ARTH sec2 SPG15 - SPRING 2018 re-enactment of monks transcribing books from scrolls, Nomad Films...

1/29/16 1 ARTH 4573 HISTORY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN section 2 – illuminated manuscripts Medieval Times Middle Ages The Dark Ages Illuminated Manuscript Illustrated handwritten books produced from the Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE. ILLUMINATED: Gold leaf Religious enlightenment Illustrated “EASTERN” branch in Islamic countries Illuminated Manuscript Illustrated handwritten books produced from the Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE. ILLUMINATED: Gold leaf Religious enlightenment Illustrated “EASTERN” branch in Islamic countries WESTERN branch in Europe Illuminated Manuscript Illustrated handwritten books* produced from the Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE. For whom? Monasteries’ libraries Wealthy individuals Illuminated Manuscript Use of visual embellishment to expand the word Communicating in a different way Especially to those who could not read (or read well (Remember also that text usually in Latin) Graphic forms Page layouts Illustration styles Lettering styles Techniques Codex

Transcript of ARTH sec2 SPG15 - SPRING 2018 re-enactment of monks transcribing books from scrolls, Nomad Films...




section 2 – illuminated manuscripts

Medieval Times }  Middle Ages }  The Dark Ages

Illuminated Manuscript }  Illustrated handwritten books produced from the

Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE.

}  ILLUMINATED: } Gold leaf }  Religious enlightenment }  Illustrated

}  “EASTERN” branch in Islamic countries

Illuminated Manuscript }  Illustrated handwritten books produced from the

Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE.

}  ILLUMINATED: } Gold leaf }  Religious enlightenment }  Illustrated

}  “EASTERN” branch in Islamic countries }  WESTERN branch in Europe

Illuminated Manuscript }  Illustrated handwritten books* produced from the

Late Roman Empire until printed books replaced manuscripts after typography was developed in Europe around 1450 CE.

}  For whom? } Monasteries’ libraries } Wealthy individuals

Illuminated Manuscript }  Use of visual embellishment to expand the word

} Communicating in a different way }  Especially to those who could not read (or read well }  (Remember also that text usually in Latin)

}  Graphic forms }  Page layouts }  Illustration styles }  Lettering styles }  Techniques }  Codex



Papyrus ROLLED Parchment

Ink and Gold 1468, Legenda Sanctorum


Historical re-enactment of monks transcribing books from scrolls, Nomad Films Inc.

Scriptorium }  WHO?

}  Scrittori } Copisti }  Illuminator

}  Colophon

Stuttgart Psalter Detail, c. 820-830, France (see notes in margin)



Stuttgart Psalter, c. 820-830, France

Books: Psalter

}  Volume containing the Book of Psalms } From Judeo-Christian religious writings } For Christians, in the Old Testament of Holy Bible } Often also contained:

¨ Liturgical calendar ¨ Litany of Saints

} Who used? } Wealthy people as private devotional book

Books: Book of Hours

}  Most contain collection of texts, prayers, psalms }  Liturgical Calendar }  Excerpt from each of 4 Gospels }  15 Psalms of Degrees }  7 Penitential Psalms }  Litany of Saints } Office for the Dead } Hours of the Cross }  Various other prayers, devotionals

Books: Apocalypse

}  Book of Revelations from Christian Bible’s New Testament


}  First 4 books of the Christian New Testament } Matthew } Mark } Luke }  John

spreading the WORD Education value of pictures Ability to create mystical, spiritual overtones Size = portability in saddlebags Slow = regional styles created

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Who? }  Country Tribes of people }  +Roman takeover/influence of all

}  “Barbarian”

}  Germanic ≠ Germany }  Viking ≠ Visigoth

}  “France”



Who? }  Country Tribes of people }  +Roman takeover/influence of all

}  “Barbarian”

}  Germanic tribes ≠ Germany }  Viking ≠ Visigoth

}  “France

Who? }  Germanic ≠ Germany

}  (Germanic tribes inhabited some of present-day Germany) }  Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Goths, Franks (+more) pushed west by

Huns + desire for more wealth }  vs. Celtic tribes

}  Gaul and Britain were populated by the Gauls and the Britons, which were Celtic tribes (vs. Germanic).

