Annual Report 2012 to Upload

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  • 8/12/2019 Annual Report 2012 to Upload


    VisionGenerous heart, kind speech, life of service

    and compassion are the things that renewhumanity.


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    Russa Road Young Buddhist Student Literacy Mission has the mission of improving the

    quality of human life by strengthening the development capacity through literary and

    educational activities among the communities which will lead them towards other subjective

    needs (with basic amenities) to live like a human being.

    Legal Status

    Registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act - 1961

    Registered under U/S 80G of IT. Act - 1961

    Registered under U/S 12A of IT. Act - 1961

    Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act - FCRA 1976.

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    Aims/Plans of the Society

    1) To provide education to poor and needy children.

    2) To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, moral, religious,

    scientific and technical education.

    3) To set up libraries, hold meetings, seminars and take up other incidental activities to

    build a knowledgeable, informative and good practicing society.

    4) To exchange and interact with others for mutual understanding of the basic

    theme of world religion.

    5) To impart the message of non-violence", championed by Mahatma Gandhi.

    6) To educate and raise health awareness regarding preventive and curative health

    cares, promote knowledge of environment, ecology, water and sanitation, capacity

    building to combat updated threats of HIV/AIDS, STIs/STDs, TB, Malaria etc.

    7) To undertake role of reducing gender discriminations, promote the conditions of

    vulnerable populations specially, the women for their socio-economic liberation and


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    8) To undertake cultural promotion through knowledge exchange, exposure trips and

    Rural Tourism Development, creation of awareness among the rural peoples for

    better understanding and build attitude of better service providers.

    9) To do Promotion of Rural Development programmes to facilitate-Rural life style, Rural

    employment, Rural Culture and Rural Products Marketting through Rural Tourism.


    Dear Members,

    The Governing Body is pleased to present the Seventeenth Annual Report and the

    audited accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2012 and on behalf of the

    Governing Body, I welcome the Members to this Meeting.

    It is our pleasure to inform the members present that the Mission has gradually been

    gaining successful in bringing socio-economic development in the rural area of North 24


    Socio-economic challenges are having great influence on the people of rural India.

    Malnutrition of mother and children, children fatality, lack of health awareness, etc are

    mainly due to socio economic hardship of the rural people.

    In pursuant to the aims and objectives of the Association, the Mission has paid

    continuous efforts for up-liftmen of human values by giving education on various

    grounds such as rural development, rural tourism, medical tourism, social activism etc.

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    It is undeniable fact that without changing the socio-economic condition faced by the

    people in rural areas poverty alleviation is impossible. To make development of Socio-

    Economic condition of the people is one of the main objectives of the Mission. Keeping

    close eyes on this issue, The Mission has decided to start Self Help Group from 2009 to

    help the rural people and it is running well. Self Help Group is the best engine so far

    known to hunman beings to help the people in the grass root label. A number of

    Meetings have also been organized by the Mission in rural areas to give education and

    awareness to the people on various fields. In addition to Self Help Group, the Mission

    was also actively engaged in medical tourism. Many people from rural India as well as

    from neighboring countries such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar etc got quality

    treatment here in Kolkata by our referral and after getting proper treatment here they are

    leading their happy normal lives. Apart from these activities, The Mission is continuing

    its support to the School and impart

    quality education to the students

    enrolled at the school, although the

    Mission is going through critical

    financial crisis. The Mission also

    organised a number of functions

    relating to school activities.

    Besides these activities, the Mission

    has also conducted "Intensive English

    Course" for one month every year. I

    am happy to mention the original Notice for Fifth Intensive English Course below.

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    Fifth Intensive English Course Notice

    Dear Dhamma Friends,

    We are very happy to announce that Bodhisukha Parahita Temple, Russa Road Young Buddhist Student

    Literacy Mission is going to organize 5th Intensive English Course in association with Buddhist Relief

    Mission from 15th March to 15th April 2012 at its premises of Bodhisukha School run by the Mission.

    Like 4th Intensive English Course, this year also very qualified faculties will be imparting Special Practical

    English. As usual Ken & Visakha Kawasaki, who were teaching English for more than 30 years to non-

    English speaking students, will head the faculties. The Kawasakis are wel-known now in the Buddhist

    world due to the release of a three volume book retold by them "Jatakas Tales of the Buddha: An

    Anthology published by Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is learnt the book is recorded

    as the best fast selling among the books published by BPS within 50 years of publishing. It must be due

    to the Buddhist Jatakas still relevant to all works of life and also must be due precise and fine translation

    of the Kawasakis, which took them to finished 25 years for 270 stories only. Students' most favorite

    teacher Mr. Steve will also join the class.

    Ven. Dr. Nando Batha will also keep the time for teaching the students.

    This Intensive English Class will be not only English learning but also include many new things such as

    Creative writing, Group conversation, Capacity building, etc.

    From very beginning of the Mission we had given top priority to help monk-students by giving assistance

    for getting admission to different Universities, by giving stipends to those who were financially weak, by

    supporting with English Training to young monks. It is no doubt that many monks were benefited from

    the Intensive English Course we have conducted.

    All our Dhamma friends from different universities and from Myanmar are cordially invited to participate

    and enrich their English skills.

    With Metta,

    Ven. Dr. Nando Batha

    Bodhisukha School

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    Education is backbone of any community. Without education no community can

    develop. It is education which can throw light in every corner of our every day-

    today life. Education is true means for Socio-economic and intellectual

    advancement of the society. Keeping this view in mind, from the very outset the

    Mission has been working for promotion of Education. It is our motto - every

    child at least deserves primary education irrespective of caste, religion or socio-

    economic background. It is, therefore, a desideratum to run a School by the


    Bodhisukha school (English Medium) established in 2001 with 15 students and

    two teachers started imparting quality education to the needy and poor students.

