Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage

Washington University School of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Digital Commons@Becker Open Access Publications 2012 Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage Debabrata Patra Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Linda J. Sandell Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Patra, Debabrata and Sandell, Linda J., ,"Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage." Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 14,. 1-27. (2012). This Open Access Publication is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage

Debabrata Patra Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Linda J. Sandell Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Patra, Debabrata and Sandell, Linda J., ,"Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage." Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 14,. 1-27. (2012).

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Page 2: Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage

Antiangiogenic and anticancer

molecules in cartilage

Debabrata Patra1 and Linda J. Sandell1,2,*

Cartilage is one of the very few naturally occurring avascular tissues where lackof angiogenesis is the guiding principle for its structure and function. This hasattracted investigators who have sought to understand the biochemical basisfor its avascular nature, hypothesising that it could be used in designingtherapies for treating cancer and related malignancies in humans throughantiangiogenic applications. Cartilage encompasses primarily a specialisedextracellular matrix synthesised by chondrocytes that is both complex andunique as a result of the myriad molecules of which it is composed. Of thesecomponents, a few such as thrombospondin-1, chondromodulin-1, the typeXVIII-derived endostatin, SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)and the type II collagen-derived N-terminal propeptide (PIIBNP) havedemonstrated antiangiogenic or antitumour properties in vitro and in vivopreclinical trials that involve several complicated mechanisms that arenot completely understood. Thrombospondin-1, endostatin and the shark-cartilage-derived Neovastat preparation have also been investigated in humanclinical trials to treat several different kinds of cancers, where, despite thetremendous success seen in preclinical trials, these molecules are yet to showsuccess as anticancer agents. This review summarises the current state-of-the-art antiangiogenic characterisation of these molecules, highlights theirmost promising aspects and evaluates the future of these molecules inantiangiogenic applications.

In designing strategies to counter cancer,restricting or eliminating angiogenic signalsfrom the tumour is the working principlebehind several therapeutic applications. Anidea that was first seeded by Judah Folkmanin the 1970s (Ref. 1) has matured intoexponentially expanding treatmentopportunities because of an ever-increasing

knowledge base in angiogenesis pathways andmolecular targets. The discovery of naturallyoccurring tissues that are antiangiogenic andwhere antiangiogenesis and lack of vasculatureis a guiding principle dictating thedevelopmental outcome has allowed for anincrease in identification of antiangiogenicmolecules. Chief among these is cartilage, a

1Department ofOrthopaedic Surgery,WashingtonUniversity School ofMedicine, St. Louis,MO,USA2Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,MO, USA

*Corresponding author: Linda J. Sandell. E-mail: [email protected]

expert reviews in molecular medicine

1Accession information: doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3; Vol. 14; e10; April 2012

© Cambridge University Press 2012











Page 3: Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage

specialised form of extracellular matrix (ECM)synthesised by chondrocytes.The characteristic that sets cartilage apart is that it

is avascular, and this has piqued the interest ofinvestigators who have sought to understand itsavascular nature and to apply its principles totherapeutic applications. It stands to reason thatthe avascular nature of cartilage would be due toits biochemical composition that antagonisesvascular invasion and there has been considerableinterest in identifying these antiangiogeniccomponents in cartilage. The primary componentsof cartilage are the two major macromolecules,type II collagen (Col II) and aggrecan (Fig. 1).Minor components include collagens types IX, XI,III, V, VI, X, XII, XIV as well as versican, perlecan,lubricin, biglycan, fibromodulin, thrombospondins(TSPs), chondromodulin-1 (ChM-1), endostatinand secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine(SPARC), among others (reviewed in Ref. 2).Although in adults cartilage serves primarily tolubricate the joints, during embryonicdevelopment its chief function is to form thetemplate for future skeletal development inmammals.The process by which cartilage template is

replaced by bone is called endochondralossification, which occurs when the avascularprivilege of cartilage is broken down, allowingfor vascular invasion and endochondral boneformation. This topic has been well reviewed(Refs 3, 4), but to briefly summarise, the processbegins with mesenchymal cell condensations atsites where the future skeletal elements willform; cells in these condensates differentiate toform chondrocytes that secrete a Col-II-richavascular cartilage, with cells surrounding thechondrocytes forming the perichondrium. Toallow for bone formation, the innermostchondrocytes differentiate to form hypertrophicchondrocytes that secrete a type-X-collagen-richmatrix that gets calcified, with the perichondralcells surrounding the hypertrophic chondrocytesdifferentiating into osteoblasts to form the bonecollar. This allows for the vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF)-dependent vascularinvasion of the calcified cartilage matrix fromthe bone collar, which brings along with itchondroclasts and osteoblasts that degrade andreplace the calcified matrix with bone andresults in removal of the hypertrophicchondrocytes by apoptosis. This process thusallows for vascular invasion only of the calcified

matrix, leaving the rest of cartilage matrixavascular. This is crucial to bone growth becausethe avascular cartilage continuously provideschondrocytes that differentiate to formhypertrophic chondrocytes that are removedduring endochondral bone growth, thusallowing for continuous bone growth. Withmaturity, the centre of the avascular cartilageundergoes hypertrophic differentiation again toallow vascular invasion and the development ofa secondary ossification centre. In adults, mostof the cartilage is thus replaced by bone, withthe exception of the articular cartilage at thebone ends, which remains avascular to maintaincartilage phenotype and functions to lubricatethe joint. Breakdown of the antiangiogenicbarrier during diseases such as osteoarthritisand rheumatoid arthritis results in undesirablevascular invasion of the articular cartilage andirreversible cartilage degeneration.

Tumours that exceed 1–2 mm in diameterrequire new capillary formation or angiogenesisthat feeds their growth (Ref. 5). The recognitionof this fundamental principle behind tumourgrowth has triggered the search forantiangiogenic molecules that would preventtumour growth. Blessed with its avascular state,cartilage has since then become a prime targetfor investigation of its antiangiogenic properties(Refs 5, 6). Although primarily articular cartilagewas tested, growth plate chondrocytes alsodemonstrated antiangiogenic effects (Ref. 7).These discoveries propelled an interest in theidentification of cartilage components thatproduce these antiangiogenic and antitumoureffect with the expectation that these cartilage-derived molecules could be used in therapeuticapplications to treat tumours and relatedmalignancies. This review summarises the statusquo of some antiangiogenic molecules that arepresent in cartilage.

Neovastat and shark cartilage extractNeovastat and shark cartilage extract (SCE) arepreparations with antiangiogenesis activityderived from shark cartilage. Interest in sharkcartilage as a source of anticancer agents grewbecause of its avascular state coupled with themisconception that sharks do not get cancer. Thecartilaginous shark endoskeleton was thusthought to be an ideal source of large quantitiesof anticancer agents. Current literature findsresearchers at extreme ends of the spectrum in

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2Accession information: doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3; Vol. 14; e10; April 2012

© Cambridge University Press 2012











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Territorial Interterritorial

Collagen II/XI






Collagen II/XI

Procollagen II

Collagen IX



Collagen VI




Collagen II

Collagen XIII

















Schematic representation of the cartilage matrix showing many of the moleculespresent in cartilage and some of their interactionsExpert Reviews in Molecular Medicine © 2012 Cambridge University Press

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the cartilage matrix showing many of the molecules present incartilage and some of their interactions. The matrix closest to the chondrocytes is indicated as territorialand between the chondrocytes is interterritorial. The cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) is made ofmolecules that are synthesised by the chondrocyte. It has two major macromolecules, collagen type II andthe large proteoglycan, aggrecan. The aggrecan protein consists of a globular core protein to which areattached chains of chondroitin sulfate (CS) and keratan sulfate (KS). The figure shows aggrecan monomersattached to hyaluronic acid (HA), which is stabilised by the link protein, to form a larger proteoglycanaggregate in interaction with the smaller proteoglycan, fibulin. In addition to these, the cartilage ECM is alsocomposed of minor amounts of other collagens such as collagen types IX, XI, III, V, VI, X, XII, XIV and XVIII(from which endostatin is derived). Collagen type IX has four noncollagenous (NC) domains and has theability to form heterotypic fibrils with collagen II/XI (shown in the interterritorial matrix) that is coated withsmaller proteoglycans such as decorin and fibromodulin. The cartilage intermediate layer protein (CILP) isfound primarily in the interterritorial matrix. Other smaller proteoglycans include biglycan, decorin andchondromodulin-1. The other major cartilage proteins are the thrombospondins (TSPs), which consists ofTSP1, TSP2 and COMP (cartilage oligomeric matrix protein also known as TSP5). Matrilins 1 and 3 (MAT1,MAT3) are the primary members of the multimeric matrilin family of proteins found in the cartilage. PRELP(proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein) and CHAD (chondroadherin) are small leucine-richrepeat proteins (LRRs) that bind to fibre forming collagens with high affinity due to the LRR domain.Syndecan is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) found on the chondrocyte cell surface where it acts asreceptors for matrix components such as fibronectin. A number of matricellular proteins such as SPARC(secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) are also seen in the cartilage ECM. The cartilage matrix and itscomposition are reviewed in depth elsewhere (Ref. 2). This figure is modified from Ref. 2 with permissionfrom Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (Philadelphia).

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3Accession information: doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3; Vol. 14; e10; April 2012

© Cambridge University Press 2012











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their faith in shark-cartilage-derivedproducts. Thediscoveryof cancer in sharks (Ref. 8) and the lackofpromising results from themost recent clinical trialwith Neovastat (see below) were serious setbacksto its use in cancer treatment.Neovastat (or AE-941) is not a single molecule

but a mix of water-soluble components derivedfrom shark cartilage prepared by a proprietarymanufacturing process developed by AeternaLaboratories (Quebec, Canada) (Ref. 9).Homogenisation of the shark cartilage in waterfollowed by sequential extraction to removewater-insoluble and inactive molecules results in aconcentrated biological derivative with a mixtureof components less than approximately 500 kDa.To date, the identity of all the individualcomponents of Neovastat is not known, butextensive characterisation has attributed it withantiangiogenic properties. Neovastat induceda concentration-dependent inhibition of cellproliferation in human umbilical vein endothelialcells (HUVECs) and bovine endothelial cells;inhibited the formation of blood vessels inducedby basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in thechicken chorioallantoic membrane model;severely inhibited in vivo the vascular invasion ofbFGF-containing Matrigel implanted in C57BL6mice fed orally with Neovastat; and inhibitedlung metastases in the murine Lewis lungcarcinoma model (Ref. 10). Neovastat combinedwith cisplatin, a conventional anticancer agent,exhibited greater anticancer activity than cisplatinalone. These data indicated the successfulextraction of the antiangiogenic and antitumouragents from shark cartilage into Neovastat, andsurprisingly, its success as an orally activebiological compound.

Antiangiogenic features of NeovastatMechanistically, Neovastat induced apoptosisspecifically in endothelial cells that involved theactivation of caspase-3, caspase-8 and caspase-9(Ref. 11). Neovastat interferes with VEGFbinding to VEGFR-2 (Flk-1/KDR), which isrequired to make new blood vessels (Ref. 12),thereby inhibiting several mitogenic, chemotacticand antiapoptotic responses in endothelial cells(Ref. 13). Neovastat also inhibited the activity ofmatrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), primarilyMMP2, but also of MMP1, MMP7, MMP9,MMP12 and MMP13 (Ref. 14), limiting themetastatic potential of tumour cells (Ref. 15).Neovastat-treated ovalbumin-sensitised mice

exhibited reduced airway hyper-responsivenessand inflammation when challenged (Ref. 16);these mice demonstrated significantly reducedlevels of MMP9 activity in their bronchoalveolarlavage fluid and reduced VEGF and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2α expression in their lungtissue, suggesting that the anti-inflammatoryeffects of Neovastat are linked to inhibition ofVEGF and HIF-2α (Ref. 17).

Neovastat can activate the Jun amino terminalkinase (JNK) and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB)signalling pathways as demonstrated by itsability to modulate the plasmin–plasminogen-activator (PA) systems. Plasmin–PA systems arevital components of the proteolytic machinerythat degrade the ECM along with MMPsduring angiogenesis (Refs 18, 19). Tissue PA(tPA) and urokinase PA (uPA) are the two majortypes of PA that convert plasminogen intoplasmin (Ref. 20). Binding of uPA to its cellsurface receptor is thought to have a role inneovascularisation and therefore tumourangiogenesis (Refs 21, 22). However, tPA issynthesised primarily by endothelial cells andhas a role in cleavage of fibrin-bound PA toplasmin, leading to fibrin degradation (Ref. 20).Neovastat stimulates tPA-mediated plasmingeneration (but only marginally inhibits uPA);BIAcore surface plasmon resonancespectroscopy demonstrated direct physicalinteraction of Neovastat with plasminogen thatincreased its catalytic efficiency (Ref. 23).Neovastat increased tPA production byendothelial cells, increased the phosphorylationand activity of JNK1 and JNK2, and thephosphorylation of IκB (an inhibitor of NF-κB)thereby inducing NF-κB signalling (Ref. 24).Administration of SCE (a generic preparation ofNeovastat) to mouse glioma models resulted intPA activity stimulation that is thought to directthe antiangiogenic property of SCE becausetumours derived from glioma cells thatoverexpressed PAI-1, an inhibitor of tPA, did notexhibit decreased blood vessel formation(Ref. 25). Mice orally treated withSCE demonstrated a reduction in glioblastomainfiltration into the brain, with very smalltumours, in contrast to mice that did not getSCE treatment. These studies indicatedbeneficial aspects of orally administeredNeovastat across the blood–brain barrier andbeneficial aspects of SCE in immune-compromised athymic mice with glioma.

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4Accession information: doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3; Vol. 14; e10; April 2012

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Clinical trials with NeovastatMulti-targeting properties of Neovastatpropelled its use as a multimodal, anticancerdrug in humans. Phase I/II clinical trials forNeovastat in patients with renal cell carcinoma(RCC) (Ref. 26) and non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) (Ref. 27) were conducted. In bothRCC and NSCLC patients, Neovastat was welltolerated, with no dose-limiting toxicity, withoral administrations of up to 240 ml/dayshowing significantly longer median survivalthan those receiving 60 ml/day. However,neither of these studies reported any responsewithin the tumour [in contrast to the tumournecrosis observed in mouse models onNeovastat administration (Ref. 25)]. In theNSCLC study, about half the number ofpatients did not complete standard imagingassessments because of progressive disease asper clinical symptoms. A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled Phase III clinicaltrial was conducted to determine Neovastatefficacy in treating Stage III NSCLC patients(Ref. 28). NSCLC patients who had previouslyreceived chemoradiotherapy were treatedfurther with chemoradiotherapy plus Neovastat(or placebo). Although no tumour responseswere observed with Neovastat administration,no statistically significant difference in patientsurvival was observed between those receivingNeovastat plus chemoradiotherapy and thosereceiving chemoradiotherapy alone. Torationalise the failure of Neovastat, the authorsnoted that as Neovastat is a complex, naturalproduct as opposed to a well-defined chemicalmolecule, it lacks pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PC) assays, whichmakes it difficult to control the product forquality (Ref. 28). Furthermore, no validatedbiomarker is available to follow theantiangiogenic effect in humans. Although theauthors conclude that their study does notsupport the use of shark-cartilage-derivedproducts as a therapy, the study design limitsthe conclusion and leaves behind an openquestion regarding their value in clinicalapplications (Ref. 29).

