Alabama Update December 2015



This is the December 2015 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.

Transcript of Alabama Update December 2015



Alexander City:: OnOctober 31 , wes t

sponsored a “Trunk andTreat” to all localch i ld ren . Also ,everyone was givenfree hot dogs. The JeffBeck Family blessed uswith their singingtalent.Alton: October was, att h e l e a s t , o nOutstanding October! We have been so verybusy and excited! Forty-three went to seethe movie War Roomand it strengthened our prayer lives. Ten of us went to Revelation Walk inPell City. Our KiDzInMoTiOn had atotal re-do in the KiDz love it....(and sodo the adults!). Sunday morning,Pastor Daniel’s message was “How toForm a Lasting Relationship”Philippians 2:1-4. At the end of themessage he asked if there was anyonethere that wanted to be stronger in theirr e l a t i o n s h i p , g r o w c l o s e rtogether...maybe even get married? Asweet young couple, James and JamieBrockman went forward and we had aSurprise Wedding! It was amazing andoh so sweet. The presence of God wasfelt and definitely was with thisbeautiful couple. The bride, Jamie wasglowing and our hearts melted. Thewedding was followed by a SurpriseReception in the Fellowship Hall. Wehave a saying here at Alton....”Younever know what’s going to happen. Every service is different!” Octoberwent out with our Fall Festival. Greatattendance, lots of food, a maze, games,fun and fellowship....however, all ofthat paled in comparison to the fact thatone gave their heart to Christ. Oneperson saved! What an OutstandingOctober!Chickasaw: We had a wonderfulmonth. We had a program for PastorAppreciation and great fellowship withdinner after church. We love ourPastor and Pastor’s wife. They are sowonderful to the members and families.Collinsville-Harvest Center:

Yesterday, we had a Harvest Festival atHarvest Center. Our young peopledecorated the fellowship hall and set upgames and a Photo Booth. We had afew visitors and everybody went awayblessed and full of joy. The churchsurprised the Pastor and wife with abelated Pastor’s Appreciation. Thesurprise was overwhelming ofexpressions of appreciation.Cunningham Bridge: We want to giveGod praise for all His blessings on us. We had our third month of increase;that means, the love of God is flowingwell. Praise the Lord! Keepremembering us in your prayers.Fayette-North Pointe: God is turningup the juice, so to speak, at NorthPointe Church in Fayette Alabama. Hispresence was felt in a marvelous waythis morning. We had people in thealtar during praise and worship, andagain after Pastor Smalley’s message. That night Brother Watkins preachedon the importance of prayer and praisein a message titled, “Praise Power”. The response to the altar call wasoverwhelming. God is taking ourchurch to new levels of anointing. Ourpraise team is stepping up its game andlearning some awesome new praise andworship songs that pack a punch! I’mso glad to be a part of it! This is myfifth year at North Pointe, a team ofwild horses couldn’t tear me away! lol. Love my pastor and his staff. Wereceived two new members, JasonMoore and his wife, Rene Moore on

October 11 . Praise beth

to God.Gordo: We celebrated“Pastor Appreciation”this month. Weappreciate Rev. Roseand his wife. We areblessed to have themwith us. We alsoc e l e b r a t e d“Homecoming”. Ourguest speaker was Rev.Brent Smalley from theFayette Church. Hiswife, Anita, played andsang. Everyone enjoyedthe day with them and

we had a delicious lunch afterward.Goodwater-Joyful Praise: OnOctober 4 we had our churchth

anniversary and it turned out to be agreat success. The end of the monthwas our 7 Annual Hallelujah Fest. Itth

was a great Outreach.Greenpond: Our God is awesome. Hisname is to be praised. We are a blessedchurch. The leadership and dedicationof Pastor Noe and Sister Nita is to becommended. The Noe’s were honoredfor Pastor Appreciation with a specialprogram, cards, gift cards, monetarygift and a wonderful fellowship lunch. Associate Pastor, Ervine Vining wasalso honored with cards and gifts. Sister Ervine is a special blessing to ourchurch and all that know her. Weenjoyed a revival with Pastor SylvesterSmith with outstanding sermons. God’s presence was in our midst eachnight. The Walk to Calvary, a sevenmile walk carrying the cross, waswonderful. Sixteen participated in thewalk. There were honks, waves andpictures taken. One lady stopped withrefreshments. Carolyn Guyton was thespeaker for Ladies’ Day with the theme “The Apple of God’s Eye”. The ladieswere truly blessed. “Witnessing forJesus without Fear” has been a fourweek video and discussion series. Ithas been wonderful. Each week manyhave shared how they had theopportunity to share Jesus withsomeone. Fall festival was a hugesuccess. Five hundred plus were in

