ALL PLAY AND NO WORK? Een exploratieve studie naar ...€¦ · 2.2.1 Twitch en irc ... maar...


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Page 1: ALL PLAY AND NO WORK? Een exploratieve studie naar ...€¦ · 2.2.1 Twitch en irc ... maar participeren ook live in de stream en het gestreamde spel op grote ... De bestaande literatuur



Wetenschappelijke verhandeling






ACADEMIEJAAR 2015 – 2016


Een exploratieve studie naar interactie op Twitch-chat

aantal woorden: 25.325

Page 2: ALL PLAY AND NO WORK? Een exploratieve studie naar ...€¦ · 2.2.1 Twitch en irc ... maar participeren ook live in de stream en het gestreamde spel op grote ... De bestaande literatuur


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Page 3: ALL PLAY AND NO WORK? Een exploratieve studie naar ...€¦ · 2.2.1 Twitch en irc ... maar participeren ook live in de stream en het gestreamde spel op grote ... De bestaande literatuur



Deze thesis vormt het sluitstuk van mijn opleiding aan de Universiteit Gent.

In dit woord vooraf wil ik mijn dank betuigen aan enkele mensen die essentieel waren voor het


Ten eerste aan mijn promotor, Dr. Jan Van Looy, die heeft bijgestaan in het structureren van

gedachten en belichten van dat wat boeit. Voor zijn hulp ben ik hem erg dankbaar.

Ook ben ik de streamer, Briarstone, dankbaar voor informatie die hij me verschafte over zijn

kanaal, en streaming in het algemeen.

Ten laatste wil ik bedanken mijn ouders en familie, mijn vriendin Stephanie, en Anja voor de vele

raad en het uiterste geduld; en mijn vrienden voor ontspanning en het pingpongen van gedachten.

Dank u wel.

Antwerpen, mei 2016

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In de voorbije jaren is er een opmars bezig van videogamestreaming. Deze opkomende

mediavorm kadert in het fenomeen van spectator gaming en wordt voornamelijk beoefend via het

streamingplatform TwitchTV. Dit platform biedt een omgeving aan waar gebruikers gamestreams

kunnen consumeren én via een chatfunctie in directe lijn kunnen praten met medegebruikers en

de streamer. Hiermee worden zij participant van de stream, meer dan loutere consument.

Literatuur rond TwitchTV staat nog niet ver. Het reeds gevoerde onderzoek richt zich

voornamelijk op de streamers, op exploratie van het platform of bespreekt technische

eigenschappen ervan. Om deze leemte in de literatuur, met stip rond interactie, op te vullen willen

wij onderzoeken hoe gebruikers interageren in de chat van een TwitchTV-kanaal. We richten onze

aandacht op interactie tussen gebruikers, met de streamer en met het gestreamde spel. Concreet

bestudeerden we met een inhoudsanalyse de fenomenen en structuren van communicatie en

interactie in een streamsessie. We keken naar hoe deze gebruikers communiceren met elkaar en

de streamer, en hoe zij interageren met het spel. Resultaten tonen aan dat het platform

voornamelijk op twee manieren gebruikt wordt in de streamsessie. Aan de ene kant als sociale

ruimte waarin banden worden geschept met medegebruikers en streamer, aan de andere kant

om, middels de streamer, te interageren met het gestreamde spel. De stream, en daarbij de

streamer en gestreamde spel, hebben een sterke structurerende invloed op de interactie binnen

de chatruimte. Analyse van de gegevens geeft tevens een bevestiging van bevindingen uit

bestaande literatuur rond computer mediated communication, met enkele opmerkelijke


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VOORWOORD ..................................................................................................................................... 3

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 4

1 INLEIDING ................................................................................................................................ 7

2 BEGRIPSOMSCHRIJVING ..................................................................................................... 9

2.1 TwitchTV ................................................................................................................................................ 9

2.1.1 Situering en structuur...................................................................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Gebruikers en Twitch ..................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Internet Relay Chat (irc) ................................................................................................................ 11

2.2.1 Twitch en irc ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.3 Spectator gaming en videogamestreaming (VGS) ................................................................ 12

2.3.1 Games .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

3 LITERATUURSTUDIE ........................................................................................................ 14

3.1 Interactie en interactiviteit .......................................................................................................... 14

3.1.1 Conclusie uit literatuur rond interactiviteit ........................................................................................ 17

3.2 Conversatie en CMC ......................................................................................................................... 17

3.2.1 Turn-taking in conversatie .......................................................................................................................... 17

3.2.2 Turn-taking binnen CMC .............................................................................................................................. 19

3.2.3 One-way, two-way en synchroniciteit .................................................................................................... 20

3.2.4 Addressivity ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

3.2.5 Chaos ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21

3.3 Videogamestreaming...................................................................................................................... 22

3.3.1 Sociale ruimte .................................................................................................................................................... 23

3.3.2 Chaos ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25

4 ONDERZOEKSMETHODOLOGIE ..................................................................................... 27

4.1 Selectie data ....................................................................................................................................... 28

4.2 Vergaring data................................................................................................................................... 29

4.3 Verwerking data ............................................................................................................................... 30

4.4 Analyse data ....................................................................................................................................... 31

5 RESULTATEN EN BEVINDINGEN ................................................................................... 33

5.1 Beschrijving gegevens .................................................................................................................... 33

5.2 Algemene fenomenen en bevindingen ..................................................................................... 35

5.2.1 Verweving audiovisuele stream in chatinteractie ............................................................................ 35

5.2.2 Chaos en vluchtigheid .................................................................................................................................... 36

5.2.3 Chatruimte als virtual community ........................................................................................................... 38

5.2.4 Humor ................................................................................................................................................................... 41

5.2.5 Begroeting ........................................................................................................................................................... 44

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5.3 Conversatietechnieken .................................................................................................................. 45

5.3.1 Adressering ......................................................................................................................................................... 45

5.3.2 Linking en quoting .......................................................................................................................................... 47

5.3.3 One/two-way en synchroniciteit ............................................................................................................... 49

5.4 On topic-interacties......................................................................................................................... 50

5.4.1 Assistenten .......................................................................................................................................................... 51

5.4.2 Vraag om raad .................................................................................................................................................. 53

5.4.3 Discussie ............................................................................................................................................................... 55

5.4.4 Feilbaarheid ....................................................................................................................................................... 57

5.4.5 Interactie met de stream .............................................................................................................................. 58

5.5 Interactiviteit in de streamsessie .............................................................................................. 60

6 CONCLUSIE EN DISCUSSIE ............................................................................................... 63

6.1 Conclusie ............................................................................................................................................. 63

6.2 Discussie en verder onderzoek ................................................................................................... 66

7 BIBLIOGRAFIE ..................................................................................................................... 67

8 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. 71

8.1 Interactie-items ................................................................................................................................ 71

8.1.1 Aspect of Faith ................................................................................................................................................... 71

8.1.2 Threaten Ragusa .............................................................................................................................................. 72

8.1.3 Zeta naar Serbia ............................................................................................................................................... 73

8.1.4 Shakespeare ........................................................................................................................................................ 74

8.1.5 Kebab ..................................................................................................................................................................... 75

8.2 Codeboek ............................................................................................................................................ 76

8.3 Lijst van figuren ................................................................................................................................ 76

8.4 Chatlog ................................................................................................................................................. 77

8.5 Transcriptie stream ...................................................................................................................... 103

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Sinds een aantal jaar is het nieuwe mediafenomeen videogamestreaming in opgang. Op TwitchTV,

het voornaamste platform voor dergelijke live streaming, kijken dagelijks om en bij een miljoen

mensen naar een van dertig duizend streams. Dit gegeven van spectator gaming, het toeschouwen

van mensen die een videogame spelen is niet nieuw, maar breekt nu werkelijk door. Twitch

verzorgt niet enkel streaming, maar biedt kijkers ook de mogelijkheid om live te chatten met

medegebruikers en de streamer. Dit kadert in het onderzoeksveld naar computer mediated

communication (CMC) waarin reeds veel onderzoek is verricht naar dergelijke (tekstuele)

communicatie. Maar met Twitch krijgen we een nieuw en opmerkelijk gegeven door de

combinatie van live streamen, live tekstueel communiceren en de mogelijkheid tot directe

interactie met streamer en spel op een massamedium. Gebruikers consumeren niet enkel

audiovisueel materiaal, maar participeren ook live in de stream en het gestreamde spel op grote


Bestaande wetenschappelijke literatuur over spectator gaming begeeft zich nog in de beginfasen,

waar het gegeven in kwestie nog wordt verkend en in kaart gebracht. De bestaande literatuur

focust zich voornamelijk op de competitievere kant van gaming, met e-sports-games als Starcraft

II, League of Legends, Counter-Strike en dergelijke. Dat terwijl het aanbod op TwitchTV voor een

groot deel bestaat uit Let’s Play’s: individuele spelers die een playthrough-sessie online uitzenden

met auditieve commentaar naar een publiek. Of het onderzoek naar Twitch richt zich

voornamelijk op de streamer en de technische kant van het platform. De werkelijke interactie op

Twitch, deels in kader van computer mediated communication, werd nog niet belicht, en deze

leemte willen we opvullen.

We doen een exploratieve studie naar de interactie in de chat van een Let’s Play-streamsessie.

Middels de opname van een streamsessie bestuderen we de communicatie in de chatruimte, de

interactie van de streamer en de interactie met het gestreamde spel. Concreet deden we

inhoudsanalyse op de chatlog en transcriptie van de streamsessie. We gingen op zoek naar

fenomenen en structureren waarlangs deze communicatie en interactie zich structureert en voor

doet. We kijken naar hoe deze interactie, en de chatruimte waarin wordt geïnterageerd, eruitziet.

We gaan na of (voornamelijk nadelige) eigenschappen van computer mediated communication

zich ook doorzetten op Twitch. Ook bestuderen we hoe de aanwezigheid van een audiovisuele

stream deze chatcommunicatie vormt en bepaalt, en omgekeerd hoe de chatcommunicatie de

stream vormt. Ten slotte plaatsen we deze chatcommunicatie in het theoretische kader van

interactiviteit en gaan na in welke mate we echt kunnen spreken van interactiviteit.

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In het eerste deel omschrijven we kort enkele kernbegrippen waarrond dit onderzoek draait:

TwitchTV zelf, het irc-protocol en het fenomeen van videogamestreaming. In de literatuurstudie

daarna verkennen we het concept van interactiviteit, en gaan we dieper in op literatuur rond

conversatie, computer mediated communication en videogamestreaming. Luik drie beschrijft hoe

we het onderzoek hebben uitgevoerd, en gaat in detail over de wijze van analyse. Deel vier

beschrijft vervolgens de resultaten die we hebben verkregen. Gezien de exploratieve aard van het

onderzoek hebben we een structuur aangebracht die de ontdekte fenomenen en structuren

systematisch behandelt. Tot slot besluiten we hoe deze resultaten een antwoord bieden op de


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Als eerste verduidelijken we enkele kernbegrippen die in dit onderzoek aan bod komen. Deze zijn

als volgt het TwitchTV-platform, Internet Relay Chat en spectator gaming in het algemeen.


TwitchTV is een videogamestreamingplatform dat bestaat sinds 2011. Op deze website kunnen

mensen audiovisueel materiaal live streamen naar een publiek. Het videomateriaal bestaat uit een

live opname van een computerscherm waarop een spel gespeeld wordt. De streamer, die frequent

ook in beeld is middels picture-in-picture (te zien in figuur 1 volgende pagina), speelt het spel en

geeft auditief commentaar mee naar kijkers. Kijkers kunnen hiernaast deelnemen aan een

tekstuele chat. Deze chat, onderwerp van dit onderzoek, werkt achter de schermen deels met het

Internet Relay Chat-protocol (Bashore, 2013). Het platform is ontsprongen van het

generalistische streamingplatform,, en richtte zich als spin-off specifiek op

videogamestreaming. In 2014 nam het Amerikaanse e-commercebedrijf Amazon het platform

over voor 970 miljoen dollar (Wingfield, 2014).


Binnen videogamestreaming situeren we TwitchTV als het voornaamste platform voor live

streaming, en YouTube voor opgenomen video’s (Smith, Obrist, & Wright, 2013). De content op

deze twee platformen kent een verschil in lengte en opzet (Smith et al., 2013). Op TwitchTV

worden integrale gamesessies uitgezonden, zonder editing, die vaak de basis vormen voor

bewerkte, eventueel seriële YouTube-clips van ongeveer tien tot vijftien minuten.

Streamkanalen op Twitch worden uitgebaat door onder andere personen, organisaties

(, spelontwikkelaars en eventorganisatoren. De spelontwikkelaar

Paradox Interactive ( gebruikt het platform als marketingtool

door bijvoorbeeld, via wekelijkse let’s play-streamsessies, nog niet uitgebrachte games in

volledigheid te tonen aan (potentiële) consumenten. De Electronic Sports League

( past TwitchTV toe als distributieplatform voor wedstrijden en competities.

Aan financiële zijde volgt TwitchTV een freemium verdienmodel met advertenties. Gebruik van

de website is gratis, ook voor streamers, maar gebruikers kunnen maandelijks bijbetalen voor

Turbo. Dan worden er geen advertenties meer getoond en krijgt de abonnee kleine extra

functionaliteiten. Streamers kunnen ook partner worden, analoog aan het programma van

YouTube, dat hen laat delen in advertentie-inkomsten en meer mogelijkheden geeft om het kanaal

uit te baten. Om partner te worden moeten er aan enkele voorwaarden worden voldaan zoals,

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onder andere, regelmatige uitzendingen en een bepaald aantal vaste kijkers. TwitchTV benadrukt

dat zij hiervoor zoeken naar streamers die interageren met hun kijkers: “These broadcasters

engage their audience, produce amazing content, and find ways to stand out from the crowd.” en

“In general you should be nice, be active, interact with your viewers, and make sure that you

continue to follow the rules.” (“Partnership Requirements,” 2016). Van de anderhalf miljoen

streamers zijn er elf duizend partner (“Partner FAQ,” 2016). Wanneer een streamer partner wordt

kunnen gebruikers zich ook abonneren op de streamer. De gebruiker betaalt dan maandelijks een

bedrag van vijf dollar en krijgt in ruil enkele extraatjes zoals onder andere speciaal gemaakte

emoticons, een abonnee-logo in de chat en de mogelijkheid om streamsessies bij te wonen die

exclusief worden georganiseerd voor abonnees. Welk percentage van het abonneegeld

rechtsreeks naar de streamer gaat, is niet officieel geweten, maar een Twitch-streamer maakte in

een interview gewag van een “$3/$2 split” (Eggers, 2015). Streamers die geen partner zijn,

kunnen inkomsten vergaren door middel van een Patreon. Dit is een crowdfunding-website waar

gebruikers een bedrag kunnen doneren per maand, of per item (een video, een schilderij e.d.).


Gebruikers kunnen op Twitch via een beperkte set van mogelijkheden interageren met elkaar en

de streamer. Dit kan hoofdzakelijk door middel van drie acties: (1) Gebruikers kunnen het kanaal

van de streamer volgen. (2) Gebruikers kunnen de streamer een privébericht zenden. En (3)

Figuur 1: Streampagina

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gebruikers kunnen in het chatkanaal communiceren met medegebruikers en de streamer. Overige

handelingen zoals ‘report’ en ‘share’ interageren met het platform zelf, niet met de streamer.

De eerste twee acties zijn enkel zichtbaar voor de streamer. Veel streamers gebruiken echter

gespecialiseerde software die dergelijke acties verbinden met de audiovisuele stream zelf. Dit

gebeurt door middel van een zogeheten stream overlay. In bovenstaande figuur is dit de L-vormige

kader rond het spel binnenin de audiovisuele stream (A). De stream overlay laat animaties

verschijnen, eventueel vergezeld van een geluid, wanneer iemand doneert, of de stream volgt. Dit

maakt dat dergelijke acties van gebruikers opgemerkt worden door andere gebruikers, en niet

alleen door de streamer. Dit is bijvoorbeeld te zien voor de lijst van donaties in de balk bovenaan

de stream (A) op figuur 1 hierboven. Rechts van de audiovisuele stream (A) bevindt zich het

chatkanaal (C), verzorgt door een webchatclient. De overige acties (1) en (2) worden uitgevoerd

in de functiebalk (D) onder de audiovisuele stream. Daaronder is nog een deel van het

beschrijvingsveld (B) te zien, waarin de streamer een soort van profielpagina kan uitwerken maar

ook, zoals te zien is in figuur 1, regels kan opleggen aan interactie en communicatie in de chat.


Twitch maakt voor een groot stuk gebruik van het irc-protocol (Bashore, 2013). Dit is een oud

netwerkprotocol uit 1988 dat real-time communicatie mogelijk maakt tussen gebruikers: “irc is a

multi-user, multi-channel chatting network that allows people all over the internet to talk to one

another in real time (with no physical or visual contact) on a text-mediated basis.” (Peris et al.,

2002). Gebruikers verbinden zich met een irc-netwerk en sluiten zich aan met een kanaal. Dat

kanaal heeft vaak een descriptieve naam en onderwerp (de topic). Gebruikers komen in twee

vormen: reguliere gebruiker, of operator, aangeduid met het @-symbool (C. Simpson, 1999). De

operator krijgt extra mogelijkheden om het kanaal te modereren, zoals iemand uit het kanaal

kicken of zelfs permanent verbannen.


Hoewel TwitchTV er in de software-backend geen gebruik van maakt, heeft het bedrijf zijn

chatsoftware in de frontend wel compatibel gemaakt met het irc-protocol (Bashore, 2013).

Bestaande software voor irc werkt dan ook gewoon op Twitch-chat. Deze bestaande software

houdt zogeheten bots in die in de voorbije 28 jaar zijn geschreven voor het protocol. Bots zijn

geprogrammeerde “gebruikers” die bepaalde functies kunnen uitvoeren (Golbeck & Mutton,

2004). Dit gaat van software die moderatiefuncties uitvoert tot software die opmerkelijke quotes

van andere gebruikers bijhoudt, quizvragen stelt of een centrale databank bijhoudt voor het

downloaden van (illegale) bestanden. Dergelijke software wordt ook toegepast op TwitchTV

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(bijvoorbeeld en, waar deze bijvoorbeeld links in de chat

automatisch verwijderen om spamming tegen te gaan, of de mogelijkheid geven een poll op te

stellen zodat gebruikers hun stem kunnen laten klinken. Belangrijk te noteren is dat TwitchTV

dergelijke bots niet zelf voorziet, maar dat het aan de streamers is om dit te verzorgen.

Wat betreft structuur en typologie zijn Twitch-gebruikers analoog aan irc-gebruikers. Zij krijgen

als gebruikersnaam de naam waarmee zij zich op Twitch hebben geregistreerd. Streamers krijgen

een kanaal dat naar hun gebruikersnaam is vernoemd (zoals bijvoorbeeld #arumba07). Wanneer

gebruikers afstemmen op een stream bewonen zij automatisch ook het chat-kanaal van de

streamer. Dit chat-kanaal bestaat permanent, of de stream nu live is of niet. Ook de functie van

operator bestaat ook op Twitch. Deze operatoren (moderatoren in Twitch-terminologie) krijgen

in de chat een speciaal logo naast hun naam ter aanduiding van deze rol, en krijgen dezelfde

mogelijkheden van irc. De moderatoren zien toe op de naleving van de regels en normen die de

streamer heeft opgesteld en belichaamt (Shamma, Bastea-Forte, Joubert, & Liu, 2008; Shamma,

Churchill, Bobb, & Fukuda, 2009).


Spectator gaming omvat elke situatie waar een persoon het spel van een ander gadeslaat (Cheung

& Huang, 2011). Dit kan gaan van twee mensen op de bank, tot 13.000 man in een arena.

Videogamestreaming betekent daaronder het (online) uitzenden van een (gespeelde) videogame,

in dit onderzoek is de context een persoon die zijn gamesessie live streamt naar een publiek.

Spectator gaming is geen nieuw concept. Het werd reeds in 2002 aangehaald door onderzoekers

van Microsoft als een onontgonnen terrein (Drucker, He, Cohen, Wong, & Gupta, 2002). Het is

echter pas in de voorbije jaren dat het werkelijk aan populariteit wint (Edge, 2013; Kaytoue, Silva,

Cerf, Meira, & Raïssi, 2012).

2.3.1 GAMES

Er zijn geen regels rond welke videogames wel of niet gestreamd (kunnen) worden. De precieze

gestreamde games zijn divers. Dit gaat van de MOBA’s League of Legends en Dota 2, tot Minecraft,

FIFA 15 en Counter-Strike (Kerr, 2016). De meest gestreamde games wisselen ook, naargelang

welke games op de markt zijn, hoewel LoL, Dota 2 en Counter-Strike erg populair blijven. Wat

betreft de verdeling van het aantal kijkers over games is er wel een duidelijk patroon te zien. Deng

et al bevonden in 2014 dat de vijf en tien populairste games respectievelijk 57,8% en 67,4% van

het totale aantal kijkers op Twitch aantrokken (Deng, Cuadrado, Tyson, & Uhlig, 2014, p. 2).

Gelijkaardige cijfers, 62.25% voor top 5, treffen we aan in het onderzoek van Kaytoue et al (2012,

p. 1185) van twee jaar eerder. We stellen dat het aanbod op Twitch een long tail-structuur volgt

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(C. Anderson, 2006). Dat wil zeggen dat een groot deel van de kijkers naar een beperkt aantal

videogames kijkt, en een overig groot aantal videogames een beperkter deel van de kijkers

aantrekt. Een vluchtige blik op de Browse-pagina van TwitchTV ( ten

tijde van schrijven (zaterdagmiddag 11:00 CET, midden maart) bevestigt deze vaststelling van de

long-tail: Er zijn vier games te vinden die elks +30.000 kijkers trekken, gevolgd door 35 games

tussen 10.000 en 1.000 kijkers, gevolgd door een onnoemelijk aantal games die minder dan 1.000

kijkers aantrekken. De long tail zoals uitgewerkt door Anderson gaat uit van een twintig-tachtig

verdeling, waarbij tachtig procent van gebruikers twintig procent van het totale aanbod content

consumeren. Met bovenstaande data kunnen we echter stellen dat dit niet van toepassing is op

het niveau van games.

Genres in videogamestreaming bestaan voornamelijk uit het format van de stream. Smith et al

(2013) maakten het onderscheid tussen e-sports, Let’s Plays en speedrunning. E-sports-streams

worden voornamelijk verzorgd door officiële competitieorganisatoren die Twitch gebruiken ter

distributie van een competitiewedstrijd (zie supra: Electronic Sports League). Let’s Play-streams

focussen meer op de persoonlijke speelervaring van de streamer, en zijn een stuk informeler. Ten

slotte definiëren Smith et al speedrunning als het zo snel mogelijk uitspelen van een spel, waarbij

kijkers toeschouwen om deze prestatie te zien.

In het volgende stuk gaan we in op de theorie en literatuur die relevant is voor ons onderzoek.

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In de literatuurstudie bespreken we drie theoretische kaders die van belang zijn voor ons

onderzoek. Eerst kijken we naar literatuur rond interactie en interactiviteit om het begrip

interageren in onze onderzoeksvraag te kaderen. Vervolgens gaan we in op literatuur rond

conversatie en online communicatiemedia. Ten slotte behandelen we relevante literatuur rond



In dit onderzoek willen we nagaan hoe gebruikers interageren met andere gebruikers, de

streamer en het spel. Uit deze vraag ontleden we het woord interageren. Wiktionary definieert dit

als ‘deelnemen aan een interactie’. Interactie wordt dan weer gedefinieerd als ‘onderlinge

beïnvloeding, wisselwerking’. Wel of niet interageren betekent dus wel of niet deelnemen aan een

wisselwerking of onderlinge beïnvloeding. Maar uit de literatuur kunnen we begrijpen dat dit niet

zo eenduidig in te vullen is. We overlopen enkele invullingen van interactiviteit en interactie. Dit

doen we als omkadering van de zoektocht naar een werkbare invulling van dit begrip om het in

dit onderzoek te kunnen exploreren.

We stellen vast dat interactiviteit een containerbegrip is waar geen consensus over bestaat in de

academische wereld (Bucy, 2004; Kiousis, 2002; Quiring & Schweiger, 2008). In volgende

paragrafen geven we een overzicht van drie verschillende opvattingen en definities rond deze


Steuer (1992) definieert interactiviteit als “the extent to which users can participate in modifying

the form and content of a mediated environment in real time” (Steuer, 1992, p. 14). Steuer stelde

deze definitie vanuit het oogpunt van telepresence en virtual reality, waarbij gebruikers een

virtuele wereld beleven, en interactiviteit daarin de mogelijkheid tot beïnvloeding van die wereld

voorstelt. Deze opvatting kadert in een context die vrij verschilt van ons onderzoek, maar we

nemen deze toch in achting vanwege het belang van het medium enerzijds, en de duidelijke

formulering en omschrijving van het begrip anderzijds. Volgens Steuer wordt interactiviteit

bepaald door de technische eigenheden van het medium waarlangs de communicatie passeert.

Snelheid, range en mapping zijn volgens Steuer facetten van deze interactiviteit. Snelheid slaat op

responstijd, ofwel de tijd tussen actie en reactie, en is volgens hem de belangrijkste variabele in

interactiviteit. Range slaat op de set van factoren in de gemedieerde omgeving die door de

gebruiker kunnen worden gewijzigd, en slaat tevens op hoeveel interne variatie er mogelijk is in

die set van factoren. Kortweg beschrijft range de hoeveelheid wijzigbare factoren in het medium:

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Vergelijk de beperkte acties die men kan nemen inzake radio (zender veranderen en aan- of

uitzetten) en Netflix (serie, seizoen en aflevering kiezen, door-/terugspoelen, pauze/stoppen

enzovoorts). Hoe hoger de range aan mogelijkheden, hoe interactiever menen we Steuer te


Ten slotte gaat mapping over welke menselijke handeling aan welk effect wordt toegekend in de

gemedieerde omgeving. Dit facet van interactiviteit kadert in de bedieningsmogelijkheden van de

gebruiker in de (virtuele) gemedieerde wereld. Dit is moeilijk te relateren aan ons onderzoek,

gezien de bediening concreet via een toetsenbord en abstract via communicatie gaat. Ten slotte

kan, omwille van de definiëring als “the extent to which” gesteld worden dat Steuer (1992)

interactiviteit als een continuüm beschouwt waarbij interactiviteit niet, tot weinig, tot veel

aanwezig kan zijn. We nemen Steuers visie op interactiviteit mee in ons onderzoek omdat het een

vrij simpel criterium betreft (kan de gebruiker zijn omgeving wijzigen), dat vervolgens

gecombineerd wordt met de diepte van wat wijziging allemaal kan inhouden. Tevens is de focus

op een live gemedieerde omgeving, waarin de gebruiker participeert, een die past binnen het

gegeven van live videogamestreaming.

Jensen (1998) beaamt Steuer’s nadruk op het medium, en definieert interactiviteit als volgt: “a

measure of a media’s potential ability to let the user exert an influence on the content and/or form

of the mediated communication” (Jensen, 1998, p. 201). Ook hier wordt interactiviteit

gedefinieerd als set van eigenschappen van het medium, en ook hier wordt gewag gemaakt van

‘exert an influence’ in de stijl dat Steuer spreekt over ‘participate’. Jensen (1998) stelt dat

interactiviteit in vier deelconcepten uiteenvalt: (1) Transmissional interactivity, de mate waarin

het medium de gebruiker toelaat om te kiezen van een continue stroom van informatie binnen

een unidirectioneel mediasysteem, zonder mogelijkheid tot verzoek voor extra of andere

informatie. (2) Consultational interactivity, de mate waarin het medium toelaat de gebruiker te

kiezen, middels verzoek, van een bestaande selectie van reeds geproduceerde informatie binnen

een bidirectioneel mediasysteem. (3) Conversational interactivity, de mate waarin het medium de

gebruiker toelaat zijn eigen informatie te produceren en in te voeren binnen een bidirectioneel

mediasysteem, hetzij opgeslagen of in real time. En ten slotte (4) Registrational interactivity, dat

staat voor de mate waarin het medium de gebruiker toelaat om informatie van zijn noden en

daden te registreren, en daarbij ook toelaat zich aan te passen en/of te reageren op deze noden

en daden – zowel expliciet als keuze van de gebruiker, of impliciet opgevangen door het systeem.

Deze indeling op interactiviteit is heel erg technisch en medium-gericht, meer dan Steuers, en ten

aanzien van dit onderzoek te veel. Hoewel het zeker een eigenschap van het medium is, menen we

(gezien de focus op interactie door gebruikers) dat het tevens een eigenschap is van mensen

binnenin dat medium. Steuers stelling geeft ruimte aan dit menselijk facet gezien daar de nadruk

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wordt geplaatst op de mate waarin gebruikers iets kunnen. We nemen deze opvatting over

interactiviteit niet mee in ons onderzoek, maar houden wel in het achterhoofd dat interactiviteit

zich op verschillende dimensies begeeft en uit meerdere dimensies bestaat.

Rafaeli (1988) definieerde interactiviteit vanuit een heel ander oogpunt, namelijk sociale

communicatie. Hij komt tot een definitie van sociale interactie op basis van wat het níét is,

namelijk loutere reactie: “Interactivity is a variable quality of communication settings. It expresses

the degree to which communication transcends reaction” (Rafaeli, 1988). Rafaeli stipt aan dat het

een variabele eigenschap is van de setting van de communicatie, wat we voor dit onderzoek

interpreteren als sociale ruimte. Ook hier is een gegeven van een continuüm aanwezig, naargelang

responsiviteit. Concreet wordt interactiviteit uiteengezet in drie modaliteiten: twee-

wegscommunicatie, reactieve communicatie en (volledig) interactieve communicatie. Twee-

wegscommunicatie is communicatie waarbij men kan spreken van loutere actie-reactie, waar de

reactie geldt als reactie op de actie. Reactieve communicatie is echter communicatie waar wordt

gereageerd op een persoon en de verzonden boodschap van die persoon. De reactie is niet louter

een reactie op de actie, maar tevens op de boodschap. Dit is analoog aan de vraag-antwoord cyclus:

‘wat is jouw leeftijd-mijn leeftijd is X’; ‘wat is jouw naam-mijn naam is Y’. Volledige interactieve

communicatie bekomt men volgens Rafaeli pas wanneer reacties én reactief zijn, én refereren of

reageren op de manier waarop eerdere boodschappen op of naar elkaar reageerden en

refereerden. “Full interactivity (responsiveness) differs from reaction in the incorporation of

reference to the content, nature, form or just the presence of earlier reference. [nadruk

toegevoegd]” (Rafaeli, 1988, p. 119). Met andere woorden: in een volledig interactieve

uitwisseling van boodschappen gaan eerdere boodschappen – op vlak van vorm, inhoud,

aanwezigheid of aard – de basis vormen voor latere boodschappen.

Deze voorwaarden voor het stellen of een bericht wel of niet (volledig) interactief is, zijn nog

steeds vrij vaag. Om deze reden kunnen we beter kijken naar de vervolgstudie van Rafaeli &

Sudweeks (2006) dat deze visie op interactie en interactiviteit in de praktijk toetst. In dit latere

onderzoek, dat eigenschappen van reactieve en interactieve communicatie onderzocht, werden

boodschappen als reactief gecodeerd wanneer zij reageerden op een enkele boodschap.

Boodschappen werden als interactief gecodeerd wanneer zij verwijzingen bevatten naar de

manier waarop eerdere boodschappen relateerden naar nog eerdere boodschappen. Voorbeelden

van de precieze codering, en welke berichten er dan net als reactief of interactief werden

gecodeerd zijn echter niet voorhanden in deze studie.

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Uit de geziene literatuur rond interactie en interactiviteit kunnen we vaststellen dat deze

begrippen moeilijk te definiëren zijn. Literatuur rond deze concepten richt zich voornamelijk op

het beschrijven en onderverdelen ervan volgens definities of typologieën. Kernpunten die we uit

de literatuur halen is dat de concepten veeleer een continuüm beschrijven dan een

eendimensionaal gegeven, en dat het een eigenschap van zowel het medium als de sociale ruimte

is. Voor onze onderzoeksvraag zijn we geïnteresseerd in de interactie in de chat tussen gebruikers,

met de streamer en met het spel. De visie van Rafaeli & Sudweeks op sociale interactie menen we

het beste te kunnen toepassen om de interactie, in de context van medegebruikers en streamer,

te kaderen en af te bakenen. De visie van Steuer op interactiviteit is het meeste performant om de

interactie met het spel en stream na te gaan.


De onderzoekstraditie naar conversatie en CMC is erg rijk, en beschrijft vele fenomenen die zich

binnen dergelijke communicatie voordoen. We focussen ons voornamelijk op CMC omdat chatten

in ons onderzoek de belangrijkste interactiemogelijkheid inhoudt (zie 2.1.2 Gebruikers en

Twitch). Dit is een synchrone vorm van CMC (Herring, 2008, p. 4). We lichten in onderstaand stuk

kort enkele van deze fenomenen en aspecten toe. In de opvolgende stukken zien we hoe deze

fenomenen van conversatie zich vertalen naar een online medium.


Hoe verloopt een interactie, een opvolging van actie-reactie, in communicatie? Turn-taking is een

van de belangrijkste concepten binnen conversatie die net deze opvolging beschrijft. Het is het

proces dat een antwoord biedt op de vraag: ‘wie komt er aan het woord en wanneer’. Mazeland

beschrijft de situatie als volgt: “The basic organizational problem that participants have to solve

each turn anew is to determine when the speaker will complete the current turn. The recipient

is not only figuring out what the turn is about and what the speaker is doing with it, he also

has to be alert for the moment it might become his turn to speak. [nadruk toegevoegd]”

(Mazeland, 2006, p. 154) Turn-taking betreft hoe de overgang gebeurt van spreker naar luisteraar,

van luisteraar naar spreker, en hoe er wordt beslist wie als volgende spreekt. Het concept werd

voor het eerst onderzocht door Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson (1974). In dit linguïstisch onderzoek

werden conversaties geanalyseerd naar een structuur waarnaar conversatie zich structureert.

Op basis van het onderzoek formuleerden Sacks et al drie strategieën waarmee wordt bepaald wie

als volgende aan de beurt is. De eerste strategie (A), “current speaker selects next”, houdt in dat

de persoon-aan-het-woord beslist wie als volgende mag spreken, waarbij de geselecteerde

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persoon niet verplicht is om als volgende te spreken. De tweede strategie (B), “next speaker self

selects”, betekent dat eenieder, na de beurt van de persoon-aan-het-woord, zichzelf mag

selecteren om als volgende te spreken, op een ‘eerst komen eerst malen’-basis. De laatste strategie

(C), “current speaker continues”, houdt in dat de persoon-aan-het-woord zijn beurt aanhoudt

tenzij iemand anders zichzelf eerder selecteerde. Sacks et al zien deze strategieën in een

hiërarchische volgorde, waar strategie A domineert over B en B over C, en waarbij een opvolgende

strategie pas plaatsvindt wanneer een voorgaande strategie niet werd gebruikt (Sacks et al., 1974,

p. 704). De manier waarop deze drie strategieën worden aangegeven is erg divers: “External to

the text, however, there exists a considerable range of cues which speakers may employ –

consciously or not – to inform hearers where the current turn will end. Some of these cues are

paralinguistic in nature - i.e. not part of the speech signal at all.” (Cutler & Pearson, 1986, p. 139).

Dergelijke cue’s kunnen dus aangegeven worden met lichaamstaal en andere technieken die los

staan van de inhoudelijke boodschap die wordt uitgesproken. Dit is een cruciaal punt wanneer we

conversatie op online media bespreken.

Het belang van bovenstaand vraagstuk, wie mag of zal praten, is van belang om te vermijden dat

er stiltes of overlappende gesprekken plaatsvinden waarbij niemand, of verschillende mensen

tegelijk de beurt nemen (Schegloff, 2000). Stivers et al (2009) bevonden dat er een universele

neiging is, overheen taal en cultuur, om dergelijke stiltes of overlappende gesprekken te

vermijden. McLaughlin (1984) bevond dat mensen een pauze van maximum drie seconden

aanvaarden, en dat daarna wordt gesproken van stilte.

Als turn-taking bepaalt wie er als volgende spreekt, bepaalt sequence organization wat er als

volgende wordt gezegd. Sequence organization bestaat uit de organisatie van de opvolging of

sequenties van communicatie, of met andere woorden de structuur die we terugvinden in een

interactie (Mazeland, 2006). Waar turn-taking de concrete technieken beschrijft waarmee naar

de volgende sequentie wordt gegaan beschrijft sequence organization wat de volgende boodschap

zal zijn of doen: “A sequence is an ordered series of turns through which participants accomplish

and coordinate an interactional activity.” (Mazeland, 2006, p. 156) Adjacency Pairs zijn hier een

specifiek stuk van, die de structuur van actie-reactie beschrijven voor verschillende interacties

zoals vraag-antwoord, aanbod-instemming of weigering, compliment-dank, enzovoorts (Sacks et

al., 1974). Sacks et al beschrijven deze pairs tevens als openings and closings, waarbij deze

specifieke sequenties van boodschappen inhouden, zoals zij bevonden dat in een begroeting het

eerste deel bestaat uit aandacht vangen, waarna de begroeting plaatsvindt.

In volgende paragraaf overlopen we hoe turn-taking en sequence organization bestaan binnen


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Turn-taking kent een heel andere invulling binnen CMC (Baron, 2005; Herring, 1999; Negretti,

1999; Panyametheekul & Herring, 2003). Een kerngegeven hiervan is natuurlijk dat deze cue’s

ook middels lichaamstaal worden aangegeven (Cutler & Pearson, 1986), wat niet

communiceerbaar is via tekstuele chat. Tevens is het moeilijk om specifiek over beurten te

spreken wanneer een boodschap niet zozeer uit een enkel bericht bestaat, maar soms wordt

verkapt in verscheidene opvolgende berichten (Baron, 2005). Ook omgekeerd kan een bericht

meerdere boodschappen kennen, en kan een enkele boodschap meerdere antwoorden kennen, of

meerdere boodschappen een enkel antwoord, overheen verschillende gesprekken, onderwerpen

en personen in dezelfde tijdseenheid en communicatieruimte (Herring, 1999; Negretti, 1999).

Toch kunnen we dit concept belichten binnen dit onderzoek wanneer de gebruiker of streamer

doelbewust iemand aangeeft als respondent, middels adressering (3.2.4).

Herring (1999) merkt op dat hoewel beurten in mondelinge context worden verwacht inhoudelijk

met elkaar gerelateerd te zijn (genaamd sequentiële coherentie), dit in CMC niet het geval is. Dit

gegeven heet disrupted turn adjacency (Herring, 1999; J. Simpson, 2005). Onderzoek wees echter

uit dat deze ’onderbreking’ van de turns geen probleem stelt in begrip en coherentie van het

gesprek (Berglund, 2009). Overlap in de context van CMC, met name synchrone CMC zoals irc en

Twitch, dient op een andere wijze benaderd te worden omdat het medium alle boodschappen in

een sequentiële en chronologische volgorde dwingt. Deze chronologische sequentiële weergave

van alle boodschappen is an sich bevorderlijk voor conversatie. Gebruikers kunnen, indien het

specifieke medium dit toelaat, in de tijd terugkijken om een idee te krijgen over wat het gesprek

ging, of wat een bepaalde persoon zei. Dit is het geval op Twitch.

Maar, toch stellen we dat er sprake kan zijn van overlap wanneer we dit concept iets breder

bekijken. Meer bepaald stellen we dat overlap drie vormen kan kennen. Ten eerste bestaat er

overlap wanneer we kijken naar de menselijke verwerkingsmogelijkheid van (het aantal)

boodschappen. Ondanks de mogelijkheid om de chatgeschiedenis erop na te slaan, kan een te

groot aantal boodschappen per tijdseenheid het moeilijk maken om conversatie(s) te volgen of

participeren. Zo kwamen Jones, Moldovan, Raban & Butler (2008, p. 330) tot de conclusie dat

mensen maximaal 600 berichten per twintig minuten kunnen verwerken. Ten tweede is er

volgens Herring (1999) een overlap in de uitwisseling van boodschappen. Persoon A kan een

vraag stellen aan persoon B, daarna een vraag stellen aan persoon C, zelf antwoorden op een vraag

van persoon D, dan antwoord krijgen van persoon C en nooit antwoord krijgen van persoon B.

Interacties binnen een chatkanaal lopen tussenin andere interacties, wat onderbrekingen in de

turn adjacency veroorzaakt, en de opvolging van berichten chaotisch verloopt. Ten derde kan

gesteld worden dat, analoog aan de overlap in uitwisseling, ook overlap in context en begrip

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mogelijk is. In een chatkanaal verwachten we op basis van bovenstaande literatuur verschillende

uitwisselingen tussen verschillende mensen over verschillende onderwerpen te vinden. Gegeven

de aangehaalde voorbeelden van conversaties (Berglund, 2009; Herring, 1999, 2003, 2008;

Panyametheekul & Herring, 2003; J. Simpson, 2005) gaat niet elk bericht vergezeld van een

duidelijke vermelding van de ontvanger of het overkoepelende gesprek, dus verwachten we dat

sommige boodschappen in de verkeerde context geplaatst worden.

Wat betreft sequence organization kwam Negretti op de bevinding dat dit nog steeds wordt

uitgevoerd op CMC, maar in gewijzigde vorm (1999). Meer bepaald op vlak van openings en

closings bevond Negretti dat gebruikers bij een begroeting vrij expliciet de aandacht vangen, en

dat identificatie op CMC veeleer bestaat uit een introductie.


In CMC kunnen we een opdeling maken tussen one-way en two-way verzending. Het verschil

tussen de twee ligt in hoe parallel zowel de constructie als verzending van de boodschap loopt

(Herring, 2008, p. 3). Bij one-way verzending heeft enkel de verzender kennis van de nog te

verzenden boodschap en wordt de boodschap in zijn geheel verzonden – wanneer de zender op

‘enter’ duwt. In two-way verzending echter wordt de boodschap tegelijkertijd geconstrueerd en

(deels) verzonden. In CMC wordt voornamelijk gebruik gemaakt van one-way verzending, terwijl

mondelinge conversatie uit two-way verzending bestaat. Een belangrijk gevolg hiervan is, zoals

Herring noteert, dat in CMC een persoon pas weet dat een boodschap naar hem gericht is wanneer

het bericht reeds verzonden is.

Een andere variabele waarlangs CMC kunnen worden opgedeeld is synchroniciteit. Herring

(2008) neemt (gezamenlijke) aanwezigheid als basis van verschil tussen synchrone en

asynchrone communicatie. Rettie (2009) gaat ervan uit dat niet louter aanwezigheid primeert,

maar tevens de aandacht. Dit laatste werd geformuleerd in verband met sms, waarbij het toestel

veel ‘aanwezig’ is op de persoon, maar niet zozeer wordt gebruikt. E-mail is asynchroon omdat

een e-mail wordt verzonden, en de ontvanger op zijn tijd deze mail kan lezen en hierop

antwoorden. Telefoneren echter is synchroon, in dat beide partijen in dezelfde tijdspanne

communiceren (weliswaar “om beurten” vis-à-vis turn-taking). IRC wordt eveneens beschouwd

als een synchroon communicatiemiddel, waarbij gebruikers doorlopend on hand zijn om te

communiceren en interageren (J. F. Anderson, Beard, & Walther, 2010; Herring, 2003;

Panyametheekul & Herring, 2003; J. Simpson, 2005).


Addressivity, of adressering, is een concept inherent aan online communicatie, met name irc. Het

begrip werd voor het eerst beschreven door Werry (1996) die opmerkte dat gebruikers op irc de

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bedoelde recipiënt specificeerden door middel van een naamvermelding, gevolgd door een

dubbelpunt en de boodschap. Werry stelt dat deze techniek hoogst nodig is op irc omdat: “the

addressee’s attention must be recaptured anew with each utterance” (Werry, 1996, p. 344). Hij

gaat er hierbij van uit dat chatters hun aandacht snel verliezen, gezien deze steeds opnieuw dient

aangewakkerd te worden. Hij concludeert dat de techniek ook wordt aangewend om aan te geven

dat men luistert en begrijpt wat de andere persoon vertelt – ter vervanging van klassieke non-

verbale lichaamstaal. Adressering speelt ook een rol in gevallen waar net géén adressering wordt

gebruikt, zoals het ritueel van begroeting en afscheid nemen, omdat deze gebruikelijk naar het

hele kanaal gericht zijn (Werry, 1996).

Herring (2008) kadert adressering in wat zij noemt interaction management: het werkproces dat

CMC-gebruikers toepassen om de verschillende interactiepatronen en gesprekken te beheren.

Met behulp van adressering kunnen gebruikers volgens haar een gesprek voeren tussenin andere

personen die op hun beurt aparte gesprekken voeren – als hulpmiddel dat structuur biedt.

Gelijkaardig aan adressering, bestaan linking en quoting. Deze concepten werden door Herring

(2008, p. 8) aangehaald, tevens in het kader van interactiemanagement. Zij beschrijft hoe CMC-

gebruikers in een reactie op een voorgaand bericht dit voorgaande bericht gaan aanhalen, of

linken. Quoting bestaat uit het werkelijk citeren of kopiëren van de voorgaande boodschap.

3.2.5 CHAOS

In Herrings onderzoek naar de coherentie van interactie op CMC (1999) stelde zij vast dat

dergelijke communicatie erg chaotisch en vluchtig loopt. Gebruikers beantwoorden en stellen

vragen tegelijkertijd, hebben meerdere gesprekken met verschillende mensen door elkaar.

Onderwerpen lopen zelden overheen alle gebruikers, en volgen elkaar snel op – besproken

onderwerpen sterven snel uit of er wordt van afgeweken (Herring, 2003). Tevens begrijpen we

chaos ook als de overlap in context, eerder beschreven in het begin van dit deelhoofdstuk. Door

deze aspecten zou de verwachting kunnen heersen dat communicatie op TwitchTV in soortgelijke

chaos en incoherentie verloopt, maar hier kunnen we tegenargumenten voor vinden.

Ten eerste kan gesteld worden dat de chatinteractie op Twitch gecentreerd zal zijn rond de

stream. De stream is het hoofdonderwerp van de aandacht van gebruikers, die kijken en luisteren

naar wat er zich afspeelt. Ten tweede kan gesteld worden dat interactie op Twitch gecentreerd zal

zijn rond de streamer. De streamer is de persoon die, letterlijk, het kanaal leidt. Deze persoon kan

dan ook verondersteld worden een grote invloed te hebben over het gesprek, in het bijzonder over

het heersende onderwerp, of onderwerpen, van gesprek in de chat. Hij kan als enige een

boodschap verzenden die alle aanwezigen onmiddellijk horen, door simpelweg te spreken.

Daarbij kan de streamer ook communiceren middels lichaamstaal. Ten slotte kan de streamer

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moderatietechnieken toepassen, waardoor gebruikers de regels en richtlijnen van de

streammoeten volgen, of hier simpelweg niet aan kunnen delenemen. De primatie van stream en

streamer zijn ook terug te vinden in de opbouw van de webpagina. Het overgrote deel van de

pagina wordt bezet door de audiovisuele stream waarin de streamer het verloop van deze stream



In dit deelhoofdstuk gaan we in op reeds bestaande literatuur rond Twitch, en geven we hieruit

aspecten aan die relevant zijn voor ons onderzoek.

Het werk van Cheung & Huang (2011) is een van de eerste wetenschappelijke onderzoeken die de

motivaties onderzocht van mensen die aan spectator gaming deden. Dit kwalitatief onderzoek

maakte onder andere negen profielen op van soorten gebruikers. Deze profielen beslaan als volgt.

De bystander (1), die toeschouwt zonder werkelijk begrip van de intrinsieke elementen van het

vertoonde spel of zonder werkelijk engagement in het spel. De curious (2) kijkt om bij te leren. Het

vertoonde spel is een enigma dat dient te worden begrepen. De inspired (3), die het spel zelf wil

spelen na het in actie te hebben gezien. De kijkervaring voor dit profiel van toeschouwer is “a

catalyst for putting themselves in front of a computer and playing for themselves” (Cheung &

Huang, 2011, p. 767). De pupil (4) gaat toeschouwen om te leren over het spel, de gebruikte

tactieken en strategieën maar gaat in tegenstelling tot de curious deze kennis vervolgens zelf

proberen toe te passen in de praktijk. De unsatisfied (5) kijkt naar de stream omdat de streamer

speelt zoals hij of zij zelf wil spelen, maar niet kan om een bepaalde reden. Dit profiel kijkt toe als

vervanging van zelf spelen. De entertained (6) zijn zij die kijken boven spelen achten, soortgelijk

aan film kijken. In het onderzoek van Cheung en Huang kwam dit profiel het meeste voor. De

assistant (7) gaat toeschouwen om de speler bij te staan in het spelen van het spel, hints en tips

gevend. De commentator (8) fungeert als sportcommentator en geeft opmerkingen over het spel

en de speler. Deze functie is van belang voor de andere toeschouwers omdat opwinding en details

van het spel hiermee in de verf worden gezet. De crowd (9) bestaat uit de gemeenschappelijke

reactie van alle toeschouwers bij een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis in het spel.

