AIESEC Australia FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions AIESEC Australia I am an AIESECer



Transcript of AIESEC Australia FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

AIESEC Australia

I am an AIESECer

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How much does it cost to Go Global?

Currently, it costs $600 to participate in our Go Volunteer program. You pay this online once your Local Committee has approved you. We will support you to find your internship and for obtaining your own visas and flights. Remember that we will only accept you onto the programme if we are confident that you will find a suitable internship on our database based on your skills as well as preferences. AIESEC is a charity – non-for profit; we are not a profit seeking enterprise. This is how we make it so cost effective.

What is included in the Go Global price?

Before you go on Exchange: Training on how to search for your perfect internship using our global database. Support and guidance in finding your ideal opportunity. Opportunity to attend outgoing preparation conference before your departure. Discount opportunities with STA Travel On your Exchange: Airport Pick-up. Support integrating into a new culture from your hosting country. Support from the AIESEC Australia network of volunteers. A life changing international experience (at least that is what many of our members have said!) Upon Return • A one-day integration seminar. • Membership to the world's largest student organisation.

Are there any requirements?

The only requirement is that you are a student at an Australian University or a recent graduate from an Australian university up to 2 years. And under 30 years old. Apart from that we welcome all people from all backgrounds and nationalities.

How long are the work abroad placements?

Our Go Global programme range from 6 weeks for volunteer opportunities, to 18 months for our longer (Go Teach Programme), more professional internships, suited for recent graduates.

What support can you expect from AIESEC when you go on your internship?

One of the main benefits of going on an internship through AIESEC is the support network that you will have, even in a foreign country. AIESEC members will pick you up from the airport where possible, and given sufficient planning in advance via email, make some preliminary arrangements for accommodation and all reception details. How AIESEC ensure quality on the experiences?

AIESEC want to become a Customer Centric Organisation. For that we have implemented a new system called Net Promoter Score. Through that system we constantly send surveys to our customers at every stage of their experience so we can receive their feedback and improve the processes and the experiences we provide based on the customer feedback. We have presence on more than 120 territories however from Australia we are promoting only the projects with high quality standards. At the same time there are international exchange policies that will tell your responsibilities as exchange participant and your rights.

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Why does AIESEC require an assessment center?

To ensure that AIESEC can continue to operate we need to ensure one thing and that is that we meet the expectations of our stakeholders. Not only do we have to make sure that the organisations that we work with get the best possible people, we also need to ensure that we meet your expectations and can deliver to you what you want. Our assessment centres are not scary meetings where we interrogate you about your skills. They are about us getting to know you and what you want to do and explaining to you whether AIESEC can provide that for you. Since you need to pay before you get access to the system we want to make absolutely sure that AIESEC is right for you so that we are sure we can meet your expectations. What happens if I don’t find an internship?

Our Local Committee will do its best to help you find a suitable internship; we have an entire team dedicated to do this! And also you will have 6 months contract to find the best opportunity for you. Over the last 5 years AIESEC Australia has sent more than 1000 students overseas. And globally more than 23.000 experiences every year. Our internal database also have an internship application counter, with that we can prove that if you commit a few hours a week to search, apply and run the interviews, within a few weeks you will be living the best experience of your life. However, in the event you do not find one, the refund criteria are outlined below (this will be in the online contract as well). The decision for a refund ultimately lies with the AIESEC National Office in Sydney, and not the Local Committee

How can AIESEC support me?

AIESEC in your country is responsible for: Providing you all needed trainings and sessions (AIESEC Induction, Exchange Preparation Seminar, database usage, quality policies and standards) Supporting you in searching for the internship AIESEC office in the country you’re going to is responsible for: Helping you with visa and work permit procedures Finding you an accommodation The introduction to the company when starting internship

Do I need to be active in AIESEC to go for internship?

There’s no obligation, nevertheless we highly recommend you to be involved, as this gives you much better understanding of the organization, including database trends, internal procedures, etc. It usually also makes it easier for you to get an internship.

Can I see the database of opportunities before applying?

Yes, for that you can visit: to browse and apply for volunteer

opportunities abroad. Something really important to clarify is that the fact that you apply for the

internship through the opportunity portal doesn´t not necessarily mean that you have been approved to

the program. Then you need to attend to information session where we can answer your specific questions

and then sit a short interview to check that we can offer you what you are looking for.

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What else can I do in AIESEC?

AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment. So after your exchange experience you can join to the local office in your University and live an integrated development experience. You can find more information about our membership programme here:

Can I go to more than 1 country?

Yes, but the minimum duration of every internship is 6 weeks. So you can spend 6 weeks in one country

and then before leaving start searching your next destination. This opportunity has a special discount.

