Architecture101 Booklet 2 by pfa101



Second booklet for the second part of the Architecture 101 MOOC course from Abadi university. I called it My Place in Space and it documents the assignments we had to full-fill to complete this course. It builds up to the phase where you have to show your mental space. I created mine in Mine-craft (pun intended) and ended up using almost all elements learned in the homeworks. Choose landscape, digged cave, put paintings on the walls, created maze in my secret cave and build up a house on the hill. Check it out, you might enjoy it, I certainly did.

Transcript of Architecture101 Booklet 2 by pfa101

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What I ve learned

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I have learned how to repro-

duce actual real life construc-

tions in a small models with

various objects viz Stonehenge

I learned how to create

mazes and labyrinths and

realized it is not as easy

as it might look.



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I learned to work with

own body parts to create

landscape and give pictures

new depth by combining

seemingly unusual objects

and model caves under my

blanket. I Learned amaz-

ing things about Stone-

henge and Zabriesky point.ThereIsNoExcellent


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I created this maze from my library

and each book means one step ahead

you go forward only after you fin-

ish the book. It is only one way

street but lot ground to cover.



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I learned to set the size for my

papercut figures to be in exact

relation to the real persons. It

was little tricky to hit it in the

pdf setints and my old print-

er but after couple of wast-

ed forests I figured it out.

Light and shadow

are strong me-

dium that I didnt

realized or even

considered be-




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Of course I knew about Mincrafft and

that windows aquired it for tremendous

sum but I never understand what is the

fuzz about. Until I tried it myself. I

checked all the creative works that the

minecraft comunnity has done. Lord of

the rings Westeros even functional co-

modore pc within the Minecraft. Aston-

ishing. Wonderfull yet so simple.

I tried all sorts of variants but the

free copies have very limited lifespan

so you could end up building something

for couple of hours and not beeing

able to save it or make printscreeen of

your masterpiece. I used Minecraft for

my final task of recreating my men-

tal space. and I can only recomend.



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What I ve learned from others

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yougetup2 yabbadabba4 yabbadabba3

yabbadabba2 yabbadabba whowouldbelieve 3

whowouldbelieve 2 whowouldbelieve YouGetUp

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ifithadbeen3 ifithadbeen2 ifithadbeen

beholdhuman beforeImake alltherivers4

alltherivers adversityis abulkeerti theprimaryfactor

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Iwouldrather itisnothow

beyondthehonest beholdhuman2

alltherivers3 alltherivers2

These are the wonderfull works

of my collegues. Some were

really inspirational to me cou-

ple of times I draw inspiration

from them directly if I liked it

very much. But mostly I tried

to come up with something and

look at the hashtaged workes

after I was finished with mine

to deliberately see how differ-

ent people see the assignment

and what they would come up

with. The works are in no par-

ticulare chronologic order.

Superflaya and Keep_on_asking

were those who regularly man-

aged to blew me away and have

similar interessts than me.

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retainyour nothingisbuilt2 notallthose3

ourlifeis nothingisbuilt notallthose2

marbleisnot NotAllThose IwouldratherJosko

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theegois2 theegghas retainyour

theegois retainyour2 ourlifeis

nocowontheice marbleisnot2 marbleisnot

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whatsthatscreaming throughspace

thevalueof TheSimplestWay

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thereisnothing thereisnothing thereisnoneed

thereisnoneed thereisnoneed thereisnoneed

theprimaryfactor theprimaryfactorThePrimaryFactor

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MY mental space

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I fell in love with minecraft that is the reason why I decided to show you my mental space In first part it was thinkers refuge this time its my se-cret cave with it s own library maze inside a small hill on top of wich I build little villa. I combined elements through out our course. First I searched for nice small hill near a lake I named it Mirror lake and as luck had it this hill already had small cave I just started diggin and diggin and created vast cave with two entrances. Than I copied my libary maze that I created in the third week measurements and build a labir-inth of book shelfs inside my cave. This shelfs and archives represent my mind and thinking while I hide inside to clear my mind. THere is a por-tal at the edn of the maze to spice it up a little. This is fictional rep-resentation of thinkers refuge made in a digital world of minecraft. On top of the hill I set my two floored house with lots of interesting paintings on the walls and specious bedroom with wonderfull view. THis should represent my thriving for positive thinking during my lifetime.

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