Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-18-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-18-Russia I hereby declare jihad on all levels to be an individual duty for every Muslim, -- Muhammad Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council, Russia's increasing military involvement in Syria, which constitutes another lifeline for the Bashar Al-Assad regime, is of great concern to Saudi Arabia, which together with Turkey and Qatar is leading the battle against this regime. October 2, 55 Saudi clerics, many of them known to be Muslim Brotherhood (MB) supporters, issued a communiqué calling the Russian offensive a "war crime." They called on "able men" in Syria to "join the ranks of jihad," and warned that this was a "true war against [all] Sunnis" being waged by a "Crusader Shi'ite alliance" and a "Western- Russian coalition with the Safavids [i.e., Iranians] and 'Alawites." The following day, the Syrian MB also issued a communique titled "The Syrian People Will Repel the Russian Occupation with Jihad," declaring that defensive jihad was an individual duty The heads of your Orthodox Church have declared [the Russian intervention of Syria] a crusader holy war, just as [George] Bush Jr. did in the past [regarding the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq]. "To Arab and Muslim countries we say: The Western-Russian coalition with the Safavids and 'Alawites is a true war against [all] Sunnis, their lands, and their identities, with no exception. The jihad fighters in Syria are currently defending the entire ummah. Muhammad Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council, also called for jihad against Russia, but unlike the statements issued by the Saudi clerics, the Syrian MB, and the Syrian Islamic Council itself, he claimed that the duty of jihad fell on all of the world's Muslims, not just Syrians. He The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 18 02/01/2022

Transcript of Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-18-Russia

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-122-Caliphate-al-Zawahiri-10-18-Russia

I hereby declare jihad on all levels to be an individual duty for every Muslim, -- Muhammad Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council, Russia's increasing military involvement in Syria, which constitutes another lifeline for the Bashar Al-Assad regime, is of great concern to Saudi Arabia, which together with Turkey and Qatar is leading the battle against this regime.

October 2, 55 Saudi clerics, many of them known to be Muslim Brotherhood (MB) supporters, issued a communiqué calling the Russian offensive a "war crime." They called on "able men" in Syria to "join the ranks of jihad," and warned that this was a "true war against [all] Sunnis" being waged by a "Crusader Shi'ite alliance" and a "Western-Russian coalition with the Safavids [i.e., Iranians] and 'Alawites."

The following day, the Syrian MB also issued a communique titled "The Syrian People Will Repel the Russian Occupation with Jihad," declaring that defensive jihad

was an individual dutyThe heads of your Orthodox

Church have declared [the Russian intervention of Syria] a crusader holy war, just as [George] Bush Jr. did in the past [regarding the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq].

"To Arab and Muslim countries we say: The Western-Russian coalition with the Safavids and 'Alawites is a true war against [all] Sunnis, their lands, and their identities, with no exception. The jihad fighters in Syria are currently defending the entire ummah.

Muhammad Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council,

also called for jihad against Russia, but unlike the statements issued by the Saudi clerics, the Syrian MB, and the Syrian Islamic Council itself, he claimed that the duty of jihad fell on all of the world's Muslims, not just Syrians. He wrote on his Facebook page: "Come to jihad... O Muslims everywhere... The Russians are entering Syria with their destruction, and their jets kill and destroy... This is a war against Islam and Muslim, their countries and property, merely for being Muslim. Jihad is now an individual duty for all Muslims... I hereby declare jihad on all levels to be an individual duty for every Muslim, and call on Muslim clerics to rule that jihad for the sake of Allah is mandatory and to operate in all countries of the world..."

The statements made by the Russian Orthodox Church describing the war being fought by the Russian army in Syria and its role in protecting the Christians in the region as a “holy war” has sparked a wave of angry Arab responses and statements on social networking sites.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Oct 13, Islamic State called on Muslims to launch a "holy war" against Russians and Americans over what it called their "crusaders' war" in the Middle East, an audio message distributed by supporters of the ultra hardline group said on Tuesday. "Islamic youth everywhere, ignite jihad against the Russians and the Americans in their crusaders' war against Muslims," the speech by Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani said. The United States and Russia are carrying separate airstrike campaigns in Syria, which they say are targeting Islamic State. Oct 5, 2015 - Fifty-three clerics penned a letter casting the conflict in Syria as a sectarian war between Sunnis and their enemies in Iran and Russia.

