newton attended The King’s School, Grantham, where he was taught the classics, but no science or mathematics. When he was 17, his mother stopped his schooling so that he could become a farmer. Fortunately for the future of science Newton found he had neither aptitude nor liking for farming; his mother allowed him to return to school, where he finished as top student.

He began making significant progress in three distinct fields – fields in which he would make some of his most profound discoveries:

calculus, the mathematics of change, which is vital to our understanding of the world around us


optics and the behavior of light

Newton discovered the equation that allows us to calculate the force of gravity between two objects.Dividing by distance squared means Newton’s Law is an inverse-square law.Newton proved mathematically that any object moving in space affected by an inverse-square law will follow a path in the shape of one of the conic sections, the shapes which fascinated Archimedesand other Ancient Greek mathematicians.Newton showed everyone how to calculate the force of gravity between things such as people, planets, stars and apples.Newton’s three laws of motion still lie at the heart of mechanics.

The main reason why I admire Isaac Newton is the fact that he was the first who discovered the 3 most important laws of physics. Newton was a deeply introverted character and fiercely protective of his privacy, but that did not stop to make discoveries so famous worldwide.