Anchor Clanker - Fall › advancedcms › QuQgCBljR82nBJIdU0Lo... · Anchor...

+ Anchor Clanker Fall 2014 We hope you’ve all enjoyed summer and are looking forward to fall as much as we are! It’s been a busy few months and we have a number of exciting things coming up. Over the summer we had a great visit from Lindsey Alexander, our RAS, who worked with the executive to make plans for the year. Several alumnae and collegiate also attended convention in Phoenix! First up this fall is our kick-off brunch at Upper Crust. You can catch up with sisters and vote on budget and Director of Founder’s day - there’s still time to RSVP! We’ve also launched new dues levels and starting next month a new communiqué will be coming your way. But don’t worry – we will still have a fall and spring Anchor Clanker! Be sure to check our Facebook group and our website for more photos and updates throughout the year. We can’t wait to see you! Lisa Glover (’02) VP Communications Fall back in love with delta gamma Eye on Alumnae See what your sisters have been up to. Upcoming Events page 3 September 6 – FALL KICKOFF October 5 – Run for the Cure October 7 – Alumnae Chapter Meeting November 4 – Alumnae Chapter Meeting November 22 – Cream Brunch December 2 – Ornament Craft Night and Potluck For more information on upcoming events visit us online at Edmonton Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Official Group or or email us at [email protected]

Transcript of Anchor Clanker - Fall › advancedcms › QuQgCBljR82nBJIdU0Lo... · Anchor...

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Anchor Clanker Fall 2014

We hope you’ve all enjoyed summer and are

looking forward to fall as much as we are! It’s been

a busy few months and we have a number of

exciting things coming up. Over the summer we

had a great visit from Lindsey Alexander, our RAS,

who worked with the executive to make plans for

the year. Several alumnae and collegiate also

attended convention in Phoenix!

First up this fall is our kick-off brunch at Upper

Crust. You can catch up with sisters and vote on

budget and Director of Founder’s day - there’s still

time to RSVP!

We’ve also launched new dues levels and starting

next month a new communiqué will be coming your

way. But don’t worry – we will still have a fall and

spring Anchor Clanker!

Be sure to check our Facebook group and our

website for more photos

and updates throughout the year.

We can’t wait to see you!

Lisa Glover (’02)

VP Communications

Fall back in love with delta gamma

Eye on Alumnae

See what your sisters have been up to.

Upcoming Events

page 3

September 6 – FALL KICKOFF October 5 – Run for the Cure October 7 – Alumnae Chapter Meeting November 4 – Alumnae Chapter Meeting November 22 – Cream Brunch December 2 – Ornament Craft Night and Potluck

For more information on upcoming events visit us online at Edmonton Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Official Group or or email us at [email protected]

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Hello Ladies, I hope that you have all been enjoying our beautiful summer and have been able to partake in some of the festivals our wonderful city has to offer! First of all, I would like to acknowledge all of the hard work our 2013-2014 executive team did last year. At Convention, the Edmonton Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter was presented with the Five Stars to Alumnae Success Award, recognizing outstanding programming, leadership and operation. Congratulations! And thank you for all of your work and dedication. I would also like to send out a giant THANK YOU to all that attended our elections! We had an excellent turn out and I would like to introduce the new members to the executive board: President - Jen Anderson-Wong VP Programming - Yolanda Marie VP Finance - Mallory McMurtrie VP Foundation - Erin Earles Director of Collumnae Relations- Sarah Ashley We look forward to joining the existing team and have some exciting events planned for the upcoming year! We also are grateful for our outgoing board. Thanks for all of your leadership and guidance in this transition. Personally, I would like to thank Jessa Meidinger for all of her knowledge and time! You’re a superstar! Please feel free to contact me via Facebook or email ([email protected]) with any comments, concerns, feedback or ideas. I would love to hear from you! ITB- Jen

+ President’s Update

Check out Coastal Living for some adorable nautical pumpkin patterns!

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Tara Faria and Peter Dobson were married July 26, 2014. “I met Peter almost 4 years ago. It was love at first sight, or at the very least love at first conversation. Peter tells me the number of hours increases every time I tell the story, but in any case in those few hours I knew I had found the love of my life. Clearly, I waited to tell him that though so he wouldn't run away screaming. Fast forward a few years later and we're heading to Banff for Peter's birthday. The weekend was filled with romantic dinners, massages, and trips to the springs. Peter chose the perfect moment; got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. We're so excited to build the rest of our lives together.”

Eye on Alumnae Celebrating DG’s milestones



Kimberly (Traviss-BB 2001) and Andrew Grzebinski were so excited to welcome their baby girl, Mia Anne, on March 14th, 2014!

Get ready Delta Gamma 2032!

