An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

PS 189-05:TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY One Nation-Two States: An Analysis of Turkish Relations with Pakistan Muhammad Arham Shoukat Malik Mufti 12/5/2011 This paper is an analysis on the relations between Pakistan and Turkey in the 20th and the 21st century. It gives one an overview on recent developments between the two countries and

Transcript of An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

Page 1: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan


One Nation-Two States: An Analysis of Turkish Relations with Pakistan

Muhammad Arham Shoukat

Malik Mufti


This paper is an analysis on the relations between Pakistan and Turkey in the 20th and the 21st century. It gives one an overview on recent developments between the two countries and examples of bilateral cooperation between the two states.

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An Analysis of Turkish Relations with Pakistan- One Nation, Two States


In recent years, the AK Party has pursued a more active and aggressive foreign

policy in the South Asia. This essay will analyze that the relationship of Turkey and

Pakistan which seems to be one which will intensify in the next ten years and is currently

driven by the soft-power exchange between the two countries.  Pakistan and Turkey have

engaged in intimate relations for over half a century. During the cold war era, Pakistan

and Turkey were both significant states who held a regular stance against Soviet

expansion. However, after the end of the war, both nations were exhausted to such an

extent that there position in the international arena was obviously extremely unstable and

ambiguous leading both countries to re-evaluate their geo-political urgency and develop

new foreign policy approaches.1

The multidimensional relationship between Pakistan still holds a remarkably

similar environment since the time when “the same spirit of brotherhood prevailed during

the century’s former ties between Indian Muslims and the Ottoman empire.”2 Even

though, ideologically both the countries differed greatly- Turkey- pursued secularism

where as Pakistan decided to follow the Islamic ideology, their respective stances on their

independent aspect, never managed to disrupt the close ties between the two countries.3

One key crucial aspect to point out is that the current relations between the two

countries are on a hazardous high mainly due to the open ended style of the Turkish

1 Hassan, Muniur. "PAK-TURKEY RELATIONS: On the Common Ties." Alternative Journals 7.2&3 (2008): P.12 Ibid3 Ibid


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Foreign Policy. Ahmet Davutoglu, the brainwork behind the modern Turkish Foriegn

Policy, states “ that Turkey is a leading country with numerous territorial identities that

cannot be reduced to one unified character..[Turkey] considers itself to hold

characteristics of Balkan, Central Asian, Caucausian, Mediterranian, Gulf, Black Sea and

European counties at the same time.”4 Davutoglu considers Turkey to be a significant

country with local and global domination whose strong vision and proven significant

contributions need to be accounted for. 5

This foreign policy strategy of Turkey has led to a convergence and divergence

between the national interests of Pakistan and Turkey, which will be further assessed in

this paper. Also it should be noted that many of these convergences and divergences

occur mainly due to the geo-political position of both countries. Turkey’s geographic

location mandates it to be at the crossroads of the Balkans, the Caucus, the Persian Gulf

and the Middle East. Similarly, Pakistan is considered to be the passage of Central Asia,

West Asia and South Asia, holding ethnic affiliations with all kinds of nationalities

leading Pakistan to be a key player in the region. 6

     Though both, Turkey and Pakistan remain in the center of an anarchic international

and homely environment, they share a strong relationship which can certainly lead to

Pakistan becoming less of a target in the U.S war on terror and Turkey to become

hegemony not only in its region but in the world.

4 Ahmet Davutoglu. "Turkey's Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007", Insight Turkey, vol. 10, no. 1 (2008), p. 78.5 Ibid6 Hassan, Muniur. "PAK-TURKEY RELATIONS: On the Common Ties." Alternative Journals 7.2&3 (2008): P.4


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Pakistan-Turkey Relations Historical Perspective

    Before 1947, the year Pakistan was founded, the relations between Muslims of South

Asia and Turkey had strong links. During the rule of the British, the rulers who had a

voice in the society and played a vital role in the political scenario had an unusually

strong Turkish background. Hence, when the Ottoman Empire fell, the South Asian

Muslim rulers expressed their concern towards to decline and were majorly problem as

they had lost all hope of creating a Muslim Caliphate.7

Pakistan’s sole acknowledged Muslim voice, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was

surprisingly able to honor the rise of Kemal Attaturk, as he read this new development as

hope for the Muslims in South Asia. Jinnah closely analyzed the challenges that the

Turkish Republic faced on a daily basis. However, when Kemal Attaturk passed away he

was gravely saddened. 8In honor of Kemal Attaturk, Jinnah called for Friday, November

