AGM Pre49 Rodders July 2012

PO Box 719 Dunedin AGM 1 July 2012 1:30pm 53 Bennet Road Ocean View ( residence of Reon McPherson and Vanessa Power) Present Brian Hall, John Thorpe, Graham Rollo , Dave Rodger, William Fitzpatrick, Graham Fitzpatrick, Gary Underwood, Bruce Wright, Bruce Buchanan, Paul Coory, Brian Ward, Lynley Ward, Phil Thomson, reon McPherson, Vanessa Power, Steve Rogan, Apologies Roger Galloway , Barry McFarlane, Wayne Flockton, Garth Hogan, Murray Stuart Michelle Robinson advised she was resigning membership as she had sold vehicle. Shane fox and Greg Semple had not paid previous years fees so now assumed they no longer wish to be members. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed as correct , seconded by G Fitzpatrick . Matters arising Snow Farm donated our trip up the hill to us ( Pre49 Nats) $600 . Discussed the amount of money we have and what it maight be used for ( approx $9000) some of this is fees and a small amount needed for running club. One suggestion was to provide travel assistance to a nominated event eg Pre 49 Nats Financial Position $6006 in one account $38. money that was to be invested in term deposit had not been as interstes rates were not high enough. Currently have another account under Pre49ers name that is the temporary account for Zone10 50 th Anniversary . Club affiliation and fees are due to be paid to NZHRA,


Minutes of AGM and general meeting held 1 July 2012 .

Transcript of AGM Pre49 Rodders July 2012

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PO Box 719



1 July 2012


53 Bennet Road Ocean View ( residence of Reon McPherson and Vanessa Power)


Brian Hall, John Thorpe, Graham Rollo , Dave Rodger, William Fitzpatrick, Graham Fitzpatrick, Gary

Underwood, Bruce Wright, Bruce Buchanan, Paul Coory, Brian Ward, Lynley Ward, Phil Thomson, reon

McPherson, Vanessa Power, Steve Rogan,


Roger Galloway , Barry McFarlane, Wayne Flockton, Garth Hogan, Murray Stuart

Michelle Robinson advised she was resigning membership as she had sold vehicle. Shane fox and Greg

Semple had not paid previous years fees so now assumed they no longer wish to be members.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed as correct , seconded by G Fitzpatrick . Matters

arising – Snow Farm donated our trip up the hill to us ( Pre49 Nats) $600 . Discussed the amount of

money we have and what it maight be used for ( approx $9000) some of this is fees and a small amount

needed for running club. One suggestion was to provide travel assistance to a nominated event eg Pre

49 Nats

Financial Position

$6006 in one account $38… . money that was to be invested in term deposit had not been as interstes

rates were not high enough. Currently have another account under Pre49ers name that is the

temporary account for Zone10 50th Anniversary . Club affiliation and fees are due to be paid to NZHRA,

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and $500 for our share of Zone10 50th Anniversary event. Confirmed that no rise in club fees was

needed as we were in a healthy financial position. As it is just the end of financial year an annual report

is not available and will be sent out to members when completed.

Life membership and remits

No remits or nominations for life membership were put forward.

Election of President and Committee

William Fitzpatrick offered to stay on if there were no other nominations. Reon McPherson indicated he

would be interested so William stood down. As no other nominations were received Reon was duly

elected as President. Lynley confirmed she would stand again as secretary/ treasurer . Committee was

confirmed as Dave Rodger, Paul Coory, Graham Fitzpatrick, Gary Underwood, Graham Rollo thanked

William Fitzpatrick for his service as President.

General meeting

Rule book update

Brian was invited to talk about progress of the rulebook currently being revised by NZHRA.

Zone 10 Anniversary update from Brian .

The Edgar Centre Stadium is the venue for a display and dinner. All club vehicles are eligible to be on

display – the purpose is to provide a snapshot of present day rodding. Clubs are encouraged to make a

display showing history. Gold coin entry for public to help cover costs. Any profit is to be split equally

between all the 8 clubs. Dunedin clubs are organizing activities for people leaving cars in display .

vehicles can be left in stadium overnight – and need to be out by 10:00 Sunday morning. Clubs are

encouraged to make awards to club members such as new life memberships or recognition of service to

the zone. Lynley is still looking for photographs and memoribilia for anniversary. Advertising was

discussed and need for flyers/ radio advertising to get public involved. It was suggested by Dave Rodgers

that flyers could be distributed at Auto Spectacular which was a couple of weeks before hand - 1

September 2012 . G Rollo offered sponsorship $100 for Zone 10 Anniversary event.

Club events

Suggestions – Murray Stuarts place Omarama , for dirt track racing etc

Show or run using Wheels over Wanaka museum

Breakfasts at Burger King / MacDonalds - Reon is to go ahead and organise this – to

involve all clubs.

Meeting closed 2:30pm