Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6-Africa-34

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6- Africa-34 Five teenage female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Maiduguri late Thursday. Maiduguri is the headquarters of Nigeria’s counterinsurgency efforts against Boko Haram. The last attack, in mid-September, killed more than 100 people, making it Nigeria's deadliest terrorist incident since President Muhammadu Buhari took office this past May. Despite President Buhari’s campaign promise to rid Nigeria of Boko Haram, violence has escalated. Our commitment as an organization of Nigerian Muslims against Terror is to the defeat and eradication of terror across Nigeria and the entire world. These groups; “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization have misused and abused Islam in order to fit their own radical and indeed “Anti-Islamic Agenda”, and their actions are criminal, they are truly misguided and act counter to the true teachings of Islam. 01 Oct, Five teenage female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Maiduguri late Thursday, the second suspected attack by Boko Haram in the northeastern city in the past two weeks. The targets of the bombers appear to have been the home of a vigilante leader and a mosque where congregants had gathered for evening prayer, the BBC reports. The death toll so far stands at 14 people, including the female bombers, with 39 people injured. 1 The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill Cees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 13 28/08/2022

Transcript of Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6-Africa-34

Page 1: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6-Africa-34

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6-Africa-34

Five teenage female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Maiduguri late Thursday. Maiduguri is the headquarters of Nigeria’s counterinsurgency efforts against Boko Haram. The last attack, in mid-September, killed more than 100 people, making it Nigeria's deadliest terrorist incident since President Muhammadu Buhari took office this past May. Despite President Buhari’s campaign promise to rid Nigeria of Boko Haram, violence has escalated.

Our commitment as an organization of Nigerian Muslims against Terror is to the defeat and eradication of terror across Nigeria and the entire world. These groups; “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization have misused and abused Islam in order to fit their own radical and indeed “Anti-Islamic Agenda”, and their actions are criminal, they are truly misguided and act counter to the true teachings of Islam.

01 Oct, Five teenage female suicide bombers blew themselves up in Maiduguri late Thursday, the second suspected attack by Boko Haram in the northeastern city in the past two weeks. The targets of the bombers appear to have been the home of a vigilante leader and a mosque where congregants had gathered for evening prayer, the BBC reports. The death toll so far stands at 14 people, including the female bombers, with 39 people injured."Tragedy was averted because there was a little delay as the prayers did not commence in earnest and the bomb strapped to the body of the girl went off and killed her," Bashir Ali, a driver who had been near the targeted mosque, told Agence France-Presse. A BUJA, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- Fourteen people were killed and 39 others injured in devastating multiple blasts which rocked parts of Nigeria's Maiduguri city, capital of the northeastern state of Borno late Thursday, the army said Friday. Four explosions went off in Sajeri and Dalla areas of the restive northern state, acting spokesman of the Nigerian army Col. Kukasheka Sani Usman said.Two explosions went off in each area. Four Boko Haram suicide bombers carried out the attacks by detonating their vests, said the army spokesman, noting the fourth explosion occurred in front of a

1The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

local mosque.

REPORTEDLY also ON 2 Oct, As Nigerians nationwide celebrated the country's 55th independence anniversary, residents of three communities in Madagali Local Government Area of Adamawa State were thrown into mourning on Thursday, when suspected members of the Boko Haram terror sect attacked their villages, killing 11 persons in the process. An eyewitness, who confirmed the attack, said the insurgents in their hundreds stormed Bitiku, Kubu and Kirchinga villages of Madagali in the wee hours of Thursday slaughtered 11 persons and destroyed several buildings.The eyewitness revealed that the insurgents took the villagers unawares when they stormed the communities and started shooting sporadically at the residents. Several people had to scamper into a nearby bush for safety, he said. "The insurgents sneaked into the villages and started killing people and burnt houses almost at the same time without no justification," he added.

Multiple suicide blasts rock Nigeria's Maiduguri02 Oct 2015 Four suicide bombers blow themselves up in Ajilari Cross area of the city, killing at least 10 people and wounding 39.At least 10 people have been killed and 39 others injured when four suicide bombers blew themselves up in the city of Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria, the military has said.The attacks on Thursday night targeted the Ajilari Cross area of the city, near Maiduguri airport and a military base, the army said on Friday. "Three of the terrorists [struck] in the same area and the fourth detonated in front of a mosque," according to the military headquarters in Abuja. Locals and one police officer in the Borno state capital said initially there were seven blasts in the Ajilari Cross area of the city, with at least two bombs strapped to teenage girls. According to the military, the attackers were members of Boko Haram armed group, whose name means "Western education is forbidden". Targeting civilians Boko Haram group have increasingly used suicide bombers to target civilians, including in Maiduguri, where on September 20 at least 117 people were killed in a wave of attacks. Ajilari Cross was one of several places in the city also hit 10 days ago, spreading fears of more carnage over the recent Islamic holiday, Eid al-Adha.