18th as “Kemal Day.” In one of his interviews he told reporters “Ataturk must have

derived the greatest sense of satisfaction and he fully accomplished his duty during his

life-time and left his people and country consolidated, united and a power nation. In him,

not only the Musalmans but the whole world has lost one of the greatest men that ever


Jinnah not only admired Kemal Attaturk as a leader, but most acknowledged his

efforts to build a nation-state model which would help him distribute and create a new

7 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Print. Pg 28 Haq, Noor. "Pakistan-Turkey Relations." Thesis. Pakistan, 2010. IRPAK: Pg 19 Ibid


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realm for South Asian Muslims.  After the formation of Pakistan, the Turkish

Ambassador to Pakistan Yahya Kemal Beytalai wrote in a letter to Jinnah expressing how

he felt about serving in Pakistan. “ The decision made by His Excellency in bestowing

upon my humble person the honorable job of representing him for the first time in

Pakistan will be a separate source of delight to me in the fulfillment on my mission...

[ while] emphasizing once again the fraternal love and understanding of the Turkish

nation for the noble republic of Pakistan.”10 Jinnah’s response was more cordial then

expected as Jinnah replied stating “...The fortunes of your people were observed by s

with deep concern and interest. I am so, assure your Excellency that the Muslims of

Pakistan entertain sentiments of affection and esteem for your country, and now Turkey

and Pakistan both are free, sovereign and independent countries...”11

This positive attitude of the Muslim Indians eventually led Pakistan to reach a

much more favorable nation status in Turkey. The public and media of Turkey had

picked up on the admiration that Turkey had towards Pakistan.  On August 27 1947,

when a Muslim train from India from Pakistan was attacked by the Sikhs, a message of

Prime Minster Liaquat Ali Khan was recorded in the Turkish press, in which the Prime

Minister acknowledged the support of the Turkey in condemning the act.  A leading

Turkish scholar of that time argued that “ the Islamic history of Pakistan is closely

connected to the history of the Turks. Islam found its centre there as fast as in the first

century of Hijra and Turkish conquerors and commanders entered and settled there...[we]

10 Haq, Noor. "Pakistan-Turkey Relations." Thesis. Pakistan, 2010. IRPAK: Pg 311 Ibid


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wish that they live in peaceful coexistence and make their future together in a amicable

approach and work for the welfare of each other.”12 

Additionally, pockets of extreme secularist risings supporting Pakistan were

evident in Turkey. Necmettin Sadak, a known sociologist author voiced his concern by

stating “..Unlike India, Pakistan will not suffer from certain problems of ill caste system.

Islam in these regions had solved, in the course of history the establishment and problems

of the caste system..”13 The public opinion of the Turks towards Pakistan, certainly

gained momentum and many other authors joined the literal campaign to encourage the

establishment of Pakistan.14 Mrs.Edib Adivar, published a book called Inside India which

argued a remarkably similar attitude to Sadak in which she stated that since Pakistan had

a similar Islamic foundation like that of Turkey, the flourishing of culture and society of

Pakistan would supersede the expectations of many, making Pakistan a rich and stable

nation state. 15

Similarities and Differences between Turkish-Pakistani Political


The nations of Pakistan-Turkey both have had a history of strong

institutionalized military establishment. In the history of Turkey, the role of the military

has been on a rise after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Pakistan has a quite a similar

orbit after its creation as the democratic foundations of the Pakistan were unreeled after

12 Ibid13 Ortyali, Ilber. "THE EMERGENCE OF PAKISTAN AND TURKISH PUBLIC OPINION IN 1947." Http:// Web.14 Ibid15 Ibid


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Ayub Khan decided to conquer the slack government trying to restore faith in the

Pakistani people of a free and prosperous country.  

Additionally, the democratic process in both Pakistan and Turkey had a similar

path. Both in Pakistan and Turkey, the leading factor for the intervention and takeover by

the army had been a leading societal segmentation's. These segmentation's lead to a

vacuum in the community indirectly causing  political parties to look after their own

business, leading to a illegal and outlawed political atmosphere in the country. This

corrupt and illegitimate political atmosphere justified the acts of interference by the army.

What is ironic about both these countries is that, although the army took over to put the

house back in order, once they came to control the situation before too chaotic mainly

because the army refused to hand over the power back to the civilians.16

However, one difference between Turkey and Pakistan, mainly stands in the fact

that Pakistan was formed through the struggle of Jinnah and his supporters for a free

democratic country for the Muslims, clearly having nothing to do with the Army. Turkey,

on the other hand launched its drive for a new republic on the forefronts of the army rule,

creating a new generation of skill and authority for the Turkish governments to proceed

under the influence of the army. 17

Pakistan- Turkey Stance of International Issues

16 Ibid17 Ibid


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  Pakistan, being formed on the principles of an Islamic democratic regime and Turkey on

the other hand being formed on secular principles certainly different approaches to

various international issues.


