ALUMNI NEWS...The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients . lso: ... students are doing now,...

The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients Also: Stories from Alumni Hall Wall of Honor Three Generations of the Davis Family Bridge Blair’s History ALUMNI NEWS VOLUME XXXIV, NUMBER 2 Spring, 2020 Jasmine Ali Abigail Koehler Olivia Speaks Lourdes Reyes Valenzuela

Transcript of ALUMNI NEWS...The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients . lso: ... students are doing now,...

Page 1: ALUMNI NEWS...The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients . lso: ... students are doing now, Blazers from the classes of the 1940’s taught classes to other ... Then they each

The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients

Also: Stories from Alumni Hall Wall of Honor Three Generations of the Davis Family Bridge Blair’s History



Jasmine Ali Abigail Koehler Olivia Speaks Lourdes Reyes Valenzuela

Page 2: ALUMNI NEWS...The 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients . lso: ... students are doing now, Blazers from the classes of the 1940’s taught classes to other ... Then they each

The Alumni Association’s 2020 (and alltime!) leading financial supporter

Bill Mason ’62

Double Platinum Contributors: These oustanding Blair Grads have contributed $1,000.00 or more this year

Rich Cohen ‘59 Jeff McClelland ’60 Jeff Weisleder ‘64 Jacque Crenca Hinman ’79

Platinum Contributors: These geneous Blazers have contributed more than $500.00 this year

John Ilgen ’62 Larry Raney ’61 Ursala McClymont ’83 Janet Gessford Buhler ‘74

Dan Dickson ’62 Tim Wagner ’62 Bill Oppenheim ’62

Gold Level Contributors: Alumni Association members who contributed $500.00 this year

Our heartfelt thanks to these generous Blair graduates who have led our efforts thus far in 2020. They enable the Alumni Association to provide

substantial scholarships to graduating seniors, and ongoing support to Blair through our Special Projects Fund. (as of 5.15.20)

Clarke Stout ‘50 Ed Hunter ’51 Don Lawson ’64 John Wood ’68 Bill Lewis ‘79

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WHAT’S INSIDE Scholarship Fund Leaders Inside Front Editorial 3 In a Crisis, Blazers Come Through 4-5 Stories from the Wall of Honor 6-7 What’s happening at Blair/Reunions 8 2020 Scholarship Fund Contributors 9,12 Your 2020 Scholarship Recipients 10-11 Alumni Roll Call 13-18 Wall of Honor Tile Program Inside Back Welcome New Members Back Cover

introduced each of the recognition categories from a different part of school, giving the “audience” a virtual tour of the building and letting them see the physical setting in which the students and faculty interact every day.

Because the students couldn’t come on stage and get their awards from the various presenters (accompanied by the polite applause of the families and the wild cheering of their fellow students), each of the scholarship providers was asked to send a pre-recorded version of their presentation to the school. As they announced each of the recipients of the awards, a beautifully-created photo of the student was shown. They also had students introduce some of the categories

(This accompanied the announcement of Abi Koehler as one of the four recipients of your Alumni Association Scholarships this year. Meet Abi and the others on pages 10-11).

It was a really well-done, first-time event. We hope they never have to do it this way again.

Nothing is as exciting as watching, in person, the smiles on the students’ faces, the pride in eyes of their parents, and the looks of satisfaction and accomplishment from the teachers. This program represents the culmination of a lot of work over four years, and it deserves to be shared by everyone who had a part in creating a successful Blair Experience for the graduating seniors.

The incredibly generous contributions of the Alumni Association members made our part of this program one of the highlights of the event.

EDITORIAL Excellence Out of the Chaos Let’s face it, no one really knows what to do during this coronavirus crisis. We haven’t been through anything like this during our lifetimes, at least here in the U.S. People in leadership roles at every level of our society are having to do the best they can as they are guiding us through uncharted waters. Fortunately, Blair has some great leadership, as it has throughout its history. Principal Renay Johnson and her staff of over 300 have dealt with distance learning, building closures, daily changes in guidelines, and hundreds of other challenges with as much professionalism and good spirit as could possibly be expected. Case in point: the recent Blair Awards Night Program, one of the most important events in the school calendar. Since it couldn’t be held “live” this year, they had to decide the next best way to recognize all of the students who were to receive scholarships, certificates, prizes, etc., for their academic achievements. Normally a two-hour event in ALUMNI HALL that attracted hundreds of students and their families, this year it had to be shorter, remotely presented, and unique.

The resulting Video Awards Night was all of those. Renay Johnson was still the MC (as she is in the live programs), but this time she



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Blair Sophomore 3D prints PPE for area first responders out of his basement

Blair Sophomore Arjun Oberoi is currently

operating seven 3D printers to print parts for face shields; his family owns multiple printers, and Blair engineering teacher John Kaluta is supporting Oberoi's plan by operating printers from school. He is donating some of these face shields to a company called Open Works in Baltimore and giving the rest to family and community members.

Oberoi employs his interest in 3D printing to support workers at risk of getting infected. Created from standard transparency and 3D printer filament, the NIH-approved shields will assist nurses and other care workers who do not get protection priority. "Nursing homes, with the spread of COVID around, don't get protective equipment that hospitals and other higher priority facilities get," Oberoi says.

Oberoi adds that face shields are more effective in blocking the spread of droplets than any masks, as shields are made with a clear piece of plastic that covers the entire face. The plastic protects wearers from any aerosol-sized particles and contamination. While these homemade face coverings cannot ensure the same level of protection as surgical masks, they increase the safety of every family and community. Each method sufficiently protects against potential contamination in the air and


therefore follows CDC recommendations in helping our county battle against mask shortage and subsequent rising prices.

The 3D printers, which are now crammed into Oberoi's basement, haven’t been turned off in weeks. They’re churning out PPE, manufacturing parts for more than 400 face shields and adapters used for breathing machines. So far, 15-year-old Oberoi has sent 250 full-face shields to Holy Cross hospitals in Montgomery County, BirthCare & Women's Health in Alexandria, and to Rockville’s police and fire departments. "All of the places that I’ve donated equipment to have been so grateful, because they don’t necessarily have access to these things," Oberoi said. "It’s just a great feeling to have, knowing that you’re helping the people who are actually fighting the pandemic

Adapters for breathing machines have also been manufactured for D.C. Fire and EMS. Oberoi now has a goal of scaling up production, using more advanced equipment to make more than 1,000 face shields parts. Arjun finds it tough to fit all the completed PPE bags into area donation bins. He also admits it’s tough, but achievable, to balance 3D printing the precious armor of the pandemic with the challenges of being a high school student under current conditions. 4

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Today’s Students Are Carrying On an 85 Year-Old Tradition

While the COVID-19 crisis is an historic event in most of our lives, Blazers have faced major adversity from the time the school opened 85 years ago – and have always come through.