Naast het opstellen van de profielen gaven Cheung & Huang voor het onderzochte spel, Starcraft

II, ook het concept van informatie-asymmetrie aan als bron van entertainment en spanning.

Naargelang het spel en streamingwijze hebben spelers en kijkers een asymmetrische verhouding

wat betreft kennis van het spel en spelsituatie. Zo kunnen spelers een tactiek of strategie in hoofde

hebben waar kijkers geen weet van hebben. Of, omgekeerd, kunnen kijkers zicht hebben op de

positie van vijandige troepen die ongeweten zijn door de spelers.

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Belangrijke noot bij dit onderzoek is dat de onderzoekers het concept spectator in brede zin

definieerden: “Spectators are people who follow the in-game experience, but are not direct

participants in the game. This definition includes many contexts: the mother who watches Dad

and the boys launch ‘threes‘ in NBA 2K10 but refuses to play; a crowd in a conference ballroom

cheering on Street Fighter 4 tournament contenders; or the kid looking over his brother's

shoulder, advising him on how best to catch a rare Pokémon.” (Cheung & Huang, 2011, p. 764)

Deze profielen lijken dan ook moeilijk toepasbaar op de context van dit onderzoek. Het onderzoek

van Smith et al (2013), dat bovenstaande bevindingen toetste in een (Let’s Play) livestreaming

context, kan hier duidelijkheid in bieden.

Dit laatste onderzoek exploreerde het gegeven van videogamestreaming op de verschillende

platformen TwitchTV, Youtube Live en OnLive. Zij stelden dat interactie binnen chat erg anders

loopt naargelang de community. In het onderzoek pasten zij de profielen van Cheung & Huang toe

op de TwitchTV Let’s Play livestreaming community, dezelfde community die het onderwerp

vormt van dit onderzoek. Omtrent het commentator profiel stellen zij dat deze in gewijzigde vorm

optreedt op TwitchTV. De streamer is namelijk óók commentator, wat deze meer controle en

directie geeft over de richting en curatie van de stream. Op vlak van de asymmetrische informatie

stellen zij dat deze in het Let’s Play streaming-genre in geringe mate bestaat omdat de streamer

weinig curatie heeft over informatieverspreiding van het spel. Verdere profielen dat de

onderzoekers als toepasbaar beschouwen zijn de assistent, de entertained, de curious, de inspired

en de unsatisfied. Smith et al wijzen ook op het belang van het, door Cheung & Huang voorgestelde,

concept ‘co-laboring in spectatorship’. Dit zou volgens hen in de context van Let’s Plays toepasbaar

zijn als ‘co-laboring in play’: “In the LP community, this emphasis is much more on Co-laboring in

play rather than Co-laboring in Spectatorship. As previously mentioned, viewers can chat while a

performer is playing, telling the performer to do certain things in the game or asking them

questions. This act is for the purposes of entertainment; the viewer is heightening their

enjoyment, and hopefully others’ enjoyment, by interacting with the performer as The Assistant.”

(Smith et al., 2013, p. 136). Hoewel Smith et al het profiel van de entertained toepasbaar achten in

kader van de Let’s Play livestreaming community verwachten wij dit niet terug te vinden in het

onderzoek. We menen dat deze gebruikers wel kijken naar de stream, maar niet zullen interageren

in de chatruimte.


Hamilton, Garretson en Kerne (2014) voerden etnografisch onderzoek uit naar TwitchTV. Zij

kwamen tot de conclusie dat TwitchTV-kanalen sociale ruimtes vormen, naar voorbeeld van

Oldenburgs concept van de third place (1982). Die formuleerde dit als een plek, niet thuis noch op

het werk, waar mensen samenkomen voor gezelschap: “Third places exist outside the home and

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beyond the ‘work lots’ of modern economic production. They are places where people gather

primarily to enjoy each other’s company.” (Oldenburg & Brissett, 1982, p. 269). Hamilton et al

interviewden elf streamers, en vier vaste kijkers van een stream, waarbij werd gevraagd naar hun

ervaring en doelen als streamer, en de community rond hun stream. De kijkers noteerden dat een

vriendelijke omgeving belangrijk was, en dat dit volgt uit de streamer zijn/haar eigen attitude en

gedrag omdat dit mensen met gelijkaardige karakteristieken aantrekt. De streamers noteerden

dat zij wensen een community op te bouwen, en proberen om elke kijker te erkennen en hen een

moment in de spotlight te gunnen. Ook werd het gegeven van moderatoren aangehaald, die niet

alleen een regulerende functie bezitten, maar ook een sociale functie: “the role of moderators is

not only to keep the discussion in line, but to engage viewers and promote participation and

sociability.” (Hamilton et al., 2014, p. 6).

Analoog aan videogamestreaming vinden we het onderzoek van Shamma et al (2009) dat

livestreaming van muziek-dj’s onderzocht. Het exploreerde het gegeven van muziek-dj’s die hun

performances online streamden via het (teloorgegane) platform Yahoo! Live. Shamma et al

focusten zich in dit onderzoek op de streamers, en onder andere hoe zij omgingen met het gegeven

van een communicerend publiek. Hier kwamen enkele bevindingen uit die erg interessant zijn

voor dit onderzoek. Zo merkten de streamers op dat de er een delicate balans bestaat tussen de

hoofdactiviteit, het dj’en, en de afleiding van chatinteractie. Enkele van de geïnterviewde

streamers gaf aan de chat regelmatig uit te zetten om zich te kunnen focussen op het dj’en. Een

andere vertelde maar op gezette tijden, tussen nummers door, met de chat te interageren. Een

ander belangrijk aspect van de chat was de noodzaak aan policing, of ordehandhaving. Zo vertelde

een geïnterviewde: “They'll go and they'll be racist and all sorts of stuff and just spam the

room over and over again. And like, by the time you see it . . . and I go back into the chat room to

say hi and and I see all this spam . . . and I go over to the names to ban 'em or kick 'em or whatever

and they might already be gone…I cant nessisarly be looking at the chat screen 24/7 and

DJing” [nadruk toegevoegd] (Shamma et al., 2009, p. 180). Om dit tegen te gaan maakten de online

dj’s gebruik van moderatoren die de chat in ’t oog hielden en modereerden waar nodig. De

onderzoekers beschreven ook hoe de streamer het kanaal eigen maakten: “The DJs felt ownership

of their channels, describing channels as places” en “The DJs felt they had the right to use the

features in their own ways to create their own brand of intimacy and connection with the crowd

in their places.” (Shamma et al., 2009, p. 182). Dit eigen maken komt overeen met hoe streamers

in onze context het beschrijvingsveld en de stream overlay stileren, zoals kan worden gezien in

figuur 1.

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3.3.2 CHAOS

In literatuur over CMC werd reeds het gegeven van chaos aangehaald (3.2.5). Uit literatuur rond

Twitch stellen we echter dat dit platform nog een bijkomend eigen en uniek karakter van chaos

bezit. Dit aspect kwam sterk aan bod in onderzoek naar het fenomeen Twitch Plays Pokemon

(TPP) dat door Ramirez, Saucerman en Dietmeier (2014) werd geëxploreerd. TPP was een event

op Twitch waarbij gebruikers massaal, middels commando’s in chatberichten, het spel konden

besturen. Het onderzoek beschrijft het ‘meta-game’ waarin twee kampen tegenover elkaar

kwamen te staan: Zij die vooruitgang en overwinning zochten in het spel middels organisatie en

methodiek tegenover zij die stilstand en chaos achterna joegen via totale anarchie. Hoewel het

spel werd uitgespeeld na zestien dagen waren er periodes van stilstand en achteruitgang vanwege

het chaotische kamp.

Het onderzoek van Hamilton et al (2014) hint hier ook naar wanneer wordt gesproken over de

‘subscriber only’-optie in sommige Twitch-streams: “Inevitably, after the mode is turned off,

you will see the chat explode with messages like ‘FREEDOM!’ and ‘RELEASE THE KRAKEN!’.

Non-subscribers are elated that they can participate in an open chat.” [nadruk toegevoegd]

(Hamilton et al., 2014, p. 8). Kijken we naar de inhoud van dergelijke massale berichten dan vinden

we het gegeven van copypasta’s. Dit zijn brokken tekst die massaal gekopieerd en verstuurd

worden door gebruikers in de chat, zoals in figuur 2 en hieronder wordt afgebeeld:

“There is a second part to these experiences, in which the ‘chat goes crazy.’ It rapidly fills

up with messages like ‘LOLOLOL’ or other humorous phrases and emoticons specific to

the game or the stream. For instance, ‘ ヽ༼ຈ͜لຈ༽ ノ RAISE UR DONGERSヽ༼ຈ͜لຈ༽ ノ‘ is a

popular phrase on the streamer Imaqtpie’s stream.” (Hamilton et al., 2014, p. 7).

Bijkomend gaf een studie naar taal op Twitch aan dat de woordlengte per bericht daalt naarmate

er zich meer kijkers op een stream bevinden, en dat chatters nieuwe woorden en emoticons

Figuur 2. 'Copypasta' op Twitch-chat, overgenomen uit ([Reynad], 2016)

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creëeren (Olejniczak, 2015). De eerste bevinding van Olejniczak ligt in lijn met de bevinding van

Hamilton et al: “As a stream grows, the chat becomes a source of breakdowns. It transforms

from a meaningful medium of discussion into an illegible waterfall of text, scrolling up the page so

quickly that it cannot be read. Participants can no longer follow the conversation. At best, they

can try to pull out a few comments every so often. When this happens, the one-on-one

interaction between stream participants stops.” [nadrukken toegevoegd] (Hamilton et al.,

2014, p. 7).

We stellen dat Twitch een bijkomend aspect van chaos bezit, naast chaos in conversatie en op

CMC. In hoeverre dit zal voorkomen in een kleinere, Let’s Play-streamsessie zoals wij deze

onderzoeken kunnen we niet op voorhand stellen.

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We hebben een kwalitatieve inhoudsanalyse gedaan van de interactie in Twitch-chat. De keuze

viel op inhoudsanalyse vanwege de exploratieve aard van de onderzoeksvraag die polst naar het

hoe en wat van interactie op een medium waar dit nog niet eerder is onderzocht. We voerden deze

inhoudsanalyse uit op de communicatie van streamer en gebruikers in een TwitchTV-kanaal. De

aspecten die belicht werden in de literatuurstudie dienden als onze sensitizing concepts: de

concepten die de bril vormen waarmee we naar de data kijken.

We lichten allereerst toe waarom we opteerden om net deze chatcommunicatie te analyseren, aan

de hand van onderstaand schema dat gebruikersinteractie op Twitch schetst:

Gebruikers krijgen content te zien van het spel via de stream (grijze gedeelte). Dit is een eenzijdige

relatie: beeldmateriaal van het spel wordt verpakt in de stream, die op zijn beurt wordt vertoond

aan gebruikers. Zij hebben hier geen directe invloed op. De stream wordt langs deze weg louter

verzonden naar gebruikers. Toch stellen we dat zij deze stream én het daarin verpakte spel

beïnvloeden, namelijk langs de streamer (zwarte gedeelte). De streamer bezit over de

mogelijkheden zowel de stream als het spel rechtsreeks, zonder tussenmedium, te manipuleren.

Willen gebruikers een bepaalde actie of gebeurtenis in het spel uitgevoerd zien, kunnen zij

aangeven aan de streamer, die vervolgens deze actie of gebeurtenis uitvoert. Gezien alle

wisselwerking, interactie, dus verloopt via de streamer, waarmee alleen gecommuniceerd kan

worden via chat, stellen we dat interactie met het spel op TwitchTV bestaat uit chatcommunicatie

met de streamer. Op basis van deze stelling willen we interactie met de streamer, gestreamde spel

en medegebruiker op TwitchTV dan ook analyseren via de werkelijk plaatsgevonden interactie in

de chat: de interactie bestaat uit de gerealiseerde communicatie.

In volgende stukken wordt de methodologie van het onderzoek toegelicht. In volgorde komt aan

bod de selectie van data, vergaring, verwerking en analyse ervan.








Figuur 3: Schematische voorstelling van gebruikersinteractie op Twitch

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Er wordt geopteerd voor een vorm van critical case sampling. Dit betekent dat we uit een grote set

van samples een sample selecteren op basis van enkele dimensies die, in kader van de

onderzoeksvraag, een case vormen die onze onderzoeksvraag het beste kan beantwoorden

(Patton, 1990). “Critical cases are those that can make a point quite dramatically or are, for some

reason, particularly important in the scheme of things. A clue to the existence of a critical case is

a statement to the effect that "if it happens there, it will happen anywhere," or, vice versa, "if it

doesn't happen there, it won't happen anywhere.”” [nadruk toegevoegd] (Patton, 1990, p.

175). Het is dit laatste waar we op doelen: als er in deze streamsessie geen sprake is van

werkelijke interactie, interactiviteit en dergelijke, dan stellen we het onwaarschijnlijk dat het

elders op het platform plaatsvindt. De redenering achter de keuze voor deze sampling ligt er in

dat in de literatuurstudie aspecten van communicatie werden geïdentificeerd die communicatie,

en daaraan gelinkt interactie en interactiviteit, bemoeilijken. We willen echter net deze

interactiviteit en interactie op Twitch exploreren.

De criteria waaraan de geselecteerde streamsessie moest voldoen zijn als volgt:

(1) Het spel dat gespeeld wordt door de streamer mag niet competitief zijn. Dit houdt

voornamelijk in geen e-sports. Dergelijke games vergen een intense aandacht waarbij reeds

a priori reeds een verregaande interactie afgeschreven zou worden, of zouden de interactie

in een specifieke structuur dwingen (“elke keer na een gespeelde ronde” bijvoorbeeld).

(2) Aanverwant aan het eerste criterium moet het genre van de streamsessie het Let’s Play-

formaat volgen, waarin het doorlopen van het spel wordt gedocumenteerd terwijl de

streamer commentaar verschaft (Glas, 2015). We volgen voor deze keuze dezelfde redenering

als Smith et al: “because it allows people broader experiences of playing and spectating a

game“ (Smith et al., 2013, p. 131). Een Let’s Play-formaat biedt meer vrijheid aan de streamer

om het spel te spelen naar wens, en laat het spel toe in zekere mate te dicteren hoe de stream

verloopt zonder deze te structureren. Dit in tegenstelling tot e-sports of, zoals aangehaald

door Smith et al, speedrunning dat een bepaalde vorm en streamingstijl vereist.

(3) Het kanaal moet klein tot middelgroot zijn wat betreft aanwezige kijkers. Een te groot kanaal

kent een enorme hoeveelheid aan chatberichten wat werkelijke sociale interactie onmogelijk

maakt (Hamilton et al., 2014). We stelden na analyse van de top 1500 streams op 25 februari

(omstreeks de middag) vast dat het aantal kijkers per kanaal gemiddeld 245 bedroeg, met

een mediaan van 36. We nemen als definitie voor klein tot middelgroot een kijkersaantal (per

streamsessie) dat zich tussen deze mediaan en het gemiddelde bevindt.

(4) De streamlengte moet gemiddeld zijn. Streams duren gemiddeld minstens twee uur, met

uitschieters richting vijf en zes, soms zelfs tien uur. Van streams die erg lang duren gaan we

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uit dat het kijkerspubliek uitzonderlijk inconsistent is omdat veel kijkers de stream verlaten

vóór het einde van de stream.

(5) De streamer moet al ietwat bedreven zijn in het streamen. Dit om te vermijden dat bepaalde

aspecten in de stream en chat te wijten zouden zijn aan de onervarenheid van de streamer

met het platform, interactiewijzen en streaminggewoontes.

(6) Uit praktische overwegingen werd tevens geselecteerd voor een streamer die een vaste

planning hanteerde zodat op voorhand geweten was wanneer de sessie van start ging, en de

opname voor dat moment kon voorbereid worden (en dit niet last minute diende te


De selectie gebeurde op donderdag 25 februari op de ‘browse’ pagina van TwitchTV. We keken

naar de streamers die op dat moment online waren. Streams die relevant waren volgens de eerste

selectiecriteria werden geopend om vervolgens te worden nagekeken naar de opvolgende

selectiecriteria. Op basis van deze criteria werd de onderzochte streamsessie van Briarstone

geselecteerd, die de week daarop zou plaatsvinden. Deze streamsessie vond plaats op drie maart

tussen 14:00 en 17:07. Tussen 13:50 en 14:00 was de stream reeds online, maar vertoonde, buiten

een intermissiescherm, geen inhoud – dit werd tevens opgenomen. De streamer Briarstone is een

Canadese man van midden de twintig met een vrij expressief en humoristisch karakter. Hij

apprecieert contact met zijn kijkers, maar wil ook verder geraken in het spel. Briarstone werkt

samen met twee andere streamers, Quill18 en AKiss4Luck. Zij fungeren als elkaars moderator, en

gaan soms (fysiek) samen een streamsessie uitzenden. Voor dit (onofficieel) netwerk van

streamers is essentia_modica een soort van community/PR-manager die de communicatie tussen

fans en streamers onderhoudt en de chatkanalen modereert tijdens streamsessies. Het spel dat

onderwerp uitmaakt van de stream is Europa Universalis IV (EUIV of EU4). Dit is een grand-

strategy game uitgegeven in augustus 2013, door de Zweedse spelontwikkelaar en -uitgever

Paradox Interactive. Het spel centreert zich rond een wereldkaart waar de speler een natie

bestuurt van het jaar 1444 tot 1821 waarbij wordt gefocust op diplomatie, handel en

oorlogsvoering met andere naties. Het is een vrij complex spel dat erg veel vrijheid kent, en een

zekere leercurve bezit. EU4 staat, ten tijde van schrijven, op plaats 25 van de dagelijks meest

gespeelde games op het gamedistributieplatform Steam (“Steam: Game and Player Statistics,”



De audiovisuele stream werd gecapteerd door middel van de software VLC i.c.m. het programma

Livestreamer. Dit gaf een bronbestand van hoge kwaliteit. Het tekstuele materiaal werd

gecapteerd in de automatische logbestanden die het softwareprogramma mIRC (een irc-client)

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aanmaakt. De aanwezigheid van de onderzoeker (middels bovenstaande software) in de chat

werd niet aangegeven, noch opgemerkt.


De logbestanden werden gecleand. Bepaalde berichten werden uitgefilterd met het doel dezelfde

log te bekomen dat een gebruiker van de webchatclient zou verkrijgen. Deze gefilterde berichten

houden de SYSTEM of CHANNEL boodschappen in van het IRC-protocol, zoals de boodschap dat

een gebruiker zich met het kanaal heeft verbonden, of dit kanaal heeft verlaten. Gebruikers van

Twitch krijgen deze informatie niet te zien. De tijdsaanduiding werd gewijzigd om de chatlog te

synchroniseren met het opgenomen bronbestand.

Van de audiovisuele stream werd een transcriptie gemaakt. De transcriptie werd uitgeschreven

naar de stijl van een chatbericht (voorbeeld onder deze alinea). Dit omdat de chatberichten van

gebruikers een afgebakende, one-way-communicatievorm inhouden, terwijl de transcriptie van

de streamer een vlakke, doorlopende tekst inhoudt zonder (inhoudelijke) intervallen. Dergelijk

verschillende vormen van communicatie bemoeilijken de analyse. Door deze omvorming van

transcriptie naar “chatberichten” ging een stuk van de tijdsaanduiding als informatie verloren,

maar dit volstond ruimschoots om chronologische opvolging na te gaan.

02:15:17 briarstone [chat] economic ideas obviously, venice; bureaucracy, national tax modifier plu- holy goddamn, you're right [chosen], done. i'm for it ehm. and i need three hundred and eighty to get that one. fine. very good. how long now? [game:outliner:byzantineseparatists] ((sighs)) i made you mad, i lost stability, i made you madder, more mad, and yet you're still gonna take forever

Tevens werden specifieke verwijzingen of gebeurtenissen in het spel of het streammedium

gecodeerd in de transcriptie. Zo werden instanties van bijvoorbeeld de uitspraak “i’m sending

these guys there” gecodeerd binnenin de transcriptie als “i’m sending these guys [game:map:leger-

zagreb] there [game:map:provincie-alexandria]”. Dit liet toe om reacties van gebruikers op een

gebeurtenis of situatie in het spel te linken aan een specifiek bericht van de streamer, op directe

of indirecte wijze.

Binnen zowel het Excelbestand van de chatlog als van de transcriptie werden interagerende

berichten als dergelijk gelabeld. Zo werd in de cel naast bericht 45 ‘:43’ geschreven, dat bericht

reageert op bericht 43. Deze labels werden gebruikt om interactie-items samen te stellen. Dit zijn

autonome groeperingen van boodschappen die op elkaar reageren, en samen een geheel vormen.

Reactie werd hier aanzien als zijnde een reactie of voorzetting van een voorgaande boodschap, of

het onderwerp van die voorgaande boodschap.

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1. rockdog237 hakkun, To Briar or not to Briar that's the question

2. lowercaserho We're saving that for if he plays Denmark, Rockdog :D

3. hakkun1 lol, Rockdog and Rho. :)

4. rockdog237 lol rho well played well played

5. lowercaserho (Though I am pretty sure that there is something rotten in the state of Venice too)

6. hakkun1 Actually, Venice owns Verona, correct? Hark, what light in yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Briar is the sun.

Excerpt 1. Boodschappen 2 en 3 werden reactief bepaald op boodschap 1 en 2, vanwege de directe adressering. Boodschappen 5 en 6 adresseren niet, maar vormen een doorontwikkeling van het onderwerp, zijnde Shakespeare quotes, en vormen daarmee ook een reactie. Het volledige interactie-item vindt u in de appendix.

In deze interactie-items werden tevens de uitspraken van Briarstone meegenomen in de vorm van

een chatbericht, zoals boven aangegeven. Dit liet toe de uitspraken van de streamer op gelijk

niveau met chatberichten te analyseren.

De noodzaak voor deze groepering in interactie-items vinden we in de door Herring aangehaalde

chaos en vluchtigheid van CMC. De zes berichten (Excerpt 1) komen uit een interactie-item dat

vijftien berichten bevat, dat over een tijdspanne van zes minuten en veertien seconden loopt.

Tijdens deze tijdspanne werden in de hele chat maar liefst 64 berichten verstuurd, en werden vier

simultane gesprekken gevoerd. Een interactie tussenin een dergelijke hoeveelheid niet-relevante

berichten analyseren is problematisch. Tevens bracht de opstelling van de interactie-items een

structuur naar onderwerp en/of aanleiding aan waaraan de individuele berichten linkten, en

waarop de interactie gestoeld was. Individuele berichten waaraan in een lijn-per-lijn analyse geen

betekenis of werkelijke boodschap aan kon worden ontleend, gaven deze informatie wél prijs in

deze structuur. De interactie-items werden zoveel mogelijk exclusief gehouden, in dat individuele

berichten maar in een enkel interactie-item mogen voorkomen.


Er werden in totaal 114 interactie-items opgesteld, waarmee de eerste 1060 berichten werden

meegenomen in de analyse. Berichten en interacties hierna werden nog overzien, maar gaven

geen nieuwe fenomenen en aspecten meer aan in interactie, onderwerp of structuur. We gingen

inhoudsanalytisch te werk en maakten uit de data, waar mogelijk, inferenties richting de context,

de chatruimte en Twitch als medium, zoals de definitie van inhoudsanalyse voorschrijft:

“Formally, content analysis is a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences

from data to their context.” (Krippendorff, 1989, p. 403). Dit gebeurde niet met het oog op

inferentie naar de populatie, zijnde TwitchTV-kanalen in het algemeen, maar ter verkenning van

de mogelijkheden op het platform.

Interactie-items werden na opstelling gecodeerd naar een aantal vragen. Voornaamste onderdeel

van deze codering was de thick description. Dit is een diepgaande analyse van iets in zijn context,

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waaraan onderliggende betekenissen en intenties worden afgeleid (Ponterotto, 2006, p. 543). De

thick description gaf inzage in de context, inhoud en proces van interactie. Nadien werden de

voornaamste elementen in de thick description op methodische wijze overlopen om deze in de

context te plaatsen van andere interacties, en andere contexten zoals het spel en de streamer.

Hierop werd een matrix opgesteld waaruit kon worden afgeleid wat de voornaamste

eigenschappen van interacties waren gedurende de streamsessie. Daarnaast werden ook analyses

gedaan op het niveau van individuele berichten, waarbij werd gekeken naar bijvoorbeeld context

van de berichten, adressering, hoeveelheid verstuurde berichten, berichten naar dimensies tijd en

gebruikers, enzovoorts. De analyses op niveau van de berichten waren voornamelijk cijfermatig

om dominante aspecten te identificeren, en om bevindingen op het niveau van interacties in de

context van de streamsessie te kunnen plaatsen.

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In dit hoofdstuk geven we de resultaten weer van de onderzochte gegevens. Eerst volgt een

beschrijving van de dataset, gevolgd door een algemene beschrijving van bevonden fenomenen

binnen de interactie. Vervolgens worden de resultaten gelinkt aan conversatietechnieken zoals

gezien in het theoretische kader. Daarna gaan we in op de voornaamste interactievorm en

gespreksonderwerp in de streamsessie: assistentie en het spel. Ten slotte reflecteren we over de

concepten interactie en interactiviteit en hoe deze naar voren komen in de gegevens. In dit

hoofdstuk lichten we fenomeen per fenomeen toe, en gebruiken we voorbeelden uit de

streamsessie om dit aan te geven. We leggen, indien nodig, de plaatsgevonden interactie uit. Het

gestreamde spel lichten we enkel toe daar waar dit noodzakelijk is om het belichte aspect te

begrijpen. Dit omdat het gestreamde spel erg complex is en disproportioneel veel uitleg zou



De volledige streamsessie duurde drie uur en zeventien minuten. Ongeveer 60 tot 120 mensen

waren aanwezig in de stream. Dit getal verschilt erg omdat de kijkersaantallen niet stabiel blijven,

maar fluctueren naarmate meer mensen de stream bekijken, of vroegtijdig vertakken, consistent

met het channel surfing en channel switching gedrag dat gebruikers op Twitch stellen (Nascimento

et al., 2014). In de chat echter werd activiteit geregistreerd voor een totale tijdsduur van drie uur

en vierenvijftig minuten, waarbij de laatste berichten plaatsvonden wanneer de stream reeds een

half uur offline was. De audiovisuele stream begon twaalf minuten na de eerste registratie van

activiteit in de chat. Na dertig minuten en vijftig seconden ging de gameplay werkelijk van start.

Dit is erg laat, en gebeurde omdat de streamer die dag een nieuwe stream overlay in gebruik had

genomen, waar enkele problemen mee waren. Dit wordt verder toegelicht in stuk 5.4.5 (Interactie

met de stream). In totaal werden er over de gehele streamsessie 1322 berichten verstuurd door

in totaal 49 verschillende gebruikers. Het gemiddelde aantal berichten per persoon is 22,4, met

een mediaan van 10.

De twintig actiefste gebruikers (figuur 4) zijn samen verantwoordelijk voor 1057, oftewel 80

procent, van de totale hoeveelheid verstuurde berichten. De top tien actiefste gebruikers

verstuurden 820, 62 procent, van de totale verstuurde berichten. Streamer Briarstone (tekstueel),

en moderatoren Hakkun1 en Essentia_Modica, zijn verantwoordelijk voor 133 berichten, ofwel

10 procent. Zetten we het aantal berichten uit per twintig minuten (figuur 5), dan zien we dat het

volume niet in de buurt komt van het maximum aan zeshonderd berichten per twintig minuten

gesteld door Jones et al (2008, p. 330). Wanneer we dit volume van berichten per tien minuten

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afzonderlijk bekijken (figuur 6) bekomen we dezelfde indruk als bij bovenstaande tabel (volume

per kwart). De hoeveelheid berichten die per tijdseenheid verstuurd worden is vrij variabel.

Figuur 4: Aantal berichten van de 20 actiefste gebruikers over hele streamsessie

Figuur 5: Aantal berichten per twintig minuten

Figuur 6: Aantal berichten per tien minuten




















0:19 0:39 0:59 1:19 1:39 1:59 2:19 2:39 2:59 3:19

163 163


8168 65

45 45 44 43 38 3731 29

22 20 19 20 18 17















6572 74



















0:09 0:19 0:29 0:39 0:49 0:59 1:09 1:19 1:29 1:39 1:49 1:59 2:09 2:19 2:29 2:39 2:49 2:59 3:09 3:19

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In volgende paragrafen lichten we eigenschappen en fenomenen toe die naar boven kwamen in

de data. We beschrijven deze fenomenen aan de hand van excerpten uit de chatlog (en interactie-

items). In de appendix zijn enkele interactie-items opgenomen die te lang, en te groot waren om

op te nemen in de tekst. We verwijzen naar deze items waar relevant voor extra omkadering.


Als eerste willen we aangeven hoezeer de audiovisuele stream verweven is in de chatinteractie.

Zonder de context van de audiovisuele stream is het nagenoeg onmogelijk om de bedoeling van

veel berichten te vatten. In die zin kunnen we stellen dat de individuele chatberichten een relatie

hebben met de stream in dat deze onlosmakelijk in betekenis en context verbonden zijn met de

stream, en in inhoud en onderwerp ook onmiddellijk slaan op deze context. We zien dit als een

voorbeeld van de interactie tussen gebruikers en hun omgeving. Volgende excerpt van de chatlog

geeft twaalf chatberichten weer zoals zij chronologisch op een willekeurig gekozen punt in de

streamsessie werden verstuurd. Deze twaalf berichten werden verstuurd over een periode van

een minuut en 44 seconden. Onmiddellijk valt op te merken hoe berichten inpikken op de context

van de audiovisuele stream zonder deze te beschrijven.

lowercaserho Briar: What's Serbia's diplomatic situation? peter_van_drone Basically equal.

esty6 Bohemia + Venice against Hungary, Do EET lowercaserho Sienna would also be worth lookign at essi2 huh, EUIV crashed on me

hendriknl You can win this fight Briarstone, but you're behind in military technology now!

shenryyr shenExcite hi briar

hendriknl Maybe not to HUngary, but getting the advantage is so much easier. hakkun1 Hey Shenryyr! :)

peter_van_drone oh my word its a shen

cherokeeguy Hello, shenryyr!

esty6 I apologize for Essi2, he's a previous version of my AI, rought around the edges. My positronic brain is 4 versions newer

Excerpt 2. Shenryyr is een andere streamer die gelijkaardige games als Briarstone speelt.

In bovenstaand excerpt kaderen we de berichten van lowercaserho (en peter_van_drone) in de

formulering van een mogelijke strategie voor de streamer om te volgen in het spel. Het bericht

van Esty6 gaat over een geheel andere, reeds geformuleerde, strategie die momenteel beoordeeld

wordt door de streamer. Essi2 deelt een persoonlijke ervaring over wat er net op zijn eigen

computer gebeurde. Hendriknl belicht een ander onderdeel van de reeds geformuleerde strategie

van de streamer. Dan komt de intrede van Shenryyr in het kanaal, gevolgd door begroetingen aan

zijn persoon. Ten slotte gaat Esty6 een grapje maken naar aanleiding van een opmerking dat de

streamer maakte over de verwarring in de uitspraak van de namen Esty6 en Essi2. Het is duidelijk

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dat berichten in de streamsessie geen sequentiële coherentie volgen, en er inderdaad sprake is

van een disrupted turn adjacency (Herring, 1999; Panyametheekul & Herring, 2003). De

opmerkingen inzake het spel kunnen in dezelfde lijn gezien worden als het commentator en het

assistent-profiel dat beschreven werd door Cheung & Huang (2011).


Op basis van bovenstaande beschrijving van de interactie, die niet uniek is in de streamsessie,

kunnen we stellen dat er een erg grote chaos aanwezig is in het chatkanaal. Verschillende

gebruikers voeren verschillende gesprekken met verschillende mensen over verschillende

onderwerpen, en deze afzonderlijke berichten worden sequentieel vertoond op basis van

chronologie, wat haaks tegenover de aspecten onderwerp, deelnemers en context staat. Dit valt te

merken aan hoe bovenstaand excerpt (Excerpt 2) twaalf berichten toont waar acht verschillende

deelnemers over zes verschillende onderwerpen binnen vier verschillende contexten spreken

(zijnde de streamer, het spel, de chat, en de levenswereld van een enkele persoon).

Dit geeft in zekere mate de chaos en incoherentie aan van de chat in het algemeen, maar in dit

onderzoek richten we ons echter voornamelijk op interacties. Daarbinnen valt chaos moeilijk te

stellen, gezien we deze interactie-items zelf opgesteld hebben naar reactiviteit, waaruit een

structuur naar aanleiding of onderwerp vloeide. Maar, we kunnen uit zo’n interactie-item wel de

verschuiving van onderwerp en vertakkingen aangeven die voor een chaotische structuur zorgen.

1 B






3 Wildwolve

4 Einen777

5 Hendriknl7 Briarstone




Petervandrone10 Esty6

9 Einen777

12 Einen777 15 Briarstone16

Petervandrone17 Briarstone

13 Briarstone11


14 Hendriknl

18 Hendriknl

19 Hendriknl20

Petervandrone21 Hendriknl

22 Briarstone

23 Essi2 24 Hendriknl 25 Essi2 26 Hendriknl

Figuur 7. Schematische voorstelling van een interactie

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Bovenstaande figuur (Figuur 7, en 8.1.1 Aspect of Faith) is een schematische voorstelling van een

interactie waarin de streamer zijn gebruikers om advies vroeg. Elke kader staat voor een bericht

met daarin de chronologische nummering en auteur van het bericht. We zien dat een enkel bericht

van de streamer acht berichten oplevert waarvan vier worden doorontwikkeld. Dit geeft zeven

verdere vertakkingen in totaal, waarbij de chronologie door elkaar loopt. We kunnen dus wel

stellen dat er nog steeds chaos aanwezig is binnenin een interactie-item in de zin dat individuele

gesprekslijnen en vertakkingen optreden en gesprekken niet systematisch gevoerd worden.

We krijgen een ander beeld wanneer we deze chaos verder bekijken, niet op het niveau van

bericht op interactie, maar overheen de streamsessie. Doorheen de hele streamsessie werd in

berichten, en opvolgingen van berichten, onophoudelijk teruggekeerd naar de stream als

onderwerp of context. Van de 1322 verzonden berichten waren 779 on topic. Dit definiëren we als

berichten die verankerd zijn in de stream, streamer of gestreamde spel en deze als onderwerp of

context hebben. De 543 overige berichten beslaan een verscheidenheid aan onderwerpen of

contexten, zoals onder andere begroetingen met andere gebruikers, vragen in verband met een

eigen campagne, maar ook gesprekken die gaan van Shakespeare tot kebab tot schoenmaten of

lichaamshaar; off-topic onderwerpen. Onderstaande grafiek (Figuur 8) beeldt de verhouding van

on en off topic berichten uit over de tijd.

We zien dat on topic en off topic conversaties elkaar min of meer afwisselen. Wanneer we kijken

naar periodes waar het verschil in verhouding erg groot is, kunnen we uit de chatlog en interactie-

items een aantal thema’s afleiden die corresponderen aan deze periodes. De overhand voor on

topic-interacties komt overeen met grote interacties rond technische problemen met de stream

overlay, en vervolgens discussies en raadgevingen in en rond het gestreamde spel. De overhand

van off topic-berichten in het half uur tussen 2:00 en 2:30 van de stream komt overeen met de




















Figuur 8: Verhouding on/off topic berichten over tijd

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aansluiting van essentia_modica op het kanaal, de PR- en community manager voor het stream

(meer hierover in 5.2.3 Chatruimte als virtual community). Ook werden in die periode andere

games en de algemene staat van gameontwikkeling van Paradox Interactive besproken.


Op basis van de interacties stellen we vast dat we de chatruimte neigt naar Rheingolds definitie

van een virtual community: “Virtual communities are social aggregations that emerge from the Net

when enough people carry on those public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling,

to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace.” (Rheingold, 1993, p. 6). Een gegeven dat

ons inziens belangrijk is in de vorming van deze virtual community rond het streamkanaal is

regelmaat: de streamer hanteert een vaste streamplanning waardoor gebruikers elkaar op vaste

momenten, wekelijks, kunnen terug zien.

Rheingolds gegeven van ‘sufficient human feeling’ zien we terugkomen in de interacties rond

essentia_modica, de community- en PR-manager van Briarstone (en andere aanverwante

streamers). Zij herstelt van een bepaald iets, en wordt door medegebruikers steeds bevraagd naar

haar gesteldheid. Duidelijk is dat haar situatie een gespreksonderwerp was in voorgaande

streamsessies, en dat mensen willen weten hoe deze situatie vordert. Gebruikers uiten veel

bezorgdheid, emotie en sympathie:

doriide Hello Essentia_modica I hope you are feeling better

essentia_modica I'm getting there, Doriide. Not 100% yet, but working on it. :)

esty6 I'm glad you're doing better Essentia. The advantage you have is that if they say "you need to eat more veggies", you'd be all like 'yay!' (I would pout all the way home)

katiekat3000 Essentia_Modica, am gladto see you back but uyou shuld be resting <3

jonlevir I hope you get a lot of good rest, essentia! take your time to get back to 100%


dramravett hey Essentia_Modica hows things

essentia_modica Things are okay Dram. I'm getting better, we think. Still *incredibly* tired all the time... :) how's you?


einen777 Are you supposed to be working on things Essentia?

essentia_modica this is the only thing I'm gonna do, Einen. :)


shmonkeyshmonks hello Essentia_modica :)

shmonkeyshmonks nice to see you, hope youre feeling better :)

essentia_modica Sorry I've been quiet. I get worn out kinda fast lately.

oranjay54 Hey Essentia :) Glad to see you in chat

shmonkeyshmonks I get worn out quick too....but that's because I'm soooo old :D


mikefluff (Anybody knows what he works as?)and hi Essentia :3 I'm happy you are better

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Excerpt 3

Binnen deze sociale ruimte zien we dergelijke verbondenheid ook terugkomen in het gegeven van

Kiin waarbij fans van Briarstone deel uitmaken van de Kiinship. Dit is een porte-manteauwoord

van fellowship – gemeenschap of broederschap – en het fictieve woord Dovahkiin (uit het bekende

actie-RPG spel The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim). Het gebruik van dit woord is niet vanzelf ontstaan; de

streamer heeft deze naam gegeven. De terminologie wordt expliciet toegelicht in de FAQ van

community- en PR-manager essentia_modica:

“What is the 'kiinship' / who are the 'kiin'?: The Kiin term morphed from

Dova'kiin/Dovahkiin (a Skyrim reference - a game Briarstone loves!). He felt it was a

homophone for 'kin' which could mean 'family'. To Briar, the Kiinship is essentially a

family. When you 'follow' Briar on Youtube, Twitch, etc., and/or when you join the Steam

group, you are becoming part of his Kiinship. (Essentia likes to refer to you, collectively,

as Kiinlings.)” (Essentia_Modica, 2015).

Ook gebruikers passen deze terminologie toe:

redgecooper Greetings, Kiin.


wildwolve2014 @briarstone ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria o/


rockdog237 Wooot Kiinlings we have a Briar derp :P


tokryva Kiinship, see you all later!


esty6 I don't fit and my name is only 5 letters? I hope Peter_van_drone never becomes Dovahkiin

Excerpt 4. Enkele voorbeelden van het gebruik van de Kiin-terminologie door gebruikers.

Een laatste manier waarop we de chatruimte als sociale ruimte en community achten is in het

kader van normen en waarden. Dit zien we terug in een interactie rond het woord kebab waarin

sterk gemodereerd werd (8.1.5 Kebab). ‘Kebab’ heeft in de context van Europa Universalis IV de

(min of meer denigrerende) betekenis van Ottomanen, of het Ottomaanse rijk:

01:02:26 esty6 kebab will fall Peter, needs missionary strength <message deleted>

01:03:14 essi2 lol, what happened to Esty6?

01:03:20 esty6 dunno

01:03:37 cherokeeguy Essi2, Probably a spoiler.

01:03:52 essi2 A spoiler for what? XD

01:04:01 cherokeeguy I don't know. lol

01:04:12 rockdog237 or using kebab without sauce :P

01:04:35 wildwolve2014 naaa great rockdog .. now i want kebab ö.ö

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01:05:47 hakkun1 Just a quick heads up to everyone, calling the Ottomans 'kebab' is not going to be acceptable in chat (See rule "no -isms") Thanks for understanding

01:06:06 esty6 Ottoman is a dead country though

Excerpt 5

De term kebab als verwijzing naar een land in het spel is onaanvaardbaar volgens de regels en

normen van het chatkanaal, die ‘-isms’ niet dogen. Met ‘-isms’ wordt bedoeld racisme,

nationalisme, seksisme enzovoorts. Op basis van deze regel, en dat kebab als verwijzing naar een

volk een van die ‘-isms’ impliceert, werd dit bericht verwijderd door de moderator Hakkun1. In

bovenstaand excerpt van de het interactie-item zien we het bestaan van dit kader van regels,

gebaseerd op een zekere norm en waarde. Ten tweede zien we hoe de moderator hierop ook

modereert en de chatconversatie in goede banen leidt, naar de geldende normen en regels. Dit

geeft aan dat conversatie op Twitch, althans voor dit streamkanaal, niet zomaar vrij en

onbezonnen is maar weldegelijk (actief) wordt gestructureerd en gevormd. Met de opstelling en

naleving van deze regels wordt een vriendelijke sociale ruimte beoogt, zoals ook werd aangehaald

door Hamilton et al (2014). Opmerkelijk is ook dat deze vorm van regulering vrijwel identiek is

aan de moderatie van chatkanalen op Yahoo! Live in het onderzoek van Shamma et al (2009),

hoewel dat een ander medium en streamonderwerp betrof. Dat het eigen is aan de streamer

Briarstone dat er op dergelijke facetten wordt gemodereerd geven enkele gebruikers tevens

letterlijk aan door op te merken dat hierin een verschil bestaat met een andere streamer:


hendriknl Hehe Hakkun, if you had to moderate for Arumba you'd go crazy with him calling something.. kebab

peter_van_drone Different chat standards, Hendrik.

hendriknl Yeah, that indeed. I prefer this one :)

hakkun1 lol, Thankfully, this isn't Arumba's stream. :)

Excerpt 6. Arumba is een andere streamer die ongeveer dezelfde stijl van games streamt. Erg opmerkelijk is dat hendriknl tevens moderator is voor Arumba’s stream.

Zoals in voorgaande passage van de interactie valt op te merken, wordt er over deze regel wel

gediscussieerd, maar wordt deze ook verdedigd en bestendigd door moderator, streamer én



briarstone [chat] although to be fair i assume hakkun would have no problem with the word kebab if the subject of the current stream were, say, briar eating a doner kebab; yeah a donair, a donair would be delicious right now. but calling people names, yeah let's not do that


einen777 I'm English and I don't mind people calling me 'tea snorting'. hakkun1 Einen777, *I* mind if people call you derogatory names. *Briar* minds. He

wants people to feel comfortable in chat. :) […]

einen777 But what if I'm secretly a troll and I can only feel comfortable by insulting people? KappaRoss KappaRoss

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peter_van_drone Then this is the wrong chat for you, Einen.

hendriknl Too bad for you Einen?

Excerpt 7. Nadruk toegevoegd.

Deze aanwezigheid van normen en waarden, waarop de stream gemodereerd wordt, vinden we

ook terug in hoe de streamer zelf interageert met het spel. In het spel krijgt de streamer de

historische gebeurtenis ‘The Géto’. In deze gebeurtenis moet de speler de bedenkelijke keuze

maken tussen Joodse burgers uit de stad verbannen, of hen verplichten in een bepaald kwartier

(Géti) van de stad te wonen. Hier ondervindt de streamer een ethisch vraagstuk. De voordelen die

men als speler krijgt voor de Géti-optie zijn groot, maar de streamer ziet dit als segregatie en

neemt dit principieel op:

briarstone [chat] Yeah, the word "Ghetto" literally comes from the area of Venice where Jews were segregated; that's the thing right, i mean yeah, you could get local goods produced plus ten, however, do i really want segregation? not really, this is a republic, why would i want to put in segregation, it is my: venice


briarstone [chat] the goods produced bonus lasts until the end of the game; oh shit. they really make it where you want to do that, oh ma:n. okay, now if i was to roleplay this, uhmm. historically, obviously i know what the choice would be, but, i don't know man.


briarstone [chat] i will not vote in this, us jews were never allowed to vote in our own fate; goddamnit, peter van drone see that makes me just say not in my venice, like, i'm gonna just keep everybody happy, goddamnit, look at that, they make me want that […]

Excerpt 8. [nadruk toegevoegd]

Ten slotte is het belangrijk te noteren dat deze virtual community zich niet enkel rond Briarstone

centreert, maar ook rond de andere streamers waar Briarstone mee samenwerkt, zoals Quill18 en

AKiss4Luck. Enkele gebruikers spreken aan het einde van Briarstone’s stream over de volgende

stream van AKiss4Luck (Eva), en geven aan dat zij ook daar aanwezig zullen zijn:

peter_van_drone But if Briar doesnt play EUIV until 4pm how will I pass time until Eva starts streaming,


essentia_modica have a good one, Kiinlings. If I'm up for it, I'll see some of you at AKiss4Luck's stream in 5 hours.

rockdog237 later kiinlings I'll see you in 5 hrs or next Briarstream

Excerpt 9.

5.2.4 HUMOR

Humor is een absolute kerneigenschap van de interactie en communicatie in de onderzochte

streamsessie. Vrijwel elke interactie is doorspekt van grappen en humoristisch bedoelde

opmerkingen. Conversatie is lichtzinnig, bij momenten onzinnig. Deze humor uit zich niet in

werkelijke grappen met een opzet en punchline, maar in een algemene sfeer, doordrongen van

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luchtigheid, dat we onophoudelijk terugvinden in de gevoerde conversaties en verstuurde

berichten. Dit komt overeen met de bevinding van Simpson in het onderzoek naar de

interactionele karakteristieken van discours binnen een virtuele community op een CMC-

medium: “There is a strong ludic vein running through the synchronous text-based chat sessions”

(J. Simpson, 2005, p. 341). We vinden in de chat echter geen “copypasta’s” en dergelijke terug,

zoals werd aangehaald in de literatuurstudie. Dit is niet verrassend, gezien Hamilton et al spraken

van de “breakdown of communication” naarmate het aantal kijkers groeide, en er in deze

streamsessie een klein aantal kijkers aanwezig was.

Gebruikers gaan vaak grappig of willekeurig bedoelde opmerkingen communiceren op basis van

iets dat de streamer zei, naar de stijl van het commentator-profiel van Cheung & Huang (2011),

maar dan met de nadruk op humor:

briarstone […] [game:diplo:serbia-option] dynastic actions; i do not have a dynasty i'm a republic […]


shenryyr all the cool kids have dynasties briar Kappa

Excerpt 10

briarstone […] ooh i have an idea, why don't i (.) western style why don't i become like so- i want uh i want south american spearmen, they're so strong (.) i'm just, i'm just joking

peter_van_drone You know what is stronger than spears? Guns. Source: literally all of colonial history

Excerpt 11

Een eigenschap van deze humor is wat we one-upping noemen. Dit is het gegeven dat een bericht

wordt gevolgd door een bericht dat deze humor emuleert, en hierop verder bouwt. De eerder

aangehaalde interactie omtrent Shakespeare (4.3 Verwerking data en 8.1.4 Shakespeare) is hier

een typevoorbeeld van. Een ander voorbeeld vinden we in onderstaande interactie, waar ludieke

antwoorden worden gegeven op de vraag of Briarstone beter is dan een andere streamer:

doriide So is Briarstone now better at this game then Northenlion?


rjmac5 Briar also keeps on rolling critical hits.... RNG tends to like him, either that or it's scared of him...


esty6 Briar has a Personal Idea 'Briarness' that gives him +5 luck on all rolls […]

rjmac5 Briar is Briar.... TOTALLY random... soo random that the universe steps around him so that it doesn't get sucked in...

doriide Briarstone is like a d100 a very nice dice that no one trusts to come up with the number they want

Excerpt 12. Gebruikers menen dat Briarstone uitzonderlijk geluk heeft wanneer hij speelt, en maken hier grappen over in de context van Dungeons & Dragons-spelen.

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In bovenstaande interactie vinden we ook een ander gegeven van humor in de streamsessie: de

integratie of karakterisering van de streamer in humor. Vaak wordt een ludieke opmerking

gemaakt waarin een verwijzing naar de streamer of stream vervat zit, en (een deel van) de humor

net in deze verwijzing schuilt. We geven enkele voorbeelden uit interacties:

katiekat3000 your welcome brier now i request you be insane today :p

hendriknl You request that katie? Isn't he always?

katiekat3000 well i figerd it would be a safe request of Briarstone

Excerpt 13

proudnitro how can a channel have 100k views and only 3k follows? […]

esty6 Proudnitro nothing is conventional in this channel, whatever rule is there that can be broken, will be broken

Excerpt 14

Het is in deze context dat we tevens de terminologie briar derp als neologisme plaatsen, naar

Olejniczaks studie over taalgebruik op Twitch (2015). Uit de transcriptie en chatlog leiden we af

dat de streamer vaak foutjes maakt of misverstanden begaat tijdens het spelen van het spel, en

dat deze momenten briar derps worden genoemd, oftewel a “foolishness or stupidity” (“‘Derp’ -

The Oxford Dictionary,” 2016). We kunnen dit echter enkel afleiden omdat de term tweemaal door

een enkele gebruiker wordt toegepast. We kunnen dit niet veralgemenen naar andere

streamsessies van Briarstone.

briarstone [...] the main idea for the overlay was that uhh to be more cohesive like whatever i do when people come to this channel, they say 'hey this is', the art-style and everything, i know that i'm on a briarstone channel

rockdog237 Briar your derps are your thing that make it a Briarstream not the overlays :P

Excerpt 16

rockdog237 Wooot Kiinlings we have a Briar derp :P

Excerpt 17

De combinatie van bovenstaande humoristische aspecten, en de vaak terugkomende verwijzing

of karakterisering van Briarstone als ‘mafkees’, bij gebrek aan beter woord, maakt dat gebruikers

een humoristisch idee en beeld lijken te schetsen van de streamer. Uit dat beeld wordt tevens

humor geput die aan bod komt in de interacties. Deze wisselwerking bestendigt elkaar: via humor

wordt een bepaald beeld, of personage, ontwikkeld van de streamer, en dat personage wordt

lowercaserho This map is so weird. Polotsk, Kazan, Burgundy, Scotland, Tabarestan...

hakkun1 It's like the map knows Briar is playing...

rockdog237 Rho it's a Briar surprised the ai joined in the craziness?

tokryva This map is anything but crazy, you just haven't played a lot of EU4 yet Kiin ;)

Excerpt 15. Merk op hoe de gespeelde campagne wordt benoemd als 'a Briar game'.

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vervolgens onderwerp van verdere humor en beeldvorming. Dit komt overeen met Olejniczaks

(2015) vaststelling over de neologisering van het woord xPeke, waarvan de betekenis werd

gehaald uit een prestatie van de e-sportsgamer xPeke. De humor is deels gestoeld op de streamer,

en het personage van de streamer is deels gestoeld op deze humor.

In volgende paragraaf bespreken we de begroeting. Dit fenomeen gaf heel duidelijk het bestaan

van sequence organization aan, zoals toegelicht in de literatuurstudie.


Doorheen de streamsessie komen er nieuwe gebruikers bij die worden begroet door de reeds

aanwezige gebruikers. Dit zien we gebeuren volgens een vast stramien. De bekendmaking van

aanwezigheid van de persoon staat centraal, dit omdat de webchatclient van TwitchTV niet laat

zien dat mensen het kanaal zijn binnengekomen. Pas daarna kan de werkelijke begroeting

beginnen. Dit komt overeen met wat Negretti stelde in haar onderzoek naar communicatie in

webchat (1999). Binnenkomende gebruikers begroeten over het algemeen eerst het hele kanaal

en/of de streamer om vervolgens, zij die de begroeting reciproceren, apart te begroeten.

jonlevir hello, briarstone! first time viewer here

hakkun1 Welcome, Jonlevir! :)

cherokeeguy Hello, Jonlevir!

jonlevir thanks hakkun!

jonlevir hi cherokeeguy!

Excerpt 18

raptoronline1 Good evening Briar & Kinnship!

hakkun1 Hey Raptor!

raptoronline1 Hi Hakkun!

Excerpt 19

Maar, vaak is het zo dat gebruikers zich niet doelmatig kenbaar maken door anderen te begroeten,

of een (letterlijke) aankondiging maken dat zij er zijn. Gebruikers geven soms eerder

humoristische, bijna willekeurige opmerkingen:

einen777 Venice stronk

hakkun1 ^

hakkun1 Hey Einen! :0

einen777 Hey Hakkun

cherokeeguy Hey, Einen777!

einen777 Hey Cherokeeguy

wildwolve2014 heya einen ^^

Excerpt 20. ‘Venice stronk’ slaat op de natie Venetië die de streamer speelt.

vosoros Hello fellow banans...oh wait, you're not bananas...that's just me. No wait...the words crazy. Oh bugger it! :P

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hendriknl Hey Vosoros :)

hakkun1 Hey Vos! :)

Excerpt 21

*cherokeeguy poofs in

hakkun1 Hey Cherokee!

cherokeeguy Hello! :D

Excerpt 22. ‘Poofs’ is analaoog aan ‘pats!’ in de vlaamse uitdrukking hocus pocus pats dat een plotse verschijning (of verdwijning) aangeeft.

Dit doet denken aan wat men in literatuur rond communicatie en CMC een phatic expression

noemt. Dit is een boodschap waarvan de inherente informatie ligt in de uiting van die boodschap,

en niet zozeer de inhoud (Feenberg, 1989; Pittam & Rintel, 1997), zoals de vraag ‘hoe is ie’ niet

zozeer werkelijk vraagt naar hoe het is, maar eerder de aanduiding geeft dat men zich beschikbaar

stelt om te praten. De phatic expressions in bovenstaande voorbeelden (‘venice stronk’ en ‘/me

poofs in’) houden geen werkelijke informatie in, of tenminste geen inhoud van veel

communicatieve waarde: de werkelijke waarde van de boodschap ligt in het louter aangeven dat

men aanwezig is. Merk ook op hoe in bovenstaande begroetingen Hakkun1, moderator in het

kanaal, (bijna) altijd de eerste is die iemand begroet. Dit ligt in lijn met waar Hamilton et al (2014)

naar refereerden over de sociale functie van de moderator, naast de modererende functie, in het

creëeren van een aangename, vriendelijke sociale ruimte.


Uit de literatuurstudie hebben we een aantal aspecten gehaald die eigen zijn aan conversatie. We

bespreken hoe enkele van deze terugkomen in de resultaten, op basis van de gesprekstechnieken

die werden gebruikt.


Eerst en vooral valt op hoe vaak de streamer wordt vernoemd: de naam van de streamer, in de

vorm Briar of Briarstone, valt in maar liefst 364 berichten. Dat betekent dat meer dan een op vier

berichten in de hele streamsessie naar hem gericht is, over hem gaat of naar hem verwijst. Ten

tweede was een groot deel van de berichten gericht naar niemand. Dergelijke berichten kunnen

gericht zijn naar het hele kanaal, maar vaak doen deze eerder aan als algemene opmerkingen;

gedachten die hardop worden uitgesproken, maar naar niemand concreet gericht zijn.

wildwolve2014 i wonder why the austrian don't like briar so much .. i think, he isn't so bad at least :P

hendriknl They must not watch him stream WildWolve.

Excerpt 23

hendriknl Oh look, we can read chat in stream.. but witha delay.

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esty6 So if I say something improper, I have 9 seconds to quickly get to Briar's computer and turn off the monitor before my line shows up. Good to know

hendriknl Indeed Esty, it's all planned out :)

Excerpt 24

Opvallend is dat wanneer een gebruiker inpikt op een bericht waarin ie niet werd geselecteerd,

deze gebruiker vaak net wél gaat adresseren. We beschouwen dit als adresseren in de context van

Herrings interactiemanagement (2008) waarbij gebruikers dit toepassen als hulpmiddel om de

conversatie te structureren. Ook menen we dat gebruikers informatie willen overbrengen en deze

persoon adresseren om te vermijden dat diens boodschap overgeslagen wordt, overeenkomstig

Werry’s (1996) stelling dat de adressering tevens dient om de respondent zijn aandacht te


hendriknl Briarstone, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream.

briarstone [chat] Briarstone, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream; hendrik that would be a great idea, however i think the element of surprise is even more fun. […]

rjmac5 @HendrikNL: The warning is at the top of the chat - briarstone....

Excerpt 25. [nadruk toegevoegd]

lowercaserho Hendrik: If a non-Catholic has Rome than Catholics still get missions to conquer it back from them, so it can sometimes still be a bad idea, depending


esty6 Lowercaserho but if you vassalize them, I don't think that mission happens

Excerpt 26. [nadruk toegevoegd]

hendriknl Briarstone, can you not threaten Ragusa?

peter_van_drone It's not a threat, Hendrik, he's making a promise.

Excerpt 27. [nadruk toegevoegd]

esty6 Briar perhaps you can threaten Ragusa, and then declare on Hungary and Ragusa won't join because of the truce

hendriknl Ragusa can join a defensive war Esty6

Excerpt 28. [nadruk toegevoegd]

In het geval van een adressering met @-symbool spreken we van highlighting. Wanneer een

gebruikersnaam wordt vernoemd, vergezeld van het @-symbool krijgt de recipiënt daar een

kennisgeving van. De @-vermelding wordt doorheen de hele chat 80 maal gebruikt, door twaalf

verschillende gebruikers. 63 van deze @-vermeldingen werden door vijf gebruikers beoefent.

Tevens waren 63 van deze @-vermeldingen gericht naar de streamer. We stellen dan ook dat het

gebruik van deze @-vermelding geen gemeengoed is, en voornamelijk wordt gebruikt om de

aandacht van de streamer te vangen. De reden voor het geringe gebruik kan er aan liggen dat

gebruikers deze functie simpelweg niet kennen. Een andere reden kan de specifieke manier zijn

waarop een dergelijke highlight wordt geconstrueerd. Wanneer een ‘@’ wordt getypt, gevolgd

door een letter, gevolgd door de tabtoets krijgt men een auto-completion-veld krijgt waar een

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naam kan gekozen worden, zoals te zien is in bovenstaande figuur (Figuur 9). In dit auto-

completion-veld komen alleen namen van zij die reeds in de chat actief zijn geweest.

De @-vermelding is tevens altijd het eerste onderdeel van het bericht, wat overeenkomt met de

werkwijze dat Werry (1996) stelde (‘vermelding, bericht’). Hoewel een normale vermelding in het

midden of einde van een bericht kan vallen wordt deze dan nooit vergezeld van het @-symbool.


Gebruikers gaan in de chat maar één vrij specifieke vorm van linking en quoting toepassen: een

vorm die we seconding noemen. Dit wordt gedaan door een bericht te sturen met enkel het caret-

teken ‘^’. Dit teken impliceert dat het bovenstaande bericht gelezen dient te worden. Het kan

gebruikt worden als methode om aan te geven dat men instemt met het bovenstaande bericht, of

dat men bovenstaand bericht in de verf wil zetten:

joaopsr666 What is Briar playing today? Streaming Setup Simulator 2016? :D hendriknl ^


einen777 Venice stronk

hakkun1 ^


esty6 Essentia is more like an elf, if elves could be vampires

essentia_modica ^


Figuur 9: Twitch Chat Mentions. Overgenomen uit Price (2014)

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esty6 I think they auto-turn on when he's at war (unless you uncheck the default)

hendriknl ^ briar

Excerpt 29

De streamer daarentegen communiceert tijdens gameplay enkel en alleen mondeling. In de

interactie tussen streamer en gebruikers vinden we een vast stramien. Dit gaat als volgt: De

streamer speelt het spel met zijn aandacht en focus op het rechterscherm, waarop het spel staat.

Hij neemt op een bepaald punt een pauze hiervan, en plaatst zijn aandacht op het linkerscherm,

waarop de chat- en streamsoftware staat. Hij doorleest de chatlog en citeert een of enkele

berichten. De keuze van welk bericht hij citeert is niet helemaal uit te maken, maar vaak zijn het

berichten die hem adresseren (wat veel gebeurd), of berichten die hij opmerkelijk of grappig lijkt

te vinden. Vervolgens geeft hij commentaar of een antwoord op het geciteerde deel

(schuingedrukt aangegeven in onderstaande voorbeelden):

rjmac5 Where's Floyd?

briarstone [chat] where's floyd?; floyd is right over there, i could wear floyd, floyd is kinda bulky though and too warm to be honest, i want something warm but not that warm, that's pretty warm, that's a lot

Excerpt 30. Floyd is de naam van een muts die Briarstone vaak draagt tijdens het streamen.

hendriknl Briarstone, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream.

briarstone [chat] Briarstone, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream; hendrik that would be a great idea, however i think the element of surprise is even more fun. […]

Excerpt 31

De tijd tussen de citeermomenten is variabel. Wanneer er een poos tussen deze momenten zit, of

de chat erg actief is, gaat hij verschillende berichten overlopen. De volgorde die hij daarbij

hanteert is niet altijd chronologisch. In onderstaande tabel staat de linkse kolom voor wanneer de

streamer deze boodschap citeerde, en de rechtse kolom voor wanneer het geciteerde bericht werd

verzonden in de chat. De opmerking van de streamer staat schuingedrukt.

00:32:20 briarstone [chat] ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria; hello and welcome wildwolve


00:32:31 briarstone [chat] i have to go... but you got a follow briar, just for the skyrim stuff!; yes nitro, i'm glad, i'm glad to uhh know that, thank you for being here and hope to see you again soon


00:32:46 briarstone [chat] The donation was faster than the speed of sound, Briar


00:32:48 briarstone [chat] Your prestige is crap because you converted to... yeah, that; okay, so i'm now protestant so i lost prestige because i i'm now protestant. fine.


00:32:54 briarstone [chat] Briarstone, you should turn of fortresses at useles locations like Islands.. you have enough time to enable it again when you get attacked; yeah okay so you're saying i should put fortresses on these places [game:eilandprovincies] (.) this is true. to be quite honest that's a really good idea (.) uhh i


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also don't have enough money for it, but i will one of these da:ys i will

Excerpt 32

Vaak citeert de streamer echter een bericht, om er vervolgens niets aan toe te voegen. Hiermee

krijgen we de indruk dat de streamer de berichten niet werkelijk op voorhand selecteert, maar

met het citeren deze voor de eerste keer leest.

Deze gewoonte van tekst citeren en hardop vertellen komt ook voor in combinatie met het spel.

Bijvoorbeeld wanneer er een gebeurtenis plaatsvindt leest de streamer deels of heel de tekst

hardop, om vervolgens een opmerking of gedachte errond uit te spreken:

briarstone [...] [game:event:fabricatingclaim-ragusa] my serene doge we have been informed by the commander of the guard in kosovo, ragusa has been discovered fabricating a claim on our province kosovo; rea:lly. i'm gonna mu:rder you:. murder, super murder. in fact (.)


De combinatie van twee erg verschillende communicatievormen maakt het gegeven van

synchroniciteit en one/two-way communicatie erg complex. Het gebruik van het hierboven

toegelichte stramien (gameplay—chat—gameplay—…) verandert de synchroniciteit van het

medium. Herring (2008) neemt gelijktijdigheid in aanwezigheid als criteria om te bepalen of een

communicatiemedium synchroon of asynchroon is. Maar in het geval van Twitch zijn zowel

streamer als gebruikers simultaan aanwezig (of dit wordt tenslotte toch verondersteld).

Voor dit facet van de interactie menen we dan ook beter te kijken naar Rettie (2009). Zij definieert

de synchroniciteit van een communicatiemedium langs een andere dimensie, namelijk aandacht

en temporaliteit: “Whereas asynchronous media merely require intermittent attention,

synchronous (or ‘real-time’) media demand continuous focused attention, diverting attention

from face-to-face interaction.” (Rettie, 2009, p. 1144). Volgens deze invulling zou de communicatie

van gebruiker naar streamer eerder asynchroon genoemd kunnen worden, maar we stellen dat

het eerder, wat Rettie noemt, ‘near-synchronicity’ betreft. Niet louter omwille van de technische

aspecten van het medium. Ook omwille van de sociale verwachtingen die gebruikers hebben ten

aanzien van respons op een verstuurd bericht: “The perception of a medium as synchronous

reflects socially shaped expectations that the interactants will maintain continuous focused

attention and engage in coordinated interaction for a sustained period; the perception of a

medium as near-synchronous reflects expectations of rapid response.” [nadruk toegevoegd]

(Rettie, 2009, p. 1144).

De chatcommunicatie tussen gebruikers is een synchrone one-way communicatievorm.

Gebruikers zijn min of meer aanhoudend aanwezig, en weten van elkaar niet wat zij zeggen tot dit

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gezegd is. Van kijkers naar streamer is de verbinding van de kijkers is de verbinding one-way

near-synchroon. Zij chatten niet zozeer tegen de streamer, als dat zij berichten ‘nalaten’ voor de

streamer om op een onbepaald punt in de toekomst te lezen (citeren). Van streamer naar kijkers

is de verbinding two-way synchroon: de boodschap wordt tegelijkertijd geconstrueerd als dat ze

wordt verspreid, en deze communicatie is synchroon vanwege de aanhoudende aanwezigheid en

aandacht van de kijkers. We komen op onderstaande tabel als overzicht van deze communicatie.

Tabel 1. Communicatievorm binnenin streamsessie


In dit volgende deel bespreken we de on topic-interacties. Deze interacties houden verband met

de stream, streamer en het spel. Het is in dit type gesprekken dat we de voornaamste bronnen van

interactiviteit vinden. We volgen de aanbeveling van Rafaeli & Sudweeks om deze interactie te

bevangen naar datgene wat het bijeenhoudt, namelijk het spel als onderwerp: “The focus, we

propose, should be on the glue: that which keeps message threads and their authors together, and

what makes the groups and their interaction tick.” (Rafaeli & Sudweeks, 2006, p. 1). We belichten

met stip de interacties die draaiden rond raadgeving omdat dit een constant gegeven was in de

streamsessie, en voor een groot deel van het aantal berichten verantwoordelijk was. 543 van de

1323 berichten waren gericht op raadgeving in, of bespreking en discussie van het gestreamde

spel. Binnenin dergelijke interacties werd weliswaar afgeweken van het begin- of

hoofdonderwerp. Maar overheen de streamsessie was toch een zekere focus aanwezig die haaks

staat op de bevinding van wat Simpson benoemt als de: “the nature of SCMC [synchronous CMC]

discourse that participants will stray from any prescribed topic” (2005, p. 341). Dit zien we terug

in onderstaande figuur (Figuur 10), waar het als gespreksonderwerp fluctueert, en vermindert in

belang of hoeveelheid, maar toch steeds terugkeert naar de positie van hoofdonderwerp.

Gebruikers onderling

One-way synchroon

Gebruiker naar streamer

One-way near-synchroon

Streamer naar gebruiker

Two-way synchroon

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Gebruikers interageren in de chat op een wijze die analoog is aan wat Cheung & Huang (2011)

voor ogen hadden met het assistent-profiel: het bijstaan van de streamer met raad, tips en duiding

in en over het spel. In enkele gevallen gaan gebruikers uit het niets een langetermijnstrategie

formuleren die de streamer zou kunnen volgen, of geven zij een snelle hint over iets waar de

streamer mee worstelt in het spel, of zij corrigeren de streamer wanneer hij een foutieve

opmerking of stelling maakt. De streamer erkent deze status van zijn kijkers als assistenten, in

zijn woorden adviseurs, letterlijk. In onderstaande reactie geeft hij zijn persoonlijke mening op de

vraag van een gebruiker of hij beter speelt dan NorthernLion, een andere streamer die ook EU4 in

Let’s Play-formaat speelt (Excerpt 12, p. 42). De streamer benoemt zijn kijkers letterlijk als

advisors (naar analogie met adviseurs in het spel die de speler bonussen verschaffen) en benoemt

hen als reden voor zijn succes in de campagne.

01:45:26 briarstone [chat] so briarstone is now better at this game then northernlion?; i doubt it doriide, the only reason i'm doing any good specifically is because i have a whole bunch of advisors li:ve helping me with this, currently, and also i don't have to pay them. ha:h, in fact, they pay me, this is fantastic, fantastic, i'm feeling good

Excerpt 33. [nadruk toegevoegd]

De gebruikers onthalen dit vervolgens met veel humor en ludieke opmerkingen:

01:45:53 hendriknl Wait, we're doing our job wrong folks

01:46:13 hendriknl He's not paying us. We must cease our labour!

01:46:21 hendriknl Unions unite!

01:46:22 doriide Ok now we need to get Quill and Arumba in here to teach us so we can teach you better

01:46:24 esty6 I'm not in labour thought I look like I am

01:46:33 peter_van_drone The Jews were expelled from Venice so I can't give any more opinions. :P

Figuur 10: Verhouding gespreksonderwerpen naar aantal berichten overheen streamsessie



















Game Stream Andere Totaal aantal berichten

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01:46:33 rjmac5 Briar also keeps on rolling critical hits.... RNG tends to like him, either that or it's scared of him...

01:46:43 beamierhydra Hendriknl I'm mostly just slacking anyways

Excerpt 34

Het advies en de assistentie dat de gebruikers verlenen valt in verschillende stijlen uiteen. Zo

worden er kleine functies toegelicht die de gameplay vergemakkelijken, suggesties die een

common practice voorstellen (zoals in onderstaand Excerpt 35 over het uitschakelen van forten),

en suggesties waarbij strategieën worden geformuleerd op korte en lange termijn. Belangrijk aan

deze streamsessie is dat de streamer geen expert is in het spel. Hij toont een stuk minder ervaring

dan veel van zijn kijkers. Zodoende geven gebruikers vaak op eigen initiatief een suggestie of

concrete handeling voor de streamer om te doen, op een vlak waar deze nog geen wetenschap van

heeft. Bij een streamer met meer ervaring in het spel zouden we hier waarschijnlijk een ander

resultaat krijgen. In onderstaande interactie merkt een gebruiker op dat de streamer zijn forten

heeft ‘aanstaan’. Deze forten kunnen uitgeschakeld worden om geld te sparen, maar dat weet de

streamer niet:

hendriknl Briarstone, you should turn of fortresses at useles locations like Islands.. you have enough time to enable it again wheny ou get attacked.

briarstone [chat] Briarstone, you should turn of fortresses at useles locations like Islands.. you have enough time to enable it again when you get attacked; yeah okay so you're saying i should put fortresses on these places [game:eilandprovincies] (.) this is true. to be quite honest that's a really good idea (.) […]

hendriknl Nono, turn off fortresses Briarstone

briarstone alright [chat] Nono, turn off fortresses Briarstone; he? wait you mean i can (.) hold the phone, oh wait, i can buy fortresses and i can put 'm in places and i can turn them off to save money, is that what you're, you're telling me that?

hendriknl You can turn off fortresses, so you wont pay upkeep Briar

hendriknl And they will automaticly enable when you get declared war upon.



[…] what was i doing? oh yes yes, the uh, fortresses, fortresses, my fortresses what was that uh about the fortress. okay so if i have this guy [screen] yeahh i can kinda turn 'm off you say (.) you need military fourteen to upgrade to bastion (.)


Anyway Briarstone, click on for example Cyprus.. there now is a option to tick it off and or on close to the NO OBJECTIVE button

Excerpt 35. Hendriknl spreekt hier over de functie om forten te mothballen, wat betekent dat ze een stuk minder aan onderhoud kosten, maar ook geen militaire voordelen bieden. Dit wordt vaak gedaan in vredestijd.

We zien hoe Hendriknl het bestaan van de functie aangeeft en bekend maakt aan de streamer,

vervolgens de verwarring van de streamer uitklaart en ten slotte concrete instructies aanlevert

om deze functie uit te voeren. Hendriknl werkt hierbij erg sturend, en gaat werkelijk zeggen wat

de streamer moet doen, en hoe en waarom dit gedaan moet worden.

Een andere manier waarop gebruikers als assistenten fungeren is door ad hoc bepaalde aspecten

in het spel te beoordelen (Excerpt 36 hieronder). Zo dient er vaak een keuze te worden gemaakt

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in het spel. Wanneer dat gebeurt, gaat de streamer mogelijke opties hardop lezen (conform

Linking en quoting) en verbaal afwegen. Gebruikers pikken hier vervolgens op in om hun mening

of standpunt te geven, zonder dat hier specifiek naar gevraagd werd. In deze interacties spelen de

gebruikers vaak de rol van oordeelkundige, die uitmaken of iets in het spel de moeite waard is om

te doen of niet. Het spel is complex, met veel variabelen die in acht moeten worden genomen, wat

dergelijke keuzes niet gemakkelijk noch duidelijk maakt. De gebruikers, met meer ervaring in het

spel dan de streamer, hebben deze oordeelkundige beslissingen reeds gemaakt in hun eigen

spelervaringen en geven deze ervaring door als raad. Dit is een deel van wat wij zien als de

invulling van de rol van gebruikers als adviseur door de streamer.

briarstone [game:notif:canbuild] you can build a provincial awesomeness; uhm, do i really want to. [game:quickmenu:buildings] regimental camp; he:y. costs a lot of money though i don't have that. oh a courthouse, local unrest; i can bring that down. that's also super expensive. not that actually matters. [...]

hendriknl Courthouses are not worth the money Briar :)

hendriknl Regimental camps and barracks however, hell yes they are.

Excerpt 36


Een ander deel van deze assistentie van gebruikers is de werkelijke vraag van de streamer aan

zijn gebruikers om raad, informatie of duiding over of in het spel. Enkele van deze vragen zet hij

om in polls waarbij de chatbot gebruikers de mogelijkheid geeft hun stem uit te brengen op de

opties die door de streamer werden gekozen. Het resultaat van deze poll wordt niet altijd gevolgd.

In enkele gevallen is het zo dat tussen het uitvaardigen van de poll en de bekendmaking van de

resultaten, een gebruiker de streamer reeds heeft overtuigd van een optie en de streamer deze

optie kiest ongeacht het resultaat van de poll. Dit wekt de indruk dat de streamer dergelijke polls

afneemt om een concreet antwoord te bekomen, niet zozeer om gebruikers een stem te geven in

de gameplay, overeenkomstig met wat we eerder aangaven.

briarstone [...] [game:notif:aspectoffaith] he:y. i could pick an aspect of faith, what. oooh. [game:religion] show aspects of faith; he:y. this is so cool. alright. so. [...] you know what i'm gonna do [glance]. i:'m gonna give you gu:ys (.) poll open. we're gonna go:

briarstone !poll open developement | Stability | Missionary STR | Dicipline | Morale | Prestige


peter_van_drone @Briarstone Individual Creeds will give you 20 less points per idea, a saving of about 1400 over the game, which is a free technology or two.


briarstone [chat] individual creeds would give you twenty points per idea, saving over the game about a technology or two; you know what you're right, that idea cost ((hhrgnh)), i will select that one, at least for now because the earlier i select that one the better

Excerpt 37. Het tweede bericht van Briarstone is een commando aan de bot dat hij in het chatkanaal typte.

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Veel vragen om advies worden niet langs een poll bevraagd, maar via een concrete uitgesproken

vraag aan de gebruikers. Wanneer de streamer dit doet kijkt hij richting de chat (in de interactie

aangegeven door [glance]).

00:53:42 briarstone […] the problem is, hungary. if hungary gets into this battle, if i'm able to fight off hungary, that's one thing. but if hungary accepts the aid, comes to the aid of ragusa, does that mean hungary's allies would then come to hungary's aid? [glance]

00:54:06 briarstone i'm unclear about how that sort of diplomacy works. cause i don't wanna go to war against ragusa if i know that i'm getting hungary and their allies. [glance continued]

Excerpt 38. [nadruk toegevoegd]

Dit wordt vervolgens vrijwel elke keer gretig beantwoord door gebruikers, zoals in onderstaand

excerpt te lezen valt.

esty6 Hngary's allies don't come

wildwolve2014 @Briarstone you're wrong! ... no justr kidding ... i don't know the game good enough to know that xD

emmerich01 no, that was taken out a few patches ago

hendriknl No, if you don't co-beligrate Hungary in a war, they cannot call in their allies Briarstone.

meatybobaety Only if Hungary is checked off as a co-belligerent

wa11paper if you dont tick the box no

themrbakit only if you click on the left boxies

peter_van_drone @Briarstone If Hungary comes to war with Ragusa, their allies do NOT come to aid UNLESS you tick the small co-beliggernt box next to Hungary

tokryva Only if you co-belligerent Hungary can she call in her allies essi2 @Briarstone, Hungary's allies only enter the war if you set Hungary as

a Co-Belligerent in the war against Ragusa

Excerpt 39

Deze, vrij massale, wijze van antwoorden is kenmerkend voor dergelijke expliciete vragen van de

streamer. Maar dat de streamer een vraag expliciteert en in concrete termen stelt is geen garantie

dat gebruikers ook naar die termen zullen reageren. Wanneer de streamer vraagt hoe een

provincie in het spel wordt uitgesproken, met een concreet verzoek naar de IPA-notatie, nemen

de gebruikers deze vraag een heel andere richting in.

briarstone [game:event:provinceconverted-visoki] conversion succesfull, ya:y, uhm, visoki or how do you say that, ((vaysawki))? anybody here know how to say that properly, if you do, gimme down in the chat there, i wanna know, gimme the pronunciationthingy with the brackets and all that

shenryyr Rename it to something you can easily pronounce 4Head

peter_van_drone It’s pronounced Souvlaki, mmhm

themrbakit If you can spell it just take it and change it’s name XD

peter_van_drone I'm surprised Briar hasnt renamed provinces after people in chat. "No, Austria, I won't let you take the capital of Hakkun!"


Excerpt 40

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Zo wijst gebruiker Shenryyr op de mogelijkheid om provincienamen te wijzigen zodat men de

juiste uitspraak niet hoeft te kennen, maar de naam naar iets makkelijker uitspreekbaar kan

veranderen. Gebruiker Peter_van_drone geeft een humoristische, en foute, weergave van de

uitspraak, en Themrbakit raadt aan dit gewoon uit te spreken op de manier dat het zou worden

uitgesproken als was het een inheems woord. Geen van de berichten geven een antwoord op de

vraag zoals deze gesteld werd, maar allemaal bieden ze wel een mogelijke oplossing voor het

probleem van dit woord niet te kunnen uitspreken. Daarna gaat het nog verder, en pikken enkele

gebruikers verder in op de suggestie om de functie toe te passen in het kader van henzelf. Wanneer

de streamer aangeeft deze functie (om provincies te herbenoemen) niet te kennen, komen er

opnieuw in snelle opvolging reacties waarin erg concrete instructies worden gegeven om deze

functie te gebruiken.

[…] Briarstone [chat] i'm surprised briar hasn't renamed provinces after people in chat,

no austria i won't let you take the capital of hakkun; i didn't know that i could, i haven't been playing this game that long everybody, so what, i cou-, i could change the name of these places, i mean that would be weird to be honest, but can i, no:, you're pulling my leg, i can't change the name of these things

shenryyr Click on a province, then click on the name of the provice in the window that pops up

Hendriknl Click on the province Briarstone, then where the name is in the top.. you can click it

Themrbakit @Briarstone, click the name when you click on a province

peter_van_drone @Briarstone If you click the name in the top left where it says Brescia

Excerpt 41

Niet alle suggesties of raadgevingen van gebruikers worden door de streamer in acht genomen. In

bovenstaande interactie meldt de streamer dat ie het vreemd zou vinden om provincienamen te

veranderen – en dat ie überhaupt niet gelooft dat deze functie bestaat. Noch gaan gebruikers altijd

in acht nemen wat de streamer zegt. Tevens halen we uit bovenstaande interactie dat gebruikers

de neiging hebben om met iets “weg te lopen”, en dingen van de stream en streamer naar eigen

believen in te vullen.


In dezelfde interactie ontstaat nadien een zeker debat of discussie over de voor- en nadelen van

de functie. Dit is een ander belangrijk aspect van de on topic-interacties in de streamsessie. In

onderstaand excerpt kaderen gebruikers de hierboven beschreven functie in de bredere context

van de stream (beloning voor donaties) en spel (‘immersiveness’). De discussie vindt plaats tussen

gebruikers en de streamer:

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briarstone [...] are you kidding me, okay that ((sighs)), in another game, in another game of eu4, when i make my own, i have to make my own country, when i do that, i'll name all the places all the provinces after people, but until then, i can't, it hurts me for some reason to change some of these names because i'm trying to play this mostly mostly roleplay it to the point of i am venice and these are venetian names i don't know [...]

psychot68 just speeds up your conquest of ragusa/lika

tokryva Please don't rename provinces Briar, it loses so much immersion :(

esty6 Briar you can rename provinces from tips :)

briarstone [chat] please don't rename provinces briar, it loses so much immersion; yeah tokry yeah, at this particular moment yeah but i will rename them i swear to you, when i create, when i craft my own uhh my own country i will definitely do that

rockdog237 Briar when you create Kiinada name the provinces after patreons :D

lowercaserho It can add to immersion if you conquer some place and decide that instead of keeping the foreign name you want to name it after your current Doge,or something like that. But just random names all over the place is very meh, I agree.

briarstone [...] [chat] when you create kiinada name the provinces after patreons; there's that too. okay initially i can name it after patreons and every sort of area that i collect after that would come from donations, i think. that's good, that's a really good idea. you guys are excellent for ideas. [...]

Excerpt 42. [Nadruk toegevoegd]

Maar gebruikers gaan ook onderling discussiëren over aspecten en suggesties van het spel. In de

eerder aangehaalde interactie rond het mothballen van forten (Excerpt 35) werd de suggestie van

hendriknl een discussiepunt voor een medegebruiker:

lowercaserho Hendrik I'd say it's debatable whether mothballing fortresses is a good decision right now. Having the extra army tradition could really help him out, and he's not doing badly for money. You're *probably* right that it would be for the best, but I don't think it's a no-brainer.

[…] hendriknl Anyway Briarstone, click on for example Cyprus.. there now is a option to

tick it off and or on close to the NO OBJECTIVE button […]

lowercaserho Briar: One disadvantage of mothballing your forts (as well as them not working as forts when thye're mothballed) is that you lose out on army tradition.

hendriknl I myself find the amount of army tradition you get for those few fortresses.. not enough Rho.

esty6 I agree, the army tradition you gain is trivial compared to the money, but if you don't know what to do with money, might as well

lowercaserho You're not wrong, Hendrik. but, on the other hand, I usually find that I'm hard pushed to eke out any army tradition I can get, whereas I find I rarely struggle for money.

Excerpt 43. Lowercaserho nuanceert of forten mothballen een goede keuze is voor de streamer.

Opvallend in bovenstaande interactie is hóé hierover wordt gediscussieerd. Eerst gaat

lowercaserho in op hendriknl die de handeling suggereerde. Lowercaserho krijgt echter geen

gehoor op zijn opmerking. Meer nog, hendriknls gebruik van het woord ‘anyway’ schept de indruk

dat hendriknl het weerwoord van lowercaserho terzijde wil schuiven, ten einde de streamer zijn

eigen suggestie te doen volgen. Pas wanneer lowercaserho rechtsreeks de streamer adresseert en

zijn punt herhaalt, geeft hendriknl respons op diens nuancering. Het adresseren van de streamer

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door lowercaserho spiegelt dit gedrag, in dat lowercaserho eerst de kanttekening richt naar de

auteur van de suggestie, en bij gebrek aan respons zich op de te beïnvloeden persoon richt. Ook

voor lowercaserho leiden we af dat deze het beïnvloeden van de streamer, en de stream, als

motivatie heeft.

Niet alle discussies onderling nemen de vorm aan van een werkelijk debat waarbij het doel is om

de andere partij, of de streamer, te overtuigen van een bepaalde handeling of stelling. Het kan ook

neerkomen op het corrigeren van een foute stelling van een medegebruiker, of iets verduidelijken:

[…] meatybobaety Make sure you don't take Roma or the whole catholic world will hate you

esty6 Meatybobaety I think that's a myth

hendriknl as a protestant you can have Rome without a issue meatybobaety

hendriknl As a Catholic, you get diprep penatlies.

esty6 if you're Catholic you have a problem, but if not, they won't hate you

hendriknl One thing though, the AI cna get missions to restore the Holy See.

meatybobaety oh never knew that

lowercaserho Hendrik: If a non-Catholic has Rome than Catholics still get missions to conquer it back from them, so it can sometimes still be a bad idea, depending

hendriknl Yup Rho, I just said that :P

esty6 Lowercaserho but if you vassalize them, I don't think that mission happens

lowercaserho Oh, so you did. Sorry, Hendrik. Missed that. I'm trying to do too many things at once

hendriknl I know that feeling myself rho, no worries :)

Excerpt 44.


Niet alle raad en suggesties dat de gebruikers geven is feilloos. De streamer werd aangestuurd

door gebruikers om de diplomatieke actie ‘threaten war’ te gebruiken op een concurrerende natie

in het spel, om een provincie te bemachtigen (volledige item in 8.1.2 Threaten Ragusa). In

onderstaande excerpt speelt zich het gevolg hiervan af (volledig item in 8.1.3 Zeta naar Serbia).

De strategie draait verkeerd uit:

briarstone oka:y, accepte:d. it's now part of serbia. that. that was not what i was expecting

hendriknl Wait..

peter_van_drone LOOOOL

hendriknl wtf happened there

hendriknl Was it a serbian claim?

briarstone oh because you know what, that's- it goes to serbia because that was serbia's- that's serbia's area, they have claims on that, i didn't have claims on that. right. it was a serbian claim. i gave it back to serbia. which is you know, not what i was expecting. shit.

peter_van_drone The best part of waking up is Serbians in your cup.

shenryyr @Briarstone, you used Serbia's claim/core for threaten war. if you fabricate your own claim, then the land would go to you

[…] einen777 FailFish

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[…] rockdog237 Wooot Kiinlings we have a Briar derp :P

Excerpt 45

De streamer bekomt niet het resultaat dat hij had verwacht omdat een aspect van de diplomatieke

actie over het hoofd werd gezien. Dit hadden de gebruikers noch de streamer voorzien, ondanks

hun suggestie en sturing om deze actie uit te voeren. De eindverantwoordelijkheid voor genomen

beslissingen blijft dan ook bij de streamer. Dit vinden we ook in de reactie van Rockdog237 die

het gebeuren als een briar derp omschrijft, terwijl de suggestie en sturing van gebruikers kwam.


Naast interactie rond en met het spel werden ook interacties met de stream zelf, als medium,

genoteerd. In de streamsessie zien we drie soorten reacties of interacties op en rond de stream:

(1) reacties op notificaties, (2) reacties op technische eigenschappen of problemen van de stream,

(3) informatieve vragen naar de stream of streamer. De notificaties bestaan uit auditieve en

geanimeerde kennisgevingen wanneer een persoon op volgen heeft geduwd, een persoon een

donatie heeft gemaakt of wanneer iemand de stream heeft gehost. Hierop reageert de streamer op

een vaste manier: de boodschap bestaat altijd uit ‘hello and welcome’ waarbij de zegswijze doet

denken aan een radiopresentator.

briarstone [stream:notif:hosting-katiekat3000] Thanks Katie for the hosting!

katiekat3000 your welcome brier now i request you be insane today :p

hendriknl You request that katie? Isn't he always?

katiekat3000 well i figerd it would be a safe request of Briarstone

Excerpt 46. De streamer bedankt katiekat3000 voor het concept hosten. Dit betekent dat wanneer gebruikers naar haar streamkanaal surfen het kanaal van Briarstone te zien krijgen.

briarstone [stream:notif:follow-northernseal] northern seal! hello and welcome, always welcome here, everybody say hello, we have another member

hakkun1 Welcome to the Kiinship, NorthernSeal! :)

Excerpt 47. Gebruiker Northernseal heeft de streamer gevolgd en krijgt zijn notificatie groot in beeld. De streamer reageert hier op in een typerende wijze.

essentia_modica heya Kiinlings


briarstone [chat] and essentia is here, well hello and welcome, awesome.

Excerpt 48

wildwolve2014 @briarstone ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria o/


briarstone [chat] ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria; hello and welcome wildwolve

Excerpt 49

Een andere manier waarop op de stream wordt gereageerd is omdat er iets technisch fout is, of

vanwege een technische eigenschap van streaming in het algemeen. In onderstaand voorbeeld

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haalt Hendriknl het gegeven van de Twitch delay aan dat erg zichtbaar is omdat de streamer heeft

geopteerd om een weergave van het chatvenster in de stream overlay te plaatsen. Berichten die

in de chat worden getypt verschijnen pas negen seconden later in het chatvenster van de overlay.

Hendriknl Oh look, we can read chat in stream.. but witha delay.

esty6 So if I say something improper, I have 9 seconds to quickly get to Briar's computer and turn off the monitor before my line shows up. Good to know

Hendriknl Indeed Esty, it's all planned out :)

Excerpt 50. Het gegeven van de Twitch delay wordt onderwerp van humor

Een ander voorbeeld is de misconfiguratie in de stream overlay waarbij namen van donateurs

disproportioneel vervormd getoond. De streamer merkt dit op en probeert dit te herstellen. Hij

doet daarbij enkele uitspraken waarop wordt gereageerd door de gebruikers in de vorm van

humoristische opmerkingen.


[...] [stream:overlay:donations] eesty; why is that all squishy. i just noticed the squishy up top there. is very squishy. eesty, why is you squishy over here. wait why am i scrolling. one second. where is that donation. [stream:software:donaties] donations, stop being squishy. right. or is this too big then. eesty you don't fit in my box. i said that a little bit too loud

esty6 I'm not squishy I'm stretched hendriknl :P The Eu4 larger font overlay must also affect Esty's name Briar esty6 I don't fit and my name is only 5 letters? I hope Peter_van_drone never

becomes Dovahkiin rjmac5 Esty do you WANT to fit in Briars box? joaopsr666 Wow, Briar... You just make "that's what she said" jokes soooo easy! :D peter_van_drone Thanks for the vote of support, esty :P briarstone [chat] hah, huh, the thing is that isn't even on purpose right, that just

came out completely wrong. uhm. […]

Excerpt 51

Een gelijkaardig gegeven vindt plaats in de eerste dertig minuten van de stream, waar de nieuwe

stream overlay van Briarstone uitvoerig wordt besproken, en gebreken hieraan worden

aangekaart bij de streamer. Dit onderwerp, de gebreken in de nieuwe stream overlay, vormt de

basis voor de stream als hoofdgespreksonderwerp in de figuur over de besproken onderwerpen

(Figuur 10, 5.1 Beschrijving gegevens). In onderstaand voorbeeld wordt het probleem

gesignaleerd dat de stream overlay, die de streamer net had ontwikkeld en voor de eerste maal

gebruikte, het spel te klein maakte om te kunnen volgen. In dit gesprek, dat vijftien minuten

duurde en 120 berichten betrof, werden allerlei mogelijk opties overlopen om dit probleem op te

lossen. Uiteindelijk heeft de streamer de stream overlay terug veranderd naar hoe het daarvoor

was. Dit is interactiviteit in dat het de letterlijke wijziging van de gemedieerde omgeving in vorm

inhoudt, zoals Steuer meent.

redgecooper The game is a bit small like this.

briarstone alright let's get this game going, oh i have to, play button LET'S PLAY THEN haah [dance] so excite much excite, [chat] the game is a bit small like this; it IS redgecooper, however i had to ehmm switch around the amount of real estate that was gonna be offered for people in light of giving people other

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things that typically make it more of a channel that is recognizable as opposed to just the game i happen to be playing

Excerpt 52


In de voorbije drie deelhoofdstukken hebben we deze sociale interactie in de streamsessie

beschreven en toegelicht. Waar relevant hebben we de link gemaakt met de theoretisch concept

interactiviteit. In dit deel zullen we deze link vervolledigen.

In het vorige deelhoofdstuk gaven we het fenomeen van gebruikers als assistenten aan. Deze vorm

van interactie door spectators zien we als bevestiging van Cheung & Huang. De beschrijving dat

de twee onderzoekers geven van de assistent is nagenoeg een-op-een te vertalen naar het type

interactie dat we in de streamsessie zagen: “Spectators often have the opportunity to impact

the game in progress. [nadruk toegevoegd] Two examples of this are to act as an advisor to the

player and to help the player focus on the game. The advisor acts as a second pair of eyes, giving

the player reminders about what to do and alerts about key events that may have gone unnoticed.”

(Cheung & Huang, 2011, p. 6).

Smith et al (2013) benoemen deze raadgeving en assistentie als “co-laboring in play”. Zij

omschrijven deze co-laboring als gebruikers die de streamer zeggen iets te doen, of hem vragen

stellen, en kaderen dit in een motivatie van entertainment: “This act is for the purposes of

entertainment; the viewer is heightening their enjoyment, and hopefully others’ enjoyment, by

interacting with the performer as The Assistant.” (Smith et al., 2013, p. 136). We stellen dat het in

deze opportuniteit van co-laboring is dat we de voornaamste bron van interactiviteit vinden zoals

Steuer (1992) dit definieert. Gebruikers krijgen de mogelijkheid om het gespeelde spel en

campagne te beïnvloeden, door de streamer te overtuigen een bepaalde actie te nemen, of een

strategie te volgen. Gebruikers gaan de streamer zelfs vragen om informatie naar het spel, of om

een zicht te krijgen op iets in het spel – feitelijk het gegeven van consultational interactivity dat

Jensen (1998) aangaf. Deze informatie wordt vervolgens gebruikt in de formulering van een


Maar, Steuer maakt gewag van “the extent to which”, de mate waarin de gebruiker de omgeving

kan veranderen, en de mate van wijziging is moeilijk vast te stellen. Hoewel er bijvoorbeeld polls

werden uitgevaardigd, werden de resultaten hiervan niet altijd gevolgd. Suggesties en

geformuleerde strategieën werden vaak niet erkend, of opzijgeschoven door de streamer. De

streamer is steeds de laatste link tussen voorstel en actie. Hij voert de uiteindelijke handeling uit

in het spel, en beslist welke handeling te nemen, naar eigen keus. Hij hoeft daarbij niet de

voorstellen van de gebruikers te volgen. Daarbovenop verloopt de interactie tussen gebruikers en

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spel, via de streamer, vaak niet werkelijk vanuit dé gebruikers, maar van één gebruiker die de

streamer weet te overtuigen. Er is in de streamsessie geen sprake van werkelijk beraad in de

betekenis van een systematische overloping van de pluraliteit aan meningen, standpunten en

argumenten om vervolgens, op basis van de pluraliteit van deze meningen, en funderingen ervan,

een conclusie of zelfs compromis te vormen. Maar, daartegenover staat dat elke gebruiker wel de

mogelijkheid heeft om het spel te beïnvloeden.

Het gegeven van polls die niet gevolgd worden, maar een concrete en doorslaggevende raadgeving

wel, geeft mogelijk simpelweg het verschil in mapping aan, naar Steuers indeling. In de betekenis

dat de input van wijzigingen voornamelijk door overreding gebeurt in plaats van formele

bevraging en beraad. Het geeft aan dat gebruikers input geven overheen andere gebruikers, en

niet zozeer in samenspraak met. Wat betreft speed en range als factoren van interactiviteit zien

we in Twitch een gunstig medium. Hoewel op vlak van speed de gewijzigde synchroniciteit voor

een oponthoud in feedback op een bericht zorgt, geeft sociale interactie als medium voor

interactiviteit een erg grote range. Gebruikers zijn vrijwel onbeperkt in wijzigingsmogelijkheden

omdat de streamer over dezelfde mogelijkheden in het spel bezit die gebruikers hebben wanneer

zij het spel zelf spelen. Dit laatste gegeven geldt voor vrijwel alle games op Twitch: de streamers

hebben min of meer dezelfde speelmogelijkheden- en eventueel ervaringen als dat hun kijkers

hebben, exclusief persoonlijke factoren als skill en dergelijke. Stelt een gebruiker in eigen spel

handeling A, dan is het triviaal deze handeling te communiceren naar de streamer zodat deze ook

handeling A treft.