    Early in the game when the crisis between Bosnia-Herzegovina started Turkey had a

tough reasonable approach towards the crisis. Pakistan on the other hand, had a

extraordinarily rigid attitude towards the crisis. Pakistan adhered with the notion that the

sovereignty of Bosnia-Herzegovina such be respected and the international community

should take notice of it. 18

The Bosnian crisis was considered to be one of the major challenges for the

European country and Turkey itself. It was primarily due to the fact that Turkey had keen

interest in joining the European Union, so any stance against the European Union

approach would impair its position; however, if it did not follow up, the Muslim

population of Turkey would be extremely upset. Moreover, Turkey was worried that if

the crisis did not stop and Bosnia-Herzegovina ended up splitting, it could be seen as an

opportunity for the Kurds of northern Iraq and Turkey to start an uprising to call for a

free land of their own. Given all these conditions Turkey played a vital role in lobbying

for financial assistance for Bosnia. They also took upon the responsibility to train

Bosnian soldiers and provided the army with $2 million dollars of aid. Military help was

not the only form of relief that Turkey provided to Bosnia it also provided Bosnia a credit

of $ 80 million dollars and advocated for lighting trade embargos against the Bosnian

18 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 98


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Muslims. Turkey’s overall approach came to be that the acts committed by Muslims in

Bosnia were effective since they had every advantage of self defense. 19

Pakistan felt like the crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina was a mass calamity in the

sense that there was a serious violation of human rights taking place. Similar to Turkeys

stance on the embargo, Pakistan also lobbied for a lift of trade embargos on the Bosnian

Muslims. On August 12th 1994, a delegation consisting of delegates from Turkey, Iran,

Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey called upon the President of the Security Council and

expressed their attitude towards the Bosnian-Herzegovinian crisis. After many efforts, the

voice of the Pakistanis wasn’t expressed exclusively leading Pakistan to send around

3,000 soldiers to join the UN peace-keeping force. 20

Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was an event which not only decided the

future of Afghanistan and the Soviet Union itself but also changed the role that Turkey

and Pakistan were to play in foreign policy in the future. Turkey was not only part of the

signatories that raised their voice to the international world, but also pointed that the

current involvement of Afghanistan would be a direct threat to the sovereignty of Turkey

and a source of instability in the region. In 1981, Turkish President General Kennan

Evren, visited Pakistan on a six-day visit in which he expressed to the Pakistani

government, Turkeys endorsement of a political settlement of Afghanistan in accordance

with the UN resolution. He stated that a joint-Pakistan-Turkish attempt to resolve this

issue could only be led through a political settlement which could be reached through the

19 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 10120 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 104


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resolutions of the UN General Assembly. He also expressed his concern for the

Afghanistan refuges asking Pakistan to receive them inside Pakistani territory.

Pakistan, taking all the Turkish concerns in-confidence was extremely concerned

that the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets was an indirect occupation of Pakistan’s

sphere of influence. In an interview, President Zia-ul- Haq expressed his concern about

the 80,000 troops which had just invaded Afghanistan, as he felt that the Soviets troops

had the experience of harming the sovereignty of Pakistan in near sight. One could see

that Pakistan was not going to let go easily of this issue and started reaching out to the

west in-terms of assistance. After significant military support from the west, Pakistan last

beefed up its frontline, standing as a major force in the region, denying success to the

Soviets. The Soviets could not hold on any longer and after the Geneva Accords were

signed, the Soviet troops finally withdrew from Afghanistan leaving Afghanistan in a

much chaotic state than before. 21

In 1992, the Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel visited Pakistan and

shared his concern with Pakistan in the aftermath of the Soviet-Afghan war. He stated

that the only way that Afghanistan could be stable was if Pakistan made sure that the

peace process in Afghanistan was a pleasant and smooth one and a genuine government

was set up. This was a serious concern for Turkey, mainly because instability in the

region could always hold an option of another possible intervention by the Soviets.

However, little did Turkey realize that Pakistan’s participation in the war had left the

21 The Event of Our Era": Former Soviet Muslim Republics Change the Middle East." Daniel Pipes. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.