Chondromodulin-1ChM-1 is an extensively studied moleculeidentified in cartilage with demonstratedantiangiogenic properties in vitro. ChM-1 (alsoknown as the leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin

1 encoded by the LECT1 gene in humans) is a25 kDa glycoprotein first identified in fetalbovine epiphyseal cartilage extracts (Ref. 30)with ability to stimulate DNA synthesis incultured rabbit growth plate chondrocytes in thepresence of FGF. The mature ChM-1 protein isthe C-terminal portion of a larger precursorprotein with one N-linked and two O-linkedpotential glycosylation sites. Interest in ChM-1grew when it was discovered that it couldinhibit bovine carotid artery endothelial cellgrowth and prevent a tube-like cellular networkin vitro (Ref. 31). This was considered aprognostication of its ability to inhibitproliferation and tube morphogenesis ofinvading endothelial cells during angiogenesisin vivo. In situ hybridisation analyses in bovineembryonic growth plate (Ref. 31) anddeveloping mice (Ref. 32) detected ChM-1mRNA in the proliferating and pre-hypertrophiccartilage zones (which are avascular) withexpression missing from the maturehypertrophic zone (where vascular invasionduring endochondral bone growth takes place)and vascular bone. The detection of ChM-1protein in the cartilage inter-territorial matrix inthe same avascular zones as its mRNAstrengthened the notion of ChM-1 as anantiangiogenesis molecule in cartilage. Onceconsidered specific to cartilage, ChM-1 has sincethen been identified in other avascular tissues,such as the eye, thymus (Ref. 33) and cardiacvalves (Ref. 34).

Antiangiogenic features of ChM-1 andskeletal homeostasis

In humans, ChM-1 protein was detected in theECM surrounding mature hypertrophicchondrocytes in neonatal vertebrae, at thejunction with bone (Ref. 35). This is notconsistent with results in mice or bovine growthplate, nor can this be deemed favourable forvascular invasion during endochondral bonegrowth if it is antiangiogenic in vivo. The resultsfrom mouse models cast doubt on the ability ofChM-1 to regulate angiogenesis in vivo. Basedon its distribution in the bovine and murinegrowth plate, it was predicted that ChM-1allows the cartilage to remain avascular and itsreduced expression in the hypertrophic cartilageallows for vascular invasion duringendochondral bone development. However,ChM-1-null mice demonstrated normal cartilage

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and bone development, with no reportedabnormal cartilage vascularisation (Ref. 36).Even though recombinant human ChM-1demonstrated inhibition of human retinalendothelial cell tube morphogenesis in vitro(Ref. 37), suggesting that it might be required tomaintain normal avascular state of the retina,mice lacking ChM-1 did not show any abnormalvascularisation of the retina or any otherabnormalities in eye development. It wasthought that loss of ChM-1 in mice wascompensated by its close homologue,tenomodulin (also called tendin) (Ref. 33). LikeChM-1, tenomodulin inhibited the growth ofHUVECs and tube morphogenesis in vitro(Ref. 38). However, mice that lack both ChM-1and tenomodulin also did not show anyabnormalities in eye development, nor were anyabnormalities in cartilage and endochondralbone development reported (Ref. 39).Despite these contradictions, the notionofChM-

1 being an antiangiogenic factor in vivo cannot beoverruled. During endochondral ossification inmice, chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiationresults in loss of ChM-1 expression prior to matrixcalcification in the cartilage anlagen (Ref. 32).Hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation andosteoblast differentiation is governed amongother factors, by the transcription factor Runx2(Cbfa1) (Refs 40, 41, 42, 43). Runx2-null micelack hypertrophic differentiation and osteoblastdevelopment and show no endochondral boneformation. Interestingly, this was accompanied byan increase in ChM-1 in the cartilage of these mice(Ref. 43). However, rescue of Runx2-null mice bya transgene that expressed Runx2 in chondrocytesreduced ChM-1 expression in the cartilageand allowed for vascular invasion. This indicatedthat Runx2 regulates ChM-1 expression inchondrocytes and that ChM-1 is required tomaintain cartilage avascular state. Likewise, inexperimental osteoarthritis in rats, ChM-1 levelsdecreased in all cartilage zones with advancingosteoarthritis with a concomitant increase inVEGF expression (Ref. 44). However, inhibitionof VEGF by administration of antibodies againstVEGF improved articular cartilage repair in anosteochondral defect model with parallelincreases in ChM-1 (Ref. 45).ChM-1-null mice exhibited delayed union of the

fractured bone in a tibial fracture repair model(Ref. 46). Fracture repair usually mimicsendochondral bone development where a

cartilaginous callus is initially formedenveloping the fracture site that is replaced bybone. ChM-1-null mice exhibited severelyreduced external cartilaginous callus formationrestricted only to the fracture site, with reducedgene expression for the cartilage-promotingfactor Sox9 and for type X collagen. ChM-1-nullmice exhibited a bony callus instead in theperiosteal region and an enhanced internalfracture callus. ChM-1 might also be responsiblefor the good-quality cartilaginous repair tissueformed when femoral chondral lesions inminiature pig knee joint were treated withmatrix-associated autologous chondrocytetransplantation (MACT) (Ref. 47). In the absenceof MACT, these chondral lesions were filledwith excessive bony tissue and vascular invasionfrom the subchondral bone plate with overlyingfibrocartilage repair tissue of poor quality thatlacked ChM-1 expression. With MACTtreatment, the cartilage repair tissue formed wasrich in proteoglycan and Col II, and positive forChM-1, with calcification of repair tissue andsubchondral bone overgrowth inhibited. ChM-1was also detected in normal healthy noncalcifiedarticular pig cartilage.

In the same porcine model, chondroprogenitorcells overexpressing recombinant human ChM-1when transplanted into the chondral lesionsstimulated chondrogenic differentiation thatproduced a superior hyaline-like matrix thanthose in the absence of recombinant humanChM-1, by inhibiting chondrocyte hypertrophy,preventing vascularity and thereforeendochondral ossification, thus stabilising thechondrocyte phenotype (Ref. 48). In animmobilisation-induced cartilage degenerationmodel (Ref. 49), rats with plaster-cast-immobilised ankle joints demonstrated thinningof the ankle joint cartilage with reduced ChM-1,in contrast to rats with continuous passivemotion. Immobilised ankle joints also exhibitedincreased VEGF and HIF-1α expression, withvascular invasion of the calcified cartilage zonefrom the subchondral bone plates. ChM-1 is alsoabundantly expressed in other avascular tissuessuch as cardiac valves in mice (Ref. 34). YoungChM-1-null mice exhibited normal cardiacvalves; but as these mice aged, in strong contrastto wild-type mice, they exhibited bulky aorticvalves that showed VEGF expression, enhancedangiogenesis of the aortic valves, increasedcalcium deposits and consequent aortic stenosis

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characterised by turbulent blood flow. In humanheart diseases such as in congenital bicuspidaortic valves stenosis, cardiac valves exhibitedChM-1 downregulation in regions ofneovascularisation, calcification and VEGF-Aexpression, with aggressive macrophageinfiltration and inflammation, indicating thatChM-1 is important for normal valvularfunction (Ref. 50).

