ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights...


Transcript of ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights...

Page 1: ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights and placing a prayer in the Kotel. Sisterhood created a wonderful shuk which offered





Page 2: ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights and placing a prayer in the Kotel. Sisterhood created a wonderful shuk which offered


P.3 FromtheRabbi’sStudyP.4 FromthePresidentsP.4 PassporttoIsraelP.5 NotefromthePrincipalP.6 SynagogueOfferingsP.7 UpcomingEventsP.8 SisterhoodNewsP.8 Men’sClubP.9 YouthP.9 SchustermanSchoolinSpainP.10 L’ChaimP.11 TodaRabaP.11 CommunityP.12 InMemoryP.13 YahrtzeitP.14 PhotosoftheMonth


SERVICETIMESFriday 6:00PMSaturday 9:00AMThursday 8:30AM

May1 JuStLunch@OUMay5 FederationYomHaShoahMay7 LadiesDayOutMay8 YomHaAtzma’tPotLuckDinnerMay12 Mother’sDayBrunchMay13 CalendarMeetingMay13 Men’sClub@ThresholdMay19 LastDayICSS–ConsecrationMay19 Sisterhood“BacktotheFuture”May22 LagBaOmerPicnicMay.24-26 SWUSYRegionalConventionMay29 ESBoardMeeting






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ancestorsheldas soself-evidently Jewish thatthey founded our way of life on them butneverfelttheneedtocodify.Itmayseemssillytotrytohuntforsuchideas,or it may seem like an interesting thoughtexperiment,oryoumaythinkIhavetoomuchtime on my hands. The search for theseearliestandmostfundamental.Invisible ideas can certainly have thoseelementstothem. Itisnotnecessarytostate,for example, that Jewish ritual law is directedathumanbeingsratherthanatanimals. Yourdog may be at the seder table this Passover,butGoddoesnotexpectyourdogtodipbitterherbsincharosetandtopictureitselfashavingpersonallycomeoutofPharaoh'sEgypt. Yourfarmanimalsmaydonoworkon Shabbat forthesamereasonthatslavesyouownmaynotwork on Shabbat: because they are yours tocommand,andyoumaynotcommandthemtoworkforyouonadaywhenyouaremeanttoabstain from acts of creation. You cannotmarryyourcat–nottoanothercat,andnottoyourself. This ideaseemssoself-evident thatwedonoteventhinkofquestioningit.

Such invisible-yet-fundamental ideas come totheforeinthecontextofexplainingthatwhichseems obviously correct to someone whobelieves they found a legal loophole. Weexpect that a restaurant which is certifiedkosherwillfollowallofthekosherdietarylawsinatransparentandverifiableway. However,have you ever considered the question ofwhether a kosher restaurant needs to beclean? Does a restaurant lose its koshercertification if it has rats in the kitchen, or iftherearebitsofplasticwrap left in the food?When it comes time to argue that dinersexpectakosherrestauranttobecleanandthefood to be uncontaminated – as happens incitieswithmanykosherrestaurants,someoneContinuedonpage9 3


Therearemanythingsthatourtraditionteachesare mandatory, but which do not appearexplicitly stated in the Torah. Hanukkah andPurimbothoccuraftertheTorahwaswritten–PurimhasitsownbookintheTanakhbutoccursafter thedestructionof theFirstTemple,whileHanukkah is from the Second Temple periodand well after the close of the entire HebrewBible. Studentsofhistorywouldnotexpect tofindmention of those holidays in the Torah atall. Many people would also be surprised tolearn that the commandment to light Shabbatcandles appears nowhere in the Torah – themitzvah not to kindle on Shabbat is statedexplicitlyintheTorah,anddespitewhatsomeofyou may be thinking, this is probably not theorigin of the oldest Jewish guilt trip (“That'sokay, I'll just sit in the dark...until someonecommandsme to light candles before Shabbatstarts.”). As an evolving religion, it is notsurprising that Judaism has continued to addobservancesoverthecenturies.More difficult to discuss are the mitzvot thathave their roots in the earliest understandingsof what it means to be Jewish. If the spanbetweenAbraham,thefirstJew,andthegivingof the Torah atMount Sinai is more than 450years,thenGodgivestheTorahintoanexistingsystemofJewishcultureandpeoplehood. Thatsystem,traditionalJudaismteaches,haditsownrules and expectations, and the Torah isintroduced to amend the system already inplace. The great difficulty, especially after theincalculablelossesduringthedestructionoftheSecond Temple and the loss of Jerusalem andJewishsovereigntyover Israel, isreconstructingtheoriginalideasthatourearliestJewish

