Alabama Update June 2015



This is the June 2015 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy

Transcript of Alabama Update June 2015

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Media Alert: State Convention Official Date Announcement Bessemer, AL- February 13, 2015

Alabama Church of God of Prophecy2015 Alabama State Convention

When: July 16-19, 2015Where: Embassy Suites, Hoover, AL

State Convention Announcement The 2015 State Convention Theme:We are exited to announce that the 2015 Alabama State Convention theme is “EMPOWERED.” In these present times we must be EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit. We can only be EMPOWERED if we are connected to Jesus Christ, as He said “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit” (John 15:5a KJV) During this State Convention, it is our passion to connect with Christ and be EMPOWERED for service so that we bear much fruit.

The 2015 State Convention Dates and Location:We are excited to return to the Embassy Suites in Hoover, Alabama once again. The Convention will begin on Thursday evening on July 16th and will conclude on Sunday July 19th.

RESERVATIONS ARE OPEN NOW: Make Your Reservations today!Go to or call 205-985-9994 to make your reservations at the Embassy Suites (Group Code: CGP).

Our reduced Convention rate of $131 per night is only guaranteed for a short period. The regular room rate is $159 per night.

Connect with us on Social Media: - “follow/like” us to track the latest news releases, and State Convention pictures, videos and conversations. - “follow” @ALCOGOP for quick updates.

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Fundamentals Of The FaithPneumatology—The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit—Part II

Raymond Pruitt

II. The Work of the Holy Spirit

The work of the Spirit may be summed up under the following headings: His work in the creation and preservation of the universe; His

work among men in general; His work in relation to the Scriptures; His work in relation to Jesus Christ; His work in the believer. In general

it may be said that it is the special task of the Holy Spirit to bring God's purpose to completion by acting immediately upon and in the

creature. Just as He Himself is the Person who completes the Trinity, so His unique opera ad extra activity is to bring to completion God's

purpose in His creatures and in the finishing of God's work in every sphere. His work follows the work of the Son, just as the work of the

Son follows that of the Father. This is a point which should never be forgotten, for if the work of the Spirit is divorced from that of the Son,

distortions and excesses arise which corrupt the scriptural teaching regarding His nature and work. Jesus said of Him, "Howbeit when he,

the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he

speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that

the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:13-15).

1 His work in the creation and preservation of the universe.

a The generation of life is mediated by the Holy Ghost (Gen. 1:3; Job 26:13; Psa. 104:30; 33:6). The Trinity is credited with the

creation in Psalm 33:6: "By the word (the Son) of the Lord (the Father) were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath

(the Spirit) of his mouth." It may be said that the Father created all things through the agency of the Word and the Spirit. The role of the

Spirit is prominent in the creation (Gen. 1:2), as He puts the finishing touch to everything initiated in the creation.

b His work in the preservation of nature and the continuation of its cycles. "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because

the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it" (Isa. 40:7). He is in the fading colors of autumn, the fierce blast of winter, the regeneration of life

in the springtime, and in the warm breezes of the summer.

2. His work among men in general.

a. He reproves the world. If His primary work to believers is that of teacher and interpreter, He is the accuser to the world. "And

when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of

righteousness, because go to my Father, and me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged" (John 16:8-11).

b. He bears a constant witness of Christ and His finished work on Calvary to the world of unregenerate mankind. The

Spirit of truth he shall testify of me" (John 15:26). "And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost" (Acts 5:3 lie

inspires and qualifies men for their work in government, science, art, etc. (Ex. 28:3; 31:2-6; 35:35; 1 Sam. 11:6, 7; 16:13, 14). This is true

in the sense that God is the Source of every good thing. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from. above, and cometh down from the

Father of lights" (James 1:17). God is not, however, responsible for the evil things men do in these areas. Satan leads wicked men to misuse

their talents.

3. His work in relation to the Scriptures.

a. He is the Author of the Scriptures. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake

as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Pet. 1:21). "All scripture is given by inspiration of God" (2 Tim. 3:16), which is to say, by the

inbreathing of God (Theopneustos)."Hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches," (Rev. 2 and 3).

b. He is the Interpreter of the Scriptures. He is ". . . the Spirit of wisdom and revelation . . ." (Eph. 1:17; see also 1Cor. 2:10).