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nation of Pakistan in a state which began suffering from the virus that Afghanistan had

been struggling with, leaving Pakistan in a chaotic situation for the next twenty years. 22


Turkey has been a strong supporter of Pakistan’s standpoint, which is that off a

free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir, should take place under the supervision of the UN.

Turkey certainly argues that Pakistan and India are at a loss, suffering economically due

to the Kashmir issue-Pakistan. 23

In February 1999, the peace process between Pakistan and India started when on

the request of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of India Vajpayee visited

Lahore to sign the Lahore Declaration. The Lahore Declaration called for a settlement of

unresolved issue including Kashmir. However, this peace process did not last long

enough when Pakistani troops along with Mujahideen took over the Kargill hills across

the line of control in the Indian Administered part of Kashmir. The Turkish foreign

ministry responded to this act by stating that the Lahore process provides the most

appropriate ground for the resolution between the dispute between India and Pakistan and

any armed crises could lead to a setback for both countries. Turkey was not in proper

favor of the stance taken by the Pakistani side and requested a serious reconsideration.

Turkey’s stance towards Kashmir was expressed clearly to Pakistan when Prime Minister

Ecevit visited India in March-April 2000. Mr Ecevit mentioned that “Turkey had faced

the same problem that India had been facing from Pakistan and was utterly menaced by



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it. Ecevit mentioned that Pakistan officially provided moral and diplomatic support to the

Kashmiri Mujahedeen’s. The media blew this statement out of proportion leading to tense

relationships been the two countries.24

However, after Ecevits March-April 2000 visit to India, things normalized

between Pakistan-Turkey as Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Necdet expressed his

support for the solution of the conflict through the use of International Law and the

wished the best to the Kashmiri people. The stance that Turkey held towards Kashmir

became unanimous, something which Pakistan tremendously appreciated. 25

During Turkish Prime Minster, Erdogan recent visit, Pakistan once again raised

the issue with the Turkish nation. In a recent speech, Prime Minster Yousaf Raza Gillani

stated “ the people of Jammu and Kashmir have been struggling for their right to self-

determination pledged to them by the UN Security Council more than half a century

back. They have been victims of Indian occupation and the worst forms of repression. In

the last decade alone more than 75,000 defenceless Kashmiri men, women and children

have been callously slaughtered by the Indian security forces. The Kashmiri’s must be

granted their inalienable right to determine their own future..[it] is in the same spirit that

Pakistan had supported a just and peaceful settlement of the Cyprus issue..[we] will

continue to support your efforts for resolution of the ongoing problem in Cyprus.26

24 Ibid25 Ibid26 Ibid


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President Musharraf in a speech to a Turkish delegation stated “Excellency,

Palestine remains one of the greatest challenges facing the Muslim Ummah. Israel

atrocities against innocent, unarmed civilians continue unabated. Israel’s blatant

occupation of Palestine territories goes on. We have always supported the Palestinians in

their struggle against Israeli oppression and will continue to do so. The Palestinians

deserve a homeland of their own.” 27This very speech represents the view and stance of

Pakistan towards the Israel-Palestine issue. Until very recent, the views of the Turks and

the Pakistanis differed on the Palestine-Israel issue.

Pakistan does not consider Israel to be a state as it has felt a close sense of

solidarity with the Palestinian people. Pakistan believes that Israel has sponsored acts of

the terrorism, suppression, killing, deportation and violation of scared places. The only

solution Pakistan sees to this precise conflict is if Israel withdraws all occupied Arab and

Palestinian lands. Indirectly, Pakistan has also expressed that the major root of terrorism

around the world lies in the actions of Israel. If Israel had not taken over the Palestinian

lands, the anti-west terrorism movement would not have gotten any attention. Even

though, Turkey holds a completely different stance compared to Pakistan, Pakistan has

not expressed any concern against the Turkish-Israel connection. One thing however that

does bother Pakistan is the fact that the support of countries like Turkey towards Israel,

has given rise for Israel to endorse Indo-Israeli relations. 28

27 Foreign Affairs Pakistan, issue 5 (June, 2003): 3-6.28 Foreign Affairs Pakistan, vol. XXX, issue 5 (June 2003): 7-14.


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Turkey’s idea of peace in the Middle Eastern region requires all states in the

region to recognize both Palestine and Israel in an equal manner. Turkey considers

supporting Israel as a gateway to be on the positive side of the west. Even though, this

Turkish approach has cause immense distress for the Palestinian people, the Palestinians

believe that Turkey’s approach of respecting Palestinian rights is a formidable one. Also,

recognition of Israel as a state gives Turkey more power and influence over the conflict

and the region. However, the Arab countries believe this to be a notion which has

betrayed the ideology of the Islamic Ummah. 29

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

The issue between Cyprus and Turkey has been one key obstacle in many

progressions for Turkey. Many countries have opposed Turkeys stance towards however