1935, when Blair officially opened, was the midpoint of the Great Depression, and Blair’s very first students had to help create new traditions in the midst of an economic disaster.

An article in the Feb., 1937 Silver Chips exhorts the “over 500 students at Blair who just need to contribute a nickel a week to help provide milk for Montgomery County families.”

Just a few years later, when World War Two broke out, Blair students (and faculty) received recognition in Life Magazine for their total commitment to helping the War effort. As the current Blair

students are doing now, Blazers from the classes of the 1940’s taught classes to other students to help make up for the faculty shortage caused by the enlistment of many Blair teachers.

After the 9-11 attacks, the Silver Chips was among the first publications to call for unity and understanding in the face of tragedy.

Blair Students Step Up to Supplement Online Teaching Needs

Even though students may be physically out of the classroom, that isn't stopping a group of Blair students from helping some younger students online.

Nearly a dozen students are offering free, online Zoom classes for upper elementary and middle school students. The online classes are called "Kindling Curiosity."

Each night the Blair students teach subjects they are passionate about from computer science, competitive math and English language arts. They even teach classes in debate and public speaking.

Michael Hu started the group several weeks ago.

He said his goal is to brighten the spirits of the younger students and help to lower their stress level during this difficult time.

"What I believe is unique about our group is that when we go to school in a physical building, there is generally an instructor from a different generation trying to teach us. For us, since we are all around the same age, we believe they are looking up to a mentor," Hu said.

The high school instructors each put together a syllabus and came up with a course outline on their own. Many times they also provide optional homework.

Iris Xue teaches competitive math and enjoys sharing her passion.

“Teaching the students is a bit different because you cannot teach the students face-to-face, so sometimes you cannot tell if they are having difficulty. We have to stop along the way and make sure that that they understand everything.”


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No, of course that headline doesn’t mean that they kept failing classes, it just means that one generation of the family after another attended. Then they each

moved on to another job or college, and one even came back to Blair and is on the current faculty. The family has seen a LOT of Blair history, and are part of Blair’s legacy of community involvement.

“Our dad, Bob Davis (’46), was at Blair during the last two years of World War Two, and graduated the year it ended,” his daughter Kathy said. “He also had two sisters who went to Blair. He participated in a

lot of the activities that were going on at Blair to support the war effort. He was also there for the return of both students and faculty members from Blair who were coming back to finish high school or resume their teaching jobs.”

After leaving Blair Bob, too, joined the Army to serve his country. Bob was always inclined toward public service, and after the Army he began a career with the B&O Railroad at their Silver Spring Station on Georgia Ave. across from Gifford’s Ice Cream. Bob started as an Assistant Trainmaster and the Trainmaster, serving for a total of 42 years. When the railroad station was renovated and reopened to the public, a bench on the platform was dedicated in Bob’s honor.

He didn’t stop “working” after his retirement from the railroad, Bob was the first person to

sign up for the Montgomery County Police Department’s (at the time) newly established official volunteer program. He volunteered at the Silver Spring Station for nearly twenty years. In honor of his service to the MCPD, the Department annually presents the Robert B. Davis Memorial Award for outstanding volunteer service.

“Dad loved his years at Blair,” said his other daughter, Betsy. He went to reunions and stayed in touch with his friends and classmates. One of my favorite memories of him is when the Alumni Association sponsored the ‘Farewell to Blair at Wayne Ave.’ event and we toured the campus together. Of course, when he went there the school still consisted on just one building, but it was really amazing to visit some of his old classrooms where I had some classes, too. It was great day for him.”

Betsy (’80) had some great days at Blair herself. She was immersed in the women’s sports program.

“I played for a Blair sports team throughout the school year,” she notes. “I was on the volleyball team, the basketball team, and the softball team. It seems as though I had either practice of a game ever day of the school year. My senior year I had the honor of being the Captain of the softball team.”

Stories from the ALUMNI HALL Wall of Honor

The Davis Family at Blair: Still There After 75 Years

Betsy is first row, (r) on the ’79 volleyball team


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After leaving Blair, Betsy went on to an outstanding 32-year career with the MCPD. When she retired Chief Tom Manger (Blair, ’72) said “Betsy has served her community with compassion, humility, and integrity. Her ten years as an Assistant Chief has helped

shape the Police Department into the progressive agency it has become today. Montgomery County is better because of Betsy Davis’ service.”

“I had some great teachers at Blair, including Mr. Norm Stant (l) and Mr. Timothy Henderson. My junior year we won the state basketball championsnship,so it was a


Craig Davis (’77) was the first of the 2nd generation of Davis children to attend Blair. Craig worked on the Silverlogue staff as a photographer, in addiron to his other activities. He later went on to a career in

the construction industry, and was active in the Wheaton Rescue Squad. He was lucky enough to be at the school when Blair won not one but two State basketball Championships.

time to be at Blair.”

Kathy Davis Crabtree (’81) had a great Blair experience, too. She recalls a number of special times, and special people.

“Everyone seemed to get along,’ she remembered. “My

favorite teacher was Mr. Nickerson. I was also on the drill team, so I became one of the biggest supporters of all of the sports teams, including the ones Betsy was on.”

In addition to ’79 basketball championship, there was another event that stood out in Kathy’s memories of Blair.

“My senior year we were told to report to the auditorium for an assembly. I hated sitting through those things, so I was going to skip it and just hang out at Ertters.Then my friend Billy Judd, who was on the a/v crew told me not to miss the assembly because Stevie Wonder was going to be the surprise guest.”

After Blair Kathy worked in the insurance field before becoming a part of the Facilities Management division of the Montgomery County Government.

Kathy’s son, Brandon (2011) is a 3rd generation Blazer, and was the first of the Davis family members to attend Blair at the University Boulevard Campus.