"He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:14).

4. His work in relation to Jesus Christ.

a. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost. "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,

and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee' therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of

God" (Luke 1:35).

b. He was anointed by the Holy Ghost. "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about

doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him" (Acts 10:38).

c. He offered Himself through the Spirit in the crucifixion. "Who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to

God" (Heb. 9:14).

d. He was resurrected through the power of the Spirit. "And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit

of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead" (Rom. 1:4); "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he

that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you" (Rom. 8:11).

e. He gave commandments to His disciples and the church through the Holy Spirit. ". . . after that he through the Holy Ghost

had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen" (Acts 1:2).

f. The Holy Ghost bears witness of Christ. "He shall testify of me" (John 1526); "He shall not speak of himself

He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:13, 14).

5. His work in the believer. It is the work of the Spirit to make effective in the hearts and lives of believers all that Christ has

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accomplished in His death, resurrection, ascension, and session at the right hand of the Father.

a. The Holy Spirit regenerates. "Born . . . of the Spirit" (John 3:3-5); ". . . by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the

Holy Ghost" (Tit. 3:5); "It is the spirit that quickeneth" (John 6:63). "Just as Jesus was begotten of the Holy Ghost, so must every child

of God who is to be an heir to the kingdom."

b. The Spirit seals the believer with the assurance of salvation. "In whom also after that ye believed, ye were

sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance" (Eph. 1:13, 14); ". . . the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye

are sealed unto the day of redemption" (Eph. 4:30). The seal of the Holy Spirit stands for ownership and for likeness. It means that we

belong to Christ, having been adopted by Him, and that we are conformed to His image (cf. 2 Tim. 2:19-21). After effecting the new birth

in the believer, the Holy Ghost confirms it with His assurance in our hearts.

c. The Holy Ghost is also the Sanctifier. As He is the Regenerator, so also, He is the Sanctifier". . . being sanctified by the Holy

Ghost" (Rom. 15:16); ". . . ye are washed . . . ye are sanctified . . - by the Spirit of our God" (1 Cor. 6:11); ". . . through sanctification of

the Spirit and belief of the truth" (2 Thess. 2:13); ". . . through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of

Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 1:2).

As Regenerator and Sanctifier, the Holy Ghost works within the heart and life of the believer. He is not out there somewhere

applying the finished work of Christ in us by remote control, but is within us, at the heart of our need. And unless the Spirit has worked

in us in that sense, we are not saved or sanctified, for this is exclusively the office work of the Spirit. It was regarding this aspect of His

nature that Paul wrote in Romans 8:9, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any

man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit regenerates and sanctifies not as an end, but that He might go on to make our hearts His dwelling

place by baptizing us with His fullness. The end of sanctification is that God the Holy Spirit might dwell within the tabernacle of our being.

Sanctification is the essential preparation necessary before He can come in to dwell as Companion and Paraclete. When viewed from this

perspective, one might think of sanctification as a negative, as well as a positive, work. John MacNeil explains:

Another mistake to be carefully guarded against is this, making "cleansing" to be an end instead of a means to an end. "Cleansing"

is not the blessing that we are seeking; it is only a means. The end is the "Filling of the Holy Ghost." "Cleansing" is a negative blessing,

the separating from sin, but we can only be satisfied with a positive blessing. When the housewife cleans the house, does she then go out

and live in the yard? Not so. She cleans the house that it may be more fit for her to inhabit. God cleanses, "empties, sweeps, and garnishes"

(Matt. 12:44), that He may come in to dwell; and if He, the Holy One, does come and take up His abode, He will keep His dwelling place


d. The fullness of the Spirit. The filling of the Spirit, or the baptism of the Spirit, as we have seen, is an experience beyond regeneration

and sanctification. It was not until after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ that the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the saints. (We

will deal more with the meaning of Pentecost a little later on in this study.) He came as the promised Comforter (Helper, Companion) which

Jesus said He would send, but He could not come before Christ had completed His work and returned to the Father. "It is expedient for

you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you" (John16:7).

