A.I. Alexandrov, N.R. Cozzarelli, V.F. Holmes, A.B. Khodursky, B.J. Peter, L. Postow, V. Rybenkov...

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  • 8/3/2019 A.I. Alexandrov, N.R. Cozzarelli, V.F. Holmes, A.B. Khodursky, B.J. Peter, L. Postow, V. Rybenkov and A.V. Vologods



    Chapter 14

    Mechanisms of separation of the complementarystrands of DNA during replication

    A.I. ALEXANDROV, N.R. Cozzarelli, V.F. Holmes, A.B. Khodursky*, B.J.

    Peter, L. Postow, V. Rybenkov, and A.V. VologodskiiDepartment of Molecular and Cell Biology, 401 Barker Hall, University of California, Berkeley

    CA 94720; *Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford CA 94305; Department of

    Chemistry, New York University, New York NY 10003

    In this article, we will consider the separation of the complementary

    strands of DNA during DNA replication. We present a perspective on the

    field rather than an exhaustive review. Separation of the complementary

    strands of DNA, designated W and C, during replication is accomplished

    principally by the combined action of two types of enzymes - DNA helicases

    and DNA topoisomerases. The helicases are molecular motors that transduce

    the energy from the binding and hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates into

    breaking the H-bonds and stacking forces that hold the DNA duplex together

    [1]. The helicases are aided in this process by the helix destabilizing proteins

    which bind preferentially to single stranded DNA [2]. The topological

    constraint on all closed circular DNA and all linear DNA beyond a minimal

    size [3] requires that the complementary strands also be passed through eachother during replication. This remarkable activity is the hallmark of the

    topoisomerases [4].

    As we have discussed elsewhere, the concept of linking number (Lk) can

    be used to describe the process of DNA strand separation in any closed

    topological domain [5]. The Lk of DNA is one-half the number of crossings

    in plane projection of the W and C strands. A sign convention has been

    chosen so that the crossings of the W and C strands in ordinary B-DNA are

    positive. Lk is the sum of two terms: twist (Tw), or the local winding of the

    W and C strands around each other, and writhe (Wr), a measure of DNA

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    supercoiling [6]. The important consequence of topological constraint is that

    Lk remains unchanged by any deformation of the DNA backbone short of

    breakage and reunion. Thus, by unwinding DNA, helicases reduce Tw and

    thereby equivalently increase Wr. The reduction in Tw is stabilized by the

    binding of helix destabilizing proteins and ultimately DNA synthesis itself.

    The increase in Wr, however, is highly energetically unfavorable and cannot

    be readily stabilized. If not addressed, it would arrest replication fork

    movement. Topoisomerases come to the rescue and remove the excess Wrby reducing Lk. Thus helicases and topoisomerases work together in

    reducing Tw and Wr during replication.

    It is useful to consider not only the absolute value of Lk of a DNA but

    also the difference from the Lk of a relaxed DNA, Lk0. This difference is

    designated Lk (Lk - Lk0). Supercoiling density (), Lk divided by Lk

    0, is

    a length independent measure of the topological deviation of a DNA from

    the lowest energy state. Lk is a topological invariant but Lk0

    is not as its

    value depends on ambient conditions. When the helicases unwind DNA they

    reduce Lk0

    but cannot change Lk. Therefore, helicases generate a (+) Lk

    which is removed by the reduction in Lk by topoisomerases.

    Strand separation can be said to be complete only when the daughter

    duplexes are safely in daughter cells. Before then, the daughter DNAs could

    catenate and thereby reestablish an Lk between the W and C parental

    strands. Thus, chromosomal segregation and partitioning complete strand

    separation. We are concerned only with the Lk between the parental W and

    C strands as opposed to the Lk between the parental and daughter strands

    after semiconservative DNA synthesis. Until replication of a domain is

    complete and domain barriers are established, the daughter strands are

    interrupted and are therefore topologically irrelevant.

    DNA strand separation is a daunting task for the cell for a number of

    reasons. First, unlinking must be very fast, about 102


    -1in bacteria.