“It was pretty cool to grow up with Blair being such an important part of out family,” Brandon says. "One of my teachers was Mr. Roth, who was already teaching at Blair when my Mom was there 30 years earlier.”

Brandon got hooked on Stage Crew, and worked on all of the plays, musicals, and other events. He continued to help out with Stage Crew even after graduating and moving on to Montgomery College. Eventually he circled all the back, taking a job in the schjool’s office in 2017. Today he continues working with the students and working with a/v and Stage Crew, and was the manager of the production of the.Blair 85/20 Celebration held last Fall.

“That was one of the highlights of being back here,” Brandon says.”I was blown away by the love for the school by grads as far back as the 1940’s.”

Those were your grandfather’s friends, Brandon. It shows how closely tied the Davis family has always been to our school.


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Blair Counselor Chosen as Montgomery County Schools Counselor of the Year

Jennifer Poole, who serves in the Blair Counseling Department as a specialist working with ESOL students, was selected as the 2019-2020 MCPS Counselor of the Year. She was nominated by Assistant Principal Lavina Carrillo for this prestigious award. “Her continued

dedication to the success of our students is worthy of this great recognition,’ says Blair Principal Renay Johnson.

Blair Students Win Regional Championship

Congratulations go out to Blair Juniors, Elia Safir & Lillian Zhou, on winning the 2020 ExploraVision Regional Championship for their research; 3D Printing Coral Colonies to Regenerate Coral Reefs. They will compete at Nationals against five other teams for $10,000.00 in prizes.

Blazer Team Wins Engineering Award Blair’s Robot Project team took home the honors at the Greater DC FIRST Chesapeake Event, winning the Enginerring Inspiration Award. They were recognized for their community outreach efforts.

Class of 1970 50-Year Celebration in October

The weekend of October 2-4, 2020 is set as the date of the Blair Class of 1970’s 50 Year Reunion. Details are being finalized. The Big Event will be held on Saturday, October 3, with food, music, laughter, memories, and the gathering of a great group of Blazers.

For more information on the current plans and to volunteer to help, please contact:

Joe Pavlock at [email protected]

Passings (Because this edition of the Alumni News is being sent on Memorial Day, we wanted to make note of the passing of several of our Greatest Generation members in recent months)

Eileen Collins Clark (’49) passed away in April. Her mother, Hazel Collins Erickson, taught at Blair from 1935-1956

Bob Drake (’48) a long-time association member and contributor to the Alumni News, has also passed away. He and his fellow Blazer Melba Pumphrey Drake were married for more than 60 years.

Betty Pisapi Patschak (’46) was a stalwart of the Tuesday Pizza Group for many years. She was a joy to be around and a Blazer in heart and soul. We’ll all miss her at the Stained Glass Pub.

What’s Happening at Blair Reunion Corner


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PLATINUM LEVEL Janet Gessford Buhler ‘74 Richard Cohen ‘59 Daniel Dickson ’62 Jacque Crenca Hinman ’79 John Illgen ‘62 Bill Mason ‘62 Jeff McClelland ‘60 Ursula McClymont ‘83 William Oppenheim ‘62 Larry Raney ‘61 Tim Wagner ‘62 Jeffery Weisleder ‘64 GOLD LEVEL Ed k Hunter ‘50 Don Lawson ‘64 Bill Lewis ‘79 Clark Stout ‘50 John Wood Jr. ‘68 SILVER LEVEL Allen Chauvenet ‘63 Everett Childs ’64 Kathy Davis Crabtree ‘81 Betsy Davis ‘80 Jack Dellastatious ‘56 Thomas Gough ‘87 Lorraine Barth Harding ‘55 Richard Hozik ‘69 Sarah Manchester ‘90 Joe Pavlock ‘70 Donald Robertson ‘62 Stanley Sobel ‘59 CENTURY LEVEL Laurence Abramson ‘58 Allan Akman ‘60 Sandra Graham Beall ‘64 Carl Bernstein ‘61 Paul Budesheim ‘63 Phil Byer ‘66 Colette Carter ‘68 Maggie Armstrong Chapman ‘67 Ron & Rita Cima ‘71 Donald Clark ‘52 Rita Horowitz Coopersmith ‘66 Doug Dawson ‘64 Robert Decker DDS ‘58 David DeJong ‘68 Edith Roby Edwards ‘45 Steed & Sharon Ridgeway Edwards ‘67 Len Eiserer ‘66 Mary Ann Allison Elliott ‘53 Henry Feuer ‘60 Hugo Fleischman ‘65 James Foster ‘49 David Freedman ‘65 Paul Ganz (F) Howard Grad ‘64

Bill & Mary Lou McCann Graham ‘57 Jim Griffin ‘50 Alan Harvey ‘58 Mary Jacques Hergert ‘65 Chick Hernandez ‘81 Phyllis Harwell High ‘66 Joan Wells Hozik ‘63 John Hozik ‘60 Mary Ann Bowman Hunt ‘64 Kathy Black Hynson ‘62 Dee Jolles ‘62 Peter Kelchner ‘79 Barbara Desind Kernan ‘56 Jacquelyn Pierce Kruse ‘65 Dana Beers Laake ‘62 Ruth Brown Leffler ‘47 Larry Levin ‘66 Eleanor Gamarsh Lewis ‘58 Elmo Lewis ‘58 Jo Ann Marceron ‘66 Treva Wingo McLaughlin ‘62 Ken Mehrling ‘68 Howard Metcalfe ‘51 Kevin Moose ‘75 Judie Goldberg Mopsik ‘61 Chris Mudd ‘69 Eliot Pfanstiehl ‘68 Michael Pitts ‘80 Robert & Robin Brownfield Platky ‘73 Charles Polinger ‘62 Robert Prinz ‘62 Susan Peper Prucha ‘62 Nadine Roberts ‘58 Joseph Rosenfeld ‘66 Nancy Pursell Schulze ‘59 Mary Ellen Shepherd ‘61 Ken Shifrin ‘70 Dr. Alan Smith ‘55 Fred Steele ‘62 Robert Stewart ‘67 Margaret Moose Swallow ‘71 Rick Tavan ‘66 Betsy Stanley Thomas ‘58 Nadyne Silverman Turner ‘55 Stephen Turner ‘60 William Turner ‘58 David Twigg ‘54 Larry Walker ‘65 Robert Warsaw ‘57 Tim Wilson ‘66 Thomas Windes ‘61 Dennis Winson ‘57 Stuart Wolk ‘70 Andrea Novakovich Wood ‘78 John Wylie ‘61 John Yerrick ‘58 Popey Doten Xander ‘46 John Yerrick ‘58 Michael Young ‘60 Gabor Zsebo ‘62