Now we invite you to have a look to the experiences that YOU can LIVE…

“Regardless of where you are in the world, you will face

challenges that can change you as a person so completely, that you will never be able to see things as you once did. I thought of myself as being independent before I came to Indonesia, and regarded independence as a luxury that

comes with age.

However, looking at the students of Padang University, independence is something they fight for every day of

their lives. I can guarantee my time in Padang, Indonesia, will be looked upon as an unforgettable experience, and I have met people that will remain in my life forever. I can honestly say that if every individual in the world was able to undertake a similar experience, the worldwide impact

would be immense. AIESEC can make this dream a reality”

Prue Padang, Indonesia

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“I went on exchange to Warsaw, Poland in January. I took part in the

Enter Your Future Programme, where 9 other interns from Brazil,

Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Egypt, Slovakia, Kenya and I were sent

off to different high schools each week where we organised and ran

classes on our culture, as well as workshops on creativity and

presentation skills.

The great thing about exchange is that it offers the opportunity for

everyone to experience something truly special, to make your

ordinary life extraordinary, not only for the 6 weeks that you are

there, but for so long as your impact on the people you

met resonates. And this is what has kept me in AIESEC.”

Ching Yee

Warsaw, Poland

“I gained perspective. Children living for themselves, creating their own

future,that's what changed me. I felt selfish for the things you take for

granted. Laughing, dancing, playing games. Then the funny moments,

putting up Christmas decorations, no running water, crazy dancing, jumping

off a waterfall, petting a white lion, scuba diving, spending a day on a

catamaran, languages, moments. The ripple effect. Impact others so they

can do the same.”



“Leaving behind the familiar comforts of home to a faraway

land where no one speaks your language can be a daunting

experience. But throwing myself into the deep-end was the

greatest decision I have ever made. The lessons I learnt

about myself and the lifelong connections I made were truly

life-changing. Life beings outside of your comfort zone.”



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“I can now count to 10 in about 11 different languages. In Russian, I can

count to 40. I can say "How are you?", and reply, in about 14 different


And I have my EP family, from America, Egypt, Russia, and India. My

favourite AIESEC moment, was when my EP family organised a surprise

for my birthday - brought a cake to my room, and I ate a cake for the first

time without any forks, napkins, or plates. They then surprised me with

organising as many of our international friends that we had met, to

celebrate my birthday. That night, I had "Happy Birthday" sang to me in

11 different languages. Nothing, can buy that experience. Nothing will

ever replace that experience. I left for Europe alone, and I returned with

a family and friends and languages and stories from all over the world.

And it was all thanks to AIESEC.”


Bari, Italy

But you can also experience two countries over the summer …Double the experience!

Exchange Participant: Swapnil Mindhe

First Exchange: Explore China, Mainland of China Second Exchange: Make it Possible, Bulgaria

What did you do in your program in China?

I worked in Arts Education in the Education department of

Himalaya Museum. This involved organising and participating in

workshops with children between ages 9-12. The workshops were

focused on educating and promoting potential young artists. I

also worked in the design, planning and promotion for future

exhibitions the museum will hold.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

I enjoyed the friends I made the most. They really defined every moment for me and cheered me up

despite the strenuous conditions of my work.

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Why did you decide to go on a second AIESEC exchange?

"I was motivated to go on a second exchange because I saw

an AIESEC exchange as the ideal vehicle to connect with locals

in a given destination in a meaningful manner. In my personal

context my first exchange was in Shanghai, China where I

gained knowledge of the practical realities of everyday

Chinese life (in Shanghai). Though this knowledge wasn’t

comprehensive by any means it was an enlightening and

invigorating process and I sought it again on my second

exchange in Bulgaria. "

What was you experience on your second exchange?

My exchange to Bulgaria was quite the experience. It was an

adventure into a totally different environment where things I

took to be the norm were subverted or altered in some

fashion. My program involved teaching school children from

high school years about the Millennium Development Goals.

It was a flexible opportunity so I and the team of interns

could develop presentations according to our own style of delivery. The presentation themselves

were a challenge as I had to communicate complex issues such as global inequality and gender

discrimination whilst still engaging my students. It was a rewarding experience as I saw students

develop a sense of empathy towards those less fortunate then themselves.

As a country Bulgaria was beautiful and I was afforded the

opportunity to travel for a week during the school holidays

of the students. The local AIESEC community provided

extensive help in terms of language & cultural barriers.

Thanks to their help I managed to navigate myself through

the cultural shock and thoroughly enjoyed the newness of

my surroundings.

Find out more testimonials here:

Make your summer count APPLY NOW: