AND ?i?;i->i3i: ^r>0 S, WECHSLER & BBO. 29310299...

SATTTXLE. toye i=last»: SATU KDAY, FEB. Uth . tSSS. Entered at the Pest OEee at Sayriile , X. Y. as second-class matter. ont rnirosE : "?et? 8 ai, Tell tha Trtttt. s al H_» -say. " A. _. CHEKEV Editor and Pnblfeher. J fepUle flfofe tg fjeu tf. Sayville. A pretry. growing Tillage oi inach business activ itv M- iBiteil in the southeast part el the Town of Isttp. on Momauk Division L. I- K. K. aa d near Great !>ou:h Kay. fr.iui the fisheries oJ •wh ich the platv derives its principal support. Distance from Long Island City. 50 miles;. It has a rapidly growing population, the surrounding country If ing 'a a very healthy state of growth. The streets are level and broad, the sidewalks arapJe and lined with shade trees. The people are intellisent . pro gressive and hospitable, and the place has a prospering present and a bright fsture. The place is worthy of and is receiving t he attention of capitalists- strangers are al- ways welcome. A new . spacious and costly school building is now in coarse of erection, thus affording first chiss educational facilities. The southwestern part is locally known as Greenville. It is a matter of ni gh moment to the young American gentleman to reflect , ss he shapes his character for life, on th e model b y whi ch he would be mould- ed to future distincti on. The liberal form of car Government , the omni po- tence of public opinion in this country of fiee, uru ' naekiV d mind , and the hi gh destinies allotted to the elder republic of the W estern continent , impose pe- culiar rules of formation on the rising pillars of the American emp i re. The scholar , the jurist , the statesman , ihe arti st, the mechani c or th e culti vator of the eastern continent, may not be the inoaeis for those of the new world —a world happ ily cisinthraHed and aloof from the despotism of hoary er- ro r, the accumulations of many centu- ries of i gnorance and encroachment on social rights. The Young American should be generous—for here, as to an asylum from cruelly and the whirl pool of rev olution , thousands have come, and millions must come as the old con- tinents break up under the hammer of convulsion and melt down unde r the purifyin g nres of jud a pur- er and holier type. He must be patien t and persevering—for thc^e who have ever bieathed the atmosphere of mon- archy and hereditary power cannot in a moment be made to understand the nature and the full extent of our na- tional freedom: the lesson of "Washing- ton to a young nation are often to be repeated- He must be brave—for too much has been ent rusted to him to be in the keeping of a coward. To him has been committed the world' s last ex- periment for liberty—to him belongs the helm of the Government vessel, if his skill and patriotic virtues prove him worthy to guide the shi p of State thro seas of passion and under the adverse storms of external war. He must be energetic—for the men of America are self-made men , and gather no honor from birth , but the b road prou d hon or of citizenship in a country where not a lord nor a iordling, as such, can throw contem pt over their plebeian origin. £g~The Republicans of Patchogne held a very interesting meeting in Ju s- tice Carman ' s office , last Mond ay ni ght, and per f ected t h e or ganization of a political association t o be known as th e "Lincoln .Republican Cl a b. " Robert Mills occupied the chair. The meeting was largel y attende d, a delegat ion being present from Sayville. Stirring speaches were made b y District Attor- ney Wilmot Smith , Justice Arlington H. Carman , Benj. Dean of Patchogne, C. L. Raynor , and Albert Ketcham. of Sayville, and others. The club starts out with very bri ght prospects and wiii doubtless accomplish excellent work. A similar organization will be started in Savville soon. £^~M" r. S. W. Cooper , the genial and able associate editor of the Babylon Signal was recentl y elected foreman of Ph oenix Hose Company of that vil- lage. Foreman Cooper, we salute you ! No young man is more worth y of the honor , and no one could fiH the position with bette r grace and di gnity. If all firemen were made of the same ma- terial , harmony and manhood would be the prevailing virtues of all fire depart- ments. Genuine worth sh ould al ways be-appreciated, and we are g lad to know that Phoenix is quick to recognize it in this instance. Now, Sim on don ' t blush, for the truth must prevail. EP~ We are indebted to Permanent Secretary F. S. Hunt for interesting "¦" ' statistics; " relative to Arcanum Lodge. I. O. O. P., of Bridgeport. Ci. In 1847 the lodge had 55 members and §357 in the treasury. It now has a member- ship of 244- and a fund amounting to ?12 , 334.24. The lodge is growing rap- idly financiall y. It is made np of a re- markabl y healthy bod y of men who take great pride in the advancement of the order. It is to be congratulated up- on its growth and very prosperous con- dition. Sr*Justi ce A. H. Carman , of Patch- ogue is a stirring Republican. Being a. member of the Executive Committee of the Republican League of the State of Xew York, he i s in a position to im- part much valuable information to members of the parly. If oar Repub- lican friends desire to get posted they would be well to consult him. J3?"Tce Long Island edition of the Brooklyn Xcics secured quite an in- terstice budg et of Sayville items from our last issue. Editor Heaton , of the Brooklyn Xet cs is always welcome to "hel p himself , " if h e will-only give us prope r credit , and n ot persist in refer- rine to this paper as the Sayville 77jn«, *__a i s donbtlass an nmatentional mtjtaie. fy Gassiferable natter is crowded -rat _tii wa_ c. The American Character. The " Signal" is Right. The Xew Tors and Brooklyn papers daily publish a large amount of '"faked" Long Is- land news : yet people continue to purchase ' and read those journal? , and are mislead ac- cordingly. Moral—patronize yonr home pa- per, the statements contained in which can usually be dependednpon. —Babylon Si gnal. Ri ght you are, Bro. Livi ngston. As aa evidence of the correctness of some of the " f orei gn" news , we reproduce the following paragrap h , and our read- ers can judge for themselves : Both the Congregational and Methodist churches in Sayville have been holding a se- ries of revivals latel y. H. T. Rogers , better known as " Fred" Rogers. who kee ps the ffest and most profitable saloon in the place , has been a constant attendant at these meet- ing? and ha? been so greatl y affected that he has closed his place, sold all the fixtures and destroyed ail the liquors. It is his intention io become a temperance lecturer. Ifr. Rogers is doubtless disgusted with these exa ggerations, an d well he may be. It is a positive injury to his business. The papers sh ould "g ive him a rest. "' He still conducts a mod- el restaurant , with out liqnor , a step that h e deci ded u pon ev en before h e experienced reli gion. SPThe Green wi ch Xf ir. -; a brigh t paper just started b y Charles W. Lee, formerly local editor of the Port Jef- fe rson TVij i- s has reached our table.Mr. Lee is a ialented newspaper man , and will give Greenwich people a paper In every way worthy of support. We wish him abundant success. Prep ared esp ecially for the X .EWS b] J an old Ra il roader—Spicy and Reliable Pa ra n rums . Cond uctor 3. F. Anrnsek , of ilie Babylon evening mail train , has resumed duty after a week's agreeable "lay-off. " Miss Oakley, who "pounds the brass " at Quosue station, retu rned to duty this week after a somewhat protracted vacation spent amon g friend- and relatives at Amagansett. Tommy O'Brien , urn wing-room car con- d uctor on the Sag Harbor express tram , is accorded the -yinpathy of friends and ac- quaintances in his aiiliction consequent npon the death of his father-in-law, . which occur- ed in Xetr York ci ty last week. *- Conductor W. H. Blood , just recovered from a ser ious illness, is ho pping about in his accustomed lively manner , scatterin g sunshine among those abont him and daily - addin g to his popularity. That hi? shadow may never be less is the hope of the News and his other friend". Station A je st Wells " , of Rockville Centre, who it was thoaght seemed bent upon ending his days in bachelorhood, has quietly settled down in com fo rt with his amiable bride at Rockvil le Centre. It may be late in the sea- son , but the Nrws takes pleasure in offering cangratulatiou s. W. J. Ro binson , one of the popular and eScient mail agent s on the Montauk Divi- sion, is con-ined to his home at 1-rfmg Island City by illness. Countless friends will hope that his forced vacation will be brief. He is the son of Coroner Robin son , of Queens coun ty, and held in high esteem by friends and associates. Telegra ph operato r Van Xostrand' s duties at i}uozve re;:-ed on Monday, and he will seek i or be delegated to \ some new field of usefulness on the Island' s railway system. ¦• Charlie "" is more or less of a ladies ' man , and his modesty is only exceeded by Id * good looks : but at Qnogne station , where pine trees and sand y soil abound, he. likeOrthel- lo, "found hi* occupation gone. " G. IV. Fi ich . t.V l ocal m. 'iil agent stationed at Lons Island C..y, narrowly escaped seri- ous injury or deivth by a * '1 from a Brook- lyn Elevated Rr.ilroad tr. . l a few days ago. -Mr. Fitch is an old empk ee of the railway mail service and to-day suffers from injuries recei ved while employed on a mail train be- tween Syracuse and Buffalo. He barely es- caped death in a collision on the Hudson R iver Railroad, and was disabled for a peri- od of nearly twelve months in consequence. J it is whispered about that IVess H.Bennett , a mail agent on the Southern Railroad, has tendered his resi gnation and will assume en- ure control of the busine ss at Long Island Cit y conducted by his mother , Mrs, C. M. Werden , at 71' Borden avenue. We regret that Mr. Bennett will step down and oat of a po- sition in which lie labored with efficiency for a period of about a decade , and cordiall y wish him weli and an abundance of prosper- it y in his mercantile engagements. He is de- serving of a full measure of success. Station Agent Fettit , of Westbnry, who was acciden tally shot by William Smith, the express and bag gage solicitor, is gradaally recovering from his wound and is pronoun- ced out of danger. The sad affair has mar- kedly affected t he innocent author of tbe sta- tion agent ' s misfortune, and only sympathy is expressed for Smith. The latter is a young man of unimpeachable character , universal- ly esteemed, and has been for several years connected wi th the extiress service. * Frank Vail , head Drakeman on ihe Sag Harbor expres s and night mail , is one of the a-:¦ serving j -orni s: men who are no doubt book- ed for a mo re important trust duringfhe ap- proaching summer. Mr. VaiJ has within him t he elements and general makenp of a suc- cessful riiiroad man , and in a more import- ant position would unquestionably prove » credit to himsrlf and an honor to the corpo- ration under which he is employed. The News hopes to see-him rise to tmiuence in Lon" Island' s raiiwav . -crena. Engineer Harry Ryder, favorabl y knowE to many Long Islanders and railway travel - lers, has become master mechanic of tin Philadel phia and Reading Railroad. He is a thorou gh mechanic, familiar with every de- tail of the intricate duties devaluing upon him, and withal a man who holds the fi-ooit will of those around and rmder him. He i- a n ephew of the late Oliver Charlick. formei President of the Long Island Railroad, and up to his return to duty on the Long Island Road was Superintendent of motive power on the Xew Yor k city and Northern Railroad. Everybody congratulates him most cordial- ly npon his deserved elevation. Hallway Echoes. Holbrook. EiUiorSayvfllt - Xeict : Deaf. Stu:— I wish your correspondent would teli the troth. Magdalena Asse! neve r was laid en a cold bare floor. We placed her in a rocking chair , and as I was going out of the room for a few minutes, she had fell out of the chair on the carpet, and in a very warm room. 5Iy husband , and myself were alone in the house. I a;n a very hel p- less , lame, sickl y person. She was very heavy, so my husband could not lif t her np. "We put blankets all around her, and a pillow under hot- hea d till somebody came in and helped my husban d to take her up stairs to her bed. She was reposing on feathers , and had pl enty of blankets over her to keep h er warn. 3Iy husband and I did all ive could for her, but mean and bad people of this place and other places, are trving to circulate false re- port s. * 31 ks. W. WrrTE. Holbrook, Suffolk, Co. 3r«ney to he Made. It is sxid ihnt dul l times are not known by the agents for the great publishing house of Geor ge Stinson £ Co., of Portland , Maine. The reason of this exceptional sneces' is found in the fact that they always give the public that which is keenly appreci- ated at prices that all can afford. At present we understand , their agents are doing won- derfnUy well on several new lines. They need man y mora agents in all parts of the coun- try. Those who need pro fitable work should apply at once. Women do as well as men. Experience is not necessary . lor iSessrB-Stin- aan &. Co..undertake to show all who are wil- ling to work, not hard bnt eanieslly- , tbe path to large success. - It should be remembered that aa agent can do a handsome business without being cway i rotn home over night. Another advaatsuj a—it costs nothing to give the business a trial , and an jnjeist can devote all his time, or only his spare moments to it, Stinson & Co., guarantee grand success to all who enfyBge exd follow simple and plain directions that they give. We have not space to ex plain all here, but full particulars trail be-Beni/Jfe totbose who address tbe firm ; their foll ^ address is given above. 1 ¦ Stttsrribe now. -"* (wxrrr—s fos the we_b_t kewb.J i SUSPICIOUS. t Kow is the time when Valentines, With embossed paper wings, Will flatter in white jewelled hand . Against the diamond rings. Kow is the time when cheeks suffuse, And bright eyes brighter glow. While beauty shines an manifold As earth's white robe of snow, Kow is the time when pulses leap, And sweet throaphts crowd the sonl , And kindling lights flash every step, Towards the brilliant goal. Kow is the time when hope aspires To rich Vermillion skies; And he a laggard is, who fails, To gain a peerless prize. mos. New York, Feb. 7 , 1S8S. Editor Xeics : New York has walking on the brain to-day. This city must have a craze of some kind. The cut is very short from the hang- man ' s noose to the blazing bal l-room of a Vanderbilt' s resplend ent magnifi- cence. Then , b y way of a ch ange, comes the real blaze of a million bi g fire— from the smok ing ruins of which we turn to th e sweet, child-music that is n ow thrilling the heart of the great Metr opolis, as rendered b y little J osef Hoffman. While such melodious strains ar e filling the air , and del i ghting her citi zens , we suddenly pause, by way of contrast , beside a cargo of sugar , and wonder how some grea t folks ^ dare to play puss-in-corner with such a tooth- some thing. The Xew Yorkers never tire of vari- et y. A humdrum life would shrivel th em tip like mummies. Change is t heir native food. The law , and pro- press, both cater largel y io this appe- tite, even if one has to demolish a lilly fence on Fifth avenue , or the other es- cort Gen. Sherman through a sea of beauty where Mrs.Hicks-Lord displ aj'S 25, 000 worth of diamonds. Th e Duke, of Newcastle offers a fine contribution to our Metropolitan taste , while the in- evitable news column entertains us with Baby Li ppincot b y way of contrast. Xow we must confess that we fail to see where the ancient St. Valentine can possibly squeeze in. He must hav e an old fashioned idea that there is not ex- hila r ation en ough to go round ; that he makes his appearance at a time when New York is rushing it , and can hardh' rind time to greet little Geo. Washing- ton and his hatchet. But the dear old riaint has hurried with his usual contri- bution to the people ' s Oliver Twist for more I Now it is true that New i ovk still maintains that creditable institution— the one cent meal ,and its periodica l en- tertainment for the poor as conducted by Mrs. Yanderbilt. These with Mrs. Astor ' slate bequeathment of rare laces to the art museum , together with many other valuable proceedings, claim from u s the just admiration of our great America n Metropolis. .Stlvia Grey. Babtlaxp , 18 S3. —In genera l it will be about the same as in " is 'T. N oth- ing in Babyland ever pleased more peo- pl e than Finger-p lat- rh ymes and pic- tures. Sis of the ' S3 Baby lands will contain new Finger-plays. The oth er sis will have a series of baby stories in rhyme about Crickets. Me " and Tod- dlekins is a baby-cat story all throug h the year b y Margaret Johnson. There will also be a lot of jingle bits and sto- ry bits and picture bits. Ffty cents a \" ear : a copy sent for five cents. D. Lot hrop Company, Publishers, Boston. gp-At an average cost of about 25 cents per week you can insure against acci- dents and be indemnified to the amount or #15. 00 per week, and $3 000 death benefit. The Mu tual Benefit Life and Accident Co., of Hartford Conn. H. T, Rooeps. Agt. From the Metropolis. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, Copy Books , Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Inks, Pens and Penhold ers, Composition and Exercise Books, Text Books, in fac t , for all school Supplies , ijo to G. J. Klaasse.v ' s. Main Street. Advice to Motheiis. —Are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cat- tin g Teeth' r If so send at once and get a bot- tle of Mus. Wixslow' s SooTHUia Sxn trp foe Chhj >bes Teething. Its value is incalcul- a ble. It will relieve the poorlittle sufferer immediately. Depend npon it , mothers ; ihere is no mistake about it. It cu res Dysen- :ery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach md Bowels, cures wind colic, softens the jj ams , rednces imtlammation, and gives tone md ener gy to the whol e system. Mks. •VlKSLOW ' s SOOTHIXG SXBUP FOB CH.IX.DaES Teethiso is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best remale and nnrses physicians in the United ¦states , and is for sale by all druggists ' -hron ghout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Gi ve Them a Chance! That is to say, vou limps- Also all vour breath- in g machinery- Verv wo nderful uiac uftierv it ;s. No t only the larger air-passaws. hut " the housanrts of little tubes and cavities leadiiii; from them. When these are clogged and choked with matte r which oujrht not to be there, vour luntrs cautiot half do their work. Autl wha tliev do. they cannot do well. Call it cold , eoiifrh .cro up, pneumonia, catarrh , consumption or anv of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are l>ad. All ouslit to he Rot rid ol. Then' is just one sure way to cot rid of them. That is to take Sioscuee' s (Senium svrup, which any d ruggist wi ll sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every- t/u ' riK else has failed you. you inav depend upon this lor certain. 