SUPPORTER LEVEL Stuart Balderson ‘56 Darlene Landis Ball ‘58 Candy Jacobs Barbag ‘67 John & Judith Light Benedict ‘65 Robert Bogley ‘62 Lynn Dietle Booth ‘64 Aileen Hurd Boyd ‘62 Ellie Wood Brazee ‘50 Charles P. Brenner, DDS ‘61 Jim & Christine Tuve Burris ‘65 Patrick Callan ‘68 Bucky & Myra Hirst Cannon ‘56 Lisa Caputo ‘97 Bill Clark ‘65 Anna Fayard Connellee ‘67 Bill Connellee ‘64 Vera Lynn Blana Coulam ‘63 Barbara Levine Cronin ‘70 Janet Schulman Deam ‘61 Harry DeMoll ‘61 Elizabeth Downing ‘64 Jeffrey Ellis ‘70 Rachel Stein Epstein ‘59 Daniel Fallon ‘56 Lindsay Beck Fallon ‘00 Barbara Stewart Fisher ‘62 James Fisher ‘60 Alan Fishman ‘76 Richard & Pam Klein Foster ‘62 Mary Giddings Frantz ‘54 Karen Orton Garrett ‘69 Joan Hudson Gartrell ‘55 Frank Gatchell ‘62 Norma Gates ‘47 Ron Gold ‘67 Don Graham ‘57 Michael Hais ‘61 Fletcher Herrald ‘65 Richard Hoag ‘57 Brenda Fisher Holt ‘59 Roger Huff ‘63 Ron Hurley ‘61 James Johnston ‘62 Richard Katz ‘71 Alan Kazdoy ‘65 Alan Kerxton ‘56 Beverly Bell Kessler ‘62 Robert Kessler ‘62 Charles Krupsaw ‘67 Esther Leise ‘71 Gail Weinraub Leon ‘65 David Luber ‘61 Wendy Madigosky ‘91 Tom Manger ‘72 Dr. Wendy Marlowe ‘60 Bob Marques ‘67 Christine Hoadley McCully ‘65 Jeannette Thomas McNair ‘55 Peggy McNutt (F)

Frank Meyerle ‘55 William Moyer ‘65 Joy Littman Murray ‘64 Michael Najarian ‘61 Robert & Joan Noone Olszewski ‘73 Harry Packard ‘55 George Pappas ‘69 Diane Unger Pelan ‘65 Judith Peres ‘68 Priscilla Fritter Peterson ‘68 Forrest Pifer ‘51 Richard Pioli (F) Ruth Freas Pollard ‘57 Jack Reges ‘58 Craig Rosenthal ‘70 Terri Zeibert Sanker ‘69 John Sasse ‘62 Al Schrider ‘46 Joyce Divecchia Schrider ‘47 Carol Brimberg Schulman ‘62 Ruth Hallman Sentelle ‘55 Edna Lyle Sidell ‘59 Anne Nordquist Smart ‘56 W. Harley Smith ‘62 David Sookne ‘60 Jack Strickler ‘52 Gary Thompson ‘58 Diane Cutler Unger ‘65 Barbara Besuden Usher ‘61 Valter & Linda Schmidt Valenca ‘70 Eugene Vicere ‘68 Dean Walters ‘64 Ralph & Sally Corzine Ward ‘53 Alvin & Judy Blatt Warren ‘62 Gary Waters ‘61 Barry & Rita Callen Wertlieb ‘60 Lois Watts White ‘51 Douglas Windes ‘64 CONTRIBUTOR LEVEL Larry Abrams ‘75 Kathryn Giddings Allan ‘63 Joanne Viverette Alvey ’69 Diane Brott Apter ‘64 Arthur Aron ‘65 Stuart Auberbach ‘67 Robin Roth Ayers ‘78 Spencer Baba ‘60 Burt Bachrach ‘65 Robin Backstrom ‘59 Maris Baltins ‘63 Charles Barber ‘59 Alfred Barth ‘63 Janet Buckingham Bates ‘44 Joyce Cohen Bedine ‘62 Dale Bennett ‘62 Mary Chinn Bergsman ‘59 Sanford Berman ‘60 David Berson ‘72 Mike Bird ‘57

2020 Scholarship and Special Projects Fund Contributors Our thanks to these Blair graduates, faculty, family members, and friends for their generous support of

the Blair Alumni Association (as of May 15, 2020)


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JASMINE ALI University of Maryland)

“The one aspect of Blair’s traditions that has been most meaningful to me is the sense of community Blair fosters. All Blazers are very connected through the pride we have for our

school, which has a history of being a renowned pubic school providing a great education to its students.”

Well said, Jasmine!

She lived up to that history as a member of the Science Honor Society, a club

leader for the Code Girls (teaching girls to code since sophomore year), and being a staff writer for Silver Chips Online. In her “spare time” she earned over 1,000 hours of community service at libraries, events, and organizations, including summer reading programs for younger students.

“Blair has an incredibly open community,” she notes, “regardless of who you are and where you are from. I’m a first-generation Bengali Muslim-American, but I never felt out of place.”

She credits her sophomore English teacher, Bruce Williams, with building her confidence through public speaking. That led her to becoming a Silver Chips reporter, where she focused on doing stories on as many students as possible.

“I’ve been able to share the stories of so many people in the Blair building, and I tried to capture the heart of Blair in my writing. By shining a light on these other students, I tried to give them a voice. At the same time, I was able to find my own voice. It’s like we’re all part in this 3,000- piece puzzle. Everyone's piece fits because we all belong.”

ABIGAIL LOUISE KOEHLER Peabody Institute, Johns Hopkins University There is something about Blair and music. Whether the Annual Shows, the Chorus, the fight songs, or the Alma mater, the music is one of Blair’s hallmarks. That’s why Abi Koehler says that “the first thing I think about when I consider Blair’s history and traditions is the Marching Band – ‘Blazer Pride’.”

Abi has had the music in her for a long time. She’s been in the Marching Band for three years, but is an accomplished musician across the board. She’s been in the Music Honor Society, the Pit Orchestra (for musicals), the Jazz Combo, and the String Quartet at Blair. She’s also been in numerous youth orchestras and been an honors member of bands and orchestras at the state level.

