AiLibrary -Linkedin redherringmain--discussion

12/27/08 11:17 PM LinkedIn: RedHerringMain: Discussion Page 1 of 4…&commentID=1059876&trk=discq_mor&goback=.hom#commentID_1059876 Explore People Search: Harvard - Vice President at Google - Accounting Account & Settings Help Home Groups RedHerringMain Profile Edit My Profile View My Profile Recommendations Contacts Connections Imported Contacts Network Statistics Inbox (3) Compose Message Messages InMail Introductions Invitations Profiles Q&A Jobs Recommendations Groups (3) Applications Add Connections Go back to all Discussions Discussion Comments (8) How to build a Entrepreneur Incubator. I have been focused on Entrepreneur Incubators for the past several weeks due to the economy and issues we all face. You can read my comments here and at my web site A Entrepreneur Incubators purpose is to provide the necessary resources for our bright promising Entrepreneurs to create, market/research, and sell their ideas. The following items/resources are needed: 1. Office space with fast Broadband connections. 2. Market Research facility with personnel that are expert in using the Internet for Market and Product Research (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 3. Multimedia Center with the latest PC and Mac equipment and Video Editing Software, Office Software, Laser Printer. (Multiple "Donated" systems no charge for access). 4. Legal Assistance Group of Intellectual Property and Contract and Agreement capability (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 5. AARP retired pool of Industry Executives available to mentor (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 6. Governor support for Trade Missions, etc. 7. Office equipment facility and Video equipment facility. How to pay for this? Simple, have Entrepreneur sign a Development Assistance Agreement for Revenue sharing 80% Entrepreneur 20% Incubator Center (ie. 20% Incubator share of revenue). Most important Resource? Mentor and Sales Channel Assistance (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). Let the Entrepreneur learn as they grow their idea, help where you can in marketing and sales, and sell baby sell. Do not crush the Entrepreneur's "Fire in the Belly", rather encourage and support it... Remember Mistakes are part of Learning... simply correct the mistakes... Posted 29 days ago | Delete discussion Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO Real Estates Hot Sheets, Inc. 2008-now See all Gordon’s discussions » I love the idea, support entrepreneurship on its merits and proven ability to deliver success for the right ideas and idea managers(translate entrepeneurs) Unfortunately many entrepreneurs are better at the idea generation part, than the managing part. Hence my suggestion as to a pre-incubator step; a mechanism that evaluates ideas, and funds them through VC to the Business Plan stage in which we get to see if the idea has merit. The idea can be a product or service, a marketing plan, whatever. The key is beady-eyed VCs look at the idea through rose-potential colored glasses. Judging the merit and potential is one thing,but failing to give ideas a chance because of a bias against loss is another. A pre-incubator stage would at least allow some wild-eyed ideas to get past the furry-eyeball stage. I have some ideas on how the "pre" stage could be initiated, but I reserve publically presenting them, because it may present both a profit opportunity for me, and a conflict for others. Barry Dennis Owner, Netweb/Omni and Marketing and Advertising Specialist Search People Your profile is 85% complete [ Edit ] Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO Real Estates Hot Sheets, Inc. 2008-now Gordon is working on Entrepreneur Incubators. see: 9 hours ago [ Edit ] Groups Group Profile RedHerringMain Overview Discussions News Updates Members Settings People Jobs Answers Companies My Groups Groups Directory Create a Group FAQ


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How to build a Entrepreneur Incubator.I have been focused on Entrepreneur Incubators for the past severalweeks due to the economy and issues we all face. You can read mycomments here and at my web site

A Entrepreneur Incubators purpose is to provide the necessaryresources for our bright promising Entrepreneurs to create,market/research, and sell their ideas. The following items/resources areneeded: 1. Office space with fast Broadband connections. 2. Market Research facility with personnel that are expert in using theInternet for Market and Product Research (repaid via Incubator share ofrevenue). 3. Multimedia Center with the latest PC and Mac equipment and VideoEditing Software, Office Software, Laser Printer. (Multiple "Donated"systems no charge for access). 4. Legal Assistance Group of Intellectual Property and Contract andAgreement capability (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 5. AARP retired pool of Industry Executives available to mentor (repaidvia Incubator share of revenue). 6. Governor support for Trade Missions, etc. 7. Office equipment facility and Video equipment facility.

