Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk.

Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk

Transcript of Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk.

Page 1: Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk.

Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk

Page 2: Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk.

Health pyramid was developed by the U.S. Department of

Agriculture and the Department of Health and Welfare. It is a

diagram showing the proportions in which we need to eat foods. Higher a product is placed, less we should eat it.

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Physical activity

Grain products, vegetable fats

Vegetables and fruits

Legumes and nuts

Fish, eggs, poultry

Milk, yoghurt, cheese

Red meat, white bread, pasta

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Exercises are designed to improve or maintain physical fitness and health. Moreover, one of their goals is to improve athletic skills and abilities. Frequent and regular physical exercises are important in preventing many diseases such as: cancer, atherosclerosis, cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes type II, obesity and back pain. Positive changes are made under the influence of physical activity taking place in the human body. Sport makes the student well-prepared for: -Natural environment, physical and social development. -Exercise

-Overcoming the difficulties of everyday life

Page 5: Aleksandra Nowak - Katarzyna Walczyk - Katarzyna Pietrzyk.

The most important cereal grain suppliers are: wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley, oats, millet, sorghum and buckwheat. According to the normal principles of human nutrition cereal products form the basis of food pyramid and should be in the daily diet in the largest quantities. Cereal products are a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, minerals and fiber. Their nutritional value depends on the type and quality of grain, the degree of removal of seed coat and seed embryo and the technology of the production. Most of the protein, fat and minerals contained in the grain is in the embryo and in a thin layer of cells just under the covering of the fruit and seed.

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For health reasons it is definitely better than the consumption of animal fats. The fatty acid composition in vegetable oils is extremely beneficial, it also does not contain cholesterol. Vegetable fats are a rich source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids (EFA). These acids are, like vitamins, necessary for normal development and should be kept supplied with food, because the body can not produce them itself.

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Vegetables are a very important component of meal, are clearly more distinct in nature than other foods, play an important role in nutrition and provide the ingredients for biological processes governing the system. Thus, they contribute significantly to maintaning the health. Vegetables include:•Vitamins like C, B, E, F and provitamin A•Minerals with a predominance of metallic elements•Organic acids, which affect the taste of vegetables.•The sugars which are easily absorbed•Fiber, or cellulose, helping to increase the weight of food and stimulating peristalsis.

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Our daily diet should include plenty of fruits because they are rich in minerals and bioactive substances. In addition, they contain lots of vitamins. Eating fruits primarily reduces the likelihood of cancer. In addition, it makes our body more resistant. How exactly fresh fruits are advantageous to our body?Apples - the most famous fruit that prevents heart disease. They provide fiber, which helps digestion of food. They also contain vitamin C. Kiwi – contains the vitamins B, C and E. In addition, it takes care of the nerve fibers and prevents premature aging process.Berries - protect the blood vessels in our body because they contain large amounts of vitamin A and C.Plums - rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. Recommended for people with iron deficiency in the body. Grapefruits - thinner body shape, lower levels of bad cholesterol.

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Legumes: beans, bean, lentils, soya beans. They provide unsaturated fats and vitamin E, they also contain vitamin B, potassium, calcium, iron and considerable amounts of fiber. Soya bean contains very little starch which is nutritionally very beneficial. Beans, peas and lentils contain more than 50% carbohydrates, mostly starch, and about 3% simple sugars. They are particularly important for pulses in the diets of vegetarians, since the supply of these essential amino acids which do not have a protein is not found in cereal


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They contain beneficial fatty acids, protein and fiber. Most nuts are rich in vitamin E, magnesium which are important in regulating blood pressure. In addition, nuts contain lots of beneficial nutrients, such as plant sterols which beneficially affect the functioning of the circulatory system. Beneficial to health is to eat a handful of mixtures of nuts several times a week. Keep in mind that nuts have high level of calories and should be used as a substitute for other products, rather than consumed in addition.

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Fish meat is easily digestible and nutritionally valuable. It contains protein, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and vitamins A and D. It is advisable to eat fish like cod, sardines, mackerel, herring, catfish, pike etc. The fats contained in fish are an important component of the diet. Fish are also a valuable source of many minerals and have a positive effect on the nervous system – improve our concentration and facilitate the ability to memorize and clear facts.

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Eggs as a rich source of nutrients are the basis for many dishes. In Poland, the most often eaten eggs are chicken eggs, as well as duck’s, geese’s and quail’s. Eggs contain lots of vitamin A, D and some B. Yolk is also an ideal source of lecithin, improving memory. Suggested amount is two eggs per day, provided that, we limit eating other animal products.

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Poultry consists in chicken, geese, turkey, duck and pigeon meat etc. Poultry is a supplier of precious proteins and high doses of vitamin B6, iron and vitamin B12 (the two factors to create the blood), zinc, potassium and magnesium. It is, therefore, the source of the substance necessary for the proper conduct of metabolism, regulation of hormones and other important health properties.

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Milk is healthy and we should consume it in reasonable quantities. Consuming too much milk provides the body with too much animal protein, which in turn increases the blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis. The excess in the diet can aggravate the blood vessels, increase the risk of lifestyle diseases, reduce the absorption of calcium and destroy the kidneys and liver. It is advisable to consume it once a week.The energy value of a portion [250 ml] contains 117.50 calories

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Yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium necessary to maintain proper bone condition, but like any dairy products it contains lots of carbohydrates. That is why when yoghurt is consumed too often it will cause excessive gaining of weight. Yoghurt should be limited in our diet and eaten only once a week.The energy value of a portion [115 g] contains 108.10 calories

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Cheeses, especially the traditional yellow, are a great source of calcium, protein and vitamin B12. However, cheese is also a source of cholesterol and fats, including health-damaging saturated fatty acids. Therefore, eating excessive amounts of cheese increases risk of atherosclerosis and obesity. Cheese only „works” to our advantage if consumed once a week. The energy value of a portion [30 g] contains 106.80 calories

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Pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates, responsible for storing fat. Therefore, we should limit its consumption to a minimum because of the bad effect it has on our health. The energy value of a portion [100 g] contains 318.00 calories

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These dishes contain large amounts of saturated fats that raise cholesterol levels. Persons consuming large amounts of red meat should consider switching themselves to eat fish and white meat. Diet which contains a large amounts of red meat has an influence on the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and increases the risk of cancer.The energy value of 100 g contains about 264.00 kcal

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White bread has little nutritional value, and at the same time is very caloric. By consumption of these products in large quantities blood sugar rises rapidly, causing a greater tendency to gain weight. White bread, as opposed to whole-wheat bread, contains much less cellulose, which is very important because its mass and weight affect the rhythmic movements of the intestines, thereby preventing constipations and reduces cholesterol in the body. White bread is therefore a product which should be limited in our diet and eaten very rarely.The energy value of a portion [35 g] contains 83.30 calories

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