attendance. Inflatables, cotton candy,hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, cakes andplenty of candy were some of the thingsthat were enjoyed by all in attendance.The Life Savers, young girls, and theyoung boys enjoyed a hay-ride withthirty-two in attendance. The seniorsenjoyed a trip to Muscle Shoals touringthe Fame Recording Studio and thebirth place and museum of W. C.Handy, Father of the Blues. Lunchfollowed at the Old Cook StoveRestaurant. Men’s retreat was ablessing to the men in attendance.Hackleburg Community: Titled“Super Hero’s Light the Night”, weopted to avoid the death and evil andbring the light of Christ into peoples’slives at HCC! The rain didn’t stop! We moved everything in the gym...and614 friends from the Hackleburgcommunity and surrounding areas cameto spend this incredible night with us! We enjoyed: trunk and treat, cake walk,games, free hot dog meal, drawings forprizes! Great team, our new Children’sand Youth Pastor prepared and workedhard! And all 45 of the HCC volunteerstaff it took to pull it off! We arethankful and now we follow up on allthose 614 folks that registered! Blessings...... Haleyville-Pathway: We’re had awonderful year and hope to finish withgreat success. Harris Chapel: We are thankful for anew member, Olivia Scoggions, joinedOctober 18 . Thank you

Jasper-Airport Road: We had anothersuccessful Trick or Treat under theleadership of Sister Piper. The childenenjoyed face painting, photo booth, freehotdogs and drinks. There was adrawing to win a free turkey. It was awonderful night of food and fellowshipwith many new visitors for our church. We are praising God for His goodness. Mentone: We are grateful to God thatwe can report a new member, NellieCroley. Praise the Lord!Pinson Valley: We had a great trunk ortreat and estimated about 125-150people visited. It was wonderful timeof fun and fellowship. Everyoneworked so hard. We give all the praiseto the Lord Jesus.

Short Creek: We appreciate our pastorand family. They go beyond the call incaring for their local congregation. Webegan the month with the celebration ofour pastor and wife’s anniversary onOctober 3 with the presentation of ard

beautiful cake and roses. We wereproud to provide a week get-away forthem to the mountains. We alsoblessed them with food and paperproduct pounding. We presented giftsof appreciation to the Pastoral Staffduring the month as well. Homecoming 2015 was held on thethird Sunday of October with 80 inattendance. The church was privilegedto attend service at the Tarrant COGOPto hear our General Overseer, SamClements preach a wonderful message. We thank the Tarrant church forinviting us and for the beautifulreception after the service.Tarrant: As we look over the month,we give God the praise and glory for allHis goodness. Tarrant Kids enjoyedtheir field trip to Baker Farm PumpkinPatch. Pastor Judy and Pastor Kevinshowed appreciation to everyone byproviding an Ice Cream Social. Sevenmen were blessed to attend the Men’sConference at Camp Boothe. We werehonored to host the BirminghamDistrict Meeting with special guestBishop Clements and Bishop Jones. The Ladies’ Ministry helped thePresbyterian Manor in their fallfestival. Our ladies hosted an eveningmeal at City Hall as they honored ourvery own David Lee for winning theUltimate Elvis 2015. We ended themonth by participating in thecommunity Halloween Trunk andTreat, ministering to many children. But the highlight of the month was...wewelcomed Linda Adams into theCOGOP by giving her a right hand offellowship and one Sunday night ayoung lady came forward and gave herheart to the Lord. PTL.Trinity: We had a great trunk-a-treat. But ...I just thank God for the newpeople in church and the mightypresence of His glory. One lady hadtold my wife the day before, that shewas thankful that she had found theChurch of God of Prophecy. She

brought a friend and said they wouldreturn.

Tips ForAbundant Life


In His Hands. I was driving to workone day recently in a heavy rainstorm. The rain was coming down intenselytoward me, but it was not able to touchme. I was safe within the protection ofthe car. In the same way, we are safeand protected from the storms of lifebecause we are living in God’s hands. That doesn’t mean that we don’t seedifficulties or have to live throughtough times; it means that God iscarrying us through these times andprotecting us from the harm.

The Christmas season that is all aboutJoy and Peace, often comes at us like astorm. There are so many extraactivities during this time of year –shopping and wrapping gifts, preparingand mailing cards, decorating, partiesand special programs. Whether yoursis the storm of this bustling season, ora true crisis of loss, illness or pain, Godwill help you if you:

Allow Him. We so often try to fix ourown problems. We may pray and askGod for help as a last resort, yet onlyafter we have exhausted every idea wehave to do it ourselves. God is alwaysthere for us and will help us if we willgo to Him and then let Him work allthings for our good. It may not be theway we would have done it or when wewould have done it, but His ways arealways better than ours. Let God takecare of you!