ISIL is the product of genocide in Syria. The Syrian civil war was ISIL's greatest gift and ISIL somewhat was

President Assad’s greatest gift. October 26, 2015 Inquiry &

Analysis Series Report No.1197Debate In Saudi Arabia Following Saudi Clerics' Call For Jihad Against Russian Forces In SyriaBy: N. Mozes a research fellow at MEMRI* IntroductionRussia's increasing military involvement in Syria, which constitutes another lifeline for the Bashar Al-Assad regime, is of great concern to Saudi Arabia, which together with Turkey and Qatar is leading the battle against this regime. However, Saudi Arabia is taking a cautious approach on this matter, due to its desire to preserve its relations with Russia, which have warmed over the past year. While the Saudi ambassador to the UN condemned the Russian airstrikes in Syria and called for them to be stopped,[1] in an interview with the London-based Saudi daily Al-Hayat on October 1, 2015, Saudi Foreign Minister 'Adel Al-Jubeir said that despite its disagreements with Russia on Syria and Iran, the kingdom was aiming for closer political and economic ties with it.[2] In contrast, 55 Saudi clerics, many of them known to be Muslim Brotherhood (MB) supporters, had a much harsher response to the Russian military intervention in Syria. On October 2, several days after Russia began conducting the airstrikes against targets in Syria, the clerics issued a communique[3]calling the Russian offensive a "war crime." They called on "able men" in Syria to "join the ranks of jihad," and warned that this was a "true war against [all] Sunnis" being waged by a "Crusader Shi'ite alliance" and a "Western-Russian coalition with the Safavids [i.e., Iranians] and 'Alawites." According to the communique, the Syrian jihadis defend all Muslims, and therefore Arab and Muslim countries should assist them morally, materially, militarily, and politically.The following day, the Syrian MB also issued a communique titled "The Syrian People Will Repel the Russian Occupation with Jihad," declaring that defensive jihad was an individual duty for anyone able to bear arms, and announcing that it was making the organization's resources available for this purpose. Similar statements were also made by the Syrian Islamic Council, a body established in April 2014 in Istanbul that comprises 128 Syrian clerics, many of them MB members, as well as by Sheikh Muhammad

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council.[4] All these statements were made by individuals who are members of or support the MB.To date, Saudi authorities have issued no official response to the clerics' communique. The sole exception to this was one report in the London-based Qatari daily Al-Arabi Al-Jadidstating that the Saudi Interior Ministry intended to investigate and prosecute the clerics on charges of violating the 2014 anti-terror law that bans Saudis from fighting outside the country andfrom encouragingfellow Saudi citizens to do so.However, the communique did spark anuproar in the Saudi press and on social media. Several Saudi articles attacked it, terming it a call for Saudis to go and fight in Syria, which constitutes incitement and defiance of the ruler, who has the sole authority to declare jihad. They warned of the serious implications that this would have for national security and for Saudi Arabia's image and relationship with Russia. The conflict in Syria, they noted, is political and not religious, and therefore does not necessitate a jihad war. An especially harsh critique by Mansour Al-Nogaidan called toarrest the clerics and force themto apologize to Russia.The harsh criticism of the communique may stem from the fact that many of its signatories are supporters of the MB, which is outlawed in Saudi Arabia.Conversely, others defended the communique, stating that the call for jihad was aimed solely at the Syrians themselves. They also attacked those who opposed the communique. At the same time, it should be mentioned that these calls came primarily from outside Saudi Arabia and on Qatari media; the latter is known for its pro-MB approach.This report will review the calls for jihad against Russian forces in Syria and the Saudi responses to the clerics' communique.