Music is her passion, but not her entire life. She is a well-rounded student, with a straight-A academic record for her entire four years of high school (note: something your Editor cannot even conceive!), almost all in Honors level classes.

“I am the person I am today,’ she says proudly, “because of Ms Michelle Roberts. She showed me how to treat music as more than entertainment. She showed me that music is a way of enriching people’s lives, of bringing people together, and of inspiring hope and joy.”

“As I continue my education to become a professional musician, I will always be guided by that purpose of serving my community. I intend to reach out and give back though public performances, teaching, and advocacy for art education. That’s what I take away from my incredible Blair experience.”

Meet Your 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients

Four Outstanding Young Women Moving on To the Next Level


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OLIVIA CATHERINE SPEAKS University of Miami School of Architecture

How is this for a resume – National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Varsity Lacrosse, Concert Orchestra, tutor, Certificate of Meritorious Service to the Gil Scouts, and …Fishing Club? Well, we always say we want to our Scholarship

recipients to be “well-rounded” students, and Oliva Speaks most certainly is one of those.

“There are many parts of Blair’s traditions and history that are meaningful for me and intriguing to me. I always looked forward to attending Blair because I grew up in the Woodmoor area and had siblings who went there. Also, I went to Sligo Creek Elementary and Silver Spring International Middle School in the Wayne Ave. buildings, so I got a chance to learn about Blair’s history,” she notes. “I’m glad our school was named for a man who fought for inclusion and freedom because that’s what Blair is all about.”

Olivia made a special attempt to interact with all of the different types of Blair students. “I tried to make friends with everyone and bring people of different backgrounds together,” she says. “Everyone has knowledge, opinions, and experiences to share.”

She says that the teacher who had the greatest impact on her is Ms Elizabeth Levien. “At first, she was my chemistry teacher, but her passion for the environment was so great I took AP Environmental Science. I wound up teaching environmental awareness workshops to first and second grade students.”

“As an alumnus,’ Olivia says, “my goal is to give back to Blair, a school that has given me so much.”


After accululating more than 10 times the required number of Student Service Learning hours and compiling a cumulative WGPA of 4.32. it’s a wonder that Lourdes Reyes Valenzuela had time for other activities. She did find that time, of course, and was a reporter and editor for the Spanish language version of Silver Chips, “Esquina Latina.”

“I wrote about both school and nation-wide issues and topics that were relevant to the Hispanic populatrion,” she said. I have also helped with cultural activities at the school.”

“My World Language teacher, Sabrina Kalin Martinez, has been the greatest support that I had at Blair,” she continued. “She talked to me clearly about the choices I had, and talked to me about my anxieties and other concerns. She said it would be hard but it would be worth the effort, and because her background was similar to mine it made a huge difference in my success.”

Lourdes became active in several school and church organizations and it gave her a new perspective and confidence as she went through each of her four years of high school.

“I wanted to put something back into the school,” she said, “so my peers and I joined Conexiones, a club that concentrated on helping the younger students bridge the gap between themselves and the other cultures at Blair. It was through Conexiones that I learned how the educational system works, and how I could help others take advantage of all that Blair has to offer.”

Meet Your 2020 Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients

Architecture, Music, Science, and Languages Are Their Passions


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Joel Block ‘63 Frances Boggs ‘50 Carol Whiting Bowen ‘71 Candace Boyett ‘95 Charles Brown ‘54 Carol Humphries Brown ‘60 James Brownfield ‘46 Michael Bucci ‘69 Jean McPherson Buchanan ‘64 Beverly Burke ‘63 Tod Burke ‘74 Judy Milano Cantwell ‘62 Phyllis Millard Capellman ‘60 Edith Caro ‘76 John Caron ‘61 Ellen Walker Carr ‘56 Mildred Lawson Casper ‘51 Robert Catudal ‘63 Edward Chaney ‘53 Eileen Collins Clark ‘49 Carlton Clark ‘66 Carol Coakley ‘66 Harriet Caplon Cobern ‘64 Pamela Grigsby Cohan ‘61 Susan Keller Cohen ‘58 Michael Cohen ‘66 James Colen ‘64 Pamela Geiger Collins ‘64 Harriett Morgan Condon ‘63 Paul Cosdon ‘61 Mary Etta Beasley Craze ‘59 Don & Pam Curley ‘64 Brenda Dietz Davis ‘58 Lester Dement, Jr. ‘59 Linda Jean Walters Denniston ‘60 Judy Ringgold Docca (F) Edward Dosik ‘67 Sandra Clevering Drimal ‘66 Roger Drummond ‘65 Mary Alice Pugh Easton ‘65 Daniel Eberly ‘60 Glenda Eliason Ellis ‘58 Tom Engleman ‘65 Roger Epstein ‘63 Pat Fallon ‘57 Marguerite Boote Farnan ‘57 Janice Jones Favara ‘43 Roland Ferguson ‘56 Audrey Piltch Ferry ‘65 John Fetty ‘60 David Fishback ‘65 Pam Lazzari Fisher ‘66 Ruth Good Fitzmorris ‘39 Linda Folks ‘69 Bernice Fones ‘46 Nancy Edelman French ‘73 David Funk ‘62 William Furlow ‘49 Suzanne McMillan Gaff ‘66 Bill & Elaine Tolker Gandloff ’59 & ‘61 Brooks Gerardi ‘61 Lorraine Mudrick Gerson ‘61