Trust Him. “He that dwelleth in thesecret place of the most High shallabide under the shadow of theAlmighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge andmy fortress: my God; in him will Itrust.” Psalm 91:1-2 When weconsciously make the choice to live inthat secret place, in God’s hands, we noContinued on next page..................


Prayer Line with Dr. Wessly

Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690

Access Code: 650786#


Alton COGOP is interviewing for a Youth

Pastor. “We are looking for someone

called by God to the Youth Ministry”.

Contact: Pastor, Daniel Stronge, Alton

Church, 2305 O ld Alton Road ,

Birmingham, AL 35210,

2 0 5 - 2 3 3 - 0 0 1 3 ,

[email protected]


A l a b a m a U p d a t e B l o g :


Alabama Web Site:

Youth-Tim Beck Web:

w w w . e x p e r i e n c e h y d r a t e . c o m


Joey Dobbs: Member of Sterrett Church

of God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-


Earlean Emerson, P O Box 1863,

Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone (205)


Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 156

Woodstock, AL 35188; 205-388-1087 or

388-3129. Fill in for pastors also.

Steve Puckett, 471 Co Rd 275, Arley, Al,

35541, Home: 205-295-5117; cell 864-




Anita Falkner Parker, 3615 Moody

Pkwy, Moody, AL 35004. Telephone

(205) 640-6207.

Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 156;

Woodstock, AL, 35188; 205-388-1087 or



Breaking Chains , E lliot:251-454-

8946,[email protected].


Alton: James and Jamie Brockman were

married October 4 . th


Carbon Hill: Ava Elise was born October

15 to Josh and Stephanie


Summerbrook: Ruby Ubanks , a long

time member, went to her new home,

December 8 . th

Tips for Abundant ...Continued...........

longer need to figure things out. Instead, we

just listen to Him and follow His direction.

God’s got this!

Rejoice in Him. Constant praise and

worship to our Heavenly Father, the one and

only God Almighty, will keep us focused on

Him, living with His peace and joy. I love

the way Sarah Young says it in the

devotional book, Jesus Calling: “A life of

praise and thankfulness becomes a life filled

with miracles. Enjoy abundant life by

overflowing with praise and thankfulness.”


For free e-book, subscribe to Live! mailing list atliveyourfullestlife.comf a c e b o o k . c o m / l i v e y o u r f u l l e s t l i f e ;[email protected]

Anniston District

The D istr ict Pastors and their

Companions met at the Pell City Steak

House for a Christmas Dinner and

Appreciation Night. Brother Cephas

Prophitt and his wife, Debra and their

daughter, Gina were our guests. Brother

Prophett was our speaker and we were so

blessed by his devotion that he gave. The

atmosphere was festive and joyful with

good fellowship.

Ben Howard–Team Leader

It is Your Journey....FriendIt matters not when the road is arough

That you’re traveling on, my friend,

If you walk upright and with confidence

All the way to your journey’s end.

Don’t lose your faith when shadows fall,

When the sun is hid from view,

Don’t turn aside from the proven way

To promise of something new.

Many souls have fallen along the way

Who could have continued on

Had they not mingled among the thorns

That beside life’s path have grown.

If you are weary and tempted to quit

I would like to remind you, my friend,

Awards are not for the ones who fall, But

to those who endure to the end.


Prince A. Hartley



James Caples

Angela Fell

Jeanette Hadley

Gerome Key

Connie Patterson

Darlene Spears

Laura Stronge


Morris and Linda Bates

Leland and Gail Lowery

Shane and Tamera Pate

Terry and Kathy Taylor


Future Events

Hydrate Campus Tour

Dec 30-January 2

Winter Conference

Camp Boothe



10-23 D. Min School


Camp Boothe

18-22 Leaders of Leaders,


Camp Boothe


06-19 D. Min School


Camp Boothe

17-20 Gordon-Conwell

Camp Boothe

14-17 Leaders of Leaders

Camp Boothe


Merry ChristmasDecember 25, 2015

Kavaleuski Missionaries October 2015

Dear Friends,Peace to you, to your churches, and to your families! Thank you for your partnership with us in our ministry in Siberia. It is an honor to be on the same team.

October was a very full month in our lives as missionaries. As you know, I left to Russia alone to bring our things from Belarus, to find an apartment to rent, and to prepare everything for my family’s arrival. For now, my wife and children are in Florida with her parents. Their documents are going to be ready soon, and they will soon be able to move to Russia. Please pray that all the documents will be in order and the process will be completed as soon as possible.

My visit to Belarus: At the beginning of October, I traveled from Russia to Minsk to pick up our belongings. The 2000 mile trip was not easy, but God blessed it. While in Minsk, I spent a few days fellowshipping with the church I had established two years ago, encouraging the believers again and again to move forward, serve God, and to take this world for Christ. On the way back to Siberia we got into a big storm. There where many accidents all around us, and the police closed off roads; so we had to take a detour through the forest. Even through all this, God protected us, and we made it back to Yekaterinburg in one piece!