55 Saudi Clerics: All Able Syrians Should Join The Ranks Of JihadThe 55 Saudi clerics, many of them known to be MB supporters –including 'Abdallah bin Muhammad Al-Ghunaiman, Nasser bin Suleiman Al-'Umar, 'Ali bin Sa'id Al-Ghamdi – stressed in their communique that this was a war launched by "the Orthodox crusader Russia" against the Muslim Syria. They said Muslims would redeem their faith by sacrificing their lives, and called on Syrian fighters to join the ranks of jihad. They stated: "After nearly five years of unrelenting political and military support for the 'Alawite regime, Russia is now throwing its full weight behind [it] and is intervening directly and militarily to protect the Bashar Al-Assad regime from falling. In light of this most terrible calamity and war crime on the part of an influential country that presumes to be responsible for world justice and peace, we hereby declare the following:

"O Russians, the most extreme among Christians – [there is] nothing new under the sun! 36 years ago the communist Soviet Union invaded the Muslim Afghanistan to support the Communist Party and protect it from falling. And now, its successor, the Orthodox crusader Russia, is invading the Muslim Syria to support the 'Alawite regime and protect it from falling; it must learn a lesson from the fate of its predecessor. The heads of your Orthodox Church have declared [the Russian intervention of Syria] a crusader holy war,

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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just as [George] Bush Jr. did in the past [regarding the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq]. Know that Muslims will redeem their faith by sacrificing their lives, souls, and all they hold dear, and just as they expelled you from Afghanistan, they will bring about you humiliating defeat in Syria, Allah willing."O, our men in Syria – the calamity afflicting you is severely worsening and your test has lasted a long time... You must fear Allah, repent, and trust in Allah... Know that Russia only intervened to save the regime from certain defeat. Through you, Allah defeated the security [mechanisms] of the regime and its shabiha [militias], followed by its army, and later the Shi'ite Safavid groups from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Through you, He defeated the Party of Satan [i.e. Hizbullah] and He can defeat the Russians [as well]. Therefore, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah, that you may be successful' (Koran 3:200)... We call on you to hold on, and we urge the men [of the various groups], [all] able and skilled people in all fields, to stay and not leave Syria, and to take part in building and liberating [it]. We call on the able among you to join the ranks of jihad, for this is your hour... Swiftly join the jihad against the enemy of God and your enemy, and Allah will be with you, and the Muslims will stand behind you as much as they can.The dawn of victory is at hand..."To Arab and Muslim countries we say: The Western-Russian coalition with the Safavids and 'Alawites is a true war against [all] Sunnis, their lands, and their identities, with no exception. The jihad fighters in Syria are currently defending the entire ummah. Trust in them and give them moral, military, and political support, for if they are defeated... it will be the turn of the remaining Sunni countries, one after the other... O clerics and thinkers – this is a war on Islam... Stress in your words, writings, sermons, and lessons that we must abandon all sources of schism, and warn against them. Unite the ranks and tell people the truth behind the crusader Shi'ite alliances so they can beware it... Encourage people to devote all their efforts and give as much as they can, and to provide material aid, since Syrians are fighting our enemy and defending us against him..."Allah, please hasten the victory of the people of Syria... and defeat the armies that have conspired against us..."[5]Other MB Elements: Embarking On Defensive Jihad Is An Individual DutyThe same day (October 2, 2015), the Syrian Islamic Council, a body established in April 2014 in Istanbul that includes 128 Syrian clerics, many of them MB members, also issued a statement, warning that Russia's decision to intervene militarily in Syria "endangers its interests in the region and the entire Muslim world." The council called on the Syrian factions to combat the Russian presence, saying: "The Syrian Islamic Council sees the Russian presence as an occupying force that attacks and kills in order to aid a criminal tyrant against an oppressed people. Therefore, all factions must fight it and expel it from Syria in defeat, with all possible means. Fighting it is the most exalted form of jihad..."[6]The following day, the Syrian MB also issued a communique titled "The Syrian People will Eradicate the Russian Occupation with Jihad", which stated: "...The Russian military intervention in our Syrian homeland is not another rash action or immature political adventure, for it was officially and unanimously approved by the Kremlin, and was blessed as a holy war by the Orthodox Church, thus turning it into a foreign invasion and the planned occupation of one country by another country that is a permanent member of the [UN] Security Council..."Our Syrian people! In light of this brazen occupation of our land by the forces of evil, we at the MB stress that embarking on defensive jihad is now an individual duty [fard 'ain] for anyone who can bear arms, and we are therefore making all our organization's resources available for this purpose. We call on all members of the Syrian people and all its tribes, brigades, families, and religions, to act as one, topple the tyrant, and defeat the