    But topoisomerases are slow. The turnover number of the relevant

    topoisomerases is on the order of only sec-1

    [5, 7]. Therefore, a large number

    of topoisomerases are needed per fork. Instead of a sleek replication machine

    in which topoisomerases are in stoichiometric amounts with other replicationproteins, we imagine a gaggle of topoisomerases breathlessly passing DNA

    through themselves as fast as they can. This requires not a little space along

    the DNA. The mechanical stress imposed by the (+) Lk generated by

    replication increases greatly as the length of available DNA diminishes

    below a minimal value [8], and the topoisomerases themselves require a long

    stretch of DNA [4] to reduce Lk. Thus, the corps of topoisomerases must act

    quickly and need a working space on the order of tens of kilobases per fork.

    Second, Lk must be reduced to exactly zero from a value of tens of

    millions for large eukaryotic chromosomes. What surveillance mechanisms

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    insure that all the local fluctuations in Lk exactly cancel? Even if

    topoisomerases somehow were able to reduce Lk to zero on average, strand

    separation would still not follow. This is because the product of DNA

    relaxation is a Gaussian distribution of topoisomers whose variance

    increases with DNA length [8]. Even for moderate-sized plasmids, let alone

    grand chromosomes, the great majority of molecules in a relaxed population

    have a non-zero Lk. A further complication is that strand separation requires

    the removal of all topological properties. Not only must Lk be zero, but allknots and catenanes must be absent as these too prevent separation of the

    DNA strands. Because of the difficulty in imagining how a global property

    like Lk could be nulled by locally acting enzymes, a topologist named

    William Pohl concluded that the strands of DNA could not be interwound as

    in the Watson and Crick model, but must instead be side-by-side [9]. Of

    course, Pohl was wrong, but his challenge to find the right explanation is


    Third, Lk reduction must be coordinated with replication fork movement.

    IfLk gets too large, replication will stall. The cell cannot in advance build

    up substantial negative supercoiling as a prepayment on unlinking.

    Decreasing even modestly beyond the physiological value of -0.06 causes

    DNA to denature and promotes alternative secondary structures and RNA

    loops [8, 10], all with untoward effects. In the other direction, even a small

    increase in can turn off transcription or enzyme action in bacteria [11]. As

    a result, the value in bacteria is kept within narrow limits. Mutations in

    topoisomerases which upset that balance are lethal [12].

    Fourth, many factors oppose unlinking. These include proteins which

    bind preferentially to duplex DNA over single stranded DNA. The very

    crowded confines of the cell augmented by the abundance of crowding

    agents also opposes unlinking on a mass action basis [13, 14]. A crude

    calculation suggests that the daughter bacterial chromosomes within a cell

    would be catenated to each other perhaps 104

    times at equilibrium.

    Moreover, each chromosome at equilibrium would be in the form of a

    fantastically complex knot with a similar number of crossings. Instead, the

    frequency of chromosome missegregation is only on the order of 10-5

    [15].Thus, the number of links between bacterial chromosomes may be a billion

    times less than at equilibrium.

    The different topoisomerases in cells play complementary roles in

    unlinking DNA during replication. Type-1 topoisomerases break one strand

    of the DNA duplex and pass another segment of DNA through it, whereas

    type-2 enzymes break both strands of DNA and pass another segment of

    DNA through the transient double-stranded break [16]. The type-1 enzymes

    are divided into two classes. Type-1A enzymes bind single stranded regions

    or gaps preferentially, and can relax () supercoils but not (+) supercoils [4].

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    Therefore type-1A enzymes such as topo I and topo III in eubacteria and

    topo III in eukaryotes increase Lk and oppose unlinking. Although topo III

    can decatenate interrupted DNA [17] (and perhaps intact DNA in the

    presence of a helicase), genetic data prove that type-1A enzymes are not

    essential for replication [18]. On the other hand, type-1B enzymes, such as

    eukaryotic topo I, bind double-stranded DNA well and can relax either (+) or

    () supercoiled DNA [19]. Eukaryotic topo I can support replication

    elongation by itself [20]. The type-2 topoisomerases, DNA gyrase and topoIV in eubacteria, and topo II in eukaryotes, are essential for complete

    replication and segregation [21].