}  1871-1945 - 1 country }  1945-1989 - 2 countries, East Germany and West Germany

}  Soviets controlled East, though still officially its own country

}  1989 – Berlin Wall falls }  1990 – German Reunification

Who? }  Germanic ≠ Germany

}  (Germanic tribes inhabited some of present-day Germany) }  Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Goths, Franks (+more) pushed west by

Huns + desire for more wealth }  vs. Celtic tribes

}  Gaul and Britain were populated by the Gauls and the Britons, which were Celtic tribes (vs. Germanic).

Who? }  Viking ≠ Visigoth

}  Vikings were not Celtic. }  From modern Scandinavian countries }  Both a Germanic tribe, but would not consider themselves

having anything in common. “Germanic” a term later applied.



Who? }  Country Tribes of people }  +Roman takeover/influence of all

}  “Barbarian”

}  Germanic tribes ≠ Germany }  Viking ≠ Visigoth

}  “France”

Rome’s view of “Gaul” (green) (term created by the Romans to compartmentalize many groups into one)


Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Vatigan Vergil, The Death of Laocoon, late 4th, early 5th century CE



End of Roman Empire }  Collapsed in 476 CE }  Dislocation and uncertainty }  Cities degenerated and became villages

}  General population illiterate, impoverished, superstitious }  Barbarian and Roman influences combine

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Medieval Era }  5th – 15th century

}  MIDDLE between the fall of Rome and the start of the Renaissance


Historical re-enactment of monks transcribing books from scrolls, Nomad Films Inc.

Letter Styles }  Uncials

}  Semi-Uncials

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

*approximate spread of the Celtic people, multiple tribes *approximate location of Celtic Britain




Celtic Design

}  Abstract }  Extremely

Complex }  Bright, pure

colors used in close juxtaposition

Celtic Design

}  Abstract }  Extremely

Complex }  Bright, pure

colors used in close juxtaposition

Celtic Design

}  Abstract }  Extremely

Complex }  Bright, pure

colors used in close juxtaposition

Celtic Design

}  Abstract }  Extremely

Complex }  Bright, pure

colors used in close juxtaposition

}  Pagan style added to imported Christianity

Book of Durrow 680 CE

Lindisfarne Gospels Before 698 CE

Book of Kells c. 800 CE Ornament

Book of Durrow, 680 CE



Lindisfarne Gospels, 698 CE

Ornament Ornate Initials

Lindisfarne Gospels, 698 CE

Ornament Ornate Initials Carpet Pages

Book of Durrow,, 680 CE

Ornament Ornate Initials Carpet Pages Interlace

Book of Durrow,, 680 CE

Ornament Ornate Initials Carpet Pages Interlace Dimuendo

Lindisfarne Gospels, Chi Rho page, 698 CE

Chi-Rho page “XPI autem generatio . . .” Christ’s name in Greek

Book of Kells, c. 800 AD, Chi-Rho page

Book of Kells, c. 800 CE, Chi Rho page Book of Kells, Chi Rho page detail, c. 800 CE Book of Kells, Chi Rho page detail, c. 800 CE



Book of Kells, Chi Rho page detail, c. 800 CE

4 Evangelists (The Gospels)

}  MATTHEW } Man

}  MARK } Lion

}  LUKE } Ox

}  JOHN } Eagle

4 Evangelists (The Gospels)

}  MATTHEW } Man

}  MARK } Lion

}  LUKE } Ox

}  JOHN } Eagle

Book of Durrow,, 680 CE

4 Evangelists (The Gospels)

}  MATTHEW } Man

}  MARK } Lion

}  LUKE } Ox

}  JOHN } Eagle

Book of Durrow,, 680 CE

4 Evangelists (The Gospels)

}  MATTHEW } Man

}  MARK } Lion

}  LUKE } Ox

}  JOHN } Eagle

Design Innovations from Celts }  Leaving space between words to enable reader to

separate string of letters into words more quickly }  Insular Script

Letter Styles

}  Insular Script

Book of Kells, c. 800 CE

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design

Holy Roman Empire Caroline Graphic Renewal

• (present day) Spain

• Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts



Holy Roman Empire }  Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the Romans on