The President, Muhammadu Buhari and Nigerian citizens02 October 2015, Muslims Against Terror

In The Name of Allah (the God), The Most Merciful, The Most Forgiver. Assalamualykum (we greet you in peace).On this day, Nigeria’s 55th independence day, we, the Muslims against Terror organization, wish to commend Nigeria on its successful democratic transition. We send our best regards and hearty greetings to President Muhammadu Buhari and his Vice, Attorney Yemi Osinbajo. We wish you God’s blessings and the wisdom to lead the nation to its true great destiny.Our commitment as an organization of Nigerian Muslims against Terror is to the defeat and eradication of terror across Nigeria and the entire world.We express our deep regrets to the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Citizens over the indiscriminate terrorist attacks of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Levant (ISIS OR ISIL) and affiliates to al-Qaeda Terrorists organizations committed against innocent people in North- East Nigeria, African and other parts of the world.These groups; “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization have misused and abused

2The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 2 of 8


Page 3: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 23-6-Africa-34

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Islam in order to fit their own radical and indeed “Anti-Islamic Agenda”, and their actions are criminal, they are truly misguided and act counter to the true teachings of Islam.These Radical terrorists groups “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to Al-Qaeda terrorists organization are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, and around the world.The “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda Terrorists organization poses danger to Islam and Muslims, tarnishing its image as they shed innocent blood, attack Churches, Mosques, government properties and spread corruption in Nigeria, Chad, Syria, Iraq etc and other parts of the world.The “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization have directed and inspired attacks around the world. The groups’ declaration of a “Caliphate” “Islamic State”, Last June (2014) marked the launch of its global strategy which has resulted in attacks that killed scores of innocent civilians, horrified populations and raised thorny questions about the evolving nature of international terrorism and “what can be done to fight it”.The activities of the above global terrorists attacks in more than a dozen countries include:v In Nigeria: The “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA), or (ISIS) attacks in Nigeria were one of three major terrorist attacks globally and the most deadly; about 2500 Muslims Community were killed in Baga on January of 2015, and other suicide bombings killing and injured many more innocents in North-Eastern Nigeria and across Chad, Cameroon and Niger.v Tunisia: “ISIS” drew an assault rifle at a beach and killed at least 38 people at the seaside resort on 26 July 2015.v Kuwait: An “ISIS” suicide bomber blew himself up inside a Mosque during communal prayers, killing at least 30 people; with over 200 Shiite worshippers injured on 26 July 2015.v Iraq: “ISIS” attacked more than 80 people killed in Eid Al-fitr bombing in Khan Bani Saad, Iraq on 17 July 2015. They have killed many more in different events in the country.v Syria: “ISIS” blew up part of the Temple of Bel in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra and continue to conduct many more attacks.v Saudi Arabia: An “ISIS” Suicide bomber blew himself up inside a Mosque belonging to the state security force; 13 people died and 9 others were injured, on August 6, 2015; also on May 22, 2015, an “ISIS” suicide bomber detonated himself killing 21 people with many others injured at Imam Ali Mosque in the Persian Guif Area village of Qudayh, in one of Saudi Arabia’s few Shiite population centers.The list goes on…We Muslims are prominent victims of the terrorists group of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliate to al-Qaeda terrorists organization in the world.   A terrorist attack on one country is an attack on humanity as a whole. All nations of the world must work together to Identify the perpetrators and bring them to Justice.One of the central tactics of Islamic extremists groups “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) in Nigeria in particular has been to stroke sectarian hatred between Muslims groups, Christians and Jews etc.The brutal Acts of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the name of Islam is why Islam is linked with terrorism in the mind of those who do not know Islam. We the Muslims Against Terror organization, other Muslim brothers, Christians, and Jews in Faith believe that most people in the world are educated enough to know “these monstrous group,” “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria  (ISIS), and affiliate to al-Qaeda terrorists Organization, know they don’t belong to Islam.