    Given the challenges of DNA strand separation and its vital importance,

    it is not surprising that cells have developed many strategies for promoting

    unlinking. Some of these functions overlap so that their removal by

    mutations or drug treatment may not be lethal or, indeed, may only be

    apparent when parallel paths are removed. We will summarize seven

    different factors that contribute to strand separation. While additional

    features surely remain to be discovered, enough is known to define many of

    the critical issues.

    1. Supercoiling promotes unlinking.

    Negative supercoiling, by reducing Lk, puts a small down payment on

    strand separation. The major benefits, though, of negative supercoiling for

    strand segregation are conformational, not topological. By winding

    neighboring DNA segments around each other, supercoiling promotes a

    specific condensation of daughter DNAs upon themselves rather than a

    condensation of daughter DNAs with each other or with parental DNA.

    Computer simulations show that supercoiling increases the local

    concentration of DNA segments in the same molecule by more than two

    orders of magnitude [8].

    Supercoiling greatly reduces the internal volume available for linking of

    plasmids or of domains in linear DNA. The equilibrium constant forcatenation decreases about exponentially with supercoiling [22]. For a 7-kb

    plasmid, a of -0.06 reduced catenation by 400-fold. The magnitude of the

    enhancement of decatenation will increase with DNA length because the

    volume of supercoiled DNA grows linearly with length, whereas that of a

    coil increases as a power of length. Thus, we estimate that supercoiling of

    theE. coli chromosome will decrease the probability of catenation for each

    50-kb domain by about 2,000 fold. Supercoiling also increases the rate of

    decatenation. Supercoiled catenanes comprised of 3.5 kb DNA circles were

    unlinked about 4-fold faster than relaxed catenanes [23].

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    These in vitro data are complemented well by the physiological results in

    vivo. In the absence of a functional DNA gyrase, dumb-bell shaped

    nucleoids interpreted to be catenated chromosomes accumulate inside theE.

    coli cell [24, 25]. Similarly, partitioning of plasmid DNA was dramatically

    affected in gyrase mutants [26, 27, 28]. Bacterial mutants in which

    chromosome partitioning is blocked are called parmutants [29]. Two early

    par isolates, parA and parD, encode the two subunits of DNA gyrase [30,

    31]. These results were originally misinterpreted to mean that gyrase was themajor decatenating enzyme in bacteria. After the discovery of topo IV [32,

    33] and its function [34], catalysis of decatenation was reassigned to topo

    IV, but this unwittingly obscured the important role of DNA gyrase in

    chromosome segregation. This role has recently been established. Catenated

    plasmids were generated by recombination in cells in which was varied by

    mutations in gyrase and other topoisomerases. Decatenation was extremely

    efficient at normal values but a drop in supercoiling to a of -0.03

    reduced decatenation to near background levels [11].

    2. Unlinking takes place throughout a replicating domain by thecomplementary action of topoisomerases

    Our view of the conformations of replication intermediates in bacteria

    and the roles of topoisomerases is diagrammed in Fig. 1. The (+) Lk

    generated early in replication causes (+) supercoils to be formed ahead of the

    replication fork. These are converted to () supercoils by DNA gyrase, and

    replication proceeds [35]. This scenario, however, cannot explain unlinking

    late in replication where only a short stretch of DNA is left ahead of the fork.

    This region is too small for many plectonemic (+) supercoils to accumulate

    and also too small to compete with the replicated DNA for gyrase binding.

    Champoux and Been [36] suggested that a rotation of the replication fork

    would allow the mechanical stress to be distributed into the replicated DNA,

    forming DNA crossovers called precatenanes [5]. Precatenanes are so named

    because they have an analogous structure to catenanes and are converted tocatenane interlinks if not removed before the completion of replication.

    Precatenanes should be efficiently relaxed by topo IV, and thus topo IV

    would support replication elongation by removing links behind the

    replication fork. To summarize, very early in replication unlinking would be

    predominantly by gyrase ahead of the fork. Late in replication it would be

    carried out by topo IV behind the fork. At other times, the enzymes would

    cooperate to remove the (+) Lk distributed in precatenanes and supercoils.