Een ander aspect van de interactiviteit is dat van wisselwerking, waar interactiviteit in de grond

om gaat. Een grote eigenschap van de interactiviteit, als wijziging van omgeving, is het gegeven

van een loop, een terugkerende wisselwerking, die middels communicatie overheen verschillende

contexten gaat. Naar dit gegeven van een loop werd al gehint in kader van de karakterisering van

de streamer (5.2.4 Humor). We gaan dit nu verder uitwerken aan de hand van de interactie rond

‘threaten war’ (8.1.2 Threaten Ragusa). Hierin suggereert een gebruiker een specifieke handeling

aan de streamer. De streamer citeert dit bericht en geeft aan dat dit hem onbekend is, maar dat hij

erover zal nadenken. De streamer leest hardop de bijhorende tekst bij de functie en geeft een

inhoudelijke opmerking. De gebruiker combineert deze opmerking met zijn oorspronkelijke

suggestie, en de suggestie ontwikkelt zich tot strategie. Hierop volgt een discussie tussen

gebruikers die de suggestie en strategie afwegen tegenover een alternatief. Tijdens een plaspauze

neemt de streamer de tijd om deze beslissing in beraad te nemen met de aangehaalde

discussiepunten. Hij beslist individueel de gesuggereerde strategie te volgen. Streamer en

gebruikers hebben echter een (gameplay)technische eigenschap gemist van het spel waardoor de

suggestie zijn gewenste effect mist, met zelfs een negatief gevolg. Dit gevolg wordt met veel humor

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onthaald. Abstract kunnen we dit beschouwen als een brok informatie (de oorspronkelijke

suggestie) die vertrekt vanuit een gebruiker, langs de streamer gaat, terugkomt bij de gebruiker

en verder aangepast en uitgewerkt wordt, discussie en debat van andere gebruikers ondergaat,

wordt uitgevoerd door de streamer, en vervolgens een trigger voor verdere interactie wordt.

Het gevolg dat er aan het effect van de uitvoering wordt gegeven in de chatruimte kunnen we

aangeven middels de uiting van de zin ‘we have a briar derp’. Er is een indirecte link ontstaan

tussen de oorspronkelijke suggestie van een gebruiker, en de vorming van het personage

Briarstone. Dit zien we tevens terugkomen in het onderzoek van Ramirez et al naar het Twitch-

fenomeen ‘Twitch Plays Pokémon’ (2014). In dit TPP-event konden Twitch-gebruikers massaal

het Gameboy-spel Pokémon spelen door middel van gecoördineerde chatberichten.

Chatberichten in het streamkanaal werden omgezet naar commando’s in het gestreamde spel

(‘UP’, ‘DOWN’, ‘A’, ‘B’, e.d.). Tijdens het spelen van dit spel hadden kwaadwillenden een aantal van

de gevangen Pokémon vrijgelaten met de pc in het spel. Dat object, de pc, werd vervolgens in de

overleveringen en cultuur rond de stream geïncorporeerd als representatie van het kwaad, met

het gevolg dat de pc niet meer werd gebruikt. De analogie tussen het fenomeen in TPP en in dit

onderzoek vinden we enerzijds in de omzetting van communicatie naar handeling, van handeling

naar (onmiddellijk) effect en van effect naar de (lange termijn) vorming van het interactiekader.

Ook zien we de vorming van verhaal en karakter (“lore”) terugkomen op basis van een gebeurtenis

in het spel – zoals het geval was in bovenstaande aangehaalde interactie, maar ook een essentiële

component is van de humor in de streamsessie (5.2.4).

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In dit onderzoek wilden we in kaart brengen hoe gebruikers interageren in de chat van een

Twitch-kanaal met de streamer, elkaar en het gestreamde spel. We wilden een beeld krijgen op de

sociale interactie tussen gebruikers en de streamer, en de interactiviteit ten aanzien van het spel.

Tevens wilden we nagaan in welke mate chaos, dat met stip werd aangegeven in literatuur rond

CMC, zich doorzette op een communicatiemedium dat vergezeld wordt van een audiovisuele



Wat betreft de laatste vraag hebben we in de analyse en beschrijving van communicatie en

interacties ondervonden hoe chaotisch en ongestructureerd deze communicatie op Twitch-chat

verloopt. Het chatmedium schikt de gesprekken chronologisch en gebruikers structureren hun

berichten zo goed als niet volgens traditionele conversatiegewoontes. Maar we hebben ook

ontdekt dat er overheen de streamsessie een sterke focus bestaat. Voornaamste vorm van gesprek

is de raadgeving van gebruikers aan de streamer over het spel. Deze raad strekt van oppervlakkige

suggesties tot vrij uitgewerkte strategieën, en geeft aan dat gebruikers gemotiveerd zijn om de

streamer bij te staan conform het assistent-profiel van Cheung & Huang (2011). Hoewel de

typische neiging van conversatie op CMC om van koers te varen nog steeds sterk aanwezig is,

merken we dat dit voor een groot stuk opgevangen wordt door de aanwezigheid van stream en

streamer. We stellen vast dat Simpsons bevinding over het afwijken van gespreksonderwerp

(2005, p. 341) weliswaar klopt, maar dat de stream ervoor zorgt dat het gespreksonderwerp

onophoudelijk opnieuw in de chat wordt ingeleid. Afwijkingen van het hoofdonderwerp kennen

geen volledige doorontwikkeling (of ontsporing) gezien enkele tijd erna de stream of streamer

toch terug opnieuw een on topic-onderwerp aanbrengt. Dit is het voornaamste verschil met

traditionele CMC, waar het onderwerp of aanleiding van de chatruimte statisch blijft, en de

discussie dynamisch verloopt. We concluderen dan ook dat interactie in de stream zich voor een

groot stuk centreert rond het gestreamde spel en dat de stream met het spel, een sturende

uitwerking heeft op de chatinteractie.

De wijze waarop gebruikers interageren – de sociale interactie – kent een aantal specifieke

eigenschappen. De synchrone communicatievorm waarbij gebruikers met andere gebruikers,

bericht per bericht, communiceren schept dezelfde communicatieve beperkingen en

mogelijkheden als dat deze bekend zijn voor irc. Ook zien we hier dezelfde gesprekstechnieken

gebruikt worden die de literatuurstudie aangaven, zoals adressering, quoting en linking.

Adressering brengt een zekere mate van structuur in gesprekken, in dat te volgen is wie tegen wie

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praat, maar vanwege het inconsequente gebruik menen we dat adressering voornamelijk wordt

gebruikt om de aandacht van de gesprekspartner te bevangen, conform de vaststelling van Werry

(1996). In de gesprekstechnieken adressering, dat wordt toegepast door de gebruikers, en

linking/quoting dat voornamelijk wordt toegepast door de streamer, zien we een overhand van

de streamer als recipiënt. Dit gekoppeld met de frequente vermelding van de streamer, waarbij

deze als gespreksonderwerp aan bod komt, maakt dat we concluderen dat de interactie zich ook

hoofdzakelijk centreert rond de streamer. Tevens stellen we dat deze sociale interactie het

sterkste terugkomt, niet in individuele interacties, maar in de community die er rond de

streamer(s) heerst.

We zagen namelijk hoe de chatruimte en stream tevens een sociale ruimte vormt in de stream,

virtual community conform Rheingold (1993), waar gebruikers een persoonlijke band

ontwikkelen. Dit uit zich in kiinship, de naamgeving van de streamer en gebruikers voor het

‘clubje’ Briarstone-fans. Rond dit gegeven van kiinship bevindt zich een kader van normen en

regels (ingegeven door de streamer) die gebieden hoe geïnterageerd wordt in de chat, middels

moderatie. Ook biedt deze kiinship een kader aan voor de sociale interactie, waar lopende grapjes

bestaan en een bepaald idee aanwezig is over wie de streamer is en waar hij voor staat. Deze

community centreert zich dan ook voornamelijk rond de streamer, en aanverwanten zoals

community- en PR-manager essentia_modica, maar ook rond andere streamers zoals Quill18 en

Shenryyr. Hieraan verwant zien we ook het belang van humor. Doorheen alle interacties loopt een

speelse en lichtvoetige wijze van communiceren, waarbij humor centraal staat, maar niet zozeer

een objectief is. Deze speelsheid komt tevens ook aan bod in de manier waarop gebruikers met de

streamer interageren, in dat zij hem karakteristieken aanmeten op een voornamelijk luchtige en

grappige wijze, middels ludieke verwijzingen en gebruik van de streamer als onderwerp van

humor. Er wordt niet zozeer mét de streamer gelachen, als dat er óm hem wordt gelachen. We

concluderen dat gebruikers interageren op een pertinent speelse en ludieke wijze, en dat er ook

een grote focus op entertainment bestaat, naast de raadgeving.

In de streamsessie valt ook een zekere mate van professionaliteit op. De chatinteractie wordt naar

een set van regels gemodereerd, er wordt een vaste planning van streaming gehanteerd, er is

software aanwezig in het waarmee polls afgenomen worden en de chat gemodereerd wordt, de

streamer heeft een community/PR-manager in dienst die middels Facebook en andere kanalen

communicatie onderhoudt met fans, er is een overlay die de stream zelf linkt aan vaste of

donerende kijkers. Dat allemaal terwijl de streamer dit niet professioneel, fulltime, beoefent. De

bovenstaande voorbeelden van deze professionaliteit zijn ook terug te vinden bij de live-dj’s in

het onderzoek van Shamma et al (2009). Deze technieken zijn met andere woorden niet eigen aan

de streamer, waaruit we afleiden dat er min of meer een framework bestaat van gewoonten en

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best practices waar streamers methodieken uit lenen om met chatruimtes om te gaan, en dit niet

meer zelf individueel moeten exploreren.

Uit dit onderzoek halen we tevens dat Twitch een unieke vorm van interactiviteit biedt. Hoewel

de afzonderlijke delen niet uniek zijn, is de combinatie ervan in een commercieel mainstream

platform dat wel. Waar live videogamestreaming in principe mogelijk is met een webcam,

opnamesoftware en wat vrienden, biedt Twitch de kracht van een mediaplatform aan, waar

honderd miljoen gebruikers per maand streams massaal kunnen toeschouwen en in interageren.

De mate van interactiviteit stoelt zich op de invloed dat gebruikers hebben op de stream, hoe de

streamsessie hierrond is opgebouwd, en op de mate van sociale interactie dat het medium toelaat,

ondanks alle beperkingen van CMC. De resultaten geven aan dat een gebruiker middels discussie,

overleg en overtuiging van de streamer zijn visie en idee kan doorzetten in de campagne van de

streamer, en zo in vrij grote mate meer speler dan kijker kan worden. Op basis van de resultaten

komen we tot de conclusie dat Twitch een erg grote potentie biedt voor gebruikers om met het

spel te interageren.

Tenslotte hebben we de interactiviteit in de streamsessie besproken. We kwamen tot de conclusie

dat gebruikers veel mogelijkheden hebben tot interactiviteit als wijziging van hun omgeving. Ook

zagen we hoe er een wederkerig effect plaatsvindt tussen gebruikers, streamer en de stream, en

dat deze elkaar bestendigt. Maar we zagen ook hoe we hier enkele kanttekeningen bij moeten

plaatsen. Interactiviteit is voornamelijk aanwezig in de vorm van co-laboring in play, waarbij de

streamer uiteindelijk de werkelijke labor uitvoert. Tevens gaat invloed hoofdzakelijk uit van een

enkele gebruiker die zijn idee weet door te zetten, en niet zozeer ‘de gebruikers’.

Uit het gebruik van de theoretische concepten interactie en interactiviteit concluderen we dat dit

problematische concepten zijn in de praktijk. Rafaeli en Steuer beschrijven onderdelen ervan:

sociale interactie waaruit interactiviteit vloeit, en interactiviteit als resultaat van wijziging. Maar

op basis van dergelijke beschrijvingen is het moeilijk te stellen of iets werkelijk interactief is of

niet. We menen dat beschrijvingen iets missen, iets dat wij als mensen echter wel aanvoelen: ‘is

dit interactief of niet?’. Maar een dergelijke vraag in operationaliseerbare termen vatten is

problematisch, gelijkaardig aan hoe dit problematisch is voor containerbegrippen zoals

rechtvaardigheid, privacy en dergelijke. We stellen dus dat definities en categorisaties niet

voldoen om de interactiviteit van handelingen en berichten te bepalen – niet op een manier

waarbij we het concept nog werkelijk kunnen omvatten. Op basis hiervan concluderen we dat

interactiviteit beter intuïtief kan bepaald worden. We zien intuïtief op de wijze waarop de Turing

Test dit toepast. In deze test moeten onderzoekers, na een periode van (chat)communicatie via

een computer, naar gevoel beoordelen of de gespreksparticipant menselijk of artificieel is

(Shieber, 1994). Er bestaan andere technieken om AI te beoordelen, maar als mens een andere

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entiteit als intelligent beschouwen is ons inziens de breedste, en duidelijkste erkenning van

menselijke intelligentie. Met een dergelijke menselijke beoordeling, hoewel sterk subjectief, kan

interactiviteit duidelijker bestudeerd worden.


In dit onderzoek hebben we verder zicht gekregen op een medium waar nog niet veel zicht op is.

We zien hoe het fundamentele eigenschappen van andere CMC, met name irc, bevat, maar toch

sterk anders uitwerkt vanwege het streamingaspect. We hebben ook meer inzicht verschaft in hoe

mensen interageren op CMC, en op Twitch. Dit onderzoek bevestigd veel eerdere stellingen – van

onder andere Cheung & Huang (2011), Hamilton et al (2014), Shamma et al (2009), Herring (1999,

2003, 2008), Smith et al (2013) – en voegt hier concrete invullingen en uitwerkingen aan toe.

Daarbij hebben we kanttekeningen weten formuleren bij interactiviteit als theoretisch en

praktisch concept.

We moeten wel enkele beperkingen van dit onderzoek aanduiden. Allereerst betreft het een

exploratieve, kwalitatieve studie naar een enkele streamsessie. Dit kan veralgemening naar de

bredere context van streamsessies of -kanalen moeilijk maken. Enkele aspecten die aan bod

kwamen in de interacties, zoals de sterke aanwezigheid van raadgeving en het gegeven van een

vrij hechte community, zullen sterk gebonden zijn aan de streamer zelf, diens karakter en

speelervaring. Een verdere toetsing van de bevindingen kan nuttig zijn hierin duidelijkheid te

bieden. Tevens is het moeilijk om uitspraken te doen over berichten, buiten of binnen een

interactie-item, waarop niet gereageerd werd omwille van het aspect aandacht. Er werd niet

vastgelegd of een persoon werkelijk aanwezig was aan het gebruikte toestel, of zijn/haar aandacht

op de chat en/of stream had. Daartoe zou een mixed-methods approach, met gebruik van

dagboeken en interviews, aangeraden zijn. Ten slotte blijft de invulling van interactiviteit als

concept vrij vaag. Het valt moeilijk te operationaliseren naar iets inhoudelijk meetbaar én


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01:00:02 briarstone

[...] [game:notif:aspectoffaith] he:y. i could pick an aspect of faith, what. oooh. [game:religion] show aspects of faith; he:y. this is so cool. alright. so. [game:religion:aspectoffaith] unit prestige; he:y, oeh, because of prayer. moral of armies; that's pretty good. discipline. missionary strength goes up, stability cost modifier and development cost; you know what i'm gonna do [glance]. i:'m gonna give you gu:ys (.) poll open. we're gonna go:

01:00:37 peter_van_drone Icons all day!

01:01:29 wildwolve2014 votes for soiimething ... but don't know what it does :P

01:01:35 einen777 There are more in the list

01:01:45 hendriknl There are more in the list indeed Briarstone

01:01:46 peter_van_drone what are these people doing, missionary strength. what are you, sunni?

01:02:09 briarstone [chat] there are more in the list; holy shit. [screen] my brain cannot handle this. right so uhh national unrest, right, so that's cool.

01:02:23 peter_van_drone Or is it Shia in EUIV that gives the Missionary Strength bonus?

01:02:23 einen777 Unrest -1 could be fancy.

01:02:26 esty6 kebab will fall Peter, needs missionary strength <message deleted>

01:02:31 cherokeeguy I meant to vote discipline, but I miss-typed. :(

01:02:31 einen777 Or idea cost.

01:02:43 briarstone [chat] unrest -1 could be fancy

01:02:45 hendriknl Unrest, Manpower recovery and Discpline are the best Briar :)

01:02:50 briarstone [chat] or idea cost; minus five percent idea cost, is that every idea because that's hu:ge

01:02:54 peter_van_drone

@Briarstone Individual Creeds will give you 20 less points per idea, a saving of about 1400 over the game, which is a free technology or two.

01:03:19 briarstone

[chat] individual creeds would give you twenty points per idea, saving over the game about a technology or two; you know what you're right, that idea cost hhrgnh, i will select that one, at least for now because the earlier i select that one the better

01:04:03 hendriknl The Rep tradition +0.1 is so.. underpowered.

01:04:13 hendriknl that's almost 1 tradition per 10 years..

01:04:28 peter_van_drone Hendrik, at those savings, how could you not?!

01:04:36 hendriknl :P

01:04:44 briarstone

uhmm, [chat] the republican tradition uhh, plus, is also is so underpowered; one tradition per (.) that's okay, we took the other one. peter van drone man, thank you for that math, you really helped me with that decision there, i liked it, i liked it a lot

01:04:53 essi2 @HendrikNL, It's is ontop of any other modifiers though

01:05:04 hendriknl Even then Essi.. It's still useless.

01:05:53 essi2 @HendrikNL, Not untrue, just saying. If you can bounce back from over spending Tradition, it might be too powerful

01:06:09 hendriknl I agree to that Essi.

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1:18:29 briarstone

[...] [game:event:fabricatingclaim-ragusa] my serene doge we have been informed by the commander of the guard in kosovo, ragusa has been discovered fabricating a claim on our province kosovo; rea:lly. i'm gonna mu:rder you:. murder, super murder. in fact (.)

1:18:47 peter_van_drone Oh, Ragusa. I'm going to miss you :(

1:18:56 hendriknl Briarstone, can you not threaten Ragusa?

1:19:14 briarstone

[chat] briar, can you not threaten the ragusa?; ooh well i-, oh, oh, great idea. threatening war, what can i do:. oh my god. i could take zeta. but then i'll be in a truce with them, how long will that be, [game:diplo:threatenwar-ragusa] there will be a truce until the 18th of march 1518, so five year truce. hmmmmmm

1:19:16 peter_van_drone It's not a threat, Hendrik, he's making a promise.

1:19:26 hendriknl They would accept

1:19:46 briarstone

five year truce, you know what. i'm gonna go to the bathroom, i'm gonna go pee, i'm gonna be right back as i debate this, because here's the thing, i could declare, threaten war, take something, right, i could just take one thing, and have a truce for five years, or i can declare war and just take it all. hmmm.

1:19:48 hendriknl 5 year truce, and then you ask again briarstone

1:19:49 peter_van_drone Ehhh. It would link up your territory...

1:19:54 esty6 why threaten when you can annhilate

1:20:13 briarstone

[chat] five years truce and then you ask again; just take things by way of ((hah)), then i don't have to spend any- there's no bloodshedness. imma think about it, i'll be right back everybody, one mo:ment

1:20:24 einen777 Seemed like a lot of AE for one province.

1:20:24 wildwolve2014 or briarstone copuld ask the borg to assimilate them for him :D :P

1:20:26 peter_van_drone

BUT, you're missing the chance to take over their territory AND Lika/Zagreb. I think the important factor in the war is that you get to attack Hungary without Hungarys allies.

1:20:31 hendriknl I'm quite sure, that it will be war anyway :P

1:20:41 lowercaserho Briar: Get some claims going on the Pope, Florence, and Sienna so you can threaten war over there as well.

1:20:59 peter_van_drone The only reason you haven't gone to war with Hungary so far is that they have powerful allies.

1:21:35 hakkun1 I've been slacking on my EUIV watching/playing since Cossacks. Could you annex an OPM with threaten war?

1:21:45 briarstone

well greetings, and i am back, didn't take me long ((hah)), i'm gonna get back to the game then, where is it, where gonna threaten war. now here's the thing, i want zeta, because specifically, uhm, it's coastal. right. it's coastal. and ragusa next, maybe, i don't know if i can do that. but i want zeta, zeta is mi:ne (.)

1:21:45 shenryyr no you cannot

1:21:47 peter_van_drone No, I dont think it works for Full Annex.

1:21:55 shenryyr you can't take a nation's capital, so you cannot annex them fully via threaten war

1:22:05 hakkun1 Cool, thanks Shen and Peter. :) 1:22:16 hendriknl Raska however would connect your land.. If you threaten that is.

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1:22:23 briarstone oka:y, accepte:d. it's now part of serbia. that. that was not what i was expecting (.)

1:22:26 hendriknl Wait..

1:22:27 peter_van_drone LOOOOL

1:22:30 hendriknl wtf happened there

1:22:39 hendriknl Was it a serbian claim?

1:22:43 briarstone

oh because you know what, that's- it goes to serbia because that was serbia's- that's serbia's area, they have claims on that, i didn't have claims on that. right. it was a serbian claim. i gave it back to serbia. which is you know, not what i was expecting. shit.

1:22:44 peter_van_drone The best part of waking up is Serbians in your cup.

1:22:49 shenryyr @Briarstone, you used Serbia's claim/core for threaten war. if you fabricate your own claim, then the land would go to you

1:22:54 shenryyr exactly Kappa

1:23:04 hendriknl Well damn..

1:23:05 esty6 Briar perhaps you can threaten Ragusa, and then declare on Hungary and Ragusa won't join because of the truce

1:23:07 einen777 FailFish

1:23:08 briarstone

[chat] if i fabricated my own claim there i would- oh my go:d. okay it's fine, whatever man, i pushed them around, they lost some amount of prestige i'm sure. alright. fuck fuck fuck. super fuck.

1:23:12 peter_van_drone

@Briarstone Well, might as well Diplo-Annex Serbia now, since you missed the chance to take Ragusa and some of Hungary in war. :P

1:23:22 briarstone

[...] [chat] briar, perhaps you could threaten ragusa and declare on hungary and ragusa won't join because the truce; he:y, wow what, what was that, you could threaten ragusa and declare on hungary, and ragusa won't join because of the truce. i don't understand what you're saying at the moment but i will figure it out

1:23:37 hendriknl Ragusa can join a defensive war Esty6

1:23:44 esty6 oh never mind them

1:23:49 esty6 then

1:23:55 rockdog237 Wooot Kiinlings we have a Briar derp :P

1:24:05 shenryyr

@Esty6, truces only affect offensive wars. defensive will likely be joined unless they are heavily in debt or in another war

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0:05:09 katiekat3000 ok Briarstone's tittel confusd me for a seckend becuse thers a game caled merchint of vennis XD

0:05:43 lowercaserho Could be worse, Katie. You could have thought he was about to take up Shakesperean stage acting.

0:05:53 lowercaserho The quality of Briar is not strained, etc. etc.

0:06:14 katiekat3000 lowercaserho, dont plz no it s to early for mentel images likethat

0:06:32 hakkun1 If you prick Briar, does he not bleed? Actually, bad example..

0:08:19 rockdog237 hakkun, To Briar or not to Briar that's the question

0:08:44 lowercaserho We're saving that for if he plays Denmark, Rockdog :D

0:09:01 hakkun1 lol, Rockdog and Rho. :)

0:09:16 rockdog237 lol rho well played well played

0:09:41 lowercaserho (Though I am pretty sure that there is something rotten in the state of Venice too)

0:10:18 hakkun1 Actually, Venice owns Verona, correct? Hark, what light in yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Briar is the sun.

0:10:40 rockdog237 lol omg hakkun pls

0:10:40 briarstone Hakkun just said that I was 'bright'.

0:10:48 hendriknl So, how close is Briarstone to never have the sun set in his empire?

0:11:23 lowercaserho But the best thing is, every in game year, nnear the end of June, we get to believe that Briar was enamoured of an ass.

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8.1.5 KEBAB

1:02:26 esty6 kebab will fall Peter, needs missionary strength <message deleted> 1:03:14 essi2 lol, what happened to Esty6? 1:03:20 esty6 dunno 1:03:37 cherokeeguy Essi2, Probably a spoiler. 1:03:52 essi2 A spoiler for what? XD 1:04:01 cherokeeguy I don't know. lol 1:04:12 rockdog237 or using kebab without sauce :P 1:04:35 wildwolve2014 naaa great rockdog .. now i want kebab ö.ö

1:05:47 hakkun1

Just a quick heads up to everyone, calling the Ottomans 'kebab' is not going to be acceptable in chat (See rule "no -isms") Thanks for understanding

1:06:06 esty6 Ottoman is a dead country though

1:06:57 hakkun1 It's a term that is used derogatorily to people in modern times, tho.

1:08:15 peter_van_drone For a real world reference, I am 100% behind Russia giving Armenia arms to fight against Turkey. It's like we're reliving EUIV.

1:08:25 einen777 Can we still call Venice olive oil swilling retreat specialists? 1:08:48 hakkun1 lol, Einen. I'd prefer you'd not, tbh. ;)

1:09:19 hendriknl Hehe Hakkun, if you had to moderate for Arumba you'd go crazy with him calling something.. kebab

1:09:34 peter_van_drone Different chat standards, Hendrik. 1:09:44 hendriknl Yeah, that indeed. I prefer this one :) 1:09:47 hakkun1 lol, Thankfully, this isn't Arumba's stream. :)

1:10:01 peter_van_drone

Though to be fair I assume Hakkun would have no problem with the word kebab if the subject of the current stream, were, say, Briar is eating a doner kebab.

1:10:13 hendriknl Now i'm hungry.. thanks Peter. 1:10:19 esty6 I love kebab, it's called 'pinchos' in Spanish

1:10:20 briarstone

[chat] although to be fair i assume hakkun would have no problem with the word kebab if the subject of the current stream were, say, briar eating a doner kebab; yeah a donair, a donair would be delicious right now. but calling people names, yeah let's not do that

1:10:36 peter_van_drone Wait. 1:10:29 hakkun1 Of course, Peter. :) 1:10:43 hendriknl Calling people names? I name you.. hakkun!

1:10:53 peter_van_drone What if this is like Rick And Morty, and Briar travels to another dimension where the people are Kebabs. I am so confused!

1:11:01 hakkun1 lol, that hurts Hendrik. Give me your shoulder.

1:11:08 essi2 STAHP talking about kebabs! I'm 5 miles from the nearest kebab restaurant atm :P

1:11:10 hendriknl Stay out of it! 1:11:19 wildwolve2014 aaawww guys stop talking about doner kebabs ... im hungry >_>

1:11:25 briarstone

[chat] stahp talking about kebab i'm five miles from the nearest kebab restaurant at the moment; awwww i'm sad, i'm sad for you. so that's where my empathy is right there. […]

1:11:47 einen777 I'm English and I don't mind people calling me 'tea snorting'.

1:11:49 esty6

in my home city there was a wave of kebab restaurants opening up, I loved that! but then it all imploded and now I don't think there's one

1:12:11 esty6 at one point I had 2 within 2 blocks of my house :) 1:12:49 psychot68 were I'm at, speidies are a thing 1:13:21 psychot68 spiedies thatis

1:13:04 hakkun1 Einen777, *I* mind if people call you derogatory names. *Briar* minds. He wants people to feel comfortable in chat. :)

1:13:23 hendriknl You Sofa you hakkun 1:13:51 hendriknl See? That's a great insult.. Sofa's are comfortable..

1:14:25 einen777 But what if I'm secretly a troll and I can only feel comfortable by insulting people? KappaRoss KappaRoss

1:14:35 peter_van_drone Then this is the wrong chat for you, Einen. 1:14:38 hendriknl Too bad for you Einen?

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INTERACTIE-ITEM (nummer: onderwerp) Het hele interactie-item in tabel met alle relevante berichten, met nummering en tijdsaanduiding.


Stream: Gebeurtenis of vaststelling in of over stream (overlay; notificatie; ..). Game: Gegeven in game (gebeurtenis; status wereld; ..) Streamer: Uitspraak of handeling van streamer (nummer van de uitspraak van transcriptie) Gebruiker: Bericht of handeling gebruiker (nummer van de boodschap van de gebruiker)

Algemene beschrijving aanleiding

Beschrijving van de aanleiding van de (eerste) boodschappen in de interactie.

ONDERWERP Schetsing verloop van de interactie: Thick Description.

Schetsing evolutie van onderwerpen: Samenvatting thick description over dimensie onderwerp.

Vaststelling hoofdonderwerp: Rode draad overheen evolutie onderwerpen.

TURN-TAKING STRATEGIE A: persoon die boodschap verstuurde werd geselecteerd B: persoon die boodschap verstuurde selecteerde zichzelf C: persoon die boodschap verstuurde ging verder op eerdere boodschap van zichzelf X: persoon die boodschap verstuurde refereert naar iemand Y: persoon die boodschap verstuurde refereert niet

Dit wordt per boodschap binnen de interactie genoteerd.

MATE VAN INTERACTIVITEIT 1: Twee-wegscommunicatie 2: Reactieve communicatie 3: Volledig interactieve communicatie

Dit wordt bepaald voor het hele item, met evt. beschrijving.


Figuur 1: Streampagina ................................................................................................................................................ 10

Figuur 2. 'Copypasta' op Twitch-chat, overgenomen uit ([Reynad], 2016) ............................................ 25

Figuur 3: Schematische voorstelling van gebruikersinteractie op Twitch ............................................. 27

Figuur 4: Aantal berichten van de 20 actiefste gebruikers over hele streamsessie ............................ 34

Figuur 5: Aantal berichten per twintig minuten ................................................................................................ 34

Figuur 6: Aantal berichten per tien minuten ....................................................................................................... 34

Figuur 7. Schematische voorstelling van een interactie ................................................................................. 36

Figuur 8: Verhouding on/off topic berichten over tijd .................................................................................... 37

Figuur 9: Twitch Chat Mentions. Overgenomen uit Price (2014) ............................................................... 47

Figuur 10: Verhouding gespreksonderwerpen naar aantal berichten overheen streamsessie ..... 51

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Dit is de gecleande chatlog waarop de interactie-items werden opgesteld.

13:49:08 <esty6> musicz 13:49:44 <lowercaserho> That time of day already? Well, if you insit. Hi, all! 13:50:02 <briarstone> Grrrrrrrreetings! 13:50:32 <rockdog237> GRRRRRRRRRRReeeeeting Briar & fellow kiinlings 13:50:40 <briarstone> Rrrrrrrockdog! 13:50:55 <briarstone> I spy a Rho. 13:51:05 <briarstone> and an Esty 13:51:22 <rockdog237> nice job on the overlay Briar looks freaking epic 13:51:28 <dramravett> morning .... semd to up at the same time Briarstone strats :) coolz 13:51:29 <essi2> Time to Conquer the World! 13:51:30 <lowercaserho> Morning, Briar. Evening, Rockdog. batsLeft akiss4BELLAWAT batsRight 13:51:42 <briarstone> Thanks, worked on it all day yesterday. 13:52:03 <rockdog237> Evening Rho 13:52:06 <briarstone> Changed the buttons down below as well. 13:52:19 <dramravett> has bella got in to the red bull again she got wings :P 13:52:20 <shmonkeyshmonks> good morrow kind people :-) 13:52:35 <briarstone> ShmonkeyShmonks, I see you! 13:52:43 <rockdog237> ShmonkeyShmonks, o/ 13:52:45 <briarstone> Thanks for that hosting! 13:53:02 <joaopsr666> Heeeey! 13:53:25 <rockdog237> Joao o/ 13:53:59 <katiekat3000> ok Briarstone's tittel confusd me for a seckend becuse thers a game caled merchint of vennis XD 13:54:00 <joaopsr666> hey Rockdog! 13:54:20 <hakkun1> Hello everyone! 13:54:31 <dramravett> so what are we going to do today brain ? 13:54:33 <lowercaserho> Could be worse, Katie. You could have thought he was about to take up Shakesperean stage acting. 13:54:35 <katiekat3000> hay Rockdog237 hay Hakkun1 13:54:40 <hendriknl> What is this... Biar streaming on a thursday? That has never happened before *cough* 13:54:43 <lowercaserho> The quality of Briar is not strained, etc. etc. 13:54:45 <hendriknl> Hey folks! 13:54:53 <rockdog237> Katie o/ 13:54:53 *briarstone continues the coughing. 13:54:53 <hakkun1> Hey Hendrik! 13:55:04 <katiekat3000> lowercaserho, dont plz no it s to early for mentel images likethat 13:55:10 <hendriknl> Oh look, we can read chat in stream.. but witha delay. 13:55:18 <teksura> yo 13:55:22 <hakkun1> If you prick Briar, does he not bleed? Actually, bad example.. 13:55:38 <hakkun1> Hey Tek! 13:55:39 <hendriknl> Hey Teksura :) 13:56:01 <esty6> So if I say something improper, I have 9 seconds to quickly get to Briar's computer and turn off the monitor before my line shows up. Good to know 13:56:15 <briarstone> Thanks Katie for the hosting! 13:56:20 <hakkun1> :) Morning Esty! :) 13:56:22 <hendriknl> Indeed Esty, it's all planned out :) 13:56:27 <dramravett> who dose you art work Briarstone is some of the ahsome looking things 13:56:52 <katiekat3000> your welcome brier now i request you be insane today :p 13:57:09 <rockdog237> hakkun, To Briar or not to Briar that's the question 13:57:11 <hakkun1> Hey Dram! 13:57:11 <hendriknl> You request that katie? Isn't he always? 13:57:17 <proudnitro> is he afk? 13:57:23 <dramravett> hey Hakkun1 :) 13:57:34 <lowercaserho> We're saving that for if he plays Denmark, Rockdog :D 13:57:38 <hakkun1> Proudnitro, he'll be on in a couple of minutes. :) 13:57:48 <redgecooper> Greetings, Kiin. 13:57:49 <proudnitro> hakkun1, thanks 13:57:51 <hakkun1> lol, Rockdog and Rho. :) 13:57:52 <hendriknl> Hey Redge :) 13:57:56 <hakkun1> Hey Redge!

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13:58:02 <katiekat3000> well i figerd it would be a safe request of Briarstone 13:58:06 <rockdog237> lol rho well played well played 13:58:07 <esty6> he's preparing the scenes, rearranging the windows, wearing the headset, feeding the vassals, you know the typical pre-stream stuff 13:58:28 <hendriknl> murdering the infidels, drinking alcoholic beverages. 13:58:29 <proudnitro> i've never watched europa before or played it 13:58:29 <briarstone> Hosting notification should be working, but it's in beta with this new program so it may not initially. 13:58:31 <lowercaserho> (Though I am pretty sure that there is something rotten in the state of Venice too) 13:58:46 <redgecooper> One advantage of being home sick is I get to watch Briars thusday jag-a-ma-thing. 13:58:47 <vosoros> Hello fellow banans...oh wait, you're not bananas...that's just me. No wait...the words crazy. Oh bugger it! :P 13:58:50 <dramravett> baconGame pinupPlay baconHype 13:58:52 <briarstone> Two hosts already this morning and no notification, so I'm guessing the bugs need to be worked out. 13:58:56 <hendriknl> Hey Vosoros :) 13:59:08 <hakkun1> Actually, Venice owns Verona, correct? Hark, what light in yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Briar is the sun. 13:59:18 <hakkun1> Hey Vos! :) 13:59:21 <vosoros> I has added some music cos I now like Nightbot again. YAY 13:59:24 <vosoros> :D 13:59:30 <rockdog237> lol omg hakkun pls 13:59:30 <briarstone> Hakkun just said that I was 'bright'. 13:59:31 <vosoros> !songlist 13:59:31 <nightbot> Vosoros -> The song list for this channel is available at 13:59:38 <hendriknl> So, how close is Briarstone to never have the sun set in his empire? 13:59:50 <proudnitro> how can a channel have 100k views and only 3k follows? 13:59:58 <hendriknl> We watch a lot ProudNitro 14:00:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 14:00:07 <proudnitro> oh haha 14:00:10 <vosoros> Fear not Briar, I has added a Briar winning game music bit. It's called: FOR THE WIN 14:00:11 <briarstone> loyal community ProudNitro :) 14:00:13 <lowercaserho> But the best thing is, every in game year, nnear the end of June, we get to believe that Briar was enamoured of an ass. 14:00:22 <esty6> Proudnitro nothing is conventional in this channel, whatever rule is there that can be broken, will be broken 14:00:23 <esty6> Proudnitro nothing is conventional in this channel, whatever rule is there that can be broken, will be broken 14:00:32 *vosoros prepares for fail...erhhhh, I mean winning! :P 14:00:47 <rockdog237> what esty said :D 14:00:53 <proudnitro> i'm trying to decide if i want to get EU4 14:00:59 <esty6> I saw a hosting popup 14:01:01 <hendriknl> Oh, look.. a popup! 14:01:03 <hakkun1> Thanks for the host, OWA! 14:01:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 14:01:08 <hakkun1> also, it worked! 14:01:08 <vosoros> Stop throwing axes at my head 14:01:10 <vosoros> :O 14:01:10 *cherokeeguy poofs in 14:01:12 <redgecooper> There. Hosting notification working. 14:01:13 <joaopsr666> @ProudNitro, no one-time-viewers :) 14:01:16 <hakkun1> Hey Cherokee! 14:01:22 <joaopsr666> (or not too much of them at least) 14:01:23 <hendriknl> Now I have a crack in my screen.. thanks Briar 14:01:27 <cherokeeguy> What's this? Briar has a new visual setup? Looks awesome. :P 14:01:32 <cherokeeguy> Hello! :D 14:01:38 <cherokeeguy> Hey, Hakkun1! 14:01:43 <rockdog237> ikr CherokeeGuy 14:01:46 <hendriknl> Wait.. I thought we disabled Ironman last game? 14:01:47 <vosoros> more EWWWW 4 loosing? :/

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14:01:48 <joaopsr666> hey Cherokee 14:01:48 <cherokeeguy> Hey, Briar! 14:02:01 <hendriknl> With the addition of the new dlc. 14:02:01 <cherokeeguy> Hey, Rockdog237 and joaopsr666! 14:02:07 <esty6> Hendriknl I think the mod disabled achievements but not ironman 14:02:33 <hendriknl> Ah nono, achievements.. right.. The mods I gave Briarstone do not disable achievements. 14:02:39 <proudnitro> dear god you play all the games i want to watch 14:02:42 <essi2> Playing as Pequot in EUIV/w Shattered Europe: Tribes atm... it's not going too well 14:02:43 <hendriknl> Now Briarstone, show us ur face! 14:02:48 <hendriknl> Here, on command.. how nice of him 14:02:52 <vosoros> FACE! :D 14:02:58 *combat_zerg licks Briarstones face 14:03:00 <hakkun1> Hey Essi! :) 14:03:01 <esty6> 'coffee' suure 14:03:02 <vosoros> :/ 14:03:05 <redgecooper> The game is a bit small like this. 14:03:07 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 14:03:08 *katiekat3000 tosses slised apples at Briarstone 14:03:09 <hakkun1> Hey Combat_zerg! Gross. :) 14:03:13 <essi2> Hey Hakkun1 :) 14:03:28 <cherokeeguy> Briar you should look into KapChat. It's like the chat you have on the stream now, but you can edit the font, animation, etc via CSS. :P 14:03:33 <hendriknl> Yeah.. I agree with RedgeCooper, I would like ot know the use of the chat window in the stream. 14:03:45 <lowercaserho> Wow, those British Isles are a mess. 14:03:46 <cherokeeguy> It would help make the chat window look a bit nicer. 14:04:04 <vosoros> FYI folks, Nightbot likes adding music to a list now. Dunno if Briar will play the pretty music...but hey! 14:04:09 <john_pope> hello everyone Kappa 14:04:14 <hendriknl> Even on fullscreen I find this.. quite small. 14:04:15 <hakkun1> Hey John! 14:04:24 <john_pope> Kappa chat ? :D 14:04:27 <hendriknl> + I just checked it on my phone.. Basicly unwatchable like this Briarstone 14:04:28 <hakkun1> Vos, probably no song requests today. :) 14:04:29 <vosoros> !songlist 14:04:29 <nightbot> Vosoros -> The song list for this channel is available at 14:05:06 <vosoros> Briar face borked fone? :O 14:05:06 <nightbot> The bot currently dislikes all links. Please ask a moderator to permission to post any! 14:05:14 <hendriknl> I love the look Briarstone, but overlays indeed a lot of clutter :) 14:05:17 <esty6> dammit, after so much time he probably spent rearranging everything 14:05:37 <tokryva> If you're not uploading these to YT, you soon won't need the chat box with the (currently in beta) chat replay function Briar ;) 14:06:13 <hertzila> Hello people- 14:06:22 <rjmac5> hello folks 14:06:23 <cherokeeguy> Hello, Hertzila! 14:06:24 <katiekat3000> Briarstone, thers no real way to make it so i the chat is legable on phone in lesyou have like a fablit 14:06:26 <hendriknl> Well, I'm checking it again briarstone. It's watchable. and the chat addition is nice for phones.. but if it could somehow be.. a tad larger it would be great! 14:06:31 <john_pope> the thing is tho... is what looks good for you > what looks for chat ? 14:06:32 <hakkun1> Hey Hertzila! Hey RJ! :) 14:06:38 <lowercaserho> Personally, I never have Twitch video full screen, because if I'm full screen then I can't chat as well 14:06:43 *vosoros slips away into the shadows on a banana skin. Dang NABBIT. WEEEEEE! 14:07:01 <zipeditee> Which Idea I should go first as Russia? 14:07:03 <hendriknl> I'm not on the phone Briarstone, but I just checked it in case :) 14:07:18 <hendriknl> Theater mode is fine. 14:07:18 <cherokeeguy> I'm on PC. I think with that KapChat (Or OBS chat) would make it a bit easier to see. 14:07:22 <hakkun1> Hey Zipeditee! :)

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14:07:22 <hertzila> lowercaserho, Dual-screen setup is the answer. 14:07:23 <proudnitro> theater mode works 14:07:35 <zipeditee> Hello Hakkun 14:07:37 <john_pope> yeah i have it in theater mode too... but two chats are kinda too much for me 14:07:45 <rockdog237> Briar the dragon pokes in front of chat just fyi 14:07:57 <hendriknl> However, theater mode makes the chat window on stream useles 14:08:02 <lowercaserho> For me, in theatre mode, it's a little bit smaller than I'd condier optimal, but definitely watchable. 14:08:08 <katiekat3000> Zipeditee, quolatie is good as rusha as is offensive imo 14:08:18 <lowercaserho> Hertzila: dual-screen doesn't work terribly well on a laptop :p 14:08:26 <esty6> I guess the problem with this game is that there is a lot of info in small letters, like the profiler, the money and manpower indicators, etc 14:08:27 <tokryva> Imo, no chat on screen is best solution for gameplay :/ 14:08:34 <psychot68> morning all 14:08:35 <hertzila> I suppose the smaller screen is mainly the problem thanks to all the text EU4 uses. 14:08:44 <hakkun1> Morning, Psychot68! :) 14:08:48 <hendriknl> We're testing now Briarstone :) 14:09:07 <hertzila> lowercaserho, You just need to have a second monitor you lug around and defeat the entire point of laptops! 14:09:08 <john_pope> Briar this is cool when you are actively only chatting to people. But when you are mostly playing have as little clutter you can. IMO 14:09:41 <katiekat3000> Briarstone, would this mod help with eu iv ? it makesthe fot bigger 14:09:42 <zipeditee> Katiekat3000 Its 1465, Novgorod Still has 1 province left since i couldnt conquer them in 2 wars because after 1 war, they conquered 3 provinces from lithuania and Ive got northern part of Kazan, And Im out of manpower completely 14:09:47 <essi2> We'll just have to shrink Briars head then... 14:09:47 <hendriknl> Your Patreons are sponsoring you briarstone :P 14:10:08 <rockdog237> Hendrik lol 14:10:21 <hendriknl> I know Briarstone, I'm Brilliant. 14:10:38 <hertzila> Well, even I tend to have the chat under the video feed, even if I do have dual-screen setup. 14:10:42 <katiekat3000> Briarstone, checkthe link i just sent you 14:10:42 <zipeditee> And lithuania aint in PU with poland, theyre bitter rivals atm 14:10:54 <tokryva> I for one welcome the Big Giant Head in front of the gameplay Briar ;) 14:11:11 <hendriknl> THat sounds.. Brilliant aswell Briarstone 14:11:30 <hendriknl> The UI in Paradox games is not made for.. Square boxes. 14:11:32 <john_pope> Briar that advice will be 4.99 $.... or hugs... i accept hugs too Kappa 14:11:54 <cherokeeguy> I personally like this new format. The chat could have bigger font, but that can be fixed with KapChat. 14:11:54 <hertzila> A 4:3 ratio? How novel! 14:11:57 <hendriknl> The better font mod is for some reason, not working on you Briarstone. 14:12:05 <redgecooper> Briar, there is also a lot of "real-estate' between game and chat, and game and right side edge. 14:12:06 <rockdog237> I'd be cool with you having my name up as a patreon sponsor Briar :D 14:12:07 <rjmac5> Briar I have large black bars top and bottom which are not in use, so a different ratio might be a good plan 14:12:27 <lowercaserho> It probably depends a lot on the game, honestly. EU4 is a game with a lot of text and a lot of information that's conveyed on screen. 14:12:29 <tokryva> Anything non-1080p is going to confuse and confound viewers 14:12:39 <hendriknl> In the launcher, are you sure the "larger' font mod is enabled Briarstone? 14:12:57 <esty6> yes Briar, check the tab MOD in the launcher 14:13:06 <howardlhall> Surely you only have one screen and therefore how you fill it is up to you 14:13:07 <esty6> there 14:13:16 <redgecooper> D'oh. 14:13:31 <hendriknl> Well, best thing is Briarstone, now that you play on borderless.. you can atleast read the stuff :) 14:13:59 <proudnitro> i didn't WANT to follow, but you seemed to have forced me briar! 14:14:07 <thegammelgard> wow cool overlay Briar! 14:14:14 <hendriknl> Yup.. it's definatly working right now. 14:14:27 <hakkun1> Hey Thegammelgard! :) 14:14:36 <hendriknl> I will say Briarstone, the better font mod.. Can sometimes cut of text in event popups.