When the Holy Spirit fills a person with His fullness, He makes the work of God real in him through His ministry of enlightening,

guiding, empowering, cleansing, anointing and teaching. The word which is translated Comforter is "Parakleetos", which means "Helper,"

"Companion". Whatever it is the Spirit-filled believer needs, he has it in the Person of the Holy Spirit (cf. John 14:16,17, 26; 15:26;


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a stage of salvation that was accomplished in regeneration and sanctification but an

enduement of power for service, and equipping, and an enablement for serving the Lord and for living an abundant life in Christ. This does

not mean that the baptism of the Spirit is optional a good thing to have, but not essential to salvation. On the contrary, it is a command to

be obeyed, being fundamental to the Christian life and service. As urgent as it was that the Great Commission should be fulfilled, Jesus

told the disciples to first "tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49). Before He was

ascended, He told the disciples, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you" (Acts 1:8). The leaders of the

early Church were insistent that the Christians be filled with the Spirit. For example, note Paul's command to the Ephesians: "Be filled with

the Spirit" (Eph. 5:18).

We are here on earth that through us Christ may be glorified; but there is only one Person that can glorify Christ, and that is the

Holy Ghost. "He shall glorify me" (John 16:14). To the glorifying of Christ as He ought to be and might be glorified, the filling with the

Spirit is necessary.

The Holy Ghost gives the Christian constant and victory over sin. While he is still in the flesh, he does not have to be under the

power of the flesh, but can walk in the Spirit 8:12, 13; Gal. 5:16, 26). One cannot walk in the Spirit truest sense until he is filled with the

Spirit. In this we are again reminded of the Spirit's work of bringing to completion that which God has initiated in His creatures. Without

the fullness of the Spirit, the believer is living on the wrong side of Pentecost.

A careful study of seventh and eighth chapters of Romans will show a remarkable change in the life of the Spirit-filled believer

as contrasted to the one who has not yet been sanctified and filled with the Spirit. The eighth chapter speaks of the triumphant life of the

believer; the seventh chapter portrays a constant conflict between the fleshly nature and the nature of Christ. The difference lies in the

sanctifying power of Christ wrought by the Holy Ghost 290 (cf. Rom. 7:24, 25 and 8:2), and the fullness of the Spirit, which is assumed

in the eighth chapter of Romans (cf. 8:1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13,14, 26, 27). The contrast between the Spirit-filled life and one which is still being

lived in the flesh is seen in the comparison of Romans7:25 with 8:31-39. The one is in bondage and oppressed; the other rejoices in the

Lord and in the thrilling assurance of His love.

Part III next issue

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C h i c k a s a w : W ecelebrated our pastor’sbirthday with a surprise“Peanut Butter Party”and had our monthlybirthday cake as well. Our ladies and menwent out to eatseparately and bothgroups had a wonderfultime. We were able toraise money to send sixchildren to OutreachCamp. Our womencame out victoriousagainst our men in acontest and the men were rewardedwith pies in the face! OH!! We hadgreat fun in our fellowship.

Collinsville-Harvest Center: Weprepared both spiritually andaesthetically to celebrate PentecostSunday with the expectation of amighty encounter with the Holy Spirit. We were not disappointed. From thevery beginning with prayer, scripturereading, and worship, we sensed thevery pathos of God wanting to renewGod’s church. Along with a powerfulprayer time with tongues speech andinterpretation, there was a specialunction in the pulpit to bring the Word. Pentecost however, is not a once a yearcelebration but is an ongoing work ofthe Spirit that we are still seeking andasking God to help us experience.

Gadsden-Living Waters: Webegan the month with a groupattending a Passover Seder with thecongregation from Beth Halell inBirmingham. Our couple’s Ministryenjoyed a night out on the 11 withth

a trip to Red Lobster. We arethankful for the way in which theHoly Spirit is moving here atGadsden.

Goodwater-Joyful Praise: We hadour Praise Dance Anniversary onApril 18 . It was very successful. th

Greenpond: He Lives! He Lives!