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Special thanks to chairpersons Jennifer Dennis andCherylBoswellforasuccessfulPassporttoIsraelevent!What a wonderful day of community, sharing thetreasuresofIsraelanditsdiversecities.Ihopeallofyouwere able to attend and ride a camel. Thanks toeveryone who participated! Let us know if you areinterested in being part of the planning for, hopefully,anannualevent.Please welcome new member, Daniel Maloney,accepted by the board at the last meeting. We arehappytohavehimandhisfamilyjoinus.We are very pleased to report that we have receivedadditional funding designated specifically for EmanuelSynagogue security sowewill be continuing to add toourlistofimprovementsinthisarea.Thismonthwearefocusingonanewentrydoorinstallationthatwillallowfor an intercom dialog and remote access to enter.Unfortunately, our community has experienced somehateful graffiti attacksandweareonhighalert. Withthis, we will be adding more police presence and askthatallofyoukeepaneyeoutforanyunusualactivity.This isourhomeandweallneedtoprotect itandfeelsafeinit.PlansareintheworksforafestiveeventhonoringRabbiJacobson’s10thyearatEmanuel! If youwould like tobeapartoftheplanning,pleaseletusknow.Thanks again to Jeff Goss and his committee who arebringingusthis fabulousbulletinnamed“Impressions”.It has taken a lot of work to gather and input thisinformationandIhopeyouwilltakethetimetoreaditandthankhimnexttimeyouseehim.Happy Passover to all - Enjoy your seder and matzowhetherathome,atthesynagogue,orbothandthankyou to Rabbi Jacobson and her committee for offeringandplanningthefamilysederatEmanuel!JulieandTammy


On Sunday, March 31st, the Jewishcommunity came together at EmanuelSynagogue for the first Passport to Israelevent. Over 300 guests traveled aroundIsrael (a.k.a. Emanuel Synagogue). Theyparticipatedinvariousactivitiesdesignedtoeducate and promote Israel to OklahomaCitycommunity.Some highlights were the Eilat Casino,Negev Camel Rides, painting a sunrise onMasada,wine tasting in TheGolanHeightsand placing a prayer in the Kotel.Sisterhoodcreatedawonderful shukwhichofferedhomemadebakedgoods,wonderfulIsraeli gifts and some Passover essentialswhichwereavailableforpurchase.We were entertained by The Aalim BellyDancers,Bat-OrKaloandTheTulsaKlezmerBand (with your very own Bob Weiss ondrums!).Appreciation and extreme gratitude to ourvery generous sponsors! The WassermanFund,theJoeL.andJaniceSingerFund,andmembers of the Oklahoma City JewishFoundation.With the help of co-chairs Cheryl BoswellandJenniferDennis,andwiththecountlessvolunteersplanning,baking, settingupandbreaking down, Passport to Israel broughtan immense amount of excitement toEmanuel.“We are proud of our community forcoming together and helping put on thisincredible program. We look forward tobuilding on this program and creating aprogram that families look forward to yearafteryear.”