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14:14:45 <thegammelgard> Hi Hakkun and chat! :P 14:14:52 <hendriknl> Hey Gammel :) 14:15:04 <esty6> Briar flipped his face like Max Hedroom 14:15:20 <hakkun1> Briar is transitioning from chat mode to game mode! Speaking of smooth transitions, you should share the stream! 14:15:21 <redgecooper> This is perfect. Texts are readable. 14:15:22 <hakkun1> !share 14:15:22 <nightbot> Please share this stream on Twitter: -- Facebook: -- or wherever else you 'internet'! :D 14:15:53 <arcusc> I timed my chat entrance brilliantly, I see. 14:16:03 <rjmac5> Briar has superpowers!! He can do a complete Mirror flip on himself...! 14:16:04 <rockdog237> Briar you were colonising Terra Australius :P 14:16:06 <hakkun1> lol, Arcusc. :) 14:16:06 <hendriknl> Last week: Eu4 issues with mods and UI.. This week.. Stream issues with updates and new overlay. 14:16:10 <hendriknl> I do love Briar streaming :) 14:16:23 <rjmac5> lol 14:16:41 <joaopsr666> What is Briar playing today? Streaming Setup Simulator 2016? :D 14:16:47 <hendriknl> ^ 14:16:48 <esty6> lol 14:16:48 <rjmac5> yup 14:16:55 <joaopsr666> ...or SSS16... 14:17:01 <hakkun1> This is no simulation, Joao. >:) 14:17:26 <lowercaserho> I'm surprised that nobody has made a sim game about being a streamer and let's player yet 14:17:29 <joaopsr666> @Hakkun1, looks so real! It's THAT immersive! :D 14:17:30 <cherokeeguy> Re-host sent. :P 14:17:44 <hendriknl> same here CherokeeGuy :) 14:17:50 <rjmac5> Where's Floyd? 14:18:00 <hendriknl> The Who? 14:18:17 <rockdog237> where's the dropbear Briar :P 14:18:24 <psychot68> Floyd!! 14:18:27 <john_pope> yep hosted too :D 14:19:01 <cherokeeguy> SubAlert is weird. Sometimes you need at least one viewer on the hosting person's channel for it to show. 14:19:10 <hendriknl> Alright.. there it is. 14:19:18 <zenuil> lol 14:19:20 <hakkun1> Thanks for the donation, Zenuil. :) 14:19:22 <cherokeeguy> lol 14:19:30 <hendriknl> And it only popped for a short time I must say. 14:19:33 <bayden420> hi 14:19:36 <arcusc> I didn't notice any change in Briar when that came in, which is unusual. :p 14:19:37 <hakkun1> The carrier pidgeon was tired today. 14:19:41 <hakkun1> Hey Bayden420! :) 14:19:41 <cherokeeguy> Hello, bayden420! 14:19:42 <rjmac5> Hosted at 14:18.... I wonder how long the delay will be... 14:19:44 <redgecooper> The donation was faster than the speed of sound, Briar. 14:19:50 <zenuil> slow to the draw 14:20:13 <hendriknl> I so love this larger text.. 14:20:15 <proudnitro> i have to go... but you got a follow briar, just for the skyrim stuff! 14:20:17 <bayden420> hi Hakkun1 14:20:18 <wildwolve2014> @briarstone ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria o/ 14:20:27 <bayden420> hi CherokeeGuy 14:20:36 <hakkun1> Thanks for following, and hope to see you soon, Proudnitro! 14:20:38 <cherokeeguy> Hey, WildWolve2014! 14:20:41 <hakkun1> Hey Wolf! 14:20:42 <proudnitro> :D 14:20:56 <redgecooper> Hello, Wolf 14:20:57 <cherokeeguy> Welcome and bye, ProudNitro! 14:21:13 <hendriknl> Briarstone, you should turn of fortresses at useles locations like Islands.. you have enough time to enable it again wheny ou get attacked. 14:21:17 <rockdog237> WildWolve2014, o/ grrrreetings wolf brother 14:21:22 <lowercaserho> Your prestige is crap because you converted to... yeah, that. 14:21:34 <jonlevir> hello, briarstone! first time viewer here

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14:21:41 <hakkun1> Welcome, Jonlevir! :) 14:21:52 <cherokeeguy> Hello, Jonlevir! 14:22:01 <hendriknl> Nono, turn off fortresses Briarstone 14:22:01 <jonlevir> thanks hakkun! 14:22:06 <jonlevir> hi cherokeeguy! 14:22:21 <hendriknl> Dangit, missing a single letter in the English language can make the sentences so.. weird. 14:22:23 *wildwolve2014 take a break from his minecraft resonante rise world and waits for his nomsmoms-delivery :P 14:22:32 <hakkun1> Thanks for the tip, Esty6! :) 14:22:33 <cherokeeguy> Did Briar's follower pop-up show? 14:22:36 <wildwolve2014> so how is everyone? ^^ 14:22:47 <hendriknl> Briarstone, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream. 14:23:01 <hendriknl> You can turn off fortresses, so you wont pay upkeep Briar 14:23:03 <cherokeeguy> WildWolve2014, I'm tired. I woke up at 5 AM with heartburn... 14:23:23 <hendriknl> And they will automaticly enable when you get declared war upon. 14:23:38 *wildwolve2014 gives Cherokeeguy a mug of coffee with label "rocketfuel" :P 14:23:48 <cherokeeguy> lol thanks, WildWolve2014 14:23:48 <rjmac5> @HendrikNL: The warning is at the top of the chat - briarstone.... 14:23:54 <wildwolve2014> get better soon chero ^^ 14:23:54 <lowercaserho> Hendrik I'd say it's debatable whether mothballing fortresses is a good decision right now. Having the extra army tradition could really help him out, and he's not doing badly for money. You're *probably* right that it would be for the best, but I don't think it's a no-brainer. 14:23:54 <wildwolve2014> get better soon chero ^^ 14:23:54 <lowercaserho> Hendrik I'd say it's debatable whether mothballing fortresses is a good decision right now. Having the extra army tradition could really help him out, and he's not doing badly for money. You're *probably* right that it would be for the best, but I don't think it's a no-brainer. 14:23:54 <esty6> I don't use the better font mod for playing, don't need it, but for streaming it certainly helps 14:24:01 <cherokeeguy> brb 14:24:02 <bayden420> i am Racis 14:24:07 <raptoronline1> Good evening Briar & Kinnship! 14:24:12 <hakkun1> Hey Raptor! 14:24:24 <raptoronline1> Hi Hakkun! 14:24:25 <hendriknl> Anyway Briarstone, click on for example Cyprus.. there now is a option to tick it off and or on close to the NO OBJECTIVE button 14:24:35 <hakkun1> bayden, Okay.. :) 14:24:55 <hendriknl> When you enable the fortress it will need to replenish for atleast a month or two to be usefull though Briarstone 14:25:01 <bayden420> ;( 14:25:24 <bayden420> :( 14:25:32 <esty6> I think they auto-turn on when he's at war (unless you uncheck the default) 14:25:40 <hendriknl> ^ briar 14:25:50 <lowercaserho> Briar: One disadvantage of mothballing your forts (as well as them not working as forts when thye're mothballed) is that you lose out on army tradition. 14:26:24 <hakkun1> Welcome to the Kiinship, Jonlevir! 14:26:28 <hendriknl> I myself find the amount of army tradition you get for those few fortresses.. not enough Rho. 14:26:31 <cherokeeguy> I'm back. 14:26:35 <hakkun1> wb 14:26:40 <cherokeeguy> Welcome, Jonlevir! :D 14:26:42 <wildwolve2014> wb cherio ^^ 14:26:46 <cherokeeguy> ty, Hakkun1 14:26:53 <cherokeeguy> ty, WildWolve2014 14:27:03 <jonlevir> lol 14:27:12 <raptoronline1> Hey Cherokee! 14:27:14 <esty6> I agree, the army tradition you gain is trivial compared to the money, but if you don't know what to do with money, might as well 14:27:18 <cherokeeguy> Hey, Raptoronline1! 14:27:31 <jonlevir> it's Jon-Levi-R, but nobody pronounces it that way, so I don't care 14:27:35 <psychot68> Jonlevir

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14:27:35 <lowercaserho> You're not wrong, Hendrik. but, on the other hand, I usually find that I'm hard pushed to eke out any army tradition I can get, whereas I find I rarely struggle for money. 14:27:38 <wildwolve2014> Cherokeeguy do you still have those heartburns? 14:27:44 <wildwolve2014> those / this 14:27:58 <hendriknl> Briarstone, in the military tab there is now also a option to automaticly enable maintenance on armies when you are at war and enable fortrresses and stuff. 14:28:07 <bayden420> i am sexis 14:28:19 <cherokeeguy> WildWolve2014, I have medication for it. I have an ulcer, which causes the heartburn. My medicine has kicked in now. 14:28:27 <esty6> wow lots of more moneys incoming 14:28:34 <cherokeeguy> WildWolve2014, tl;dr, No. :P 14:29:14 <esty6> Briar check your incoming money now after the 10% increase to trade you got 14:29:21 <wildwolve2014> uh .. ulcer sounds bad ... get better soon Cherokeeguy 14:29:54 <cherokeeguy> WildWolve2014, Thanks! Yeah. It's not fun, but I can still eat my favorite foods. :P 14:30:11 <wildwolve2014> well in that case ... :P 14:30:13 <hendriknl> You took some of the holy lands Briarstone. 14:30:19 <hendriknl> With that being.. papal lands indeed. 14:30:24 <meatybobaety> Make sure you don't take Roma or the whole catholic world will hate you 14:30:33 <esty6> Meatybobaety I think that's a myth 14:30:39 <hendriknl> as a protestant you can have Rome without a issue meatybobaety 14:30:50 <hendriknl> As a Catholic, you get diprep penatlies. 14:30:52 <esty6> if you're Catholic you have a problem, but if not, they won't hate you 14:31:01 <meatybobaety> oh never knew that 14:31:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 14:31:21 <hendriknl> One thing though, the AI cna get missions to restore the Holy See. 14:31:35 <cherokeeguy> Welcome bayden420! 14:31:37 <lowercaserho> Hendrik: If a non-Catholic has Rome than Catholics still get missions to conquer it back from them, so it can sometimes still be a bad idea, depending 14:31:57 <hendriknl> Yup Rho, I just said that :P 14:32:00 <wildwolve2014> @briarstone which relation do you have with austrian empire? 14:32:10 <wildwolve2014> *relationship 14:32:24 <esty6> Lowercaserho but if you vassalize them, I don't think that mission happens 14:32:26 <lowercaserho> Oh, so you did. Sorry, Hendrik. Missed that. I'm trying to do too many things at once 14:32:38 <hendriknl> I know that feeling myself rho, no worries :) 14:32:57 <esty6> Briar confused? that never happens! 14:33:07 <rjmac5> So people follow Briar when he's doing his washing? 14:33:30 <hendriknl> Courthouses are not worth the money Briar :) 14:33:43 <hendriknl> Regimental camps and barracks however, hell yes they are. 14:33:52 <rockdog237> rjmac5, omg that hurt my ribs 14:34:03 <wildwolve2014> i wonder why the austrian don't like briar so much .. i think, he isn't so bad at least :P 14:34:04 <rjmac5> lol 14:34:27 <hendriknl> They must not watch him stream WildWolve. 14:34:32 <peter_van_drone> it took a while to convert them, at first, the Catholics were very protestant. 14:35:02 <wildwolve2014> uhm hendrik? i guess you missunderstodd me here a little bit xD 14:35:10 <esty6> Briar if you are able to convert something you'll get an alert on the top 14:35:43 <wildwolve2014> oohhh sorry hendrik ... i guess i have missunderstood you here :D 14:35:47 <hendriknl> haha 14:36:02 <peter_van_drone> Naples sure is looking nice to take over this time of year. 14:36:02 <bayden420> ▓▓▓▀░░░░░▄██▄░░░░░▀▓▓▓ ▓▓░░░░░▄▄██▀░░░░░░░░▓▓ ▓░░░░░▄██▀░░░▄█▄░░░░░▓ ▌░░░░░▀██▄▄▄█████▄░░░▐ ░░▄▄▄░░░▀████▀░▀▀██▄░░ ░░▀██▄░▄▄████▄░░░▀▀▀░░ ▌░░░▀█████▀▀▀██▄░░░░░▐ ▓░░░░░▀█▀░░░▄██▀░░░░░▓ ▓▓░░░░░░░░▄██▀░░░░░░▓▓ ▓▓▓▄░░░░░▀█▀▀░░░░░▄▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄░░░░░░▄▄▓▓▓▓▓▓ 14:36:02 <nightbot> bayden420 -> Please use your words. [warning] 14:36:13 <wildwolve2014> i did see the "they" too late xD 14:36:23 <hendriknl> So.. Eu4 gameplay overlay, ck2 overlay.. 14:36:26 <cherokeeguy> My mom is using almost pure bleach to mop the floors. My sinuses are starting to go nuts. D: 14:36:28 <hendriknl> YOu're getting a lot of work :) 14:37:03 <shmonkeyshmonks> haha... you're welcome.... brb 14:37:08 <esty6> I'm not squishy I'm stretched

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14:37:24 <cherokeeguy> Welcome again, ShmonkeyShmonks :P 14:37:31 <peter_van_drone> Oh, crap. Lithuania could be making a move on Genoa, that would give them and the PLC a -huge- trade boost 14:37:33 <hendriknl> :P The Eu4 larger font overlay must also affect Esty's name Briar 14:37:42 <esty6> I don't fit and my name is only 5 letters? I hope Peter_van_drone never becomes Dovahkiin 14:37:45 <rjmac5> Esty do you WANT to fit in Briars box? 14:38:01 <rockdog237> Briar your derps are your thing that make it a Briarstream not the overlays :P 14:38:03 <joaopsr666> Wow, Briar... You just make "that's what she said" jokes soooo easy! :D 14:38:11 <peter_van_drone> Thanks for the vote of support, esty :P 14:38:20 <hendriknl> Oh, Briarstone almost has 100 Church power.. he can then choose a ideology! Huzzah! 14:38:28 <hendriknl> or chuch focus.. whatever name you prefer. 14:38:57 <psychot68> see what your GPT is 14:39:17 <hendriknl> The achievement run for you Briarstone, Switserlake.. Play as Switzerland and own no coastal provinces... I think it's like.. 100 provinces. 14:39:49 <essi2> @Briarstone, Provinces add Trade Power to the Trade Node they are in. Don't remember which Bosnia is in though 14:40:11 <esty6> probably part Ragusa and part Venice 14:40:31 <esty6> or all Ragusa perhaps 14:40:46 <lowercaserho> I've always meant to do a playthrough as Switzerland, but never got around to it. 14:40:57 <essi2> Right, Ragusa is a thing.. should output to Venice though, right? :P 14:41:04 <esty6> is too mountainous rho, hard to go around it 14:41:12 <peter_van_drone> Sabaton has made my next play through a dedicated Sweden run 14:41:18 <hendriknl> Province finder Briarstone, press F! 14:41:26 <rjmac5> Zagreb to the right of Italy 14:41:26 <hakkun1> Zagreb + Croatia 14:41:31 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Hit F and type in a province name to go to it. 14:42:03 <esty6> can't stream Sabaton music DLC though, copyright issues Twitch probably will mute out 14:42:21 <hendriknl> Oh Briarstone, did you declare a.. Area of interest? For if a ally declares war and you have a interest in their lands.. They will almost only grant you land you have that interest in. 14:42:50 <joaopsr666> I got Hungry too... but then I went to get some noms and I'm good, now... :D 14:42:52 <cherokeeguy> Esty6, Live streams don't get muted; vods do. 14:42:57 <esty6> Hngary's allies don't come 14:43:06 <wildwolve2014> @Briarstone you're wrong! ... no justr kidding ... i don't know the game good enough to know that xD 14:43:07 <emmerich01> no, that was taken out a few patches ago 14:43:08 <hendriknl> No, if you don't co-beligrate Hungary in a war, they cannot call in their allies Briarstone. 14:43:12 <meatybobaety> Only if Hungary is checked off as a co-belligerent 14:43:14 <esty6> yes Cherokeeguy that's what I meant, the vod 14:43:15 <esty6> yes Cherokeeguy that's what I meant, the vod 14:43:15 <wa11paper> if you dont tick the box no 14:43:16 <themrbakit> only if you click on the left boxies 14:43:16 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone If Hungary comes to war with Ragusa, their allies do NOT come to aid UNLESS you tick the small co-beliggernt box next to Hungary 14:43:36 <tokryva> Only if you co-belligerent Hungary can she call in her allies 14:43:39 <hendriknl> You're behind in military tech Briarstone! 14:43:47 <essi2> @Briarstone, Hungary's allies only enter the war if you set Hungary as a Co-Belligerent in the war against Ragusa 14:44:02 <lowercaserho> Briar: What's Serbia's diplomatic situation? 14:44:32 <peter_van_drone> Basically equal. 14:44:33 <esty6> Bohemia + Venice against Hungary, Do EET 14:44:39 <lowercaserho> Sienna would also be worth lookign at 14:44:47 <essi2> huh, EUIV crashed on me 14:44:53 <hendriknl> You can win this fight Briarstone, but you're behind in military technology now! 14:45:16 <shenryyr> shenExcite hi briar 14:45:22 <hendriknl> Maybe not to HUngary, but getting the advantage is so much easier. 14:45:23 <hakkun1> Hey Shenryyr! :)

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14:45:27 <peter_van_drone> oh my word its a shen 14:45:31 <cherokeeguy> Hello, shenryyr! 14:45:46 <esty6> I apologize for Essi2, he's a previous version of my AI, rought around the edges. My positronic brain is 4 versions newer 14:45:47 <rockdog237> shenryyr, o/ 14:45:57 <meatybobaety> Greeting shenryyr! 14:46:05 <rockdog237> Esty lol 14:46:06 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 14:46:12 <lowercaserho> Briar: What I wanted to know was who you'd have to fight if you declared war on them. But it looks like they're an Ottoman vassal, so that would be a bad idea if so. Maybe check out Sienna? 14:46:25 <shenryyr> HeyGuys folks 14:46:33 <wildwolve2014> @briarstone no war agaainst austria briar! >_< 14:46:45 <esty6> Ragusa is not a vassal they're independent 14:46:53 <lowercaserho> Oh, and there's Sienna being allies with Austria. Maybe Florence? 14:46:57 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Saxony is the Holy Roman Emperor, so he is always called in to defensive wars in the HRE, careful 14:47:00 <psychot68> if you declare against Ragusa, can you take land from Hungary? 14:47:12 <lowercaserho> Esty: Serbia are a vassal 14:47:15 <essi2> @Briarstone, The pronunciation that doesn't sound like Easy is how I speak it usually. Like the name Esi 14:47:15 <peter_van_drone> @Psychot68 Yes,but more expensive 14:47:24 <esty6> oh Serbia, I thought you were asking about Ragusa 14:47:38 <themrbakit> @Briarstone, you can click on the arrow at the bottom right to find a country 14:47:41 <wildwolve2014> @biar nope! there is no " but ... but .. buit..." :P 14:47:49 <psychot68> was gonna say, tke Ragusa , ten Likto consolidate thecastal borde 14:47:54 <essi2> Hi Shen quillViking 14:47:55 <esty6> you can take Hungary's province if they're not cobeliherent, it's just more expensive I think 14:47:59 <rockdog237> WildWolve2014, Briar just wants to be the kaiser of austria :P 14:48:22 <wildwolve2014> i know rockdog xD 14:48:42 <esty6> twitch is twitching for me right now 14:48:55 <peter_van_drone> That is a lot of money on forts. Hm. 14:48:55 <hakkun1> :/ No fun, Esty.. 14:48:58 <einen777> Venice stronk 14:49:03 <hakkun1> ^ 14:49:06 <hakkun1> Hey Einen! :0 14:49:11 <hakkun1> :) 14:49:14 <einen777> Hey Hakkun 14:49:16 <wildwolve2014> no twitch problems here esty .. maybee reload page a few times? ö.ö 14:49:17 <cherokeeguy> Hey, Einen777! 14:49:25 <einen777> Hey Cherokeeguy 14:49:27 <peter_van_drone> Icons all day! 14:49:37 <wildwolve2014> heya einen ^^ 14:49:40 <briarstone> !poll open developement | Stability | Missionary STR | Dicipline | Morale | Prestige 14:49:40 <tekbot_v2> A new poll has been opened: 1 - developement || 2 - Stability || 3 - Missionary STR || 4 - Dicipline || 5 - Morale || 6 - Prestige 14:49:40 <nightbot> Briarstone started a new poll: "developement" - Head to to vote! 14:50:03 <peter_van_drone> !vote 6 14:50:03 <tekbot_v2> peter_van_drone has voted for option 6: Prestige 14:50:11 <tekbot_v2> 15 Second warning! Current results are: developement :: 1 votes || Stability :: 0 votes || Missionary STR :: 2 votes || Dicipline :: 0 votes || Morale :: 1 votes || Prestige :: 1 votes 14:50:12 <hendriknl> !vote 4 14:50:12 <tekbot_v2> hendriknl has voted for option 4: Dicipline 14:50:16 <tekbot_v2> 10 Second warning! Current results are: developement :: 1 votes || Stability :: 0 votes || Missionary STR :: 2 votes || Dicipline :: 1 votes || Morale :: 1 votes || Prestige :: 1 votes 14:50:16 <einen777> !vote 3 14:50:16 <tekbot_v2> einen777 has voted for option 3: Missionary STR 14:50:18 <shmonkeyshmonks> back :)

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14:50:19 <wildwolve2014> votes for soiimething ... but don't know what it does :P 14:50:21 <tekbot_v2> 5 Second warning! Current results are: developement :: 1 votes || Stability :: 0 votes || Missionary STR :: 3 votes || Dicipline :: 1 votes || Morale :: 1 votes || Prestige :: 1 votes 14:50:24 <hakkun1> wb, Shmonkey! :) 14:50:25 <tekbot_v2> The Poll has been closed! Results are: developement :: 1 votes || Stability :: 0 votes || Missionary STR :: 3 votes || Dicipline :: 1 votes || Morale :: 1 votes || Prestige :: 1 votes 14:50:25 <einen777> There are more in the list 14:50:35 <hendriknl> There are more in the list indeed Briarstone 14:50:36 <peter_van_drone> what are these people doing, missionary strength. what are you, sunni? 14:51:13 <peter_van_drone> Or is it Shia in EUIV that gives the Missionary Strength bonus? 14:51:13 <einen777> Unrest -1 could be fancy. 14:51:16 <esty6> kebab will fall Peter, needs missionary strength 14:51:21 <cherokeeguy> I meant to vote discipline, but I miss-typed. :( 14:51:21 <einen777> Or idea cost. 14:51:35 <hendriknl> Unrest, Manpower recovery and Discpline are the best Briar :) 14:51:44 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Individual Creeds will give you 20 less points per idea, a saving of about 1400 over the game, which is a free technology or two. 14:52:04 <essi2> lol, what happened to Esty6? 14:52:10 <esty6> dunno 14:52:27 <cherokeeguy> Essi2, Probably a spoiler. 14:52:42 <essi2> A spoiler for what? XD 14:52:51 <cherokeeguy> I don't know. lol 14:52:53 <hendriknl> The Rep tradition +0.1 is so.. underpowered. 14:53:02 <rockdog237> or using kebab without sauce :P 14:53:03 <hendriknl> that's almost 1 tradition per 10 years.. 14:53:18 <peter_van_drone> Hendrik, at those savings, how could you not?! 14:53:25 <wildwolve2014> naaa great rockdog .. now i want kebab ö.ö 14:53:26 <hendriknl> :P 14:53:39 <rockdog237> LOL WildWolve2014 14:53:43 <essi2> @HendrikNL, It's is ontop of any other modifiers though 14:53:54 <hendriknl> Even then Essi.. It's still useless. 14:54:13 <einen777> Briar is eating everywhere that Ottoderp wants. 14:54:36 <peter_van_drone> You know what is stronger than spears? Guns. Source: literally all of colonial history 14:54:37 <hakkun1> Just a quick heads up to everyone, calling the Ottomans 'kebab' is not going to be acceptable in chat (See rule "no -isms") Thanks for understanding 14:54:43 <essi2> @HendrikNL, Not untrue, just saying. If you can bounce back from over spending Tradition, it might be too powerful 14:54:56 <esty6> Ottoman is a dead country though 14:54:59 <hendriknl> I agree to that Essi. 14:55:23 <hendriknl> So, is Briarstone still playing MP Eu4 with people? FOr I would love to join that at some point. 14:55:31 *wildwolve2014 ist hungry and still waits for his nomnom-delivery 14:55:43 <peter_van_drone> Trying to take over the Inca is an absolute bitchfest. I think they don't actually know how to live in territory that isn't highlands or mountain. 14:55:47 <hakkun1> It's a term that is used derogatorily to people in modern times, tho. 14:56:29 <rockdog237> HendrikNL, saturday i think is EU4 MP 14:56:54 <hendriknl> You happen to know if I can.. 'force' myself into that? 14:57:05 <peter_van_drone> For a real world reference, I am 100% behind Russia giving Armenia arms to fight against Turkey. It's like we're reliving EUIV. 14:57:15 <einen777> Can we still call Venice olive oil swilling retreat specialists? 14:57:38 <hakkun1> lol, Einen. I'd prefer you'd not, tbh. ;) 14:58:00 <peter_van_drone> Everyone join the EUIV multiplayer as one province minors, all go Espionage Ideas, and turn the entirety of Europe into a boiling pot of rebels and distrust. 14:58:09 <hendriknl> Hehe Hakkun, if you had to moderate for Arumba you'd go crazy with him calling something.. kebab 14:58:24 <peter_van_drone> Different chat standards, Hendrik. 14:58:34 <hendriknl> Yeah, that indeed. I prefer this one :) 14:58:37 <hakkun1> lol, Thankfully, this isn't Arumba's stream. :) 14:58:51 <peter_van_drone> Though to be fair I assume Hakkun would have no problem with the word kebab if the subject of the current stream, were, say, Briar is eating a doner kebab. 14:59:03 <hendriknl> Now i'm hungry.. thanks Peter. 14:59:09 <esty6> I love kebab, it's called 'pinchos' in Spanish

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14:59:19 <hakkun1> Of course, Peter. :) 14:59:26 <peter_van_drone> Wait. 14:59:33 <hendriknl> Calling people names? I name you.. hakkun! 14:59:43 <peter_van_drone> What if this is like Rick And Morty, and Briar travels to another dimension where the people are Kebabs. I am so confused! 14:59:51 <hakkun1> lol, that hurts Hendrik. Give me your shoulder. 14:59:58 <essi2> STAHP talking about kebabs! I'm 5 miles from the nearest kebab restaurant atm :P 15:00:00 <hendriknl> Stay out of it! 15:00:09 <wildwolve2014> aaawww guys stop talking about doner kebabs ... im hungry >_> 15:00:36 <hendriknl> You enjoying the larger fonts yet Briar? 15:00:37 <einen777> I'm English and I don't mind people calling me 'tea snorting'. 15:00:39 <esty6> in my home city there was a wave of kebab restaurants opening up, I loved that! but then it all imploded and now I don't think there's one 15:00:58 <lowercaserho> Fun fact: the Rosetta Stone is actually a special type of stone that induces evolution in certain pokemon. 15:01:01 <esty6> at one point I had 2 within 2 blocks of my house :) 15:01:03 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone If you plan on a lot of African/Middle Eastern expansion, Humanism may be a good idea tree to investigate 15:01:08 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 15:01:13 <rockdog237> Briar if i was a "1/2 decent" EU4 i would definitely play as a custom Australia but I can't even pick ideas right :P 15:01:15 <shenryyr> all the cool kids have dynasties briar Kappa 15:01:18 <einen777> Humanism is classy. 15:01:32 <peter_van_drone> Humanism is the ONLY way I managed to form the Mughals. 15:01:39 <psychot68> were I'm at, speidies are a thing 15:01:47 <peter_van_drone> Forget converting those religions. That's work. 15:01:54 <hakkun1> Einen777, *I* mind if people call you derogatory names. *Briar* minds. He wants people to feel comfortable in chat. :) 15:02:05 <esty6> Briar you can improve relations up to 200 with vassals 15:02:07 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 15:02:11 <psychot68> spiedies thatis 15:02:13 <hendriknl> You Sofa you hakkun 15:02:35 <peter_van_drone> I mind that you can rename provinces in EUIV and all that, but you can't rename a sea region. 15:02:41 <hendriknl> See? That's a great insult.. Sofa's are comfortable.. 15:03:01 <peter_van_drone> Looks like the Pope is going to understand the "Talk Shit, Get Hit" rule 15:03:07 <nightbot> The bot currently dislikes all links. Please ask a moderator to permission to post any! 15:03:15 <einen777> But what if I'm secretly a troll and I can only feel comfortable by insulting people? KappaRoss KappaRoss 15:03:25 <peter_van_drone> Then this is the wrong chat for you, Einen. 15:03:28 <hendriknl> Too bad for you Einen? 15:03:44 <esty6> dat prestige 15:03:45 <melancholicresistance> Has the pope been converted to Judaism yet? 15:03:51 <shenryyr> briar you should teach him a lesson SwiftRage have you tried using Threaten War on him? 4Head 15:03:52 <hakkun1> !shoutout Shenryyr 15:03:52 <nightbot> Show some love for Shenryyr with a follow at: 15:04:07 <shenryyr> shenExcite woo thanks briar 15:04:15 <esty6> what if he starts calling us stalkers? 15:04:35 <peter_van_drone> If I check out Shenryyr from this chat, do I get to throw tomatoes and other peasant detritus at the screen like I do here? 15:04:38 <einen777> Shen has lost several power levels since he shaved of his beard. 15:04:58 <rockdog237> Peter_Van_Drone, LOL 15:05:22 <wildwolve2014> LoL peter :D 15:05:37 <esty6> Briar knows how to split, Jean Claude van Briar 15:05:38 <peter_van_drone> Wait! His stability dropped to 2, RIOT! 15:05:55 <hendriknl> Eu4 for ya Peter :) 15:06:38 <peter_van_drone> Look, all im saying is, in the next war against the Ottomans, reclaim Jerusalem. That permanent +prestige per year is too useful

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15:06:43 <esty6> playing as Venice will spoil Briar. Playing any other country he'd be broke now keeping his army always at full mainteance 15:06:57 <quill18> Oh, I see the font mod is finally working! 15:06:59 <peter_van_drone> And it's important just to make sure the Ottomans can't do it. 15:07:04 <quill18> (Just arrived.) 15:07:08 <esty6> yes Quill it wasn't activated in the launcher 15:07:10 <wildwolve2014> hey quill ^^ 15:07:10 <peter_van_drone> Morning Quill! 15:07:11 <hakkun1> Morning Quill! 15:07:15 <cherokeeguy> Hello, Quill18! 15:07:16 <hendriknl> Yup Quill18, had to tell him to tick it in the launcher first :P 15:07:26 <rockdog237> quillHappy / Quill 15:07:37 <peter_van_drone> Oh, Ragusa. I'm going to miss you :( 15:07:39 <essi2> Welcome Quill18 15:07:46 <hendriknl> Briarstone, can you not threaten Ragusa? 15:08:05 <jonlevir> hi quill 15:08:06 <peter_van_drone> It's not a threat, Hendrik, he's making a promise. 15:08:14 <shenryyr> HeGuys quill 15:08:16 <hendriknl> They would accept 15:08:18 <hertzila> Hello Quill18. 15:08:18 <shenryyr> HeyGuys 15:08:38 <hendriknl> 5 year truce, and then you ask again briarstone 15:08:39 <peter_van_drone> Ehhh. It would link up your territory... 15:08:44 <esty6> why threaten when you can annhilate 15:09:14 <einen777> Seemed like a lot of AE for one province. 15:09:14 <wildwolve2014> or briarstone copuld ask the borg to assimilate them for him :D :P 15:09:16 <peter_van_drone> BUT, you're missing the chance to take over their territory AND Lika/Zagreb. I think the important factor in the war is that you get to attack Hungary without Hungarys allies. 15:09:21 <hendriknl> I'm quite sure, that it will be war anyway :P 15:09:31 <lowercaserho> Briar: Get some claims going on the Pope, Florence, and Sienna so you can threaten war over there as well. 15:09:45 <hendriknl> I like this screen.. 15:09:49 <peter_van_drone> The only reason you haven't gone to war with Hungary so far is that they have powerful allies. 15:10:25 <hakkun1> I've been slacking on my EUIV watching/playing since Cossacks. Could you annex an OPM with threaten war? 15:10:35 <shenryyr> no you cannot 15:10:37 <peter_van_drone> No, I dont think it works for Full Annex. 15:10:45 <shenryyr> you can't take a nation's capital, so you cannot annex them fully via threaten war 15:10:55 <hakkun1> Cool, thanks Shen and Peter. :) 15:11:06 <hendriknl> Raska however would connect your land.. If you threaten that is. 15:11:16 <hendriknl> Wait.. 15:11:17 <peter_van_drone> LOOOOL 15:11:20 <hendriknl> wtf happened there 15:11:21 <oranjay54> buenos dias, guten morgen, good morning everyone! 15:11:26 <oranjay54> o/ 15:11:27 <hakkun1> Hey Oranjay54! ;) 15:11:29 <hendriknl> Was it a serbian claim? 15:11:34 <peter_van_drone> The best part of waking up is Serbians in your cup. 15:11:36 <wildwolve2014> hey Oranjay54 15:11:39 <shenryyr> @Briarstone, you used Serbia's claim/core for threaten war. if you fabricate your own claim, then the land would go to you 15:11:44 <shenryyr> exactly Kappa 15:11:54 <hendriknl> Well damn.. 15:11:55 <esty6> Briar perhaps you can threaten Ragusa, and then declare on Hungary and Ragusa won't join because of the truce 15:11:57 <einen777> FailFish 15:12:02 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Well, might as well Diplo-Annex Serbia now, since you missed the chance to take Ragusa and some of Hungary in war. :P 15:12:22 <wildwolve2014> @Briarstone aks the borg to assimilate ragusa for you xD :P 15:12:23 <peter_van_drone> Jews, the original ghetto culture. 15:12:27 <hendriknl> Ragusa can join a defensive war Esty6 15:12:34 <esty6> oh never mind them 15:12:39 <esty6> then

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15:12:45 <rockdog237> Wooot Kiinlings we have a Briar derp :P 15:12:47 <lowercaserho> Briar: Go fabricate a bunch of claims on Italian minors as well. For threatening them purposes. 15:12:55 <shenryyr> @Esty6, truces only affect offensive wars. defensive will likely be joined unless they are heavily in debt or in another war 15:13:01 <peter_van_drone> Grant my people a place of their own, Venice~ 15:13:15 <whyme95> hi everyone! 15:13:18 <peter_van_drone> The exodus of the Jews is historically the fall of any republic, be careful. 15:13:20 <hendriknl> WhyMe! 15:13:21 <hakkun1> Hey Whyme95! :0 15:13:21 <quill18> Yeah, the word "Ghetto" literally comes from the area of Venice where Jews were segregated. 15:13:23 <briarstone> !poll open Geti | Not in Venice 15:13:23 <nightbot> Briarstone -> Invalid poll options specified. Usage: !poll new title | option 1 | option 2 | option 3 15:13:24 <tekbot_v2> A new poll has been opened: 1 - Geti || 2 - Not in Venice 15:13:30 <hendriknl> !vote 2 15:13:31 <tekbot_v2> hendriknl has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:13:35 <esty6> !vote 2 15:13:35 <tekbot_v2> esty6 has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:13:38 <tekbot_v2> 30 Second warning! Current results are: Geti :: 0 votes || Not in Venice :: 2 votes 15:13:41 <hakkun1> Welcome to the Kiinship, NorthernSeal! :) 15:13:42 <whyme95> !vote2 15:13:47 <lowercaserho> The goods produced bonus lasts until the end of the game 15:13:51 <rockdog237> !vote 2 15:13:52 <tekbot_v2> rockdog237 has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:13:52 <hakkun1> !vote 1 15:13:52 <tekbot_v2> hakkun1 has voted for option 1: Geti 15:13:53 <tekbot_v2> 15 Second warning! Current results are: Geti :: 1 votes || Not in Venice :: 3 votes 15:13:53 <lowercaserho> !vote 1 15:13:53 <tekbot_v2> lowercaserho has voted for option 1: Geti 15:13:54 <einen777> So one is ghettos and one is expulsion? 15:13:58 <tekbot_v2> 10 Second warning! Current results are: Geti :: 2 votes || Not in Venice :: 3 votes 15:13:59 <oranjay54> !vote 2 15:14:00 <tekbot_v2> oranjay54 has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:14:00 <jonlevir> !vote 2 15:14:00 <tekbot_v2> jonlevir has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:14:03 <einen777> !vote 1 15:14:03 <tekbot_v2> einen777 has voted for option 1: Geti 15:14:03 <tekbot_v2> 5 Second warning! Current results are: Geti :: 3 votes || Not in Venice :: 5 votes 15:14:05 <whyme95> !vote 2 15:14:05 <tekbot_v2> whyme95 has voted for option 2: Not in Venice 15:14:07 <tekbot_v2> The Poll has been closed! Results are: Geti :: 3 votes || Not in Venice :: 6 votes 15:14:11 <esty6> anybody here with lots of CK2 experience? (specially Republics) 15:14:16 <shenryyr> @Briarstone, to keep the plebs away from the wealthy Kappa 15:14:23 <peter_van_drone> I will not vote in this, us Jews were never allowed to vote in our own fate. :P 15:14:43 <peter_van_drone> Yeah, so we don't become your wealthy because of superior work ethic. :P 15:14:52 <cherokeeguy> I'm going to head off. I'm getting a little pissed with a situation at the moment. 15:14:54 <cherokeeguy> Bye! 15:14:57 *cherokeeguy poofs away 15:15:02 <peter_van_drone> Be well, Cherokeeguy! 15:15:08 <hakkun1> Sorry, Cherokee. :) 15:15:14 *peter_van_drone packs up and returns to Jerusalem 15:15:18 <hendriknl> Great, I almost got afraid you'll get a Elvis Presley singing In the Ghetto Briarstone 15:15:25 <lowercaserho> Option 2 for RP, option 1 for minmaxing. 15:15:38 <shenryyr> Rename it to something you can easily pronounce 4Head

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15:15:53 <peter_van_drone> It's pronounced Souvlaki, mmhm 15:16:22 <themrbakit> if you can spell it just take it and change it's name XD 15:16:28 <peter_van_drone> I 15:16:52 <einen777> Lithuania getting wrekt. 15:16:55 <peter_van_drone> I'm surprised Briar hasnt renamed provinces after people in chat. "No, Austria, I won't let you take the capital of Hakkun!" 15:16:58 <jonlevir> The rival of your rival is your rival's rival, nothing more, nothing less 15:17:16 <peter_van_drone> I 15:17:24 <peter_van_drone> Ugh, ignore my enter keys. 15:17:24 <hendriknl> Hah.. yeah.. I don't want to be taken by the Ottomans Peter. 15:17:32 <lowercaserho> Peter_Van_Drone: He probably hasn't found the option to rename provinces yet :D 15:17:32 <esty6> lol 15:18:06 <peter_van_drone> Oh god what have I done 15:18:14 <whyme95> @Briarstone that is how I feel when I wait to kill a person in CK2 but then the plotpowergows down :( 15:18:14 <shenryyr> Click on a province, then click on the name of the provice in the window that pops up 15:18:23 <hendriknl> Click on the province Briarstone, then where the name is in the top.. you can click it 15:18:28 <themrbakit> @Briarstone, click the name when you click on a province 15:18:29 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone If you click the name in the top left where it says Brescia 15:18:49 <hendriknl> The big name 15:18:51 <hendriknl> Not the small one 15:18:53 <peter_van_drone> IT'S A WHOLE NEW WOOOOORLD 15:18:53 <nightbot> Peter_Van_Drone -> We appreciate your enthusiasm, but please don't type in all (or even 'mostly') caps! [warning] 15:19:00 <peter_van_drone> Oops. 15:19:10 <rjmac5> lol 15:19:17 <psychot68> just speeds up your conquest of ragusa/lika 15:19:20 <tokryva> Please don't rename provinces Briar, it loses so much immersion :( 15:19:26 <esty6> Briar you can rename provinces from tips :) 15:19:27 <peter_van_drone> Excitement has gotten the best of me. Nightbot is a harsh mistress. 15:19:40 <einen777> It also starts to be confusing finding places. 15:19:55 <einen777> Can we see Lithuania? 15:20:08 <peter_van_drone> No Einen, it's called New-Muscovy now :P 15:20:25 <einen777> Seems like it Peter :D 15:20:33 <rockdog237> Briar when you create Kiinada name the provinces after patreons :D 15:20:35 <tokryva> Also, you looking forward to Saturday's game Briar? 15:20:52 <tokryva> I know I am >:) 15:21:12 <essi2> Later, gotta go 15:21:15 <lowercaserho> It can add to immersion if you conquer some place and decide that instead of keeping the foreign name you want to name it after your current Doge,or something like that. But just random names all over the place is very meh, I agree. 15:21:20 <hakkun1> See you, essi! :) 15:21:21 <einen777> Are there any slots left open in that Tokryva? 15:21:46 <peter_van_drone> The one multiplayer game i'm in right now, someone declared war on France, and ONE month later they got Elan. It has turned into the most one-sided floor wipe I have ever seen 15:21:46 <esty6> I just played a game of Incas, I would have loved knowing you could rename provinces :) 15:21:54 <tokryva> There are always slots open, you just can't get a nation already claimed imo 15:22:15 <einen777> Cool. What time does the game start? 15:22:33 <peter_van_drone> I legitimately don't know what to do against Elan. It's just crazy overpowered. 15:22:40 <tokryva> Briar's usual stream time 15:22:48 <hakkun1> Hey there, giant Polotsk in the corner! :) 15:22:55 <hakkun1> !schedule 15:22:55 <nightbot> Briarstone's current stream schedule: Sundays, 8-11 am EST / Thursdays, 8-11 am EST / Fridays, 8-11 am EST / Saturdays, 6-9 pm EST --- check for updates & additional events at 15:23:02 <einen777> I don't have to turn up early for setup or suchlike? 15:23:03 <peter_van_drone> Right now my war plan is 1) Try not to cry. 2) Lie on the floor. 3) Cry deeply into my shirt.

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15:23:19 <esty6> when you get a mission to convert Chihuachuchichilanga, renaming it to 'Bob' is not that bad an idea 15:23:20 <einen777> Best option against Elan is surrender :D 15:23:30 <peter_van_drone> @Hakkun1 It's half Poland half Danish, they have the same colour 15:23:34 <beamierhydra> What;s happening on saturday? 15:23:36 <lowercaserho> Giant Polotsk just quietly chilling out there with Danish Baltic. 15:23:42 <rockdog237> LOL esty 15:24:01 <tokryva> Best option against Elan is having Prussian space marines. And of course a fuckton of allies also fighting france 15:24:28 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone I'm not saying you enjoy crazy goals or anything, but if you own the Suez province, there's a project to make the Suez Canal for 20,000 ducats. 15:24:52 <tokryva> And Briar, get a claim on Naples' provinces, you might be able to threaten war on them too 15:24:54 <lowercaserho> This map is so weird. Polotsk, Kazan, Burgundy, Scotland, Tabarestan... 15:25:06 <beamierhydra> Peter_van_drone isn't it posiible only after like 1700 or something crazy like that? 15:25:10 <esty6> My strategy with France is ally them soon and keep them allies until I own the rest of the whole world, and then maybe I can beat them 15:25:14 <hakkun1> It's like the map knows Briar is playing... 15:25:18 <beamierhydra> Also you need two provinces if I remember right 15:25:34 <peter_van_drone> Yes, and he also isn't getting 20000 any time son. Just saying for the future, since I imagine he will luck his way into crushing the Ottomans again. 15:25:48 <rockdog237> Rho it's a Briar surprised the ai joined in the craziness? 15:26:01 <einen777> In about half my games these days France gets wrecked at the start of the game and never recovers. 15:26:12 <lowercaserho> Not even a little bit, Rockdog 15:26:12 <einen777> They really bumped up Burgundy. 15:26:41 <tokryva> This map is anything but crazy, you just haven't played a lot of EU4 yet Kiin ;) 15:27:04 <einen777> 555 will just increase unrest and never convert... 15:27:07 <tokryva> Not worth trying Briar 15:27:11 <esty6> Briar stop that conversion of 555 months. While it happens the unrest is higher 15:27:12 <peter_van_drone> Crazy like a colonial super-power Theodoro, Toky? :P 15:27:48 <peter_van_drone> And intentionally increasing unrest to have rebels flip your whole countries religion is a dangerous game. 15:28:16 <doriide> Briarstone playing EU4 this can only go well. 15:28:30 <peter_van_drone> It's a lot of fun, Doriide 15:28:45 <esty6> Doriide he already beat the Ottomans in a war 15:28:55 <hakkun1> Hey doriide! :) 15:29:02 <einen777> Can we have a zoom out and look at Yerp? 15:29:05 <tokryva> I've had the AI form Hannover recently, that's a rare one 15:29:09 <rjmac5> Briar can make some ... interesting... noises lol 15:29:25 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone It's not possible for a while, but it's a future goal! You need to be in the 1700s, 15:29:29 <hakkun1> *grumble grumble* I have to go to work... 15:29:38 <lowercaserho> Briar: You can get teh Suez Canal *and* the Panama Canal *and* the Kiel Canal. Only costs 60,000 ducats for all 3. 15:29:41 <hendriknl> Pfff Hakkun. 15:29:46 <hendriknl> Make this your work 15:29:51 <esty6> 1700s, I don't think I've reached that year yet and I've played 800 hours of EU4 :) 15:30:04 <doriide> Nice, as long a he holds naval superiority he can make it so the allies dont matter 15:30:20 <hakkun1> That sounds awesome, Hendrik. :) 15:30:43 <tokryva> Naval superiority is useless vs the Ottomans since 1.14 15:30:57 <briarstone> !poll open Casus Belli | Ease tension 15:30:57 <nightbot> Briarstone -> Invalid poll options specified. Usage: !poll new title | option 1 | option 2 | option 3 15:30:57 <tekbot_v2> A new poll has been opened: 1 - Casus Belli || 2 - Ease tension 15:31:05 <esty6> !vote 2 15:31:05 <tekbot_v2> esty6 has voted for option 2: Ease tension 15:31:05 <lowercaserho> !vote 2 15:31:06 <tekbot_v2> lowercaserho has voted for option 2: Ease tension 15:31:06 <peter_van_drone> !vote 1

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15:31:06 <tekbot_v2> peter_van_drone has voted for option 1: Casus Belli 15:31:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 15:31:08 <hendriknl> !vote 2 15:31:08 <tekbot_v2> hendriknl has voted for option 2: Ease tension 15:31:09 <tokryva> They'll still Protossball the crap out of you 15:31:10 <einen777> Its easy to get a claim the ordinary way. 15:31:12 <doriide> !vote pie 15:31:12 <tekbot_v2> pie is not a valid poll option! 15:31:13 <tekbot_v2> 30 Second warning! Current results are: Casus Belli :: 1 votes || Ease tension :: 3 votes 15:31:13 <einen777> !vote 2 15:31:13 <tekbot_v2> einen777 has voted for option 2: Ease tension 15:31:13 <rockdog237> !vote 1 15:31:13 <tekbot_v2> rockdog237 has voted for option 1: Casus Belli 15:31:17 <lowercaserho> Weren't you trying to get relations with Serbia up higher, Briar? 15:31:18 <beamierhydra> !vote 2 15:31:18 <tekbot_v2> beamierhydra has voted for option 2: Ease tension 15:31:28 <tekbot_v2> 15 Second warning! Current results are: Casus Belli :: 2 votes || Ease tension :: 5 votes 15:31:28 <esty6> a diplomatic insult CB is not that great anyway 15:31:28 <hakkun1> Anyway, I will see you all later. Thanks for being here and being awesome, and have a great day or night! Be amazing to each other! 15:31:33 <tekbot_v2> 10 Second warning! Current results are: Casus Belli :: 2 votes || Ease tension :: 5 votes 15:31:35 <rockdog237> CB get ftw Briar 15:31:37 <doriide> More land = more gold 15:31:38 <tekbot_v2> 5 Second warning! Current results are: Casus Belli :: 2 votes || Ease tension :: 5 votes 15:31:41 <lowercaserho> Take care and be well, Hakkun. 15:31:42 <tekbot_v2> The Poll has been closed! Results are: Casus Belli :: 2 votes || Ease tension :: 5 votes 15:31:47 <peter_van_drone> "Let me wipe away all these tears with all this money." 15:31:54 <beamierhydra> Actually, if you were real Venice, you'd be like "Insult me? I dont care, I 15:32:05 <mrwashingtoad> Was going to vote, but it wasn't close enough to tie :P 15:32:06 <shenryyr> He called the Doge a doo-doo head! We won't forget this!! SwiftRage 15:32:08 <beamierhydra> I'm still rich bro, I'll use the gold to kick yo ass" 15:33:11 <tokryva> @briarstone Before annexing Serbia, you should get Raska because of the Serbian core 15:33:11 <rockdog237> Much Doge Such Briar 15:33:24 <einen777> Time to check to price on Cossacks again. 15:33:27 <beamierhydra> no Shenryyr, he called the MOST SERENE doge a doo-doo head! He has to die! 15:33:28 <esty6> what a slot 15:33:33 <doriide> So is Briarstone now better at this game then Northenlion? 15:34:00 <lowercaserho> Diplomatic candidate: akiss4BELLAWAT Administrative candidate: batsDog Military candidate: FrankerZ Choose your doge wisely. 15:34:11 <rockdog237> Doriide, LOL 15:34:27 <tokryva> Can't threaten during truce 15:34:36 <mrwashingtoad> down with Excel! 15:34:36 <hendriknl> Oh.. 15:34:38 <mrwashingtoad> :D 15:34:43 <hendriknl> Wait, we're doing our job wrong folks 15:34:46 <tokryva> So, war Hungary with your allies and take it from Ragusa forcibly 15:35:03 <hendriknl> He's not paying us. We must cease our labour! 15:35:11 <hendriknl> Unions unite! 15:35:12 <doriide> Ok now we need to get Quill and Arumba in here to teach us so we can teach you better 15:35:14 <esty6> I'm not in labour thought I look like I am 15:35:23 <peter_van_drone> The Jews were expelled from Venice so I can't give any more opinions. :P 15:35:23 <rjmac5> Briar also keeps on rolling critical hits.... RNG tends to like him, either that or it's scared of him... 15:35:32 <einen777> We all know that EU4 is a cheap Command and Conquer clone padded out with Excel.

