AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et. - · Oa1orda1a co-t-.4. that it Jlt,rtlsen...

t "AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et..dD © PRONI CENTlJ/37 A t "AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et..dD © PRONI CENTlJ/37 A

Transcript of AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et. - · Oa1orda1a co-t-.4. that it Jlt,rtlsen...

t •

"AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et..dD


t •

"AIl PLlT JIO! IIl1rl'IfI3 1 R.Et..dD



IIIlcb1»el7 1 taUt CIOut4 lock I'&thu 11k~ the D:C CoUDdl of

~a ~.t.~n flooa e ch ~ .-t.t ... et to we jo1D\ 4ec!eioaa

Abo. Cb_mSt,y pollq. la a44iUu, the Cotaittee tf()ucl " "rrl~

~ a. ~Cfttar1..te aa.s.e up o~ boU lIriUeh aDd lriu. chil •• mAte.

Altbo~ 4eft~1Ht tnstual.q to ~ bue4. la .1faat, tae .. o~t •

.., ilU'li.a.l.l.1 ~ a.~tt:4 ia .\i.her LoDcioa or ]Qbl.1n ur:\'til .(1t 1.

hoped) tmiOIl.l.St oppoaition. be •• w..1cle4. Sut:h _chiller" M)ulcl be

attracti". to ~lb aa it. oOula M aol41 iG '\M Iep~lie •• DOt tml.ike

tbr "joUs-t alrtboriV- optlO1l cmsu.s...~ iD t.he report of the t.r.lMd


~ jou.t chine-17 M011l4\M .. clear 1Ilf'~Dt ot ~ritiah

sovereisnv oftr the hoviac:t. J\ le OM th:iA~ tor • QO\Intl7 to &h&CUU

ita pJ"'Ohle.s vitb UIOther and"n i& Jt:DUri.~ obleeUoaable ~ two •• ~tt~ 'Up p41l"8INleat "'~17 t.o keep \.he t\Il..l. apectrwa ot

.utUilll clifncult1e5 ~er revi .. -.n 1t i5 q\lit. tiNeJ"ellt for t.&e

Bri tiu Ob~~' to ~te 1bM~ lrela.nd 1)00. tM reat of t.he

Uuitfld ~ an4 DW u. W>l1e ot l"laDd. vhidl e~ t'- "mu., o f ~rUu:ru Irel..aDd in 1 't. 000" it \lito .. , • &.e.:I Oil mw ProYl.Jl.ce t. run ..

.oftrd.~t.T if Prclct Yezoe to ~ JrDte1l. & 'J'~t W _Ye . ..,. OD ..,..

that anmt,;r W&8 COftn1.M. ~ • CliOtlceeaioll lIIO.t.4 be aD le •• olJjectloa­

."~ ai~ ~II" • .u.oriij7 ill r.onwall we" to ... UD.i.oa V1~b l'JoQoe,

but it lfC>\&l4 ~ 'bitt.~,rq lIo' Brit.iQ J*)ple it it ....... cr-\6Cl la

race or 1enoTin Ir\rtrapa petpe'tnt.4 •• ~ndall eqdYal t or '\lle W.

... • . ... ...................... .. ................................ _ ... ................... .. ... ___ ••••• o. ..... _ ••• _ ........ _ ••••• _ •••• __ ........ ,_ lOa ............ _ ........................................... _ ••••• _ . ... ..... • ..



IIIlcb1»el7 1 taUt CIOut4 lock I'&thu 11k~ the D:C CoUDdl of

~a ~.t.~n flooa e ch ~ .-t.t ... et to we jo1D\ 4ec!eioaa

Abo. Cb_mSt,y pollq. la a44iUu, the Cotaittee tf()ucl " "rrl~

~ a. ~Cfttar1..te aa.s.e up o~ boU lIriUeh aDd lriu. chil •• mAte.

Altbo~ 4eft~1Ht tnstual.q to ~ bue4. la .1faat, tae .. o~t •

.., ilU'li.a.l.l.1 ~ a.~tt:4 ia .\i.her LoDcioa or ]Qbl.1n ur:\'til .(1t 1.

hoped) tmiOIl.l.St oppoaition. be •• w..1cle4. Sut:h _chiller" M)ulcl be

attracti". to ~lb aa it. oOula M aol41 iG '\M Iep~lie •• DOt tml.ike

tbr "joUs-t alrtboriV- optlO1l cmsu.s...~ iD t.he report of the t.r.lMd


~ jou.t chine-17 M011l4\M .. clear 1Ilf'~Dt ot ~ritiah

sovereisnv oftr the hoviac:t. J\ le OM th:iA~ tor • QO\Intl7 to &h&CUU

ita pJ"'Ohle.s vitb UIOther and"n i& Jt:DUri.~ obleeUoaable ~ two •• ~tt~ 'Up p41l"8INleat "'~17 t.o keep \.he t\Il..l. apectrwa ot