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Last Class & CelebrationICSS Consecration May 19thBFHS Lag B’Omer May 22nd

DearFriendsandFamily,There is much to celebrate at ICSS in 5779.Weprayedandwelearned,wesangandwecooked, we went on field trips (inside andoutside of the building),we raised tzedakah(over$800),wevolunteered,weplayedandwe created. We did all of this as ONEcommunity, finding strength in our sharedinheritance while honoring the richness ofourdifference.Astheschoolyearcomestoaclose,therearestillmorecelebrationstobeheld.PleaseputtheseexcitingeventsonyourMaycalendar!AfterHebrewSchool,Wednesday,May8at6PM,wewillgatherontheEastlawnoftheSynagogue (by the fence on Francis St.) forourIsraelIndependenceDayPotluckDinner.Israelifood,music,andruachwillkickoffourMay celebrations. Make sure to wear blueandwhiteoryourfavoriteIsraeliswag.Hebrew School Students will be readingTorah,Saturday,May18at10AM.ComeforShabbat morning services at the synagogueandsupportoursevenyoungTorahreaders,three of whom will be reading for the firsttime!ParashatEmorneversoundedsogood.

Sunday, May 19 at 10 AM at Temple B'naiIsrael. The entire community is invited tocomecelebrateourstudents’ lastdayof ICSSand Consecration Ceremony. Wewill beginwith a school-wide prayer service led by ourincredibleZemerSweenieandmembersofthefaculty.Thenourkindergartnerswillcomeupto receive Torah andhoney from theRabbis,officiallybeginningtheirsweetpathtoalifeoflearning and engagement. It is always amoving ceremony and your attendance willgreatlyenhanceoursenseofcommunity.Joinusoff-site,Wednesday,May22at5PM,asweconcludeourHebrewSchoolyearwithaLagBa'omerBonfireandHotDogPicnic.Wewillgatherat820NCedardaleDrive,OKCforan evening of good food, hayrides, andoutdoor games to celebrate our HebrewSchoolFamilies,teachers,andstudents.ManythankstoHaroldandJanGreenforallowingustousetheirpropertyforthisevent.Looking back on all this year has been, wewish to thank the leadership and thecommunity of Temple B'nai Israel for hostingICSS. TheentireHebrewSchoolcommunityisvery grateful for Emanuel Synagogue’sunwavering support of children's Jewisheducationin5779.We cannot wait to see you back onWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2019 for thebeginning of our new school year. In themeantime,Haveahappyandsafesummer,RabbiJuanMejiaEmanuelSynagogueEducationDirector

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Sundays from 10:00AM - 12:00PM, children ages4-16 from Emanuel Synagogue and Temple B’naiIsrael gather to learn at one of the longest jointReform-Conservative supplementary educationprograms in the country. This year, classes areheldatTempleB’naiIsrael

THE NO RSVP Shabbat Club

Everyone is invited to THE NO RSVP ShabbatClub following Kiddush every Shabbos in HartAuditorium.Stayfora lightdairy lunch,friends,fun, and community. The kids play while theadults enjoy board games, sing songs, studyTalmud,andschmooze.ItisagreatwaytoshareShabboswithyourEmanuelFamily.

F o r J e w s o r f o r t h o s e i n t e r e s t e d i nconversion. Sundays from 3-5 PM. Contact RabbiAbbyJacobsonifyouareinterested.

OKC Campus

Wednesdays from 4:15 - 6:15 @ ES Norman Campus Mondays from 4:30 – 6:30 @ OU Hillel



GanShabbatisafun,musical,andfamily-friendlyserviceforages0-7Saturdaymornings at10:30inroom7ledbyRabbiJuan. 

Junior Congregation is for students (ages 8-12)have their own space and extraordinary serviceeveryShabbatmorning from10:30–noon, ledbyMorah Naomi Fox. Come celebrate and learn inClassroom3.


Requestingaminyanorusingthemikvahisonlyaclick away. Use the drop down menu underServices&Events