Christmas Day 800 CE }  Charles the Great = Carolus (or Karolus) Magnus }  >> “Carolingian”, “Caroline”

Holy Roman Empire }  Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the Romans on

Christmas Day 800 CE }  All of central Europe under one ruler

Holy Roman Empire }  Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the Romans on

Christmas Day 800 CE }  All of central Europe under one ruler }  Attempted to recapture grandeur and unity of the Roman

Empire in a Germanic and Christian fellowship }  Introduced Feudal System

}  Landowning noblemen held dictatorial power over peasants who worked in their fields

}  An effort to bring order to chaotic medieval society }  Fostered revival of learning and the arts

}  Aachen

Coronation Gospels, late 8th century CE


}  Page Layout }  Decoration }  Paragraph

Structure }  Punctuation

}  Writing Style

Caroline Miniscule

Letter Styles

}  Semi-Uncials

}  Caroline Miniscule



Coronation Gospels, late 8th century CE

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

+ Celtic tribes that existed in present-day Spain After the Visigoths sacked Rome (378), they began settling down, first in southern Gaul and eventually in Spain and Portugal, where they founded the Kingdom of the Visigoths.

mid-1400s – invention of printing press, also Protestant Reformation northern Europe mid-1400s – Ottomans take Constantinople (present-day Istanbul, Turkey, former capital of Eastern Roman Empire)

The interior side view of the main dome of Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, Turkey.



Moorish Influences Flat shapes of intense color

Beatus of Fernando and Sancha, 1047 CE Beatus of Fernando and Sancha, 1047 CE

Moorish Influences Flat shapes of intense color Intricate geometry

Beatus of Fernando and Sancha, 1047 CE

Moorish Influences Flat shapes of intense color Intricate geometry Ghastly creatures from pagan tradition of totem-like animals

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Romanesque Period }  1000-1150 CE }  CRUSADES

Romanesque Period }  1000-1150 CE }  CRUSADES Meanwhile, in Christian “Europe”.. }  Stronger Feudalism

}  Economic prosperity }  Relatively stable political conditions

}  Monasticism reached its peak }  Monasteries established throughout Europe }  Great increase in church-building }  Rise of priests and monks }  Growing crowds of pilgrims

Romanesque Period }  1000-1150 CE

}  Pilgrimage routes = exchange of ideas/styles }  Universal design characteristics seemed possible



Gothic Period }  1150 to Renaissance of 14th century }  Feudalism controlled }  Towns and villages into cities }  Agriculture began to be replaced by international trade }  Money replaced land as primary measure of wealth }  Monarchies of France and England each developed }  MORE STABILITY }  Rise of universities

}  Need for books }  Literacy on the rise

Douce Apocalypse, c. 1265 CE

Carolingian Influences Linear drawing Willingness to distort figure to meld with overall design

Ormesby Psalter, early 1300s

Carolingian Influences Linear drawing Willingness to distort figure to meld with overall design Representation of deep space less important Figures placed against gold leaf or textured backgrounds

Douce Apocalypse, c. 1265

}  Textura

}  Textura = Blackletter }  As a font, this can also be called Old-Fashioned, Old English,

Gothic, etc.

Gutenberg Bible, 1450s, printing press imitating Textura/Blackletter of illuminated manuscripts

Calligraphy today Ormesby Psalter, early 1300s,

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods THE BLACK DEATH

Later Illuminated Manuscripts



The Black Death }  Bubonic Plague }  25 million people died (1/3 of “Europe’s” population)

in just under 5 years between 1347 and 1352.

}  Helped to remove Feudalism }  Something resembling a “middle class” emerged

Plague Doctor

Classical Style •

Medieval Era Celtic Book Design Holy Roman Empire

Caroline Graphic Renewal •

(present day) Spain •

Romanesque & Gothic Periods Later Illuminated Manuscripts

Book of Hours, Duc de Berry (Limbourg Brothers), 1413-16

Book of Hours Visual Organization Abstraction to Realism Illustrations dominated