Modes of ChM-1 antiangiogenic inhibitionApplication of ChM-1 in clinical trials as anantitumour agent has not been reported.However, ChM-1 is able to suppresstumourigenesis in mouse tumour models. Theapplication of recombinant human ChM-1 toOUMS-27 (that do not express ChM-1) xenografttumour model in mice (Ref. 51) or to HepG2-induced tumours in athymic mice (Ref. 52)suppressed tumour growth and prevented bloodvessel invasion into the tumour. Interestingly,ChM-1 can act directly on tumour cells and notjust endothelial cells. ChM-1 inhibited DNAsynthesis and reduced growth of human tumourcells such as HepG2, PC-3 and NOS-1,presumably by suppressing the STAT signallingpathway (Ref. 52). ChM-1 also downregulatedcell cycle proteins such as cyclin D1, cyclin D3and cdk6 and upregulated the cell cycle inhibitorprotein p21cip1, although no apoptosis wasobserved. These data suggested that ChM-1mediates its cytotoxic effect on human tumourcells primarily by causing cell cycle arrest.However, in HUVECs, ChM-1 inhibited theirmigration through disruption of actinreorganisation and suppression of Rac1/Cdc42GTPase activity (Ref. 53). In a mouse model forrheumatoid arthritis, recombinant human ChM-1suppressed proliferation of mouse splenic T cellsand production of interleukin (IL)-2 from CD4+ Tcells (Ref. 54). It also suppressed the developmentof antigen-induced arthritis and the proliferationof synovial cells from joints of rheumatoidarthritis patients. How ChM-1 manifests thesediverse inhibitory physiological responses indifferent cell types remains to be investigated. Inaddition to its antiangiogenic activity, ChM-1might have additional attributes (Ref. 48) thatremain to be identified. These data suggest thatChM-1 has a strong potential to be used as atherapeutic agent for treatment of localisedtumours as well as for suppressing the severity ofsymptoms in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

ThrombospondinsTSPs are a family of five cartilage matrix proteinsof which only TSP1 and TSP2 have antiangiogenicproperties and are of interest in clinicalapplications as anticancer agents. AlthoughTSP1 and TSP2 are detected in cartilage andhave important roles in maintaining growthplate homeostasis (Refs 55, 56, 57), theirdistribution is not limited to cartilage and theirantiangiogenic properties discovered in othersystems have been well reviewed (Refs 58, 59).In addition to their antiangiogenic properties,TSP1 and TSP2 also have angiogenic functions(reviewed in Ref. 60).

Antiangiogenic features of TSP1 and TSP2The antiangiogenic properties of TSP1 and TSP2are complex and may arise from severalmechanisms. In the presence of the CD36receptor, TSP1 mediates its antiangiogenic effecton endothelial cells in vitro, and inhibition ofneovascularisation in vivo, through apoptosis bysequential upregulation of the Src family kinasep59fyn, caspase-3 like proteases and the p38mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-mediated signalling and activation of Fas ligand(FasL) (Refs 61, 62), or by tumour necrosis factor(TNF)-receptor 1 and TNFα in the absence ofFasL (Ref. 63). TSP1 also inhibitslymphangiogenesis (formation of lymphaticvessels) through CD36 ligation on monocyticcells in a mechanism that inhibits transforminggrowth factor β (TGFβ)-mediated expression ofVEGF-C (Ref. 64), providing an addedanticancer benefit because lymphangiogenesisfacilitates cancer metastases to distant lymphnodes and organs (Refs 65, 66). TSP2 alsomediates apoptosis through CD36 interaction(Refs 67, 68). However in HUVECs, in theabsence of CD36, TSP1 induced upregulation ofp21cip/waf, p53 phosphorylation and Rbdephosphorylation resulting in cell cycle arrest(Ref. 69). Ligation of the VLDL receptor by TSP1or TSP2 also inhibited cell division inendothelial cells by a similar nonapoptoticpathway with cell cycle arrest (Ref. 70). A thirdmechanism is the binding of TSP1 and TSP2 toheparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) throughits N-terminal heparin-binding domain (Ref. 71).HSPGs are co-receptors for the low-densitylipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP1).LRP1 is a scavenger receptor with endocytic andsignal transmission behaviour that is required

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Page 9: Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage

for chondrocyte differentiation (Ref. 72). LRP1functions to clear complexes of TSP1 and TSP2with MMP2, MMP9 and VEGF (Refs 73, 74, 75)resulting in decreased activity of these enzymesto inhibit vascular invasion.

TSP1- and TSP2-deficient mouse modelsand skeletal homeostasis

It is not known as to whether the mechanismsenumerated above are used in cartilage, butantiangiogenic benefits from TSP1 and TSP2 canbe surmised from the following. Mice deficientin TSP1 or TSP2 show only mild chondrocytegrowth plate disorganisation, but no abnormalvascularisation of the cartilage was reported(Ref. 57), although TSP2-deficient mice showedenhanced cortical bone formation (Ref. 76).However, loss of TSP1 in mice exhibitedincreased retinal vascular density, a reduced rateof endothelial cell apoptosis, and excessivecapillary formation of heart and skeletal muscles(Refs 77, 78). In a collagen-induced arthritismodel in rats, recombinant murine TSP1delivered intraarticularly by adenoviral vectors(AdTSP1) into the ankle joints of collagen-sensitised rats, reduced the pathogenesis ofarthritis with lower levels of VEGF, IL-1β, bloodvessels and synovial hypertrophy (Ref. 79).Absence of TSP2 altered the dynamics ofosteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation inthe callus in a tibial fracture model such that theinvading mesenchymal cells showed decreasedchondrogenic differentiation with less cartilageformation and increased bone formation in thecallus characterised by increased blood vesseldensity (Ref. 80).In cartilage repair models, as seen with ChM-1,

femoral chondral lesions in miniature pig kneejoint treated with MACT developed superiorcartilage that stained positively for TSP1(Ref. 47). Application of recombinant humanTSP1 to microfracture lesions discouragedingrowing mesenchymal bone marrow stromalcells from terminal differentiation thuspreventing chondrocyte hypertrophy and boneoutgrowths from the subchondral plate, thoughthis did not induce chondrogenesis and thelesions did not repair (Ref. 81). But applicationof recombinant human TSP1 along withosteogenic protein-1, which can inducechondrogenesis, but cannot prevent chondrocytedifferentiation and endochondral ossification,resulted in the lesions repairing favourably with

production of cartilage that resistedhypertrophic differentiation and bone formation.RT-PCR analysis of human chondrocytes treatedwith TSP1 showed downregulation ofGADD45β, which is required for chondrocytehypertrophy, although no increase in p21cip/waf

was observed (Ref. 81). In a rat model ofosteoarthritis with anterior cruciate ligamenttransection (ACLT), intraarticular injection ofAdTSP1 in the ACLT-treated knee joint resultedin angiogenesis inhibition, with reducedmicrovessel formation, macrophage infiltration,IL-1β and MMP13 levels, and reduced synovialtissue hyperplasia that suppressed osteoarthritisprogression (Ref. 82). How TSP1 modulatesthese effects is not completely understood butTSP1 induced TGFβ in this study, which isknown to aid cartilage repair andchondrogenesis (Refs 83, 84).

Clinical applications with TSP1 and TSP2The benefits from TSP1 and TSP2 in preclinicalapplications in treating cancer are considerableand have been well reviewed (Refs 68, 85, 86, 87,88). TSP1 applications have gained furthercredibility as a result of some recent noteworthyobservations. Treatment of prostate tumour cellswith quinoline-3-carboxamide tasquinimod(chemotherapy for metastatic prostate cancer)induced upregulation of TSP1 that wasparalleled by reduced VEGF expression in thetumour tissue (Ref. 89). TSP1 was tested for itsability to treat cerebral arteriovenousmalformation (AVM) as a noninvasive therapy.Cerebral AVM endothelial cells have differentangiogenic characteristics than endothelial cellsfrom normal control brain; TSP1 was able tonormalise the rate of proliferation and migrationof AVM endothelial cells (Ref. 90). Thecontradictory absence of angiogenesis inhypoxic tissues of patients suffering fromsystemic sclerosis could be explained by theaberrant expression of TSP1 in these tissues(Ref. 91). A fusion protein of TSP2 with IgG-Fc1could inhibit both primary tumour growth ofMDA-MB-435 tumour cells in vivo and lymphnode and lung metastases from the mammarygland in athymic nude mice (Ref. 92).

Clinical applications with TSP1-derivedABT-510 and ABT-526

Several logistical considerations precluded the useof thewholemolecule for clinical development and

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application in humans. These include the large sizeof TSP1, cost-prohibitive large-scale productionand the possibility of unwanted side effects thatcould arise from multiple biologicalcomplications because of the multiple TSP1receptors and target cells, including increasedangiogenesis with TSP1 overexpression (reviewedin Ref. 68). A possible solution has been the useof TSP1-derived peptide mimetics. Successfulpeptides were based on the antiangiogenicsequence GVITRIR derived from the second typeI repeat of TSP1 (Ref. 93), later modified forbetter half-life and PK/PC profiles, through theincorporation of non-natural amino acids,resulting in ABT-510 and ABT-526 (Ref. 94). ABT-510 and ABT-526 demonstrated both safety andefficacy in treatment of dogs with cancer(Refs 95, 96), in mice with malignant glioma andin inducing apoptosis of human brain endothelialcells in vitro (Ref. 97), and in combination withvalproic acid to inhibit neuroblastoma in vivo(Ref. 98). In an orthotopic syngeneic mousemodel of epithelial ovarian cancer, treatment ofmice with cisplatin or paclitaxel was moreeffective in combination with ABT-510, primarilybecause ABT-510 normalised the tumourvasculature by direct apoptotic effect onimmature blood vessel endothelial cells, allowingfor better uptake of cisplatin or paclitaxel,thereby significantly reducing tumour size(Ref. 99). ABT-510 was tested successfully for itsability to reduce tumours in mouse models ofhead and neck squamous cell cancer (Ref. 100)and epithelial ovarian cancer (Ref. 101) thatmerited clinical trials in humans.Although ABT-526 has remained largely

preclinical, ABT-510 has been tested in clinicaltrials. The impact of ABT-510 in human clinicaltrials, however, is not impressive. Phase I/IIclinical trials to determine safety, toxicity andPK/PC responses with ABT-510 in patients witha variety of advanced cancers (Refs 102, 103),metastatic melanoma (Ref. 104), advanced RCC(Ref. 105) and advanced soft tissue sarcoma(Ref. 106) demonstrated that ABT-510 was welltolerated with negligible adverse effects at thedoses studied (although the maximum tolerateddose was never defined). These studies,however, failed to demonstrate any significantfavourable clinical benefit to patients on ABT-510 treatment. This led to Phase I/II trials forABT-510 in combination with gemcitabine andcisplatin for treatment of solid tumours

(Ref. 107), or 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin(Ref. 108), or in combination withchemoradiation for treatment of glioblastoma(Ref. 109). Although these combinations weredeemed safe, the efficacy of ABT-510 intreatment of human cancers remainsinconclusive because the number of patientsshowing improvement due to ABT-510treatment was not impressive. RandomisedPhase III trials with ABT-510 remain to bereported.

EndostatinEndostatin is a 20 kDa fragment derived from theC-terminus of collagen XVIII by the activity ofseveral proteinases, chiefly MMP9 (Refs 110,111). Endostatin, similar to other inhibitors ofangiogenesis, inhibits endothelial cellproliferation and migration and inducesapoptosis. It is expressed in cartilage, but is notspecific to cartilage and has been detected inboth fetal epiphyseal cartilage and adultarticular cartilage in humans, rats and mice,where its spatio-temporal distribution mightprovide an antiangiogenic benefit againstcartilage vascularisation (Refs 112, 113). In themeniscal fibrocartilage, its concentration ishighest in the completely avascular centralportion as compared with the outer region thathas some vascular elements.

Antiangiogenic features of endostatinThe mechanism by which endostatin mediates itsantiangiogenic effect is complex and is notcompletely understood because of the myriadpathways that it affects. To highlight some majorpathways and recent advances, endostatin cansuppress VEGF expression and induceexpression of the antiangiogenic pigmentepithelium-derived factor (Refs 114, 115, 116); itcan also upregulate the antiangiogenicVEGF165b isoform through inhibition ofspecificity protein 1 (Ref. 117). Endostatin candirectly bind the VEGF receptor KDR/Flk-1(VEGFR-2) on endothelial cells and thereforeinhibit VEGF-induced activation of p38 MAPK(Ref. 118). It can downregulate TNFα andvascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)(Ref. 115), which induces chemotaxis andangiogenesis in quiescent endothelial cells.Endostatin also binds to other receptors onendothelial cells such as glypicans (Ref. 119), butmost of its effect is manifested by its binding to

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its high-affinity receptor, nucleolin. Nucleolin istissue specific and present only on angiogenic,but not mature, blood vessels; antinucleolinantibodies can inhibit the antiangiogenic andantitumour activities of endostatin in vivo(Ref. 120). Endostatin binding to nucleolinresults in the internalisation of endostatin andtransportation to the nucleus, an event thatrequires integrin α5. Endostatin then inhibits thephosphorylation of nucleolin in the nucleus thatis inhibitory to nucleolin activity and retardsendothelial cell proliferation. Mechanistically,how endostatin is internalised and translocatedto the nucleus is not known, but the heparin-binding motif in its N-terminus is a keystructural motif required for nucleolininteraction (Ref. 121); mutation of six arginineresidues (individually or in combinations) toalanine in this motif eliminatesendostatin–nucleolin interactions and itsantiangiogenic and antitumour activity.Endostatin–nucleolin interaction also inhibitslymphangiogenesis by inhibiting lymphendothelial cells in active lymphangiogenicvessels, and prevents liver metastasis in a mousebreast cancer model (Ref. 122).Endostatin cannegatively impact on endothelial

cell migration and adhesion in several ways. Itbinds to α5β1 integrins on endothelial cells,resulting in the activation of Src kinase anddownregulation of RhoA GTPase in a caveolin-1- and heparin-sulfate-dependent mannerresulting in actin cytoskeleton disorganisation(Refs 123, 124). It inhibits MT1-MMP-mediatedactivation of proMMP2 protease (Ref. 125) anddirectly inhibits MMP2 activity by binding to itscatalytic site (Ref. 126), thereby eliminating theiractivities vital to endothelial cell migration.Endostatin downregulates uPA and PAI-1 andremoves uPA from focal adhesion molecules toeffect actin cytoskeletal disorganisation(Ref. 127). Endostatin downregulatesantiapoptotic members Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL (with noeffect on the pro-apoptotic Bax) to facilitateapoptosis (Ref. 128). It inhibits the Wnt-signalling pathway through the glypicanreceptors to target β-catenin for degradation(Ref. 129), which eventually suppresses Myc andcyclin D1 (Ref. 130). Endostatin can alsoupregulate levels of Beclin-1, a physiologicalpartner of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL; this upregulationdistorts the Bcl-2 (or Bcl-xL) to Beclin 1 ratio,which can modulate endothelial cell apoptosis

(Ref. 131). It can also induce apoptosis inendothelial cells by inducing tyrosinephosphorylation of the Shb adaptor protein bybinding to HSPG (Ref. 132).