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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occupier. The homeland comes first and there is no place for narrow interests. O Muslims throughout the world, you must respond to the [Russian] aggression and defend the oppressed and abused [Syrian people]."[7]Muhammad Kurayyim Rajih, the most senior Syrian Koran reciter and a member of the Syrian Islamic Council, also called for jihad against Russia, but unlike the statements issued by the Saudi clerics, the Syrian MB, and the Syrian Islamic Council itself, he claimed that the duty of jihad fell on all of the world's Muslims, not just Syrians. He wrote on his Facebook page: "Come to jihad... O Muslims everywhere... The Russians are entering Syria with their destruction, and their jets kill and destroy... This is a war against Islam and Muslim, their countries and property, merely for being Muslim. Jihad is now an individual duty for all Muslims... I hereby declare jihad on all levels to be an individual duty for every Muslim, and call on Muslim clerics to rule that jihad for the sake of Allah is mandatory and to operate in all countries of the world..."[8]Endnotes:

[1]Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia), October 2, 2015.[2]Al-Hayat (London), October 1, 2015.[3] While the communique has 55 signatories, some sources reported that only 52 had signed it.[4] The International Union of Muslims Scholars (IUMS), headed by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, also issued a statement condemning Russian military intervention in Syria and calling to arm the moderate Syrian opposition. The Egyptian MB issued a condemnation of the Russian military intervention as well, but these two bodies avoided calling the struggle against the Russian forces "jihad.",, October 4, 2015.[5], October 2, 2015.[6], October 2, 2015.[7], October 3, 2015.[8], October 5, 2015.

Who can declare Jihad?The literal meaning of the Arabic term Jihaad means to strive or make an effort; and when used in the Islamic sense it would mean to strive or make effort to make the Law and Word of Allah Subhanah Supreme in the world.Jihad may be accomplished by two means: by wealth, and by self. And the specific term used for Jihaad with self or fighting is Qitaal. Qitaal is the highest position and the epitome of Jihaad.Qitaal or war can only be declared when there is an Islamic State, and the leader or Ameer of this Islamic State is the only one who can declare this Holy War.But in a place where muslims are oppressed, tortured, dishonored, and targeted for their belief in Allah and His Messenger (saws), the leadership of that place may declare a Jihaad to defend themselves.When a Jihaad is declared, it is the duty of all the muslims to help their brethren with whatever means available to them; with wealth, self, etc. If they are unable to do so, the least they must do is supplicate Allah Subhanah to grant them victory over the dis-believers. Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verses 95-96:95 Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home): unto all (in faith) hath Allah promised good: but those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.-- Sahih Muslim Hadith 4696 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: One who died, but did not fight in the way of Allah, nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihad, died the death of a hypocrite.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C: if we look back: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Hints at Anti-Russian AgendaWednesday, 02 July 2014 SITE Staff

In his first message as Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi highlighted an overlooked danger that foreign fighters pose to their home countries.To date, the discussion regarding threats stemming from the deluge of foreign recruits into Syria focuses, justifiably, on the risks that the foreign jihadis will obtain military training on the battleground and return home as hardened fighters with the expertise needed to carry out attacks. However, Baghdadi’s July 1, 2014 address, “A Message to the Mujahideen and the Muslim Ummah in the Month of Ramadan,” alluded to a more subtle but equally dangerous avenue by which foreign participation in the Syria jihad can lead to violence at home. In the 20-minute message, Baghdadi divided the world into two camps: one comprised of the mujahideen and the other consisting of enemies who engaged in worldwide attempt to oppress Muslims. Describing this duality, he announced that the two global camps are: …the camp of the Muslims and the mujahidin everywhere, and the camp of the jews, the

crusaders, their allies, and with them the rest of the nations and religions of kufr, all being led by America and Russia, and being mobilized by the jews.