.utUilll clifncult1e5 ~er revi .. -.n 1t i5 q\lit. tiNeJ"ellt for t.&e

Bri tiu Ob~~' to ~te 1bM~ lrela.nd 1)00. tM reat of t.he

Uuitfld ~ an4 DW u. W>l1e ot l"laDd. vhidl e~ t'- "mu., o f ~rUu:ru Irel..aDd in 1 't. 000" it \lito .. , • &.e.:I Oil mw ProYl.Jl.ce t. run ..

.oftrd.~t.T if Prclct Yezoe to ~ JrDte1l. & 'J'~t W _Ye . ..,. OD ..,..

that anmt,;r W&8 COftn1.M. ~ • CliOtlceeaioll lIIO.t.4 be aD le •• olJjectloa­

."~ ai~ ~II" • .u.oriij7 ill r.onwall we" to ... UD.i.oa V1~b l'JoQoe,

but it lfC>\&l4 ~ 'bitt.~,rq lIo' Brit.iQ J*)ple it it ....... cr-\6Cl la

race or 1enoTin Ir\rtrapa petpe'tnt.4 •• ~ndall eqdYal t or '\lle W.

... • . ... ...................... .. ................................ _ ... ................... .. ... ___ ••••• o. ..... _ ••• _ ........ _ ••••• _ •••• __ ........ ,_ lOa ............ _ ........................................... _ ••••• _ . ... ..... • ..





1t t. elttU' 'lha\ ~ t~-p '\ coaoeDaioll lO' the )riti~ Oovt~t .t

a JoiJlt lIIi.D1aterial co..1Uee tHaU,q Iorthern lrf;11lt4 .. kp&Tata &.Dd

d.ia,;..act f'ro. tbe .... t of t~e UrUt •• ")I!~. vould 'be "pN.e4 b.7 UQ.i0ll­

ieta UI be\~ 1~ "Ov.ld not 1.. ~ecpte4 6* fi.n&l IDT "fiJdt1 • lriQ

D&ti0DlLl1-t. ••

!'ba Irltah public'. . . eteJ"!er ~1C'l A.Na.1ra hu alre-.-d.J be. rMOrcled

U il\ that ~c:h .,. ~t would. ei.llplJ be 0 •• et., SA ~be

~ral d.1~ct1.01l of • llIlUed. 1~1aa4.. ftle Je-~lic:" eo"e.rl\MlIlt liu Ha\

at tQ :ru."~ it •• 1 c:\.ooz-ate that the objec1.i," of • llDU,e4 ll"f:lao4

ba.a !pt ~ea abandolle:4. OD the Ins" Dation.liet .. iAe. t C\llTtnt ,ot­

laU.olls are 4 acrib~ u part of .. pJ'Coe~. which -.t1oD&lirta vill us!ct

CIIOBt OOI)tin~ a.f'tu • flu} j nnu::k at tbe '98~ ~\e .... ti.onalt.\&

},eliew Uaat onoe tM priaclJlle ct the &~P~1.c·. int.U'Y'l!fltio~ u JIort}Jen

lrelm:u1 ha.s ~ OOJ)c:e4et1 ~ Brit&1ll, the taU: of" hi~ Jbrthel'11 lrel.&:a4

off ~ the rest of" the U.L. ~_a all u.e e.aaier. OD the ou.t:r buld.