Christ Jesus lives today. The Youth

and Children’s Ministry presented a

wonderful Easter program. Thechildren enjoyed an egg hunt with one hundred children, and with theadults helping, made the day a greatsuccess. Hotdogs were servedafterwards. The weather for the‘Walk to Calvary’ couldn’t havebeen better. The seven mile walk,carrying the cross was a blessing. There were more honks and waveson this walk than ever before. OurBessemer District Meeting/Revivalwas great with the presence of theLord in each service. The churchwas filled with people ready toworship. Brother Burchfield,Brother Gary Linkous and BrotherKen Humphries were the speakersand each blessed us with theirinspiring message. Our Seniorsenjoyed a fun filled trip to theHuntsville Space and Rocket Centerand dinner followed at The OldCookstove Restaurant. The Seniorsalso enjoyed a day pickingstrawberries.

Haleyville-Pathway: We are havingopen youth night every 2 and 4nd th

Friday night at Pathway, starting at7:00 pm. Come see what God isdoing. Our youth are planning a tripto Soul Stock. We are expecting a

great time. Hopeeveryone has a blessedsummer and rememberto take Christ with youwhereever you go!Happy Hill: Wee n j o y e d o u rHomecoming on April24 . Also, we had oneth

soul to receive Christ. Praise God!J a s p e r - A i r p o r tRoad: We enjoyed awonderful singingwith Point of Grace.

Also, were blessed with twomembers, Bill and Denise Clark. Brother and Sister Clark have reallybeen a blessing and added beautifulpraise and worship to our serviceswhich we have been praying for. Also, thanking God for Joel and SueKing transferring in. Thank Godfor Spirit services and lives ofpeople being changed. Sister Piperblessed us with a beautiful Easterprogram. Pray that God will blessand we will follow Him.

Leesburg: During the month, wehad two guest speakers. CarolChesnut gave her testimony aboutgetting a new heart from an organdonor and Jack Douglas spoke to usabout ‘What will we do that will lasteternally?’. The Senior Adults hada yard sale as a fund-raiser.

Short Creek: To God be the glory,great things He has done!! Wepraise God for a wonderful group ofpeople. God has blessed us withnew faces in this season of newness. The Holy Spirit is at work bringingthe “Revival Spirit” to each one. We have been working to raise themonies necessary to send our Youthand Children to summer camp. Wehave raise over $1,200 through thesale of our homemade candies and

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dinners. The Youth have beenfaithful to help with this endeavor. We love you all and look forward toseeing everyone at the coming StateConvention. Prayers for ourOverseer and all who make thispossible.Sterrett: Thank God for four newmember: Sydney Gann, MaddieGann, Lilli Whitfield, BrooklynCastleberry.Tarrant: What a blessed month. The children enjoyed a visit from theEaster bunny; we participated in theCommunity Easter Sunrise Service; Ruth Lewis directed an awesomeEaster Play; we celebrated thebirthdays at the Presbyterian Manorand our ladies were honored to beasked to prepare a luncheon forMayor Tuck and her staff. Weended the month with an OldFashion Holy Ghost BirminghamDistrict Revival. Each night wasfilled with good attendance andSouls were blessed because God wasin the house.Winfield City Family: God is doinggreat things in Winfield. We thankGod for four new members and onereceived the Baptism of Holy Ghostduring Sunday morning service. HisSpirit is rich and mighty. We needmore of you Lord! Keep us in yourprayers as we work on the newbuilding on Hwy 129 and corner ofCovrt Street.

Camps are happening in Alabama.Pray for our children.


Tips For Abundant LifeCarolyn Guyton

Be the church. I have been watching the

television series, A.D. The Bible Continues.

I’ve read the Word and heard it preached

all my life, but it is amazing how watching

this portrayal makes it so real. We are all

aware that the church is not the building

where we attend services, but it us.

Realizing that we are seeing prophecy being

fulfilled all around us, we know we must

step up and be the last days’ church. I

would like to share what has become so real

to me.

Extreme Faith. This series has made me

aware of the incredible amount of faith

Jesus’ disciples had to be able to stand up

for Him after He ascended. It’s easy for me

to read about Him and trust that the Bible is

true and by faith share with others. But

these people physically walked with Him

and looked at Him and touched Him.