Cyprus; however, Pakistan has been one of the major supporters of Turkeys stance to

intervene into Cyprus since 1974. In a visit by President Musharraf to Turkey, President

Musharraf reassured the Turkish government that Pakistan fully supports the Turkish

Cypriots struggle for their just cause. He also figured reminded the Turkish people that

Pakistan will always have a brotherly relationship with Turkey and even announced the

fact that it would further open more TRNC consulates in Pakistan. 30

29"Turkey's Stance on Israel Will Reverberate in Washington | Mohammed Ayoob | Comment Is Free | The Guardian." Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. < Haq, Noor. "Pakistan-Turkey Relations." Thesis. Pakistan, 2010. IRPAK: Pg 51


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Economic and Cultural Relations between Pakistan & Turkey

To get a better understanding on Turkish- Pakistan foreign relations, it is

extremely beneficial to assess the economic and cultural relations between Pakistan and

Turkey. Political relations between both Pakistan and Turkey have been extremely stable

however when it comes to economic relations there seems to be a certain lack. Both

Pakistan and Turkey are active members of the Regional Cooperation for Development

and members of the Economic Cooperation Organization, however the real question

raised is why don’t they corporate economically then?31

One of the main arguments that foreign policy experts have provided are that of

Pakistan and Turkey producing the same types of goods which leads to indirect

competition between them. Pakistani-Turkish economic relations date back to October

1959 when commerce ministers of both countries announced that there could be a perfect

balance of trade reached between Pakistan and Turkey. However, when Pakistan ended

up joining the Baghdad Pact, there trade negotiations with Turkey decreased as their main

focus was trading with Iran instead. In the sixties however, Turkey increased its import

from Pakistan, as 85% of Pakistan’s jute export was directed toward Turkey. 32

In October 31, 1967, President Ayub Khan of Pakistan visited Turkey and agreed

that to improve the relations between Pakistan and Turkey there was a desperate need in

the increase of economic and cultural field. After his return Ayub Khan personally



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comprised controlling the jute and its products to increase economic and technical

cooperation between the two countries.

Regional Cooperation for Development

Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was a multi-governmental

organization which was originally established in 1964 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey to

allow socio-economic development of the member states.The formation of the RCD was

substantially appreciated by Pakistan and Turkey as it meant that the RC would

strengthen the existing bond between Pakistan and Turkey. The RCD formed is with

different subsections: a council of ministers, a regional planning council and a

coordinating committee.33

When Pakistan and Turkey developed the RCD, they were in the phase of

modernization and industrialization. To further expedite the case of the RCD, Pakistan,

Turkey and Iran agreed upon the idea of free movement of goods, close collaboration

amongst chambers of commerce, formulation and implementation of joint purpose

projects, reduction of postal rates, improvement of air transport services, cooperation in

the sphere of shipping, improvement of rail and roads links, promotion of tourism,

abolition of visa formalities, technical assistance and cooperation in the cultural field. 34

On December 27-28, 1969, the RCD evaluated its progress of cultural and

economic cooperation between Pakistan, Turkey and Iran and expressed its satisfaction.

Factors such those of progress in the field of petroleum and petrochemical industries and

33 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 14134 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 145


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expansion in efforts of joint exploration of oil were on the rise. At Izmir, in the 1970s,

Turkey, Pakistan and Iran agreed to take effective steps to reducing quantitative

restrictions and tariff obstacles to trade. Turkey and Pakistan significantly emphasized on

decreasing double taxation and worked on the establishment of the Ahraz Eskederum

Pipeline project. 35

The Pakistani and Turkish President both expressed theirs and stance in regards

to the progress which was being made by the RCD. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who was the

President during the 16th session of the OCD stated, “Iran, Pakistan and Turkey have

decided to cooperate in the gigantic task of developing their economies in close

association with each other under the aegis of RCD…[it] is an instrument for

strengthening further the countries old bond of friendship and fraternity among the people

of these countries. The Turkish president while addressing the RCD on its tenth reported,

“ in the past ten years RCD has rendered useful work to benefit of the regional countries,

however, we consider these past years as a phase of growth and we look forward, with

greater hope to the future of the RCD…”36

The RCD not only developed strong political ties between Pakistan and Turkey

but also harmonized the economic activities between them. The accomplishment of

transportation, communication, insurance and banking saw considerable developments

which led to a total of 49 projects’ being contracted to Pakistani companies within

Turkey starting a new era of bilateral agreements between the two countries.