In animalmodels of ulcerative colitis, increase inVEGF in the colonic tissue was paralleled by aconcomitant increase in endostatin as a defensemechanism; the larger the colonic lesion, thegreater the increase in VEGF and thereforeendostatin (Ref. 133). Induction of ulcerativecolitis in MMP9-deficient mice resulted in lessendostatin than in wild-type mice pointing tothe in vivo role of MMP9 in generatingendostatin from collagen XVIII in lesions. Thelevels of VEGF and endostatin are often linked,and although the molecular mechanism is notcompletely understood, VEGF might positivelyinfluence endostatin levels through theactivation of MMP9 (Ref. 134). Finally, the largenumber of genes that are up- or downregulatedby endostatin in a genome-wide microarrayanalysis (Ref. 135) suggests that a lot remains tobe understood about endostatin’s role inantiangiogenesis.

Derivatives of endostatin withantiangiogenic properties

Several studies have explored structuralmodifications of endostatin to improve function,routes of endostatin administration andcombinatorial therapeutic applications as anantitumour agent in preclinical and clinicalstudies. Structural modifications include a singleamino acid substitution (P125A endostatin) thatwas more antiangiogenic than wild-typeendostatin (Ref. 136). Zinc has an important rolein both structure and biological functions ofendostatin with the amino acid residues H1, H3,H11 and D76 coordinating with a single zinc ion(Refs 137, 138, 139). Impaired zinc binding inrecombinant endostatin expressed in Pichiapastoris showing N-terminal truncationsdemonstrated different biological activitydepending on the extent of the truncations.However, addition of an extra zinc bindingmotif (ZBP) to its N-terminal region (ZBP-endostatin) showed more potent antiendothelialand antitumour activity than wild-typeendostatin (Ref. 140). Addition of the integrin-targeting Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) moiety to its N-terminus improved targeted localisation ofendostatin to the tumour vasculature, whichoverexpresses αVβ3, αVβ5 and αVβ1 integrins

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compared with normal tissues, and improved itsantiangiogenic activity (Ref. 141). Addition ofthe IgG Fc fragment increased endostatin half-life in systemic circulation (Ref. 142); theaddition of both RGD and Fc effectivelyinhibited tumour-cell-induced angiogenesis, andin combination with Bevacizumab (monoclonalantibody to VEGF-A), additively inhibitedovarian cancer growth in vivo (Ref. 142). Anovel therapeutic fusion protein, EndoCD,which links endostatin to cytosine deaminaseand uracil phosphoribosyl transferase (CD) (thelatter converts 5-fluorocytosine to theantitumour drug 5-fluorouracil) suppressedtumour growth and metastasis in human breastand colorectal animal models (Ref. 143). TheP125A endostatin fusion protein with anti-Her2 antibody (αHer2-IgG3-huEndo-P125A)showed better half-life in serum and improvedactivity in breast cancer xenograft models(Ref. 144). Combining endostatin with anotherangiostatic protein, the angiostatin–endostatinhybrid, provided a potent synergistic effect(Ref. 145).

Clinical applications of endostatinRecent years have seen an increased interest inapplications of endostatin through differentvectors, and combinatorial therapies, for varioustumour models. Application routes testedinclude adenoviral vectors (Ref. 146), adeno-associated vectors (Ref. 147), the oncolyticherpes simplex virus (Ref. 148) andmesenchymal stem cells (Ref. 149), all of whichdeliver endostatin; the Lister vaccine vacciniaviral strain, which delivers anendostatin–angiostatin fusion protein (Ref. 150)or endostatin plus carboxylesterases (whichconverts a latent drug into an active drug)(Ref. 151); and NIH/3T3 cells expressing murineendostatin from retroviral vectors to providesustained levels of endostatin and a long-termantiangiogenic effect (Ref. 152). Recent attemptsat combinatorial therapies in preclinical modelsincluded endostatin plus oxaliplatin (Ref. 153) orpaclitaxel (Ref. 154), which decreased tumourblood vessel density and VEGF expression, andnormalised the tumour blood vasculature,allowing for increased drug uptake. Combinedwith radiotherapy, endostatin inhibited tumourgrowth and induced tumour regression(Ref. 155), or reduced VEGF levels incombination with gemcitabine (Ref. 156); ZBP-

endostatin potentiated the effects of chemo-radiotherapy (Ref. 157) or the antitumour effectof dexamethasone (Ref. 158); it disrupted theactin cytoskeleton in lymph endothelial cells byinhibiting the fibronectin alternative extradomain A and integrin α9 (which facilitateslymphangiogenesis of colorectal tumours)expression and interactions (Ref. 159). Incartilage repair studies, collagen scaffoldssupplemented with chondrocytes andendostatin-expressing mesenchymal stem cellsallowed the formation of a cartilaginous implantsuffused with endostatin, which promoted theanabolic activity of the chondrocytes to producemore sulfated glycosaminoglycans indicatingbetter cartilage production (Refs 160, 161). It ishoped that endostatin-infused scaffolds whenimplanted into a cartilage fissure in vivo, suchas during osteoarthritis, would allow for bettercartilage repair.

Clinical trials with endostatin and itsderivatives

Phase I/II trials with endostatin that showed anybenefit were largely conducted with ZBP-endostatin referred to as Endostar (trade name)or YH-16 (in Chinese publications that havebeen reviewed (Ref. 162)); however, thoseconducted with recombinant human endostatinshowed no benefit (Refs 163, 164, 165, 166, 167).The better response to Endostar was due to theZBP domain that supported the vital nature ofthe N-terminus in endostatin functions. Morerecently, Phase I/II trials were conducted withEndostar in patients with solid cancers(Ref. 168), in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer combined with cisplatin andetoposide (Ref. 169), or recombinant humanendostatin in combination with gemcitabine/cisplatin for NSCLC (Ref. 170), demonstratedthat endostatin was safe for humanadministration with minimal adverse reactionsand that patient responses were better incombination therapies compared with the use ofendostatin alone. However, a recent, Phase II,multicentre randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study in NSCLC patients receivingEndostar plus paclitaxel-carboplatin showedthat although this combination had a goodsafety profile, overall increased patient survivalwas not significant (Ref. 171). No Phase III trialhas been reported in an English languagepublication.

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Secretedproteinacidic and rich in cysteineSPARC is a matricellular glycoprotein that is notonly multifunctional, but is perhaps the onlymolecule here that has extensive reviewsdevoted to both its angiogenic (or tumour-promoting) and antiangiogenic (or tumour-inhibiting) roles (Refs 172, 173, 174). Alsoknown as osteonectin/BM40 and known initiallyas a bone protein (Ref. 175), SPARC is present incartilage (Refs 176, 177), where it is thought tohave a function in secretion of the ECMcomponents (Ref. 178). SPARC has been testedextensively in vitro and in preclinical tumourmodels that demonstrated its antiangiogenicability to induce endothelial cell apoptosis,inhibit endothelial cell migration (Ref. 179),directly induce apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells(Ref. 180), and inhibit breast cancer cells(Ref. 181) and neuroblastoma (Ref. 182). As withother molecules discussed above, the exactmechanism of SPARC antiangiogenesisbehaviour remains unclear, but it can inhibit themitogenic activity of bFGF (Ref. 183), and bybinding directly to platelet-derived growthfactor (Ref. 184) and VEGF (Ref. 185) cansuppress their binding to their respectivereceptors. No abnormal cartilage vascularisationin SPARC-null mice has been reported, but thesemice exhibit cataract formation in the eye lens(Ref. 186) that is not associated withangiogenesis. There are no reported clinicaltrials of SPARC. Of late, SPARC has been usedprimarily in disease prognosis, where itsexpression is associated with better prognosisfor colon cancer (Refs 187, 188), althoughhigh SPARC expression is associated withenhanced tumour and poor prognosis of gastriccarcinoma (Ref. 189) or oesophageal carcinoma(Ref. 190).

