Analytic Geometry Instructor Contact Information Course Description Course Content/Learning...

Welcome to Analytic Geometry! Analyti c Geometr y Instructo r Contact Informati on Course Descripti on Course Content/L earning Objective s Required Materials Course Expectati ons Course Policies Click any option to learn more!

Transcript of Analytic Geometry Instructor Contact Information Course Description Course Content/Learning...

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  • Analytic Geometry Instructor Contact Information Course Description Course Content/Learning Objectives Required Materials Course Expectations Course Policies Click any option to learn more!
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  • Though Geometry is an ancient mathematical discipline, French scholars Ren Descartes and Pierre de Fermat forged a new synthesis of algebra and geometry in the 17th Century that changed mathematics forever. Analytic Geometry strives to give geometric interpretations/context to algebraic operations and to give algebraic procedure/ algorithms to geometric problems. These scholars (and those who later built on their work) gave us the two- dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, modern algebraic and exponential notation, and a new view of functions and graphs. This reformulation of Geometry set the stage for the creation of Calculus. rans_Hals_-_Portret_van_Ren%C3%A9_Descartes.jpg :Pierre_de_Fermat.jpg Use the Home button to return to first slide (J. Nardo. 2001. Available at 2001/Spring%202001/geometry/Syllabus103.htm)
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  • Mrs. Sallie Sandler [email protected] 610-683-7346 after 3:00 PM Office Hours by Appointment 10:00 10:45 AM after 3:00 PM Go ahead, click the PLAY button! Use the Home button to return to first slide
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  • Plane Analytic Geometry Vectors The Line The Circle Click any option to learn more about each module. Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 5-8
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  • Plane Analytic Geometry Distance formula Point-of- division formula Slope formula Angles between Lines Plots of Equations Calculation of intersections Locus Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 1-4
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  • Vectors Component Form/Sketching Resultant Vectors Vector Sums/Differences EndpointsDot ProductRepresent Forces Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 1-4
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  • The Line Point- slope form Two- point form Slope- Intercept form Intercept form Distance between lines Families of lines Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 1-4
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  • The Circle Standard form General Form Sketch Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 1-4
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  • Conic SectionsTransformations Curve Sketching Polar Coordinates and Parametrics Click any option to learn more! Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 1-4
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  • Conic Sections Cutting Conics Theory ParabolaEllipseHyperbola Applications of Conics Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 5-8
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  • Transformations TranslationRotation Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 5-8
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  • Curve Sketching SymmetryIntercepts End Behavior Asymptotes Domain & Range Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 5-8
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  • Polar Coordinates & Parametric Graphing Sketch graphs Intersection of polar curves Polar/ Rectangular Conversion Conics in Polar form Parametric Graphs Use the Home button to return to first slide Modules 5-8
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  • Riddle, Douglas F. Analytic Geometry, Sixth Edition (1996). PWS Publishing Company. ISBN: 0-534- 94854-5 Computer access with fast, reliable internet connection Graphing calculator or Grapher Additional materials available via moodle Use the Home button to return to first slide
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  • I expect that you will log into class regularly and complete all assignments. communicate questions to me and/or your classmates. participate in discussions and collaborative initiatives, shouldering your fair share of the workload. keep copies of submitted assignments. be active participants, self-directed learners, and willing to try. be curious and inquisitive about mathematics. be persistent and determined in your work, and willing to share your understanding with others. maintain academic integrity. More
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  • You can expect that I will open course links on schedule. respond to emails within 24 hours. provide feedback on activities, projects, and quizzes within one week of the due date. update the grade book regularly. follow-up with you and/or your parents/guardian when necessary. notify you if away, unavailable, or temporarily unable to meet these expectations. work hard to assist you in learning Analytic Geometry. Use the Home button to return to first slide Back
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  • Course Policies AttendanceGrading Academic Integrity Technology Considerations Click any option to learn more! Use the Home button to return to first slide
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  • Attendance and participation in each module of this course is crucial. To succeed in this class, regular attendance is expected. Be sure to establish a work schedule, log in regularly, and meet deadlines and due dates. If you must miss class for an extended period of time, contact me in advance to make arrangements. Keep in mind that the course management system tracks your activity within the course. This includes the number of times you log in. I will run reports to monitor your weekly online activity. Students who fail to log in or meet deadlines will be contacted by the instructor and parent/guardian contact will be made as well. Use the Home button to return to first slide Course Policies
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  • You will be assessed in a variety of ways: sample problems, pair problems, quizzes, participation in discussions, graded assignments, and projects. Rubrics are used to evaluate discussions and projects and are posted to Moodle for student review prior to the start of an activity. The course schedule is posted on Moodle. Modules become available on established dates. Deadlines are established for submitting assignments. Scores are reduced by 50% when work is turned in late. 98-100A+ 93-97A 90-92A- 87-89B+ 83-86B 80-82B- 77-79C+ 73-76C 70-72C- 67-69D+ 63-66D 60-62D- 0-59FAILING Use the Home button to return to first slide Course Policies Kutztown Area High School Grading System
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  • Having academic integrity means being honest and responsible in your studies. You are expected to honor this concept in your participation in this online class. This means that all academic work is done by the student and the student will properly cite the resources used in completing work. You are expected to contact the instructor if questions arise about how to cite sources for projects in this class. Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. This may also include when a student copies and pastes directly from another source and passes it off as his or her own, or if a student fails to cite a source after loosely summarizing its content in his or her own words. If evidence of academic misconduct on assignments, projects, or quizzes/exams is established or if work submitted by a student is found to be profane or unduly disrespectful of others, the following consequences apply: The student earns zero on the assignment, project or exam. The student and his or her parent/guardian are contacted. An administrator of the Kutztown Virtual Academy is notified of the misconduct. Use the Home button to return to first slide Course Policies
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  • Moodle (Our Course Management System) used to access information and communicate with the instructor and class members 24/7. You can access Moodle by going to this website: Enter your user name Username: Graduationyearlastnamefirstname (all one word) Example Username: 17doejohn Enter your password Password: Laptop login password Find the course Under Course Categories, find High School, locate and select Mathematics Find Sandler Analytic Geometry Enrollment key: SAG Problems Contact your instructor or the technology department (610-693-7346) More Course Policies
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  • To Be Successful in an Online Course, You Should be independent and self-motivated learners. have access to a computer with a fast, reliable internet connection. know how to perform basic computer functions (saving and attaching files, creating folders), utilize skills learned in Computer Applications class, and navigate the internet (using search engines, entering passwords). be able to communicate effectively and clearly using email and discussion forums. be disciplined in setting and maintaining a schedule to complete work and provide timely responses to other students and the instructor, even when there are distractions online (checking personal email, perusing social media) or at home (television, family, social activities). be proactive in asking appropriate questions when assignments, concepts or homework are unclear. More Course Policies
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  • Online Communication Guidelines and Internet Use The following rules of behavior ("netiquette") will be followed: Stay on topic. Respect the views of others. Use common sense when commenting or accessing online websites and sources. Write in complete sentences. Texting language is not used. You are required to maintain a high standard of conduct in all correspondence. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Adherence to Kutztown Area School District Acceptable Use Policy is expected. If you are not sure about something, ask. What is acceptable in the virtual classroom mirrors what is acceptable in the traditional classroom. Use the Home button to return to first slide Course Policies