Advances in Clockless and Mixed-Timing Digital Systems Prof. Steven M. Nowick Email:...

Advances in Clockless and Mixed-Timing Digital Systems Prof. Steven M. Nowick Email: [email protected] Department of Computer Science Columbia University
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Transcript of Advances in Clockless and Mixed-Timing Digital Systems Prof. Steven M. Nowick Email:...

Advances in Clockless and Mixed-Timing Digital Systems

Prof. Steven M. Nowick

Email: [email protected]

Department of Computer ScienceColumbia University


I. Asynchronous & Mixed-Timing Design: Overview & Recent Developments

II. Low-Latency Interface Circuits for

Mixed-Timing Domains

Trends and Challenges

Trends in Chip Design: next decade• “Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) Roadmap”


Unprecedented Challenges:• complexity and scale (= size of systems)

• clock speeds

• power management

• “time-to-market”

Design becoming unmanageable using a centralized

(synchronous) approach….

Trends and Challenges (cont.)

1. Clock Rate:

• 1980: several MegaHertz

• 2001: ~750 MegaHertz - 1+ GigaHertz

• 2004: several GigaHertz

Design Challenge:• “clock skew”: clock must be near-simultaneous

across entire chip

Trends and Challenges (cont.)

2. Chip Size and Density:

Total #Transistors per Chip: 60-80% increase/year

– ~1970: 4 thousand (Intel 4004)

– today: 10-20+ million

– 2004 and beyond: 100 million-1 billion

Design Challenges: • system complexity, design time, clock distribution• soon, clock will not reach across chip in 1 cycle!

Trends and Challenges (cont.)

3. Power Consumption

• Low power: ever-increasing demand

– consumer electronics: battery-powered

– high-end processors: avoid expensive fans,


Design Challenge:• clock inherently consumes power continuously

• “power-down” techniques: only partly effective

Trends and Challenges (cont.)

4. Design Re-Use, Scalability

Increasing pressure for faster “time-to-market”. Need: • reusable components: “plug-and-play” design

• scalable design: easy system upgrades

Design Challenge: mismatch w/ central fixed-rate clock

Trends and Challenges (cont.)

5. Future Trends: “Mixed Timing” DomainsChips themselves becoming distributed

systems…. • contain many sub-regions, operating at different


Design Challenge:Design Challenge: breakdown of single centralbreakdown of single centralclock controlclock control

Introduction Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Systems?

• Synchronous Systems: use a global clock– entire system operates at fixed-rate

– uses “centralized control”


Introduction (cont.)

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Systems? (cont.)

• Asynchronous Systems: no global clock

– components can operate at varying rates

– communicate locally via “handshaking”

– uses “distributed control”

“handshaking interfaces”

Introduction (cont.)

Asynchronous Circuits:– long history (since early 1950’s), but...

– early approaches often impractical: slow, complex

Synchronous Circuits: – used almost everywhere: highly successful

– benefits: simplicity, support by existing design tools

But recently: renewed interest in asynchronous circuits

Asynchronous Design

Several Potential Advantages:

• Lower Power– no clock ==> components use power only “on demand”

• Robustness, Scalability– no global timing==>“mix-and-match” varied components

• Higher Performance– systems not limited to “worst-case” clock rate

Asynchronous Design: Challenges

Critical Design Issues:• components must communicate cleanly = “hazard-free”

• highly-concurrent designs: much harder to understand!

Lack of Existing Design Tools:• most commercial “CAD” tools targeted to synchronous

Asynchronous Design: Recent Commercial Interest

1. Philips Semiconductors [86-present]• async chips now in commercial pagers, cell phones• 3-4x lower power than synchronous• much lower electromagnetic interference (EMI)