The N-terminal propeptide of the type IIBcollagen protein

The trimeric fibrillar type II collagen protein (ColII) has only recently been attributed as a source ofantiangiogenic activity in cartilage. It issynthesised as a procollagen with N- and C-terminal propeptides that are removed byproteinases from the collagen trimers prior to itsincorporation into the ECM (Ref. 191). The ColII protein exists in two splice forms, type IIAand type IIB (Ref. 192). The type IIB form (ColIIB) is distinguished from type IIA (Col IIA) bythe absence of exon-2-coded sequences and is

chondrocyte specific, as opposed to thechondroprogenitor-derived Col IIA. The N-terminal propeptide is not removed from theCol IIA procollagen and is deposited intact intothe ECM, where it binds growth factors such asBMP-2 and TGFβ through the exon-2-codedsequences (Ref. 193). The removal of the N-terminal propeptide (PIIBNP) from the Col IIBprocollagen results in a free peptide whosemolecular function is not understood. Thepresence of two RGD sequences in tandem(RGDRGD) that is well conserved acrossmammals in PIIBNP suggests its interactionwith integrin family members.

Recent work indicated that PIIBNP has strongantiangiogenic and antitumour activities(Ref. 194) that might have a role in keeping thecartilage avascular and could be exploited to killtumours in vivo. The interaction of recombinanthuman PIIBNP (GST-PIIBNP) with hCh-1 cells(human chondrosarcoma cell line) wasdependent on αVβ5 and αVβ3 integrins and tookplace in an RGDRGD-dependent manner invitro. Notably, PIIBNP was able to directlyinduce cell death in hCh-1 cells, in HeLacells (cervical carcinoma cell line) and inMDA-MB231 (breast cancer cell line) in a dose-dependent manner. Disruption of the RGD-integrin interaction by mutation of theRGDRGD motif in PIIBNP or downregulation ofintegrin αV in the cell line using siRNAtechnology significantly reduced cell death. Thesignificance of these in vitro observations hithome when it was realised that PIIBNP exists incartilage and that normal chondrocytes do notexpress, or have very low levels of αV, β5 and β3integrins, and presumably therefore are notkilled by PIIBNP in vivo. GST-PIIBNP inducednecrosis as opposed to apoptotic cell death andwas also inhibitory to tumour cell migration.When tested in vivo, GST-PIIBNP suppressedMDA-MB231 induced tumours in nude mice(Fig. 2) demonstrating a 75% reduction intumour growth over untreated tumours. Severalcell types such as endothelial cells, osteoclastsand tumour cells express αVβ5 and αVβ3integrins, suggesting that PIIBNP might functionin vivo to keep the cartilage avascular and freefrom bone invasion. Indeed, PIIBNP was able toinduce apoptotic death in osteoclasts (but notosteoblasts and macrophages) in an RGD- andintegrin-dependent manner both in vitro and invivo (Ref. 195). These data indicate that PIIBNP

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might have antiangiogenic role in cartilage andcould be used as an anticancer agent.

Future prospects for antiangiogenicresearch for cartilage-derived moleculesInterest in antiangiogenic molecules has alsotriggered an interest in their application asanticancer agents in the clinic. The currentantiangiogenic modality approved to treatdifferent forms of cancer in the clinic usesmonoclonal antibodies against VEGF or to itsreceptor. Bevacizumab, an anti-VEGFhumanised antibody is used as a treatment forpancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, nonsmalllung cancer, metastatic renal cancer, carcinoma,glioblastoma and metastatic breast cancer, oftenin combination with chemotherapy. It is alsounder investigation for treatment of solidtumours. Despite the tremendous interestgenerated by the applications of anti-VEGFtherapy, it is beleaguered with severaldrawbacks, primarily its sporadic success in

clinical treatments and an inability to providesignificant survival benefit (Refs 196, 197). Infact Avastin, a commercially marketedbevacizumab preparation, was banned recentlyby the FDA for breast cancer treatment,although it continues to be used for lung andkidney cancers. Furthermore, some tumoursdemonstrate initial sensitivity to anti-VEGFtherapy, but acquire resistance later as a result ofthe upregulation of bFGF within the tumourafter treatment with an anti-VEGFR2 antibody(Ref. 198). Some tumours also have a naturalresistance to anti-VEGF therapy because ofCD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells (Ref. 199). The highcost of these therapies and their lack of efficacy,coupled with significant toxicity in the form ofhypertension (Ref. 200), suggest a need fordesigning additional antiangiogenic agents.Cartilage as a naturally occurring avasculartissue was considered a good source ofantiangiogenic molecules that might fill the gapsfrom anticancer therapies resulting from










or w


t (g




a b

The antitumour activity of the type IIB collagen protein derived PIIBNP propeptide

Figure 2. The antitumour activity of the type IIB collagen protein derived PIIBNP propeptide. (a) An in vivotumour assay showing the antitumour activity of PIIBNP peptide. NOD/SCID mice were injected into the dorsalsurface with MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells to form solid tumours. When the tumours grew to 0.5 cm indiameter, the mice were divided into two groups with three mice in each. Mice received either 6 nmol ofPIIBNP or GST per day by subcutaneous injection into the tumour for 2 weeks. The dashed line shows theboundary of the tumour. (b) When the largest tumour size in the control (GST) group reached 2 cm indiameter, the mice were sacrificed and tumours removed and weighed. The graph shows tumour weights ingrams (g) represented as mean± s.d. (*P< 0.01 compared with GST control, n= 6) derived from these miceafter treatment with PIIBNP or GST. PIIBNP suppressed tumour growth in mice. Reproduced from Ref. 194,with permission. © The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2010.

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targeting VEGF alone. Indeed, studies on thesecartilage-derived antiangiogenic molecules havedemonstrated the versatile and complex natureof their antiangiogenic, and in some cases, directanticancer (ChM-1 and PIIBNP) effect, that isnot restricted to targeting VEGF (see Table 1 andFig. 3).However, none of these cartilage-derived

molecules have so far had much success inclinical trials. Their in vitro assessments andhighly successful preclinical trials have had littlebearing on their success in humans. Althoughtheir in vivo antiangiogenic benefit was largelyvisible only under certain experimentalconditions, such as in a fracture model orcartilage lesion model, deficiency of thesemolecules in mouse models did not create anyabnormal pathology. Perhaps redundancies infunctions are responsible for this effect.Discovery of these molecules has not helped toexplain how cartilage remains avascular either.Furthermore, Col IIB, ChM-1 and endostatinlevels in cartilage drop drastically with maturityand yet the cartilage remains avascular in ahealthy individual. Thus, cartilage might deriveits antiangiogenic benefit, not from a singlemolecule, but from the sum total from severalindividual antiangiogenic molecules, or allcartilage components might need to be presenttogether for it to be antiangiogenic. Thissuggests that it would be improbable to expecttotal comprehensive benefit based onadministration of a single antiangiogenicmolecule in clinical trials. Combinations ofmolecules, such as TSP1 plus endostatin, intrials might provide better benefit. Inpreparations of Neovastat, the individualmolecules remain largely unidentified. It needsto be ascertained whether Neovastat extract byany chance contains the water-soluble fractionsof all the single molecules discussed above. Theonly identified molecule in Neovastat is thekappa light chain (which had the ability tostimulate tPA activity; see Ref. 201), whichcannot be considered cartilage specific.Attempts to identify individual shark cartilage

components that demonstrate antiangiogenicproperties showed sequence similarity to alphaparvalbumin family (SCP1 protein) (Ref. 202) ornovel proteins (Refs 203, 204), but not to themolecules discussed above. Although Col IIBhas recently been recognised, molecules incartilage identified as antiangiogenic so far are

largely the minor cartilage components. Notmany reports on articular cartilage aggrecan, theother major macromolecule, as anantiangiogenic compound exist, althoughintervertebral disc aggrecan has beendemonstrated to be inhibitory to endothelial celladhesion and migration (Ref. 205), and apolysaccharide isolated from porcine cartilage,an aggrecan-derived component, hasdemonstrated apoptosis of tumour cells byactivation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 (Ref. 206).Recently, articular cartilage glycosaminoglycanhas been demonstrated to inhibit endothelial celladhesion (Ref. 207). Other cartilage componentssuch as Troponin 1 (Ref. 208), which interfereswith bFGF function by binding to bFGF receptor(Ref. 209), metastatin complex, which disruptsendothelial cell proliferation by binding tohyaluronan (Ref. 210), the 16 kDa N-terminalfragment of prolactin with ability to inhibitbFGF (Ref. 211), or the tissue inhibitors ofmetalloproteinases that are often upregulated bydrugs that inhibit angiogenesis (Ref. 212), havenot been pursued much beyond their initialrecognition of their antiangiogenic properties.