How to pay for this? Simple, have Entrepreneur sign a DevelopmentAssistance Agreement for Revenue sharing 80% Entrepreneur 20%Incubator Center (ie. 20% Incubator share of revenue).

Most important Resource? Mentor and Sales Channel Assistance(repaid via Incubator share of revenue).

Let the Entrepreneur learn as they grow their idea, help where you canin marketing and sales, and sell baby sell.

Do not crush the Entrepreneur's "Fire in the Belly", rather encourageand support it... Remember Mistakes are part of Learning... simplycorrect the mistakes...Posted 29 days ago | Delete discussion

Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets, Inc.2008-nowSee all Gordon’sdiscussions »

I love the idea, support entrepreneurship on its merits and proven abilityto deliver success for the right ideas and idea managers(translateentrepeneurs) Unfortunately many entrepreneurs are better at the ideageneration part, than the managing part. Hence my suggestion as to a pre-incubator step; a mechanism thatevaluates ideas, and funds them through VC to the Business Plan stagein which we get to see if the idea has merit. The idea can be a product orservice, a marketing plan, whatever. The key is beady-eyed VCs look atthe idea through rose-potential colored glasses. Judging the merit andpotential is one thing,but failing to give ideas a chance because of a biasagainst loss is another. A pre-incubator stage would at least allow somewild-eyed ideas to get past the furry-eyeball stage. I have some ideas on how the "pre" stage could be initiated, but I reservepublically presenting them, because it may present both a profitopportunity for me, and a conflict for others.

Barry DennisOwner, Netweb/Omni andMarketing and AdvertisingSpecialist

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Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets,Inc. 2008-nowGordon is workingon EntrepreneurIncubators. see: hours ago [ Edit ]


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12/27/08 11:17 PMLinkedIn: RedHerringMain: Discussion

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Posted 25 days ago

I completely agree on the lack of management experience, but with somementor help from those of us (ie. AARP types) that have been there anddone that... Some of the Entrepreneurs will be our next leaders...

Someone needs to lead and I have only been successful leading notfollowing over my ups and downs of life. I know there is a pony in thisidea, and since I had the opportunity to be in the State of Hawaii MauiResearch and Technology Center Incubator, I only wish to share thegood parts of that beautiful time. The State of Hawaii management therewere not much use other than as landlords, but the synergy of thestartup's was awesome my friend. And that is the key value of the Centerwith some real Business experience helping them out. And the Incubatorwill generate many ideas, but only a few will live, that is why we needseveral of them in each state.

The Entrepreneur Incubator purpose is more of a place to train andcreate, not to actually build the ideas generated there... The products thatare hardware in nature not intellectual will be manufactured elsewhere. Ifthe Centers only create the well thought out and presented BusinessPlans then we will have succeeded...

I used to say all I need is a PC and a Laser Printer and I will figure outthe rest.

We need to rebuild our American Creativity and provide a place for themto grow and learn. And we are going to have a lot of people to employ inmany industries and most of all Services... I am not one hundred percentsure why I have chosen to push my concept other than I would not bemuch of a Visionary if I hadn't already decided that the Auto Industry willgo through substantial reductions and a lot of folks are going to needhelp...

mahalo, Gordon

Posted 25 days ago | Delete comment

Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets, Inc.2008-now

hi Gordon. An entrepreneur incubator is always a good idea, in a downeconomy or up, doesn't matter. Good ideas and new technologies comeabout all the time and need launch vehicles to move them. As long asyou have (1) a talented tireless management team, (2) a flow of goodinnovation, and (3) enough capital to reach an equity event, yourincubator will work perfectly in Hawaii or Kinshasa or Hong Kong just thesame. -- regards, Todd

Posted 24 days ago

Todd MollenkopfDatacomms Networks &Platforms

IMHO (Having started 3 businesses from the Corvallis, OR incubator, twoof which successfully sold), the primary support a lone entrepreneurneeds is community support from a collection of similiarly-driven folk,supported/mentored/driven by a strong business type who keeps thecommunity individually and collectively focused on what business isabout, namely, "how are you going to make money out of this? Show methe market (preferably with real customers/$)." Physical infrastructure canhelp that happen, and sure, networking / shared reception andconference space are all useful, but it's just a social club without thefocus on building a business.

Posted 24 days ago

Bruce D'AmbrosioVP, Chief ArchitectOnDemandPersonalization

A few examples of my current projects that would blossom in aEntrepreneur Incubator with Micro Investments: (ie. $100K or less)

It is my belief that the Angel Investment community will evolve intosmaller investments because "over investing" (large investments)reduces the need/drive to perform (lowers the fire in the belly level) and anew category of Micro Investments under $100K will generate a highernumber of investment successes and therefore a stronger return oninvestment if the Entrepreneur Incubator Center has marketing rights ofthe products created within.

1. AiLibrary(tm) a Personal Digital Library using the Apple iPhone as a

Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets, Inc.2008-now

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1. AiLibrary(tm) a Personal Digital Library using the Apple iPhone as aPortable Digital Library. The Apple iPhone will evolve into faster. larger,and increased storage model(s). With the G3 and WiFi connectivity of theiPhone and the addition of using "Local Displays" (within WiFi range)such as a iMac, PC, or WiFi HDTV flat screen, the user would be able toSPEAK search requests and display on the "Local Display", the iPhonewould not have to store much more than the Google Hits but ratherstream forward the information to the Local Display. 2. VOICE INDEXING of Photos, Docs, PDFs, and MOVs for rapidindexing of Content via iPhone for subsequent retrieval. ie. See it andVoice Index it. (MetaTags) 3. AiHome(tm) Smart House Control System via iPhone. 4. Privately Held Stock Resource Center. There is currently no viablemethod to buy sell Privately Held Stock, SEC issues, etc. The PrivatelyHeld Stock would be purchased for X and sold for Y. on a 80/20 basis. 5. Violation of Stay Web Center. The current economy will cause atremendous increase of Bankruptcy activity and associated illegal DebtCollection efforts ignoring the Bankruptcy Stay action.

Posted 19 days ago | Delete comment

The Internet is a vast Digital Library filled with content and information ofall kinds, searchable with many Search Engines, and available anyplacea connection is possible. From your Bedroom to your Boardroom, yourauto, boat and airplane, to a city park bench. People now have moreinformation than they can view, digest, and utilize.

Search Engines like Google and Yahoo have made significant progressin indexing the information and content. Software exists that can matchimages and their location, words, places, videos, documents areavailable. Wikipedia is our new Encyclopedia, with the ability to add orcorrect information to a specific item.

So what is needed? A new method of learning with the massive quantityof information and content is needed. In the 1956 movie “The ForbiddenPlanet” Directed by Fred M Wilcox, written by Irving Block, screenplay byCyril Hume, and with “Robby the Robot” we see the brilliance of ourScience Fiction writers. The Krell, a advanced society of beings thatcreated a machine that when placed on your head, will transfer largeamounts of information and content into your brain. Of course this isHollywood, but today 60 years later are we any closer to achieving thisidea?

In the world of “Interactive Computer Learning” courseware or informationand content is reviewed with questions or tests that judge your transfer ofthe information and content into your brain before the student is allowedto progress to the next level. Just like our video games of today…

In order to retrain and educate the tremendous number of people that areinstantly tossed into our Unemployment Offices, America needs to focusand develop on the Retraining and Education of our people. As does theentire world. Certainly we Americans are clever and innovative groupbased in a country that provides and benefits the American Creativity.

My concept of a number of Entrepreneur Incubators across the USAholds this idea as one of the most important new areas of productdevelopment.

Your comments will be appreciated at my LinkedIn page in the RedHerring Group Discussion area. You will need to be a member of the RedHerring Group to leave your comments. Please do so.

Posted 16 days ago | Delete comment

Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets, Inc.2008-now

See recent update to my BLOG at:

Posted 12 days ago | Delete comment

Gordon Kraft Chairman, CEO RealEstates Hot Sheets, Inc.2008-now

Would you mind if I reposted your original post to the discussion group"Atlanta Seed Fund" to try to get some discussion going there. I willattribute it to you and RedHerringMain?


Tom Gilkey, Ph.DExperienced technicaland business managerwith experience in

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with experience insoftware, hardware, andtelecommunications.

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