Alexis Desrosiers (BB '98) and her husband Greg Uhryn welcomed their second son Milo Elliott Uhryn (pronounced my-lo ir-in) on February 10, 2014 weighing in at 7lbs 14oz.

Milo joins big brother Emmett Gregory who turned three on March 15th. Emmett loves being a big brother…he calls Milo his "cutie cutie" and says that they are "best friends forever."

Saniya Wadiwale (’04) married Ed Warwaruk (Phi Delta Theta) on February 22, 2014.

Director of Collumnae Relations, Sarah Ashley, was engaged to Paul Hrynew on June 1 in Banff!

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Eye on Alumnae Celebrating DG’s milestones



Afshaan Jiwaji ('08) and Ali Kapasi welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Rayyan Salma Kapasi, on August 9th, 2014. Big brother Zain is thrilled, and both mom and baby are doing well!

Evelyn Bonnell ("Bonnie") Loder, BB'47 Softly and tenderly in her 87th year, Bonnie Loder passed away in her sleep at home on June 2, 2014. Bonnie joined Delta Gamma in 1947 with some of her closest, lifelong friends. She remained active as a mentor for many years and took special delight in being the first of five Loder ladies over three generations to be DGs. Her DG legacy includes daughter Linda Loder Stuebing (BB'69), Patricia Loder McKay (BB'81), Emmy Stuebing (BB'97) and Lauren Loder Patterson (BB'08). There was a private celebration of Bonnie's life in accordance with the wishes of her family and should friends desire, memorial donations to the Bonnie Loder Compassion Fund at Robertson-Wesley United Church (10209 - 123 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 1N3) would be greatly appreciated.

If you have or know a DG with a milestone (engagements, marriages, babies, in memoriams, graduations, promotions, etc.) please send photos and details to [email protected].

Kirstie Armstrong (Rulka), BB'98 Kirstie passed away on June 11, 2014. She lived a lifetime in her 34 years, infecting everyone she touched with her loving nature and boundless enthusiasm. An open house celebrating her life was held at the Delta Gamma house on June 20th, where sisters and other Greek friends shared memories and stories.

Pierre Cazabon proposed to Kim Harder ’05 at a luau in Maui in front of 200 people, on December 16, 2013. Their puppy children, Marlowe and Zeke are excited for the upcoming wedding.

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Reminder our membership dues run on a fiscal year of July 1st 2014 - June 30th 2015. Please follow this link to pay your dues until June 2015. How to make a payment? 1) Login to Member Planet 2) Go to the Finance on the home page. 3) Click payment request forms and select, " 2013/2014 Edmonton Alumnae Chapter dues" 4) Add to cart, fill out the form and submit. If you have any questions please feel free to send an email to [email protected]

Thank you to our dues-paying members.

Bronze Level $25-$49.99 Erin Earles, Christie Harty, Alicia Ziebert, Mallory McMurtrie, Yolanda Schell, Jennifer Stadynchuk Pink Level $50 - $74.99 Jacquie Staric, Jessica McGale, Sarah Flowers Blue Level $75+ Lisa Glover, Jen Anderson-Wong


Pay dues by Member Planet


Dues News

Finance Update: We are off to a great start on our 2014-2015 fiscal year! I want to send a thank you out to all our fabulous sisters who have paid dues. This year we have started a new dues system that allows members to pay for different levels of support. We will be holding a draw for a FREE ticket to Founders Day for BLUE paying members before October 1st!

We will be doing a draw for an item from our Delta Gamma store for PINK paying members before October 1st!

The executive has been hard at work and produced our first ever working budget. This is being fine tuned this month and will be presented at our September 6th meeting.

I can't thank our wonderful members enough for supporting our local alumnae group!

As always connect with me with questions!

[email protected]

ITB, Mallory McMurtrie VP Finance Edmonton Alumnae Chapter

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+ Founder’s Day

On March 16, 2014 we hosted another very successful Founders Day! Thank you to everyone who came and joined in with their sisters to commemorate another year of Delta Gamma.

Together we enjoyed an amazing brunch, recognized some outstanding sisters, and heard updates from all near alum groups and the collegiate chapter.

A special thanks to all women who supported our silent auction fundraiser, which brought in just shy of $200, which is an amazing addition to the Edmonton Alum Club!

A special thank you to Leanne Nickel who acted as our Alum MC, and did an amazing job guiding us through the day. We are already looking forward to next years event!