1 Amityville. NOTES IK A UVK VILLAGE—FROM OUR WIDE-A-WAK.K REPORTER. Mr*. C. G. Selleck is in Riverhead. Mrs. Warren Purdy has returned from the city. Mrs. Ei. H. Car hart has returned from Washington. Charles Homan now calls his horse " catch." The nag manages to " getthere" in good shape. Building operations are active here this winter. The future of Amityville ^ never looked brig hter. Postmaster Haff paid a visit to the Me- tropolis recently, in search of information and a little harmless pleasure. Mr. S pencer Griffin now runs a groces wagon around the village , receiving and filling orders on his own hook. l 'he good-looking veterinarian, Dr. Robert Hammond , of Babylon , was in town on Sunday. "Ah there! stay there!" Fran k Purdy is preparing his new cot- tage for his early occ ipancy. It is a hand- some and substantial l y built little home. Miss. NellieP.Moocrs , ofBrooklny Miss. Allie White, of New York, and Miss . Lou Harris, of West Hills , passed Sunday here. The Ladies Aid Society will meet in the Lecture Koom this Friday evening, when somebody (guess who?; will provide a suit- able repast. The barn and carriage house on the prop- erty of Samuel Ha ttoii , at West Amityville, is rapidl y neanng completion. Teny Ketch- em is the bui'der. Ocean avenue, the handsome thorough- fare leading to the bay, is rapidly building up and will eventually lead all other ave- nues in the villa ge. Many handsome build- ing sites are in the marKet and are offered at reasonable prices. The firemen tendered Squire Capen a stir- prise on Thursday evening oC this ev ening week. There wus ^ fun and a good deal of it , and the occasion was a memorable one in our social annals. The firemen know how to entertain each other and their friends. We are informed that a woman named Mrs. Emma Situs , at the Half Way Hou«e , ha s been arrested for selling liquor without a liaense. A prominent citizen informs us that the house has a questionable reputa- tion and that the peop le of Amityville do n ot propose to allow the matter to res t here , bu t will administer the law again when occasion requires. Miss Maud Preston will give asolid birth- day party in honor of her 10th year , at the solid residence of her solid father , Dr. Pres- ton, in solid Ami tyville on asolid ni ght. A •olid repast will be served in a solid man- ner and everybody wil l have solid comfort , inc luding thecdiiorwho will . receive a solid bos on ihe ear , which will not make us altogether solid with the fair sex. There will be no solid winks on this occasion. We will pive a solid report of it next week in solid tv pe. Kras tus Spooner , the general utility man at King ' s Hotel , walked very leisurely across the trac k on Friday morning just as the east bound mai l train was ent ering the station. The alarm whistle was sounded , , -ind Krastus succeeded in feeling nothing more violent than the wind occasioned by the train as it passed him . There was con- siderably less than throe feet betweon Erastus and a terrible shock or a violent death. When the gates are down , it is pro- per to take it for granted that danger is ap- proaching. Don'l be afraid to have a small advertise- ment by the side of a large , competing one. The big one can 't eat it up. Legal Notices. IN PURSUANCE OK AN ORDER OF JAMES H. Tuthill , esq., Surrogate of the County of Suffolk:—Notice Is hereby given , accordin g to law, to nil persons having claims against John Wood , late of the town of Isllp in said county, decease d , that they are required to exhibit the same, w ith tbe vouchers thereof , to tho sub- scriber , Joseph Wood , nt h is residence at Say- ville. Town of Isllp, county or Suffolk and State of New York , on or before tbe fifteenth day of February next. Dated Au gust 3d, 1987. J OSEPH WOOD, Kvecutor of Jo hn Wood, deceased. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, default has been ma de In tho payment of the moneys secured to he paid by a Mortgage dated October twenty fourth , ISTC, and executed by John W. Duryea ati d Frances E. his wife , I' eter S. Bureh and Ktith his wife, and M ichael Whelan , all of the Town ol Isllp. in Ilia County Suffolk and State of Now York to Joseph W. Meeks of the same pl ace, ani l winch Mortgage containing the power of sale was recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, New York , in U ber 129 of Mortgages , pag e 330 on the twenty-sixth day of October, tK 7(i, at one o'c lock in the-attemooti ; an d whic h Mortgage was Ivy the executors olthc Will of said Joseph W. Meeks duly assigned to Ric hard Higbie ot said Town of Isllp by Assign- ment dated December twent y-eighth, IS83 and recorded In salil County Clerk ' s office in Liber lul of Mortgages, page 38 on the seventh day of January, IsM, at one o' clock In the afternoon— an d such Mortgage is mow held and owned by said Richard Illgble ; And , whereas, the amount claimed to be due and unpaid upon said Mort- gage at the time of the llrst publication of this not ice Is tbe sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars , pr iucloal and thirteen dollars and twenty-n ine cents Interest , making altogether t he sum of Two hundred and sixty-three dollars and twenty-nine cent s, ami no suit or other pro- ceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured to he paid Vvv saW Mortgage or an y part thereof. Kow , t herefore , notice ls hcre- hy given that by virtue ot lliu power of sale con- tained in said Mortgage recorded as aforesaid , an d ol tbe assignieut thereof as aforesaid, and In pursuance ot the .statute in such ease made aud provided tbe said Mortgage will be fore- closed bv a sale of the Mortgaged premises at Pu blic Auction in front of the premises herein alter described In the vitiate and Town of Isllp, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yotk , on Saturday, tli« twenty-eighth day of April , 1*S8, at eleven o' clock in iheltorenoon of that day, which said Mortgaged premises are described in said Mortgage substantially as follows to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel ot land with the buildings thereon erected , lying an d being on the Mirth side of Main street in the village of Islip, Town. County and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit: Commencing at tbe southeast corner thereof adjoining land of Valentine Williams , running thence North to Kind of said Williams: thence West by and with said land of Valentine Williams to laud ot School District J»i> . Two ; thence South by and along said school District laml to the centre of Main street afore- sti ld; thence by and along the centre of the said Main street to the place of beginning, conta in- ing all the land within said boundary. Dated, Islip, Long Island , January , 2st h , 1888. ltli-HAltt) HlOIlIK . Assignee ol Mortgage. John K. Rkid, Attorney , itabvlon , X. Y. 123113 EC. V^- PAINE, Blue Poin t , Long Islasd. (hid ing it necessary in order to attend to his ever increasing business, has opened In the Old Episcopal Church, on NlalnStreet , Patoh- Ogue, w here he will continue to do all kinds of first-class Upholstering and Furni- ture R e p a i r i ng . Mattress Manufacturing, w holesale an retail Or made over eipuu to new. Par lor Suits made to order. Orders by mail promply altendud to. Cows ! Cows ! Whether you want to huv. se ll or exchange for old and u«iv or young ami handsome , call on Whitman ovkmux , JSayport , L. I. Ha re yoa a Congb or Cold ? CsiE Tin: UNIVERSAL Cough Balsam ! Sensible Reasons why Yon should Use this Remed y. It has been successfully used for years. Its ingredients are harmless—but * very effect- ive. Its inllueiice is felt with the first dose. It will loosen or break up an old or fresh cold. It will soothe and hen! the l.l'XIKS . It will stop all inclination to COUCH. If the seeds of COXSUMt'TION are in vour system, it will stop its progress and preserve vour life for wars . It Is a TOMC and will impart Strength aud Vigor to the System. The rapid changes of this climate necessitate the use ol it. It is pleasant to the taste. If you give it atria! you will never he without it. It has been prescribed by a prominent physi- cian for the past twenty years. Call for the Universal Cough Balsam. Get the Universal Cough Ba lsam. 25 CENTS PER BOTTL1. SOLE TGENT : EUGENE A. SLOAT, Wholesale and Retail Drugg ist , Palchog-ue. fj oitg Island. FOR S/U.E AT. G. .1. KLAASSKN'S Drug Store. W. J. TKltltV & sqnw Cciwral Store Sayville. To Rent. For Sale, Etc. { - jRGANS REPAIRED AND (JLEA. N- ^ ed by E. CI. Cleraence, Blu epoint, I. L. U OTIG£. All persons indebted to \V. X. Itaynor , butcher , are requested to c. -i ll and settle the same on or before Fcbuary, ,s t-. HB"". W. N. IUYNOR , 2t Sayville, L. I. BOATtDERS WANTED Accommodations for permanent and tran sient boarders rany be had at tho PEARL HOUSE, Sayville, at moderate rates, by the day or weak. Good table, nent , comfortable rooms. F. R. Skinhkr , Prop. THE GENTS ' Furni shin g Stor e , SMITH'S BLOCK, MAIN ST. , SAYYILLE. This; Store Is well stockecU'With White. Colored I ami Vfcvmiel ! SHIRTS ! Col lars, Cuffs , Mu f t l crs, Handkerchief*, Ru bbe Coats , Mittcus , all kinds of Cloves, Neck Tics of all descriptions, Scotch UNDERWEAR , Hat ami Ifalr Brushes , Suspenders, Jewelry, celluloid Collars and Cuffs , and many other artlccls. Hats and Caps of All Kinds ! Also, the celebrated Swec t , Orr & Co. ' s , Working Pants and Shirts , Which are warrante d never to rip, A. D. FOSTER & S01Sr. , ' 8 ATT I LLC, L, I. J. B. SWEZEY, ' offers a large list of propert y abou t the Island. S end for catalogue Bpeelnl inducements in , Life Insurance Kire Insurance ut low rates I 1-or any Information Mi the above call on or ad i Oress. J 11 BWIVBY, ^ Heal Estate and Iniurance Agent ; I' atchogue . L l.N y. J _j -tast f For tha ekoiofAtcTtto- Ufii^ti ^ nss oHmtBt ( It is as true of advertising as of anything else in life that if it is worth doing at all is worth doing well. •ayville Busine ss Nauert' s STATIONERY, BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT. School Books for Sayville, Baypor t , Oakdale and Bo- k e mi aville S choo l s. MATS AND GENT'S W AHE , Collars, Cuffs Neck-Ties , Shirts , Gloves, &c. Agent for DAVIS Vertical feed Sewing Machine. J. A. NAITERT . MHMM HiM HMiaiiHm HiHHiasHSl BaHHvSHM Anton Helfrech , Merchant Tailor COLUMBIA BLOCK, MAIN ST., SAYVILLE. Constant ly on hand a full line of English ami American cloths. The latest styles in fashion- able suits are to be seen at my establishment. Sutu ranging at Tvric .cs Sts and upwards . A perfect fit; fine quality of material and satisfaction guar anteed. Anton Helfrech POTTEE & PRICE, Bant Btt£tdiii g 9 PATCHOGrUE Offer for sale and to rent , houses and lands of all de- scription also are placing loans on Western land at six per cent. —principal and inter- est guaranteed by the Middle- sex Banking Co., of Middle- t own , Ct. They also give re- liable Fire and Life Insurance in first-class companies. TERRY'S STAGE LINE Patchogue and Port Jefferson. Fare from Medford to PtJefferson 75 CENTS- CHANGE OF TIJIK. CHANGE OV TIME. Lea ve rateltotrite at S;4-J Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving at Medford ' . <-.30. Leave Port Jefferson at a i>. si., connect with 5 :23 lor Sag Harbor. A. D. TERRY, Proprietor. K, KALLE& , MAKUFACTUREIi OF Pine Macaese , PATCHOGUE , L. I. Sin gle Bnggy Harness from $10 np. Sin gle Farm Harness from $1I> np. Double Light Harness from $2f> np. Donble Farm Harness from §20 np. ALSO DEALER IN ¦WHIPS , ROBES, BLANKETS, Etc. At PricoB to suit the- times. ¦m: . kaeshi ck. (Late with Devlin S Co., Ilroadwav , N. Y.) MERCHANT TAILOR , PATCHOGUE. N. V. S, O. WEEKS MARBLE WORKS , Pine St., Pa ' chogue, L. I. Monuments , Headstones AKD Cemeterv Fencins:. EXCELSIOR BOTTLING COMPAN Y , HAWKI N S & WEEKS , Props., BAYPORT, L. I. Manufacturers of Carhonatcd bevera ges, such as soaa , sarsa parilla , ginger ale and pear cider AU orders promptly exented and s«c.d^d«l\s-eved free of charge . In addition to the above we keep manufactured and fresh all popular min- eral waters In sipb ots. teSfOur wagons run daily, and families have only to leave orders wit h our drivers to have them promptly attended to. Pr ivate parties should order a little In advance so as not to conflict with ourregular trade. CLEANLINESS A SPECIALITY. CAPITAL $25 , 000. SOUTH SIDE BANK of Bay Shore, N. Y. H. M. RAVEN , President and Cashier. O.ail TH , Vice President. OFFERING DAY-FItlDAY. DISCOUNT DAY-SATURDAY. DIRECTORS: It. M. Montgomery, Edw' o * . B. DudsrhUl , T. O Smith II D Brenstcr, Joslah Kobbtns , E. J. Redlngton , Wm. NicoU , J It. Doxsee. Morris i. Terry, Joseph Wood , R. M. Haven. OPEN FOR BUSINESS TUESDAY. Mj i , im, ACKBRLY' S 1 PALACE MEAT MARKET. Mam Street , Sayville, L. I. PRIME CUTS OF BEEF AtfD ALL OTHER CHOICE MEATS IN THEIR SEASON. POULTRY AND GAME TO ORDER. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Vegetables. A fall line of Smoked Meats. HENRY E, ASMUS, e- l:e3. ajl. ESjST^lTES ^GOESr-iT-T* , SAYVILLE, L. I. Offers for sale FARMS. VILLAGE PROPERTY and BUILDING PLOTS on and near THE GRE AT SOUTH BAY. INSURANCE EFFECTED IN FIRST- CLASS COMPA NIES AT LOWEST RATES. lETO'T^ -R. Z* -p-CrBXiIC p c I VHEb TI * >#\ ' )m^ h*" 1 ** \ j u b __^^^^^BSSEB$ ^ °* » ^ 8 <**- bJ 1 C L i-t ^ 3 VHBW' r I 8 ol |T3 L^ ¦ v uj '—I w p^. f £ ^ Ej raF j pw 1 S 5 °S 2- J !T^ |^ F*# s W £ n> 3 t9 i wLMrj m w h £- < o <bs# I ^p & I 5 2 S4I © \mm m W s n> ^ C/4 Hu L j X n> ¦ 8 ¦ ¦ ¦ H tr r* 53 12i aa ^ t '* r \ "sr ^ -v* - -** ^^^ ^*-** n *h n Miscellaneous. g ? S |g | CO Sps- w * 3 ! S«jS £<M ?i?;i- >i3i: ^r > 0 ii^n iifii §3 SB 10 ra "B % ~ Z » 3 B li tf ^ Crt^-Or- , ¦ » «6"S "*»^s? •—' •>» £3 "-i 3 S Hs B ? g r^n s w |!g? f* »2£ ' So « - * . 3 °« L .J r^ X = ' * Z3 ¦? _ j P ?. = Z H/^ H »» 0)?s 2 §5- 5 H* HP -s i-H^S 0 f g I > " 2So ' t3 —3.^. Cfira S i_j t—1 1 1 5?:= 2-3 III 32 ih>0 Nsm a* &H-^ «bd< oJ3 < - . s " ? s- H g o a . » £ =, H U s § c Si= r SO ¦ < c = < ¦ = - r~* C/i Miscellaneous. S, WECHSLER & BBO. 293 10 299 Fin strut , 266 to 268 Washin gton St., Roa r Entrance , BROOKLYN , N. Y. N. I). —Hovie cavs comiect ' vi« w ith, all trains arriving at Fultbir-h ave. pass our doors. Our Great January- Sales a Harvest for Economical Buyers. FOCR CtAdSKS OK HALE'S NOIV I>" r'KO<:i»-:3> " l.V Ot'It ESTAUL1SHMENT. Our Eagerl y I.ookt'il-fui' Jttiiuary Clearing S AL E Has Commenced and is to ^ Continue Dm-ing this Entire Month. The most thoroug hly lion.i tide reductions in prices ot Silks , Velvets , Dri- ss r.ooos , Dlaek t' .oods . Cloths. Hosier}- , L:u-e< , Uulies ' and Children ' s Suits and Cloaks , Hoys ' Clotliinj ; , Furs , Shawls, Ladies 'Shoes , Upholstery t. 'oods , &c. , &c., the Greatest Clearing Sale of Winter Merchandise ever attempted in tlie history ot our business. The Roods are on our eounlers , t he best ot !l their kind, perfect in everything ; but we don ' t want t hem. Do you? Now in Pro gress , Ot'R ANNUAL SPECIAL SA1.I :S OK 1-AB^l t-g Muslin Underwelfc iM Embr oideries , M AMI OK Linens and Housekeep- , ing Goo ds. 1| Railroad faek retuhned to Pfr.cri.if khs \ KliOM SATTVILLE , ONE ¥H, [ON §30.00 PV8- CHASE. RoC.ND TEIP , ON' $00.00 PUECnASE. S. WECHSLER & BRO. Robert E . Brown , MACHINIST AND Steam En gines a specialty—Iron and Ilrass CastlHKS furnlsiied—Lathe work in all its branches—Mill Machinery repaired. ROXKON'KOMA, - - - LONG IsLAKD. AHINGTOX II. CARMAN , COUNSELOR AT LAW PATCHOGUE. N Y. SPECIAL NOTICE . Geheeai, Agency , 105 Fulton St., Brookl yn , N. Y. Do you want Servants or Farm Help? "e cm ewpply jou « once -with good well recommended help. Bend one dollar >nd what you wont. Do you want Boarders? if so, senate onr agency. We cau fttl your house with good pay- ing uaicdere, without detay. Send particulars , aud one dollar (with references.) Do you Want to sell or exchange your HOOSE or FARM ? We can do it euro. Send full particulars and one dollar for advertising and registering. We have special facilities and can suit our customers without delay. Country property a specialty. Address HEKDntCKBOS k TALMAOE , JOSFcltonSt., Brooklyn, N. Y. HOWARD PLACE. Oiled Clothing AND RUBBER GOODS TICHf ffilFOllS A Specialtt. 102 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK , Opposite Pier 27, E. R. GRAVESTONES. —AT— ©OLD SMITH 'S , WEST PATCHOGUE. ELDFN B. HAYDEN , W atchmaker and J eweler. DEALER IK Diamonds , Watches and Jeicel enj 205 Fulton St. 451 Fdltox St, Near Concord. Near Jay. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Green & Hewlett, WHOLES ALE DEALERS IN PE T JTTS AND PEOD T JOE, 18 0 SOUTH STREET, N. Y. fOp p. Hoosevelt St. Ferry. Consignments solicited. Returns promptly mad i . 1 rrrOTO VlQin) maybe ToaaS oa me at aeo. ' X aXO Xr&CX jDi p. Sowell * Co- s Ncwapapef ] Ad«rtt»i3lgBurcau(I0SprueeStV»rter^rprJiBln« i cootracw mar bo mado for it US Btfc.W IOHK. T OST—FIFT Y CEXTS—BY RE- ^ tu rninpr the above amount , the finder will be liberall y rewarded with a f clean shave , hair cut and shampoon by « H arry F . Hildebra.vdt , at hi s ton- \\ sorial parlor , .Main street , Sayville. \ Anton Peterman , Opposite the Bunk ' < Patchogue , L.I . I Hair- . Cutting, Shaving & Shampoon- ing a Specialty , A select stock of fine Svg&rs and Barbers ' Supplies always on h;iiid. Working Sloop Wanted. WANTED CHEJ P FOR CASE. A second han d worklnp; sloop capable of carry ins not Iras than /our hmidrcd aooi bushels of Heavy oysters. Must be sound and in good ^or kinK order. Address Rivlns particulars , eugth draugnt , &c. with loivest price. L. I!. !> .(> Box ems. x. Jan2i3t. AND THE ILLCSTUtOUS PEOPLE OF AMERICA. As a powerful nerve nutriment for overtasked and nerve-weary people, or old failing persons, Jud ge Bre wster of the Supreme Court speaks of it in the highest terms, and uses it constant- ly. Col. Bennett , th e famous Philadel- phia , millionaire srys: "It saved ine when I was a supposed hopeless wreck f rom ten years heavy business labor. I shall build a monument to it. For insufficiency of the heart and nervous system after a long overtasked business life , or a broken constitution from any kind of excessive abuse, the world has nothing on its markets that can coni- pare . with it or fill its place. I believe it will len gthen the lives of ol d people very much." El eanor R. Carey, the tragic actress, says , after it had restor- ed her fro m utter pr ostration from heavy acting* . Du/tuostpsox—i/ji Iter Sir- . J have to thank you for ltK- Moxle X?rve Food xvbieb von sent me through the recommendation ot a friend. It has been of the greatest material benefit in s«s- tatoirw my nervous strength which was entirely exhausted in my acting of the heavy role ol "I>olores." I shall c- ->ntm«e to cse it as I find It to be the only thins ot its character which gives the desired result without reaction. Yours very truly _ Ej -rAj ioaB. Caret. Chestnut St. Opera house. FuUailelpMa. This food will be s ent to any address , freight prepaid , for $5 per case of 12 gnart bottles. It is the finest beverage in the United States aud will restore a nervous wreck ia a few days , without barm or losin g its effect more than other food. Address , Moxie Nerve F o od Ok , Lowell ,. Mass. Ask yonr drugg ist for it: Movie. •pISUEL & KKID. ATTOItXKVS AND COUXSELOKS AT LAW JUBYLOX, I„ I. Sew York ofrk-e a Temple Court c . ltoom ISO, an.Mtf AMITYVILLE BUSINE SS. •piKST-CLASS —KY— FRANK KARPP, Ot Amit yville . n ext to Charles Wood' s office. All work Kiiaraiiieed and the best of satisfac- tion eiven. 1' riees verv moderate. A full line of CLOTHS, of Hie latest jiat'ern s. Call anil examine them, tients ' l- ' uriiistiiuj; Goods and eenuine Donu'stie Jewelry. Imported and Aintri c Cloths. Jan.lit HOMAN & D A VIS , DKAI.KU SIX Genera l Merchandise , Dress Goods, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Crocker}- , Furniture, Hardware Et.> Ktc , Etc. tSf Order * taken and delivered tiromptly Alinost anything desired can he nrovurett at t hose two stores. Cull and examine. B1M 6 DATZB» Iiown Town Store —(in Main St. foot Broadway I p Town Store—Op posite llepot. AMIT YVILLE , L. I. GEO. T. HOM AX. JOEL S. DAVIS. jail. Homos. TT\ K - S ' W - LONGKNKCKKK , SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DEITTIST. Of the w ell-known firms ol l-oiipeneeVer Bros 31S Fulton avenue , and tlr. J. II , l.oiiReneeker & Sons, 2t;" . ami l>«7 1' iilt oii st„ lirooklvii. re- spectfu lly informs the citizens of Aiuitvville and vicinity, that lie lias opened lirst-clasa dent al rooms in the block of Mr. Charles Wood, near the railroad tDepot. The Doctor has all the modern improvements appertaining to dentist ry. UJ' prompt and skilled workmanship, and reasonable prices , tie hopes to gain vour patron age. Nitrous Oxide or Lautiliiti); (;as, a\\v.i\s f resh for tlie painless extract ion of teeth. In preserving the teeth, correcting deformity , and in good substantial filllnc invariablv warrant- ed , we cannot be excelled . Consu ltation and ad- vice free. Artificial teeth inserted on all known materials, that aye sowl .avM with all the recent improvements. No charge for extraclinc when artificial teeth are ordered. Good work and moderateeharpes. Please <*ali r.ndsee us. Will sbowyoii what we can and will do to finprov- your mouth for looks, comfort and health. Of- f ice hours from S a. m. to 5 v. xi. Mondays and Tuesd*ys on ly. Fine Gold Filling a »|>ecfalC ¦ tantiemes. NEW ADVERTISEMENT3 GREEN BROS. GROCERS ! ASD DEALtna IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE , SAYVILLE , L. I. Goods delivered to all part s of the village. GEORGE PALLISER , Architect , (Senior member late Brm Talllser , Palliser & Co) If you are about to build or malic any improve- men ts in either city villi oay ' ymi to cive tne a call and get my Terms , method and references, etc. Books on Architecture, and Valliscr ' s publications. 27 years of pract leal ex- perience enables me to guarantee the best practical results, atthe most economical outlay Offices- . Cor. Park Jkvo. ft. 42d St., Opposite Depot . NEW YOBK CITY. J£cyi. JOHN DEG RAFF , WHOLES .LLE ASD EETAIL BEALE* TS PEIUB CIGAR S. Greenville , L. I. ¦pecialBea: •v port, " "fi. O: Jf. » and Morrell. " *< * ««te by Dealers In >-ayville. BmoKe tlie S2"2^I? a J't!" be«*»«*«^ yrden«olleSt«l •¦ ¦ vnm$Uf uil ei. mui« >