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15:35:33 <beamierhydra> Hendriknl I'm mostly just slacking anyways 15:35:39 <hendriknl> :P 15:36:06 <einen777> Shen can show Briar how to get more rebels. 15:36:06 <esty6> Briar has a Personal Idea 'Briarness' that gives him +5 luck on all rolls 15:36:14 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone You also got a free idea for completing the tree, the small lightbulb lit up at the end of Maritime Ideas. 15:36:16 <rjmac5> precisely 15:36:42 <beamierhydra> So for the guy asking if briar was better than NL... That's you ranswer right there 15:36:44 <whyme95> You have lvl 9! 15:36:50 <doriide> You have level 9 you need level 10 Briarstone 15:36:53 <esty6> new idea group is unlocked at ADM 10 Briar 15:37:06 <tokryva> @briarstone can you check Hungary's allies, and also see if your own allies would join a war against them? Poland being their neighbor makes it easier for them to join than against Ragusa alone 15:37:30 <einen777> Lower autonomy. 15:37:43 <beamierhydra> That means you just got confused about what tech level you were on :D 15:38:22 <doriide> why is he so far behind on anything not adm? 15:38:23 <peter_van_drone> A pretty low amount of dip tech for Venice, all things considered. 15:38:43 <einen777> Maybe it all went into ideas. 15:38:53 <peter_van_drone> All ideas, yeah 15:38:53 <esty6> Peter for the longest time he had -1 (or even -2) from all the diplo relations 15:38:58 <rjmac5> Briar is Briar.... TOTALLY random... soo random that the universe steps around him so that it doesn't get sucked in... 15:39:39 <esty6> no they don't? 15:39:42 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Instead of Hungary directly, maybe Mantua would be easier to declare war on. Less powerful allies (IE: No Austria) 15:40:04 <tokryva> No, it's about getting a war against Ragusa 15:40:04 <doriide> Briarstone is like a d100 a very nice dice that no one trusts to come up with the number they want 15:40:13 <tokryva> And only Hungary is their ally 15:40:23 <lowercaserho> Sweeping up all the minors in northern Italy would be an excellent thing to aim for about now anyway 15:40:37 <essentia_modica> heya Kiinlings 15:40:38 <flyingscotsman33> Good morning Briar and chat o/ 15:40:43 <esty6> greetings Essentia 15:40:46 <peter_van_drone> Morning Essentia! 15:40:53 <lowercaserho> Morning, Essentia and Scotty 15:40:55 <tokryva> Hey Essentia <3 15:40:59 <einen777> Hai Essentia HeyGuys 15:41:04 <rockdog237> Essentia & Scotty o/ 15:41:04 <beamierhydra> hello essentia! 15:41:19 <doriide> brown one Briarstone 15:41:20 <proudnitro> i'm back! 15:41:28 <proudnitro> from like 7:15 15:41:46 <peter_van_drone> Savoy took a nice bite out of Switzerland. 15:41:56 <doriide> Hello Essentia_modica I hope you are feeling better 15:42:16 <flyingscotsman33> wait Briar isn't ruling the world yet 15:42:20 <peter_van_drone> Between Mantua/Switzerland/Florence, it's six provinces. Those can be broken in a half year, then on to hungary. 15:42:24 <tokryva> Briar, count Bohemian and Polish troops as well, and does Poland have a PU over Lithuania still? If you can let your allies do the brunt of the fighting you can easily win vs Hungary and especially Austria before they get out of control. Taking out Austria now is my preferred goal 15:42:54 <peter_van_drone> @Tokryva I believe Poland still has the PU, but they just lost a big war to Muscovy. 15:43:04 <lowercaserho> Scotty: He's deliberately doing it slowly and pretending to be less competent than he is, to give us extra excitement. He's generous like that. 15:43:30 <einen777> Watching this is making me want to have a game as Venice too. 15:43:35 <tokryva> Even better, Poland will be weak for Muscovy 2: Electric Boogaloo 15:43:50 <essentia_modica> I'm getting there, Doriide. Not 100% yet, but working on it. :) 15:43:51 <esty6> Poland and Lithuania are actually enemies now I think 15:44:18 <peter_van_drone> I don't know if i'd trade the PLC for a strong Russia. Really would depend on the Caucus situation. 15:44:25 <einen777> What are the Ottomans up to? Why aren't they busy crushing up into Yerp?

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15:44:54 <peter_van_drone> @Einen777 Briarstone beat them back pretty hard and they've been licking their wounds ever since. 15:45:05 <esty6> I'm glad you're doing better Essentia. The advantage you have is that if they say "you need to eat more veggies", you'd be all like 'yay!' (I would pout all the way home) 15:45:13 <einen777> They recover manpower so fast though. 15:45:32 <tokryva> Ragusa WILL join; defensive calls ignore truces 15:45:33 <shenryyr> @Briarstone, truces do not cause stability loss if you join defensive wars, so they will join 15:45:39 <peter_van_drone> Yep, the Caucus situation is getting crazy. 15:45:56 <tokryva> Hello Shen 15:45:57 <katiekat3000> does anyone know whenthe pach ading mor land in iralnd lonches? 15:45:57 <essentia_modica> lol Esty 15:45:59 <einen777> Don't be silly Esty. Doctors don't ever give good advice like eat more veggies :D 15:46:07 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 15:46:30 <katiekat3000> Essentia_Modica, am gladto see you back but uyou shuld be resting <3 15:46:32 <lowercaserho> Katie: It's going to be at the same time as the Mare Nostrum expansion, I believe. 15:46:46 <katiekat3000> when is that coming out 15:46:52 <peter_van_drone> Could decrease autonomy, let them rebel, crush the rebels and then go to war. 15:46:52 <essentia_modica> Einen777 - right? :) (I'm thankful, actually, that my doctor's office has a whole thing about nutrition and other stuff, so they're slightly more aware. but also I have Eva. :D ) 15:46:56 <esty6> it was just announced so still a while 15:47:18 <essentia_modica> Oh I'm resting lots, Katie, promise. I'm only doing *this* in short bits here and there, to see how it goes... I' kinda testing the waters. :) 15:47:18 <lowercaserho> Hasn't had a date announced yet, but I would guess about 6 weeks or so. 15:47:37 <tokryva> Early April, probably after Easter 15:47:52 <einen777> They sound a lot better than here then Essentia. The doctors I see know nothing about nutrition at all. If they can't prescribe it, it doesn't exist. 15:47:56 <peter_van_drone> Might as well have a fully 20 stack on the tiles then so they get blasted immediately on the rebellion pop. 15:48:04 <esty6> CK2 is also getting a new DLC but that one hasn't been officially announced yet 15:48:22 <jonlevir> I hope you get a lot of good rest, essentia! take your time to get back to 100% 15:48:23 <essentia_modica> yeah, I try to actively avoid those doctors, Einen... which is hard to do... 15:48:27 <hendriknl> I thought they mentioned CK2 last and final DLC was Conclave. 15:48:33 <essentia_modica> Thank you JonLevir. :) 15:48:34 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone They may call you intot he war with the Ottomans, be careful 15:48:40 <peter_van_drone> Welp 15:48:41 <esty6> not while they keep selling them Hendriknl 15:49:02 <einen777> Sometimes they are useful to get a diagnosis from. Then I can find out what to actually do about it. 15:49:03 <hendriknl> I'm quite sure that the amount of sells they make becomes lower and lower. :) 15:49:35 <esty6> to be honest I wish they stopped making DLCS for CK2 and move those people to Victoria 3 15:49:57 <hendriknl> All we know is that Wizz has been moved to a new secret project. 15:50:07 <hendriknl> And well.. let us hope that is Vic3 15:50:38 <peter_van_drone> Bye Switzerland. 15:50:39 <esty6> poor Switzerland 15:50:47 <essentia_modica> Hm, I should ask him, Hendrik... lol 15:50:53 <doriide> What is up with england this game? 15:51:04 <hendriknl> Arumba tried Essentia_Modica, even he was not allowed to know :) 15:51:13 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone You're falling behind on Military tech, be careful. If you fall behind in the Military Tactics modifier you'll get steamrolled. 15:51:21 <hendriknl> And I know that, because I talk quite a lot with Arumba on skype.

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15:51:22 <lowercaserho> Briar: Be careful taking military ideas. You need the points for your military tech. 15:51:35 <essentia_modica> for all I know, Wiz mentioned it last month and I just forgot.. lol 15:51:42 <hendriknl> :P 15:52:28 <katiekat3000> Briarstone, have you picked a monark pointto focis in to get mor points per munth? 15:52:53 <einen777> Maybe the secret project is to finish Hearts of Iron before WW3 starts. 15:52:56 <tokryva> Isn't Wiz working on Stellaris atm before switching to the new project (likely Vicky 3) 15:53:16 <hendriknl> I think they already switched him to a new project. 15:53:32 <peter_van_drone> Between Stellaris and Nu-MoO, I have a lot of space strategy to look forward to. 15:53:32 *lowercaserho starts a rumour about Rome 2 15:53:45 <hendriknl> Thing is though, they were like.. making a patch for vic2.. when they released that.. Quite soon after he told Arumba he was about to be moved away again 15:54:04 <hendriknl> However, rumours are also happening that Stellaris will be released before Hoi4. 15:54:05 <tokryva> He tweeted or posted on the forums very recently about working on Stellaris AI 15:54:06 <peter_van_drone> WTB EUIV/CKII style grand strategy game for the Warhammer Fantasy universe. 15:54:07 <peter_van_drone> WTB EUIV/CKII style grand strategy game for the Warhammer Fantasy universe. 15:54:14 *doriide licks all of chat they taste of ice cream 15:54:31 <hendriknl> THere are mods for that Peter. 15:54:36 <esty6> Peter I think there is a Warhammer mod for CK2 in the workshop 15:54:37 <essentia_modica> I'm just waiting for Vampire /World of Darkness news. *nod* 15:55:10 <doriide> Kill the pope 15:55:12 <tokryva> I should get out of bed and go shower... 15:55:22 <esty6> they did buy the company Essentia, not sure what they're going to do with it in the near future 15:55:26 <tokryva> It's almost 4pm... 15:55:30 <peter_van_drone> I was thinking more of a dedicated game, since over 90% of the stuff Games Workshop has ever licensed for games has been absolute steaming trash. 15:55:55 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Siena is currently taking over the Pope, so, that may take care of itself. 15:56:01 <essentia_modica> I know they did, Esty, hence my waiting. :) 15:56:03 <esty6> I haven't tried it, but it's the most popular mod for the last year 15:57:18 <esty6> Briar you have 3 free diplomats, fabricate claims 15:57:27 <peter_van_drone> Well, once I pick up CKII and the Sons Of Abraham expansion i'll give it a shot. 15:58:00 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone You make a lot of extra money, you could consider funding rebels in the Ottomans/Mamluk territory that they have newly acquired. 15:58:21 <lowercaserho> Essentia: Have you seen that the people who made Life Is Strange are making a vampire game set in early 20th century London? Not WoD, but it looks interesting to me at least. Not sure whether it will be your thing or not, but it did make me think of you. 15:58:42 <essentia_modica> I hadn't, no. I'll have to look into it, rho. :) 15:59:39 <hendriknl> Oh, more for you to watch Essentia.. Have you seen the new.. Ren: The Girl with the Mark? It's a youtube-mini series that has been released this week. 15:59:40 <hendriknl> Oh, more for you to watch Essentia.. Have you seen the new.. Ren: The Girl with the Mark? It's a youtube-mini series that has been released this week. 15:59:54 <essentia_modica> never heard of it, Hendrik. 15:59:55 <hendriknl> And for a low-low budget series.. It's amazing 16:00:00 <hendriknl> Mind if I post you a link? 16:00:08 <essentia_modica> I've really spent VERY little time on the computer in the last 3 weeks... also, I don't watch Youtube much. :) 16:00:18 <essentia_modica> !allow HendrikNL 16:00:18 <nightbot> Essentia_Modica -> hendriknl has been granted permission to post a link. 16:00:21 <hendriknl> 16:00:42 <hendriknl> It's from the creators of some fanmade Lord of the Rings movies. :) 16:01:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 16:01:19 <peter_van_drone> Just sliding right up next to Ragusa like "hey sexy momma let me whisper in your ear. you better give me reska or we're gonna war this year."

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16:01:54 <essentia_modica> yeah, that doesn't mean much to me, Hendrik, since I'm not an LotR fan and haven't watched fanmade movies for it. :) 16:02:07 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 16:02:24 <fjellkriger> There's fan-made movies? 16:02:25 <hendriknl> Fair enough :) No clue what they based this Renn series on though.. but for +-15 minutes episodes I can make time :P 16:02:31 <proudnitro> i'm super drowsy :( 16:02:44 <esty6> Briar is using his Michael JAckson voice 16:03:05 <hendriknl> Yes, there are two (I know of) fanmade movies.. Not the greatest quality.. but considering it's all voluntary and low budget.. I find it amazing :) 16:03:07 <nightbot> The bot currently dislikes all links. Please ask a moderator to permission to post any! 16:03:17 <shenryyr> theocracy used to be neat, but now it is meh FeelsBadMan 16:03:30 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Economic Ideas, obviously. Venice. 16:03:39 <essentia_modica> for me, it often comes down to exactly what the content and themes are, Hendrik. How violent it is, etc. I'm not automatically into fantasy stuff, either... it can really depend. But I'll look into it. :) 16:03:44 <fjellkriger> Not sure if I would watch them, the main movies were good, just a one time watch for me tho 16:03:55 <shenryyr> Administrative makes conquering lands cheaper and lowers tech cost for the rest of the game FeelsGoodMan 16:04:03 <essentia_modica> (oh yeah... I have to see if the link thing wants to be fixed now that Nightbot's in beta...) 16:04:09 <esty6> Briar since your ADM tech is way ahead of time, pick a ADM idea group 16:04:41 <einen777> More madderer. 16:04:42 <peter_van_drone> Also eventually Venice can basically plant Mercantilism like seeds and reap the gold. 16:04:48 <hendriknl> I think I've watched lotr.. over about.. well... I lost count. 16:05:08 <rocmage> heh, me too 16:05:14 <esty6> I watch it once a year, which means I'm due to watch it again :) 16:05:23 <fjellkriger> Only one movie I had ever watched over and over, and that is Big Trouble Little China 16:05:35 <rocmage> since TNT ran them over and over, i watched it whenever it was on, not just when i could be bothered to put the DVDs in 16:05:37 <peter_van_drone> You eventually get bottlenecked with being unable to build any more land units, boats, or buildings anywhere and just subsidise people or rebels out of boredom. 16:05:55 <einen777> You can add a church power Briar. 16:05:59 <rocmage> Fjellkriger, best movie to watch over and over... Groundhog Day! 16:05:59 <dramravett> so dose Briarstone take brakes ? 16:05:59 <lowercaserho> I saw the first LotR movie in teh cinema, and stayed awake through it because the seats were so uncomfortable. I tried watching the second LotR movie oon DVD, and fell asleep in it. I didn't even bother trying to watch the third one. 16:06:09 <doriide> Briarstone add a new church power 16:06:17 <hendriknl> Everyone their thing rho :)( 16:06:27 <peter_van_drone> @Dramravett There are no brakes on the Briartrain. 16:06:42 <dramravett> ok just asking :) ty 16:06:58 <mdhgameplays> hi Briar! 16:07:03 <jonlevir> I never knew Paradox bought White Wolf! I'm excited now. I hope they do something good with Vampire 16:07:05 <esty6> I'm also due to rewatching the Harry Potter series 16:07:13 <rocmage> lowercaserho, the third movie is great (won best picture) until the end, and then the other end, and the end and end and end 16:07:23 <einen777> It costs 100 to add one. 16:07:28 <essentia_modica> Yeah, rho, I saw the first one in theater with the family 'cause they were going and I wasn't necessarily *opposed*, rho... but then I didn't see the rest until they were all on DVD and the family basically begged to have a LotR marathon one day and get me to watch 'em. and I don't think I'll ever watch them *again*... lol 16:07:54 <einen777> You get 4 as Protestant and you can replace them with other ones later. 16:07:54 <hendriknl> So weird Essentia, I find you the perfect Shire person. 16:08:02 <rocmage> I've never seen Schindler's List 16:08:02 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone missionary strength is necessary in your situation

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16:08:11 <lowercaserho> Yeah, RocMage. Given my main problem with LotR (both the books and the movies) ate that they drag on too long, I'm thinking I may have made the right choice with that :D 16:08:21 <essentia_modica> that's... odd, Hendrik. 16:08:26 <hendriknl> Schindler's list.. a movie I've watched once.. and just was impressed by. 16:08:29 <einen777> I would take either stab cost, discipline or missionary. 16:08:33 <dramravett> hey Essentia_Modica hows things 16:08:36 <fortaz107> i was making out during Schlinders List 16:08:38 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone You -do- still have negative Prestige. 16:08:40 <esty6> Essentia is more like an elf, if elves could be vampires 16:08:44 <essentia_modica> ^ 16:08:55 <essentia_modica> Vampire Elf all the way. 16:08:55 <hendriknl> xD 16:09:00 <lowercaserho> Briar: You aren't tied into what you take now. You can change them later. So take whichever you think is best for right now this second. 16:09:10 <hendriknl> ^ 16:09:19 <jonlevir> development cost is really good 16:09:21 <essentia_modica> Things are okay Dram. I'm getting better, we think. Still *incredibly* tired all the time... :) how's you? 16:09:24 <peter_van_drone> I wish there was an aspect of faith for Army/Naval tradition. 16:09:28 <rocmage> its a great compliment Essentia_Modica, the Elves in LOTR are pretty much isolationist, while the people of the Shire are people of the Earth :) 16:09:46 <peter_van_drone> I have recently become addicted to Army Tradition and have to scratch my neck any time I lose some. 16:09:49 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone the best at peace usually are missionary strenght less unres or idea cost. 16:09:59 <essentia_modica> RocMage - and also they're homebodies. and unworldly. And afraid of things. And have hairy feet. :D 16:10:04 <hendriknl> I think i'd be a human ranger.. live in the forest.. isolated.. and just do good things :) 16:10:09 <dramravett> interesting Essentia_Modica Kappa 16:10:15 <hendriknl> Got a problem with hairy feet? "D 16:10:20 <einen777> I like the stability cost as a republic because I'm usually rocking a terrible republican tradition. 16:10:29 <essentia_modica> I have a problem with being told *I* have hairy feet. :P 16:10:35 <mdhgameplays> @Esty6 blood elves? 16:10:36 <rocmage> but... do you? 16:10:41 <essentia_modica> actually no 16:10:41 <peter_van_drone> He means that during Peacetime, those are best, but if you were about to go to war it would be smarter to get +Morale or +Discipline 16:10:42 <hendriknl> Did someone ever tell you you've got hairy feet?O.o 16:10:45 <essentia_modica> also I have tiny feet. 16:10:48 <esty6> hairy feet protects you from dropping bottles on them 16:11:06 <peter_van_drone> I'll trade you, Essentia. I have massive and hairless feet. One of my parents was a duck. 16:11:15 <rocmage> tiny feet? definitely not a Halfling :P 16:11:20 <fortaz107> i wonder how girls got by in the cold of caveman times with no hair 16:11:25 <essentia_modica> that's what I'm saying, RocMage. :D 16:11:33 <mdhgameplays> @Essentia_modica my girlfriend says i'm a hobbit with growth hormones, my feet are really big and hairi, but i'm pretty tall XD 16:11:40 <essentia_modica> Fortaz107 - er, women HAVE hair... :P 16:11:40 <hendriknl> Girls used to have just as much hair as men did back in cavemen time Fortaz :P 16:11:43 <einen777> Would it be rude to ask which one was the duck Peter? 16:11:49 <fortaz107> :O 16:12:05 <fortaz107> you jest 16:12:10 <peter_van_drone> I have no idea, all I know is i'm stuck with 14WW feet that require a one hour drive each way to find shoes for. 16:12:13 <einen777> I thought the extra male hair was mostly hormonal. 16:12:34 <esty6> evolutionary protection since men were more frequently outside hunting? who knows 16:12:39 <fortaz107> i buy my shoes online 16:12:50 <rocmage> they don't have the internet where you live Peter_Van_Drone? 16:13:05 <essentia_modica> Anyone want to try posting a link for me? say, imgur or youtube or something we usually allow...

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16:13:10 <hendriknl> Uhh 16:13:14 <hendriknl> 16:13:16 <rockdog237> 16:13:19 <peter_van_drone> I have orthopedic inserts for my shoes, it makes it very difficult to buy things without trying them first. 16:13:24 <mdhgameplays> @Einen777 It is, but in fact men and women have similar number of hair folicles, testosterone make body hair grow bigger and darker on men 16:13:25 <essentia_modica> the whitelist might be working now. yay. 16:13:25 <hendriknl> Seems to work Essentia :P 16:13:30 <tokryva> aww, if Briar had estates enabled he could now get a cheap level 2 inquisitor from them :( 16:13:33 <rockdog237> woot 16:13:40 <peter_van_drone> I heard they have some of that internet out over Californ-i-way 16:14:17 <essentia_modica> er, well... soo... who wants to try posting a link we *don't* have whitelisted? like, say, a random game wiki or a dev site or something... 16:14:18 <lowercaserho> You guys are all aware that most women shave or otherwise remove their body hair, right? And that women aren't just naturally hairless all over? 16:14:29 <hendriknl> 16:14:29 <nightbot> HendrikNL -> We're not interested in link spam. If it's important, ask a mod. [warning] 16:14:33 <fortaz107> californians are too sexy for the internet 16:14:36 <hendriknl> seems to work 16:14:36 <peter_van_drone> 16:14:36 <nightbot> Peter_Van_Drone -> We're not interested in link spam. If it's important, ask a mod. [warning] 16:14:40 <essentia_modica> awesome. thanks guys. 16:14:51 <einen777> 16:14:52 <rocmage> heh, you beat me to it HendrikNL... luckily for me 16:14:56 <hendriknl> :P 16:15:00 <peter_van_drone> Yep, didn't work. Briar will never know the glory of BearHasLanded. 16:15:07 <einen777> Are you supposed to be working on things Essentia? 16:15:09 <hendriknl> I tried a website called tweakers.. was just something I had open at the time 16:15:48 <essentia_modica> this is the only thing I'm gonna do, Einen. :) 16:15:48 <esty6> oh, CK2 2.5.2 patch is live 16:15:55 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone did you force convert serbia? 16:16:19 <gez83> there black flagged 16:16:28 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone blagflagged units can move without permision, but also they cannot fight 16:16:46 <lowercaserho> Briar: If a unit becomes "black flagged" (generally by being in enemy territory when a war ends) then they can walk across all land until they get home, but can't fight at all 16:17:26 <fortaz107> poland is in debt??? 16:17:30 <hendriknl> Did Briarstone threaten Ragusa again? 16:17:38 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone i suggest expanding into italy, austria-hungary are to tought right now 16:18:47 <fortaz107> diplomacy between countries is all about threats in reality 16:18:47 <lowercaserho> Briar: Maybe try making a claim on Siena and threatening there? 16:18:52 <peter_van_drone> Naples is nice this time of year. I believe 1520 had a really popular wine vintage, too, "Forcibly Annexed By Venice Merlot". 16:18:57 <esty6> Does the AI threaten human players? 16:19:00 <hendriknl> Anyone here plays a game called: From The Depths? 16:19:33 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone declaring on mantua and making hungary anul tratis with its allies is a good idea 16:19:41 <fortaz107> if you declare war on switzerland, they wont object 16:19:42 <lowercaserho> Peter: Aren't Naples still in a PU under Castille? Or did that change when I was't paying attention? 16:19:49 <esty6> Briar try war on Ragusa see who joins 16:20:53 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone One of the most important modifiers in a fight is Military Tactics. It's the small horse icon in Military Tech, and you can see what levels people get it at. Anyone at 9 will most likely beat you in a fight if you're stil at 8. 16:21:22 <esty6> depends on numbers Peter 16:22:15 <einen777> Tictacs and discipline. 16:22:33 <peter_van_drone> Anyone at 9 has 1.45 16:22:51 <peter_van_drone> Sorry, 1.50

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16:23:08 <einen777> Yeah. Some military tech levels are much more important than others. 16:23:14 <peter_van_drone> Starts at 0.5 base, gains an additional .25 at every few tech levels. 16:23:37 <esty6> how many troops do they have? seem they have rebel problems 16:23:44 <esty6> oh wait that's Lithuania 16:23:44 <peter_van_drone> If you're in an evenly matched fight for manpower and generals with no terrain crossing, military tactics will make the difference most times. 16:24:11 <peter_van_drone> (Not factoring in bad rolls for every phase and such) 16:24:36 <esty6> lol that inflation 16:24:46 <esty6> I was used to seeing 16+ in my Inca run 16:24:58 <beamierhydra> Getting inflation would be cheaper I think right now 16:25:07 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone If you go to 4 inflation it will cost 150 ADM points to refund, stability 2 to 3 costs more. 16:25:14 <peter_van_drone> Too late! 16:25:22 <beamierhydra> cause you'll pay like 150 for stability, and for that you'll refund 4 inflation and you only get 3 16:25:28 <lowercaserho> Didn't he take economic ideas earlier? That basically means inflation will be a non-issue this game 16:25:42 <krutokh> wow its good to see your protestant heretic behind has not been royally raped by the only and true catholic church, briar. maybe there is some legitimacy to your inferior beliefs 16:25:50 <peter_van_drone> Yes, Rho, but he is still about 760 adm from the -inflation idea. 16:26:30 <lowercaserho> Sure, Peter, but he won't pick up too much inflation in that time, and then anything he has will go away after he has it. 16:27:14 <esty6> inflation is not an issue until it gets like over 20 so yeah, don't worry about it 16:27:33 <peter_van_drone> And then Gazze, Kudus, and Dera can get switched back to their real names. Whoo 16:27:46 <gutygher> hello, im playing as malaya and i would like to know whats better, naval or maritime ideas 16:27:47 <whyme95> have to get some exercise now, see you at Sat :) 16:27:59 <peter_van_drone> Neither, the naval ideas are all poo :( 16:28:03 <krutokh> @Esty6 you can get some pretty bad events even if you have as little as 5-6 inflation. well thats if you lose manpower and stability and religious unity and so on 16:28:24 <esty6> well that's a crisis 16:28:24 <einen777> I wouldn't take either Gutygher 16:28:29 <peter_van_drone> Ragusa is seriously not making things easier for itself. 16:28:57 <einen777> Is it to increase your naval force limit? 16:29:13 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone You -are- venice. You can buy out Polands debt with a loan and then theyll be happy to come to war. 16:29:17 <lowercaserho> I agree with Einen. There are almost always better options than either maritime or naval 16:29:23 <peter_van_drone> 911 debt is less than your whole treasury. 16:29:35 <tokryva> Briar, threaten war for Raska now 16:29:37 <einen777> There are some military ideas that improve your ships. 16:29:43 <gutygher> i wanted to improve my trade, but i thought increasing naval limit was better since it would help both trade and war 16:29:53 <einen777> To increase naval force limits you can build certain buildings. 16:30:09 <gutygher> but i dont want to waste building slots on that 16:30:15 <krutokh> you need ships when youre going vs the ottomans - also its pretty fun to sell heavy ships to asian minors who are lots of tech behind - you can get as much as 80 ducats per ship 16:30:24 <peter_van_drone> Better than wasting idea slots on naval or maritime, haha 16:30:29 <esty6> Briar if an army has a black flag they can walk over any province until they get to friendly territory, but they can't participate in battles 16:30:30 <tokryva> @briarstone Tlemcen's army is exiled ('black flagged') and they can retreat through anyone's lands 16:30:39 <lowercaserho> Briar: If a unit becomes "black flagged" (generally by being in enemy territory when a war ends) then they can walk across all land until they get home, but can't fight at all 16:31:07 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 16:31:24 <gutygher> if i dont take naval or maritime, what shoukd i take? i have exploration, admin and quiality 16:31:36 <gutygher> expansion?

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16:31:42 <peter_van_drone> Its so early in the claim, might as well pull the diplomat back. When discovered, Briar, your claim takes 4x as long 16:31:46 <gutygher> so that i colonise more? 16:32:01 <tokryva> @briarstone threaten for Raska? maybe they'll acceot 16:32:18 <peter_van_drone> Bring him back and try again, it's quicker to do a claim from 0-100 three times over than to complete a claim from 50% and already discovered. 16:32:23 <lowercaserho> Gutygher: If you're doing the trade game, trade ideas are good. 16:32:55 <einen777> I second trade for Malaya. 16:32:55 <gutygher> but i wanted to help a bit my wars or my colonisation too 16:33:15 <krutokh> @Gutygher depens what you wanna do - humanist if you want stability in your realm or expansion (goes well with offensive cuz of policy), if you want more friends diplomatic are a good choice, also will let you get more provinces per peace, if you want to raise vassals you can get influence - though im not sure if they fixed the thing where you get no force limit from vassals 16:33:17 <gutygher> true 16:33:20 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone What trade food does Brescia make? If its Dyes/Spice/Salt/Gold, production is better. 16:33:22 <lowercaserho> Gutygher: Making a lot of money to field more mercs helps your military 16:33:55 <gutygher> thanks people! 16:34:15 <tokryva> Kiinship, see you all later! 16:34:38 <rockdog237> Omg anyone else cringe at Briar saying Brescia? 16:34:41 <hertzila> Is Briarstone now a necromancer that goes around resurrecting / "recruiting" "mercenaries"? 16:34:48 <tokryva> Goodbye Ming, it was nice knowing ya 16:34:56 <einen777> For money nations I always think Admin ideas get underused. 16:35:02 <hertzila> The Most Serene Necro-Doge. 16:35:50 <lowercaserho> Honestly, the idea groups are pretty well balanced these days. There are maybe three or four that are weak, but the vast majority of them are strong. 16:35:54 <hertzila> Einen777, Expansion and Economic ideas are pretty much the only ones I take. 16:35:56 <tokryva> BRIAR 16:35:58 <krutokh> @Briarstone oh nice you see asia - see if you can get your ships to asia - and see if you are ahead enough in diplo tech to have better heavy ships that most people there. you only need a bit of fleet basing rights and you can sell heavy ships for double the price there. or light ships - chances are you will get more money from selling a light ship that it will generate from trade if nodes arent imba. 16:36:00 <tokryva> YOU DINGUS 16:36:13 <krutokh> @Briarstone its pretty micro intensive though 16:36:19 <shmonkeyshmonks> yo peeps 16:36:21 <tokryva> ALWAYS gain Republican tradtion, it is the hardest to obtain resource in the game 16:36:28 <tokryva> and that was a game long modifier 16:36:54 <krutokh> than damn it than not that 16:37:06 <tokryva> READ DAMNIT 16:37:14 <tokryva> ... now I really am going to go 16:37:15 <peter_van_drone> Toky SMASH 16:37:31 <rockdog237> Tokky Briar derps ftw 16:37:34 <hertzila> Farewell Tokryva. Please calm down too. 16:37:50 <krutokh> @Briarstone not that briar - not the trade nodes. you can sell ships. actual ships to other nations 16:38:10 <krutokh> @Briarstone if the ship is from a better tech than the nation has it will sell for more than nominal price 16:38:14 <mdhgameplays> too far 16:38:24 <krutokh> @Briarstone you can make more 16:38:29 <hertzila> But you can make MONEY with it! 16:38:30 <peter_van_drone> It's too complicated of an idea right now, focus on Europe 16:38:45 <peter_van_drone> Venice with Economic Ideas SWEATS money. 16:38:56 <einen777> Briar has too much monies. Can't he build some more buildings or somesuch? 16:39:28 <peter_van_drone> It is worth it! 16:39:34 <krutokh> @Briarstone yes also if you dont get fleet basing rights they might die of attrition, but from a fleet of 10 heavy ships, especially if you have cheaper ships (which you should cuz of tech and ubildings) the fleet may cost you as little as 350 and net you as much as 800 16:39:44 <einen777> -25% is awesome.

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16:40:19 <rockdog237> ShmonkeyShmonks, i automaticaly cringe dodged coz of the hosting sound lol 16:40:21 <peter_van_drone> That with capital development -25%, -10% from aspect of faith, and -10% from Economic ideas- your development in the capital is super cheap 16:40:36 <shmonkeyshmonks> lol Rockdog237 16:41:33 <krutokh> @Briarstone well if you dont like that then think of it this way - when you sell them ships they start thinking they have a lot stronger army than their neighbours. they declare war on each other. dont you want to see some chaos? 16:42:19 <krutokh> @Briarstone might want to consider prestige gain - helps with trade 16:44:41 <shmonkeyshmonks> I have Briar on delayed stereo, it's an interesting way to 16:44:59 <einen777> Save up for the mil tech. 16:45:25 <krutokh> @Briarstone you might want to consider building a shipyard - ships made in a province with a shipyard are cheaper, and i suspect have a lower maintenance but i cant be sure of that 16:45:26 <peter_van_drone> Military tech is more important than military ideas. 16:46:07 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 16:46:08 <peter_van_drone> Pronounced Mee-kell, if i recall 16:46:23 <einen777> Only just noticed Briarstone written on the map mode icons :D 16:47:05 <einen777> Briar confirmed Ferenghi. 16:47:57 <peter_van_drone> Briarstone Trump, the Grand Nagus of Venice. He got started with a small loan of a million latinum. 16:48:05 <peter_van_drone> DANGER 16:48:31 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Those units are dead get them the hell out of there. 16:48:37 <einen777> gg wp 16:48:40 <krutokh> @Briarstone check ships - ottos will engage your fleet if they have enough ships 16:48:41 <hifipanda> @Briarstone Quickly start fabricating claim on Ottomans before accepting this call to arms 16:48:46 <mdhgameplays> @Briarstone transfer those troops to the mainland 16:49:18 <krutokh> @Briarstone also check forts - quill has lost more than 1 war to unmanned forts. 16:49:28 <rockdog237> god damn it Briar great minds....i was typing DANGER Will Robinson :D 16:49:38 <peter_van_drone> I have a feeling the Ottomans have a higher military tech than Briar 16:49:48 <einen777> Not on speed 5 though Briar :D 16:50:12 <shenryyr> must kick more asses SwiftRage 16:50:26 <krutokh> now that is a surefire way to forget your forts and overseas troops 16:50:54 <einen777> Looks like Briar has the forts turned to auto on cos they seem on. 16:50:57 <peter_van_drone> This is a good time to take Jerusalem for that sweet +yearly prestige from owning it. 16:51:10 <krutokh> oh theres such a feature now? nice 16:51:36 <essentia_modica> !countdown !nextstream Mar 04 2016 8:00 am EST 16:51:36 <nightbot> Essentia_Modica -> This is kinda awkward, but that command doesn't work anymore sourSweat Countdown is now configured within the variable in the command response. Check out the docs at 16:51:42 <essentia_modica> oh right. 16:51:46 <einen777> Yes. There's an option to turn on forts and max spending on armies when war happens. 16:51:53 <shmonkeyshmonks> or 1pm GMT if in the UK :) 16:52:13 <shmonkeyshmonks> hello Essentia_modica :) 16:52:46 <einen777> I wonder if Briar has naval superiority. 16:52:48 <essentia_modica> hello :) 16:53:00 <shmonkeyshmonks> nice to see you, hope youre feeling better :) 16:53:03 <essentia_modica> Sorry I've been quiet. I get worn out kinda fast lately. 16:53:05 <krutokh> me too, north african nations tend to get heavy ships 16:53:17 <oranjay54> Hey Essentia :) Glad to see you in chat 16:53:33 <shmonkeyshmonks> I get worn out quick too....but that's because I'm soooo old :D 16:53:38 <peter_van_drone> Yeah, I believe That 48 is all barque, they have transports, gg for being dumb enough to waste force limit on transports ottomans 16:53:43 <krutokh> also the ottos tend to go over limit with the galleys 16:53:56 <hifipanda> @Briarstone Maneuver gives you a chance to capture enemy ships, so it's very good admiral

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16:54:28 <einen777> Briar really ought to be going over his naval force limit given his sick amount of income. 16:54:43 <krutokh> spoiler alert - they are all galleys 16:54:43 <peter_van_drone> 46 galleys and 6 barques 16:55:08 <shmonkeyshmonks> but my dad's bigger than yours 16:55:08 <einen777> You can check their ship numbers on the ledger too. 16:55:16 <peter_van_drone> @Briarstone Before you leave, check to see if Ottomans have a higher Military Tech than you 16:55:17 <hifipanda> Well, RIP fleet :) 16:55:17 <krutokh> hmmm maritime and naval sure seem like nice ideas now 16:55:35 <einen777> Briars naval tech is a bit on the low side though isn't it? 16:55:47 <peter_van_drone> He has maxed Naval Ideas, though 16:55:56 <krutokh> that helps then 16:56:00 <einen777> Naval ideas? Madness. 16:56:10 <peter_van_drone> No, this is Venice. 16:56:17 <peter_van_drone> oh sweet lord 16:56:26 <shmonkeyshmonks> Ottomans have better beds too 16:56:32 <krutokh> did he unlock 3 complete idea groups already? 16:56:36 <katiekat3000> Briarstone, wate til later on when you have 2 fleets of 100+ ships fiting it out 16:56:39 <peter_van_drone> Nope. 16:56:42 <einen777> And bigger hats. 16:56:44 <krutokh> if he hasnt the best venetian idea isnt in play 16:56:51 <peter_van_drone> Peace out, Ottomans! 16:57:36 <mikefluff> Finally got some time to visit :D 16:57:50 <mikefluff> what have I missed? :3 16:57:51 <krutokh> and while he has better ships, still its like 15 galleys vs 50 without counting other enemy nation ships 16:58:09 <shmonkeyshmonks> the whole stream Mikefluff :( 16:58:34 <peter_van_drone> rough 16:58:42 <krutokh> @Briarstone will you be bale to pass the fort? 16:58:43 <mikefluff> well I got here before it stopped so I can hear Briar's voice 16:58:46 <krutokh> able* 16:58:59 <shmonkeyshmonks> it is a thing to behold Mikefluff :) 16:58:59 <einen777> You wont be able to walk through the fort. 16:59:10 <peter_van_drone> Just tell your manager you were busy sacking Constantinople, they'll understand. 16:59:30 <shmonkeyshmonks> It's the country route, it's very pretty 17:00:17 <peter_van_drone> 5 SHOCK?! 17:00:20 <einen777> Hopefully Bavaria will send halp. 17:00:32 <peter_van_drone> Poland Stronk! 17:00:34 <essentia_modica> I could've sworn Briar said he was calling this 5 mins ago... :) 17:00:44 <einen777> They might retreat to Constantinople. 17:00:53 <shmonkeyshmonks> I thought that too Essentia_modica , he got all excited though 17:00:59 <mikefluff> have fun at work soon then ish Briar 17:01:03 <hertzila> Oh hello Essentia_Modica. 17:01:08 <nightbot> Wanna subscribe? Since that's not an option here yet, check out Patreon: OR send a 'tip': 17:01:15 <lowercaserho> Wow, Essentia, you must really still be sick if you expect Briar to do what he says he's going to ;) 17:01:22 <mikefluff> (Anybody knows what he works as?)and hi Essentia :3 I'm happy you are better 17:01:46 <peter_van_drone> But if Briar doesnt play EUIV until 4pm how will I pass time until Eva starts streaming, 17:01:51 <hertzila> mikefluff, Briar? The Most Serene Doge. 17:01:58 <mikefluff> *googeling it* 17:02:08 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 17:02:14 <shmonkeyshmonks> He's a nutritionist I think Mikefluff 17:02:15 <mikefluff> *facepaw* 17:02:16 <essentia_modica> wishful thinking, rho. :) 17:02:31 <krutokh> well thats weird 17:02:38 <essentia_modica> He works at a natural health store, MikeFluff. you can see stuff like that in his FAQ. :) 17:02:38 <hertzila> !faq

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17:02:38 <nightbot> Frequently Asked Questions: -- Chat Commands & Handy Links: -- Streams & Events: 17:02:41 <peter_van_drone> Saxony is in this war too? Nevermind then, Ottomans pissed off the PLC, HRE, and Venice at once. Good luck ottomans. 17:02:51 <mikefluff> cool, thanks Essentia :3 17:03:08 <nightbot> Have a cool link? Imgur, Wikipedia, Steam, & Youtube are allowed. Ask your friendly local moderator for permission to post anything else! 17:03:27 <mikefluff> "My ships are better than your ships" - Ship Mesuring Context 17:03:49 <peter_van_drone> That +25% Galley Combat Ability would be swell right now 17:04:01 <pdjr_alastorn> Hallo peoples, Hallo Briar - nice new overlay 17:04:11 <hertzila> Peter_Van_Drone, Woulda, coulda, shoulda, I'm afraid. 17:04:22 <shmonkeyshmonks> hello Pdjr_alastorn 17:04:28 <hertzila> Hello PDJR_Alastorn. 17:04:39 <mikefluff> goodbye Briar. Take care <3 17:04:41 <hifipanda> @Briarstone You can build like 20 galleys over limit, it will cost you like 2 ducats per month 17:04:42 <pdjr_alastorn> Dammit, showed up just in time to say helo :P 17:04:42 <peter_van_drone> 4 February, saved on my birthday. Hopefully I dont curse it. 17:04:43 <essentia_modica> I have a headache Briar, it's time to go... :) 17:04:56 <shmonkeyshmonks> goodbye all :) 17:04:56 <peter_van_drone> See you tomorrow, Briar! 17:04:57 <hertzila> Farewell Briar. 17:05:00 <dramravett> GG show 17:05:02 <essentia_modica> !nextstream 17:05:02 <nightbot> Briar's next on-schedule livestream begins in: 20 hours, 55 minutes, 3 seconds -- bookmark 17:05:09 <lowercaserho> Take care and be well, all 17:05:12 <mikefluff> gg 17:05:16 <essentia_modica> !follow 17:05:17 <nightbot> Follow the channel & join the Kiinship! Also find Briar at: | | | | Fan Community: 17:05:23 <einen777> Laters! 17:05:23 <hertzila> Farewell people. 17:05:33 <psychot68> later all 17:05:36 <mikefluff> aahh, this music. 17:05:41 <jonlevir> bye all 17:05:49 <rjmac5> Thanks for the stream Briar! Have a great day folks!! 17:05:57 <essentia_modica> have a good one, Kiinlings. If I'm up for it, I'll see some of you at AKiss4Luck's stream in 5 hours. 17:06:38 <rockdog237> later kiinlings I'll see you in 5 hrs or next Briarstream 17:06:39 <briarstone> Later all! Ottomans will be buggery tomorrow. Look forward to it! 17:07:08 <shmonkeyshmonks> does it help Briar if we click on the adverst that pop up? 17:07:24 <shmonkeyshmonks> or does it not make any difference 17:08:31 <shmonkeyshmonks> I'll hush and ask the quetion next stream :) 17:22:17 <mrwashingtoad> ShmonkeyShmonks, best is Patreon as it goes directly to Briar, the little adverts, at this time, really only help (not a bad thing as it helps them keep the service up) 17:22:17 <nightbot> MrWashingToad -> We're not interested in link spam. If it's important, ask a mod. [warning] 17:22:44 <mrwashingtoad> ShmonkeyShmonks, best is Patreon as it goes directly to Briar, the little adverts, at this time, really only help Twitch tv (not a bad thing as it helps them keep the service up) 17:22:49 <mrwashingtoad> !patreon 17:22:54 <mrwashingtoad> !commands 17:22:54 <nightbot> A list of our most commonly used chat commands is available at 17:23:36 <mrwashingtoad> hrm mods must have made the patreon command mod use only level 17:42:53 <briarstone> ShmonkeyShmonks, no, I don't get advertising money on Twitch. Not yet anyway.


Dit is de transcriptie van de streamer, met daarin de stream vervat als verwijzing.

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00:12:31 {briarstone} greetings you people, (know my king now is going ha- - ) this is {briarstone} and i do indeed welcome you to: (.) that there is a thingamajig and we're going to be playing more EU4

00:12:41 {briarstone} this mo:rning we are as venice ironman mo:de, we're going to take control of the mesopotamia through our tradecraft hello and welcome there everybody

00:12:51 {briarstone} [chat] i see the (hindjuk and djou) as well as hakun and redgecooper and cherokeeguy is poofed in and also hosting , oh wait did my hosting thing work you guys (say/see) a pop-up

00:13:01 {briarstone} is it working now? that would be fan.tastic (.) i was worried about it (.) the last couple of hostings it didn't pop up but yeah i guess you guys saw things, that's great

00:13:11 {briarstone} what's this? [chat] briar has a new visual set up looks awesome thank you cherokeeguy worked on it all day yesterda:y ((hhnggh)) it took a while

00:13:21 {briarstone} i'm not gonna lie, it took a while, lotsa implementations there but yes: it's fantastic, i like it at least and i hope you guys enjoy it as well (1.0)

00:13:29 {briarstone} but very very surely we're gonna have a facetime continuum and ehh we're gonna carry on as i mentioned as ehh ve:ni:ce and uhh hmmmm let's see (.)

00:13:39 {briarstone} i should probably turn that volume of the music ju:st a twitch, ju:st a twitch, it might be a little loud (.) let's put it there, we're gonna apply it there and uhh let's go uhh singleplayer

00:13:49 {briarstone} and let's get this thing uh running i suppose and three and two and o:neh:


00:13:54 {briarstone} FA:CE hello welcome (my faces) (where let's to?) the game (problem), right over there, we're going to start it up ((drinks coffee)) i've got coffee, i got mi- i got all the things

00:14:05 {briarstone} i got everything i need this morning for things to go well (.) i think. eehmm i remember okay ehh as venishe VENISHe that's who i'm playing as, venishe

00:14:14 {briarstone} imma drunk venetian, now what's this [chat] now /{briarstone}/show us your face, i did i did

00:14:24 {briarstone} alright let's get this game going, oh i have to, play button LET'S PLAY THEN haah [dance] so excite much excite, [chat] the game is a bit small like this; it IS redgecooper, however

00:14:34 {briarstone} i had to ehmm switch around the amount of real estate that was gonna be offered for people in light of giving people other things that typically make it more of a channel that is recognizable as opposed to just the game i happen to be playing

00:14:52 {briarstone} i ehmm recomm:end, one of the reasons i also put it in the chatbox in there, i recommend if you're having trouble ehh view it in fullscreen 'cause in fullscreen it's big enough, it's pretty damn big (.)

00:15:05 {briarstone} [chat] you should look into KapChat it's like the chat you have on the stream now, but you can edit the font, animation, etcet;

00:15:12 {briarstone} ha:y ha:y that sounds (like) fine kapchat alright i'm gonna write that down ehmm in fact in fact i'm gonna write that down right now where's my notepad i need my notepad because that is sounding great

00:15:22 {briarstone} kapchat, note to self, [typing] look into this

00:15:30 {briarstone} actually the last thing i just typed was uhh F J A S L D F E W E I A .... eehmm

00:15:40 {briarstone} howev- i did put note to self i did type that in there but kapchat i got wrote so i remember, note to self and then a string of nonsensical wordings ehmm

00:15:50 {briarstone} ehmm i don't know why i did that but anyway, let's get on back into the game then hmmm (.)

00:16:00 {briarstone} [chat] I just checked it on my phone.. basically unwatchable like this {briarstone}; GODSDAMMIT alright how's this then ehmm

00:16:13 {briarstone} what we can do because it's actually, this game in particular, so this is the problem with these (sats) of overlays ehmm

00:16:23 {briarstone} i have an idea i have an idea, watch this then, wait no this is not gonna work ((clacks mouth)) no that's not gonna work either, OH that'll work, no that won't work hmmm

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00:16:40 {briarstone} on your phone it would be difficult i suppose [chat] even on fullscreen i find this quite small; hhaaahhh dammit, really ((clacks mouth)) hmm

00:16:55 {briarstone} after i spent so much time rearranging everything, here's the thing, i actually put this up on my fullscreen, i go fullscreen with this and ehh, it's quite big, like i can see everything just fine, so: i don't know

00:17:07 {briarstone} [chat] if you're not uploading these to youtube, you won't need the chat box with the (currently in beta) chat replay function Briar; ehmm let's see (.)

00:17:28 {briarstone} i'm trying to think of what i can do for you guys, meanwhile, not havin' to feel like i wasted an entire day yesterday eeehmm let's see..dididididi how about this

00:17:40 {briarstone} ehm, where's the game, there's the game, if i bring the game hmmmwait no that's not gonna work, i need to bring the foreground back

00:17:50 {briarstone} [chat] there's no real way to make it so the chat (.) hmunless you have a tablet..

00:17:58 {briarstone} and who who is watching this on the phone right now uhh i guess uhh that several people could be watching this on the phone it's unfortunate dammit hmm

00:18:10 {briarstone} [chat] personally, I never have Twitch video full screen, because if I'm full screen then I can't chat as well; right (.) for you rho how is it in terms of ehm uhh like if you go into theater mode how is it now obviously not fullscreen but theater mode i think you could still chat, i believe

00:18:28 {briarstone} [chat] i'm not on the phone {briarstone}, but I just checked it in case

00:18:34 {briarstone} [chat] which idea should i go first with as Russia; uhh yeah so i haven't played russia yet so uhh i don't know what to tell you there (.)

00:18:50 {briarstone} fullscreen theater mode works yeah theater mode is pretty good [chat] dual-screen setup is the answer; the thing is yeah dual-screen setup- but i don't wanna like cut people out to tell you there (.)

