ALESSA NDRO LUPI · Alessandro Lupi, ÒShadowsÓ, 2003, Foyer del Teatro della Corte, Genoa, Italy...

13 [email protected] ALESSANDRO LUPI WORKS: Densità Fluorescenti (Fluorescent Densities) 2-3-4-5-6-7 Albero (Tree) 8-9 Ombre (Shadows) interactive installation 10 CV 11-12-13

Transcript of ALESSA NDRO LUPI · Alessandro Lupi, ÒShadowsÓ, 2003, Foyer del Teatro della Corte, Genoa, Italy... [email protected]

ALESSANDRO LUPI WORKS: Densità Fluorescenti (Fluorescent Densities) 2-3-4-5-6-7 Albero (Tree) 8-9 Ombre (Shadows) interactive installation 10 CV 11-12-13 [email protected]

Densità Fluorescenti (Fluorescent Densities)

Alessando Lupi’s research on light and space started in 1997. His works called “Densità fluorescenti” (Fluorescent Densities) are made of polyamide threads painted one by one with fluorescent and/or photoluminescent paint. He then projects a black light. Subjects are often three-dimensional bodies that dialogue with the space in a kinetic or static way, sometimes through sounds expressly composed for the work. Every piece creates its own world, concentrating on the idea of “inversion”, that is, on the possibility of offering to the spectator the opposite point of view from the expected or predicted one. In his works the dichotomy of opposite situations, like exterior-interior, freedom-prison or life-death are annulated by the almost contemporary perception of these two aspects without, nevertheless, favoring any perceptive or hierarchic prevalence.

Densità Fluorescente “Sogno” (Dream), 2007 [email protected]

Alessandro Lupi, solo show; Guidi & Schoen Arte Contemporanea, 2008

Densità Fluorescente “Sedia”(Chair), 2008 [email protected]

Densità Fluorescente, Bienal de la Habana 2009, Cuba [email protected]

Alessandro Lupi @ work [email protected]

Densità Fluorescente “Blue Kid”, 2006 [email protected]

small works [email protected]

Albero (Tree), 2009

“Albero” was realized for the Freeshout Festival in Prato, Italy. I reconstructed a 6 m. dead tree inside a big space that generated a fake shadow of itself alive, with leaves. For this, I have studied the behavior of light and shadow, calculating the focal lengths based on the departing point of light. In this work space and light evoke a contradiction in terms of time: past and future, life and death. For the occasion I also made a final performance in which I cut the tree with a power saw.

“Albero” (Tree), Freeshout!? Festival, Prato, Italy. [email protected]

“Albero” (Tree), Freeshout!? Festival, Prato, Italy. [email protected]

Ombre, (Shadows), 2003 This interactive work was realized in a public space in Genoa, Italy. A screen of opaline reproduces the shadow of the people passing as well as imaginary pre recorded shadows. When someone passed between the panel and the projector a sensor changed the channel and the shadows shifted from virtual and imaginary to the real one of the person moving. A video of this work is available on:

Alessandro Lupi, “Shadows”, 2003, Foyer del Teatro della Corte, Genoa, Italy [email protected]

Alessandro Lupi CV Born in Genoa, Italy in 1975. Lives and works between Genoa and Berlin

Education 2000

Fine Art Degree, Accademia Ligustica Di Belle Arti, Genoa, Italy;

Solo shows 2011

Percezione, Sala Dogana Palazzo Ducale

2010 Alessandro Lupi, Lichtung. Episkop, Halle am Wasser, Berlin, Germany;

Permanent Installation, Trubar house of literature, UNESCO World Book Capital, Ljubljana

Republika Slovenija; 2009

Permanent installation, Esquela nacional de Bellas Artes, la Habana, Cuba;


Alessandro Lupi, Duemilaotto, Guidi&Schoen Arte Contemporanea, Genova, Italy; Alessandro Lupi, Bologna art first, Special project of Public Space Museo Palazzo Poggi,

Bologna, Italy;

2007 Alessandro Lupi, Luoghi d’osservazione, Castello di San Terenzo, Lerici, (Sp) Italy;


Alessandro Lupi, San Marino Contemporary Art Gallery; San Marino Republic; Art Luminale, Alessandro Lupi Lichtinstallation, Carloni Spazioarte, Frankfurt, Germany;


Alessandro Lupi, Densità, Guidi & Schoen Arte Contemporanea, Genoa, Italy;

2004 Alessandro Lupi, Leuchtende Dichte, Carloni Spazioarte, Frankfurt, Germany;


Ombre interactive, Hellzapoppin, Foyer del Teatro della Corte , Genoa, Italy; 2001

Appunti sull’Arte Contemporanea, Joyce & Co. Gallery, Genoa, Italy;

Selected group shows 2012

TEN Guidi&schoen, Genova, Italy

2011 Meinblauer, Meinblau, Berlin, Germany

Eclissi, Mya Lurgo gallery, Lugano, Swizerland.