Church in Yekaterinburg: God put it on our hearts to not only serve in our local church that we started ten years ago, but also in churches in the whole Ural region. Our goal is to build a team of 10-15 people who are on fire for God and filled with the Holy Spirit to preach and spread the Gospel throughout the Urals. With this team we will travel todifferent cities and villages, bringing the Gospel to every home, and building up the small local churches of our region. God willing, we also want to start as many new churches as possible. Now we are praying for God to guide us in choosing the right people who will commit themselves to this ministry.

We, Ekaterinburg church, are ten years old. October 16-18 we had a big celebration for the ten year anniversary of our church in Yekaterinburg. It is very popular to celebrate anniversaries in Russia, so we decided to combine our big celebration with a pastors and leaders conference. Through various vehicles like videos, dramas, prayers, and testimonies, we gave God thanks and all the glory for all that He has done the past ten years, bringing us through many challenges and growing us into a vibrant family church.  

We are still renting the Methodist church because the city administration has forbidden the Protestant churches to rent any type of building. But the good news is that the Methodist church has become too small for us, so we have a great need for our own building. Let’s stand in prayer for this together!

October Statistics 2015

CHURCH SM TITHES Alexander City 27 2139.00 Aliceville 11 2040.54 Alton 55 4312.00 Altoona 23 1442.72 Anniston Praise Worship 47 5908.67 Bayou La Batre 9 300.00 Bessemer Hopewell Rd 86 8605.00 Woodland Hills 66 13645.10 Boaz 7 1065.90 Boldo 35 1113.50 Brown’s Chapel No Report Browntown 45 3879.30 Calera Harvest Chapel 68 --- Carbon Hill 96 6346.92 Chickasaw 19 2075.00 Citronelle 14 1950.00 Clanton 14 3090.00 Collinsville Harvest Center 55 4312.50 Cordova 68 4843.40 Cottondale 95 --- Cunningham Bridge 15 722.00 Decatur 31 2841.00 Dothan 7 1668.56 Dry Valley 10 1873.31 East Lake Highlands 62 2369.05 Elba 5 416.00 Elkmont No Report Eoline 31 3688.62 Fayette-North Pointe 70 2890.00 Fort Payne 7 671.12 Gadsden Living Waters 56 4098.30 Goodwater Joyful Praise 15 1789.06 Gordo 38 3400.00 Grant-Sanctuary No Report Greenpond 82 54019.84 Grove Hill 6 907.00 Hackleburg 151 23410.56 Haleyville Pathway 70 3948.91 Hamilton New Heights No Report Happy Hill 120 6370.13 Harris Chapel 46 6031.16 Hartselle 18 --- Hazel Green 50 ---

CHURCH SM TITHES Huntsville Mastin Lake 71 8911.00 Bell Road 12 1601.00 Jasper 30 3321.00 Leesburg 110 8041.80 Lincoln 24 1460.10 Mentone 31 979.50 Montgomery 12 1185.00 Moulton 20 3082.00 Munford Silver Run 22 1200.00 Odenville 61 4106.68 Parrish 11 750.00 Pelham 29 5816.46 Pinson Parkway 35 1949.00 Poarch 5 542.32 Red Bay 26 2628.00 Robertsdale 20 1628.40 Rock Cliff No Report Sheffield Cliff Haven 116 15405.00 Short Creek 43 3525.50 Sterrett 93 6889.00 Summerbrook 41 4215.79 Tannehill Mission 32 --- Tarrant City 42 3027.04 Trinity Worship 56 6459.80 Twilleytown 65 3814.00 West Blocton 11 --- Winfield Family 64 3847.15 World Outreach --- THE ABOVE STATISTICS WERE TAKEN FROM TREASURERS’ REPORTS RECEIVED IN STATE OFFICE AS OF NOVEMBER 2015

ALABAMA UPDATE NON-PROFIT ORG.Church of God of Prophecy U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 707 A PAID Bessemer, Alabama 35021-0707 Permit No.256



Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

Theresa L. BarrettDecember 7, 2015

Edith and late Johnny Ledbetter’s daughter

Robert FlemingNovember 16, 2015

Dena (Richie) Ables’ uncle

Jimmy HarbinNovember 21, 2015

Betty (C. T.) Branch’s brother

The Alabama Update is the official monthly publication of

the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama. Yearly

subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publication

referring to the Church of God have reference to the

Church of God of Prophecy. Articles and news briefs

submitted for publication must be received by the fifth of

the month for publication, and should be sent to: Alabama

Update, PO Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



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