Thank you to two of our milestone celebrating alumnae, Kathy and Christie for participating in this issue’s Alumnae Spotlight. If you are interested in participating, or would like to recommend someone please email us at [email protected]! Kathy Krause Fitzgerald BB’89 1) Why did you first join Delta Gamma? I was curious about the Fraternity system at the U of A and went through Rush (as we called it back then!). The DG house was where I felt most at home. 2) How have you stayed involved with Delta Gamma as an alumna? Volunteer positions include serving on House Corp., Chapter Advisor to the Treasurer,

and Advisory Board Chairman (not sure if this is what it is called now!). I have hosted a few different alumnae events over the years for Initiations and I attend other alumnae events from time to time. I think I have only missed two Founders Days! 3) What does Delta Gamma mean to you? Many things! Involvement, support, friendship, philanthropy, pride, growth. 4) What is your favourite memory from your collegiate years? When I rushed DG, I remember going on a tour of the house and seeing the President’s room. I felt envious, wishing I could be the kind of person who could take on such a leadership position, but certain that I couldn’t. Those kinds of girls were confident, brave, and strong; not characteristics that came to mind when I thought about myself! Three years later I found myself moving into the President’s room. I grew so much during those first three years with Delta Gamma that I somehow found the nerve to run for President. I still did not consider myself to be confident, brave, and strong; but thanks to the women who encouraged me, and the leadership opportunities that DG offered, I was getting there! 5) What is your favourite memory as a DG alumna? Bringing my daughter to the DG House last year for the cookie decorating event. It was amazing to be back in that house after so many years. I thought

I was finished making memories in the DG House – I wasn’t!

Alumnae Spotlight 25 year member

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Christie (Swontek) Harty BB ‘94

Don’t blink! 20 years goes by in a flash. It’s hard to believe it was two decades ago that Delta Gamma came into my life. I know the experience is different for everyone but for me Delta Gamma is always anchored firmly to my family tree. When I walked in that first night at Rush I knew I was home. It went by in a blur and I was beyond thrilled on Bid Day when my envelope had DG Greek letters on it. My Pi Alpha pal became my big sister and one of my best friends for life. Though she lives far away now we get together in person when we can and it is like no time has passed at all.

I am equally lucky that the next year’s Rush brought an amazing and memorable young lady in a bright red dress. I knew she was Delta Gamma material from the start but did not know she was to become a huge part of my life as my little sister and best friend. I would later take on another very special little sister and was able to live with both of them in the DG house my senior year.

As collegians and roommates we spent our non-study time in the basement watching 80s movies and the X Files while eating frozen McCain cakes and talking the nights away. Ah youth! I wouldn’t trade those days for anything; they shaped who I am today. I am also indebted to my family tree for my own family life as my big sister sat me down in September of 1994 and introduced me to the young man from Lambda Chi Alpha who would become my husband. There are so many wonderful events to remember, formals, Barn Dances, meetings with spontaneous dance breaks to “Stuck in the Middle”, studying till our heads exploded at the kitchen table…but it is the relationships and conversations, the roll on the floor laughter and shoulders to cry on that I remember the most and that make the word sisterhood real.

My wedding was filled with Delta Gamma bridesmaids standing up for me as I entered a new phase of life. My sisters were there when I had my babies, lost loved ones, struggled with illness, moved homes and changed careers. My little sister especially has gone above

and beyond, sitting with me for hours upon hours in the hospital, teaching me to knit when my hands needed occupying during a long illness, knowing just when I needed to laugh or cry or watch a Robert Downey Jr. movie right this instant! She has supported me in every possible way. I hope I do even a little of the same for her. I feel blessed that our kids know each other like cousins and that we can call on each other for support at all times. Both my big and little sisters also married Lambda Chi Alphas so my family life is filled with examples on all sides of Greeks “doing good” in the world.

As an alumna I am just beginning to scratch the surface of the opportunities for involvement and leadership. I am striving to fulfill my VP Membership duties and make the alumnae chapter one that involves and welcomes all. I watched two nieces become Delta Gammas and experiencing initiations in a “parental” type role was something I will cherish for a lifetime. I have two boys so my nieces are as close as I get! Each word truly meant something different than it did when I was a collegian and is a testimony of how deep our bonds run and really how amazing it is that a sisterhood created by three now means so much to so many women all over the world. Each Founder’s Day when I look around at the young new members, seniors setting out into independent life and members who are celebrating milestones it makes keenly aware of how lucky I am to have Delta Gamma and how very different my life would be without her.