    All students of the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd batch of the school have passed Class X

    with all 1st division. All credit goes to the teaching and non-teaching staff and all

    students, who have given

    such good name to the

    school. This year the

    extension of school

    construction has been

    done. 160 students are

    enrolled in classes from

    LN to X this year. Most of

    the students are mainly

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    This year also the school observed many programmes such as Annual Function of

    Bodhisukha School, Environment day celebration, Children day, Teachers Day,

    Independence Day, Republic day etc. the prime-motto of the school is to maintain the

    overall development of each student, not only in the field of academic education but

    also in the field of all sorts of co-curricular activities such as Karate training, yoga

    classes, outdoor and indoor games etc free of cost. Apart from these activities, theschool also organized Health Check up camp for all students for the students' health

    betterment by well experienced doctors free of charge. This is in accordance with our

    Motto - Health is Wealth. Our institution is for all the willing students irrespective of

    cast, creed & religion. To encourage and to bring the students of such families which

    are leading their lives from hand to mouth, we use to give yearly scholarships to the

    meritorious students of poor families by waiving their monthly tuition fees.


    India attained one billion population on 11th May, 2000. 60 % of its population

    living in rural areas are below poverty level (BPL). One of the greatest problems

    for government of India is that there are too many jobless people in the country. It

    is impossible for the government to provide each and every body with a job. Many

    jobless youngsters feel frustrated, when they have no permanent income, and they

    become anti-social. Another problem the government of India is facing is women

    empowerment. Traditionally women are treated differently from their male

    counterpart. Even now in rural India many people think that women's job is to

    become house-wife only, totally dependent on her husband. Women

    Empowerment is the best policy to uplift the socio-economic condition of rural

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    India teeming with many millions of people. Knowing the best potentials of

    women empowerment, the government of India greatly also supports Self Help

    Group (SHG). Moreover, it is assumed that most of women are having saving

    awareness and saving mentality. Traditionally and socially they are kept aside for

    house work only. Now when they have got an opportunity to do the work side by

    side with their counterpart, each and every woman wants to do something by

    availing micro credit loan. It is a huge demand of the hours of rural India and it is

    the sole responsibilities of the citizens to help each other to uplift their day to-day

    lives. Keeping these responsibilities in mind, the Mission has started SHG by

    forming rural women group in 2010-11. During this year it reached momentum.

    So many women have changed their livelihood after getting our assistance. Out of

    many successful transformations of rural lives, two success stories may be given


    Success Story of Mitu Basu

    Name: Mitu Basu

    Age: 37

    Group Name: Kamini

    Address: Mahaswarpur,

    P.O. Badu, P.S. Barasat,

    24 PGS (N), W.B

    Husband Name: Subrata Basu

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    No. Children: 2 - one daughter and one son

    The daughter recently married, and son is studying at Class VI at school.

    Business: Tailoring and trading

    Before joining to our SHG, Mitu Basu was completely house-wife, depending on herhusband's incomes only. Her husband was daily waged labour. It was too difficult for

    them to send their daughter to school with very low income. In 2009 she joined to our

    SHG and she availed 1st loan (Rs. 5000), by which she purchased a talouring Machine

    and it was her 1st endeavour to do some small scale business in collaboration with her

    husband, who used to sell whatever she did productions with her machine. Now she

    purchased two more machines giving jobs to others, too. And thus her productions

    increased day by day. Along with increased productions, their family incomes also

    naturally increase per month more than Rs. 7000. With their incomes they were able to

    give marriage ceremony to their daughter. Now they are able to send their son to

    school and they are running this business smoothly and they are also having plan to

    extend their business.

    Success Story of KarabiPaulName: Karabi Paul

    Age: 38

    Group Name: KaminiAddress: Mahaswarpur,

    P.O. Badu, P.S. Barasat,

    24 PGS (N), W.B

    Husband Name: Ranjit Paul

    No. Children: 1 - one son

    Business: Sharee

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    Karabi Paul was doing Sharee business last 8 years in a small scale within her locality.

    When she joined to our SHG in 2009, with our encouragement she extended her

    business area to different schools and government offices, and she made her husband

    involved in her business. Previously her husband was a driver, hiring an auto rickshaw

    from someone. The whole day he has to drive and he has to pay half of whatever heearn on the day to the owner. Now she was able to purchase one auto by her name by

    availing finance and thus her husband was able to drive their own auto now. And so

    their family income is increasing more than Rs. 10000 per month.

    Health Care Services

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    From day one of our birth, the most important thing is to live a life happily. Happy

    life will not be available without good health. So to have good health is every

    body's prime concern. Our legend said "Health is Wealth", which should be the

    motto of every individual. It is undeniable fact that there are hundreds of

    thousands of people who are deprived of modern health care facilities not only in

    India but also all over the world. In fact, nothing is important than life.

    Therefore, for any living beings health is the most important and so health care is

    the most important vital part of our life. The member will be very pleased to know

    that the Mission was able to do interpreter services, referral services, health care

    consultant services, etc. Apart from these, the members will be very happy to

    learn that the Mission is able to give accommodation to the people who not only

    come from far eastern India but also coming from Bangladesh and Myanmar.

    They came here for better treatment in Kolkata. It is our great pleasure to render

    our sincere referral and interpretation services to those patients. And more

    importantly most of the patients are leading their happy normal life after getting

    treatment here. Apart from these services, we have also given some help to the

    patients for purchasing medicines for those who were in need in fact. Out of many

    cases one case study may be given here.

    Finally I would like to convey all the members present and staff with whose

    endeavour we will continue to achieve our aims and objects of the Mission.