    We have recently confirmed the Champoux and Been proposal. We

    found that superhelical stress is indeed distributed throughout the purified

    replication intermediates [37]. Data from both gel electrophoresis and

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    electron microscopy showed that partially replicated plasmids contain both

    precatenanes in the replicated region and supercoils in the unreplicated

    region. As the replicated region becomes larger, progressively more of the

    Lk is expressed as precatenanes. A complementary experiment also

    indicated that precatenanes are active substrates for unlinking. E. coli

    topoisomerase III supports elongation and complete decatenation of plasmid

    DNA in vitro [38]. Because topo III is a type-1A enzyme, it cannot remove

    (+) supercoils in front of the replication fork. The conclusion is that itremoves (+) precatenanes behind the fork.

    Figure 1. Scheme for unlinking DNA during bacterial DNA replication. The parallel lines

    represent the DNA double helix and the shaded rectangles are domain barriers. Replication is

    from left to right; () parental strands, (---) daughter strands. DNA replication generates (+)

    Lk. Early in replication most of the DNA within a domain is unreplicated and the (+) Lk is

    expressed as (+) supercoils ahead of the fork. By converting these (+) supercoils to ()

    supercoils, gyrase reduces Lk. Late in replication, there is little unreplicated DNA and the (+)

    Lk from replication is expressed mostly as (+) precatenanes, which can be effectively

    removed by topo IV.

    The two distinct bacterial type-2 topoisomerases are well adapted to their

    different roles in unlinking during replication. Gyrase efficiently converts

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    (+) supercoils to () supercoils, and thus is ideally suited to act in front of the

    replication fork. As a result, inhibition of gyrase with quinolones causes a

    relatively fast stop in replication [39]. On the other hand, topo IV is a potent

    decatenase which can efficiently remove precatenanes behind the replication

    fork. Drug inhibition of topo IV causes a slow stop in replication [40],

    consistent with its role behind the replication fork. When both enzymes are

    inhibited, replication is stopped faster than when either one is blocked [40].

    This complementarity of gyrase and topo IV in replication elongation isanalogous to their roles in the final decatenation and segregation of the

    replicated daughter chromosomes, where decatenation by topo IV is

    powerfully stimulated by the supercoiling of the DNA by gyrase.

    A similar cooperation between topoisomerases is present in eukaryotic

    cells. Topo I may operate predominantly ahead of the fork in place of DNA

    gyrase. DNA gyrase can barely knot or catenate duplex DNA and eukaryotic

    topo I, as a type-1 enzyme, cannot at all [42]. Thus, it may be that these

    enzymes are safer alternatives for unlinking during replication: even at the

    high concentrations required to support rapid elongation, they will not knot

    and catenate the daughter DNAs. Eukaryotic topo II should have the same

    role as topo IV in removing (+) precatenanes behind the fork. These

    powerful enzymes can knot and catenate DNA, but two factors limit the

    approach to topological equilibrium. First, type-2 topoisomerases actively

    remove links past the equilibrium position (see Section 4). Second, the type-

    2 enzymes seem to be compartmentalized in cells [41] and can thus only act

    in the domain in which they reside.

    What happens very late in replication after DNA synthesis is complete

    provides an answer to Pohls challenge. Pohl is correct: organisms do not

    succeed in reducing Lk to 0 during the elongation phase of replication. As a

    result, their daughter chromosomes are wound around each other. These

    links are removed with high efficiency by the same type-2 topoisomerases

    that remove precatenanes, and unlinking is complete. This staged unlinking

    was first demonstrated with eukaryotic circular viral DNA by the finding

    that inhibition of topo II resulted in catenated products [43]. In eubacteria,

    inhibition of topo IV resulted in catenated plasmids [34]. Chromosomessuffer the same fate. Mutations in either of the two subunits of topo IV are

    par mutants [32, 33], and in topo II mutants of both S. cerevisiae and S.

    pombe, chromosome segregation was blocked [20, 44, 45].