3The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 3 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

The activities of above terrorists groups are against Islamic Rules, Principles and Islam’s way of dealing with humanity.Any Muslim who commits an act of terrorism would be guilty of violating the law of Islam. For God says in the Quran, “Believers fulfill your covenant” (Holy Quran 5:1) etc “do not commit murder”.We the Muslims Against Terror organization totally condemn the killings, attacks of the Islamist extremists of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates and partners to al-Qaeda terrorists organization in the world. We totally condemn them and urge all Muslims to equally condemn these activities that are against all humanist and Islamic morals.We condemn and oppose all aggression on human life, freedom, and dignity anywhere in the world. As Muslims, we condemn terrorism and all its forms and manifestations.Ours is a religion of peace. We are sick and tired of Islamic Extremist of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization dictating the “public face of Islam”It is wrong to kill innocent people. It’s also wrong to praise those who kill innocent people!The Holy Quran declares, whoever kills a human being … then it is as though he has killed all mankind, and whoever saves a human life, it is as though he had saved all mankind (Quran, Surah al Maidah (5) verse (32)).As Muslims we must face up to our responsibility to clarify and advocate a faith- based, righteous and moral position with regard to this problem, especially when terrorist acts are perpetrated in the name of Islam.We call upon our leaders in Nigeria and other part of the world to recognize that in order to rid the world of the ugliness of terrorism of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organizations, our nations must understand its root causes.We hold out the hope that these root causes can be addressed through non-violent means, in a way that promotes peace and harmony between the nations of the world.Through our collective efforts, we must ensure that all counter terrorism actions and policies are consistent with international human right and humanitarian laws.The commitment that the Nigeria terror group “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic state of Iraq or Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization will end in three months by the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari is welcome by we Muslims Against terror, other Muslims brothers and Nigerian Citizens, but we the Muslims Against terror organization and other Muslims brother in the world wish to advise the Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari that the Islamic Insurgence of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization cannot end in three months without the government of Nigeria establishing for the “war on terrorism” to know the root causes and sponsors of the Islamic extremist of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization and its sponsors, in Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger etc and other parts of the world.Terrorists and their sponsors must be brought to Justice in an impartial court of law and (punished) appropriately. “As a Muslim” it is our responsibility to be very clear that these actions of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization do not have anything to do with Islam and deserve the full and impartial punishment of the law.We, the Muslims Against Terror and other Muslim brothers therefore call on the Nigerian government and Nigerian citizens to rise up against all those who have confessed knowing the sponsors of the

4The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 4 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

terror groups of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organizations that has diminished us, killing, abducting our men and women and made Nigeria to be one of the worst in recorded history, cases of terrorism in the world.It is necessary for the President Muhamadu Buhari and the Security Agencies to apprehend the true perpetrators of these crimes, as well as those who aid and abet them through incitement, financing, or other support of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State West Africa (ISWA) or Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization in North-Eastern Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, etc and the rest of the world.It is a very serious situation and we have to close ranks as Muslims, Christians and Jews to identify them and report them to appropriate authorities. We have to close ranks as Nigerians, irrespective of ethnic or political differences, and not play politics with insecurity.  No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts of “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West African (ISWA) also known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).We the Muslims Against Terror and other Muslim brothers urge the Nigerian Government to Join with American, United Kingdom, Russia, Iran, France, Saudi Arabia and any truly committed nation in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators.  Islam is the Religion of Justice and guidance. For it is written in the Quran: “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor, for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts of your hearts), last ye swerve, and it ye distort (Justice) or decline to do Justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. (Holy Quran 4:35).Islam commands that justice be upheld, “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as witness to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just, that is next to piety, and fear Allah, for Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do (Quran 5:8).We are hopeful with the initiative by Russia to enter Syria and combat ISIS head on. This is the duty of all peace loving people of the world today and an action we have continuously strongly urged. ISIS is not a threat only to Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Nigeria and other nations where its terror has been felt; ISIS is a terror to the entire world and future of humanity.In response to the New Audio Message released by an impostor acting as “Abubakar Shekau”, released on Monday 21st Sept. 2015,We wish to advise the social Media networks, and other online outlets both local and international networks fascinated with “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa, (ISWA) also known as Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to be weary of spreading propaganda Messages, releasing fake Audio Message on Youtube, etc. for late “Boko Haram” leader Imam Abubakar Shekau.The Leader of “Boko Haram” Imam Abubakar Shekau is Dead! He died in 2013, and we the Muslims Against terror with international think-tanks, have released statements to this effect and advised all local and international media on the “Shekau”mimposters.See Link: Warning, Fake Videos of Boko Haram Shekau are Evil propaganda. people spreading these fake stories are very wicked mischief –maker, you need to beware of the “Anti-war on terrorism”.Allah (S) hates the mischief –makers on the land as Quran says, “…and seek by means of what Allah has given you the future abode, and do not neglect your portion of this word, and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the land, surely Allah does not love the mischief-makers.” (Quran 28:77)