2009 Freeshout!? festival of Art, Prato, Italy;

Belgrade of Light, Belgrade, Serbia;

Décima Bienal de la Habana, Habana, Cuba;

Regards to time and space, S&G Arte Contemporanea, Berlin, Germany;


Inter?Or, Parco Culturale le Serre, Grugliasco (Torin) Italy; Lighting Guerrilla, Vz� igalica gallery, City Museum of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovinia;

Dimensione Celeste, Open Space-Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Comune di Catanzaro, Italy; [email protected]

2007 MiniArtTextil, Hotel de Ville de Montrouge, Paris, France;

Out, Complesso Monumentale di Santa Caterina, Finalborgo, Italy;

Linee d'orizzonte, G.A.M Museum, Genoa, Italy;


Biennale Europea Arti Visive Premio del Golfo 2006 CAMEC – Centro Arte Moderna e Contemporanea La Spezia,Italy;

Crossover Palazzina San Desiderio Porto Antico, Genoa, Italy;

In Rete Miniartextilcomo, Como, Italy; Feedback, Belvedere di San Leucio, Caserta, Italy;

Controevento, Reggio Emilia, Italy;

Allarmi 2, Il cambio della guardia, Como, Italy;


Seven, Everything goes to hell, Palazzo Pretorio Certado (FI), Italy;


Dal profondo, Carloni SpazioArte , Frankfurt, Germany;

Dal profondo, Mainz, Germany; Biennale in Tran-Sito, Castel S. Angelo Rome, Italy;

Lasciateci divertire, Palazzo Comunale, Arezzo, Italy;

Figure, Osemont Gallery, Albisola (Sv) Italy;

Sorsi di pace Charitable auction for Emergency, Milan, Italy;


Le forme della luce Festival Della Scienza, Genoa, Italy; Unita-Mente, Guidi&Schoen Arte Contemporanea, Genoa, Italy;

Printemps des Muse’es Raccolte Frugone Museum, Genoa, Italy;

Calliope Palazzo Beato Jacopo, Varazze (Sv) Italy; Visual Art on the beach Albissola Marina(Sv) Italy;


Asta di beneficenza, Villa Croce Contemporary Art Gallery, Genoa, Italy; Liberiamo il futuro, Biblioteca Berio, Genoa, Italy;

Corpi dispersi, Castello Di Barolo (Cn) Italy;

Printemps des Museés, Museo S. Agostino, Genoa, Italy; Workshop storie di Città Curated By Roberto Pinto With Bert Theis And Carlos Garaicoa

Palazzo Ducale Genoa, Italy;

Tondo Italiano, Nelimarkka Di Alajarvi Museum, Finland;


Tondo Italiano, Saarijarvi Museum, Finland;

Progetto Foyer, Teatro Della Corte, Genoa, Italy; Officina 2001, Artheatre, Ancona, Italy;

Tondo Italiano Lapinlahti Museum, Finland;


Vdor Break 21 4° International festival of young independent Artist, Vdor Beak 21 4°

Mednarodni Festival mladih neodivisnih ustvarjalcev, Lubiana, Slovenia;

Exprime… Ton Monde, Express…Your World, Lion, France; Tondo Italiano, Viitasaari Gallery, Finland;

Il Furore dei novanta, Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, Germany; [email protected]

Arti Visive 3 l’occhio In ascolto, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa.Italy;

1999 Biennale dei giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo, Vecchio Mattatoio, Rome, Italy;

Di passaggio, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy;

Infiltrazioni notturne, Castel Leone, Castiglione Di Sicilia (Ct), Italy;Alie’n’ase, Magazzini Generali, Rome, Italy;

Fairs 2012 Artefiera ‘12, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy


Artefiera ‘11, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy

Road of Contemporary The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Roma, Italy 2010

Artefiera ‘10, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy

Road of Contemporary The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Roma, Italy 2009

Artefiera ‘09, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy;

Road of Contemporary The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Roma, Italy 2008

Artmoskow ’08, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Moskow, Russia;

Miart '08, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy

Artefiera ‘08, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy; 2007

Miart '07, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy;

Artissima. 14,The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Torino, Italy; Artefiera 07, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy;


Berliner Liste - Art Fair Berlin, Germany; Miart 06, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy;

Arco '06 25° Feria Internacional De Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain;


Artissima. 12. The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Turin, Italy; Rip-Arte, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy;

Rip-Arte, Star Hotel President, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Genoa, Italy;

Miart 05, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy; Milano Flash Art Fair, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy;

Artefiera 05, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy;


Rip-Arte 04, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy; Miart 04, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy;

Milano Flash Art Fair, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Milan, Italy;

Arte Fiera 04 Art Has Point, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Bologna, Italy; 2003

Rip-Arte 03, The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy;

Artissima.10. The International Fair Of Contemporary Art, Torino, Italy;