2. Motorola/Theseus Logic [99-]• Joint venture: develop async embedded processor

3. Intel [96-98]• experimental high-speed design: instruction-length decoder• 3-4x faster than synchronous

Asynchronous Design: Recent Commercial Interest

4. Sun Labs [~95-present]• experimental high-speed pipelines, routing fabric, systems

5. IBM Research [~98-present]• experimental high-speed pipelines, etc.

6. Several recent async startups:• Theseus Logic (Florida)• ADD (Pasadena)• Self-Timed Solutions (UK)

My Research: Highlights

3 Main Asynchronous Areas:

1. CAD Tools: optimization algorithms + software


2. High-Speed Asynchronous Pipelines

3. Interface Circuits: for mixed-timing domains

My Research: Funding

NSF: 2 Large-Scale “ITR” Awards ($2.5 Million) [2000]

1. “CAD Tools” to Design/Optimize Asynchronous Systems

(joint with USC)

2. 3rd-Generation Wireless Systems (async, very low power)

(joint with Columbia EE - Ken Shepard)

Other Funding: NSF, Sun, NYS CAT, Sloan Fdtn.

1. Developing Asynchronous CAD Tools

Focus: 2 types of CAD tools(a) for individual controllers (i.e., finite-state machines) (b) for entire digital systems

(a) The “MINIMALIST” Package [ICCAD-91/95/97/99, DAC-96]– R. Fuhrer, M. Theobald– Downloaded to 60+ sites/18+ countries

(b) High-Level Synthesis Package [DAC-01, DATE-02]– M. Theobald, T. Chelcea

Include: many sophisticated optimization algorithmsGoal: provide many options for design-space exploration

1(a). Synthesizing A ControllerUsing the “MINIMALIST” CAD Tool














req-send+ treq+ rd-iq+/adbld+


rd-iq-/peack- adbld- tack+

adbld-out- treq-rd-id+/ adbld+


rd-iq-/ peack- adbld- tack-

adbld-out- treq+ ack-pkt+/ peack+ tack+

ack-pkt- treq-/peack- tack-



ack-pkt+/peack- tack-

adbld-out-treq- ack-pkt+/



adbld-out- treq+ rd-iq+/ adbld+From HP Labs

“Mayfly” Project

EXAMPLE (cont.):


Basic Digital Building Blocks = datapath components • adders, multipliers, dividers, …• central to almost all digital systems

Asynchronous Design: several potential advantages• high speed (not limited by commercial clock rates)

• adaptible interfacing (easy reuse in different environments)

Goal: • new architectures + designs for very fast async

datapath components

Use Pipelining: to improve performance

2. High-Speed Digital Design

global clock



PIPELINED COMPUTATION: like an assembly line

no global clock

2. High-Speed Digital Design

FunctionBlock Completion





AN ASYNCHRONOUS PIPELINE: Williams/Horowitz (Stanford 86-91)

2. High-Speed Digital Design

Our Goal: extremely high-speed digital components• much faster than commercial processors

Contribution: 3 new async pipeline styles [Singh/Nowick]dynamic logic:

1. Lookahead Pipelines [Async-00]

2. High-Capacity Pipelines [ISSCC-02, Async-02, WVLSI-00]

static logic:

3. MOUSETRAP Pipelines [ICCD-01]

2. High-Speed Digital Design

Contributions (cont.):

• introduce novel highly-concurrent protocols

• basic operating speed: ~3.5+ GigaHertz [0.25 micron]

• gracefully handle variable input/output rates

Technology Transfer: IBM T.J. Watson [2000-2001]• in fabricated experimental FIR filter chip (for disk


2. High-Speed Digital Design

Critical challenge: interface sync/async, sync/sync systems -- operating at different clock rates

--robustly, at high-speed!


Interface Circuits = “glue circuits”



3. Robust Interface Circuitsfor “Mixed-Timing” Domains


4. Low-Power Applications

Now investigating several promising async


• 3rd-Generation Wireless Systems (with K. Shepard, EE)

– very low power, reconfigurable to different standards

• Embedded Processors

– used in cell phones, automobiles, digital cameras, ...

5. Tech Transfer: IBM Research

Invited to transfer pipeline technology:

• PhD Student (Montek Singh): 5-month internship (5-12/00)

• IBM Application: filter design

– async design -- sandwiched between sync interfaces

• Fabricated Chip: evaluated in Feb.-March 2001

• Benefits: “adaptive-pipelining” [ISSCC-02]

Potential for future use in IBM products….