 The mention of Russia as the co-leader is curious. While Russia is never far from jihadi-produced lists of anti-Muslim forces, and many current jihadi leaders are veterans of previous struggles against the country, it has not recently been featured among enumerations of the most important enemy nations with the same frequency as are states such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. While, Chechen jihadis have been fighting Russia for years, to date, their cause has been relatively parochial in appeal. Indeed, their struggle has been so underrepresented in jihadi sentiments that in a message released on January 24, 2014, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri lamented that the Chechen fight against Russia has been an “ignored jihadi battle in Islam's northern battlefield.”Against this backdrop, why then did Baghdadi name Russia as one of two co-leaders of a global war against Islam? The answer may rest in the many first-hand reports from fighters in Syria that note the preponderance of Chechens in the region generally and within the Islamic States’ predecessor, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). For example, writing on an account in May 2014, an alleged British ISIS fighter reported to his followers that “we have hundreds who came from or fought in the Caucasus,” where they have been “fighting the russians for centuries.”  Not only are Chechens reportedly prevalent among Islamic State’s rank and file, but several prominent ISIS leaders are of Chechen origin, including Commanders Omar al-Shishani and Abu Jihad al-Shishani. The influence of the Chechen commanders appears to extend to the highest ranks of ISIS, now the Islamic State. For example, Omar al-Shishani, formerly the leader of the Jeish al-Mujahireen wal Ansar jihadi group, has been depicted leading ISIS fighters into battle and shown stationed alongside the official ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-‘Adnani.Abu Jihad al-Shishani has also been shown representing the jihadi group in official ISIS-

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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produced multimedia, such as in a video released by ISIS’ al-Furqan Media Foundation on February 26, 2014 in which he accused opponents of leading a conspiracy against ISIS.The influence of Chechen militants may explain why, unusually, Baghdadi listed Russia as equal to the United States in threat to Muslims. It appears that as the influence of Chechen jihadi fighters grows on the ground, their displeasure with Russia is also being incorporated into Islamic State rhetoric, which is then broadcast out to the followers of the Islamic State and may soon become incorporated into the official jihadi platform.In listing Russia as co-leading an alleged worldwide campaign against Muslims, Baghdadi illustrated a mechanism through which foreign fighters can increase the threat of terrorism against their home countries even before they return. While participating as part of a transnational battleground, foreign fighters have an opportunity to mix their own specific grievances in with those of their compatriots. This influence can then become incorporated into influential propaganda issued from the battleground, such as in today's message from Baghdadi.

Oct 2, 2015. The statements made by the Russian Orthodox Church describing the war being fought by the Russian army in Syria and its role in protecting the Christians in the region as a “holy war” has sparked a wave of angry Arab responses and statements on social networking sites. Such statements have reached the point of declaring a jihad in response to the Russian statement. Russia Today quoted the head of the Church’s Public Affairs Department, Vsevolod Chaplin, saying: “The active position of our country has always been connected with protection of the weak and oppressed, like the Middle East Christians who are now experiencing a real genocide. Any fight against terrorism is moral; we can even call it a holy fight.”

Also April 13, 2015, ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Mullah Mohamed Omar (who was already dead by then) , the leader of the so-called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan—known more commonly as the Afghan Taliban—has issued a fatwa declaring pledges of allegiance to the self-styled “caliphate” of the Islamic State forbidden in Islamic law, multiple regional news agencies have reported. Omar, who got his start fighting Soviet forces in Afghanistan, referred to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as a “fake caliph,” and said “Baghdadi just wanted to dominate what has so far been achieved by the real jihadists of Islam after three decades of jihad. A pledge of allegiance to him is ‘haram.’” The Iranian Tanbak news agency quoted parts of the fatwa Monday. Also according to Tanbak, last week a group of 12 former Taliban members were executed for their “betrayal” after they pledged loyalty to ISIS.  Baghdadi has previously referred to Omar as an “uneducated” person who “lacks all values of a spiritual and political leader.” Baghdadi has called Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, “a fool and illiterate warlord,” and has said that he lacks both the spiritual and political credibility to lead. Omar, for his part, has told his Taliban fighters never to let an ISIS flag be raised in Afghanistan. Both groups affiliate with the Sunni sect of Islam.