~ It:r1t.1ab pclitic.i..aAa fail to )"e&.l15e that in ttlWl of tbe Da.t1onali&t

aapln.tio~ tOT. laite4 lrel&.rut ttm-e can 'be DO ~ thUlt; as .. peramaat

~ae poa.itio.a _.ben. of 1.\7-

1 ... .icli~ objecUoa w • jo1at JIi.au1ert.&l colAiUee anI! .. c.ret.u-iat-e

i. UM 8ClOpe tor aiechiet i~reat iD .uc.h .cb1nel)'e PDr ex..-pla. if

tM I .».J.. vere to ~teJ" CQ)trowreiu .~1t¥,. will tlae

lriQ ai4e of the jo1.Dt -.ch1De17 a.ccept the ~i U all ~,




1t t. elttU' 'lha\ ~ t~-p '\ coaoeDaioll lO' the )riti~ Oovt~t .t

a JoiJlt lIIi.D1aterial co..1Uee tHaU,q Iorthern lrf;11lt4 .. kp&Tata &.Dd

d.ia,;..act f'ro. tbe .... t of t~e UrUt •• ")I!~. vould 'be "pN.e4 b.7 UQ.i0ll­

ieta UI be\~ 1~ "Ov.ld not 1.. ~ecpte4 6* fi.n&l IDT "fiJdt1 • lriQ

D&ti0DlLl1-t. ••

!'ba Irltah public'. . . eteJ"!er ~1C'l A.Na.1ra hu alre-.-d.J be. rMOrcled

U il\ that ~c:h .,. ~t would. ei.llplJ be 0 •• et., SA ~be

~ral d.1~ct1.01l of • llIlUed. 1~1aa4.. ftle Je-~lic:" eo"e.rl\MlIlt liu Ha\

at tQ :ru."~ it •• 1 c:\.ooz-ate that the objec1.i," of • llDU,e4 ll"f:lao4

ba.a !pt ~ea abandolle:4. OD the Ins" Dation.liet .. iAe. t C\llTtnt ,ot­

laU.olls are 4 acrib~ u part of .. pJ'Coe~. which -.t1oD&lirta vill us!ct

CIIOBt OOI)tin~ a.f'tu • flu} j nnu::k at tbe '98~ ~\e .... ti.onalt.\&

},eliew Uaat onoe tM priaclJlle ct the &~P~1.c·. int.U'Y'l!fltio~ u JIort}Jen

lrelm:u1 ha.s ~ OOJ)c:e4et1 ~ Brit&1ll, the taU: of" hi~ Jbrthel'11 lrel.&:a4

off ~ the rest of" the U.L. ~_a all u.e e.aaier. OD the ou.t:r buld.

~ It:r1t.1ab pclitic.i..aAa fail to )"e&.l15e that in ttlWl of tbe Da.t1onali&t

aapln.tio~ tOT. laite4 lrel&.rut ttm-e can 'be DO ~ thUlt; as .. peramaat

~ae poa.itio.a _.ben. of 1.\7-

1 ... .icli~ objecUoa w • jo1at JIi.au1ert.&l colAiUee anI! .. c.ret.u-iat-e

i. UM 8ClOpe tor aiechiet i~reat iD .uc.h .cb1nel)'e PDr ex..-pla. if

tM I .».J.. vere to ~teJ" CQ)trowreiu .~1t¥,. will tlae

lriQ ai4e of the jo1.Dt -.ch1De17 a.ccept the ~i U all ~,

Or I will the llr1 ti.h aide 1»_ ~u ,.,... •• are \D J'U.Ct ill • pe.rii cul&r wq

to ~,e 1.M Ide)! .1~t .. lIdll tbo •• charced riUt the aPinietraUec

o f ~ l"lad oo;pe vi'tb 1.Jlati tlltioaaliabd iatl"\A8 iR h-oa peopl~

10- the pN-at Iri~ OoV'l:~1. 11 tb. t965 4\ea} doe. DOt aelwl.&

~. ill the JIortbe~ Irish JwUdaJ"1 ,,111 tM OoVf!1'1).Iae.Qt of the ~liC'

_t the f"Ouru!atiOh of their po~ hoD. la tbe Ua.:i t.~4 IinBdo .... (Seal. vi th tbe

hplablic would be of li "td ~~ to Jrita:ila •

• " e."" •••• _ ••••• a. a_a •• _._ ......... . ...... " ........ . " •••• _ ......... __ •• __ •••••••• _ ••• _ ••• _ .................. _ •• _ ....................... _ ................. " ................. " •••••••••••• _._ •••••• "


Or I will the llr1 ti.h aide 1»_ ~u ,.,... •• are \D J'U.Ct ill • pe.rii cul&r wq

to ~,e 1.M Ide)! .1~t .. lIdll tbo •• charced riUt the aPinietraUec

o f ~ l"lad oo;pe vi'tb 1.Jlati tlltioaaliabd iatl"\A8 iR h-oa peopl~

10- the pN-at Iri~ OoV'l:~1. 11 tb. t965 4\ea} doe. DOt aelwl.&

~. ill the JIortbe~ Irish JwUdaJ"1 ,,111 tM OoVf!1'1).Iae.Qt of the ~liC'

