An investigation of factors influencing students difficulties in learning art and design

AN INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ART AND DESIGN This paper investigates the factors that affect students learning difficulties focusing in art and design education. Difficulties from different perspectives from background, school environment to the student attitudes towards learning will be later highlighted. Recommendations and suggestion to overcome students’ learning difficulties are discussed. INTRODUCTION One of our goals in art education is to promote growth- perceptual, affective, cognitive, creative and expressive by engaging students in art experiences (Bates, Jane K. 2000). To have an art experiences several components needs to be taken for consideration such the students, actions and behaviour and the outcomes. Children come to school with different personality, social background, cultures and socio-economic. Effectiveness of a learning process depends on how well teachers know their students. So that teachers can plan the lesson well and at the same time modify the lesson according to students’ ability. Art is a very interesting subject can be taught in school though it is not a core subjects but its importance in children development is unquestionable. Children started with scribbling to forming shapes, in arts such progress are taken 1


This paper investigates the factors that affect students learning difficulties focusing in art and design education. Difficulties from different perspectives from background, school environment to the student attitudes towards learning will be later highlighted. Recommendations and suggestion to overcome students’ learning difficulties are discussed.

Transcript of An investigation of factors influencing students difficulties in learning art and design

Page 1: An investigation of factors influencing students difficulties in learning art and design



This paper investigates the factors that affect students learning difficulties

focusing in art and design education. Difficulties from different perspectives from

background, school environment to the student attitudes towards learning will be

later highlighted. Recommendations and suggestion to overcome students’

learning difficulties are discussed.


One of our goals in art education is to promote growth-perceptual, affective, cognitive,

creative and expressive by engaging students in art experiences (Bates, Jane K. 2000).

To have an art experiences several components needs to be taken for consideration

such the students, actions and behaviour and the outcomes. Children come to school

with different personality, social background, cultures and socio-economic.

Effectiveness of a learning process depends on how well teachers know their students.

So that teachers can plan the lesson well and at the same time modify the lesson

according to students’ ability.

Art is a very interesting subject can be taught in school though it is not a core subjects

but its importance in children development is unquestionable. Children started with

scribbling to forming shapes, in arts such progress are taken inconsideration by giving

them guidance and monitoring throughout the process. Children goes to school as early

as when they are 5 years old. This the formidable years for the children where external

or internal factors can affect their learning and performance at school. These factors

must be examined and tackle to avoid the children left behind in their study and they

can gain long term education.


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All children differ in temperament, cognitive abilities, personality and experience. These

factors and many others (motivation, support at home, past education) contribute to

success in school (Rivera & Smith, 1988) pg5. These difficulties affect students’ learning

at school.

Their greatest learning happens through their senses where they see, feel, smell, hear,

tastes and how they move through spaces. Very much of what they say relates to the

way they perceive the environments (Linderman, 1997).

Both educational researchers and experienced teachers develop what might be called

theories of difficulty. A strong theory of difficulty identifies learners’ characteristic

trouble spots for a particular area of instruction and includes some causal analysis of

why they occur toward improved teaching and learning. The literature on learning and

development offers numerous ways of understanding conceptual difficulties, as well

as recognizing problems of ritualized knowledge, inert knowledge, knowledge too

foreign for learners to engage it readily, and tacit knowledge, the partly unconscious

nature of which poses learning challenges (Perkins, 2008)


In order for students to learn, there are several factors that must be considered. Most of

these factors are external; they deal with social or cultural values. The school’s

environment, teachers and administrators also determined their learning. Still, another

important factor falls upon the student’s ability and willingness to learn. Here are

several factors that can affect the way a student learns arts during these formidable



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Students come from various backgrounds. Some come from low income families while

others come from affluent household. They may come from strong family structures in

which the parents are professionals or are highly educated, while others students may

come from a single parent household and/or have parents with limited educational


Students from affluent neighborhood will most likely have more educational support

and resources to help them through school. On the other hand, an affluent

neighborhood will be filled with highly educated people. In many respects, students in

these neighborhoods are expected to continue their education at college or university

level. In struggling, they are not have full support from their family and they are not well

equipped with school stationeries that can motivate them to study and developed their

interest and creativity in the task given.

Parent’s education background influences the children learning. Children that come

from educated family and have an artistic ability will benefit more in their learning.

Often, the affluent parent will have access to educational resources for his/her child.

Also, the parent in from this sector of society will most likely educate his/her child

directly or indirectly. It is more likely that these parents will have higher regards for

education, set educational goals for the child and/or be models. This is not to say that a

child’s education is predetermined by the parents’ education; however, it is merely one

factor that can affect the student’s desire to learn.