Transcript of AND ?i?;i->i3i: ^r>0 S, WECHSLER & BBO. 29310299...

SATTTXLE. toye i=last»:SATU KDAY, FEB. Uth.tSSS.

Entered at the Pest OEee at Sayriile, X. Y. assecond-class matter.

ont rnirosE :"?et? 8ai, Tell tha Trtttt. sal H_» -say."A. _ . CHEKEV Editor and Pnblfeher.

JfepUle flfofe tg fjeu tf.


A pretry. growing Tillage oi inach businessactivitv M-iBiteil in the southeast part el theTown of Isttp. on Momauk Division L. I- K. K.aad near Great !>ou:h Kay. fr.iui the fisheries oJ•wh ich the platv derives its principal support.—Distance from Long Island City. 50 miles;. It hasa rapidly growing population, the surroundingcountry If ing 'a a very healthy state of growth.The streets are level and broad, the sidewalksarapJe and lined with shade trees. The peopleare intellisent . progressive and hospitable, andthe place has a prospering present and a brightfsture. The place is worthy of and is receivingthe attention of capitalists- strangers are al-ways welcome. A new. spacious and costlyschool building is now in coarse of erection,thus affording first chiss educational facilities.The southwestern part is locally known asGreenville.

It is a matter of nigh moment to theyoung American gentleman to reflect ,ss he shapes his character for life, onthe model by which he would be mould-ed to future distinction. The liberalform of car Government, the omnipo-tence of public opinion in this countryof fiee, uru'naekiVd mind, and the highdestinies allotted to the elder republicof the Western continent, impose pe-culiar rules of formation on the risingpillars of the American empire. Thescholar, the jurist , the statesman, iheartist, the mechanic or the cultivatorof the eastern continent, may not bethe inoaeis for those of the new world—a world happily cisinthraHed andaloof from the despotism of hoary er-ror, the accumulations of many centu-ries of ignorance and encroachment onsocial rights. The Young Americanshould be generous—for here, as to anasylum from cruelly and the whirlpoolof revolution , thousands have come,and millions must come as the old con-tinents break up under the hammer ofconvulsion and melt down under thepurifying nres of a pur-er and holier type. He must be patien tand persevering—for thc^e who haveever bieathed the atmosphere of mon-archy and hereditary power cannot ina moment be made to understand thenature and the full extent of our na-tional freedom: the lesson of "Washing-ton to a young nation are often to berepeated- He must be brave—for toomuch has been entrusted to him to bein the keeping of a coward. To himhas been committed the world's last ex-periment for liberty—to him belongsthe helm of the Government vessel, ifhis skill and patriotic virtues prove himworthy to guide the ship of State throseas of passion and under the adversestorms of external war. He must beenergetic—for the men of America areself-made men, and gather no honorfrom birth, but the broad proud hon orof citizenship in a country where not alord nor a iordling, as such, can throwcontempt over their plebeian origin.

£g~The Republicans of Patchogneheld a very interesting meeting in Jus-tice Carman's office , last Monday night,and perfected the organization of apolitical association to be known as the"Lincoln .Republican Clab." RobertMills occupied the chair. The meetingwas largely attended, a delegationbeing present from Sayville. Stirringspeaches were made by District Attor-ney Wilmot Smith, Justice ArlingtonH. Carman, Benj. Dean of Patchogne,C. L. Raynor, and Albert Ketcham. ofSayville, and others. The club startsout with very bright prospects and wiiidoubtless accomplish excellent work.A similar organization will be startedin Savville soon.

£^~M"r. S. W. Cooper, the genial andable associate editor of the BabylonSignal was recently elected foremanof Phoenix Hose Company of that vil-lage. Foreman Cooper, we salute you !No young man is more worthy of thehonor, and no one could fiH the positionwith better grace and dignity. If allfiremen were made of the same ma-terial, harmony and manhood would bethe prevailing virtues of all fire depart-ments. Genuine worth should alwaysbe-appreciated, and we are glad to knowthat Phoenix is quick to recognize it inthis instance. Now, Simon don't blush,for the truth must prevail.

EP~We are indebted to PermanentSecretary F. S. Hunt for interesting

"¦" ' statistics;" relative to Arcanum Lodge. I.O. O. P., of Bridgeport. Ci. In 1847the lodge had 55 members and §357in the treasury. It now has a member-ship of 244- and a fund amounting to?12,334.24. The lodge is growing rap-idly financially. It is made np of a re-markably healthy body of men whotake great pride in the advancement ofthe order. It is to be congratulated up-on its growth and very prosperous con-dition.

Sr*Justice A. H. Carman, of Patch-ogue is a stirring Republican. Beinga. member of the Executive Committeeof the Republican League of the Stateof Xew York, he is in a position to im-part much valuable information tomembers of the parly. If oar Repub-lican friends desire to get posted theywould be well to consult him.

J3?"Tce Long Island edition of theBrooklyn Xcics secured quite an in-terstice budget of Sayville items fromour last issue. Editor Heaton, of theBrooklyn Xetcs is always welcome to"help himself," if he will-only give usproper credit, and not persist in refer-rine to this paper as the Sayville 77jn«,*__a is donbtlass an nmatentionalmtj taie.

fy Gassiferable natter is crowded-rat _tii wa_c.

The American Character.

The " Signal" is Right.The Xew Tors and Brooklyn papers daily

publish a large amount of '"faked" Long Is-land news: yet people continue to purchase'and read those journal?, and are mislead ac-cordingly. Moral—patronize yonr home pa-per, the statements contained in which canusually be dependednpon.—Babylon Signal.

Right you are, Bro. Livingston. Asaa evidence of the correctness of someof the " foreign" news, we reproducethe following paragraph, and our read-ers can judge for themselves :

Both the Congregational and Methodistchurches in Sayville have been holding a se-ries of revivals lately. H. T. Rogers, betterknown as " Fred" Rogers.who keeps the and most profitable saloon in the place,has been a constant attendant at these meet-ing? and ha? been so greatly affected that hehas closed his place, sold all the fixtures anddestroyed ail the liquors. It is his intentionio become a temperance lecturer.

Ifr. Rogers is doubtless disgustedwith these exaggerations, and well hemay be. It is a positive injury to hisbusiness. The papers should "givehim a rest."' He still conducts a mod-el restaurant, with out liqnor, a stepthat he decided upon even before heexperienced religion.

SPThe Green wich Xf ir .-; a brigh tpaper just started by Charles W. Lee,formerly local editor of the Port Jef-ferson TVij i- s has reached our table.—Mr. Lee is a ialented newspaper man,and will give Greenwich people a paperIn every way worthy of support. Wewish him abundant success.

Prep ared esp ecially f o r the X.EWS b] J an oldRail roader—Spicy and Reliable

Pa ran rums.

Conductor 3. F. Anrnsek, of ilie Babylonevening mail train, has resumed duty after aweek's agreeable "lay-off. "

Miss Oakley, who "pounds the brass" atQuosue station, retu rned to duty this weekafter a somewhat protracted vacation spentamong friend- and relatives at Amagansett.

Tommy O'Brien, urn wing-room car con-ductor on the Sag Harbor express tram, isaccorded the -yinpathy of friends and ac-quaintances in his aiiliction consequent nponthe death of his father-in-law, .which occur-ed in Xetr York city last week.

*-Conductor W. H. Blood, just recovered

from a serious illness, is hopping about inhis accustomed lively manner, scatteringsunshine among those abont him and daily-adding to his popularity. That hi? shadowmay never be less is the hope of the Newsand his other friend".

Station A je st Wells", of Rockville Centre,who it was thoaght seemed bent upon endinghis days in bachelorhood, has quietly settleddown in comfo rt with his amiable bride atRockville Centre. It may be late in the sea-son, but the Nrws takes pleasure in offeringcangratulatiou s.

W. J. Robinson, one of the popular andeScient mail agent s on the Montauk Divi-sion, is con-ined to his home at 1-rfmg IslandCity by illness. Countless friends will hopethat his forced vacation will be brief. He isthe son of Coroner Robinson, of Queenscounty, and held in high esteem by friendsand associates.

Telegraph operator Van Xostrand's dutiesat i}uozve re;:-ed on Monday, and he willseek i or be delegated to \ some new field ofusefulness on the Island's railway system.—¦• Charlie"" is more or less of a ladies' man,and his modesty is only exceeded by Id * goodlooks: but at Qnogne station, where pinetrees and sandy soil abound, he. likeOrthel-lo, "found hi* occupation gone."