5The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 5 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

We the Muslims Against Terror, Nigerian Citizens, and other Muslims brother are united against these Islamic Extremists of “Boko Haram” against terrorism, against all their atrocities, against destroyed Churches, Mosques, government properties, against pain, suffering of innocent people killed, against the kidnap of men and women, enslaving them and the forcing of women into unlawful marriages; and the abduction of the Chibok student girls by “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorist organization in North-Eastern Nigeria, Chad, Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the world.We were saddened by the “military action of the last government led by president Goodluck Jonathan over some “military commanders” in the extra-judicial killing of innocent people in the North-Eastern Nigeria, as the fight by the military against “Boko Haram” and also incensed by the killing of 33 people, including the children of a Sheikh cleric Leader sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, during a peaceful Muslim in usual annual procession on Zaria last year 26 July, 2014.Link: Muslims Condemn Government Forces Brutality, Arrests and Killing of Muslim Leaders in Nigeria - See more at: We urge the President, Muhammadu Buhari and the new Army chief Buratai to conduct a full and honest investigation into the extra-judicial executions of some “Military commanders” in Nigeria. And the killing of 33 people, including the children of a Sheikh cleric Leader sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, during a peaceful Muslim in usual annual procession on Zaria last year 26th July, 2014.We the Muslims Against Terror are committed to helping the Nigerian government at all levels to bring peace in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world. Whatever we can do, as long as it is not against Islam.We the Muslims Against Terror and other Muslims brothers wish to advise those Nigerians, particularly some “Northern politicians” who are (“Boko Haram” /ISIS”) Sympathizers, begging Nigerian to forgive “Boko Haram” or Islamic State West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) after all their evil in Nigeria and west Africa, and negotiating for the Amnesty via freedom for the kidnappers, murders, killers, suicide bombers, Armed-robbers, cannibals, hat they are the enemy of Islam and humanity as a whole.The actions of the Islamic extremists of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization has been predicted in the Quran at the “End Time” by the messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him).All Muslims must abide by the “Sunnah” (teaching, practices) of the prophet, it is written in the Quran;The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) said, if he was here in the “End time” when these people are doing these barbaric acts, the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) will be the first to kill them himself.“A people will come out at the “End of Time”, Immature, foolish and corrupt, they will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite the Quran, but it will not past their throats. They will pass through religion (of Islam) the way an arrow passes through quarray, if you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward for Allah in the Day of Judgment”! (sunnah of the prophet).These are the “End times”  for all Muslims to join in global Jihad “(struggle) and denounce these Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS “BOKO HARAM) and affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization.May Allah give victory to those who stand truly for the way of the prophet (Blessing and peace be upon him). O Believers read this Book and take heed of its message. And all praise belongs to Allah,

6The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 6 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

the Lord of the worlds.   Sheikh Abdullah bin Baygah said: we must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace.They “Boko Haram,” “ISIS”, etc must be CRUSHED in Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Tunisia, etc and the rest of the world.   Enough is enough of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA)…. You will soon meet your doom! We will defeat “Boko Haram” Insha Allah (By God’s mighty Grace) in North-Eastern Nigeria, Chad, etc and the rest of the world.We the Muslims Against Terror respect the Chadian government for sentencing 10 members of Nigeria- based Islamist Militant group “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) to death on terrorism charges in August of 2015.We thank the government and people of Cameroon, Chad, Niger etc for committing their armed forces to the Multinational joint task force (MUJTF) to fight “Boko Haram.” We thank the Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari for his total mandate to the Nigerian military and other security Agencies to fight and end “Boko Haram” or Islamic state of West Africa (ISWA) in Nigeria. We also thank him for “war on corruption” in Nigeria. For Allah (the God) declares in the Quran…. And seek not corruption in the Earth, lo, Allah loveth not corrupters” (Quran 28:77).We appreciate the new Nigerian army chief Buratai in the operational code of the counter insurgency efforts from “Operation Zaman Lafiya” to operation Zaman lafiya   Dole”- which in Hausa means “The quest of peace becomes a must, also we thank the air force that has been carrying out air strikes against the Islamic State groups “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in “operation total wipe-out” of “Boko Haram, or ISIS” declared by the Muslims against terror.We appreciate the international community like, US, France etc. for assisting Nigerian government in providing “Arms” and other logistic support in fighting the Islamic insurgence “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization, in the world.We thank the ENDS organization and Dr. Peregrino Brimah for all his assistance to Muslims Against Terror in the global “Jihad” (Struggle) against terrorism and the assistance to the Muslims Against Terror, civilian-JTF in “Jihad” (struggle) against “Boko Haram” ISIS” in Sambisa forest in rescue mission of the abducted Chibok student girls by “Boko Haram”, (ISIS) in April 2014, and his supporting Nigerian civilian vigilante force, popularly known as the civilian-JTF, who have risked and lost their lives doing a wonderful Job assisting the national security services to protect the Northern extremes from the actions of the “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of West Africa (ISWA) also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization in the world.We thank the Coordinators of the “Bring Back Our Girls” Grouped by Dr. Oby Ezekwesili and Mrs. Mariam Uwais for their ongoing Campaigning for the release of over 200 abducted Chibok School girls by “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) but we were disappointed and frustrated by the security agencies, some “Military commanders” and bad government of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan inability to rescue the Chibok School Girls last year April, 2014.We thank all the volunteer youths, the civilian JTF, the Muslims Against Terror members, Hunters, Ibn Fadlallah force, and also the Iraq Armed forces, backed by volunteers and tribal fighters known as “popular mobilization force” for assisting their country in fighting the Islamic extremist of “Boko Haram” or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and all affiliates to al-Qaeda terrorists organization in the world.   I on behalf of Muslims Against Terror organization, condemn all attacks, suicide bombing, kidnapping, killing of innocent people in Nigeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia etc

7The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 7 of 8


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

by the Islamic extremist of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and “Boko Haram” (ISIS BOKO HARAM) in Nigeria and the rest of the word.        We offer our condolences to the families of all the victims killed by the terrorists, suicide bombers, (the Nigerian Civilian JTF, the Muslims against terror organization members, the Ibn Fadlallah Local Vigilante Force, the Hunters etc), the Nigerians soldiers, the innocent youths who volunteered to fight Boko Haram and were killed and massacred in North – East of Nigeria, the families of all Chibok Students Girls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram, also to the Iraqi people who were killed by the Sunni Islamic Extremist Takfiri group i.e. the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria  or Levants  (ISIS or ISIL), affiliates to Al Qaeda Terrorist Organization that operate in both Iraq and Syria that have captured several Iraqi cities and pushed the country into deadly and barbaric chaos.We also express our condolences to, and sympathy with the people and government of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Syria, Tunisia, etc and the Families and to the government and people of Saudi Arabia, the families of the Victims Friday 11 Sept. 2015, crane collapse in Makkah that left about 106 persons dead and over 200 injured.We pray that almighty Allah will receive the souls of those killed in incident and grant the injured speedily Recovery in the name of Allah our Lord we pray Ameen. We stand with them in solidarity during these difficult times.     We appreciate all your contributions to help us take care of the families of the victims of “Boko Haram" terror including Civilian JTF, Muslims Against Terror, the Youths who volunteered and were killed by Boko Haram in North-Eastern Nigeria and all direct and indirect victims of Boko Haram.The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said “Give charity without delay for it stands in the way of calamity.” Please do your bit and we pray Allah keeps us all away from calamity.We appreciate all who have contributed to restoring life and hope to victims of terror. May Allah (S) reward you for your generosity, in the name of Allah (the God) our Lord we pray, Ameen.Thanks for all your assistance: - MyNews24

Regards Cees: Sep 17, Terror is not going to end in one day. You can't give a deadline to these things. You just do it. I think they have been naïve in saying they are going to crush Boko Haram in six months. Terror goes on and on. Even if they stop the fighting and the bombing, they still have to re-educate the people. Why did these people embrace terror in the first place? You can't just fight this on the battleground, you need to fight it in the minds of these young people.How do you see the fight playing out ever the next year?If you want to do something new, something difficult, it is always going to be more challenging than something that has been done. Many Nigerians would be OK to continue with the way things have been. But when you introduce accountability, when the justice system works, people are not going to be comfortable with that. We look at crime as a way of life. We look at corruption as a way of life. But if you want to wake people up, you shake them. Some of them get disoriented. But we have to go through the discomfort if we want to survive as a nation.Helon Habila Ngalabak (born 1967) is a Nigerian novelist and poet.

8The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 8 of 8