If we see from the art education context, this can affect students’ learning. In art lesson

it might required some materials to be prepared earlier. Those who come from the low

income family even to provide glitters or colored paper they could not afford it. On the

other hand, students from the comfortable income and broken family, seems to face

different problem. The parents might be too busy with their work or parents are busy

thinking of their family problem might result of not give attention on their kids needs in

their learning.


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The condition and availability of resources at a school can play a major factor. Teaching

in a classroom that not conducive and with limited resources is tough for a teacher. A

well equipped class with space and the least amount of distractions will usually help

students especially those with learning disabilities to focus on instructions. 

Nowadays, most of the school has special room for arts. But the room are not fully well

equipped for art learning. It is just an ordinary classroom, but for it is not suitable for

art lesson that required water for example water color or paper mache’ where students

need to wash their hands and their color palette.


If students’ language abilities are affected, they will have trouble retaining the lesson.

Communication between the teacher and students can be greatly hindered by this

particular factor. Students must be aware and understand the terminology that

teacher’s used in the explanation. There are several terminology that might got

confused or not understand by the students for example balance, elements, principles,

distort and many others.


A teacher’s skills, expertise, and willingness can help students learn. Beside that

teachers commitment and have better knowledge on the lesson content are also take

into consideration. This rule applies to administrators as well. Support from the

administrator can influence students learning.


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A very critical factor that influences students learning difficulties in art education is the

student’s willingness to learn. If a student is eager, motivated, or goal oriented, the

likelihood is that student will learn. If not, the student may regurgitate the education

given to him or her but not retain it. However, in the long run, the willingness to learn

may trump all other factors, for it is up to the individual to overcome difficulties and

reach the educational goal that he or she wants.


According to Bloom, the environment will have the greatest impact on a specific trait,

during that’s trait’s period of greatest growth. In other words, if we ignore this period of

rapid growth of the intellect during these early preschool years, we may never be able

to make up for this loss of growth. For the preschooler, this means we must provide the

most stimulating, challenging, meaningful and perceptive experiences that we can

during this accelerated growth period (Linderman, 1997).

Facing students with severe family problems which affect their academic performance,

a meeting with the administrator to overcome the problem is important. Then the

administrator might call up the parents by showing the students performance record.

Students can learn best if they are exposed with multiple media to experiment it in the

task given. Teacher must find initiatives to overcome the problem of students who don’t

have any stationary either by asking the budget from the administrator or ask for

sponsorship. In this way, that particular students will not feel aside and did not lost his

interest in learning.

Teacher also must be very creative in using the spaces in the classroom and make sure

the classroom is conducive and can attract students in learning. The special room that

most of the school has nowadays may only suitable for learning and displaying students

work. If that day lesson requires the students to use sink and water, teacher may adapt


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different approach such ah learning outside the classroom. Teacher may use the school

area which is suitable for learning and near to tap water or school’s sink.

In teaching, teacher must use simple and easy terminology for students understanding.

If teacher must use the art terminology, make sure students understand by the term by

asking them questions and ask for their understanding in the lesson. If possible

terminology that teacher going to use must be explain earlier before teacher explain

about the lesson content so that students will understand more easily. It may be

necessary to teach prerequisite skills or modify curricular materials before introducing

new materials (Rivera, Deborah 1997)

This is best done if teacher have good communication with the students. Teacher must

always have a good rapport with the students so that student’s progress will be better

aware by the teacher. In this way any difficulties arise will be handle earlier before it go

bad. Good communication with the administrator is important to maintain stability in

teaching and support from the administrator can motivate not only teacher but also for

the students.

If the students have good communication with the teachers and also the administrator

there will be no problem on student’s willingness to learn art in the classroom. In fact,

they will love the lesson and enjoy the lesson so much. Teacher must tackle their self

esteem and develop their interest at early stage of learning.


Students learning difficulties in any aspects must be tackle at early stage so that it can

meet the academic need. The challenge for teachers is to implement and adapt method

that can help students to participate and show their interest in learning. Teachers must

understand the characteristics of the students so that positive learning environments

can be develop.


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David Perkins, (2008) Senior Professor Theories of Difficulty. Harvard Graduate School of


Factors that affect student learning, retrieved on 19.02.2013;

Rivera, Diane Pedrotty (1988), Teaching Students With Learning and Behavior Problems, A Viacom Company, USA

Schirrmacher, Robert (1988), Art and Creative Development for Young Children; Delmar Publisher Inc

Turner, Christine (2011) Supporting Children With Learning Difficulties: Holistic Solutions for Severe Profound and Multiple Disabilities, Continuum International Publishing Group