G. IV. Fiich.t.V local m.'iil agent stationedat Lons Island C..y, narrowly escaped seri-ous injury or deivth by a * '1 from a Brook-lyn Elevated Rr .ilroad tr.. l a few days ago.-Mr. Fitch is an old empk ee of the railwaymail service and to-day suffers from injuriesreceived while employed on a mail train be-tween Syracuse and Buffalo. He barely es-caped death in a collision on the HudsonR iver Railroad, and was disabled for a peri-od of nearly twelve months in consequence.

Jit is whispered about that IVess H.Bennett,a mail agent on the Southern Railroad, hastendered his resignation and will assume en-ure control of the business at Long IslandCity conducted by his mother, Mrs, C. M.Werden , at 71' Borden avenue. We regret thatMr. Bennett will step down and oat of a po-sition in which lie labored with efficiency fora period of about a decade, and cordiallywish him weli and an abundance of prosper-ity in his mercantile engagements. He is de-serving of a full measure of success.

Station Agent Fettit, of Westbnry, whowas accidentally shot by William Smith, theexpress and baggage solicitor, is gradaallyrecovering from his wound and is pronoun-ced out of danger. The sad affair has mar-kedly affected the innocent author of tbe sta-tion agent's misfortune, and only sympathyis expressed for Smith. The latter is a youngman of unimpeachable character, universal-ly esteemed, and has been for several yearsconnected with the extiress service.

*Frank Vail , head Drakeman on ihe Sag

Harbor express and night mail, is one of thea-:¦ serving j -ornis: men who are no doubt book-ed for a more important trust duringfhe ap-proaching summer. Mr. VaiJ has within himthe elements and general makenp of a suc-cessful riiiroad man, and in a more import-ant position would unquestionably prove »credit to himsrlf and an honor to the corpo-ration under which he is employed. TheNews hopes to see-him rise to tmiuence inLon" Island's raiiwav .-crena.

Engineer Harry Ryder, favorably knowEto many Long Islanders and railway travel -lers, has become master mechanic of tinPhiladelphia and Reading Railroad. He is athorough mechanic, familiar with every de-tail of the intricate duties devaluing uponhim, and withal a man who holds the fi-ooitwill of those around and rmder him. He i-a nephew of the late Oliver Charlick. formeiPresident of the Long Island Railroad, andup to his return to duty on the Long IslandRoad was Superintendent of motive poweron the Xew York city and Northern Railroad.Everybody congratulates him most cordial-ly npon his deserved elevation.

Hallway Echoes.


EiUiorSayvf llt - Xeict: Deaf. Stu:— Iwish your correspondent would telithe troth. Magdalena Asse! neverwas laid en a cold bare floor. Weplaced her in a rocking chair, and as Iwas going out of the room for a fewminutes, she had fell out of the chairon the carpet, and in a very warmroom. 5Iy husband, and myself werealone in the house. I a;n a very help-less, lame, sickly person. She wasvery heavy, so my husband could notlif t her np. "We put blankets allaround her, and a pillow under hot-head till somebody came in and helpedmy husband to take her up stairs toher bed. She was reposing on feathers,and had plenty of blankets over her tokeep her warn. 3Iy husband and Idid all ive could for her, but mean andbad people of this place and otherplaces, are trving to circulate false re-port s. * 31 ks. W. WrrTE.

Holbrook, Suffolk, Co.

3r«ney to he Made.

It is sxid ihnt dul l times are not known bythe agents for the great publishing house ofGeorge Stinson £ Co., of Portland, Maine.The reason of this exceptional sneces'is found in the fact that they alwaysgive the public that which is keenly appreci-ated at prices that all can afford. At presentwe understand, their agents are doing won-derfnUy well on several new lines. They needmany mora agents in all parts of the coun-try. Those who need profitable work shouldapply at once. Women do as well as men.—Experience is not necessary .lor iSessrB-Stin-aan &. Co..undertake to show all who are wil-ling to work, not hard bnt eanieslly-,tbe pathto large success. - It should be rememberedthat aa agent can do a handsome businesswithout being cway irotn home over night.Another advaatsuja—it costs nothing to givethe business a trial, and an jnjeist can devoteall his time, or only his spare moments to it,Stinson & Co., guarantee grand success toall who enfyBge exd follow simple and plaindirections that they give. We have not spaceto explain all here, but full particulars trailbe-Beni/Jfe totbose who address tbe firm ;their folladdress is given above.

1— ¦

Stttsrribe now. -"*

(wxrrr—s fos the we_b_t kewb.Ji SUSPICIOUS.t

Kow is the time when Valentines,With embossed paper wings,

Will flatter in white jewelled hand. Against the diamond rings.

Kow is the time when cheeks suffuse,And bright eyes brighter glow.

While beauty shines an manifoldAs earth's white robe of snow,

Kow is the time when pulses leap,And sweet throaphts crowd the sonl,

And kindling lights flash every step,Towards the brilliant goal.

Kow is the time when hope aspiresTo rich Vermillion skies;

And he a laggard is, who fails,To gain a peerless prize.


New York, Feb. 7, 1S8S.Editor Xeics :

New York has walking on the brainto-day. This city must have a craze ofsome kind.

The cut is very short from the hang-man's noose to the blazing ball-room ofa Vanderbilt's resplendent magnifi-cence. Then , by way of a change, comesthe real blaze of a million big fire—from the smoking ruins of which weturn to the sweet, child-music that isnow thrilling the heart of the greatMetropolis, as rendered by little JosefHoffman. While such melodious strainsare filling the air, and delighting hercitizens, we suddenly pause, by way ofcontrast, beside a cargo of sugar, andwonder how some great folks dare toplay puss-in-corner with such a tooth-some thing.

The Xew Yorkers never tire of vari-ety. A humdrum life would shrivelthem tip like mummies. Change istheir native food. The law, and pro-press, both cater largely io this appe-tite, even if one has to demolish a lillyfence on Fifth avenue, or the other es-cort Gen. Sherman through a sea ofbeauty where Mrs.Hicks-Lord displaj'S25,000 worth of diamonds. The Duke,of Newcastle offers a fine contributionto our Metropolitan taste, while the in-evitable news column entertains uswith Baby Lippincot by way of contrast.Xow we must confess that we fail tosee where the ancient St.Valentine canpossibly squeeze in. He must have anold fashioned idea that there is not ex-hila ration enough to go round ; that hemakes his appearance at a time whenNew York is rushing it , and can hardh'rind time to greet little Geo. Washing-ton and his hatchet. But the dear oldriaint has hurried with his usual contri-bution to the people's Oliver Twist formore I

Now it is true that New iovk stillmaintains that creditable institution—the one cent meal ,and its periodica l en-tertainment for the poor as conductedby Mrs. Yanderbilt. These with Mrs.Astor'slate bequeathment of rare lacesto the art museum ,together with manyother valuable proceedings, claim fromus the just admiration of our greatAmerican Metropolis. .Stlvia Grey.

—Babtlaxp , 18S3.—In genera l itwill be about the same as in "is'T. Noth-ing in Babyland ever pleased more peo-ple than Finger-plat- rhymes and pic-tures. Sis of the 'S3 Babylands willcontain new Finger-plays. The othersis will have a series of baby stories inrhyme about Crickets. Me" and Tod-dlekins is a baby-cat story all throughthe year by Margaret Johnson. Therewill also be a lot of jingle bits and sto-ry bits and picture bits. Ffty cents a\"ear : a copy sent for five cents. D.Lothrop Company, Publishers, Boston.

gp-At an average cost of about 25cents per week you can insure against acci-dents and be indemnified to the amount or#15.00 per week, and $3000 death benefit.—The Mutual Benefit Life and Accident Co.,of Hartford Conn. H. T, Rooeps. Agt.

From the Metropolis.

FOR SCHOOL BOOKS,Copy Books, Slates, Lead and SlatePencils, Inks, Pens and Penholders,Composition and Exercise Books, TextBooks, in fac t , for all school Supplies,ijo to G. J. Klaasse.v's. Main Street.

Advice to Motheiis.—Are you disturbedat night and broken of yonr rest by a sickchild suffering and crying with pain of Cat-ting Teeth'r If so send at once and get a bot-tle of Mus. Wixslow's SooTHUia Sxn trp foeChhj>bes Teething. Its value is incalcul-able. It will relieve the poorlittle suffererimmediately. Depend npon it, mothers;ihere is no mistake about it. It cures Dysen-:ery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomachmd Bowels, cures wind colic, softens thejj ams, rednces imtlammation, and gives tonemd energy to the whole system. Mks.•VlKSLOW 's SOOTHIXG SXBUP FOB CH.IX.DaESTeethiso is pleasant to the taste and is theprescription of one of the oldest and bestremale and nnrses physicians in the United¦states, and is for sale by all druggists'-hron ghout the world. Price twenty-fivecents a bottle.

Give Them a Chance!That is to say, vou limps- Also all vour breath-

ing machinery- Verv wonderful uiacuftierv it;s. Not only the larger air-passaws. hut "thehousanrts of little tubes and cavities leadiiii;

from them.When these are clogged and choked with

matter which oujrht not to be there, vour luntrscautiot half do their work. Autl wha tliev do.they cannot do well.

Call it cold , eoiifrh .croup, pneumonia, catarrh,consumption or anv of the family of throat andnose and head and lung obstructions, all arel>ad. All ouslit to he Rot rid ol. Then' is justone sure way to cot rid of them. That is to takeSioscuee's (Senium svrup, which any druggistwill sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every-t/u'riK else has failed you. you inav depend uponthis lor certain.




Mr*. C. G. Selleck is in Riverhead.Mrs. Warren Purdy has returned from

the city.Mrs. Ei. H. Car hart has returned from

Washington.Charles Homan now calls his horse

"catch." The nag manages to "getthere"in good shape.

Building operations are active here thiswinter. The future of Amityville^ neverlooked brighter.

Postmaster Haff paid a visit to the Me-tropolis recently, in search of informationand a little harmless pleasure.

Mr. Spencer Griffin now runs a groceswagon around the village, receiving andfilling orders on his own hook.l'he good-looking veterinarian, Dr.

Robert Hammond, of Babylon, was in townon Sunday. "Ah there! stay there!"

Frank Purdy is preparing his new cot-tage for his early occ ipancy. It is a hand-some and substantial ly built little home.