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    3. Topological domains

    The size and complexity of chromosomes demands organization, and the

    topological domain is a key unit of chromosomal organization. The ends of a

    domain are constrained so that they cannot rotate in relation to each other.

    The breaking up of huge chromosomes into 50-100 kb domains allows them

    to replicate essentially like a series of plasmids with manageable size and

    topology.The evidence for domains in E. coli chromosomes is indirect but,

    nonetheless, persuasive. Isolated nucleoids from E. coli are supercoiled and

    multiple nicks by DNase are required to relax the chromosome [46]. The

    topological domains are interpreted to be the feature of the chromosome that

    prevents a single nick from relaxing the whole chromosome. Treatment of

    nucleoids with protease or RNase caused the domains to disappear,

    suggesting that both proteins and RNA are necessary to maintain the domain

    boundaries. There is also physiological evidence for topological domains.

    Trimethylpsoralen binding to chromosomal DNA in vivo is enhanced by ()

    supercoiling. Gamma ray nicking relaxes DNA and therefore reduces

    trimethylpsoralen binding. However, about 100 nicks were required per

    chromosome [47]. Finally, a domain structure of chromosomes has been

    suggested visually. E. coli nucleoids appear in electron microscopy as a

    rosette of about 100 supercoiled loops [48]. Each loop is a separate domain

    because occasional loops are relaxed but the adjacent ones are still

    supercoiled. Because the number of supercoiled loops is approximately

    equal to the number of nicks required to relax theE. coli chromosome, it has

    been suggested that the structural loops seen by microscopy and the

    topological domains are the same [49].

    The organization of chromosomes into separate topological domains

    would have several important consequences for unlinking DNA during

    replication. First, if chromosomes were just a single huge domain, the

    difference in energy between a small Lk and one of zero would be

    negligible. Yet a non-zero Lk blocks partitioning. The problem is greatly

    ameliorated by the existence of domains. At any one time, perhaps only 50-100 kb of DNA needs to be surveyed by topoisomerases, not hundreds of

    megabases. This simplification provides a partial solution to Pohls

    challenge but raises a new question: what mechanism ensures that domains

    once replicated are, and remain, link-free? A spatial separation of the

    domains after their replication is complete could accomplish this.

    Second, in the absence of domains, any interruption of DNA would

    destroy the supercoiling of the whole chromosome. The act of replication

    itself interrupts DNA as the growing points must be free (Fig 1). But as we

    discussed in Section 1, supercoiling is vital to chromosome segregation in

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    bacteria. Domains would seal off the interrupted section of DNA and prevent

    it from affecting the topology of the rest of the chromosome.

    Third, the domain barriers surrounding a replication fork prevent ()

    supercoils in neighboring DNA from moving into the replicating domain to

    become () precatenane links (Fig 2). The removal of () precatenanes

    would increase Lk and thereby impede replication. Conversely, the

    precatenanes in the replicating domain are prevented by domain barriers

    from winding the daughter DNAs around each other and thereby impedingpartitioning (Fig 2).

    Figure 2. Domain barriers and replication in bacteria. The symbols are as in Fig 1. The typical

    replicating domain will have (+) supercoils ahead of the fork and (+) precatenanes behind it.

    Outside of this domain, both the replicated and prereplicated DNA will be () supercoiled due

    to the action of DNA gyrase. The domain barriers allow () supercoiling by sealing off

    interruptions from a neighboring domain. They also localize the topological structures

    involved in unlinking to the replicating domain and thereby prevent Lk from diffusing into

    the replicated DNA as precatenanes.

    4. Active unlinking of DNA

    We argued in Section 2 that complete unlinking is achieved in two steps.

    The links remaining in the first step, in which synthesis is completed, are

    removed in the second. But what insures the absolute efficiency of thesecond step? Crude estimates, based on extrapolating the data obtained in

    studies of equilibrium catenation in plasmids [22], predict that each

    supercoiled domain in the E. coli chromosome would have a probability of

    about 0.1 to be catenated. Although this number does not seem exceptionally

    high, it means that only one in about 104

    (one in 0.990

    ) cells would have

    completely untangled chromosomes.