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Yom HaShoah – Holocaust RemembranceDayThursday,May2ndYom HaZikaron – Israeli Memorial DayWednesday,May8thBFHS - Wednesday, May 8 at 6 PM,everyone is invited to gather on the Eastlawn of the Synagogue (by the fence onFrancisSt.)forour IsraelIndependenceDayPotluckDinner.Yom HaAztzma’ut – Israel IndependenceDayThursday,May9thMothers’Day–Men’sClubonSundayMay,12thfrom10–noonwillprovidebrunchfreeofchargeforMoms$10foreveryoneelse.Men’s Club -Monday,May 13th ThresholdClimbing + Fitness beginning at 6PMwithYoga.Climbingat7PM.ICSS -Sunday,May19at10AMatTempleB'naiIsrael.Theentirecommunity isinvitedto come celebrateour students’ lastdayofICSSandConsecrationCeremony.BFHS-Wednesday,May22at5PM,EndofHebrewSchoolLagBa'omerBonfireandHotDogPicnicat820NCedardaleDrive,OKCSisterhood–May22Drop-offyour itemsatthesynagoguefortheSisterhoodRummageSale.Lag BaOmer – 33rd day of counting theOmerThursday,May23rd

Youth - May 24-26 Southwest UnitedSynagogueYouthRegionalConventionatOU8ththru12thgraderswillgatheratOUforthisendoftheyearconventionEmanuel Synagogue Board Meeting –Wednesday,May29that7PMYomYerushalayim– JerusalemDaySunday,June2ndMinyanaires’ Club - Sunday, June 2 at thehome of Linda Gardner, Brenda HooperwillbehonoredasMinyanaireoftheYear.ThisisaninvitationonlycelebrationBFHS–Friday,June7th,EmanuelSynagogueConfirmation 5779. Support our twoConfirmands, Zachary Beasley and MichelleGossatServicesfollowedbyaFestiveOneg.Shavuot -CommemoratesthegivingoftheTorah at Mount S’nai Sunday andMondayJune9&10Youth – Wednesday, June 12th at 3 PM,Celebrate the end of a fantastic youth yearwiththeRabbiandthenewSOONERboard.EmanuelSynagogueAnnualBoardMeetingSunday,June16thSisterhood–June27,28,and30SisterhoodRummage Sale Start packing and DonateDrop-off your items at the synagoguebeginningMay22nd


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Menschonings  TheMen's ClubPLUS trained allwinter for theMemorialMarathononApril28.Ourrelayteamwas led by Matthew Hallowell, and includedRabbi Juan Mejia, Paola Klein, Gus Buthman,andBelkiPadilla.ThenextgatheringoftheMen’sClubwillbeatThreshold Climb + Fitness center onMonday,May 13th beginning at 6PM with Yoga.Following Yoga, the Men’s Club will climb thewallsat7PM.Not intoclimbing,Thresholdhasanarcade,fitnesscenter,andmuchmore.Join the growing Men’s Club for Poker NightJune 10th at 7 PM in theMulti-Purpose room.The first Poker Night was won by YuliyaHallowell,socomeknockoffthechamp.




BuyyourBar&BatMitzvah,Wedding,andBabyGifts.Plus, Yahrzeit andShabbos candles, Jewelry,potteryandsomuchmore

Page 9: ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights and placing a prayer in the Kotel. Sisterhood created a wonderful shuk which offered



OneofthepillarsofEmanuel’syouthprogrammingis Tikkun Olam (repairing the World). These arelessonslearnedwhenwehelpothers.Twice this year Emanuel Synagogue YouthpartneredwiththeRonaldMcDonaldHouseatOUChildren’sHospital.ThesefacilitiesprovidehousingforfamiliesneartheirsickchildrenThe youth from 6-18 prepared and served twomeals for the families staying near or with theirchildren in November and April. These twovolunteer opportunities have been very movingexperiences. One of our youth, Mylin Klein, wasdeterminedtomakeadifferenceforthesefamilies.MylinattendedthevolunteereventinNovemberattheRonaldMcDonaldHousewithEmanuel’syouthandGirlScoutTroop613.Beforevolunteering,theyouth and chaperones learned about the RonaldMcDonald House Charities and how they collectpop-tops to raise funds to support RonaldMcDonald Houses across the country and inOklahoma City. Mylin was very motivated aftervolunteering.She began collecting pop-tops with her class atFisherElementary.Theclassdidaprettygood jobcollecting pop-tops in just two weeks. Mylinwantedmore! From that beginning collection, shewenttotheprincipleandaskedtomakeacontestforthewholeschool.Theclasscollectingthemostpop-tops wins a pizza party. The principle agreedandthecontestranfromDecembertoApril.Whenaskedwhyshecollectedthepop-tops, “IthinktheRonald McDonald House is a really goodorganizationandIwanttohelp.”In the firstweekofApril pop-topswere collected.Fisher Elementary collected 290 pounds of pop-tops(367,430).YasherKoach!


