Relations between pakistan and india


Transcript of Relations between pakistan and india

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Page 2: Relations between pakistan and india

Partition of British India.

Massacre of Refugees.

Religious differences.

Kashmir Dispute.

War of 1965

War of 1971

Indus Water Treaty.

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In 1947 India was split into two countries – India and Pakistan – by the British

The partition included the partition of East Pakistan (Bangladesh), West Pakistan and India in the middle.

However this caused rioting and it is estimated that about half a million people were killed in the dispute

Still some territories are fought over, namely Kashmir. It has been the source of war.

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The partition of British India was the partition of Indian sub-


Partition was based on two religions, Islam and Hinduism.

British India was divided into two independent states, Union of

India and Dominion of Pakistan.


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After the partition of British India large number of refugees

moved from both countries (India and Pakistan).

Refugees were killed from both sides.

Approximately 4 million Hindus Moved from Pakistan to India

and 5-6 million Muslims moved from India to Pakistan.

The groups of Sikhs and Jathas killed a large number of

Muslim refugees .

To take revenge Muslims also killed large number of Hindu


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Muslims believe in one Allah and

His Prophet (PBUH).

Muslims sacrifice animals (cows,

goats, camels) for Allah after

every year.

Muslims offer their prayers in


Music and dancing is forbidden in



Hindus have many gods and they

pray for their idols.

Hindus believe animals

(monkeys, cows, elephants) as


Hindus pray in their temples.

Hindus like to learn music and


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Kashmir dispute was the major issue that have strained

the relationship between India and Pakistan.

Its majority population was Muslim but its ruler, Maharaja

HariSingh, was Hindu.

Ruler wanted Kashmir as an independant state.

Pakistani forces moved to India to dispatch Kashmir.

Maharaja was turned to India and asked it to send its

troops to Kashmir.

India launched an operation and captured large area of


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Pakistan India

Pakistan’s main argument

was that Kashmir population

was mainly made up of

Muslims and so should have

been part of Pakistan.

According to India the

Maharaja of Kashmir pledged

allegiance to India and not to


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This war was fought to capture the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

India attacked on it captured some of the border post.

Pakistan with in a few days liberated a large area of occupied


India also attacked on Lahore from three sides on September

1965. Pakistan forces moved to face the enemy. The attack of

the Indian army was stopped.

The war between both the countries lasted for seventeen days

(5th September to 23rd September).

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This was the war for the liberty of Bangladesh.

India attacked on Bangladesh and captured it.

Pakistan advanced its troops to East Pakistan for the liberty

of it.

Pakistani forces in East Pakistan surrendered to joint

command of India and People’s Republic of Bangladesh was


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The treaty was signed in Karachi on September 19, 1960

by the Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the

president of Pakistan Mohammad Ayub Khan.

The Indus system of rivers comprises three western rivers

the Indus, the Jhelum and Chenab and the three eastern

rivers - the Sutlej, the Beas and the Ravi.

The treaty was that India would not interfere in flow of

Indus water coming to Pakistan.

India constructed dams against the Indus treaty on river

Indus, Jhelum and Chenab.

India constructed 41 dams in these rivers and 12 were

under construction.

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To improve the relationship between India and Pakistan both

countries will have to;

• Resolve the Kashmir issue.

• Resolve the water treaty.

But these issues are still not yet resolved.

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Presentation by:

Rida Syed

Sania Mahmood