Ap project

London, England Population 8.6 million people Kalleigh Holmquist hour 4

Transcript of Ap project

London, EnglandPopulation 8.6 million people

Kalleigh Holmquist hour 4


London was not a claimed area. In 47 AD the Romans found the land that is now London. They used it as a trading area due to the canal. The bride that goes over the river, the Romans used that bridge to get their troops to the other side without others knowing where they are.


From 1993-2000 they used a system called the London transportation system, which is a train. Now they still have trains, but they are more modified and easier for citizens to get to and use. There other biggest transportation is the big red two story bus. This bus is one of their biggest tourist attractions, because honestly who wouldn’t want to ride around on a two story bus that bright red?



Primate City or Rank Size Rule?

The United Kingdom’s largest cities are Birmingham, Leeds and London. London is a primate city because London is the largest city ranking in at 8.6 million.

Zone One CBD

Zone two Richer neighborhoods

Zone three less developed neighborhoods

Zone four warehouses

What model fits best?

London goes by the Harris-Ullman’s Multiple-Nuclei Model, it doesn’t apply to the Burgess model because how London is built it wouldn’t qualify for the correct zones in the Burgess Model. For the Hoyt’s model, London is almost fits into this model but just misses it because the land areas are either too close together or too far apart. Therefore the Harris-Ullman’s Multiple-Nuclei Model is the best fit for London.

Three main economic activities

London’s main resource is coal. London’s canal is the biggest resource to get things shipped out and is great for trading. The secondary thing is petroleum, and lastly natural gas. This is all determined by the government of the United Kingdom.