There is no simple explanation for the overalldisappointment with these molecules. In thecase of Neovastat, lack of PK/PC data wasconsidered a hindrance to analyse its failure. ButPK/PC values are available for TSP1 andendostatin, but have not helped in alleviatingtheir failures. Peptide mimetics of TSP2 have notbeen reported and considering the lack ofsignificant benefit from TSP1, antiangiogenicproperties of TSP2 might need furtherevaluation. The mechanisms of inhibitoryprocesses for most of these molecules are onlymarginally understood. Understanding thecomplete antiangiogenic mechanism mightbetter prepare us for clinical trials. This can beexemplified for endostatin where a lack ofunderstanding of the ZBP domain in the N-terminus led to the use of P. pastoris expressed,N-terminally truncated, recombinant humanendostatin in clinical trials, which did notdemonstrate any therapeutic efficacy. Thegenetic heterogeneity of the human populationcould also be a hindrance to translating thesuccess from the preclinical, syngeneic mousemodels. Formulating a new strategy or criteriafor testing antiangiogenic molecules might benecessary before any further investments inclinical trials.

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Designing effective administration, improvinghalf-life, or identification and modification ofpeptide derivatives are being tested to tacklethese shortcomings. For example, attachment ofpolyethylene glycol to the N-terminus ofEndostar to reduce proteolytic susceptibility(Ref. 213), peptide derivatives of endostatinfurther modified by the addition of RGDsequence for improved activity (Refs 214, 215),addition of the tumour-penetrating peptideinternalisation sequence (iRGD) to endostatinto facilitate penetration into extravasculartumour tissue that demonstrated strongerantiangiogenic/antitumour activity (Ref. 216),and finally, endostatin-expressing Ad vectors

encapsulated in cationic liposome to allowdelivery to cancer cells lacking Ad receptors(Refs 217, 218), have all found success inpreclinical trials, although not yet in humans.The criteria of what is a better biomarker of asuccessful clinical trial might also need to berevisited. Antiangiogenesis prevents blood vesselformation that shrinks tumours, rather than bybeing cytotoxic; this is a slow process that mightneed time for characterisation and recognition ofthe clinical end point. Antiangiogenesis remainsan attractive therapeutic application, butit would appear that its sources need to bescrupulously and completely understood totranslate them into beneficial clinical applications.






(cell cyclearrest)






























The multimodal antiangiogenic attributes of various molecules on endothelial cellsExpert Reviews in Molecular Medicine © 2012 Cambridge University Press

Figure 3. The multimodal antiangiogenic attributes of various molecules on endothelial cells.Representation of the effects of Neovastat, chondromodulin-1 (ChM-1), thrombospondin-1 (TSP1),endostatin, SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) and the type II collagen-derived N-terminalpropeptide (PIIBNP) on endothelial cells (see also Table 1 and text for further details).

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Acknowledgements and fundingWe thank the reviewers and the editor of ERMMfor reading the article and for their expertcomments that helped to better the article. Wethank Zhepeng Wang for his assistance withFigure 2. This work was supported by NationalInstitutes of Health grants RO1 AR050847, andRO1 AR045550, to L.J. Sandell.

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Further reading, resources and contacts

WebsiteFor detailed information on clinical trials using anti-VEGF therapies, endostatin or the TSP1-derived ABT-510 in

treatment of cancer, see:

Review articlesBonnet, C.S. and Walsh, D.A. (2005) Osteoarthritis, angiogenesis and inflammation. Rheumatology 44, 7-16

(continued on next page)

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Further reading, resources and contacts (continued)

This review discusses how angiogenesis promotes osteoarthritis and the importance of the antiangiogenicapproach in designing therapies for osteoarthritis.

Zheng, M.-J. (2009) Endostatin derivative angiogenesis inhibitors. Chinese Medical Journal 122, 1947-1951

The review discusses peptide derivatives from endostatin and their success in preclinical trials.

Rosca, E.V. et al. (2011) Anti-angiogenic peptides for cancer therapeutics. Current PharmaceuticalBiotechnology 12, 1101-1116

This review describes the various antiangiogenic peptides derived from several different classes of biologicalmolecules and their trials and tribulations.

Wang, J. et al. (2005) Results of randomized, multicenter, double-blind phase III trial of recombinant humanendostatin (YH-16) in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer patients. Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi 8, 283-290

The article is in Chinese and thereforewewere unable to review it. It is the only published Phase III clinical trial forendostatin in humans, and readers may be interested in the abstract that is available in English in PubMed(PMID: 21108883), which suggests a beneficial response in NSCLC patients treated with endostatin whencombined with chemotherapy.

Faye, C. et al. (2009) The first draft of the endostatin interaction network. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284,22041-22047

This article describes an endostatin network that involves physical interaction with other proteins includingTSP1 and SPARC identified by surface plasmon resonance studies, indicating the extremelycomplicated mode of endostatin behaviour.

These three reviews discuss the impediments to treating tumours by chemotherapy and the importance of theantiangiogenic approach to normalise blood vessels to allow for better drug uptake.

Goel, S. et al. (2011) Normalization of the vasculature for treatment of cancer and other diseases. PhysiologicalReviews 91, 1071-1121

Sato, Y. (2011) Persistent vascular normalization as an alternative goal of anti-angiogenic cancer therapy.Cancer Science 102, 1253-1256

Minchinton, A.I. and Tannock, I.F. (2006) Drug penetration in solid tumours. Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 583-592

The following three reviews of SPARC are recommended as they summarise the early work done on SPARC, itsnumerous biological functions, crystal structure and its role primarily in ECM assembly:

Yan, Q. and Sage, E.H. (1999) SPARC, a matricellular glycoprotein with important biological functions. Journalof Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 47, 1495-1505

Bradshaw, A.D. and Sage, E.H. (2001) SPARC, amatricellular protein that functions in cellular differentiation andtissue response to injury. Journal of Clinical Investigation 107, 1049-1054

Bradshaw, A.D. (2009) The role of SPARC in extracellular matrix assembly. Journal of Cell Communication andSignaling 3, 239-246

Features associated with this article

FiguresFigure 1. Schematic representation of the cartilage matrix showing many of the molecules present in cartilage

and some of their interactions.Figure 2. The antitumour activity of the type IIB collagen protein derived PIIBNP propeptide.Figure 3. The multimodal antiangiogenic attributes of various molecules on endothelial cells.

(continued on next page)

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Features associated with this article (continued)

TableTable 1. Summary of cartilage-derived antiangiogenic molecules, their modes of inhibition in endothelial cells

and outcomes in clinical trials.

Citation details for this article

Debabrata Patra and Linda J. Sandell (2012) Antiangiogenic and anticancer molecules in cartilage. Expert Rev.Mol. Med. Vol. 14, e10, April 2012, doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3

expert reviews in molecular medicine

27Accession information: doi:10.1017/erm.2012.3; Vol. 14; e10; April 2012

© Cambridge University Press 2012









