Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc

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  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc



  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


    Display Standard Task 

    T.Code: PFTS

    Object Type :!S"#$% &Display'

    Pro(ra): R!S"#$%Data *odel: !S"$$+ , P-rcase Re/-isition

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    0nter1aces2 Key 1ields2 attrib-tes


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  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


    Description Tab:

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    Container Tab:

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    Tri((erin( 34ents Tab:

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    Ter)inatin( 34ents Tab:

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    De1a-lt R-les Tab:

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    R-le "$$$$$"5 Display

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    F-nction *od-le in R-le "$$$$$"5

    F-nction *od-le: *36R3L673T6R3SPO8S0L3

    SAP Pone Tab:

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  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


    Wat are ad4anta(es o1 SAP -siness Work1lo9sA b-siness process can consist o1 se4eral steps. ;istorically2 tetasks a4e been coordinated )an-ally or by so)e in1or)al )eans

    o1 co))-nication &sticky note2 e,)ail2 so-tin(2 and so on'.

    Te co))on proble) in tese approaces is :

    0ne11iciency 3ac lacks a 9ay to trace 9ere a task is Wo e

  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


    consist o1 AAP code. 3ac and e4ery standard task is associated 9it a -siness

    Object and a )etod. People ? 7ro-p o1 people responsible 1or takin( actions are de1ined inor(ani=ation str-ct-re. Person responsible 1or takin( an action is called act-al a(ent ᄃ.

    0t is de1ined in te 9ork1lo9 acti4ity.

     back to top ᄃ

    Wat is a -siness Object

    -siness object &O' is basically collection o1 Attrib-tes2 *etods and 34ents 1or a partic-lar b-siness entity. 3

  • 8/9/2019 Advantage of SAP Workflow.doc


    0t as e4ent CR3AT3D. So te tri((er point or B START 3@38TS B in te 9ork1lo9 is

    te !S"$>" s e4ent CR3AT3D.

    Ten bind te e4ent to te 9ork1lo9 so te data 1lo9s 1ro) e4ent to te Work1lo9. e.(.:

    Sales order is created. So 1or te 9ork1lo9 to proceed itll need sales order details. Wit bindin( te respecti4e 4al-es is )apped ito te 9ork1lo9 container.

    Ten acti4ate te linka(e once yo- are tro-( te 9ork1lo9 creation. Tis is i)portant

    as a1ter tis only te 9ork1lo9 9ill listen 1or te e4ent2 in te sense tat a1ter tis only te

    9ork1lo9 is tri((ered on te e4ent. Tis is critical also as eac acti4e link adds to syste)load considerably and too )any 9ork1lo9s in te test en4iron)ent can brin( te syste)

    do9n. So care1-l. Deacti4ate once test is o4er and 9ork1lo9 is no lon(er -sed.

     back to top ᄃ

    Wat are te 4ario-s )etos o1 creatin( 34ents

    Te 4ario-s )etods o1 creatin( 34ents are:,

    , F-nction )od-le , e4ent creation by callin( 1-nction )od-le  SW363@38T6CR3AT3 or SAP6WAP06CR3AT363@38T., Can(e doc-)ents

    , 34ent creation 9en can(e doc-)ents are 9ritten.

    , 7eneral stat-s )ana(e)ent

    , Lo(istics 0n1or)ation Syste) &L0S', 34ent creation -pon stat-s can(es.

    , -siness Transaction 34ents

    , *essa(e Control

     back to top ᄃ

    ;o9 can an 34ent be linked 9it a Work1lo9

    Consider te start o1 any 9ork1lo9. Te START 3@38TS tab is taken tro-( te

    eader. Te -siness Object is speci1ied and bindin( is (enerated to te 9ork1lo9 torecei4e te 4al-es and ten te link is acti4ated.See te pic belo9 1or te Sales Order

    creation as start e4ent 1or a 9ork1lo9.

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    Wat are containers2 indin( and indin( 3ditor

    Containers are notin( b-t te @ariables in te Work1lo9 tat old te 4al-es in te

    9ork1lo9. Tey can be si)ple 4ariables or str-ct-res or e4en objects o1 any class. So teyare best treated as te 4ariables. indin( as e

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    Tcodes Related To 34ents

    34ents Creation

    S@W , Stat-s )ana(e)ent

     8AC3 , *essa(e Control

    AW!W , Lo(istics 0n1or)ation Syste) &L0S'

    34ent Linka(es

    SW6CO8D , Work1lo9 Start Conditions

    Work ite) analysis

    SW0"6FR3 , Work 0te)s Per Task 

    SW0"6D3AD , Work 0te)s Wit *onitored Deadlines

    SW0"6D!RA , Work 0te)s y Processin( D-ration

    Task analysis

    SW0## , Tasks in Work1lo9s

    SW0#> , Task pro1ile

    List o1 0)portant Transaction Codes ᄃ

    For )ore SAP -siness Work1lo9 Transactions2ceck te link :,

    ttp:??$b?elpdata?en?+b?%G"5#E15ca##d#+%"e$$$$eH"dec#$?content.t) ᄃ

     back to top ᄃ

    Were can 0 1ind )ore details abo-t 9ork1lo9s

    SAP ;elp , -siness Work1lo9s ᄃ

    SD8 For-)s ᄃ

    SD8 lo(s 1or Work1lo9s ᄃ

    SAP -siness Work1lo9 FA ᄃ

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    SWW6W06R33CT B reject 9ork ite)

    SWW6W063@38T6R3C30@3 B retri4e e4ent 1or a 9ork1lo9

    SWW6W06D0SAL3 B lock 9orkite) a(ainst