Susan Kuskin Gerstel ‘60 William Giddings Jr. ‘57 Howard Gitelson ‘64 Richard Glass ‘58 Rita Kowalchik Glyn-Jones ‘55 Ellen Wallach Goldberg ’65 Susan Wheeler Goldsborough ‘57 Diane Greenbaum Goldstein ‘61 Robert Grohs ‘60 Phyllis Epstein Halfpap ‘73 Lois Weyer Hamilton ‘64 Don Hausrath ‘52 Joyce Beck Hermann ‘67 Barbara Wolf Herrington ‘70 Karen Davis Higgins ‘80 Ann Snow Hobbs ‘63 William & Jean Henderson Hobday ‘52 John Holt ‘55 Stephen Howard ‘68 Paul Hoylen, Jr. ‘71 David Hudgel ‘61 Karen Davis Huggins ‘80 Cicily Davis Iacangelo ‘61 Sonny Iacangelo ‘59 Bob Irelan ‘55 Mary Ann Shira Irvine ‘57 Allan Jaffe ‘62 Dana Johannes ‘57 Sylvia Waldschmidt Johnson ‘52 Randy Jones ‘74 Marylin Babin Jordan ‘56 Andrew & Francine Schneider Katz ‘69 Bridgett Bunch Katz ‘64 Lou Kaufman ‘65 Barry Haberman Keller ‘66 Kevin Kelly ‘75 Dianne Hofmann Kirkland ‘70 Dr. Thomas Klechak ‘58 Jay Knox ‘63 Michele Meyerson Kreiss ‘64 Bruce Lane ‘78 Ronne Larson ‘67 Jose Laureano ‘70 Moira Cargill LaVeck ‘73 Charles & Donna Linkins Leonard ‘56 Ruth Lepson ‘66 Alexis Bronrott Levine ‘64 Jonathan Levy ‘64 Edgar Lewis ‘59 Stephen Luber ‘63 Pat Butler Lynagh ‘57 Gloria Barnabei MacKenzie ‘52 Shirley McAuliffe Marlowe ‘70 Peter Mascone ‘79 Francis Mason ‘59 Pamela Blevins Matthies ‘66 Joyce Padgett McBain ‘59

Bob & Eloise Wildensteiner McDowell ‘51 Doug Moke ‘64 Barbara Strandt Moreland ‘70 Barbara Sale Morgan ‘68 Steve Mudrick ‘66 Sam Musgrove ‘53 Joe Musher ‘66 Barbara Brownley Mushet ‘62 Sherrill Wells Nee ‘64 Donald Neff ‘63 Leslie Wolin Neff ‘63 Sharla Silverman Neuberger ‘61 Alan Nevin ‘56 Noel Castle Oliff ‘62 Ronald Orleans ‘61 Cindy Bahn Oser ‘60 Irnest Oser Kathleen McVay Pape ‘55 Susan Babin Paper ‘62 Renee Seltzer Parcover ‘64 Emilio Pardo ‘81 Ted Parker ‘54 Robert Paxton ‘50 Ann Gummel Pease ‘50 Nancy Perlman ‘70 James & Judith Atwood Pinkston ‘56 Ann Marie Groomes Pisani ‘61 Roger Pitt ‘62 Richard Pizer ‘61 Barbara Lynn Rabenhorst Potts ‘64 Gordon Powers ‘55 Joe Price ‘76 Sarah (Elizabeth) Pugh ‘60 Corky Rainey ‘62 John Rast ‘73 Robert Reher ‘69 Richard Reiter ‘65 Peter Remsen ‘62 Rosalind Springer Reshad ‘69 Siri Wojcik Roark Fran Eckstein Roberton ‘65 Troy Robinson ‘54 Eva Roessler ‘69 Michael Ross ‘70 James & Mary McMullen Roth ‘66 Ellen Morris Rubin ‘68 Bill Salter ‘53 Kay Hober Sammons ‘63 Edward Sarbacher ‘75 Bruce Sartwell ‘65 Anne Rothman Schenof ‘63 Doris Lee Smith Schneider ‘52 Ellen Schwartz ‘65 Stuart Schwartz ‘74 John Schwenzer ‘63 Doris Louft Seckman ‘61 John Randy Sharman, Jr. ‘69 Roney Troxler Shawe ‘49

Dale Coran Shell ‘67 John Shepherd ’61 Christine Sheridan ‘68 Laura Looney Sheridan ‘55 Kim & Jane Beck Sherman ‘59 Andrea Bass Sherman ‘69 Linda Pollack Shevitz ‘61 Leslie Kirshbaum Shire ‘66 Louise Parks Shub ‘61 Sam Silbey ‘68 Joseph Simpson ‘60 Sheldon Simpson ‘60 Linda Smith Slone ‘63 Margaret Jean Smith ‘48 Joan Norris Smith ‘56 Merrill Smith ‘80 Joseph Sperling ‘64 Wilber “Bill” Stauffer Bill Stein ‘57 Barbara Kirby Stewart ‘58 Harry Stubbs ‘86 Marcia McVicker Stubbs ‘73 Laana Taylor ‘80 Dennis Theoharis ‘67 Michael Thieroff ‘59 Linda Miller Thompson ‘62 Erol Torun ‘76 Vanburen Vaughn ‘75 David Walczak ‘70 Marguerite Wason ‘71 Carleta Waytes ‘84 Arch Webster ‘56 Stephen Weiner ‘58 Hollace Goldberg Weiner ‘64 Judith Nolan Whelan ‘65 Roberta Smith Wilhelm ‘65 Annette Taylor Williams ‘60 Jean Crum Williams ‘62 Brearley Carroll Wilson ‘53 Cindy Hawkins Wright ‘61 Raymond Zeibert ‘66 Susan Kantor Zepeda ‘63 PARTICIPANT LEVEL William Algeri ‘55 Beverly Potler Barnhard ‘67 Frederick Fidler ‘56 Charles Howton ‘65 Suzanne Ewen Ross ‘57 Stan Tillotson ‘66 Joseph Wolinsky ’60

2020 Scholarship and Special Projects Fund Contributors Our thanks to these Blair graduates, faculty, family members, and friends for their generous support of

the Blair Alumni Association (as of May 15, 2020)


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Ruth Good Fitzmorris lives in Baldwinsville, NY. She has travelled to over 33 different countries, all of Central and South America, as well as all 50 US States. She says “You

would think at 98 I’d know enough to stay home.”


Janice Jones Favara lives in Forest Grove, OR. She is now in Assisted Living and will be 95 in June. There are lots of activities and entertaining programs to choose from. She would

love to hear from anyone in her class or get news from Ellicott City, where she was born.


Edith Lee Roby Edwards lives in Rutherfordton, NC. She had surgery in Oct 2019 to put in 2 stents to help with her kidneys and now the doctors tell her that it was so successful that she should

live to age 100. She is now 93. She walks every day and tries to keep active.


Robert Paxton lives in Bellingham, WA. He is now retired. After Blair he spent 4 years in the Navy. He spent 28 years as an air traffic controller in Leesburg, VA and then in

Anchorage, AK where he and his wife Amy raised a son and daughter.