Emanuel Synagogue was well representedon the OU Sightseeing Sooners trip toPortugal and Southern Spain by Sara JaneRose and Jay Shanker, Dianne and LennyRubin, Louise and Richard Fritz, and Hilaryand Alan Levenson.We had the chance tosee the birthplace of manymedieval Biblecommentators, philosophers, and mysticswell represented inEtzHayimand inRabbiJacobson’s Torah talks. Spain, unlike manymedievalnations,hada large,ancient,andwidespread Jewish population. Spain --Andalucia especially -- derived its specialnature from the mix – often convivial, ofChristian, Islamic and Jewish cultures. Inaddition to Lisbon and Madrid, we sawCordova, Seville, Rondo, Granada andToledo. Sites included the statue toMaimonides in Cordova, El TransitoSynagogueinToledoandtheAlhambra,thelast castle conquered by the Christiansbeforetheexpulsionof1492.

FromtheRabbi’sStudy-continuedalways brings up the argument that thediscussions of the kosher dietary laws saynothing about cleanliness. Is this becausecleanlinessisnexttoGodlinesstodaybutwasnext to impossible in the ancient world? Iwould argue that relative cleanliness hasalways been attainable – rats on the foodpreparation surfaces were still looked uponpoorlyintheancientworld. Rather,noneofourlearnedancestorsseemstohavethoughtthatsomeonewouldconsiderrunningafilthykosher kitchen for commercial profit. Thekitchenobviouslyought tobe cleanand thefooduncontaminated.

Overthecomingmonths,Iwillexploresomeother invisible-yet-foundational ideas fromearly Judaism and how they are relevant todiscussions happening in the Jewish worldrightnow.

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4 Drs.Jacob&EvaBannet5 John&HelenaSorenson10 Yaniv&JeanetteZimber16 Cody&CherylBoswell23 Drs.PaulSilverstein&AmaliaMiranda

24 Drs.HowardStein&NanceCunningham

27 Ari&PaolaKlein30 Jan&JennyGoldberg31 Mark&LeslieBravo31 Michael&CarolKrasnow31 Don&AnneSterne


MAYBIRTHDAYS3 NathanHodge5 MichelleSeelig7 JosephStrassman7 GeorgeGraham

MOREBIRTHDAYS8 AlyssaBeasley9 Heleneharpman12 MarvinSlutzky14 MarkKanter15 LesleyBell15 CheriMannes16 DelloraCohen17 Dr.MichaelRobinson18 FrancesStewart19 JenniferWeissDennis21 ScottEpstein22 JanGoldberg22 Dr.JohnRaizen

22 BrandonWagner23 BenjaminBeasley26 MartinLevine

27 LauraBarlow

27 PamThurman

27 MaryTrachtenberg

27 JeanetteZimber

29 PaolaKlein

30 DebbieTrachtenberg

31 DianeKlein


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Camp Chaverim



Wednesday, May 1st, Dr.Alan Levenson “Biblical”Nat ions? Foundat iona lFantasiesinIsrael&theUSOK.MEMORIALUNION,2NDFLOORFRONTIERROOM

Joinmorethan20familiesforPJLibrary.PJLibraryprovidesatreasuryofFREEJewishbooksandmusictochildrenagedsixmonthstoeightyears.ContacttheLauraattheFederationtoenroll your child(ren)or grandchild(ren) in this is anamazingprogram.




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Passport to Israel

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Page 16: ANNOUNCING EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE’S 5780 HIGH HOLIDAY … · Masada, wine tasting in The Golan Heights and placing a prayer in the Kotel. Sisterhood created a wonderful shuk which offered