Argumentative Map Bullfighting and Other Evils

Bullfighting should be banned It would be considered a hipocrasy to ban bullfighting and not other forms of animal cruelty. Other animals suffer more cruel treatments. Bullfighting is consider an unspeakable spectacle of pure savage, torture and agony of a poor animal. Supporters will not consider the idea of banning all forms of use of the animal kingdom One thing was for persons to kill animals for food so they can support themselves and another is to kill by pure sadism. Usually detractors have never seen a bullfighting before and do not know what it is all about. Any of thr bullfighting fans will force anyone to go to a bullfight. People should have the right of exercising their free choice and be able to go ot a bullfight if they want to. The restriction to freedom banning bullfighting is something that undermines an essential foundation of democratic life: the free choice. Bulls are a form of spiritual nourishment. It has inspired musicians, artists and writes to create masterpieces. Bullfighting is a way to develop one of the most bold and colorful manifestations of human creativity. Nobody can deny that bullfighting is a cruel frestivity. The animosity agaisnt it is usually based on ideology and policits more than animal love itself. If it is banned, brave bulls will disappear. Bullfighting makes them one of the most cared and feed animals among the myriad of creatures that populate the planet. because but however but because but however because because but but but because because because however BULLFIGHTING AND OTHER EVILS Group 4: Carlos Aramburú David Ashcallay Miguel Casusol Diana Feria



Transcript of Argumentative Map Bullfighting and Other Evils

Group 4:

Carlos Arambur

David Ashcallay

Miguel Casusol

Diana Feria


















Bullfighting should be banned

It would be considered a hipocrasy to ban bullfighting and not other forms of animal cruelty.

Bulls are a form of spiritual nourishment.

If it is banned, brave bulls will disappear.

Other animals suffer more cruel treatments.

Bullfighting is consider an unspeakable spectacle of pure savage, torture and agony of a poor animal.

Supporters will not consider the idea of banning all forms of use of the animal kingdom

One thing was for persons to kill animals for food so they can support themselves and another is to kill by pure sadism.

It has inspired musicians, artists and writes to create masterpieces.

Bullfighting is a way to develop one of the most bold and colorful manifestations of human creativity.

Nobody can deny that bullfighting is a cruel frestivity.

The animosity agaisnt it is usually based on ideology and policits more than animal love itself.

Bullfighting makes them one of the most cared and feed animals among the myriad of creatures that populate the planet.

Usually detractors have never seen a bullfighting before and do not know what it is all about.

Any of thr bullfighting fans will force anyone to go to a bullfight.

People should have the right of exercising their free choice and be able to go ot a bullfight if they want to.

The restriction to freedom banning bullfighting is something that undermines an essential foundation of democratic life: the free choice.