35 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 15836 Hasan, Rubab. Pakistan-Turkey Relations. Thesis. University of Karachi, 2001. Pg 161


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In mid 1970’s, the framekwork of the RCD was used to form the Economic

Cooperation Organization ( ECO) which took into confidence countries which were

formed after the collapse of the Soviet. In 1977, The Treaty of Izmir was adopted as the

legal framework for the RCD the basic Charter of ECO was modified to provide a proper

legal basis to ECO's transition from RCD at the Ministerial Meeting held in Islamabad in

June 1990. 37

Turkish-Pakistani Trade and Investment.

Turkish foreign policy towards trade of is one of the most notable elements in the

relationship between Pakistan and Turkey. On November 12th, 1981, Pakistan and Turkey

signed a protocol for technical for greater economic and technical cooperation. Some of

the steps which were taken to improve trade included Ankaras renewal of rice agreement

with Pakistan and opening of a Pakistani bank in Turkey. This strong establishment

between the two sides further led the two countries to sign the agreement of avoidance of

double taxation on November 15, 1985. 38

Under Prime Minister Turgut Ozals regime, trade liberating policies lead to more

tariff concessions to promote trade and commerce between Pakistan and Turkey. Turkey

further offered Pakistan a 50 million dollar short term revolving credit facility for

increasing the volume of trade. In the early 1990’s Pakistan was granted the MFN (Most

Favored Nation Status) by Turkey to encourage more private sector investment. One of

37 "The Brief History of ECO." Economic Cooperation Organization. Web. 06 Dec. 2011.


38 Turkey - Now. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.


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the first projects that came out of the MFN was the project of the Ghazi Brotha Dam.

Additionally, Turk Siemen also won the contract for the supply of cables of a total of $30

million. 39

Beginning the 1990s three of Turkey’s biggest construction companies: Bayinder,

STFA and Tekser took upon the task of building Pakistan’s infrastructure and

communication network. The total amount of investment volume inflow to Pakistan

reached a high of $ 1.5 billion. One compelling reason why Turkey all of a sudden

increased their presence in Pakistan was to indirectly improve their status in the petition

of a membership in the E.U as in the 1990’s; the European Union was Pakistan’s biggest

export market and a source of financial aid. 40

Post 9/11 Pakistan-Turkey Economic Agreements

The post 9/11 period for Economic-Trade relationships was one of the most

prosperous time for both Turkey-Pakistan. It was mainly due to the fact that Turkey saw

the unraveling economy of Pakistan have a lot of potential and the principal inflow of aid

was a key target for Turkish companies. On June 15, 2003, Pakistan and Turkey signed

an agreement on the protection of the environment. The environment protection

agreement was signed in confidence of the Johannesburg Declaration of Sustainable

development which was mainly based on recognizing the significance of sustainable

development approach for the protection and improvement of the environment as well as

for health and well-being of the current generations. The agreement called for

39 Ministry of Foreign Affairs <>40 Ibid


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“development and implementation of waste treatment and disposal methods, conservation

of biological diversity, exchange of information for soil protection and renewable

energy.” 41This very agreement led to major cooperation between Turkey and Pakistan on

researching and discovering renewable energy sources in the conflict affected area of


One of the principal agreements which were signed between Pakistan-Turkey was

in-regards to bilateral road transport. The agreement was framed to build a more

accessible network between Turkey, Pakistan and their neighboring countries. Some of

the major concerns which were raised before the agreement were linked to human

trafficking and drug trafficking. Pakistan and Turkey share similar views on how human

trafficking and Drug trafficking should be heavily reduced and should be monitored

properly. Turkey expressed its concern on how many illegal immigrants from Pakistan

had part-taken in activities in Turkey which had harmed the society mainly. By building a

bilateral road transport system, the law and order system on such routes would be heavily

monitored. Some of the articles that were included in the agreement allowed the carriage

of deceased, carriage of decorative articles for theatrical performances, carriage of goods

equipment and animals needed for musical performances, carriage of works of art,

carriage of aid material and postal carriage.42

Considering the time that takes between travels between Pakistan, the Turkish

party expressed its interest in decreasing the time and introducing a train service between

Pakistan and Turkey. The agreement of the train service had two parts to it: the first part

41“Pakistan, Turkey to cooperate on environment” <>42 "Pakistan, Turkey Agree to Enhance Multi-faceted Ties." Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.


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initiated between Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani and Prime Minister Tayyib

Erdogan and the second one initiated by President Zaradari and President Abdullah Gull.

