Am I Pregnant

Am I pregnant? 1

Transcript of Am I Pregnant

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Am I pregnant?


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Am I pregnant?


Am I pregnant?

One of the most commonly questions asked by women is, “Am I pregnant?”

Even if they have never been pregnant before, most women are aware of the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. Women who have been pregnant before will recognize the symptoms which occurred in their previous pregnancy.

Surprisingly though, some women may have severe symptoms in one pregnancy and hardly any in the next! A woman may not have the same symptoms or the same intensity of symptoms during each of her pregnancies.

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Am I pregnant?


When to suspect a pregnancy

Missing a period is one of the most common reasons for suspecting a pregnancy. Women who have regular periods will take this as the first sign of pregnancy.

Only a urine or blood pregnancy test, followed by a pelvic exam, can positively confirm a pregnancy. Occasionally a period can be delayed due to hormonal problems, even in the absence of pregnancy.

Positive pregnancy test

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Am I pregnant?


When to suspect a pregnancy

If you are trying for a pregnancy, keep track of your periods. Mark the first day of your period on a calendar. The first day of the period is what determines the due date of the pregnancy.

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Am I pregnant?


Swollen, tender, or sore breasts and/ or nipples are often the first signs of pregnancy. The reason breasts and/ or nipples are often sore, swollen, or tender during early pregnancy is because there is an increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in pregnancy. The breasts undergo changes to prepare for breastfeeding. The breasts and/ or nipples are often particularly painful during a first pregnancy.

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Am I pregnant?


Exhaustion or unusual tiredness is caused by progesterone, which is produced in large amounts in pregnancy. This hormone can make a woman feel tired and intensely sleepy.

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Am I pregnant?


Nausea with or without vomiting is most common in the first three months of pregnancy but some women experience this symptom almost throughout the pregnancy. The most common reason for this symptom is the rapid rise in the hormone estrogen.

Though most women have this in the mornings, nausea can occur at anytime of the day or night.

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Am I pregnant?


Most women become oversensitive to smells and almost anything can trigger a bout of nausea and vomiting. products, spicy and strong smelling foods and nonvegetarian food.

The most common foods to trigger morning sickness are coffee during the first weeks of pregnancy, milk products, spicy and strong smelling foods and nonvegetarian food.

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Lower abdominal discomfort and cramping similar to cramping during periods, occurs very early during pregnancy. This happens because the uterus begins to expand as the developing baby grows.

This discomfort can continue for the first few months and is worse on sitting down and getting up or on turning from side to side while lying down. Later on in pregnancies, some women experience pain on one or both sides of the lower abdomen. This is because of the stretching of the round ligaments which hold the uterus in position.

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Frequent urination is a problem caused by the growing uterus pressing against the bladder. This symptom is worst in early and late pregnancy. Sometimes women lose a few drops of urine on sneezing or coughing. This symptom will usually disappear a few months after delivery.

Urinary bladder

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Am I pregnant?


Headaches during pregnancy are often intense and occur usually in the early months of pregnancy. Paracetamol can be taken for the headaches.

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Mood swings are common and women will face emotional ups and downs in early pregnancy because of hormonal changes. It is common for a pregnant woman to burst into tears or get angry and upset for no apparent reason.

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Feeling weak, faint, or dizzy is a common symptom which occurs in early and late pregnancy. When a pregnant woman stands for a while, the blood rushes to her legs because of dilatation of the blood vessels in the lower limbs. This can cause a sudden feeling of dizziness, or may even lead to fainting.

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Feeling feverish and cold in the first few weeks of the pregnancy, is something many women will complain about because the basal body temperature rises in early pregnancy.

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Am I pregnant?


Constipation is a result of poor intake of food and fluids in the early weeks. Later on, the intake of iron supplements can also aggravate constipation. Make sure that you take enough fluids, salads and fruits to relieve this problem.

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Am I pregnant?


Pregnancy is a life event most women look forward to. The symptoms of pregnancy might sometimes be distressing but ultimately, it is all worthwhile!