_t the f"Ouru!atiOh of their po~ hoD. la tbe Ua.:i t.~4 IinBdo .... (Seal. vi th tbe

hplablic would be of li "td ~~ to Jrita:ila •

• " e."" •••• _ ••••• a. a_a •• _._ ......... . ...... " ........ . " •••• _ ......... __ •• __ •••••••• _ ••• _ ••• _ .................. _ •• _ ....................... _ ................. " ................. " •••••••••••• _._ •••••• "



to ~venl - w1 tbout &1V qu14 J'") ,., ~ tbe tlDl te-4 ~.. ~ holel

back h aeeur1t,- co-<>pQ"*t1~ 1Jl Orftr \0 pl"t&1t\Iri1H: the ari UU Oc>""!'Q­

aat ilato (lOZU:)eaaiona on Iortbera Inhod 1. IJOthill« .rt of di.~f\&l.

Johll Bwae-. S.D..L.P. to p..rhC1p&te 11'1 u.e- .d.'n1 .. t.~h~n of JIor\~ I%'&-

1 4. ha p.a.Tt.y DOt 01ll.J DO~tiAae. \0 ))o,7oott \he lt1rt.bern 1~lu.4 .... "JIIibq

Ca« ~ qv the pNset J,r1.'hU ~ve~t), ).1. also nfuse5 to _opport t~

s~curit.., forQf:5 and tbe jlldirl&l ~5\e..

nw qln'etiotl has t.o "be po&~ ISO. - for it will ~eM.Unl.7 &.rue •. t.b.e

deal. 15 ~1.J'Ucl:: - In "tun tor ~ J;rttu. ())vrrn-ent ~Il« to .. ~­

eJll.n£ of )brihera lrelaiui' ]JO&l.boa v).UUI\ 'lh~ UnH.e4 ~f;dD •• vill the

00 vttn.-en t be ~rtairl \_ t. t ~ S. D.It.P. ., ill pdll.i cl..7 leDd it. 1lq>pC> rt 10

the Joyal UllOter Coft&ta'bw.&l)'. tbc BZ'1. u .. b A.rqr aDd the CIOQ.M. iD 6ealiza.«

vi t)a terrori .. T

of ~~m lrelu4 cl&i. u.. ri.Pt

of aeU' deteraina t1.o • lA..~. tAl a n r;bt i. nneeted. 1J1 'tM lIorthetll

I~aad OoDAtitUtiOIl kt 191~. Na J.t:'\ pw"1)OrU "to ~tM ~nt

1 nlllAd. • a p.l&ce vi ~hl.A ULe U.l.. and ~n'II1. t. ~ onq tri th the COI1*r.:at

of the people of I.....u...4 -tin« 1Ja .. poll. JII;we~J"t it 1. dea.rq

ill! i.r1 a right to "mill J*ri 01 tIN O..x ... that ~ 1- to M

enj0¥t4 0" a 'bUi 5 of eqv.ali \y Vi tk \be otMr 00\& t.ri.. -.le ill&" UJ) 'thlt .1011 •

....... oo ......... " •••• __ ...... _._ .............................................. _ ................ _ ••• _ ....... , ... _ .. _.oo .. . ... "OO .. ........ ..... _ ........ .-. __ ._ ...................... oo - •••••••••• ~ ............ ...... _



to ~venl - w1 tbout &1V qu14 J'") ,., ~ tbe tlDl te-4 ~.. ~ holel

back h aeeur1t,- co-<>pQ"*t1~ 1Jl Orftr \0 pl"t&1t\Iri1H: the ari UU Oc>""!'Q­

aat ilato (lOZU:)eaaiona on Iortbera Inhod 1. IJOthill« .rt of di.~f\&l.

Johll Bwae-. S.D..L.P. to p..rhC1p&te 11'1 u.e- .d.'n1 .. t.~h~n of JIor\~ I%'&-

1 4. ha p.a.Tt.y DOt 01ll.J DO~tiAae. \0 ))o,7oott \he lt1rt.bern 1~lu.4 .... "JIIibq

Ca« ~ qv the pNset J,r1.'hU ~ve~t), ).1. also nfuse5 to _opport t~

s~curit.., forQf:5 and tbe jlldirl&l ~5\e..

