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Lecture 1 & Unit 1 REVIEWUnit 1 REVIEW

Various ethnic groups tried to gain more political unity in 1800’s Europe. This desire was an explosive one in a Europe where several nationalities were often ruled by a single regime. This notion of loving one’s country rather than one’s native region was one of the contributors to WWI.

What is this known as?

What is What is Nationalism Nationalism


THESE 3 “ism’s” explain the THESE 3 “ism’s” explain the factors that led to World War Ifactors that led to World War I

What areWhat are NationalismNationalismImperialismImperialismMilitarismMilitarism


One cause of World War I which One cause of World War I which means the stockpiling of weapons/ means the stockpiling of weapons/ building up armybuilding up army is called THISis called THIS

What is What is Militarism Militarism


President Woodrow Wilson came up with the idea for the League of Nations because he believed that it would be able to fix any injustices the treaties created.  When dealing with disputes, the League members agreed to enforce decisions by doing what?

What is …What is …imposing economic sanctionsimposing economic sanctions


World War I was the bloodiest World War I was the bloodiest war in history up to that point war in history up to that point

because of THISbecause of THIS

What is What is The development of new weaponsThe development of new weapons



THESE nations were known as THESE nations were known as the Big Four who negotiated the the Big Four who negotiated the

treaty that ended WWItreaty that ended WWI

What is : What is : Italy Italy

France France United StatesUnited StatesGreat BritainGreat Britain



For several years prior to WWI, both Great Britain and Russia were alarmed by possible German expansion. Germany, on the other hand, supported Austria-Hungary in its opposition to Slavic nationalism. This angered everyone involved and on June 28, 1914 a spark ignited the Balkan “powder keg.” What was this spark?

What isWhat is

the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist


After six months of negotiations, the delegates to the peace conference finally hammered out an agreement. In May 1919 representatives of the new German Republic were called in and presented with a peace treaty. What was the name of the peace treaty?

What is What is The Treaty of Versailles



German submarine attacks on neutral German submarine attacks on neutral ships threatened ships threatened THIS U.S. policy THIS U.S. policy

What isWhat is Wilson's policy of neutralityWilson's policy of neutrality



During the war, governments made wide use of propaganda. Newspapers and popular magazines, especially those of the Allies, showed the enemy as brutal and sub-human while praising their own countries. The main purpose of propaganda in WWI was to

What isWhat isto stir up patriotism



THIS was the sad result of the THIS was the sad result of the Peace Conference of Versailles Peace Conference of Versailles

What isWhat is

the the Seeds of resentment were Seeds of resentment were established that will lead to established that will lead to

World War II (Germany upset for being World War II (Germany upset for being blamed for it all)blamed for it all)



By 1907 the powers of Europe had divided into two armed camps. These rival alliances threatened world peace. Should fighting break out between two rival powers, all six nations were almost certain to become involved.  Which nation was NOT a member of the Triple Entente? Choices are: Belgium, Great Britain, Russia, France

What isWhat isBelgiumBelgium



Although not the cause of World Although not the cause of World War I, THIS event triggered World War I, THIS event triggered World

War IWar I


What isWhat is

Assassination of Archduke FerdinandAssassination of Archduke Ferdinand


THIS person assassinated THIS person assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne. He was Austria-Hungary throne. He was a member of the group called the a member of the group called the

Black Hand, a refugee living in Black Hand, a refugee living in independent Serbia AND a independent Serbia AND a

nationalist who wanted Bosnia to nationalist who wanted Bosnia to be independent from Austria - be independent from Austria -


Who isWho isGavrilo Princip?Gavrilo Princip?


By late 1915 the war in the west had become a stalemate on land as well as on sea. As both armies continued their attacks, small areas of land changed hands again and again.  This type of conflict, known as a war of attrition, is one fought

What isWhat is by trying to outlast each otherby trying to outlast each other??


THIS was an international THIS was an international organization for the organization for the

preservation of peace created preservation of peace created immediately after World War I.immediately after World War I.