    An important factor is that type-2 topoisomerases that operate in the

    second step of unlinking are like Maxwellian demons that are not satisfied

    with bringing the number of links down to the equilibrium value but actively

    unlink DNA [49]. No thermodynamic law is violated in this reaction because

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    these topoisomerases unlink DNA at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. All

    forms of DNA topology supercoils, knots, and catenanes are actively

    removed by type-2 topoisomerases. However, consistent with their function

    to support chromosome replication and segregation, the enzymes work most

    efficiently in decatenation and unknotting [51]. Bacterial topoisomerase IV

    was found to reduce the equilibrium fraction of catenanes in a mixture of

    relaxed 10-kb plasmids by more than an order of magnitude [50]. It is not

    clear a priori how large the effect would be for longer and supercoiledmolecules, which mimic the topological state of the chromosome.

    5. Effective DNA concentration is less than global DNAconcentration

    The DNA inside of cells is at a very high concentration, up to 100 mg/ml

    [52]. The effect of this high concentration is exacerbated by the condensing

    and macromolecular crowding agents [13]. We have measured an effective

    concentration of DNA, a term similar to activity in chemistry. We define

    the effective concentration operationally as that concentration in vitro which

    gives the same amount as an intermolecular reaction in vivo. In E. coli we

    used the site-specific recombination mediated fusion of circular plasmids as

    the reporter intermolecular reaction and found that the effective

    concentration was about one-tenth of the global or chemical concentration


    The probability of catenation depends on DNA concentration [22]. We

    examined as a second measure of effective concentration in E. coli, the in

    vivo steady-state catenation across a wide range of plasmid DNA copy

    numbers. We obtained a semilogarithmic dependence of the steady-state

    plasmid catenation on the chemical plasmid DNA concentration [40]. We

    found that the activity of DNA, especially at higher concentrations, is more

    than 10 times lower than its chemical concentration.

    6. Mechanical forces in unlinking: chromosome segregation

    The last step in unlinking is chromosome segregation. Without

    separation, the chromosomes never become entirely unlinked, and cell

    division would result in cleavage or nondisjunction. Two major forces are

    responsible for separating chromosomes so that topoisomerases are able to

    complete their job of unlinking: the forces that actually pull chromosomes

    apart and those that condense chromosomes upon themselves.

    The spindles are the chief mitotic and meiotic forces that pull

    chromosomes apart in eukaryotic cells. As long as the rate of pulling by the

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    spindle fibers is slower than disentanglement by topoisomerases, separation

    of strands can be completed in anaphase. This separation will be irreversible.

    The critical question is one of timing. Are the links between the W and C

    strands removed during or before anaphase? The answer is that the vast

    majority are removed before, but a small but critical number are removed

    during anaphase (reviewed in [45]).

    Prokaryotes do not have an organized spindle, but recent data indicate a

    movement of daughter origins away from each other. In Bacillus subtilis,this is dependent on the SpoOJ-Soj system. SpoOJ binds to sites near the

    origin of replication, where it helps in establishing the proper orientation of

    the origin with respect to the cell poles [54]. InE. coli, Niki and Hiraga used

    in situ hybridization to follow the movements of the oriCand terregions of

    the chromosome during the cell division cycle [55]. They found that the

    origin is localized to the cell pole, and that one copy of the origin migrates to

    the opposite cell pole after duplication. The terminus migrates to the mid-

    cell region where it duplicates shortly before cell division.

    These movements may be achieved by the action of the MukB protein.

    Hiraga proposed that MukB is a novel bacterial motor that binds to the

    chromosome and pulls apart the decatenated sister chromatids from their

    midcell position to the poles of the late predivisional cell [15]. mukB mutants

    ofE. coli are defective in the correct partitioning of replicated chromosomes,

    which results in the appearance of anucleate cells during cell proliferation.

    However, the partitioning defects of mukB mutants can be partially

    suppressed by a mutation in topA, the gene for topo I, implying that an

    increase in the level of supercoiling, and thus condensation, can help

    overcome a defect in the active movement of the chromosomes.