Although they believed what He told them,

and personally experienced seeing Him die

and then seeing Him alive again, He had

been a human like them. As with the early

church, we must have extreme faith in order

to stand up for Him in these last days.

Experience Holy Spirit. One of the high

points of this series for me is when the Holy

Ghost fell on them in the upper room. They

were gathered together praying and seeking

God, none of them truly understanding this

new thing that was about to happen, but yet

completely open to it. It was only after this

experience that they could effectively go out

and reach others. We must gather together

and seek for, and willingly accept and

receive, the new things of Holy Spirit. Just

as that was a new day, so is this. I don’t

believe what we have experienced in the

past is going to take us through.

Go. The boldness and enthusiasm of the

early church was amazing. I was thrilled to

see this presented in A.D., to see the

determination on their faces. This kind of

boldness and determination comes only

through extreme faith and experiencing the

power of Holy Spirit. Going was their

entire purpose in life. It is what they lived

to do. We must get to the point today that

we accept that our purpose in life is to share

and bring glory to God. This is the reason

we are here.

Seek every day for the abundant life that

only comes from God.

For free e-book, subscribe to Live! mailing

l i s t a t l i v e y o u r f u l l e s t l i f e . c o m

f a c e b o o k . c o m / l i v e y o u r f u l l e s t l i f e ;

[email protected]


July 16-19

Guest Speaker:

General Overseer Sam Clements

and Linda Clements

We are excited to announce that the

2015 Alabama State Convention

theme is “EMPOWERED.” In these

present times we must be

EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit.

We can only be EMPOWERED if we

are connected to Jesus Christ, as He

said “I am the vine, ye are the

branches: He that abideth in me, and

I in him, the same bringeth forth

much fruit” (John 15:5a KJV)

During this State Convention, it is

our passion to connect with Christ

and be EMPOWERED for service so

that we bear much fruit.

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Prayer Line with Dr. Wessly

Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690

Access Code: 650786#


A l a b a ma U p d a t e B l o g :

W W W . a l a b a m a u p d

Alabama Web Site:

Youth-Tim Beck Web:


Joey Dobbs: Member of Sterrett

Church of God of Prophecy.

Telephone (205)746-3017.

Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,

Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone

(205) 921-5637.

Christine & Curtis Englebert,

111 Woodland Road, Dora, AL

35062 Telephone (205) 648-2871

or cell # 205-275-1199.

[email protected]. Fill

in for pastors also.

Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 156

Woodstock, AL 35188; 205-388-

1087 or 388-3129. Fill in for

pastors also.



James Adkins, P O Box 921,

Collinsville, AL 35961-0920,

Telephone (256) 524-3130.

Anita Falkner Parker, 3615

Moody Pkwy, Moody, AL 35004.

Telephone (205) 640-6207.

Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 156;

Woodstock, AL, 35188; 205-388-

1087 or 388-3129.


Breaking Chains, Elliot:251-454-




Collinsville-Harvest Center:

Abigail, daughter of Pastor Steven

and Darlene Spears, gave birth to

AnaLucia Joy on May 8 . Parentsth

are Abigail and Omar Velazquez,

Hispanic Pastors at Peerless Road

Church. Abigail is also the

Assistant Editor at Cleveland, Tenn.

Hackleburg: Lyric Madeline

Hagood was born to Chantry and

Halie Hagood on April 4 . th


John Sawyer Honeycutt son of

Tyler and Jessica Honeycutt was

dedicated this month.


Decatur: Myrtice Dilbeck passed

from this life on April 12 . th

Moulton: Charles (Joe) Love,

brother of Arlene Sutton, left this

life on April 9 . th

Twilleytown: Marvin Hendon was

called home April 18 . th

Hackleburg: Freeman Lolley was

called to his final resting place

March 30 . th



Gary Archie

Rebecca Beard

Steve Chance

Leslie Curtis

Sarah DeGeer

Dale Dilbeck

Ann Douglas

Ben Howard

Cephus Prophitt

Teresa Rose


Jeremiah and Becky Beard

Billy and Janice Butler

Steve and Brenda chance

Jackie and Wanda Cleveland

Dale and Shelia Dilbeck

Dewayne and Joan Smith

James and Judy Wallace


Future EventsHydrate Campus Tour


18 Calera High School

Main Event (6:30 pm)