Don Hausrath lives in Tucson, AZ. He opened He was surprised to read his account of the establishment of the American Embassy in the Peoples Republic of China that was originally published in

the American Heritage Magazine. He and his wife lived abroad for many years in Tokyo, Austria, and India working with embassies to maintain cultural centers.

Gloria Barnabei MacKenzie lives in Silver Spring, MD. She is retired. She is also a widow. They had 3 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 5 grandchildren. She still keeps in touch with many Blair friends!


Mary Giddings Frantz lives in Pottstown, PA. She became a great grandmother in 2019. She says “Don’t like the age, but love the role!” She has

visited countries on every continent except Africa, but has been planning a trip to safari in Cape Town and Johannesburg in Oct 2020.

David Twigg lives in Greenwell Springs, LA. He and his wife Sylvia spent 2 years rebuilding a 2100 square foot house that flooded in the devastating August 2016 Flood in lower Louisiana. They decided to downsize to a 1250 square foot home built 50 miles North in St. Francisville. They hope to move in May/June of this year.



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Marian Goodwin Brumley lives in Rotonda West, FL. She lost her 3 brothers Jerome Goodwin (’56), Thomas Goodwin (’60) and Kenneth

Goodwin (’65) and her uncle Brent Briscoe (’54).

Tom Patterson lives in Moorefield, WV. He travelled to Canada in the summer of 2019. He visited New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island where he

visited the site of his all-time favorite story, Anne of Green Gables. 1956

Ellen Walker Carr lives in Ellicott City, MD. When she lived in England for a couple of years, she travelled the UK and many of the European countries. She has taken cruises to

Caribbean Islands, the Baltic Sea, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Daniel Fallon lives in Santa Fe, NM. He and his wife spend time with classmate Roger Williams and his wife. They are neighbors in New Mexico. He is still consulting on

higher education in Germany and active in the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. They have 2 grandsons that will soon attend Montgomery Blair.

Patricia Williams Powers lives in Fredericksburg, VA. She enjoys travelling. She also enjoys visiting her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She says “I look back with fond memories

on my wonderful time at Blair.” 1957

Mike Bird lives in Sun Lakes, AZ. In June 2019 he won a bronze medal in Singles Tennis at the National Senior Games. He also

ranked #1 in the Southwest section of the US Tennis Association Men’s 80’s Singles.

Annette Chappell lives in Towson, MD. She is still an active Episcopal Priest. She has travelled to 7 countries since graduation from Blair.

Don Graham lives in Derwood, MD. He was on an around the world ocean cruise when the coronavirus hit and the cruise ended in Perth, Australia where they all had to disembark and fly home before all the ports and airports closed. They fortunately did not contract the virus and are happy to be home safe.

Pat Butler Lynagh lives in Silver Spring, MD. She volunteers at four theaters in the DC/MD area and at the National Gallery of Art. She has 4

grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.


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Frances Belair Wimbush lives in Ocean View, DE. She keeps busy with community activities at her home in Delaware and in Florida. Her children recently

hosted a surprise birthday party for a special birthday!

1958 Darlene Landis Ball lives in Salisbury, NC. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. She is active with Habitat for Humanity Builds and

Meals on Wheels. She is on the boards of Historic Salisbury Foundation and Rowan Helping Ministries, and is the first woman chair on the Board of Trustees at Catawba College. Susan Keller Cohen lives in Naples, FL

7 months out of the year. She is enjoying her retirement. After 51 years she moved from Baltimore to Annapolis and this is where she spends

her summers. 1959

Kim and Jane Beck Sherman live in Columbia, MD. In Oct 2019 they visited Anne Harvey Mastienes

in Madrid and got a wonderful tour. Anne travels the world on an ongoing basis and they were lucky to catch her at home. 1960 Linda Walters Denniston lives in Rocky

Ridge, MD. She is a certified Personal Trainer and is now

completing her certification to be an Aquatic Personal Trainer. She is an instructor for Aquatic Water Walking, Shallow Water Training, Aquatic Power House classes at Mount St Mary’s University and Gettysburg YWCA.

John Fetty lives in Boynton Beach, FL. He says he “has survived another year of the chaos in DC.” He wonders if there are any Blair alums in the Congress.

Dr. Wendy Marlowe lives in Seattle, WA. She is still working as a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist. She is involved in research, teaching, clinical practice,

and consultation. She has also provided court testimony twice in front of Congress and 3 times at the Washington State Legislature. She and her partner enjoy travelling and spending time with their grown children and granddaughter. 1961

Raymond Anderson lives in Fredericksburg, VA. He finally retired in September of 2019 for the last time. He agreed to help out on a project for 2 weeks and ended up staying 15 years

and 4 months past that.

Charles Brenner, DDS lives in Salisbury, MD. He finally retired after 50 years and 3 generations of treating children in his pediatric dental practice. He says

“Class of ‘61…thanks for the memories.”


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Brooks Gerardi lives in Port Saint Lucie, FL. He plays golf 3 times per week. He says, “I’m still shooting my age sometimes, but as the years go by it gets a little easier.”

He has 7 grandkids, 3 are college grads and 4 are in high school. Sharla Silverman Neuberger lives in

Potomac, MD. She has 18 grandkids and 2 great granddaughters. She suffered a great loss of her daughter Michelle Benaim at the age of 49 in September 2017 from

colon cancer. She says “Please encourage all your kids to get a colonoscopy at age 45!!!”

John Shepherd lives in Sedona, AZ. His neighbor has a yard sign that says: Any Responsible Adult 2020 Election. He considered running for President, but that would mean he would

just have to buy a tie. Louise Parks Shub lives in Annapolis, MD. She went to France in 2012 with her daughter, they drove from one side of France to the other stopping at castles along the way. She also travelled to Australia in 2015 and it was amazing besides the 23 hours from National Airport to Sydney! 1962

Frank Gatchell lives in Indian Head, MD. He is busier than ever in retirement. He says “This whole retired life of leisure is not happening, but it is good.”

John Illgen lives in Santa Barbara, CA. He has travelled to 15 countries. John’s illustrious career in the aerospace industry included numerous honors for his work of simulation

and modeling methods and technologies.

Dee Jolles lives in Germantown, MD. Since graduation she has earned multiple degrees, taught in MCPS, was an administrator and

supervisor of secondary education. She retired after 33 years and then was a program advisor for graduate students at Johns Hopkins University for 11 years.