00:19:05 {briarstone} [chat] but two chats are kinda too much for me;

[chat] the dragon pokes: in front of chat just for your information; yes i know a bit, however it doesn't really cut chat off too much ehmm, i suppose if you have two lines of things it cuts it (.) hmm

00:19:30 {briarstone} [chat] for me, in theatre mode, it's a little bit smaller than I'd consider optimal, but definitely watchable hmm

00:19:41 {briarstone} because currently what i could do, because yeah, the overlay is was gonna be fi:ne or i thought anyway, yeah i thought the overlay was gonna be great although

00:19:49 {briarstone} here's the problem see i need to have testing, right, testing is the thing i need to have when you do this new things and i didn't have testing so all i have for testing is myself and myself was like aight this looks pretty good and i can totally do and say all these things ehmm yet i need other people (.)

00:20:06 {briarstone} which i just got ehmm right [chat] i suppose the smaller screen is mainly the problem thanks to all the text EU4 uses; this is true and it is pretty small stuff hmm ((mumbling))

00:20:20 {briarstone} [chat] no chat on screen is best solution for gameplay; interesting thing with that is that, what i wanted to do was i wanted to put a display right with the game i wanted to move the game over to the side so i'm not actually in front of the game at all, i don't want to be in the wa:y .. of the game i don't want to have my facecam in the way of the game so that's the thing ehhmm

00:20:40 {briarstone} but at the very same time the camera is only so big so then you gonna have this all this blank space up ahead of you and you think well now what can i do with that, what can i put there, i mean yeah if i was a little sponsored person i could put a whole buncha sponsored shit there, but ehh i'm not sponsored so:

00:20:53 {briarstone} i was thinking well yeah maybe cha:t for people who wanna watch it in fullscreen who don't wanna chat they can do that and they can still see chat which is what i was going for ehmm but i don't suppose other people do that (.)

00:21:06 {briarstone} [chat] Briar this is cool when you are actively only chatting to people but when you are mostly playing have as little clutter you can in my opinion; you know what you're right

[chat] your patreons are sponsoring you; that's true ok- my patreons are sponsoring me but i could have li- list of names up there if you cant to take the chat down i could put a list of names of all the people who are sponsoring me right now, that might be kind of fun

00:21:26 {briarstone} actually that's a brilliant idea hmmm, very interesting, that uhh, that's a really good idea (.)

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00:21:37 {briarstone} that's a whole lot better than uhh anything else i can have to .. like NVIDIA? bullshit i don't want that i don't wanna sponsor, be sponsored by nvidia i wanna be sponsored by my people i like it (.)

00:21:49 {briarstone} [chat] i know {briarstone}, i'm brilliant; you really are, and here's the thing, here's what we can do here's what we can do right, okay, so we have uhm hmm so we ha-, okay, this is what we'll do, whenever i'm just talking to you guys we can have a bit of the game uh i'm just mostly talking not really playing a game so much then we'll use _this_ screen in particular (.)

00:22:08 {briarstone} however if i'm gonna get into a game and really really play it, i think we'll just go back to the old format uhhh at least for now until i figure out what the hell i'm gonna do ehmm

00:22:18 {briarstone} hmm the other thing i can do, instead of trying to uhh run it in a sixteen by nine ratio i could run it in a different ratio like make it more square box and if i had it in a more of a square box then i can make it bigger, if that makes any sense

00:22:34 {briarstone} that's an idea (.) hmm [chat] check the link i just sent you; have you sent me a link? oh there, what does that do? this is error, oh there it goes, better font mod

00:22:53 {briarstone} uhmm i think i have that one installed, do i know it, i'm pretty sure i have it installed

00:23:03 {briarstone} so the things are legible as legible as they are right now is because i have that in fact ((weird laugh)) hmmmm

00:23:13 {briarstone} [chat] the UI in Paradox games is not made for square boxes; uhh okay

[case] briar that advice will be five dollars, or hugs, i can accept hugs too; very good johnpope thank you, hmm

00:23:27 {briarstone} [chat] the better font mod is for some reason, not working on you {briarstone}; it's not? you're saying that this is not the better font mod, wait then if this is not the better font mod, then let's go figure out why the hell it's not working

00:23:29 {briarstone} exit game, okay, once it uhh nothing screen MOMENTS, so this still works for being able to talk to each other at least uhh, what was that, that was somebody talking to me

00:24:05 {briarstone} allright uuuhm so what was i doing oh yeah i was gonna start the game up again and imma see what's going on with my mods, why mods aren't working, mo:ds, better font mod, it wasn't selected ((laughs))

00:24:20 {briarstone} it's the only mod that i have so far and uhh i didn't have it selected although i do have a lot more dlc, as you can tell, i've got the art of war, common sense, conquest, paradise, el dorado, res publica, (the saxon nations), also the music pack and unit pack, only one unit pack specifically i think, oh no, not one, i have several, right anyway

00:24:39 {briarstone} and these are all given to me, _given_ to me, some of them were donated by you guys, uhhm like tokryva gave me several things and then the rest of it came from paradox themselves, they just gave me the extra things because i have connections that are kinda awesome

00:24:52 {briarstone} uhh mm anyway, we're gonna play [dance]

00:25:04 {briarstone} [chat] in the launcher, are you sure the "larger' font mod is enabled {briarstone}?; apparantly I did not do that until just now, right

[chat] well, best thing is {briarstone}, now that you play on borderless.. you can atleast read the stuff; this is true, uhmm

00:25:23 {briarstone} he:y okay, it's kinda bigger, it's just bigger, hmmmm, venishe we'll go back to that

00:25:30 {briarstone} and uhh yeah i'm gonna go back to the old screen and we're gonna get uhh some more viewage of this, i almost stopped uh, this conclu:des this particular screen, this particular overlay, which is made just for talking to you guys

00:25:46 {briarstone} yeah i had that always in my mind now i just made this for talking to you guys and i'm gonna go back to the other one, i'm lying, allright let's go to there, i'm about to flip my face around, things gonna get a little bit weird

00:25:57 {briarstone} but let's go to here, BAM, okay i'm, yeah, i knew i was gonna have to flip my face around, let's flip it, there we go, now then, allright, now that should be better for you all, is this good? this should be good

00:26:21 {briarstone} allright so let's play this, without further ado, we're going to play the game, allright, so, ((laughs)) [chat]; i flipped my head like max headroom

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00:26:35 {briarstone} what was i doing, here is the thing right, uhmm, one of the last things we did do, [streamsound] wow, that was a donation and uhh it didn't come through, i heard the sound and oh, but you know what, i don't have, i don't have the hear

00:26:52 {briarstone} right, uuhrm, hmmm, i need to add my new notifications, where it's gotta be, wondercapture we'll call it that subalert, and it's going to be: white, made alert, there it is, region that's the one we want, color key, wicked color i got going on, uhhhhm, and i uhh yeah, should be fine like that, i think

00:27:38 {briarstone} [chat] i do love briar streaming; i haven't even started yet but allright, thank you very much bro

[chat] briar has superpowers!! he can do a complete mirror flip on himself...!

[chat] you were colonising Terra Australius; i wish, if i got that far ahead, that would be fantastic

00:27:53 {briarstone} alright so:, uhhm, right i didn't uhm, move this around, i have to move this around to its uhh let's put it here, or here, it's going to be rather big but that's ehh fine we like big (.)

00:28:09 {briarstone} put it right there (.) alright, so, uhmm, if anybody wants to do anything specifically uhhm follow or donation or hosting, or do that right now, so i can test my subalert, that would be fantastic if you could do that, alright i'm gonna need to uhh, i want something to hug my head, i want a hat, i want a snuggie huggie (took), that's what i want

00:28:41 {briarstone} [chat] streaming setup simulator 2016? yes joaopsr666, it's the rage now it's all the rage, mmmm (.) is it working? mm, no, you see the thing is with the hosting itself, hosting might not work, the hosting happened earlier for whatever reason that happened, but it probably won't happen every time because (.) i don't know, the hosting is weird.

00:29:10 {briarstone} [chat] but thank you very much for that, cherokeeguy, that hosting, hendrik as well, apparantly the hosting is not working

00:29:16 {briarstone} [chat] where's floyd? floyd is right over there, i could wear floyd, floyd is kinda bulky though and too warm to be honest, i want something warm but not that warm, that's pretty warm, that's a lot

00:29:30 {briarstone} all right you know what, we're just gonna hope the notifications are gonna work, johnpope is now hosting you, doesn't seem to be working though (.) yeah the hosting is weird, they even have this little thing to say 'hey, hosting is weird', so if you have any troubles use the help menus or don't use it

00:29:50 {briarstone} they literally say don't use it, like disable it if it's not working, i'm like okay ((laughs)), so apparantly it's not working, not right now

00:30:05 {briarstone} heey, that's the donation that came in, zenuil, a dollar and thirty three (for enjoying the stream) thank you very much for that

00:30:17 {briarstone} wait that was really slow but there it goes zenuil's donation, wait ((sighs)) that took a while, that really took a while, like where did it have to go (.) where did it have to go before it final- okay at least that works, the donation works but ehh the hosting does not

00:30:46 {briarstone} okay, very good, at least parts of it works, at least some things are working, i can rest easy, i suppose the follow stuff should work as well but apparantly the hosting is just borked, we're not gonna worry about it, not right now, we have things to do


00:31:00 {briarstone} alright so what am i doing, i have to remembe:r, how many ships do i have, 32/32 of my army limit, 66/67, what i have room for another boat ((laughs)) well think i'll make another boat then, let's make a barque, that barque is gonna embark from venice, there we go

00:31:16 {briarstone} imma make some trade, am i at war? i'm not at war, provincial unrest - who? mamlukean seperatists, okay three point seven years for the mamluks, they're gonna pop up somewhere over here probably, probably in Tarrana [game:map:tarrana], don't know why i'm thinking that, but specifically right there (.) could happen

00:31:38 {briarstone} ehm so i think the best thing to do is to uh put a: unit, [screen] let's attach you, to these transport boats, all these cogs, and we're gonna take you right to Tarrana (.) very good

00:31:51 {briarstone} i'm gonna have fourteen thousand troops down there (.) what is my uh current, uh what would i do, how do i find this, it's under here right [screen] (.) oh yes my current military technology is ni:ne. wow. okay that's fine. i wish i could buy it. i'm behind the times

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00:32:10 {briarstone} my prestige is also crap. i forget why my prestige is crap. didn't i do something that lost all my prestige? [glance] was it when i flipped my religion? was that it?

00:32:20 {briarstone} [chat] ooouuuwwwuuuooouuu *Wolf howling* hello briar, hello kiinship ... greetings from a rainy vienna/austria; hello and welcome wildwolve

00:32:31 {briarstone} [chat] i have to go... but you got a follow briar, just for the skyrim stuff!; yes nitro, i'm glad, i'm glad to uhh know that, thank you for being here and hope to see you again soon

00:32:46 {briarstone} [chat] The donation was faster than the speed of sound, Briar

00:32:48 {briarstone} [chat] Your prestige is crap because you converted to... yeah, that; okay, so i'm now protestant so i lost prestige because i i'm now protestant. fine.

00:32:54 {briarstone} [chat] {briarstone}, you should turn of fortresses at useles locations like Islands.. you have enough time to enable it again when you get attacked

00:33:04 {briarstone} ; yeah okay so you're saying i should put fortresses on these places [screen] (.) this is true. to be quite honest that's a really good idea (.) uhh i also don't have enough money for it, but i will one of these da:ys i will

00:33:17 {briarstone} ehmm right so there's that there's that moving the troops down here [screen] to take care to quell this issue that's gonna pop up over here [screen]

00:33:28 {briarstone} is there anything else i have to be worried about [screen] you have claims on provinces you do not own; which ones, specifically. ah oh Ferrara [streamsound] Esty6 offers $6.00 (illegible) coming in with a six dollar donation, thank you very much esty6 with si:x dollars. actually my notification works. alright thanks for the donations, my donations work at least, that's good. uhmm, so i can accept your money, that's great

00:33:53 {briarstone} alright [chat] Nono, turn off fortresses {briarstone}; he? wait you mean i can (.) hold the phone, oh wait, i can buy fortresses and i can put 'm in places and i can turn them off to save money, is that what you're, you're telling me that?

00:34:12 {briarstone} [chat] {briarstone}, you should post a warning for headset users at certain interfalls on your stream; hendrik that would be a great idea, however i think the element of surprise is even more fun. ehmm provincial unrest okay. [screen] too many diplomatic relations; what's going on with this again? i'm embargoing hungary ottomans and mila:n [screen]; that's fine i don't care about these people

00:34:31 {briarstone} ehmmm [screen] bosnia and serbia; those are my vassals. that's right i was gonna make these guys uhh love me, i was gonna make [screen] you love me. [screen] cancel annexation; oh you're almost done, okay that's what we're doing, we're annexing bosnia, i forgot that we were annexing bosnia

00:34:47 {briarstone} okay that's good, we're catching up, it's been a who:le week since i played, well it feels like forever. [screen] provincial unrest; that's fi:ne. [screen] truce will expire; i don't care

00:34:57 {briarstone} how much money am i making per turn? five seventy, i'm making a shitton of money per turn, i like it, very good. anyway let's get some troops down here [screen]. geno:a [game] my serene doge we have discovered that genoa has canceled the military access; i: don't care. although doesn't that free up my diplomatic slot number?

00:35:17 {briarstone} [chat] the warning is at the top of the chat - {briarstone}....; (.) what was i doing? oh yes yes, the uh, fortresses, fortresses, my fortresses what was that uh about the fortress. okay so if i have this guy [screen] yeahh i can kinda turn 'm off you say (.) you need military fourteen to upgrade to bastion (.)

00:35:41 {briarstone} ehmm, you can turn it off [screen] the fortress is fully maintained costing us one every month; i di:d not kno:w this. right and i have a treaty with these bastards [screen] uhhm for how long? [screen] 1514; so nobody is gonna attack me for three years so i can save some money, honey, and we'll do that. boop, thank you.

00:36:04 {briarstone} i know that uh i won't be getting attacked from the ottomans. i'm pretty sure i won't get attacked from the ottomans. uhmm for quite a number of months. i don't wanna maintain this fort here [screen], no i've got i've got ocean control man. i can really ruin somebody's day

00:36:27 {briarstone} so that's three gold right there baby, that's three gold, that's three gold baby, i'm not even gonna worry about austria, actually i'm not gonna turn that one off because (.) you know, austria. austria still doesn't like me and i really don't care about them either so that's the thing. also cyprus, do i turn that one off? ehh, again, i think the only people who're going to attack me are the ottomans that we do that and i don't have to worry about them for several years

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00:36:49 {briarstone} so: yeah, let's pop that off. good. and after a few years i'll turn them back on because well the ottomans i feel like the ottomans they're going to be a little bit aggressive because i took territories from them (.)

00:37:08 {briarstone} okay so i have to make sure that they're okay, so before my truce is done, make sure that i have them on, for about a month before they can uhh possibly declare war

00:37:18 {briarstone} [streamsound] oh what's this then, REM flipping my religion, no wait that's different, who did that, what was that, what was the next one, was that esty6? esty6 says flippin' my religion but i don't have a new, i don't have a new message, is there a new message yet, maybe i have to wait for the new message, i haven't got a notification that something happened though. thank you very much. who did it? ((laughs)) i missed it. i should be looking at the tab and then looking cause i got two things open. i have a streamtip open which usually gives me the name and the message and the amount of money that people give me, that's good. and then i have subalert which i don't see unless of course it pops up over here [screen] and i have to see that and i'll know. who did it? somebody is responsible for a donation, who is it? i wanna call you out

00:38:07 {briarstone} [chat] hello and welcome johnlevir, did i say your name right? probably not, but hello and welcome

00:38:21 {briarstone} alright so let's get on with this. i need to get my prestige up to well my rightful level which is a lot. i need to get my prestige up to a lot, because that's where it should be. how much money am i making? he:y baby look at that that's almost eight gold per tu:rn. c'mon man give me, i want more, i wanna see that go to eight, i wanna see eight

00:38:44 {briarstone} this is gonna be done here and a lot long time okay, oh at the end of july, that's cool. WOW forget eight man, i blew past eight, i'm at TEN ((laughs)) yeah: venetian go:ld. i'm feeling happy today. i'm loving this.

00:39:10 {briarstone} alright so my troops are down here [screen] that's good. they're replenishing their peoples, that's great. you guys [screen] are still all about that trade, that's fantastic. and uhh yeah, in a few months, a couple months.

00:39:23 {briarstone} wait what's this [game:notif:newidea]. oh i can get a new idea, what's this. i can get trade efficiency plus ten percent, all i have to do is get this [game:tech:idea] enforced service, the principle of volunteering underpins our whole army structure, sometimes there aren't enough volunteers, we should force people to volunteer, regiment costs minus ten percent; he:y, alright then. oh and this one too. plus ten percent trade efficiency

00:39:49 {briarstone} ((laughs)) this is fantastic i am kicking ass and now i don't care about anybody's names right now. and the ottoman empire man. although the ottomans, they're kinda cool. besides the fact that it tried to kill me, i like 'm. right.

00:40:13 {briarstone} [chat] {briarstone}, in the military tab there is now also a option to automaticly enable maintenance on armies when you are at war and enable fortrresses and stuff; what wait wait wait wait military tab, let's do this, it might already be on to be honest because sometimes let's face it twice that i've forgotten to, when i went at war i forgot to have my armies at full strength and uhh they immediately went to full strength

00:40:36 {briarstone} so uhh what is that, uhm, what is it called. [chat] automaticly enable maintenance on armies when you're at war and enable fortresses and stuff; so it gotta be in here [screen] somewhere. [screen] automatically raise maintenance during war. [screen] activate all forts. oka:y, cool. [screen] mothball all forts. wow, so i can, so if i said activate all forts it'll just happen, that's fantastic, that is su:per great, so great is su:per great

00:41:03 {briarstone} anyway i'm still gonna keep these two [screen], it's probably (.) wait what's this one [screen], i don't need you either, i'm gonna turn you off

00:41:15 {briarstone} OH right that's what i was doing, i took some of the papal states, remind ya. romagna and urbino, oh yeah i already had urbino, i got uhhh ancona as well. fantastic. good stuff man, good stuff.

00:41:30 {briarstone} well you know what, just on the off chance that this down here [screen] becomes an asswipe of annoyance. oh no [screen] in five point four years; yeah nevermind, not going to.. i'll keep these guys here then [screen], i'll keep my units here. actually know what, that's fourteen k too much, [screen] split off please. i'll have you split up so you're not eating all the food here [screen]

00:41:54 {briarstone} there's four k there [screen], and that's split, that's greatness, that's greatness. i'm gonna keep my army maintenance up. actually i don't have to. wow. five point five years for romagna [screen]. and epirus is in sixty six point six years. are you

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even sure you want to tell me that that's even a thing right now, in sixty six point six years, i don't care game

00:42:20 {briarstone} why the hell would you give me that. i mean, having romagna, knowledge of that, that's good. and i'm gonna go and put you over there [screen], and probably gonna stamp you out. you're probably gonna be like no:, okay, i thought better of it, don't really wanna do that

00:42:37 {briarstone} [streamsound] who that? okay uh we got uh bayden, thank you, thank you very much for that uhh uhm uhh, wait. what button was that. was that hosting? no that wasn't hosting. i got new buttons, i got new colours, i don't remember. oh. no. that doesn't make sense. what was that sound for? was that (.) no:. that was because somebody followed, right okay, so i have the wrong sound ((laughs)) i have the wrong sound for you.

00:43:12 {briarstone} wait, i have to, i have to return to config. um right. gonna go to followers. let's join the kiin, yeah right so that's. oh no: that's not the one. that's the one [screen] we're supposed to have, save and clo:se. start it up. yes yes yes i know all about the hosting problems. uhmm, so we go here [screen] we do that, select region, that's fine, okay now, here's the thing, here's the thing. it should be able to now when you follow have the right sound, the ((washaang)) sound you know, it's a really good sound. anyway, let's get back to the game.

00:43:47 {briarstone} unpause. i had the wrong soundfile, that's what confused me earlier, i thought somebody had uhh gave me a donation because that's the donation sound but what you have done is you followed, but i was confused because i had the wrong sound and yeahyeahyeahyeah, anyway, it's your fault, not mine

00:44:07 {briarstone} [chat] which relation do you have with austrian empire?; uhh, i don't think they like me, yeah they don't really like me, they're still, huh they're protestant now ((laughs)) you flipped yo ass or i flipped ya, somebody flipped

00:44:21 {briarstone} [game:notif:canbuild] you can build a provincial awesomeness; uhm, do i really want to. [game:quickmenu:buildings] regimental camp; he:y. costs a lot of money though i don't have that. oh a courthouse local unrest; i can bring that down. that's also super expensive. not that actually matters. [game:outliner:papalseparatists] sixty six years, sixty point one years (.) in romagna. yeah yeah yeah, not worried about that

00:44:44 {briarstone} can i just go ahead and get bosnia right now? i want bosnia to be a part of me. serbia is also pretty happy. ehmm. [screen] designate march; i can do that. [screen] improve relation; wonder if i could improve the relations on these guys and get them up to ehmm, enough to be annexed.

00:45:04 {briarstone} let's see. let's try. i have a free diplomat, so just give it a shot, just go with it and see what you get. [game] what was that, conversion succesfull. my serene doge we have finally managed to convert the heretics of romagna to the one and only faith. he:y. oh that's gonna bring you down [screen], that you've been converted.

00:45:27 {briarstone} right let's look at my religious map here. alright okay. [screen] protestant protestant protestant. these guys need to be protestants. and so let's pop over here. do i have enough strength in you. no. not there.

00:45:44 {briarstone} how about here. not there either. i have like no swing over there. what about here. no wait, this is austria. what about athens. athens, imma make you:. no you gonna stay as you are i suppose.

00:46:04 {briarstone} [screen] you are being converted. uhmm. very slowly. what about you then. can i - no. c'mon Rosetta wants some protestanticism, almost, damnit. i have nobody to preach to right now. oh oh oh wait cyprus cyprus. what do we get baby, what you want. he:y you don't even care.

00:46:25 {briarstone} i'm too far away from the awesomeness that is the the center of power. there's no way to change that. oh well.

00:46:37 {briarstone} [chat] i wonder why the austrian don't like briar so much .. i think, he isn't so bad at least; well thank you very much wildwolve i'm glad you think that i'm worth talking to at least.

00:46:45 {briarstone} [chat] if you are able to convert something you'll get an alert on the top; oh look at eesty being all smart. imma have some more coffee

00:46:55 {briarstone} think it's time for that. so is this is this okay? so here's the thing, not having an overlay for everything. you know what i need to do. OHHH. that would be great. because what i really wanna do right, for the overlay, the main idea for the overlay was that uhh to be more cohesive like whatever i do when people come to this channel, they say 'hey this is', the art-style and everything, i know that i'm on a {briarstone} channel, because of this and all the visual rep-

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00:47:27 {briarstone} reinforcement, that they're in the right place, so they come here and have things that look like a briar stream, besides my face. obviously. so that's what i was going for for the overlay. so the problem with that was that the overlay was too small. [streamsound] woah, who was that? shmonkeyshmonks has joined the kii:n. uhm, you've done that before, but thank you for testing my uhh my banner. that was good.

00:47:56 {briarstone} also what i was gonna say was, yes, i'm thinking. wow. [screen] eesty; why is that all squishy. i just noticed the squishy up top there [screen]. is very squishy. eesty, why is you squishy over here. wait why am i scrolling. one second. where is that donation. [screen] donations, stop being squishy. right. or is this too big then. eesty you don't fit in my box. i said that a little bit too loud

00:48:38 {briarstone} uhmm. so. properties [screen]. we're gonna bring this down. what is that. how is that? that works. okay. right. let's get back to the game. i feel happy now.

00:48:58 {briarstone} look at all this money i'm making. i've got a hundred and sixty five, and i've been pausing the game intermittently the entire time and i've already got like that much money? holy godda:mn. oh what's this then [game] i can convert people, who am i converting. ooh, what's this, oh wow. cyprus. you want some religion. have some ligion.

00:49:30 {briarstone} [chat] hah, huh, the thing is that isn't even on purpose right, that just came out completely wrong. uhm. wait. annexation i'm almost there, bosnia is almost mine. first bosnia, then the world. you know the crazy thing about bosnia right, is bosnia doesn't have anything attached to the sea. i don't have any sea stuff with bosnia

00:50:00 {briarstone} it's just gonna be basically having more land for more troops i think. more manpower. so the catholic zealots are losing the .. wow. they have nothing. [screen] forty one years. and these guys are. [game:event:integratedvassal] integration is a slow process; that's what?; when a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm there is a lot of adapting, while some parts are easy the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate the possibilities; my reputation goes down. awww.

00:50:30 {briarstone} but that's fine though. my prestige goes up because i now have bosnia. [game:diplomacy:diplomaticreputation] diplomatic reputation. so i lose three and i gain one. that's kinda weird.

00:50:49 {briarstone} just thought of something. what does serbia look like right now? you're at a hundred and six [screen] i thought you were higher than that, why aren't you..? ohh, i'm guessing you went down because of the other annexation. ahhh. you went down because of that. also i get these guys [screen], these troops. these five thousand people they are now venetian soldiers.

00:51:10 {briarstone} so how much people, thirty seven of thirty- [screen]. why did my army force limit go:. oh. because. right. i don't need these troops [screen]. i'm gonna disband these troops. because i don't need them and they're costing me a lot of money. how much money? a lot of money. technically i could keep them there, but i have no reason to have them. so i'm going to: drop them.

00:51:34 {briarstone} there we go. that's fantastic. now i should be back to making proper money. yeah there it is. eleven point twenty. that's so much money. i have no mission selected. so let's see. i'll take my time and i'll make sense of this.

00:51:48 {briarstone} [game:missions:convertvisaki] Visaki does not follow the one true faith, we must send our missionaries to convert them; (.) right. uhh. can i do that? oh i could. i don't have a free missionary right now though, do i? these are my missionaries [screen] yeah, i have only two missionaries and they're both busy. but you know what, that [screen] would actually flip really fast as a quest. as a quest that was very very tempting.

00:52:16 {briarstone} [game:missions:conquerzagreb] we must conquer any lands that would make a-; zagr-, where's this at? zangreb or zagreb, where is zagreb? i am not up to date with my ehh geography. zagreb is where? is it over here [game:map:balkans] then? it has to be somewhere nearby i can imagine.

00:52:36 {briarstone} zagreb zagreb zagreb zagreb. oh zagreb is here [game:map]. oh that's hungary. hmmmmmmm. haven't had any breakfast, so i'm hungary. he:y. that was stupid. uuhm. so right. these guys really don't like me [game:diplo:hungary]

00:52:54 {briarstone} i could get a claim on that instantly and grab it. just hypothetically speaking, if i was to declare war against you, what would happen. [game:declarewar:hungary] ah shit. a lot would happen. if i gave you land, no, 'kay. uhm. burgundy does not owe venice at least ten favors; right. this favors stuff is weird

00:53:21 {briarstone} although bohema would come to my aid, and ragus-, you know what i could just march on ragusa, but ragusa what do you have, diplomacy, what if i was to declare war on you, you got hungary. now. okay. correct me if i'm wrong [glance] please let me know. if i was to declare war against ragusa right, which i can easily take ragusa

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00:53:42 {briarstone} i'm not even worried about that, that's a roflstomp done. the problem is, hungary. if hungary gets into this battle, if i'm able to fight off hungary, that's one thing. but if hungary accepts the aid, comes to the aid of ragusa, does that mean hungary's allies would then come to hungary's aid?

00:54:06 {briarstone} i'm unclear about how that sort of diplomacy works. cause i don't wanna go to war against ragusa if i know that i'm getting hungary and their allies. [glance continued]

00:54:25 {briarstone} [chat] hungary's allies don't come. o:h o:kay. interesting that. right, so. uhm. that's very interesting. in fact what is your military tech right now?

00:54:40 {briarstone} [game:diplo:ragusa] you're at eight, i'm at (.) where am i at? [game:tech:military-eight] i'm at nine. yeah, cause i could roflstomp your ass. what about uhh hungary, hungary is at what in terms of military tech? [game:diplo:hungary] uhh, you're at eight as well. alright. okay, let's check the ledger. am i gonna be committing war against uhm, ragusa, armies, i wanna see what hungary has. what does hungary have in the terms of kicking my ass? the ability to kick my ass.

00:55:04 {briarstone} alright so. right. so you've got manpower up a lot. you haven't got anybody really made. hmmmmmm. so you got twelve thousand troops specifically. no twenty four thousand troops, but you can get twelve thousand mo:re. i have how many troops? and what's my manpower? my troops right now uhmm. are thirty two thousand and i can get seventeen thousand more. so twenty four and twenty four is forty eight and thirty two (.) seventeen (.) is more than that. actually. that's about the same. forty nine. so i basically- i can wager way against ragusa, and i could come out on top

00:55:56 {briarstone} also my military tech is better, so. [chat] what's Serbia's diplomatic situation?; what do you mean? uhm, in terms of what exactly, what do you wanna know bro, let me know yo.

00:56:20 {briarstone} [chat] eu4 crashed on me; eessi you know i didn't do that. i said eessi. i should call you essi, cause there's eesty and then essi. i call you essi anyway but today i called you eessi. also i got a ship that's not doing a goddamn thing.

00:56:44 {briarstone} so i need you to go trade. i need that dollah dollah, made to venisa. i have the quest that i have to do. so i can get zagreb if i declare war on ragusa take ragusa, then of course hungary may join in and then i can get zagreb so that, that's a thing. i could do this quest maybe. [game:missions:conquersudtirol] save the venetian people in südtirol. ooh. there's venetian people in here [map:province:südtirol]

00:57:09 {briarstone} they're being persecuted, ohh that's not nice, that's not nice. but the thing is, the problem with that, if i was to declare war against austria, yeah, although ferrara. what the fuck ever man. i could roflstomp your ass into mud. sienna, uhm. which one is sienna. sienna is not going to be that much of a problem either. savoy, savoy would be the problem. savoy would be a bit of an aggravation. and saxony. which one is saxony? i know you're over here [screen] somewhere right. right? right? i will find you. saxony. let's do this. oh here. i get so turned around right.

00:58:01 {briarstone} i have some amount of modern knowledge of where things are, but that's not where this is. although this is pretty close so never mind. my point is invalid. alright.

00:58:19 {briarstone} [chat] Ragusa is not a vassal they're independent.

00:58:21 {briarstone} [chat] no war agaainst austria briar; wildwolve but but look you're persecuting my people, stop persecuting people, okay then.

00:58:35 {briarstone} [chat] if you declare against Ragusa, can you take land from Hungary; oh absolutely, absolutely, especially if i go for uhh, uhh, zagreb because that quest, this quest here will basically give me zagreb. also do i have uhh- i do i have claims on laika which would give me more ooh my god yeah this is a really good idea.

00:58:54 {briarstone} what's poppin up over here? [screen] four point one years; hmm. you know what, i'm not gonna commit to a war right now with these guys due to the fact that i still have some ehh seperatist uprisings and i'm gonna have to make sure that i have no: issues here. i can do this one right now [screen] so let's do that one

00:59:20 {briarstone} right. this is fun. [chat] i just wanna be kaiser of austria; i mean technically i it doesn't cause we're coming from the south to the north, but if i was from the north coming to the south (.) i mean historically speaking

00:59:45 {briarstone} i could take austria without a fight, just straight up diplomacy, winky face. [screen] what's this then. we've got four point one years, we're gonna let that pop and i'm gonna kill 'm (.) with kindness

01:00:02 {briarstone} how much money do i have, right. [game:notif:aspectoffaith] he:y. i could pick an aspect of faith, what. oooh. [game:religion] show aspects of faith; he:y. this

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is so cool. alright. so. [game:religion:aspectoffaith] unit prestige; he:y, oeh, because of prayer. moral of armies; that's pretty good. discipline. missionary strength goes up, stability cost modifier and development cost; you know what i'm gonna do [glance]. i:'m gonna give you gu:ys (.) poll open. we're gonna go:

01:00:36 {briarstone} we're gonna say development [typing]. let's poll this then. stability. these are all pretty good in fact. missionary strength, discipline, i misspelled discipline, i'm not worried about that though. prestige.

01:01:08 {briarstone} wait is this thing gonna do that again? so development is not part of the- hmm. so you can't vote for development. i have to remember that the first thing that i put in there is gonna be the title and everything else after that will be, (.) so title first and then stuff you can vote on. so development is not gonna be voted, you know what, development is not what i wanted anyway

01:01:31 {briarstone} i have plenty of money i don't care. uhm, but yeah. Everything else, what do ya think? what do ya think (.) of course yeah you don't actually have to use the strawpoll, that's good. strawpoll's cool but I like spam in the chat.

01:01:52 {briarstone} okay so missionary strength, i see that ooeh yeah. missionary strength is actually very good. at least it will shorten my:, actually in some cases even improve my chances of converting places that i could not currently convert (.)

01:02:09 {briarstone} [chat] there are more in the list; holy shit. [screen] my brain cannot handle this. right so uhh national unrest, right, so that's cool.

01:02:26 {briarstone} so i can actually bring these [screen] guys down as well. so this guy, this guy will disappear, uhmm. these would all disappear [screen] that's gonna happen at some point anyway. and then these guys [screen] would be like forty, sixty years before they actually rise. hmmmmm.

01:02:43 {briarstone} [chat] unrest -1 could be fancy

01:02:50 {briarstone} [chat] or idea cost; minus five percent idea cost, is that every idea because that's hu:ge

01:02:58 {briarstone} the manpowerrecovery thing is pretty good too but you know uhhehhh. republican tradition [screen] production efficiency [screen] is pretty good, could earn me some more money in a roundabout way, global settler increase [screen], that's not happening i don't have any settlers anyway at least not right now

01:03:19 {briarstone} [chat] individual creeds would give you twenty points per idea, saving over the game about a technology or two; you know what you're right, that idea cost hhrgnh, i will select that one, at least for now because the earlier i select that one the better

01:03:36 {briarstone} and then maybe i'll change it, like change it but get a different one later. pretty good. [chat] you're smart, i like your math, your math is very helpful indeed. look at my pre- not my prestige, my power, my powah: projection is nice, is very good

01:03:52 {briarstone} ehhm diplomacy for ragusa, i'm going to, uhh send a warning-no, send an insult, are you my uhh, are you a rival of mine? who's my rival? my rivals ar:e there [screen], so the ottomans, hungary and milan.

01:04:17 {briarstone} milan's right over here, hmm. well i don't have to worry about this. this is fun. just let it go, making money. making money and i'm gonna wait for these guys [screen] to pop i suppose. which is gonna be forever. or now. [screen] tarrana has been severely hampered at their ability to be pissy because i have fourteen thousand troops there, whatever

01:04:44 {briarstone} uhmm, [chat] the republican tradition uhh, plus, is also is so underpowered; one tradition per (.) that's okay, we took the other one. peter van drone man, thank you for that math, you really helped me with that decision there, i liked it, i liked it a lot

01:05:08 {briarstone} how much would it cost me to just like pump, pump up my stability. my stability is already three, never mi:nd, i can't make my stability any better it's already at plus three. (.) ooh i have an idea, why don't i (.) western style why don't i become like so- i want uh i want south american spearmen, they're so strong (.) i'm just, i'm just joking

01:05:34 {briarstone} anyway uhmm the other reason i know about that is because i have a playthrough as cusco which is now, was, the incans and uhh yeah my trying to westernize i didn't know what was involved with that so i was like, cool i can westernize, that's strong right? so let's do that

01:05:56 {briarstone} uhmm, long story short reactionists and rebels popped up everywhere, i went bankrupt three times, had no morale with my armies so: yeah, i kinda just lost basically everything ((laughs)). i'm sitting here sitting at my keyboard and i'm watching this like,

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so sad, because that was the playthrough that i even, i even won a war against england when they came over and castille

01:06:26 {briarstone} i won that, i won the war, i gained territory from castille, i had everything, then before i knew what was happening and then i screwed up with the westernization. it broke me man, it broke me, i did not realize that was going to be a thing. but anyway.

01:06:43 {briarstone} where i'm i gonna send [screen] uhmm, we're gonna send you there so i can get rid of that quest. [game] what's this i can build improvement; i know i could but do i really want to:. let's get some, get some taxes, where am i gonna put the taxes. uhmmm. i want more taxes.

01:07:05 {briarstone} ooh, taxes are pretty good over here [screen]. point twenty. why is it so much better over there, oh it's point twenty over here as well, point twenty six ye:ah jeebus. hmm. barracks are nice. a regimental ca:mp. they're they're expensive mind you

01:07:30 {briarstone} having barracks in places would be good. some more people, more manpower. how much is that, it's ninety gold. if i'm gonna be waging wars at least against like hungary and everything it would be a nice idea to have more people than they can ever crew, then again i also like the idea of getting money

01:07:55 {briarstone} [screen] local unrest minus three; actually i could get rid of this [screen] right away, minus three. well it won't get rid of it, shit. almost though. hmm. i should split you guys [screen] up. split. go over there. see if alexandria can bring it down some more cause i like ((jandruo)) just drop off completely (.)

01:08:25 {briarstone} this brings us over here down, now i can see again. now then. [chat] am i playing multiplayer eu4 with people?; yes i will be playing that for saturday, saturday evening starting at six o'clock pm eastern standard time, there will be more eu4 multiplayer

01:08:43 {briarstone} i have been smitten by this game, i have, i really really have been smitten. this game is fanta:stic fun. alright so alexandria, yeah, they basically said no, no we're not in on this, at all

01:09:03 {briarstone} ehmm, the interesting thing is, i could also just squash this, just totally squash this. [game:event:noblesdemandrecompensation] the state has lived off the contribution of the nobles for a long period of time, now the country is doing well so the nobility is eager to get their cut of the cake; ignore them. whatever dude. uhmm. i mean i could buy back the stability if i really wanted.

01:09:28 {briarstone} ehm, fourteen wait what does this [screen] say how many years. that's gonna be in six years, that's in sixty years so i'm really not worried about the epirote seperatists. this i am worried that's in three years. i'm gonna bring these [screen] troops over here. romagna is not even remotely worried, they're fine right now.

01:10:00 {briarstone} [chat] can we still call venice oil swilling retreat specialists?; well einen, you can but not in front of me. not currently, because i represent all that is fine. where is that boat?

01:10:20 {briarstone} [chat] although to be fair i assume hakkun would have no problem with the word kebab if the subject of the current stream were, say, briar eating a doner kebab; yeah a donair, a donair would be delicious right now. but calling people names, yeah let's not do that

01:10:40 {briarstone} c'mon then gruppa, group hug, heheheh. in three years. hurry hurry hurry. there you go. and boop, boop like that boop. tie us to that transport a:nd go. where is it gonna go, right here. let's go. we're going to rosetta instead. imma learn different languages, these fourteen thousand people are gonna learn languages in rosetta.

01:11:14 {briarstone} i'm pretty sure we're gonna find some stone, they do what there, they mine stone i'm pretty sure, winky face, magical stone that allows you to learn languages

01:11:25 {briarstone} [chat] stahp talking about kebab i'm five miles from the nearest kebab restaurant at the moment; awwww i'm sad, i'm sad for you. so that's where my empathy is right there. recall diplomat [screen]. aww, aww man. aw shits. you're only a- you're right, how do i make you happy, if it makes you happy:

01:11:55 {briarstone} right. [screen] a march is a vassal that cannot be annexed and won't pay any taxes but has a greater military capacity than a regular vassal. [screen] send an insult; let's not do that. [screen] improve relations; unfortunately i cannot do that anymore. [screen] dynastic actions; i do not have a dynasty i'm a republic; [screen] send a gift. [screen] give subsidies; i can only go up to like twenty five.

01:12:19 {briarstone} wow. it only costs us twenty five gold and it'll improve our relations by twenty five for sixty months. twenty five of the needed a lot. hmmm. shit.

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01:12:46 {briarstone} i need a hundred and eighty, no ninety. i don't know how to get there. [chat] all the cool kids had dynasties briar; no they don't, obviously it's no- oh hey shenryr and welcome i see you ((laughs)) hello, greetings and welcome back my friend

01:13:04 {briarstone} oh wait i got thirteen thousand people not doing a damn thing here, how about you split and reason i want you to split is i want you to drive these people to terrana, there you go. terrana's gonna rue the day. you talk shit you gonna get hit. that's all there is to it (.)

01:13:25 {briarstone} rebel uprising, so that's at eighty percent and that's gonna pop in two point six years. papal states are trying to do their thing again. romagna. you can build a province. i could but i like saving money. if i spent any money i would like to spend money to make more money if that makes any sense, of course it does

01:13:46 {briarstone} [screen] in 1509 pope julius the second placed venice under interdict, during the war of the league of cambrai to further their ambitions. this was possible due to the freedom of religious fanaticism that existed in the city which was a constant affront to the papacy; venice is venice, so bugger off. so venice is venice. i'll lose twenty prestige and the pope may go- (.) shit.

01:14:16 {briarstone} but i got troops down here. shit. although. why am i worried about you for, here's the thing, to get to me, come at me bro. i mean i've got four k people there and it won't take me but a moment to fight this war down here. i'm not kneeling, no. venice is venice. if you come to war at me, i swear to god i will poke you in your holy eye. i'll make your eye holy, holier then thou

01:14:46 {briarstone} anyway. what we doing. oh by the way everybody, shenryyr, if you don't know which i'm kinda be weird if umm you didn't know, but shenryrr is a very active youtuber, fantastic fellow, also twitch streamer so give yourself a favor and uhh and go follow the man, go follow the man on twitch and check him out on youtube, so yeah just type in shenryrr. youtube dot com slash shenryrr.

01:15:18 {briarstone} [chat] you should try teaching them a lesson, have you tried using threatening war on him; wow, i haven't done that. what happens if i threaten war, i wonder if i could take something from you. haven't tried that yet. where is it. i thought it was down here. was it up here then. oh, okay. [screen] you cannot threaten war while there is a truce

01:15:38 {briarstone} ohh, dammit, oh that's right we have a truce. break your truce you bastard, i dare you. 1518. hah, you've got six years you bastard. what am i worried about. i'm not worried about anything. alright, we're gonna close that up

01:15:56 {briarstone} i've got some troops down here eating mamlukian cuisine. waiting for these bastards to just stop. just stop. terrana still has four point seven, it's gonna take forever. i could just let them pop. you know if i was to split this guy. go back over here, there you go. that's fantastic. just go there and we'll split and split it again.

01:16:22 {briarstone} i want them to pop, come at me bro. [screen] the electors have elected george of saxony as the new emperor; ye:a:h: i bet that emperor's protestant now. lose:rs. i think, wait, is he, no, oh okay, no okay, they're not, no wait that's savoy, saxony, there's austria. saxony, no they're still catholic. dammit, i'm a loser.

01:17:02 {briarstone} let's travel then, travel do your damn thing. okay that's good. uhmm. put together, put yourself together, that's a lot better. two point six years that's better i like shorter amount of time to get this war done. also see what i can build. i got plenty of troops, i got all the boats i can build, fine

01:17:28 {briarstone} rebel uprising, that's the one i'm worried about, papal seperatists, they're gonna try to do a damn thing but they're not gonna be able to, not even. i've got these diplomats i don't know what to do with them. (.) hmm, i know what to do with them. i do indeed. france. actually, do i care about the big blue blob? they're not really that big in this game. aragon. i care about you then, i care about aragon. let's improve these relations. send. that way i have superiority over navals, huh. over everybody's bellybutton

01:18:02 {briarstone} these guys don't like me as well, although that's because i fabricated a claim on them and i think i got caught, i don't remember. hmmmm (.) i really don't want, i don't wanna take over hungary stuff, except for laika. zagreb is just like an added bonus but the rest of the stuff is just manpower area, it's not really anything to do with trade, well there's a little bit of trade. actually a significant amount of trade

01:18:29 {briarstone} you know what i changed my mind, i'm gonna go for some hungary [game:event:fabricatingclaim-ragusa] my serene doge we have been informed by the commander of the guard in kosovo, ragusa has been discovered fabricating a claim on our province kosovo; rea:lly. i'm gonna mu:rder you:. murder, super murder. in fact (.)

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01:18:45 {briarstone} yeah, it will happen, it will happen hehe. i just gotta make sure these guys pop down here real fast, so maybe i should just speed this up, there's nothing that's gonna happen any time soon, oh one point three years, i could speed it up until it pops, and then move in with my- wait what, i do have my troops ready to go right, they're at maximum maintenance, okay they are, good.

01:19:04 {briarstone} ((laughs)) (.) i was worried there for a second. [chat] oh, quill is here, hello quill, greetings just arrived

01:19:14 {briarstone} [chat] briar, can you not threaten the ragusa?; ooh well i-, oh, oh, great idea. threatening war, what can i do:. oh my god. i could take zeta. but then i'll be in a truce with them, how long will that be, [game:diplo:threatenwar-ragusa] there will be a truce until the 18th of march 1518, so five year truce. hmmmmmm

01:19:46 {briarstone} five year truce, you know what. i'm gonna go to the bathroom, i'm gonna go pee, i'm gonna be right back as i debate this, because here's the thing, i could declare, threaten war, take something, right, i could just take one thing, and have a truce for five years, or i can declare war and just take it all. hmmm.

01:20:13 {briarstone} [chat] five years truce and then you ask again; just take things by way of ((hah)), then i don't have to spend any- there's no bloodshedness. imma think about it, i'll be right back everybody, one mo:ment

01:21:45 {briarstone} well greetings, and i am back, didn't take me long ((hah)), i'm gonna get back to the game then, where is it, where gonna threaten war. now here's the thing, i want zeta, because specifically, uhm, it's coastal. right. it's coastal. and ragusa next, maybe, i don't know if i can do that. but i want zeta, zeta is mi:ne (.)

01:22:23 {briarstone} oka:y, accepte:d. it's now part of serbia. that. that was not what i was expecting (.)

01:22:43 {briarstone} oh because you know what, that's- it goes to serbia because that was serbia's- that's serbia's area, they have claims on that, i didn't have claims on that. right. it was a serbian claim. i gave it back to serbia. which is you know, not what i was expecting. shit.

01:23:08 {briarstone} [chat] if i fabricated my own claim there i would- oh my go:d. okay it's fine, whatever man, i pushed them around, they lost some amount of prestige i'm sure. alright. fuck fuck fuck. super fuck.

01:23:22 {briarstone} anyway [chat] briar, perhaps you could threaten ragusa and declare on hungary and ragusa won't join because the truce; he:y, wow what, what was that, you could threaten ragusa and declare on hungary, and ragusa won't join because of the truce. i don't understand what you're saying at the moment but i will figure it out

01:23:40 {briarstone} okay [screen] Beginning in 1516, the Republic obliged the Jews to live in an area of the city where the foundries, known in Venetian as 'geti', had been situated in ancient times, to wear a sign of identification and to manage the city's pawnshops at rates established by the Serenissima. Many other onerous regulations were also included, in exchange for which the Community was granted the freedom to practice its faith and protection in the case of war. What shall we do?; well i don't know. whatever gets me awesome points, gain more stability or, hey local goods produced.

01:24:15 {briarstone} right i could gain some stability because i'm not at max right now, i lost some stability, but i really want these guys to pop so if i gain a stability those'll still pop but uhh, slower, like a lot slower. ((groans)) get them a place o-, ooohh i'm gonna leave this to you guys, what do you wanna do? uhmm, do you wanna uhmm give them the geti or uhh not in venice, not in my venice.

01:24:47 {briarstone} [streamsound] northern seal! hello and welcome, always welcome here, everybody say hello, we have another member

01:24:57 {briarstone} [chat] Yeah, the word "Ghetto" literally comes from the area of Venice where Jews were segregated; that's the thing right, i mean yeah, you could get local goods produced plus ten, however, do i really want segregation? not really, this is a republic, why would i want to put in segregation, it is my: venice

01:25:14 {briarstone} [chat] the goods produced bonus lasts until the end of the game; oh shit. they really make it where you want to do that, oh ma:n. okay, now if i was to roleplay this, uhmm. historically, obviously i know what the choice would be, but, i don't know man.