nw qln'etiotl has t.o "be po&~ ISO. - for it will ~eM.Unl.7 &.rue •. t.b.e

deal. 15 ~1.J'Ucl:: - In "tun tor ~ J;rttu. ())vrrn-ent ~Il« to .. ~­

eJll.n£ of )brihera lrelaiui' ]JO&l.boa v).UUI\ 'lh~ UnH.e4 ~f;dD •• vill the

00 vttn.-en t be ~rtairl \_ t. t ~ S. D.It.P. ., ill pdll.i cl..7 leDd it. 1lq>pC> rt 10

the Joyal UllOter Coft&ta'bw.&l)'. tbc BZ'1. u .. b A.rqr aDd the CIOQ.M. iD 6ealiza.«

vi t)a terrori .. T

of ~~m lrelu4 cl&i. u.. ri.Pt

of aeU' deteraina t1.o • lA..~. tAl a n r;bt i. nneeted. 1J1 'tM lIorthetll

I~aad OoDAtitUtiOIl kt 191~. Na J.t:'\ pw"1)OrU "to ~tM ~nt

1 nlllAd. • a p.l&ce vi ~hl.A ULe U.l.. and ~n'II1. t. ~ onq tri th the COI1*r.:at

of the people of I.....u...4 -tin« 1Ja .. poll. JII;we~J"t it 1. dea.rq

ill! i.r1 a right to "mill J*ri 01 tIN O..x ... that ~ 1- to M

enj0¥t4 0" a 'bUi 5 of eqv.ali \y Vi tk \be otMr 00\& t.ri.. -.le ill&" UJ) 'thlt .1011 •

....... oo ......... " •••• __ ...... _._ .............................................. _ ................ _ ••• _ ....... , ... _ .. _.oo .. . ... "OO .. ........ ..... _ ........ .-. __ ._ ...................... oo - •••••••••• ~ ............ ...... _



Oa1orda1a co- t-.4. that it Jlt,rtlsen INlaa4 ia aep&ratetl r~. Ul. relit or

b a ri~ to ~ve - 07" \lithbo14 - O:Ul.Deat ia all the .:>re Vital. wbe,n

,;ut.i~ CM Uw people o~ lIol"tllen lrelancl .,. claaed the rifl:l1t. to ve

i:heir aq- o. tlle acoep\a ilit7 of ... ch .. deal?

Oo~t. !tae BritiD ~ h.IV 15 al." .. OD ~r4 .. aupport1Ac

uq 4cal. 'that aui ta .~ Irislt' - vi \lIou' ~ vlat ia ill u.e Ual aa4

.~tl~ lmocm&cio_ of tbe ~ ~, 1\. 0. 4et1Jdttoa .,. -u.e Irisb-

1Delllllha UDiooieta vboa \be 4M1 ~ .t"1».1.~ will _t aal." •

•• _ ................... _ ....... _ ••• _._ •••• __ ••• _ •• ,._ ••• , ••• __ .. .... t . .. ...... .. .... . .,. ............... ..-... ......................... _ ........ _ ••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••• _ ....... ..



Oa1orda1a co- t-.4. that it Jlt,rtlsen INlaa4 ia aep&ratetl r~. Ul. relit or

b a ri~ to ~ve - 07" \lithbo14 - O:Ul.Deat ia all the .:>re Vital. wbe,n

,;ut.i~ CM Uw people o~ lIol"tllen lrelancl .,. claaed the rifl:l1t. to ve

i:heir aq- o. tlle acoep\a ilit7 of ... ch .. deal?

Oo~t. !tae BritiD ~ h.IV 15 al." .. OD ~r4 .. aupport1Ac

uq 4cal. 'that aui ta .~ Irislt' - vi \lIou' ~ vlat ia ill u.e Ual aa4

.~tl~ lmocm&cio_ of tbe ~ ~, 1\. 0. 4et1Jdttoa .,. -u.e Irisb-

1Delllllha UDiooieta vboa \be 4M1 ~ .t"1».1.~ will _t aal." •

•• _ ................... _ ....... _ ••• _._ •••• __ ••• _ •• ,._ ••• , ••• __ .. .... t . .. ...... .. .... . .,. ............... ..-... ......................... _ ........ _ ••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••• _ ....... ..




'!Cl tlrloai.t. Ut & parlill.-:llt or


&o,u:awt:Gt tor JIor1.hena 1rel.mu1. !hia, ~ Prie.e JhD:ister Ma kit, (:aD

0Dl.7 k ... torK ·0 •• 'baaia t t i- ~p~le 1;0 boUt a1~ 01 u.e

t. RI- Jo




'!Cl tlrloai.t. Ut & parlill.-:llt or


&o,u:awt:Gt tor JIor1.hena 1rel.mu1. !hia, ~ Prie.e JhD:ister Ma kit, (:aD

0Dl.7 k ... torK ·0 •• 'baaia t t i- ~p~le 1;0 boUt a1~ 01 u.e

t. RI- Jo