The Shia Jihad; In an undated statement 1 released in December 2013, the Popular Committee for the Mobilization to Defend Sayyeda Zainab (Lijna al-Tabia al-Shabiyah an


The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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al-Sayyeda Zainab, or PCMDSZ), an umbrella recruitment group with links to AAH, KSS, the Badr Organization, Kataib Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxy groups, issued an extended argument as to why the fight in Syria was not only a legitimate campaign but also backed by high-ranking religious authorities: It is obvious that the goal of going to Syria is to defend the Shiites and the sect of Ahl al-Bait and Islamic shrines and the resistance because the tak- firi groups in Syria have been targeting our sect and our shrines in a clear and direct way. We also mention that our goal is not just restricted to Syria but also extends to our presence in Iraq, especially in Najaf. And we are going to defend and fight assailants who are coming to fight us, just like the prophet came out of Medina to face the mushrikin [idolaters] when he was informed that they were heading to Medina to destroy Islam. Thus, this is a defensive war and defensive wars do not require permission from anyone... Despite the issue not requiring anyone’s permission, [the jihad in Syria] has been overseen by a legitimate ruler who is the veli-e faqih [lead religious and political authority managing a airs on earth as an imam, in this case referring directly to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei]...Based on this, there is no doubt about the legitimacy of the gures who are abid- ing by the [leadership of absolute] velayat-e faqih. There is a dispute that some are bringing up, which is that some religious figures are saying: “I do not see any interest in going [to war].” Regarding these statements, they do not harm the legitimacy of those who go to fight under the emblem of obligatory interest [duty to go to war]...and this is something veli-e faqih supports and is convinced about. Ayatollah Kadhim al-Husseini al-Haeri, a Tehran-based cleric with links to Iraq, and an ardent supporter of absolute velayat e-faqih, was the first from the Iranian camp to issue a public fatwa on the matter. His private endorsement was made in mid-2013, but a public fatwa was circulated on November 5, 2013. this fatwa was the first major public religious announce- aimed at not only justifying jihad in Syria but also signaling that the war was viewed by Iran as a means to “defend” and propagate the absolute velayat-e faqih ideology. Foes of the jihad in Syria were cast as “infidels. REPRESENTING THE MOST dynamic and among the most numerous contingents of Shiite foreign fighters, Iraqi units have helped create a bulwark for the Assad regime. Along with Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiite jihadists have formed the core Iranian proxy units sent to Syria. Iraqi Shiite fighters have been organized into many, often overlapping groups, the first and best known belonging to what could be called the LAFA- Syria network The name LAFA has become synonymous with the Shiite jihad in Syria. Recognizing LAFA’s successful “brand,” many groups, including AAH, Hez- bollah, and Saraya Talia al-Khurasani, have proclaimed their fighters’ joint membership with the network .

Looking Far back: On November 11, 1914, the Ottoman government issued a series of fatwas signed by 29 Islamic scholars and sanctified by the Ottoman Sultan-Caliph calling for a global jihad against the Ottoman Empire’s enemies; to include Russia in the First World War.

Pro-AKP, Islamist Media Criticize Russia, U.S. For "Joint" Syria PoliciesRussia's recent military intervention in Syria along with Iran, aimed at propping up Assad's rule, as well as its airstrikes that

