Alexandra Serban Text

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  • 8/2/2019 Alexandra Serban Text


    Analyze of Becoming Human

    I will analyze the project Becoming Human, which is a project that offers many information

    about human evolution. The purpose of this project is written on the main page, and it is:




    In analyzing this project, I will apply the five Principles of New Media, introduced by Lev

    Manovich in The Language of New Media. These principles show the main differences

    between old media and new media.

    The first principle is called Numerical Representation, which means that every new media objectis composed of digital code. Manovich explains here that new media objects can be described

    formally, using a mathematical function, and also, they become programmable by using

    algorithms. When new media objects are created on computer, they originate in numerical form.

    Becoming Human is a good example for explaining the first principle, because there are pictures

    and videos that can be manipulated using algorithms and mathematical functions. This project is

    not one converted from a previous analogue one, but it is one created from the scratch on


    The second principle that Manovich introduces is Modularity, also called fractal structure of

    new media. It refers to media objects as represented as collections of discrete samples. These

    objects are assembled in larger-scale objects, and in the same time they continue to maintain

    their independence. Because of that, each of these elements can be modified separately, without

    affecting the others.

    Becoming Human shows exactly what modularity means, because it is formed by many

    independent media objects. For example, the main page contains buttons that send us to other

    objects, such as: ABOUT US, FEATURES, NEWS, and so on. Each of these pages can be

    modified separately and independently from the others. Also, there is one video that also

    represents a new object which keeps its independence.

    The third principle is Automation. It strongly depends on the first two principles, because they

    allow the computer to operate with algorithms and templates.

    Referring to Becoming Human, we can say that the automation is represented by the

    characteristic of this web page, that automatically generates web pages on the fly when the user

    reaches the site.
  • 8/2/2019 Alexandra Serban Text


    Variability represents the fourth principle of New Media, and it is also a consequence of

    numerical coding of media and modular structure of media object. Variability means that a new

    media object can have many copies with different versions of the original, and instead of being

    created completely by a human author, these versions are in part automatically assembled by a

    computer. Modularity also affects variability in the sense that, stored digitally, media elements

    maintain their separate identity and can be assembled into numerous sequences under program


    The project analyzed before can exist in many other different versions, because it is not

    something fixed once and for all.

    The last principle that Manovich talks about is called Transcoding, and in his point of view it is

    the most substantial consequence of medias computerization. Computerization turns media into

    computer data. Since new media is created on computers, distributed via computers, stored and

    achieved on computers, the logic of a computer can be expected to influence the traditional

    cultural logic of media. The ways in which computer models the world, represents data andallows us to operate on it. In new media language, to transcode something is to translate it into

    another format.

    Being created on computer, the project Becoming Human has the characteristics explained in the

    last principle of new media.

    Becoming Human is a project that belongs to new media and for this reason it has all the

    characteristics specific to this media.