Treva Wingo McLaughlin lives in Ambler, PA. She has been to 24 countries since graduating Blair.

Georgia Kluttz Warner lives in Port Orange, FL. She has been travelling and trying to stay healthy. She just celebrated 32 years of marriage on Valentine’s Day 2020. 1963 Maris Baltins lives in Spokane, WA. She has been working hard and trying to pay off her student loans. She has travelled everywhere in the world.

Roger Epstein lives in Honolulu, HI. He taught for a semester at the Beiwai Foreign Studies University Law School last year. He says, “Amazing how

Chinese admire Americans and want to learn English.


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Lynn Dietle Booth lives in Silver Spring, MD. She took a fabulous trip to the American Southwest where she saw New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Grand Canyon, Red Rock

Canyons, Monument Valley, Mystery Valley, Antelope Canyon, Bryce National Park and Zion National Park.

Lois Weyer Hamilton lives in Laurel, MD. She is still involved in her leadership roles, but has been staying home due to coronavirus. She is in the at-risk group.

Barbara Lynn Rabenhorst Potts lives in Fort Washington, MD. She published another book “The Overcomer’s Handbook of Kingdom Proclamations.” Her website is

Hollace Goldberg Weiner lives in Fort Worth, TX. Since graduating she has been to 50 countries and counting. While still in school at Blair she had been to 2 other countries.

Jeff Weisleder lives in Bal Harbour, FL. He is enjoying life with his wife of 50 years. They have 5 children and 13 grandchildren. He says “Life has been good. Blair was

the foundation of it all.” Douglas Windes lives in Denver, CO. He

is retired, but working part time. He remembers that 50 years ago on November 1st he landed in South Vietnam as a combat infantryman.


David Freedman lives in Rochester, MN. He volunteers with ESL’s from around the world. He is also a frequent research study subject since he lives 3 miles from the main campus of the

Mayo Clinic. Alan Kazdoy lives in Dallas, TX. He is still retired from his law practice. He has stepped up his activism and volunteer work in areas such as climate change and other

environmental causes, immigration reform, and gun violence.

Judith Nolan Whelan lives in Keymar, MD. She is taking it easy in complete retirement. She is doing therapy work with her dog at Assisted Living facilities and local high

schools. 1966

Suzanne McMillan Gaff lives in Little River, SC. She will receive a Studio Arts Degree in May 2020 from Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC.

Tim Wilson lives in Brunswick, MD. He has only travelled to one country and it was Vietnam from 1969-1970. He says “What a

Vacation!! Most Memorable!”


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Dale Coran Shell lives in Marble Falls, TX. She still practices law part time. Their firm name is Shell and Shell. She practices with her husband, son and daughter-

in-law. She and her husband Eddie are travelling as much as possible.

Dennis Theoharis lives in Selbyville, DE. He just turned 70 in September 2019 and says “Yikes!” He has travelled to Greece twice, Dominican Republic,

Jamaica, and Mexico. 1969 Chris Mudd lives in Worcester, MA. He is

happily retired. He is a hospice volunteer and also sings with Rock Voices which is a community choral group.

John Sharman, Jr. lives in Lancaster,

SC. He helped organize the 50th Reunion. His daughter Kaitlyn is about to graduate from Law School. He has travelled to 74 countries and recently went to Israel,

Greece, Turkey, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand.

1970 Ken Shifrin lives in Birmingham, England. He and his partner Eva (who is a scientist representing Czech Republic at NATO) spent a lovely Christmas

week basking in the sunshine and eating tapas in a beautiful small mountain village of the Sierra Nevada of Spain. He unsuccessfully tried to remember his 2 years of Spanish from Blair.

1975 Kevin Kelly lives in Gulf Breeze, FL. He is a boat captain in the oil industry. He attended Luke Bryan’s Crash My Playa in Cancun Mexico in January 2020.

1976 Alan Fishman lives in Waynesboro, PA. He is completing his 35th year of teaching PE for MCPS. He became a grandfather for the 1st time in February 2020. 1979

Bill Lewis lives in Huntington Beach, CA. He is wrapping up his last year of work and planning for retirement. He has travelled to 20 countries

since graduation from Blair. 1990

Sarah Manchester lives in Silver Spring, MD. She is still teaching math and coaching the math team at Takoma Park Middle School. She is a proud mom of a Blair graduate

who now attends UMCP. 2016 Eva Bogino lives in Silver Spring, MD. She will receive her Bachelor of Arts in May 2020 from Sewanee the University of the South with majors in Religious Studies and American Studies.


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For size options, pricing and to order your Individual, Class or Memorial tile, just go to

Order Now to Have Your Tile - and Your “Story”- on the ALMUNI HALL Wall of Honor

You Can Help Even More Blair Students Move on to the Next Level of the Education (see pp10-11) While Honoring Our School, Your Class, Your

Family, Your Blair Teachers, or Other Members of the Blair Family

Join the more than 200 Blair grads, faculty members, and Blair community supporters who have expressed their appreciation for what Blair meant to them. In addition to the tens of thousands of dollars provided as scholarships to graduating seniors, your donations have allowed us to help the school in many, many ways.

We have greatly increased our Scholarship Awards in 2020, and the Alumni Association is also supporting the continued upgrading of ALUMNI HALL, the activities of several school clubs and Departments, and other school projects.

You can purchase your tile in any one of these three sizes:


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Montgomery Blair High School Alumni Association

P.O. Box 1434 Ellicott City, MD 21042

1952 Allan Baggott

1953 Philip Linaugh

1954 Raymond Godman

1960 Cynthia Bahn Oser

1961 Ted Aronow

1964 Rhonda Ogeheroft


Stephen Gillis

Allen Goldberg

1965 Susan St. Clair Turner

1970 Teresa Young


Jacqueline Jackson

1972 Ron Crane

Shaukat Karimi

1973 Hope Ovitt Kimelman

1975 Angela Botzer Lanham

1977 Dawn Wilson Dellinger

1978 Linda Pridgen Gardner Alfred Hendrickson

1979 Trin Hoang Pham

1980 Linda Mitchell

1982 Mollie Toms

1996 Casey King

1997 Neil Sood

2001 Sam Goldblatt

2004 Priscilla Hess

2005 Demetrius Adams

2018 Maria Carias

Welcome New Members