April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 1 CLOSING SESSION April 3 - 7 UERJ We achieve now to the end of our...

April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 1 CLOSING SESSION CLOSING SESSION April 3 - 7 UERJ achieve now to the end of our rkshop. I hope it was useful to All of us.

Transcript of April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 1 CLOSING SESSION April 3 - 7 UERJ We achieve now to the end of our...

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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 1 CLOSING SESSION April 3 - 7 UERJ We achieve now to the end of our Workshop. I hope it was useful to All of us.
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 2 I Would like to thank to our International Advisoring Committee Next topic: I hope to repeat Collider Physics
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 3 - Albert De Roeck (CERN) - Alessia Bruni (INFN-Bologna) - Alexey Petrukhin (TEP-Moscow) - Armen Bunyatyan (MPI-Heidelberg) - Arthur Moraes (Brookhaven) - Barbo Asman (D0) - Duncan Brown (UT-Arlington) - Elie Aslanides (Marseille) - Fernando Marroquim (UFRJ) - Greg Landsberg (D0) - Guilhaume Leibenguth (RTH-Zurich) - Guy Paic (UNAM-Mexico) - Javier Cuevas (U.Oviedo/Spain) -Jens Rehn (CERN) - Joo Fernandes (Caltech/CERN) I would like to thank our Speakers for the great talks delivery during this week. - Joey Huston (MSU) - John F. Martin (U.Toronto) - Kevin McFarland (CDF) - Konstantin Goulianos (Rockefeller) - Leandro de Paula (UFRJ) - Luca Stanco (INFN-Padova) - Lucia Silvestris (Bari) - Mario Novello (CBPF) - Michael Landry (LIGO) - Michel Della Negra (CERN) - Neil Jackson (Liverpool) - Oscar Eboli (USP) - Pasquale Di Nezza (INFN-Frascati) - Piotr Traczyk (Soltan/INS-PO) - Rainer Wallny (U.Cal.Los Angeles) - Sandra Padula (UNESP/IFT) - Valery A. Khoze (U.Duham) I hope that I did not forget any colleague
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 4 - Albert De Roeck (CERN) - Arnulfo Zepeda (UNAM) - Helio da Motta (CBPF) - Marcia Begalli (UERJ) - Maria Elena Pol (CBPF) - Michel Della Negra (CERN) - Sampa Bhadra (U.York-Canada) - Sergio Novaes (UNESP) I would like to thank our Chairs and Scientific Secretaries for the work to turn possible to drive each Session of this LISHEP I hope that I did not forget any colleague - Ana Carolina Assis Jesus (UERJ) - Carley Martins (UERJ) - Dilson de Jesus Damio (UERJ) - Helena Malbouisson (UERJ) - Luiz Mundim (UERJ) - Marco Pacheco (UERJ) - Renata F. Rodrigues (UFRJ) - - Sheila M. S. do Amaral (UERJ) - Wagner Carvalho (UERJ) - Wanda Prado (UERJ)
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 5 LISHEP 2006 I Woul like to thank the Local Organizing Committee Andre Sznajder (UERJ) Carley Martins (UERJ Eduardo Revoredo (UERJ) Erick Hoepfner (UERJ) Gilvan Alves (CBPF) Helio da Mota (CBPF) Jorge Barreto (UFRJ) Jorge Molina (UERJ) Jos Afonso Sanches (UERJ) Jose Roberto Mahon (UERJ) Luiz Mundim (UERJ) Marcia Begalli (UERJ) Maria Elena Pol (CBPF) Moacyr Souza (CBPF) Rene Luna (UERJ) Vitor Oguri (UERJ) Wagner de Carvalho (UERJ) Wanda Prado (UERJ)
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 6 I would like to do a special thanks to Rosemonde Bettencourt Marcio Faria Eduardo Revoredo Jos Afonso Sanches Raul Saucedo Carlos Borges Douglas Teodoro They were behind all technical services
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 7 Number of Participants per Country Country2006Country2006 Canada 2 Brasil 89 Colombia1 Amazonas Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul So Paulo 5 1 69 2 1 11 France 1 Italy 5 Germany2Mexico2 India 1Peru1 Germany 2 Polond 1 Portugal1Russia1 Spain 1Sweden1 Switzerland 5United States9 United Kingdom2 Subtotais18110 TOTAL128
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 8 Number of Participants per Country Country20022006Country20022006 Alemanha 02 Brasil 7088 Canada02 Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul So Paulo 51 7 68 2 11 Colombia11 Italy 6 5 Finland1 0Mexico22 France3 1Peru11 Germany2 2 Polond 01 Israel5 0Portugal01 Russia5 1Spain01 Sweden11 Switzerland 45 United Kingdom62United States159 Subtotais201298113 TOTAL118125
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  • April 3 - 7 Alberto Santoro 9 Have a good trip back to your home and Thank you for coming and helped us to turn our Workshop a good meeting LISHEP 2006 is over.