May 31-

June 6 Collegiate

7-13 Senior

14-20 Discovery

21-24 PeeWee

25-29 Outreach


16-19 State Convention

Embassy Suites Hotel

& Convention Center

Hoover, Alabama


25-26 Women’s Conference


23-24 Men’s Conference


5-8 Gordon Conwell School

Camp Boothe

11-14 Fall Term SOPAS

Camp Boothe


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April Statistics 2015

CHURCH SM TITHES Alexander City 31 3318.70 Aliceville 11 2050.31 Alton 69 4349.00 Altoona 17 1459.22 Anniston Praise Worship 62 8097.07 Bayou La Batre 13 200.00 Bessemer Hopewell Rd 106 7167.82 Woodland Hills 65 10822.66 Boaz 9 --- Boldo --- 860.94 Brown’s Chapel --- 1230.87 Browntown 43 3638.98 Calera Harvest Chapel 56 --- Carbon Hill 166 12429.18 Chickasaw 21 1857.00 Citronelle 22 1676.00 Clanton --- 4285.78 Collinsville Harvest Center 56 4938.50 Cordova 62 4666.00 Cottondale 108 5400.00 Cunningham Bridge 2 379.00 Decatur 46 2770.00 Dothan 4 1294.41 Dry Valley --- 1856.57 East Lake Highlands 64 2325.05 Elba --- 571.00 Elkmont --- Eoline 19 3061.61 Fayette-North Pointe 100 2981.00 Fort Payne 8 842.21 Gadsden Living Waters 55 4913.80 Goodwater Joyful Praise --- 1105.95 Gordo 38 7681.54 Grant-Sanctuary No Report Greenpond 90 14207.69 Grove Hill --- Hackleburg 190 27965.75 Haleyville Pathway 81 5355.59 Hamilton New Heights No Report Happy Hill 117 8565.41 Harris Chapel 80 7072.92 Hartselle No Report Hazel Green 59 ---

CHURCH SM TITHES Huntsville Mastin Lake 89 --- Bell Road 15 1779.15 Jasper 28 4326.00 Leesburg 114 9825.90 Lincoln 21 1499.20 Mentone 22 1392.00 Montgomery 12 1049.00 Moulton 23 1813.00 Munford Silver Run 25 1401.00 Odenville 66 3085.69 Parrish 15 772.80 Pelham 30 3323.84 Pinson Parkway 28 2350.57 Poarch 11 634.28 Red Bay 28 2432.00 Robertsdale 21 1686.00 Rock Cliff No Report Sheffield Cliff Haven 129 19387.75 Short Creek 39 4090.00 Sterrett 118 7503.40 Summerbrook 50 6040.68 Tannehill Mission No Report Tarrant City 46 2067.48 Trinity Worship 67 9861.30 Twilleytown --- 3868.00 West Blocton No Report Winfield Family 57 4859.09 World Outreach --- THE ABOVE STATISTICS WERE TAKEN FROM TREASURERS’ REPORTS RECEIVED IN STATE OFFICE AS OF MAY 2015

Reports from Previous Months March Boldo --- 1084.91

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ALABAMA UPDATE NON-PROFIT ORG.Church of God of Prophecy U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 707 A PAID Bessemer, Alabama 35021-0707

Permit No.256 BESSEMER, AL


Our Sympathy

to our Ministers Families

T. J. BishopMay 20, 2015

Evangelist Leisa (Bryan) Baysinger’s father

Lloyd Cox June 1, 2015

Earlene Emerson’s brother

Frank LavenderApril 25, 2015

Ann (Timothy) Douglas’ father

The Alabama Update is the official monthly

publication of the Church of God of Prophecy in

Alabama. Yearly subscription rate is $7.00.

Statements in this publication referring to the Church

of God have reference to the Church of God of

Prophecy. Articles and news briefs submitted for

publication must be received by the fifth of the month

for publication, and should be sent to: Alabama

Update, PO Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



Enclosed is $ for a year subscription ($7.00

per year) to the Alabama Update.

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