Ait Lab Manual

CSE 415: ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGY LAB VII Sem B.E.(CSE) (2011) Prepared by Mr. Anupkumar M. Bongale Mr. Nithin Mrs. Jyothi U. Approved by Head of the Department DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGG. M.I.T., MANIPAL

Transcript of Ait Lab Manual

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Prepared by

Mr. Anupkumar M. Bongale

Mr. Nithin

Mrs. Jyothi U.

Approved by

Head of the Department



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1. Students should be regular and come prepared for the lab practice.

2. In case a student misses a class, it is his/her responsibility to complete that missed


3. Students should bring the observation book, lab journal and lab manual. Prescribed

textbook and class notes can be kept ready for reference if required.

4. They should implement the given experiment individually.

5. While conducting the experiments students should see that their programs would

meet the following criteria:

Programs should be interactive with appropriate prompt messages, error messages if any, and descriptive messages for outputs.

Programs should perform input validation (Data type, range error, etc.) and give appropriate error messages and suggest corrective actions.

Comments should be used to give the statement of the problem and every function should indicate the purpose of the function, inputs and outputs

Statements within the program should be properly indented

Use meaningful names for variables and functions.

Make use of Constants and type definitions wherever needed.

6. Once the experiment(s) get executed, they should show the program and results to

the instructors and copy the same in their observation book.

7. Questions for lab tests and exam need not necessarily be limited to the questions in the manual, but could involve some variations and / or combinations of the questions.

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Week 1: Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Tags

Objective: To learn basic HTML tags and to design HTML pages using simple text editors like


Background: Basic knowledge about HTML is required. A HTML tutorial file will be given to

students for reference.

1. Write HTML document to illustrate the usage of the following tags with all the


<H1> through <H6>, <P>, <B>, <I>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <PRE>, <OL>, <UL>, <DL>, <DT>,

<DD>, <HR>, <U>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <STRIKE>, <CENTER>, <FONT>, <IMG>, <A>

2. Write HTML document to create a given table structure using all the table related tags

to include the following features:

Different colors and background Images

Spanning of rows and columns

Cell spacing and padding.

Display the




Roll No. First Name Last Name Fees paid

Row 1 1

Row 2 2

Row 3 3

3. Create three HTML files and view them in different frames of the browser window as

shown below. Make provision to load frames with certain documents on clicking a link on some other frame.

<Frame 1>

(Width = 25% of screen width & height =

full screen)

<Frame 2>

(Width = 75% of screen width & height = 50%

of screen height)

<Frame 3>

(Width and height same as those of frame 2)

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4. Design a given form that includes all the following Form related tags with all the possible attributes: <INPUT> with all TYPEs, <SELECT>, <TEXTAREA>



1. Title : O Mr. O Ms. O Dr. O Prof. O HH 2. Last Name : 3. First Name : 4. Position Held Designation : Department : Organization : Address : 5. Please indicate the product(s) you would be interested. (Tick all the boxes that apply).

Computer Systems Operating Systems Peripherals Graphics Software 6. What is the likely period of your purchasing one or more of the above products ? (Check only one box). Immediately 1 to 3 months Within 6 months Within 1 year

Week 2: Visual Basic Programming

Objective: To learn Fundamentals of Visual Basic Programming Language. To learn how to

declare variables, operations, conditional logics, loops functions and simple windows

controls. These exercises are preliminary programs which will build basis for ASP .NET web


1. Write a simple console application to develop an interactive calculator.

2. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to display the discount to be paid to

the customer for the amount for which a customer has purchased goods. The amount is

received as an input through a textbox and discount (10% of the amount) is displayed in


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a textbox. Provision should also be made to clear the details of the transactions on the

screen, once it is over.

3. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to find the interest to be paid to the

depositor given the principal, rate of interest and period of deposit. Use suitable

controls for fetching and displaying the data.

4. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to select four types of audio-visual

accessories of computers using checkbox controls. When some of these are checked by

the user the corresponding names of the categories should be be listed in the label


5. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to generate the amount for the

number of CDs purchased by the user. User can purchase either CD of type audio or

video. Number of CDs purchased should be taken as input. (Assume price of each Audio

CD = 100/- and Video CD = 200/-)

6. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to calculate the depreciation schedule

for initial cost of a car received as input. (Depreciation = 0.1 * CarCost)

7. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to compute the bonus to be paid to

be an employee on basis of his performance level using a function. Use textbox for

Salary and Combobox for performance. (Performance Level1 = 0.1 * Salary, Level2 to

Level4 = 0.09*Salary, Level5 to Level7 = 0.07 * Salary, Level8 to Level10 = 0.05 * Salary)

Week 3: Visual Basic Programming

Objective: To learn Fundamentals of Visual Basic Programming Language. To learn how to

use arrays, class, inheritance, polymorphism and simple windows controls. These exercises

are preliminary programs which will build basis for ASP .NET web applications.

1. Develop a simple visual basic windows application to display interest to be paid by the

customer upon choosing Deposit denominations (10000/20000) and years of the deposit

(One Year/ Two Years/ Three Years). Use radio buttons for deposit denomination and


2. Create a class named EBBill. This class contains four variables named ownerName,

houseNumber, unitsConsumed and metreRent. Among these four variables, the variable

metreRent in shared variable, while other three variables are instance variables. Create

simple visual basic windows application to compute electricity bill and display the name

of the owner and electricity bill. (Total amount = 1.2 * Units Consumed + Metre Rent).