01:25:47 {briarstone} [chat] to keep the plebs away from the wealthy;

[chat] i will not vote in this, us jews were never allowed to vote in our own fate; goddamnit, peter van drone see that makes me just say not in my venice, like, i'm gonna just keep everybody happy, goddamnit, look at that, they make me want that, what happened anyway

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01:26:09 {briarstone} poll has been closed, ah okay, well there we go, not in my venice, you made my decision a lot easier everybody, because that was indeed what i wanted. one point six years, what does that even mean, spawn in one point six years, you need to hurry up, spawn now, i wanna murder you

01:26:30 {briarstone} [screen] conversion succesfull, ya:y, uhm, visoki or how do you say that, vaysawki? anybody here know how to say that properly, if you do, gimme down in the chat there, i wanna know, gimme the pronunciationthingy with the brackets and all that

01:26:50 {briarstone} [screen] wave of devotion, ya:y that's great military strength goes up, what, that's ridic, that's so much dick it's re-dick. what is that then. that's not gonna take long at all [screen] seven months, oka:y. the sunni's is taking forever, what, missionary strength is (.) cancel that then, i have no control of that, right, why would it even give me an option, local missionary strength minus two, oh shit, that's only one point two

01:27:26 {briarstone} whatever, i'm gonna do that later, i'm gonna go to uhmm these guys, bosnia, flip it, flip it good. okay now to conquer zagreb i could do that except i'm waiting for the seperatists to pop, rival of our rival, did i get new seperatists, bosnian seperatists, rival of our rival should be our friend

01:27:50 {briarstone} get a hundred of these guys hey, these the guys, well let's go make them happy then, uhmm, let's start improving relations, send. that way we can squeeze them in the middle, well good, but i need to actually accept the quest, so let's do that. boop. easy quest, i can do it, these guys gonna still pop very soon

01:28:15 {briarstone} that's good, very good. u:h:m: ri:ght. wait no, it's going down. no: but my plans for murder, my pla:ns for murder are o:ver. aww. i only wanted to kill people. ((sniffs))

01:28:46 {briarstone} fine, i'll just settle for making money, which i'm doing a lot of. alright good. lalalalala. [chat] the rival of your rival is your rival's rival, nothing more, nothing less; except, a rival (.) makes no sense, i don't know why i said that

01:29:04 {briarstone} [chat] i'm surprised briar hasn't renamed provinces after people in chat, no austria i won't let you take the capital of hakkun; i didn't know that i could, i haven't been playing this game that long everybody, so what, i cou-, i could change the name of these places, i mean that would be weird to be honest, but can i, no:, you're pulling my leg, i can't change the name of these things

01:29:27 {briarstone} where would that even be. there's 20 gold worth of loot, that's a lot more loot than in here, how much loot is in here, wait this is a goldmine, tirol is a goldmine, how is there more gold in- you know why, you know why? cause i'm venice, that's why

01:29:48 {briarstone} [chat] click on a province then click on the name of the province in the window that pops up; are you kidding me, okay that ((sighs)), in another game, in another game of eu4, when i make my own, i have to make my own country, when i do that, i'll name all the places all the provinces after people, but until then, i can't, it hurts me for some reason to change some of these names because i'm trying to play this mostly mostly roleplay it to the point of i am venice and these are venetian names

01:30:45 {briarstone} i don't know [chat] please don't rename provinces briar, it loses so much immersion; yeah toki yeah, at this particular moment yeah but i will rename them i swear to you, when i create, when i craft my own uhh my own country i will definitely do that

01:30:58 {briarstone} they're not even doing it [game:map:terrana-rebels] they're not even gonna pop anymore man. my- they're done, they're just not, they're not even, they're not even. athens is gonna pop, six point six years, twenty six years, why are you even showing me this? three point three, that's twenty six years as well, four point eight years, now that's a little bit more pressing, papal seperatists. maybe i can kill the pope's men, that's fine

01:31:28 {briarstone} thirty seven years, why are you sh-, can we get rid of that please, i don't need to see this, it's taking up space for no reason. hmmm. [chat] you can rename provinces from tips; uhh jeebus, oh my jeebus, that's great, that's a good idea. yeahh. okay, i like it. anyway. here am i doing now, making a lot of money. my prestige is still poor, piss-poor at the moment. i don't have any missionaries because they're out missionarying. i don't have any dip- okay i have two diplomats, let's figure out what we do with these diplomats, these diplo's

01:32:02 {briarstone} savo:y, offer alliance, what? who would do that. there is the problem with that though, i'll be over my alotted-, [screen] my serene doge, diplomats have stopped trying to impr- from where? oh, okay, aragon. okay i've recalled it. just to the other side of milan is savoy and savoy, i've gotta improve relation. let's just do that. i mean i can go ahead and do an alliance but that's gonna be (.)

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01:32:34 {briarstone} that would slow down my diplomaticness, i don't wanna slow down my diplomaticness right now i wanna go up, not down. or, i don't wanna stay same, i don't wanna be same same. [chat] are you looking forward to saturday's game briar?; toki, yes i am actually.

01:32:54 {briarstone} [chat] when you create kiinada name the provinces after patreons; there's that too. okay initially i can name it after patreons and every sort of area that i collect after that would come from donations, i think. that's good, that's a really good idea. you guys are excellent for ideas. [screen] seperatists are not seperating anymore man, they're not seperating anymore, they're integrating (.)

01:33:24 {briarstone} [chat] there are always slots open, you just can't get a nation already claimed though (.)

[chat] I just played a game of Incas, I would have loved knowing you could rename provinces; yeah, but again, i don't know when i'm playing by myself i like to actually keep them the same. [screen] i've still got two of these bastards, what do i wanna do with this. saxony? i mean, ahh saxony, you know what saxony, uhmm (.)

01:33:52 {briarstone} ooh, what's this then, the religion in uhh hum has been conve- ohh yeah has has has converted, huah, [screen] improve relation please, you saxony go do your saxy thing, you saxy thing. why is austria doing that thing [screen], austria austria's spread, hmm (.)

01:34:10 {briarstone} you know what let's go for these guys aswell, they're catholic though, dirty catholics. actually saxony is catholic aswell, aren't they? they are. whatever. pommerania, i don't know why i would go here but i could [screen] alright i have another one already huh, okay, let's let's let's let's switch some o' these around. [screen] one point two percent, uhmm, that's not enough, c'mon gimme some stuff, i don't have any- okay one point two percent is gonna be all i can do, go there, do yo' damn thing (.)

01:34:46 {briarstone} actually, genoa maybe. golden horde. hmm. actually that would actually be kinda good, the golden horde, or syria, mamluks i don't care about specifically, and actually none of these other places do i either, you know what let's let's, as as as, as venice you know i would like to have passage through the golden horde lands unabated

01:35:14 {briarstone} so let's uh let's uh, let's do uhmm, improve relations, let's do that, very good. still makin' money. start of the game. [chat] when you get the mission to convert (.) rename it to bob is not a bad idea; ((laughs)) i- i- i'm not even going to try to say that, okay i am i am, because it's fun. okay. chihuachoochichulanga, actually that was easier to say than i thought. i probably said it wrong, but it was easier to say than i thought (.)

01:35:50 {briarstone} i gave that back to serbia i feel like a doofus, [chat] I'm not saying you enjoy crazy goals or anything, but if you own the Suez province, there's a project to make the Suez Canal for 20,000 ducats; (.) what, what. okay. i have to take it from the ottomans. i can't declare a war on them, well i could all i need to do is get a diplomat back, but i'm actually at peace with them right now aren't i (.)

01:36:33 {briarstone} do i have a peace with them. truce with syria, oh these these guys have a truce with syria and the mamluks, which is almost up, uhh, but for me however, i have a truce with ragusa, actually i don't have a truce with (.) wha:t. are we serious right now? a truce with ragusa and the papal state. i do not have a truce with the ottomans, but the ottomans would just roflstomp my ass into butter which is not exactly great. let's check the ledger (.)

01:37:13 {briarstone} i don't wanna be roflstomped. ottomans, ottomans, there you are, oh goddamn. oh goddamn, that's a lot [screen]. and the military is at nine, so they are on par with me and they have a lot more men, yeah no that's not a good idea (.)

01:37:38 {briarstone} fine. just let it go. if they declare against me, that's one thing, but i declare against them, that's an entirely different thing. [screen] oh i can try to convert. really, it's only one point two percent? that's so: far away, it takes five hundred and fiftyfive months, is that even worth trying?

01:38:04 {briarstone} ancona:, mamlukean seperatists ar-, oh rosetta, really rosetta's trying to be (persnickity), alright where's my boats? hey boat, go here. [screen] recall diplomat, saxony that's fine, uhh, and savoy, recall. there we go, attach this unit [screen]

01:38:31 {briarstone} thank you:, and do me a favor and go: i suppo:se, wherever is going to be the next popup, in five point three years, those are papal seperatists, where they even at? romagna? oh both in fact. so uh okay. we're gonna go uhh, here [screen:ancona], what uh, shit, fuck off then. you. thank you:, i want you to go there [screen:gulf of venice]. some people are gonna die, at sea, that's unfortunate, but it's the way of the world (.)

01:39:04 {briarstone} [chat] while it happens the unrest is higher; oh, o:h, i understand, i didn't realize that was a thing. okay so rosetta, that's canceled. so that's why that happened,

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that's why it left, it's not worth having. oh terrana is still converting, how many months does it take for this? [screen] converted at october fifteen twenty; so in six years, whatever. [screen:convert provinces notif] yeah i'm not doing that, shut up, get that outta my face.

01:39:42 {briarstone} okay you guys can split [screen:army], no-, well that is that i suppose, but split please and you [screen:army] go over here [screen:romagna], very nice. i'm continuing to making that dollah dollah. for twenty thousand ducats i can get the suez canal, oh my: go:d, that is the sue:z cana:l. twenty thousand ducats, so i have to save up no:w

01:40:01 {briarstone} [chat] doriide, hello and welcome

01:40:04 {briarstone} [chat] briar playing eu4 this can only go well; yes, or something. okay let's check a look, diplomacy, if we're gonna declare war, what would happen, [game:diplo:declarewar-ottomans] okay so morocco would declare, uhhm. right that could be bad. morocco is here [game:map]. (.)

01:40:29 {briarstone} And hedjaz, which is down here [game:map:middleeast] i think, this big ass area right? yeah. technically and all syria, syria goes automatically [game:diplo:declarewar-ottomans] which is fine, they're not really that big. uhmm. the only problem with declaring war on the ottomans is the ottomans themselves. morroco is very much out of the way, they have to get passage through here [game:map:tunis] to het to me

01:40:58 {briarstone} plus that i could actually just maintain, i could wrest control of the seas, is no problem. hejaz is well they're just you know, whatever, i don't (.) well let's take a look [game:province:hejaz], their military level is eight (.) hmm oh yeah. not- it's fine. yeah no the issue is just literally the ottomans, ju:st the ottomans

01:41:20 {briarstone} oh well [chat] you can get the suez canal and the panama canal and the kiel canal, it'll only cost sixty thousand ducats for all three; really? and also i have to get to panama, aww pa:na:ma:, wo:w. can't do that

01:41:37 {briarstone} anyway [game:event:diploinsult] conflicts sometimes errupted following diplomatic insults, venice gains diplomatic insult casus belli on naples; he:y, i can murder people, although [game:event:diploinsult-option] milan's opinion is changed, i could ease the tension and then everybody likes me a little bit better, but i don't really care about what the people think. hmm. (.)

01:42:04 {briarstone} this sounds like a poll option, poll, open. do we go for ehmm don't forget [game:event:diploinsult-option] or get the casus belli basically, do we go that, casus belli or ease tension, what do you guys think? you see the thing is ((sighs)) i almost just eased the tension not because i'm worried about what other people think of me, i'd ease the tension because i'm venice, all i care about is go:ld, insult me, doesn't matter, i'm still rich bro

01:42:35 {briarstone} ehhm. it's whatever, it's one of those things. what do you think? [chat] weren't you trying to get relations with Serbia up higher, Briar?; is serbia part of this? holy shit, oh my g-, okay, i don't care what you guys think now, but oh i do now because you guys are thinking the same thing, ease tension, right 'cause i was gonna do that anyway, anymore. awww man

01:43:05 {briarstone} [chat] more land equals more gold; i'll try to ease the tension, he:y baby how's it going, aw shit [game:province:serbia], okay you know what, i'm gonna give you some money [game:diplomacy:serbia], diplomacy, i'm gonna give you a little bit, ju- i'm-, improve uhh where is it, just a little bit o' money, i'm gonna give you a little bit o' money, ehh send gift, here have some money, right, i'mma send you twenty five ducats, let's just do that

01:43:28 {briarstone} good, now, i'mma annex your ass [game:diplomacy:serbia], annex vassal, recently sent a diplomat, twenty fourth of september, alright it's fine, just let it go, it's a month away, [chat] i'll use the gold to kick yo ass; beamierhydra knows how this works

01:43:52 {briarstone} [chat] he called the doge a doo-doo head; we won't forget this, yeah, doge doo-doo head, much doge, very venice, wow. alright

01:44:08 {briarstone} [chat] was going to vote but it wasn't close to a tie; really mrwashingtoad, troll me, a:nd, let's do it, let's do it, become mi:ne. that also means after i annex these buggers i will also be able to get myself into another uhh alliance, and i won't have to worry about using up another slot for diplomacy. this is greatness.

01:44:35 {briarstone} alright so carry on, carry on, [chat] we should get raska because of the serbian core; a:h, let's see [game:diplo:ragusa-sendwarning], send, no, not warning. shit, that's the wrong thing. i wanted so send (.) huh, it's fine. i sent a warning, that's fine, it gives me some power projection i suppose.

01:45:07 {briarstone} doesn't it do that, warnings give you power projection, but what i wanted to do was threaten war but i can't do that to fifteen woah, november fifteen fifty

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fou- woah [game:date:31octobor1514] o:h, he:y, ragusa then, moments then moments, and i'm gonna get raska back, it's gonna be mi:ne

01:45:26 {briarstone} [chat] so {briarstone} is now better at this game then northernlion?; i doubt it doriide, the only reason i'm doing any good specifically is because i have a whole bunch of advisors li:ve helping me with this, currently, and also i don't have to pay them. ha:h, in fact, they pay me, this is fantastic, fantastic, i'm feeling good

01:45:45 {briarstone} c'mon then, ah ooh, raska, that's right i was gonna diplomacize with you, i was gonna threaten you, threa- threaten war, there's a truce [game:diplo:threatenwar-can'tthreatenduringtruce], when is the truce over? oh no april fif-, fifteen eighteen, aw shit. a:h, i did that wrong

01:46:09 {briarstone} fifteen eighteen, we:ll, dammit. dammit. superdamn. wait now that i have a- wait zeta doesn't belong to me, so i can't actually get more ships. ((sighs)). zeta should belong to me:. anyway, what's happening over here? [game:outliner]

01:46:31 {briarstone} byzantine seperatists, athens wants to pop, papal seperatists, they still wanna go, you wanna go bro, let's go. check that negative prestige [game:bar], bastards. in terms of places that need to be converted. [game:notif:newidea] hang on, i've got a new idea to grab, let's grab it, oh maritime ideas, what's the last one then? [game:ideas:maritime-blockadeefficiency], o:h blockade efficiency, i can use less ships, well, may as well

01:46:59 {briarstone} let's do it, i don't have to use as many ships to blockade, that's great, that's great news. [game:ideas:newidea] unlocked at modern theocracy ten. what? i have that. i have modern theocracy ten [game:tech], so i have to get my uhh, this is got to be- how far away am i? [game:tech:administrativetech-alt], but i am ahead of my time, a lot. wait no that's not right. how much do i need for the idea? (.)

01:47:31 {briarstone} uh, no [game:ideas]. that means i can get it now? but i don't have enough to [game:ideas:selection] what the hell? what am i looking at here? why is this confusing me here [game:ideas:selection].

01:47:48 {briarstone} oh, it's election time [game:event:election]. [game:event:election-options] do i keep the bastard that is there, maybe get some more administrative power or diplomatic or military, or do i switch 'm over? currently i have uh, the guy is military. that's pretty good, imma get a diplo guy, let's get the diplo guy, this one here. also maintain my tradition from my republic

01:48:09 {briarstone} o:ka:y, we're gonna go back to: diplomatic overmap [chat] shen can show briar how to get more rebels; ho- how do i get more rebels? like it's lawltime and i wanna murder people how do i do that faster?

01:48:28 {briarstone} [chat] so for the guy asking if briar was better than northernlions, that's your answer right there; what does that mean? i don't know what that means, i can't tell if that's an insult or if that's a: uhh compliment

01:48:46 {briarstone} [chat] you have level nine, you need level ten; o:h, so what i was looking at right, okay, i understand [game:ideas] [game:tech], what i was looking at, i don't have this yet [game:tech:moderntheocracy10], basically what it's showing me is what's next, understood. a:h i'm almost there then. i need 844 though, how far ahead am i? ahead by three years, jeezes. that's not worth grabbing (.)

01:49:17 {briarstone} hmmmm, not worth grabbing, at all. [game:tech] naval ambitions, military technology, yeah i'm only at eight. ((pfrt)), i need to get that up as well. anyway, uhm, right, so: [game:outliner] byzantine seperatists have forty percent, these guys [game:outliner:papalseperatists] still wanna pop in six years, right. mamlukean seperatists, ninety five- ninety two point five years. i find this ridiculous guys. i find you ridiculous

01:49:57 {briarstone} anyway [chat] can you check hungary's allies and also see if your own allies would join war against them, poland being their neighbour makes it easier for them to join; uhmm, right. u:hm. if i was to hypothetically speaking declare war on you [game:diplo:declarewar], i: could get bohemia, poland if i gave them land, poland would join. then again i have to fight my front for florence, mantua, austria and ragusa, you know. which is totally doable to be honest, uhmm. let's look at the ledger

01:50:29 {briarstone} [game:ledger] austria is the only one that i really have to worry about, also hungary. but yeah, as far as allies is concerned austria is the one i have to worry about, which u:h, the:y, have more manpower than i do. total. they really do. actually no, i have more than they do. okay but here is the problem. i still have to fight against, i have to maintain against- oh wow

01:51:00 {briarstone} but then against i could also stand to get some more land. you see, i have a claim here in ferrara as well [game:province:ferrara]. hey [game:event:missioncompleted] the rival of our rival, i get five prestige and twenty five diplomatic points, excellent, i got that done. [game:missions] improve our prestige; up to

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what? fifty, that's gonna take forever; [game:missions:conquerzagreb] zagreb would be nice to have, [game:mission:savevenetianpeopleinsüdtirol] save the venetian vassal- save the venetian people in sudtirol, ehmm. conquer za-, either one of these would be fine, ehm.

01:51:30 {briarstone} but what i really want is gorz [game:province:görz], cause you know it's got, it's got access to the sea, right? right. hm. what do you have in boats? you've got [game:fleet:austria] mostly cogs [game:unit:cog-transportship], three galleys [game:unit:galley-lightship]. hungary has what [game:fleet:hungary] six cogs and three galleys, so six galleys total. that's murder quality (.)

01:51:57 {briarstone} [chat] instead of hungary directly, maybe mantua would be easier to declare war on. Less powerful allies, no austria; yeah well u:hm. hm. so they probably gonna be yeah, [game:diplo:declarewar-mantua] florence, switzerland and hungary. yeah. although switzerland is not super powerful, uh which is uhm [game:map:alps] where, it's right in here. where the hell is switzerland, like seriously, why can't i find you?

01:52:30 {briarstone} [game:provincefinder] really? that's all that is left? [game:map:alps-switzerlandithreeprovinces], oka:y. and florence? which is over here, no that's provence, florence is where? [game:provincefinder] i'm looking at it, oh right there [game:map:middleitaly] well. switzerland, like i could roflstomp that, although i still have to fight hungary (.)

01:53:15 {briarstone} hmmmmmmm. [chat] proudnitro hello and welcome back, greetings and well met my friend

01:53:28 {briarstone} [chat] and essentia is here, well hello and welcome, awesome. hmm right. (.)

01:53:34 {briarstone} [chat] savoy took a nice bite out of switzerland; they did, i though switzerland was up in here [game:map:northofalps] somewhere but apparantly not (.) savoy ate them. while down here [game:map:eastofalps], i thought they were up here [game:map:northofalps] actually, no this [game:province:oberschwaben] is part of switzerland as well, was. (.) okay

01:53:54 {briarstone} anyway, uhm. we could do that. we really really could. and then i could also just say [game:missions] conquer zagreb or save sudtirol or no, that's not the one. maybe this one [game:missions:conquerzagreb] there we go [activated]. so i have a casus belli on this now [game:province:zagreb] (.)

01:54:15 {briarstone} u:hm pause for just a moment, i still want to kill these guys [game:outliner:papalseparatists], papal separatists, they're gonna pop up every moment. i don't wanna be in a war when these guys pop. [chat] count bohemian and polish troops as well and does poland have a pu over lithuania still? If you can let your allies do the brunt of the fighting you can easily win vs Hungary and especially austria before they get out of control, taking out austria now is my preferred goal (.)

01:54:54 {briarstone} ; wow wow wow [game:event:traderrefusestoserverepublic] trader refuses to serve republic? what? off with his head [game:event:^-option-uncooperativetrader] what does he plan to accomplish with this, power minus fifteen; oh no:, minus fifteen in alexandria until oh no, son of a bitch

01:55:06 {briarstone} [game:event:^] despite venice's unquestionable devotion to trade, many of its most prominent traders are now claiming that the serene doge refuses to listen to them and are putting other interests ahead of those which have made our country rich, one of the merchants we rely on for our international trade has threatened to cease working with the republic altogether, although we are sure to come to an agreement eventually, this will hamper our cooperation before it blows over; ah you bastard. i could just like replace you with somebody else

01:55:35 {briarstone} these guys will pop, i know they will pop [game:map:middleitaly-papalseparatists]. you know what is interesting about having these guys [game:army] here [game:province:ancona-urbino-romagna] though is, as soon as florence wants to get persnickity as well switzerland i could still protect my area's over here, meanwhile i have allies [game:diplo:declarewar-hungary] bohemia will automatically just come to my favor, they'll just they'll just- just like wow and poland, if i give them something to chew on, they will come to my aid as well

01:56:15 {briarstone} and at the very same time i'll get ragusa, actually ragusa won't join because i have a truce with them, i'm sure they won't join because then they have to break their truce. but currently though austria will go, mantua will go and florence will go. hmmm.

01:56:38 {briarstone} [chat] i don't know what the ottomans are doing, they're bi-, no no, they're definately going [game:ottomans attacking qara qoyunlun], ottomans are still doing their damn thing, a:h. just not with me, they're not doing the damn thing with me. ((sighs)) i've got plenty of money, i've got plenty of men, let's do this. i just don't know the proper

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approach, not having austria in the fight would be much easier, however having austria in the fight means that i can also possibly gain some territory from them

01:57:18 {briarstone} bohemia is just to the top of them, and they're gonna join regardless. my only problem i:s this [game:outliner:papalseparatists], i want to make sure this separatist issue is dealt with before i go to war. [game:province:ancona] autonomy, i could speed it up (.)

01:58:00 {briarstone} hmm, i'm wondering, what do you guys think? [chat] truces do not cause stability loss if you join defensive wars, so they will join; o:h good to know thank you

01:58:11 {briarstone} [chat] defensive calls ignore truces; oka:y, i suppose that's fair

01:58:21 {briarstone} [chat] could decrease autonomy, let them rebel, crush the rebels and then go to war; peter_van_drone, that's what i was thinking [game:province:ancona-autonomy] hmmm, until thirty first of december fifteen forty five, so that's gonna be a while before it comes back to normal but that's fine because if i crush that, a:h let's do it. let's go.

01:58:44 {briarstone} well that was faster [game:outliner], two point six years, you know romagna, i'll do you the same way [game:province:romagna-autonomy], ye:ah come at me bro. let's go. uhhm, speaking of which, might go get me some more troops heh, if i'm gonna get troops up in here anyway, you [game:fleet], get down here [game:map:alexandria], there we go.

01:59:08 {briarstone} we're gonna leave the mamlukeans to their own devices, i'm done with this cuisine, i'm about to go back north. where's my boats, there they go, hello boats. wow wow wow [game:event:improverelationsmaxed-qaraqoyunlu], ah recall diplomat. these guys [game:qaraqoyunlu] i could probably get an ally out of now, [game:diplo:qaraqoyunlu] may come to our assistance during wars, which i could do, i have a slot don't i? pretty sure i have a slot left (.)

01:59:45 {briarstone} let's do it, yes, sent. i have a slot left and that's good, perfect. thank you. wait no, do i not have a slot left? hell's bells. i have too many people on my side, so, how do i uhh [game:diplo] hmmmm

02:00:09 {briarstone} castille's our enemy, ottomans, milan, hungary, all these guys are enemies, bohemia, (.) hmm annexation, that's what i was thinking, i was gonna finish the annexation and then i was gonna get another ally goddamnit, i was too fast, i was not thinking, woops

02:00:40 {briarstone} [chat] they may call you into the war with the ottomans, be careful; that's fine i don't mind if they call me into the war with the ottomans. here's the thing right, if they are fighting the ottomans and i'm fighting the ottomans, we'll squish 'm in the middle and i can stand to capture territory, i can fight in these areas [game:map:balkans], i mean c'mon, i can hold my own, for a little bit, those are highlands right? mountains, right, i could take these, grasslands? fuck no

02:01:01 {briarstone} uhmm but the highlands i could, and the mountains, this'll be fine (.) i'll hold my own, that's a thing i imagine (.) am i thinking too much of my skills right now? not ma skills but ma people skills

02:01:24 {briarstone} ehm [game:outliner] papal separatists, one point three years, go faster will you, if you feel like it. okay go together [game:army:merge] attach yourself to these cogs [game:fleet], cogs go uhh here [game:urbino], get to it, imma need you here anyway, cause i'm gonna declare war on hungarai and then poland is gonna [game:event:savdeclaredwaronswi] switzerland, they cite conquest as their casus belli, aight, interesting. poor switzy

02:01:52 {briarstone} switz man, switz is getting crushed. [game:notif:newidea] ooh what's this [game:ideas:quality] the old and the infirm, the veteran sergeants are some of the most despicable and corrupt men imaginable but these men are still usefull, rather than leave them to be beggars on our streets, men like this should be used when their service ends, let's make them into drill sergeants and quartermasters so their unique skills can be put to use; land maintainance modifier goes down, wooow, grabbed that, thank you, i'm on it

02:02:20 {briarstone} hmmm, i unlocked a new idea group, yes of course we did, now what is this? [game:ideas] found the state inquistion, national spy defense, ehh, it's good, it's good to have i suppose, although i could've got, no. [game:tech] how much do i need for that? [game:tech:militarytech-9] you need five hundred and fifty power, actually, maybe i could've gotten that, okay i need to save up for this [tech9] next time. professional officers, i need to make sure i get that

02:02:43 {briarstone} [game:notif:rebeluprising] rebel uprisi:ng, that's the papal separatists, that's fine, that's good. [chat] be careful taking military ideas, you need the points for your military tech; ye:ah, that's what i was just debating, that's what i was just debating, hmmmm

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02:03:04 {briarstone} [chat] for all I know, wiz mentioned it last month and i just forgot; o:h stretchy stretchy, [game:event:relationsmaxed-goldenhorde] he:y let's get an ally there too, just joking, uhmm, [game:notif:casualties] yeah i know they were at sea and they suffered some casualties. [game:outliner:papalseparatists] are you done yet? i mean, i could, you could pop at any time now, just anytime. oh wow these guys [byzantineseparatists] are ready to pop as well, oh i need to get rid of all these uprisings first and then handle my business in a war (.)

02:03:43 {briarstone} c'mon then, it could be any moment, any moment now it could be persnickity, don't make me speed it up more, he:y, oh oh it could happen any moment, a:nd a:nd (.) alright imma slow this down [game:speed] 'cause i'm scared, i'm too scared

02:04:17 {briarstone} okay so i know where they're gonna be, i could split these guys off [game:army:urbino], split that group and they'll pop and i'll send my units in there, actually i could send them in now i don't think it's gonna make a difference, they're still gonna pop, let's go (.)

02:04:40 {briarstone} a:nd, yeah no they're still gonna pop, any moment, so combi:ne, combi:ne, do it, fourteen k troops ready for your shit [game:event:noonewantstowork] with the generous liberties we have granted our merchants, we have ended up with a situation where people simply don't want to do honest work anymore. whatever man, i'm making so much money fifty sevn ducats is no problem. [game:outliner:papalseparatists] do you mind? ah c'mon, here we go, time to pop

02:05:18 {briarstone} let's go, [game:event:arevolt-romagna] oh ye:ah, revolt, that's surprising, that's so surprising, oh shit they're actually doing damage, get your ass over there [game:army:ancona->romagna], i mean i should be able to kill them anyway, holy shit, holy shit, get over there, go go go go go go, okay, yeah, okay, that was gonna be way too onesided, what the hell kinda people, where do they come from? alright, we got it, squashed it [game:battlewon] won, jeezes

02:05:56 {briarstone} that was not near as easy as i thought it was gonna be. can we split them? [game:army:romagna] (.) whew ((sighs)) (.) uhm. how do i go here? [game:province:romagna-verona] would you like to use [game:usetransportfleet] yes, okay. now i got my people up here that's good

02:06:19 {briarstone} hmmm [game:outliner] the byzantine separatists are at three point three years, i just wanna make sure that's covered as well. [game:province:athens] i can't actually reduce autonomy stuff. the unrest is really high. [game:outliner] three point three years. 'cause the war could still be going on in three point three years, that's the problem.

02:06:43 {briarstone} [chat] kill the pope; alright i'm on it. (.) do i have enough people still? [game:manpower] 'cause then i can make another one of these things [game:armyunits] so let's make another thing, these armies. every army should have uhh (.) where's the? oh there are ya [game:fleet-gulfofvenice] oh i see, they're going. so you [game:army:romagna] didn't have a leader

02:07:05 {briarstone} maybe that's the reason that ship went down, no you did have a leader when i put you in there, at least. (.) let's consolidate, save some money [game:army:verona]. what's this then? [game:notif:casualties] your units have suffered some casualties; yes i understand, i understand, so we're gonna build that force back up

02:07:27 {briarstone} [chat] sienna is currently taking over the pope so that may take care of itself. [game:outliner] athens is eleven point one. i have maximum stability too so i can't even slow it down. i can't speed it up and i can't slow it down. where's my uhh, there it is, i'm already looking at it [game:stability] alright so yeah boost of three look at that. i need more military stuff though [game:militarypower]. i need to get to military tech nine (.)

02:07:57 {briarstone} do i go down there [game:map:greekprovinces] and just wait? you know what, let's just let's just speed things up [game:speed]. i don't foresee any issue for the next years, a few years, and these guys [game:byzantineseparatists] are gonna go faster. meanwhile, i make money, make that dollah dollah, that du:cat ya know. nothing's happening nothing's happening nothing's happening. i've got three diplomats, meanwhile i'm also making serbia my my my annexed vassal.

02:08:31 {briarstone} oh wo wo wow [game:notif:aspectoffaith] [game:religion] what happened? oh. yeah no. i'm not doing that [convertingrosetta-555] so just bugger off. wo:w [game:event:count'sfeud] herald from denmark, count's feud, from among the possible options, they went with support the pretender as their choice of action; okay then. [game:notif:rebeluprising-byzantineseparatists] [game:stability] oh yeah, how long then, one point seven years, ok:ay, we've sped that up and let's go ahead and go grab uhh

02:08:56 {briarstone} [game:fleet:gulfofvenice] i want you to go into port [game:map:venice] actually don't go into that. you [game:army:verona] attach yoself to here [game:fleet:verona]

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and i: wi:ll, i don't have a leader for you guys, so what i will tell you to do is we're gonna go here first [game:map:urbino] there you go:. we're gonna go attach the unit and i believe i should have the uhh leader, the leader goes with this right? yep okay the leader's there (.)

02:09:33 {briarstone} so go: here [game:map:athens] nanananananananaanananana should be there any second no:w bam. done. get that back. do i need more people? perhaps i do:. who knows? so go back [fleettourbino] dadadadada. boop. done. i still have thirty of thirty three [game:armyforcelimit] i need to (.) what's this army [game:army:athens] consist of specifically? so i got.. wow totally can siege that

02:10:05 {briarstone} aww, i need some more i need some more men, i just need standard men at arms so let's make 'm. there, there (.) and there [game:map:epiros-athens-albania]. actually now that i'm so as well, let's put these seven [game:army:romagna] on the boat, wait wrong, boat, i only need these five [game:army:urbino], it'd be fi:ne, let's go [armytoathens].

02:10:30 {briarstone} nineteen thousand people'd be great, just fine. also not nineteen thousand because i'm also going to have (.) and then these guys [recruited] are gonna pop and then i'll have a lot of people, so yes. there's that that that, let's go [recruitstoathens]. okay twenty one k, that's not too bad

02:11:01 {briarstone} not too shabby at all. and these guys [game:byzantineseparatists] are gonna pop when? one point seven years okay. what happened. actually do i want the for- no it's fine. hopefully nothing crazy happens in the next few minutes other than this particular rebel (.)

02:11:23 {briarstone} [game:event:genoadeclareswaragainstgoldenhorde] genoa: on the golden horde, wha:t? conquest? [game:map:crimea], well good luck. whatever man. [game:event:leaderhasdied] military leader has died, really? i just, i just put you ((sighs)) you know what i can get a better one, look at this guy, look at this guy this guy is amazing, this guy is amazing. oh. cool. alright then.

02:11:47 {briarstone} i wasn't expecting that to be true, but it was true. [game:event:truceexpired-ragusa] he:y, hey baby, how's it going? uhm, if you don't mi:nd, this here [game:province:raska], diplomacy [game:diplo:ragusa] threaten war [no] what a bastard. minus a hundred and seventeen 'cause they recently gave in to a threat. but i want that, i want that right there. prick. super prick.

02:12:25 {briarstone} [game:event:reformationbranchesout-ragusa] the protestant reformation is spreading like wildfire across europe. several different movements have already formed, proposing alternative ways of reforming the christian fatih a devout preacher in ragusa has become the principal figure for the so called reformed school of thought, stressing the complete ruin of humanity's ethical nature, only with the divine intervention of god can humanity find salvation, turning from rebellion to willing obedience; yeah good luck with that. everybody know that i'm cooler

02:12:56 {briarstone} [game:outliner] one point seven years, why won't you go faster? woah [game:event:growthofcitiesattractsserfers] i know things have slowed down for you because, we:ll, i'm standing on top of you. it seems as serfs are moving out of the provinces and aim to earn a living in the capital, this is creating turmoil in the country but our capital may benefit in the long run. [game:eventoptions] he:y get some base tax and some more money then, serfdom, stability cost modifier goes down, morale of armies goes also goes down, so no: basetax thank you.

02:13:28 {briarstone} [game:outliner] you getting any closer? still one point seven years, you take fore:ver man [game:event:truceexpired-papalstate] truce expired with who? with the papal state, okay fine. [game:event:nobleplot] aww that means they're gonna pop faster [game:event:stabilitydrop] that's sa:d [game:outliner] oh no they didn- they're not gonna pop faster. dude i just lost stability and you're still being an ass. how about over here? [game:outliner:sunnizealots] six point nine years.

02:13:54 {briarstone} oh [game:notif:tech] give me that thank you [game:tech:administrativeto10]. wait did i actually go way ahead of time? i did, i spent wa:y too much on that, i really did. but anyway. huh. right. [game:event:administrativetechnologyadvance] allows theocracy; i don't know what theocracy is, i don't think i've ever had theocracy, what does theocracy do. how much money am i making? a lot [game:economy] i can have new ideas aswell, free slot. hooh hooh i can put stuff in

02:14:24 {briarstone} [game:ideas:newidea] i can grab new things, new ideas, kay. what am i gonna do? not religious, uhm, not military, or maybe i should do military, i've already got a military, nonono i don't wanna do military, i wanna do: diplomatic? maybe diplomatic. let's look at these, exploration no, and influence ideas, eeh, local militias and such, what do these do? okay tribute system, income from vassals, claim fabrication, doesn't take as long,

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integrated elites, annexation cost is reduced. so influence is good, diplomatic ideas, diplomats plus one, i get an extra diplomat, not that i'm using the ones that i have no:w, cabinet, diplomatic relations go up, okay, privateers, embargo efficiency, i don't know

02:15:17 {briarstone} [chat] economic ideas obviously, venice; bureaucracy, national tax modifier plu- holy goddamn, you're right [chosen], done. i'm for it ehm. and i need three hundred and eighty to get that one. fine. very good. how long now? [game:outliner:byzantineseparatists] ((sighs)) i made you mad, i lost stability, i made you madder, more mad, and yet you're still gonna take forever

02:15:46 {briarstone} [game:event:cheapiron] well not just iron but the most expensive part of a cannon is the metal, a recent glut in the market has made metal prices cheap for the time being; hey, artillery cost subtraction, he:y ma:n.

02:15:59 {briarstone} [game:event:election] bureaucrat, do i want? i do want or do i want military, cause i need military, right, ehmmm, i'mma go with a military candidate. [game:notif:nationaldecisionsavailable] what? let's do, i have several

02:16:25 {briarstone} [game:decisions] venice gets declaration of indulgence until january eightteen twenty one giving the following effects, stability cost modifier right, tolerance of heretics, right okay let's do it. venice gets conventicle act until the second of january eightteen twenty one, giving the following effects, missionary strength goes up, tolerance of heretics goes down, that's great, those are two really good things which means i can no:w, i can [game:religion] he:y, although that not very well, jeezes that's terrible, still takes a hundred and forty four months, damnit.

02:16:54 {briarstone} and meanwhile, this would go up [game:outliner:mamlukeanseparatists], it's already going up slowly, very slowly, but it'll go up even more, i'm not gonna do that right now, it's too, it's too much. still taking too long. i'd have to worry about more people trying to get persnickity. these guys [byzantineseparatists] should hurry up and get persnickity. i'm sitting here with twenty two thousand men, just eating their crap

02:17:18 {briarstone} [game:notif:tech] diplomatic technology, naval ambitions, i: think that's what i'm gonna gra:b, 'cause yeah, what does it do? ideas minus fourteen percent, right. oh because i got ideas, so that's what's reducing the cost okay. naval bonus, that is twenty percent, with an extra boost to naval morale our sailors will conquer the waves and rule the seas. yes i will go ahead and grab that i think, let's go [game:ideas] (.)

02:17:57 {briarstone} because what i could do, that's finished [game:ideas:maritime], well that's finished, uhm, well then yeah i suppose i will take that [diplotech8]. so: how long now [game:outliner] one point six, you take fore:ver.

02:18:19 {briarstone} [chat] add a new church power; i can do that? [game:religion] oh i can, hold the phone, missionary strength can go up, wait, how did i do that? how does that even, back. so i have individual creeds, i can grab another one. hmm. nearly prestige is nice, national unrest. you know what, instead of lettings these guys pop i could just go national unrest and, yeah

02:18:59 {briarstone} i know for a fact these guys [mamlukean] won't pop, if i grab that. morale of armies seems like a great idea, missionary strength is also a great idea, stability cost modifier is also a great idea, what do you guys think? [chat] it costs 100 to add one; one hundred what? one hundred what to add one? what am i adding?

02:19:40 {briarstone} how do we know what uhh [game:religion] chu- oh church power, it costs one hundred church power. republican tradition continues to go up which is poopy. [chat] i would either take stab cost, discipline or missionary; (.) discipline's really good, missionary is also really good if i'm gonna continue converting everybody to the protestant faith

02:20:20 {briarstone} [game:religion:churchpower-organisedthroughbishops] bishops used to be the leader of a single church confined to urban areas, nowadays they lead churches of a larger area and no longer serve individual congregations, priests are appointed to minister each congregation and acts as the bishop's delegate; development cost goes down. [chat] you aren't tied into what you take now, you can change them later so take whichever you think is best for right now this second; o:h, oh oh, okay then. then i'll select the missionary strength 'cause i still want to be able to, yeah there we go [game:religion] this is better, this is much better [game:religion:provincesmorequicklyconverted]

02:20:51 {briarstone} look, i can i can, so what's this say one point seven strength, so it takes fifty nine months, and this [game:conversionoftarrana] is not gonna take any time at all now, although no, yes it will, still a while yet, fifteen twenty, next year. uhm is it worth it? yeah let's do it, it's not so bad now [game:conversionofrosetta]

02:21:15 {briarstone} [chat] the best at peace usually are missionary strength, less or idea cost; i'm trying to understand what you're saying there mdhgameplays, missionary strength

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less unrest or idea cost, oh okay i understand what you're saying now. i already have the less idea cost, that's good

02:21:40 {briarstone} [game:outliner:byzantine] five point six still on this guy, these guys [mamlukean] have gone up because yeah i am i am, nine point five years that's fine, i'll have them converted before then, well before then [game:event:milandeclareswaronsavoy] my serene doge, milan has declared war upon their enemy savoy, conquest casus belli. new tech fo-

02:22:05 {briarstone} [game:event:arevolt-athens] oh shit, that happened fast, godda:mn, it went from a year to like nothing, in the blink of an eye, and they died, also in the blink of an eye, excellent, right uhm. so let's go ahead and attach part of this unit [game:army:athens] to their- [game:outliner] mamlukean separatists are forty six point two years, these [sunnizealots] are three point two years- motherfucker. that's only because i'm preaching to both of these, this one's [game:map:tarrana] gonna be fine here in a moment, but this one [game:rosetta] is still gonna be persn- i figure it'll be fine

02:22:40 {briarstone} i don't have to worry about that right now, i'm pretty sure i can declare my war, i think. go. i transported a thousand men, and only a thousand men, are you joking, please go back and grab the rest of those men (.)

02:23:10 {briarstone} fourteen thousand seats upon these ships and i transported a thousand men, here's the thing, i would like to add more of you please [game:fleet:greece], what was it? a cruise? it was a cruise liner. [game:event:provinceconverted-tarrana] woow, conversion succesfull, wo:, which means it's gonna go down a little bit, right? [game:outliner] yeah, so now it's just alexandria one point eight, tarrana is now there and at five point one years rosetta yeah no, i've got time ma:n, i've got ti:me

02:23:44 {briarstone} [game:event:discoveredanagentinurbino-ferrara] we have been informed by the commander of the guard in urbino, ferrara has been discovered fabricating a claim on our province; what? urbino? [game:event:advisordied] a great advisor in our employ has died; no: he di:d no:t die:, ((sighs)). alright, here's the thing though, i can pay for [game:government:advisor] more things, aha:. so this one costs me more, stability cost modifier goes down, which is something, production efficiency goes up, you know this guy is also plus two administrative skill, i have to pay a little bit extra for him but then again i'm making the huge money, i'm making so much money, mah money's making money

02:24:15 {briarstone} he's also the age of forty six, goddamnit, it means you'll pop off soon, pop off sooner then later, is he actually worth this money? i have a lot of money, so i shouldn't be complaining about money, but meanwhile, i can make mo:re money, hmmm. hmmm. i'm gonna get him [stabcost-advisor] i'm gonna bu- i'm gonna get him, cause i have money to burn at the moment so that's fine

02:24:44 {briarstone} [game:government-advisors] reinforce speed also, so this guy here, who else can i get? [game:government:advisors] you got a plus two, you're thirty six years old, i can pay for you and discipline goes up, that's not bad [chat] aww if briar had estates enabled he could now get a cheap level 2 inquisitor from them; (.)

02:25:05 {briarstone} [game:notif:militaryaccess] who wants military access? oh poland does, aw yeah i'll accept that. from mantua, ahhhh, no, sorry no, not happening, i'm not giving you shit. [game:religion] ninety two months on these bastards [alexandria], what's happening over here? [game:outliner] one point eig- forty nine years for that to happen [mamlukean], five point seven years for that to happen [sunnizealots], i've got time, in fact who is this getting angry, this is uh, yeah they're rosetta so, rosetta is where i am currently preaching so that's why they're mad, but at the very same time, they're gonna be completely converted well before they decide to pop, so that's fine, that's good

02:25:46 {briarstone} also annexing uhh, serbia is at thirty five point three percent, okay so. what can i do? these guys down here [game:army:athens] are doing nothing, so i think i'll grab them, please go back and get them, please and thank you

02:26:08 {briarstone} [chats] californians are too sexy for the internet; uhh, okay. let's see. boop, done. (.) and uh we're gonna do this and that and then up here [game:army:athens][to][game:map:romagna] go baby go baby go: okay. here's the fun part sweetheart. i have so many casualties, i guess they just died at sea, at least they didn't mutiny. i've almost got my prestige back to normal, jeezes, it took forever.

02:26:43 {briarstone} [game:event:religiouscivildisorder-ragusa] ragusa: they tell us about things i don't really care about, that's fine i'm gonna murder you, well not now but later, where do these come from? [game:army:albania-tlemcen] oh tlemcen, excuse me? who gave you access across my lands? i didn't you i ga- i didn't give you access [game:diplo:tlemcen] did i? (.)

02:27:13 {briarstone} offer flee-, who did i give access to- no, nonononono that didn't happen, how did they cross my area then, my la:nd [glance] [chat] did you force convert

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serbia?; uhh no. uhmm. yes. [glance] no. i don't know, great. so if i was gonna declare war on hungary, let's just look at this

02:27:45 {briarstone} [game:diplo:hungary] declare war [game:declarewar:hungary] okay florence mantua austria and ragusa will all definitely say things, all right but these guys don't- bohemia is already engaged in a war aren't they? [game] fighting in another war, burgundy, they don't want any land, these guys are also fighting another war aren't they? [poland] poland is eight hundred and eighty two monies in debt, oh. right. and these guys are definitely not gonna join me [qaraqoyunlun]

02:28:14 {briarstone} so yeah, going against hungary is a nogo, so let's cancel that. however, going against ferrara [game:declarewar:ferrara] milan and austria, alright. cause bohemia is currently fighting another war.

02:28:42 {briarstone} [game:map:bohemia] bohemia, saxony, bavaria, i love cream. okay no here's the thing, if i declare on- [chat] did i threaten ragusa again?; i did i did but they don't want, they don't, [game:threatenwar:ragusa] they say no, they're not gonna do it, they're not gonna let me have raska, i want raska but they're not gonna let me have it

02:29:16 {briarstone} uhmm but i could threaten ferrara maybe, diplomacy [game:diplo:ferrara] there are no unoccupied provinces that are cores or claims- oh okay. mantua won't do it either then. i was gonna try, it was worth a shot

02:29:34 {briarstone} okay so sudtirol [game:province:sudtirol] can i threaten war against you? no. zagreb. oh what if i declared war- no not declared war but threatened [game:threatenwar:hungary] say uhh, zagreb, they're just like no, okay that's fine. if i declared war against mantua then, mantua gets me

02:29:59 {briarstone} [game:declarewar:mantua] okay switzerland will not join them but florence and hungary will, that'd be the way to get hungary in on the battle (.) i'm just trying to get, switzerland i'm not doing switzerland, although maybe i should, maybe i can take the rest of switzerland [game:diplo:switzerland] if i was to declare war on switzerland what would happen, oh these guys aren't gonna join me because i have no claims on them

02:30:32 {briarstone} no, i don't have any claims, i have to find someplace i have claims, now laika has claims, i have claims on ferrara, i think ferrara is probably my best option also ferrara gives me coastal territory, right, more coastals. uhhm. so: and [game:declarewar:ferrara] and then milan and austria is gonna be my two, my two issues, and meanwhile, austria has what in terms of ehh

02:31:02 {briarstone} [game:diplo:austria-tech] oh goddamn, their military is ten? oka:y that's not good. i'm only at eight. yeah. no. if i was gonna do that i'd need bohemia in on the war, i need bohemia as an ally and they're fighting their war right now

02:31:27 {briarstone} [chat] try a war on ragusa and see who joins; uhm, okay, [game:declarewar:ragusa] just hungary, just hungary. (.) just hungary. it's not so ba:d. they have military at nine (.) and i have claims on laika and zagreb also i have a quest on zagreb

02:31:54 {briarstone} [game:province:zagreb] that's grasslands that's gonna be hard to hold, [varasd] farmlands, i need to get into a place- it's all farmlands grassland, there's no real way to get into this shit. i wish i could get poland in on this but poland is fighting a war themselves (.) oh wait no these are rebels [game:map:poland] okay no wait waitwaitwait

02:32:23 {briarstone} [game:diplo:ragusa] uhmm diplomacy, declare war, made them a thing, no, no. hmm. i would not get any aid from poland right now because they're super massive in debt (.)

02:32:48 {briarstone} hmm [chat] what are the most important modifiers in a fight is military tactics it's the small horse icon in military tech and you can see what people get it at and if you're at nine people will most likely beat you if you're at eight; okay it's the small horse in military tech [game:military] small horse

02:33:16 {briarstone} small horse in military tech (.) here? no, oh this [game:tech:military] military tactics, one point two, so i have a one point two, they have a what, can i see theirs?

02:33:45 {briarstone} i wanna see, no i can't see theirs, i don't guess. [game:diplo:hungary] there has to be a way to do that [chat] anyone at nine has one point four five; ri:ght, one point four five to my one point two, is that what i'm understanding? (.)

02:34:20 {briarstone} where was it again? goddamn. hmm. so that's probably big enough [chat] some military tech levels are more important than others; [chat] sorry one point five yeah; [chat] starts at a point five base with an additional point twenty five every few tech levels;