The first phase of the train route was a test phase in which Pakistan and Turkey agreed to

allow the transport of cargo, however when the test phase ended up being successful,

President Zardari and President Gull launched a $20 billion project increasing the

efficiency of travel between the two countries also decreasing the time of travel from 11

days to 4 days. President Zardari also used the platform of bilateral transport routes to

reassuring the Turkish nation that “ I paid my first foreign visit to Turkey as PPP Co-

Chairman after the marydom of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto…it reflects the importance the

democratic government of Pakistan attaches to its relations with Turkey. “43

Cultural Relations between Pakistan and Turkey

The countries of Pakistan and Turkey enjoy a remarkably similar cultural

heritage. One of the main reasons Pakistan and Turkey have had strong relations are

mainly because of the modern sense of faith, religion, customs and tradition which are

shared by both countries. Cultural ties between Pakistan and Turkey date back to 1953,

when the agreement of Cultural Agreement was signed between Pakistan and Turkey.

One of the main developments which were uprooted from the cultural cooperation

initiative was trade industrial exhibitions and Pakistani and Turkish weeks being held in

both Pakistan and Turkey. 44

43 Online, Asia Time. "Asia Times Online :: South Asia News, Business and Economy from India and Pakistan." Asia Times Online :: Asian News Hub Providing the Latest News and Analysis from Asia. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.44Pak-Turk Culture Ties<>


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In 1983, Pakistan and Turkey together launched an exchange program between

the students at the East Technical University of Ankara and the National University of

Science and Technology in Islamabad. This program was expanded in 2003 when 30

scholarships each were presented to Pakistani and Turkish students. In 1992, Pakistan and

Turkey signed a new agreement on culture relationships. The agreement asked for an

increase in the reciprocal exhibitions of traditional handicrafts and exchanges of talk

groups and artists. 45

In post 9/11 times, Prime Minister Erdogan and President Abdullah Gull have

both expressed how they have deep cultural ties with the Pakistan.In a recent speech

which was given by President Abdullah Gull, Gul stated that Pakistan was his second

home; he felt like everything and anything that he had lived for in Turkey was also

available in Pakistan. 46

Military and Defense Relationship between Pakistan and Turkey

Pakistani-Turkish defense relations are mainly based on the High-Level Military

Dialogue (HLMDG). The HLMDG was setup in the post 9/11 in June 2003, after

President Erdogan visited Pakistan. The HLMDG meeting happens twice a year. All

meetings are based on the agreement of 1954, the Truco-Pakistan treaty of 1954, which

states that cooperation between the two countries will happen on information on technical

experience and progress, production of arms and ammunition and on any unprovoked act.


45 Ibid46 Ibid47 Ibid


Page 23: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

One of Pakistan and Turkey’s foremost defense and military developments have

been Turkeys MILGEM building military ships for Pakistan. The MILGEM project is

carried out in a join cooperation project between Turkey’s defense and Turkeys naval

forces. Savas Onur, the manager of the MILGEM, stated on a visit to Pakistan, “…it our

nations duty to help our Muslims brothers to defend them solves hence we are planning

to carry out a joint project with Pakistan and its corvettes.” Further, Onur mentioned the

devotion that the Turkish Firms felt towards their Pakistani brothers, “ three defense

firms have merged forces to supply Pakistan’s demand for corvette ships.This is a four

ship covette project. The first ship will be designed and built in Turkey while the other

three ships will be built in Pakistan’s military shipyards...”48

Moreover, Turkey has been a large supporter of Pakistan’s atomic program. In the

early 1980’s Turkey helped Pakistan acquire systems for the development of the

Pakistani nuclear weapons program. After the foundation of Pakistan’s nuclear program

was developed, Pakistan reached out to Ankara to help Turkey developed its nuclear

program under General Zia’s rule and the rule of Nawaz Sharif. However, Turkey

rejected the offers both times mainly because Turkey wanted to align itself with the west.

However, the relationship between Pakistani and Turkish military has seen immense

cooperation, making Turkey seek nuclear assistance from Pakistan. Turkey’s current

situation, being neighbored by Iran, which has the potential of becoming a nuclear power,

has made Turkey’s case more viable. 49

48 Pakistan Defence, September 21, 2009, 2.html49 "Turkey Seeks Nuclear Weapons." Hellenic Antidote. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.