3. Demonstrate the use of inheritance by developing a simple windows application by

crating a base class named College with members collegeName and principalName and

derived class named Department with members deptName and hodName. Create an

object of Department class and display the member variables of the object.

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Week 4: Web Forms and Web Controls:

Objective: To learn ASP.NET application model, and considering what files and folders

belong in a web application and to take a closer look at server controls, the basic building

block of any web form

1. Develop a simple ASP .NET web form to design currency convertor which includes

features like multiple currency conversion option and display already existing image

for each conversion.

2. Develop simple dynamic e-card generator. E-card generator should provide options

to select background colour, type of font, font size. An image can be included in the

e-card with an option to provide input message.

3. Develop simple applications using web controls to calculate Factorial of a number

4. Develop simple applications using web controls to form a login page. Upon login,

suitable message should be displayed. If login fails more than 3 times, disable the


5. Create a Web form which allows client to enter student information such as name,

email address, gender and telephone number. The page also provides a submit

button, which when clicked, will add this information to a TextBox which will also be

displayed on the same page.

Week 5: State Management:

Objective: To learn how you store information over the lifetime of your application. This

information can be as simple as a user’s name or as complex as a stuffed-full shopping cart

for an e-commerce store. To learn about ViewState, Cookie and Session Management.

1. Develop a simple asp .net application to develop counter application

2. Develop a simple asp .net application to demonstrate use of Query Sting to transfer

information between pages. User should be presented a list of entries. When the user

chooses an item by clicking the appropriate item in the list, the user is forwarded to a

new page. This page displays the received ID number. Try to avoid potential risk by using

URL encoding technique.

3. Develop a simple asp .net application to store a customer name inside a cookie.

Demonstrate the use of cookie by running the page, entering a name, and clicking the

Create Cookie button. Then, close the browser, and request the page again. The second

time, the page will find the cookie, read the name, and display a welcome message.

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Week 6: Validation:

Objective: To learn how to use the validation controls in an ASP.NET web page and how to

get the most out of them with sophisticated regular expressions, custom validation

functions, and more.

1. Create a form and add fields for user name, an e-mail address, a home phone number,

and a business phone number. You will use the validation controls to ensure the e-mail

address is in a valid format, and that at least one of the two phone numbers is filled in.

To make sure users enter a correct e-mail address, they are asked to enter it twice. Use

RequiredFieldValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, CompareValidator

validation controls to achieve the desired results.

Week 7: Rich Controls and User Controls:

Objective: To learn about Rich Controls and User Controls by using Calender, AdRotator,

and developing applications with multiple views.

1. Create an ASP .NET form to develop calendar. User should enter the beginning date and

ending date of the vacation through the text box. The vacation dates and weekend must

be highlighted in the calendar.

2. Demonstrate the use of AdRotator by creating a simple ASP .NET form.

3. Create an ASP .NET page with several Panel controls. Each panel should hold a group of

ASP.NET controls. Place the panels one after the other and place the appropriate

controls inside each panel such as foreground text colour and background colour, border

style, provision for a default picture, greeting text with font type and size. Use MultiView

and the Wizard controls to develop a multi view Greeting Card Generator.

Week 8: Styles, Themes and Master Pages:

Objective: To learn about styles, themes and master pages which can ensure that all the

pages on your website share a standardized look and layout.

1. Create a simple ASP .NET profile form for online shopping website. The form should

include set of images of products, product name, description of the product, price,

buttons to send enquiry and buy the product. Use style sheets for each controls.

2. Create two themes: Monochrome and DarkGrey. For each theme, add the CSS layout,

which is applied to the site automatically. Configure the application to use one of the

themes and then switch to the other to see the differences. Extend the above created

themes by adding suitable images and in created ASP .NET form add a DropDownList

control which contains the available themes so a user can choose dynamically switch

between the themes.

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Week 9: Working with Data

Objective: To learn basics about ADO .NET, SQL Server Connection and performing simple

database management activities using web forms.

1. Write a Program to bind data in a multiline textbox by querying in another textbox.

2. Write a Program to display the phone no of an author using database.

3. Write a Program to create link in data list.

4. Write a Program to display how data bind using dropdown list.

5. Write a Program to insert the data in to database using Execute-Non Query

6. Write a Program to delete the data in to database using Execute non-query

Week 10 to Week 12: Mini Project (3 weeks)

Instructions to the students to carry out mini project:

Students are supposed to come up with an idea regarding a simple website.

Students have to give the name of the project title at the end of the 9th week of

regular lab session.

Students can work in batch containing maximum of two students.

Your project must cover most of the topics discussed in class and worked previous

lab sessions.

At the end of every lab session, progress of project must be reported to the

instructor and same need be documented.

Mini project carries 15 marks.

Evaluation will be carried out on 13th week.

Evaluation Scheme:

Evaluation Mode Marks Regular Lab (Biweekly) Evaluation 36 Marks Viva 09 Marks Mini Project 15 Marks Lab End Semester Exam 40 Marks Total 100 Marks