There is nothing like the bonds of sisterhood, as a first year student the guidance and advice of my big sister and senior members meant the world to me. As time passed I was happy to become a senior member and house girl and pass that tradition of helping and welcoming new DGs on. As an alumna it only got better and DG has remained a constant in my life. Involvement as far as positions and meetings has ebbed and flowed with my ever changing life and commitments but it is meant to. Delta Gamma foundations remain the same but also she is ever evolving and inspiring. Really quite amazing when you think about it. For you newer alumnae, reach out to the alumnae chapter and join in whenever you can your talents and experiences shape us too. For some of you who are more “experienced” and maybe haven’t been to a sisterhood event in a while I encourage you to grab a sister you know and get together for coffee, a movie or come to a meeting. You might be amazed at how easily the conversation flows as you rediscover the meaning of anchored for life. Again, don’t blink! You might be asked to reflect on your 20 years and it will seem impossible that it has been that long since you made Delta Gamma part of your life. I am ever striving to live out my Delta Gamma ideals and blessed to be a part of such a sisterhood. Very much looking forward to the next stage of life and my next 20 years, may they not pass quite as quickly though, please?

Alumnae Spotlight 20 year member

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+ Calgary Update

Hello Alumnae, 2014 has been a great year so far for the Calgary Alumnae Association! The Executive team has been hard at work behind the scenes - updating our bylaws, entering all our reports into E-ops, and planning a fun calendar for the Association for the rest of the year.

As for events, Alumnae enjoyed a DG Workout event January 23 at "Fierce Girl Fitness". The class was ladies-only focused on circut training and cardio - and we sure all worked up a good sweat!

Six Calgary Alumnae made the trek up to Founder's Day in Edmonton on March 16th, and had a terrific time reconnecting with sisters and learning about what all the Alumnae and collegiate groups have been up to over the past year. Prior to out trip up North, the Executive got together to make over 100 pink and blue anchor-shaped cholocate lollipops to serve as table favours at Founder's Day. We enjoyed an evening of creating the lollipops together (along with with a glass of vino and some appetizers), and we hope that everyone enjoyed receiving them at Founder's Day. Thanks again to the Founder's Day Committee for all their hard work putting together the event, ans for extending the invitation to their "sisters from the south".

Calgary's biggest year of the event was April 12, 2014, our Third Annual Spring Social. We enjoyed a gourmet three-course brunch at the River Cafe in Prince's Island Park, in downtown Calgary.

if you are a graduating DG who will be moving to the Calgary area, we would love to hear from you, and see you out at an event! As a reminder, you can keep in touch with the Calgary Alumnae Association by the following means: email:[email protected] website:

ITB, Tricia Foster (BB '02)

President Calgary Alumnae Association

Upcoming Events

Calgary Alumnae at Fierce Girl Fitness!

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+ Upcoming Events

Cream Brunch – save the date! Saturday, November 22, 2014

Special Interest Groups help members connect on a more personal level and tend to be rewarding and fulfilling. Form a group comprised of members sharing a common interest (Book Club, Wine Club, Mommy ‘n Me, Sister Mixers) with the intention of having this group create a bond with one another as well as the alumnae group. Interest Groups should have a group leader to be a liaison between the SIG and the alumnae chapter or association.

We would love to offer more Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as a way for our members to connect with others who share similar interests. We always welcome new ideas for a SIG, so if you have one, just email us at [email protected] and we will help you promote it through our website, Facebook and Anchor Clanker.

SIG – Calling all runners – new or experienced! Do you love to run? Do you hate to run but love doing good for charities? Do you want to get in shape for summer? Need some motivation? Then perfect - this is the group for you!

We are starting a running club as a special interest group for the Delta Gamma Edmonton Alumnae Chapter. We thought it would be great to have other DG sisters to go running with and participate in charity events to live up to our motto of "doing good." It's like run for the cure, but all season long!

We hope to participate in at least one charity run per month - suggestions are always welcome for which runs/causes you are passionate about! We also want to connect sisters who are at the same level and want to train together. We may even organize some big group runs (hello Edmonton river valley!). More details will be worked out when we see what will work for the group (including creating the catchiest name ever for our group).

Please contact Cait either on facebook or at [email protected] if you are interested in joining!

With the beginning of the school year fast approaching it means the Beta Beta Collegians are hard at work preparing for recruitment. We again hope to meet all the fantastic new sisters at cream brunch after initiations!

We are currently looking for a host for this event!

If you can host or want to be involved in any preparation please connect with Sarjenka Kuryliw - Director of Cream Brunch.

Advisory Team First of all, I would like to thank Jacquie Staric and Jessa Meidinger for all of their contributions to the advisory team over the past five years, you will definitely be missed!

I’m very excited to welcome our new advisors on board – I know the collegiates will be lucky to have you and that you will be so important to their success in the coming year! Membership/COA Advisor – Noel Boucher-Le Programming/Panhellenic Advisor – Erynne Schuster Member Education Advisory – Kelly Paulsen Foundation Advisor – Cait Chalmers If you are interested in getting involved with the advisory team, please email me at [email protected]