Page 24: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

In 2009, Turkish Foreign Minister Babacan reassured Turkey’s desire for an

enhanced level of defense cooperation with Pakistan. Babacan stated that Turkey’s main

initiative to increase defense trade relations between Pakistan and Turkey were based on

cooperative efforts in developing counter-terrorism technology. Pakistan followed

Turkeys lead in producing their first unmanned vehicle which Pakistan believed could be

used to target militants. Pakistan further looks to Turkey’s successful campaign against

the PKK to evaluate the use of the UAV to collect successful time-sensitive actionable

intelligence information. 50

Pakistan and Turkey have also performed simultaneous joint military exercises. In

2009, Pakistan and Turkey partook in Indus viper for eleven days. In exercise Indus

viper, five of Turkeys F-16s and 49 Turkish Air force personal were deployed to one of

Pakistan’s army bases. 51

Turkey’s stance on Pakistan’s War on Terror and Afghanistan

War on Terror

50 "Turkish UAV « Pakpasban." Pakpasban. Web. 05 Dec. 2011.51 Pakistan Defence, September 21, 2009, 2.html


Page 25: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

Pakistan and Turkey are victims of many terrorist attacks; not only international

terrorism but also domestic terrorism. There has been an identical link between the nature

of Pakistan and Turkey’s interest in countering terrorism.

On a domestic level, Pakistan and Turkey both have disputed territories which

seem to be the main cause for domestic terrorism. Turkey believes that with the support

of the non-state actors like the Al-Qaeda the PKK might gain support of and start a strong

movement. Turkey appreciates Pakistan’s continuing interest in action against Al-

Qaeda’s leadership and training facilities. In 2003, Turkey fell victim to twin suicide

attacks in Istanbul which were believed to be carried out by Al-Qaeda. Turkey has

coordinated with Pakistan on the arrest of suspected terrorists in 2004, 206 and 2007

partially eliminating the threat that Turkey faces. 52

Trilateral Summit- Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan

The trilateral summit between Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan is a key summit

in advancing the relationship between the three countries. They Turkey-Pakistan-

Afghanistan trilateral forum was launched in 2007 as a regional effort to resolve the

conflict of Afghanistan by leading multilateral cooperation between the three countries.

The forum primarily serves to offer a joint response to a common danger in the region,

which is essentially a declaration to work against terrorism and extremism. The forum

takes into consideration the interaction amongst the military chiefs and the heads,

52 Hayland, Frank. "Turkey and Pakistan Cooperate on Counter-Terrorism Efforts." The Jamestown Foundation (2010). Print.


Page 26: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

intelligence services, join military exercises and train courses for army officers and

cooperation amongst counternarcotics agencies.53

The interaction in the forum has led to a broader international cooperation among

the three. In late March-2011, the three countries held their first joint exercise on urban

warfare in Turkey. This joint exercise was the first time Pakistan and Afghanistan

partook in a military exercise held in Turkey. Other than military engagement, Pakistan,

Afghanistan and Turkey have also cooperated to for a Trilateral Minds Platform, which

includes members from academia, media and think tanks. 54

In December 2010, the Afghanistan High Peace Council proposed an idea which

would reconcile relationships with Afghanistan and insurgent governments. The idea

mainly took into consideration opening an office for Taliban in Turkey. The purpose was

to facilitate talks between Taliban and concerned governments where the Turkey would

play the role of an official broker. 55


The title” Two states-One Nation”, is a clearly defines the relationship between

Turkey and Pakistan. Both countries continue to develop on their ideology, Turkey

believing in secularism and Pakistan following the Islamic Path. Even though, both

countries do tend to differ in their paths, their motives are the same.

53 Editors, The. "Trend Lines | Global Insider: Turkey-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Forum." World Politics Review | Geostrategic Analysis of International Affairs. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. <>.54 Ibid55 Ibid


Page 27: An Analysis of Turkish Relations With Pakistan

Economically, Pakistan and Turkey have done well to help each other out.

Bilateral treaties like those of building a stronger transport network and increasing trade

have all given a successful boost to the relationships between the two countries. They

tend to move forward even stronger as the economy the global economy seems to be


Culturally, Turkey and Pakistan have supported leading causes; those being

having cultural weeks, having cultural student exchanges and opening schools in both

countries. Currently there are over 10 Turkish schools in Pakistan and over 10 Pakistani

schools in Turkey, both setting examples to provide one of the best educations in the


Ties between the both countries seem to strengthen more in terms of defense as

Turkey and Pakistan; both have supported the stances that they hold on international

issues. In a recent attack by NATO on Pakistani soldiers, Turkey called for an

investigation and condemn it on all levels. What more can a relationship be defined with?

Pakistan and Turkey currently hold and will continue to hold a positive tie in the future

from what it seems like.

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