Miss. NellieP.Moocrs, ofBrooklny Miss.Allie White, of New York, and Miss. LouHarris, of West Hills, passed Sunday here.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet in theLecture Koom this Friday evening, whensomebody (guess who?; will provide a suit-able repast.

The barn and carriage house on the prop-erty of Samuel Ha ttoii , at West Amityville,is rapidly neanng completion. Teny Ketch-em is the bui'der.

Ocean avenue, the handsome thorough-fare leading to the bay, is rapidly buildingup and will eventually lead all other ave-nues in the village. Many handsome build-ing sites are in the marKet and are offeredat reasonable prices.

The firemen tendered Squire Capen a stir-prise on Thursday evening oC this eveningweek. There wus fun and a good deal ofit, and the occasion was a memorable onein our social annals. The firemen know howto entertain each other and their friends.

We are informed that a woman namedMrs. Emma Situs, at the Half Way Hou«e,has been arrested for selling liquor withouta liaense. A prominent citizen informs usthat the house has a questionable reputa-tion and that the people of Amityville donot propose to allow the matter to resthere, but will administer the law againwhen occasion requires.

Miss Maud Preston will give asolid birth-day party in honor of her 10th year , at thesolid residence of her solid father , Dr. Pres-ton, in solid Ami tyville on asolid night. A•olid repast will be served in a solid man-ner and everybody wil l have solid comfort,including thecdiiorwho will .receive a solidbos on ihe ear, which will not make usaltogether solid with the fair sex. Therewill be no solid winks on this occasion. Wewill pive a solid report of it next week insolid tvpe.

Krastus Spooner, the general utility manat King's Hotel , walked very leisurelyacross the track on Friday morning just asthe east bound mail train was entering thestation. The alarm whistle was sounded ,,-ind Krastus succeeded in feeling nothingmore violent than the wind occasioned bythe train as it passed him. There was con-siderably less than throe feet betweonErastus and a terrible shock or a violentdeath. When the gates are down , it is pro-per to take it for granted that danger is ap-proaching.

Don'l be afraid to have a small advertise-ment by the side of a large , competing one.—The big one can 't eat it up.


H. Tuthill, esq., Surrogate of the County ofSuffolk:—Notice Is hereby given, according tolaw, to nil persons having claims against JohnWood, late of the town of Isllp in said county,deceased, that they are required to exhibit thesame, w ith tbe vouchers thereof , to tho sub-scriber, Joseph Wood, nt h is residence at Say-ville. Town of Isllp, county or Suffolk and Stateof New York , on or before tbe fifteenth day ofFebruary next.

Dated August 3d, 1987.JOSEPH WOOD,

Kvecutor of John Wood, deceased.

Mortgage Sale.WHEREAS, default has been

made In tho payment of the moneyssecured to he paid by a Mortgage dated Octobertwenty fourth , ISTC, and executed by John W.Duryea atid Frances E. his wife , I'eter S. Burehand Ktith his wife, and M ichael Whelan , all ofthe Town ol Isllp. in Ilia County o£ Suffolk andState of Now York to Joseph W. Meeks of thesame place, anil winch Mortgage containing thepower of sale was recorded in the office of theClerk of Suffolk County, New York, in Uber 129of Mortgages, page 330 on the twenty-sixth dayof October, tK 7(i, at one o'clock in the-attemooti ;and which Mortgage was Ivy the executors olthcWill of said Joseph W. Meeks duly assigned toRichard Higbie ot said Town of Isllp by Assign-ment dated December twenty-eighth, IS83 andrecorded In salil County Clerk 's office in Liberlul of Mortgages, page 38 on the seventh day ofJanuary, IsM, at one o'clock In the afternoon—and such Mortgage is mow held and owned bysaid Richard Illgble ; And , whereas, the amountclaimed to be due and unpaid upon said Mort-gage at the time of the llrst publication of thisnot ice Is tbe sum of Two hundred and fiftydollars, pr iucloal and thirteen dollars andtwenty-n ine cents Interest, making altogethert he sum of Two hundred and sixty-three dollarsand twenty-nine cent s, ami no suit or other pro-ceeding has been instituted at law to recover thedebt secured to he paid Vvv saW Mortgage orany part thereof. Kow , therefore , notice lshcre-hy given that by virtue ot lliu power of sale con-tained in said Mortgage recorded as aforesaid,and ol tbe assignieut thereof as aforesaid, andIn pursuance ot the .statute in such ease madeaud provided tbe said Mortgage will be fore-closed bv a sale of the Mortgaged premises atPu blic Auction in front of the premises hereinalter described In the vitiate and Town of Isllp,in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yotk ,on Saturday, tli« twenty-eighth day ofApril , 1*S8, at eleven o'clock in iheltorenoonof that day, which said Mortgaged premises aredescribed in said Mortgage substantially asfollows to wit: All that certain lot, piece orparcel ot land with the buildings thereonerected , lying and being on the Mirth side ofMain street in the village of Islip, Town. Countyand State aforesaid, bounded and described asfollows to wit : Commencing at tbe southeastcorner thereof adjoining land of ValentineWilliams, running thence North to Kind of saidWilliams: thence West by and with said land ofValentine Williams to laud ot School DistrictJ»i>. Two; thence South by and along said schoolDistrict laml to the centre of Main street afore-sti ld; thence by and along the centre of the saidMain street to the place of beginning, conta in-ing all the land within said boundary.

Dated, Islip, Long Island , January , 2st h , 1888.l t l i -HAlt t ) HlOIlIK .

Assignee ol Mortgage.John K. Rkid, Attorney ,

it abvlon , X. Y. 123113

EC. V^-PAINE,Blue Point, Long Islasd.

(hid ing it necessary in order to attend to hisever increasing business, has opened In the OldEpiscopal Church, on NlalnStreet, Patoh-Ogue, where he will continue to do all kindsof first-class Upholstering and Furni-ture Repair ing.

Mattress Manufacturing,w holesale an retail Or made over eipuu to new.

Parlor Suits made to order.Orders by mail promply altendud to.

Cows ! Cows !Whether you want to huv. sell or exchange

for old and u«iv or young ami handsome, call onWhitman ovkmux, JSayport , L. I.

Hare yoa a Congb or Cold ?CsiE Tin:

UNIVERSALCough Balsam!Sensible Reasons why Yon should Use

this Remedy.It has been successfully used for years.Its ingredients are harmless—but* very effect-

ive.Its inllueiice is felt with the first dose.It will loosen or break up an old or fresh cold.It will soothe and hen! the l .l'XIKS.It will stop all inclination to COUCH.If the seeds of COXSUMt'TION are in vour

system, it will stop its progress and preservevour life for wars.

It Is a TOMC and will impart Strength audVigor to the System.

The rapid changes of this climate necessitatethe use ol i t .

It is pleasant to the taste.If you give it atria! you will never he without

it.It has been prescribed by a prominent physi-

cian for the past twenty years.

Call for the Universal Cough Balsam.Get the Universal Cough Balsam.


EUGENE A. SLOAT,Wholesale and Retail Drugg ist ,

Palchog-ue. fj oitg Island.FOR S/U.E AT.

G. .1. KLAASSKN'S Drug Store.W. J. TKltltV & sqnw Cciwral Store Sayville.

To Rent. For Sale, Etc.

{ -j RGANS REPAIRED AND (JLEA.N- ed by E. CI. Cleraence, Blu epoint,

I. L.

U OTIG£.All persons indebted to \V. X. Itaynor,

butcher, are requested to c.-i ll and settle thesame on or before Fcbuary, ,st- . HB"".

W. N. IUYNOR ,2t Sayville, L. I.

BOATtDERS WANTEDAccommodations for permanent and tran

sient boarders rany be had at tho PEARLHOUSE, Sayville, at moderate rates, by theday or weak. Good table, nent, comfortablerooms. F. R. Skinhkr, Prop.



This; Store Is well stockecU'With White. ColoredI ami Vfcvmiel

! SHIRTS !Collars, Cuffs, Mu ftlcrs, Handkerchief*, Rubbe

Coats, Mittcus, all kinds of Cloves, NeckTics of all descriptions, Scotch

UNDERWEAR ,Hat ami Ifalr Brushes, Suspenders, Jewelry,

celluloid Collars and Cuffs , and many otherartlccls.

Hats and Caps of All Kinds !Also, the celebrated Swec t, Orr & Co. 's ,

Working Pants and Shirts,Which are warranted never to rip,

A. D. FOSTER & S01Sr., '8 ATT I LLC, L, I.

J. B. SWEZEY, 'offers a large list of property abou t the Island.Send for catalogue Bpeelnl inducements in ,Life Insurance Kire Insurance ut low rates I1-or any Information Mi the above call on or ad iOress. J 11 BWIVBY, ^Heal Estate and Iniurance Agent ;

I'atchogue.L l.N y. J

_j -tast f

For tha ekoiofAtcTtto-Ufii^ti^nssoHmtBt (

It is as true of advertising as of anythingelse in life—that if it is worth doing at all t£is worth doing well.

•ayville Busine ss



NEWS DEPOT.School Books for Sayville,

Bayport, Oakdale and Bo-kemiaville Schools.


GENT'S WAHE,Collars, Cuffs Neck-Ties, Shirts,

Gloves, &c.Agent for DAVIS Vertical

feed Sewing Machine.


Anton Helfrech ,Merchant Tailor


Constant ly on hand a full line of English amiAmerican cloths. The latest styles in fashion-able suits are to be seen at my establishment.

Sutu ranging at Tvric.cs Sts and upwards.

A perfe ct fit; fine quality ofmaterial and satisfaction guaranteed. Anton Helfrech


Bant Btt£tdiii g9PATCHOGrUE

Offer for sale and to rent,houses and lands of all de-scription — also are placingloans on Western land at sixper cent.—principal and inter-est guaranteed by the Middle-sex Banking Co., of Middle-town, Ct. They also give re-liable Fire and Life Insurancein first-class companies.

TERRY'S STAGE LINEPatchogue and Port Jefferson.

Fare from Medford to PtJefferson75 CENTS-

CHANGE OF TIJIK. CHANGE OV TIME.Leave rateltotrite at S;4-J Tuesday, Thursday

and Saturday arriving at Medford '.<-.30.Leave Port Jefferson at a i>. si., connect with

5:23 lor Sag Harbor.A. D. TERRY, Proprietor.