    Interestingly, the system responsible for partitioning the bacterial

    chromosome is independent from that required for partitioning of low copy

    number plasmids, which duplicate in the mid-cell region and actively move

    to the 1/4 and 3/4 positions in the cell [56].

    Condensation of chromosomes clearly plays a role in unlinking in

    eukaryotes and prokaryotes (reviewed in [57]). In eukaryotes, chromosome

    condensation occurs during metaphase, simplifying the process ofdisentangling during anaphase. Because the chromosomes take up less space,

    the process of separation of sisters has actually already begun. The clearest

    evidence of the molecular basis of mitotic chromosome condensation comes

    from the SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes) proteins (reviewed

    in [58]). SMC mutants in yeast have defects in the segregation of mitotic

    chromosomes [59, 60]. The condensins of Xenopus contain SMC proteins.

    These proteins are required for the assembly and structural maintenance of

    mitotic chromosomes in vitro [61].

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    In prokaryotes, a chromosome condensing system is formed by the

    products of the E. coli genes crcA, cspEand crcB. These were identified in

    a screen for mutations conferring resistance to camphor, a chemical known

    to induce chromosome decondensation [62]. CspE is a cold-shock-like

    protein that binds to several promoters and also to the corresponding mRNA.

    Overproduction of CspE partially suppresses the defects of a mukB deletion.

    The finding that this condensation protein binds RNA is intriguing because

    RNA has long been suspected to participate in holding the nucleoid together.The function of the other two proteins is unknown [57].

    7. Recombination-promoted unlinking at the termination ofreplication

    Circular DNAs face a special challenge during replication in that any odd

    number of homologous recombination events will fuse the daughter DNAs

    into a single dimeric molecule. Such dimerization would, of course, interfere

    with the equal partitioning of plasmids and chromosomes into the two new

    daughter cells [63, 64, 65]. Many circular genomes encode recombination

    activities that specifically resolve replication dimers into monomers. The

    topological challenge is to achieve the resolution without introducing

    catenane links. Because site-specific resolvases generally have catenated

    products [67], monomerization probably occurs before the second stage of

    unlinking. In E. coli, both the bacterial chromosome and plasmids such as

    ColE1 make use of the dif/Xer site specific recombination system [68, 69].

    The Xer recombinase, a heterodimer of the XerC and XerD proteins, acts at

    the difsite located near the terminus of chromosome replication [70]. The

    dif /Xer system is broadly conserved. Homologues to XerC and XerD have

    been found in all bacteria tested and several also have sequences similar to

    dif [71, 72]. Mutants in XerC, XerD, or dif show a par phenotype with

    filaments of cells containing multicopy nucleoids that have not been

    properly partitioned [73]. This phenotype is not seen in dif recA double

    mutants in which crossovers leading to dimerizations cannot occur [73].XerC and XerD are closely related members of the integrase family of

    enzymes, which includes the Cre recombinase important for phage P1 dimer

    resolution [74, 75]. The Xer proteins bind cooperatively to the difsite and

    related sequences in vitro. Mutations engineered into the defined

    chromosomal binding site alter recombination efficiency in vivo [76].

    The mechanism by which the Xer heterodimer acts to assure segregation

    of monomers at the end of replication is not clear. The position of the difsite

    is important as dimer resolution is ablated by moving the difsite out of a

    small region near the terminus of replication [77]. Dimer resolution by Xer

    can be replaced by the lox/Cre system when a lox site is placed near the dif

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    14. 13

    site, but not by the Tn3 res /resolvase nor the cer /Xer systems [68]. One

    model consistent with these data is that after replication, but before

    partitioning, the recombinase acts repeatedly so that regardless of the starting

    state, the chromosome will be monomeric for some of the time when

    partitioning occurs [68]. This model offers one solution to the question of

    how a locally acting protein could resolve chromosomal dimers without

    sensing the number of crossovers in 4.7 megabases of DNA.


    Work described in this review was supported by grants from NIH, NSF,

    and NIEHS.


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