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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target not only ISIS but also the so-called moderates supported by Turkey (which in reality are also Islamist terrorist groups), have transformed the face of the conflict. Russia's reassertion of its involvement in the Middle East, and its recent incursions into Turkish airspace, threaten to spark a Russia-NATO clash on the Turkey-Syria border. With its naval bases in Western Syria, Russia could interfere with Turkish and other vessels along the navigation routes in the eastern Mediterranean.  Turkey is certainly the most affected party in this new game, for its dreams regarding Syria, which never matched its actual abilities, are fast becoming a nightmare.Pro-AKP media accused Russia of attacking Syrian opposition groups and Syrian civilians as part of a secret joint plan drawn up along with the meetings held during the U.N. General Assembly. Ahmet Varol, a columnist for the pro-AKP daily Yeni Akit, wrote: "While U.S. President Obama said that a real solution in Syria required Assad to go, the Russian leader Putin claimed that there could be no solution without cooperating with Assad. While they were making a show of disagreeing, Russian planes were already in Syria, preparing to carry out their inhuman attacks with the purpose of saving Assad."Putin's decision to launch these attacks was not taken by Russia alone. Rather, it was taken following discussions and agreements reached with the U.S.  The leaders of the Eastern and Western wings of imperialism held a summit in New York during the U.N. Assembly.  As soon as the meeting took place, the Russian planes began their operations, showing the world clearly that any conflict between [Russia and the U.S.] was in fact for show and [in practice] there was an alliance between them."[8]  * R. Krespin is Director of MEMRI's Turkish Media Project.

Turkish Columnist: Turkey and Anti-ISIS Coalition Urged Russia To Fight ISIS, Not 'Syrian Opposition' – But The Only Opposition left In Syria Is The Jihadists And Middle-Eastern TalibanFehim Tastekin, a columnist for the liberal daily Radikal, has analyzed the situation in Syria in multiple articles.  Following the Turkish Foreign Ministry's release of a joint declaration by seven countries (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.S., France, Britain and Germany) on October 2, in which they called on Russia to cease its attacks on the "Syrian opposition" and focus on fighting ISIS, Tastekin wrote an article titled "Do Not Touch Al-Qaeda and Friends!"in which he wondered exactly who this "opposition" is.[6] He argued that Turkey and all other parties who had expressed surprise at Russia's attacks in the vicinity of Lattakia, Hama, Homs and Aleppo, and at its targeting of the FSA, should have realized from Russia's clear statements that it meant to fight not only ISIS and Jabhat Al-Nusra but all terrorist organizations, including those supported by the West and the Gulf. Tastekin wrote: "When the FSA is mentioned, Russia has a ready response: 'There is no FSA left. They have all joined ISIS and Al-Qaeda.'  Therefore the [anti-ISIS] coalition uses the term 'Syrian Opposition' instead. [But] who is this Syrian Opposition? Other than some small ineffective groups that still [operate] under the FSA umbrella, the real forces in the field are jihadi-Salafi groups such as Al-Nusra, Ahrar Al-Sham, The Islam Army and the Conquest Army.  What is the game plan of those [i.e. Turkey, the West and Gulf States] who are telling Russia to focus on ISIS? The only cards they have in their hands are Al-Qaeda and the new Middle Eastern Taliban, whose dangerous nature they try to minimize.  The area [in Western Syria] where Turkey is providing air security by means of its 'rules of engagement' is fast becoming Talibanized. This area, dominated by Al-Nusra and Ahrar [Al-Sham], is being flooded by Taliban-affiliated Uygur militants coming from Central Asia, as well as by Khazak, Uzbek, Tacik and Kirghiz fighters. "Since the coalition of the hopeless did not have at hand any trustworthy moderates, it

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tried to cast the jihadist Al-Nusra and Ahrar as moderate and make them acceptable to the international community.  Qatar pressured Al-Nusra to cut its ties with Al-Qaeda in return for more money and arms, and even banned its Al- Jazeera channel from describing Al-Nusra as linked to Al-Qaeda. Despite these marketing efforts, Al-Nusra keeps reiterating its allegiance to Ayman Al-Zawahiri.  Ahrar, being more pragmatic, agreed to declare that its aims are not 'global' jihad but are limited to Syria, thus making it easy for support to flow [to it] from Turkey and Qatar. While Al-Nusra attached itself to Al-Qaeda to avoid losing its militants to ISIS, Ahrar's veteran Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants became a magnet for Islamists who failed to join the other two organizations. As part of the plan to make Ahrar seem 'moderate,' Abu Yahya Al-Hamawi was brought into its leadership as a 'moderate Salafi'. Lebanon's Al-Safir daily wrote that Hamawi's appointment was an attempt to adapt to the changes taking place in Syria, and claimed that the new leader was affiliated with MIT [Turkey's National Intelligence Organization]. Ahrar's support of Turkey's plan to establish a safe zone also indicates that it acts in coordination with Ankara.  The region where Al-Nusra and Ahrar are dominant is precisely the area where Turkey wants [to establish] a safe zone.

"Clearly, some people fall for this Ahrar makeover, one of them being Robert Ford, the former U.S. ambassador to Damascus, who worked hard to form a Syrian opposition. Following the collapse of [the Turkish-American] 'train and equip' project, when moderate trainees fell prey to Al-Nusra, this retired diplomat told Obama to work with Ahrar, whose reputation was improving. But, while Ahrar is a rival of Al-Nusra, it is also Al-Nusra's closest ally. The two organizations [which are the major factions within the Conquest Army], complement one another. They both are allies of the Taliban. In short, the Islamists, which are [supposed to be] an antidote to ISIS, are increasingly becoming [affiliated with] Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.  This Talibanization is happening near the Turkish border. "Now Russia is bombing the Conquest Army in the area that Turkey [used to] protect with its 'rules of engagement'. Are these rules also applicable to the downing of Russian planes?  Where are [Erdogan's] angry rants starting with 'Hey, Putin!' [Erdogan is known for talking this way of Obama, the U.S. and Europe]?  Now he talks [to Putin]

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 10 of 11 02/05/2023

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

about his 'hurt feelings' and speaks in a restrained tone of voice. He is helpless, having lost all his options!"

Regards CeesAs Russia enters its fourth week of anti-terror airstrikes, Qatar has indicated that it may launch a military campaign of its own. We see the Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir sounding the drumbeats of war had the following message for Tehran: “We wish that Iran would change its policies and stop meddling in the affairs of other countries in the region, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. We will make sure that we confront Iran’s actions and shall use all our political, economic and military powers to defend our territory and people.” While western media analysts would tell you that the ouster of Assad would have removed a key Iranian ally and cut off Tehran from Hezbollah, truth is, Assad is one major obstacle to spreading the Caliphate agenda in the Levant. A Sunni control would also pave the way for deals like the Qatar-Turkey natural gas line. Saudi Arabia and Qatar also fear Iran getting close to the doorstep of the mother’s home: the Arabian Peninsula. Things are becoming more serious by the day. Facts from the ground already reveal that powerful Saudi clerics are already calling for military Jihad and response to Russia’s move regardless that the kingdom is already bogged down in another war with Iran’s proxy, the Huthies in Yemen.But does Saudi Arabia and Russia desire to be on a collision course? The answer that Saudi Arabia and NATO ally, Turkey, will attempt to influence the regional powers after giving Russia limited time for their intervention to cause a political settlement. Russia would want to secure Bashar or another who is pro-Russia, but this will force a proxy war. Fact is, who can argue that the proxy war is already happening; in the past the war was dubbed “Syria vs. rebels” and now it’s “Iran-Russia vs. Sunni rebels”.This means that we are just one degree of separation from direct military showdown between NATO’s regional allies headed by Turkey and Riyadh and Qatar versus the Russia-Iran nexus. But this time the U.S. and Saudi Arabia learnt some lessons from the past: the Russian Afghan war. The U.S. in order to defeat Russia in Afghanistan sent armament and Saudi Arabia through supplying Jihadi recruitment went to Afghanistan to fight Soviet forces after 1979. The Saudis and U.S. provided tremendous amounts of weapons and cash. While the effort succeeded, it backfired. Right after the Soviet Union was forced to pull out, the Saudi Wahhabist terrorists returned, and then turned their sights on the ruling family. That including Saudi citizens attacked U.S. soil on 9/11.So the situation is much different now than Afghanistan where the Jihadists are but under one Jihadi umbrella. In Syria there are several groups and the U.S. already attempted this to only see that the weapons ended up falling into the wrong hands in both Syria and in Iraq. But then we are talking about Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, these could care less what hands the weapons fall so long these weapons enter and destroy Damascus.But no matter what Saudi Arabia and Qatar do to intervene, it is not without price; Iran will move in on the kill, that including the very terrorists whom Arabia recruited who also hate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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