Pine Macaese,PATCHOGUE , L. I.

Single Bnggy Harness from $10 np.Single Farm Harness from $1I> np.Double Light Harness from $2f> np.Donble Farm Harness from §20 np.


At PricoB to suit the- times.¦m:. kaeshick.

(Late with Devlin S Co., Ilroadwav, N.Y.)



MARBLE WORKS ,Pine St., Pa'chogue, L. I.

Monuments, HeadstonesAKD

Cemeterv Fencins:.EXCELSIOR


BAYPORT, L. I.Manufacturers of Carhonatcd beverages, such

as soaa, sarsaparilla , ginger ale and pear ciderAU orders promptly exented and s«c.d^d«l\s-evedfree of charge. In addition to the above wekeep manufactured and fresh all popular min-eral waters In sipbots.

teSfOur wagons run daily, and families haveonly to leave orders with our drivers to havethem promptly attended to.

Private parties should order a little In advanceso as not to conflict with ourregular trade.


CAPITAL $25,000.

SOUTH SIDE BANKof Bay Shore, N. Y.

H. M. RAVEN ,President and Cashier.

T« O.ailTH, Vice President.OFFERING DAY-FItlDAY.


DIRECTORS:It. M. Montgomery, Edw'o*. B. DudsrhUl,T. O Smith II D Brenstcr,Joslah Kobbtns, E. J. Redlngton,Wm. NicoU, J It. Doxsee.Morris i. Terry, Joseph Wood,

R. M. Haven.



Mam Street, Sayville, L. I.


Fresh Fish, Oysters and Vegetables. A fall line of Smoked Meats.

HENRY E, ASMUS,e-l:e3. ajl. ESjST^lTES ^GOESr-iT-T*,


Offers for sale FARMS. VILLAGE PROPERTY and BUILDING PLOTS on and near




p c I VHEbTI*>#\ ')m^ h*"1**

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S, WECHSLER & BBO.29310299 Fin strut ,

266 to 268 Washington St., Roa rEntrance ,

BROOKLYN, N. Y.N. I).—Hovie cavs comiect'vi« w ith,

all trains arriving at Fultbir-h ave.pass our doors.

Our Great January-Sales a Harvest for


FOCR CtAdSKS OK HALE ' S NOIV I>" r'KO<:i»-:3>"l.V


Our Eagerly I.ookt'il-fui' Jt t i iuary

ClearingS AL EHas Commenced and is to ^

Continue Dm-ing thisEntire Month.

The most thoroughly lion.i tide reductions inprices ot Silks , Velvets, Dri- ss r.ooos, Dlaekt'.oods. Cloths. Hosier}-, L:u-e< , Uulies ' andChildren 's Suits and Cloaks , Hoys' Clotliinj ; ,Furs, Shawls, Ladies 'Shoes, Upholstery t .'oods ,&c., &c., the Greatest Clearing Sale of WinterMerchandise ever attempted in tlie history otour business.

The Roods are on our eounlers , t he best ot !ltheir kind, perfect in everything ; but we don 'twant them. Do you?

Now in Pro gress ,Ot'R ANNUAL SPECIAL SA1.I :S OK 1-AB^l .£ t-g

Muslin Underwelfc iM

Embroideries , MAMI OK

Linens and Housekeep- ,

ing Goods. 1|Railroad faek retuhned to Pfr.cri.ifkhs \KliOM SATTVILLE , ONE ¥H, [ON §30.00 PV8-



Robert E . Brown,


Steam Engines a specialty—Iron and IlrassCastlHKS furnlsiied—Lathe work in all itsbranches—Mill Machinery repaired.




SPECIAL NOTICE.Geheeai, Agency ,

105 Fulton St.,Brooklyn , N. Y.

Do you want Servants or FarmHelp? "e cm ewpply jou « once -with goodwell recommended help. Bend one dollar >nd whatyou wont.

Do you want Boarders? if so, senateonr agency. We cau fttl your house with good pay-ing uaicdere, without detay. Send particulars , audone dollar (with references.)

Do you Want to sell or exchangeyour HOOSE or FARM ? We can do it euro. Sendfull particulars and one dollar for advertising andregistering. We have special facilities and can suitour customers without delay. Country property aspecialty.


JOSFcltonSt.,Brooklyn, N. Y.

HOWARD PLACE.Oiled Clothing



TICHf ffilFOllSA Specialtt.

102 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK ,Opposite Pier 27, E. R.




W atchmaker and J eweler.DEALER IK

Diamonds, Watches and Jeicelenj

205 Fulton St. 451 Fdltox St,Near Concord. Near Jay.




fOpp. Hoosevelt St. Ferry.Consignments solicited. Returns promptly mad i. 1rrrOTO VlQin) maybe ToaaS oa me at aeo. 'X aXO Xr&CXj D i p. Sowell * Co-s Ncwapapef ]Ad«rtt»i3lgBurcau(I0SprueeStV»rter rprJiBln« icootracw mar bo mado for it US Btfc.W IOHK.

T OST—FIFTY CEXTS—BY RE- tu rninpr the above amount , the

finder will be liberall y rewarded with a fclean shave, hair cut and shampoon by «Harry F. Hildebra.vdt, at hi s ton- \\sorial parlor, .Main street , Sayville. \

Anton Peterman ,Opposite the Bunk '<

Patchogue, L.I . IHair-.Cutting, Shaving & Shampoon-

ing a Specialty ,A select stock of fine Svg&rs and Barbers'Supplies always on h;iiid.—

Working Sloop Wanted.WANTED CHEJP FOR CASE.

A second hand worklnp; sloop capable of carryins not Iras than /our hmidrcd aooi bushels ofHeavy oysters. Must be sound and in good^orkinK order. Address Rivln s particulars,eugth draugnt, &c. with loivest price. L. I!. !>.(>Box ems.x. Jan2i3t.AND THE ILLCSTUtOUS PEOPLE OF AMERICA.

As a powerful nerve nutriment forovertasked and nerve-weary people, orold failing persons, Judge Brewsterof the Supreme Court speaks of it inthe highest terms, and uses it constant-ly. Col. Bennett, th e famous Philadel-phia , millionaire srys: "It saved inewhen I was a supposed hopeless wreckfrom ten years heavy business labor.I shall build a monument to it. Forinsufficiency of the heart and nervoussystem after a long overtasked businesslife, or a broken constitution from anykind of excessive abuse, the world hasnothing on its markets that can coni-pare.with it or fill its place. I believeit will lengthen the lives of old peoplevery much." Eleanor R. Carey, thetragic actress, says, after it had restor-ed her from utter prostration fromheavy acting*.

Du/tuostpsox—i/ji Iter Sir-. J have to thankyou for ltK- Moxle X?rve Food xvbieb von sentme through the recommendation ot a friend. Ithas been of the greatest material benefit in s«s-tatoirw my nervous strength which was entirelyexhausted in my acting of the heavy role ol"I>olores." I shall c-->ntm«e to cse it as I find Itto be the only thins ot its character which givesthe desired result without reaction.

Yours very truly_ Ej -rAj ioaB. Caret.Chestnut St. Opera house. FuUailelpMa.

This food will be sent to any address,freight prepaid , for $5 per case of 12gnart bottles. It is the finest beveragein the United States aud will restore anervous wreck ia a few days, withoutbarm or losing its effect more thanother food. Address, Moxie NerveFood Ok, Lowell,. Mass. Ask yonrdruggist for it:





Sew York ofrk-e a Temple Court c.ltoom ISO,an.Mtf




FRANK KARPP ,Ot Amityville. next to Charles Wood's office.

All work Kiiaraiiieed and the best of satisfac-tion eiven. 1'riees verv moderate. A full lineof CLOTHS, of Hie latest j iat'erns. Call anilexamine them, tients' l-'uriiistiiuj; Goods andeenuine Donu'stie Jewelry.

Imported and Aintr i c t


General Merchandise,Dress Goods,

Carpets, Oil Cloths,Groceries,


HardwareEt.> Ktc, Etc.

tSf Order * taken and delivered tirompt lyAlinost anything desired can he nrovurett att hose two stores. Cull and examine.

B1M 6 DATZB»Iiown Town Store —(in Main St. foot BroadwayI p Town Store—Opposite llepot.


jail. Homos.



Of the well-known firms ol l-oiipeneeVer Bros31S Fulton avenue, and tlr. J. II , l.oiiReneeker& Sons, 2t;". ami l>«7 1'iilt oii st„ lirooklvii. re-spectfully informs the citizens of Aiuitvville andvicinity, that lie lias opened lirst-clasa dent alrooms in the block of Mr. Charles Wood, nearthe railroad tDepot. The Doctor has all themodern improvements appertaining to dentistry. UJ' prompt and skilled workmanship, andreasonable prices, tie hopes to gain vour patronage. Nitrous Oxide or Lautiliiti); (;as, a\\v.i\sfresh for tlie painless extract ion of teeth. Inpreserving the teeth, correcting deformity , andin good substantial filllnc invariablv warrant-ed, we cannot be excelled. Consultation and ad-vice free. Artificial teeth inserted on all knownmaterials, that aye sowl .avM with all the recentimprovements. No charge for extraclinc whenartificial teeth are ordered. Good work andmoderateeharpes. Please <*ali r.ndsee us. Willsbowyoii what we can and will do to finprov-your mouth for looks, comfort and health. Of-fice hours from S a. m. to 5 v. xi. Mondays andTuesd*ys only. Fine Gold Filling a »|>ecfalC ¦






Goods delivered to all part s of the village.


(Senior member late Brm Talllser, Palliser & Co)If you are about to build or malic any improve-

ments in either city villi oay 'ymito cive tne a call and get my Terms, method andreferences, etc. Books on Architecture, andValliscr's publications. 27 years of pract leal ex-perience enables me to guarantee the bestpractical results, atthe most economical outlayOffices-. Cor. Park Jkvo. ft. 42d St.,

Opposite Depot. NEW YOBK CITY.J£cyi.


PEIUB CIGAR S.Greenville , L. I.

¦pecialBea: •vport," "fi. O: Jf.» and Morrell."*<* ««te by Dealers In >-ayville. BmoKe tlieS2"2 I?aJ't!" be«*»«*« yrden«olleSt«l•¦¦ vnm$Uf uilei.
