Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire



Transcript of Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

Page 1: Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

Page 2: Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

Are you male or female?Male Female

11 9

To understand who my target audience is, I have asked a variety of genders to get further information on what type of people are interested in which I can therefore incorporate into my magazine. As I want my magazine to target a male and female audience, a mix of the genders in my audience research means that I will have gathered information about the preferences of both genders.

Page 3: Analysis and evaluation of questionnaire

How old are you?

I have asked a wide range of ages to complete my questionnaire so that feedback given will always be within the target audience age range however, a larger amount of people were aged 16 and under or 17-21 so results may be biased towards that specific age range and may affect the production of my magazine. Although I handed more questionnaires to 17-21 as this was the specific age range I wanted to target as noted in my initial ideas.





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What type of magazines do you already read?

I asked this question to see what types of magazines my target audience are interested in so I could produce my magazine similarly. Most said ‘NME’, ‘Kerrang’ and ‘Gossip’ magazines showing that they like the rock and gossip genre, I can use the fact my TA like gossip magazines to include within my magazine and relate it to specific band/artist articles.





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What do you like about them?

I asked this question to find out what people liked about their chosen magazines, this will help me in the production of my magazine as I can include the most popular choices such as news, live reviews on performances, the music content and band information. It gives me a good indication on what people like to read about and ensure that my magazine will be popular and appeal to the target audience.





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What 3 words do you associate with the word ‘ROCK’?

From the graph I can see that most people refer to ROCK as loud, having guitars and ‘hard’ (hardcore). I asked this question to help with the content of my magazine so it will appeal to the target audience. So as 9 people I asked thought rock to be loud I can resemble this with colour – choose loud colours, the style of the magazine can be busy showing loudness also.





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How often do you buy a magazine?Fr




I asked this question to find how regularly my target audience buy magazines. This question has helped me with how frequent I shall publish my own magazine as a large majority of my target audience buy magazines monthly I know this will be a good idea as it is most popular.

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How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine?





I asked this question to see the price range of what people would buy a magazine for. Most of my target audience said they would pay between £2.00-£2.99 and £3.00-£3.99, showing they wouldn’t pay for something as expensive as £5.00+ but agree that the price to pay should be higher that £1.99. This has helped me as when I produce my magazine I will choose the price around the most popular suggestions to know that my target audience will be willing to pay for it.

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What colours do you most associate with the rock genre?





This question was to find out what colours people thought the rock genre was most like. This was to help me get an idea of what theme to present my magazine in. The results show that most of my target audience thought black and red. I can now use this to create my house style by using more of these two colours within my cover, contents and DPS.

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Which font style do you most prefer?





I asked this question to find out what font style my target audience most liked, this was so I could use it as one of the main fonts within the magazine knowing that they would like it. I found that 8 of the 20 people I asked preferred the charlemagne STD font. When I asked them ‘why’ they said because it looked most relevant to the rock genre.

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What would you like to see as regular content within the magazine?





I asked this question so I could find out what my target audience were most interested in within a magazine. I found that more people preferred to read interviews with bands/artists the most. Therefore I will be sure to include this within my magazine. My target audience also said they would like festival/tour dates. This is reliable research as I can understand how my main target audience 16-21 would be more interested in festivals than live reviews.

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What is your favourite artist/band?Fr




I asked this question to find out what type of music my target audience was interested in. I found that the genre of music that was most popular seemed to be ‘alternative rock’. I can use the results from this question to include popular artists/bands such as Arctic Monkeys within my magazine. For example mix the results of this with the results from the previous question and compose a page on the Arctic Monkeys, this way I know my target audience will be interested and buy the magazine.