What is the What is the League of Nations League of Nations


Realizing shipping was so vital to the war effort; the Central Powers were successfully able to affect allied shipping through the use of

What is U-BoatsWhat is U-Boats??


Many new weapons and inventions were introduced during WWI. Among these were machine guns and long-range artillery. They made infantry attacks on strongly defended positions very costly. WWI was the first war in which

What isWhat isairplanes were usedairplanes were used



The First World War might have involved only two nations, Austria-

Hungary and Serbia, if not for THIS

What isWhat isthe alliance system



THIS was the name of President THIS was the name of President Wilson’s ideas intended to Wilson’s ideas intended to

promote international peacepromote international peace

What are What are The Fourteen PointsThe Fourteen Points



The policy that kept the United The policy that kept the United States out of the war for three States out of the war for three

years was called THIS years was called THIS

What is What is neutralityneutrality



As a result of the peace treaty that ended WWI, many territorial changes were made at Germany’s expense including the restoration of Poland as an independent nation and agreeing not to fortify the Rhineland, which Allied troops would occupy for an unspecified period of time. What country gained some territory from Germany and expanded their border after WWI?

What isWhat isFranceFrance

? ?


In 1923, Adolf Hitler, the future leader of Nazi Germany, declared: The day must come when a German government shall summon up the courage to declare to the foreign powers: ‘The Treaty of Versailles is founded on a monstrous lie.” We fulfill nothing more. Do what you will! If you want battle, look for it!  Source: Adolf Hitler,

Speech of August 1, 1923,reprinted at  

This excerpt would help support which thesis?

1. Hitler believed the League of Nations would help Germany.2. Hitler used German resentment toward the Treaty of Versailles to gain power..


What is What is

Hitler used German resentment toward the Treaty of Versailles to gain power??

At the end of WWI, President Woodrow Wilson outlined a set of ideas for a more just world once the war ended. One idea was the formation of a League of Nations that had two main aims: (1) to promote international cooperation and (2) to keep peace among nations by settling disputes and reducing armaments. At its inception there were 42 member nations. Which of the following countries did not join the League of Nations? (Japan, United Kingdom, Cuba, United States)

What isWhat is United StatesUnited States



THIS is the word that means a policy of aggressive military preparedness

(one of those isms)


What isWhat is Militarism


In May 1915 a German submarine sank the British passenger liner

Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. It was carrying war materials as well

as passengers to England. President Wilson denounced the attack and

warned Germany the U.S. would not tolerate another one.

 As a result, what did Germany do?

What isWhat isa cut back their submarine attacksa cut back their submarine attacks



What is it called when there is What is it called when there is military agreements among military agreements among nationsnations

What isWhat isAlliances?Alliances?


The assassination that triggered The assassination that triggered the First World War occured in in the First World War occured in in

THIS province of the Austria THIS province of the Austria Hunagarian EmpireHunagarian Empire

What is What is Bosnia?Bosnia?


THIS is the word that means for THIS is the word that means for stronger nations to take over stronger nations to take over

weaker nationsweaker nations

What is What is ImperialismImperialism ??


In November 1918 a German delegation signed an armistice. The armistice provided that at 11:00 A.M. on November 11, 1918, all fighting would cease. Because of the impact of the First World War, November 11th was made into a national holiday. Why is November 11th recognized as a national holiday? 

What isWhat isto honor all veteransto honor all veterans





U.S. U.S. Mobilization Mobilization for World War for World War


How did the period from 1914 to 1918 mark the end of the old world and the beginning of the new world? (THINK ABOUT: SOCIAL & POLITICAL CHANGES, TECHNOLOGY, ETC…)

What is What is Destruction – houses, land, factories, livestockBorders – new countries, old countries don’t exist anymore, countries gained/lost landEconomies – rebuilding economic systems, some countries go through terrible depressionGovernment – countries have new types of government, new leadersCost of war – death, money value, jobsWeapons – name types of weapons, damage they did? ?