Advanced Web Development using C# David Figge [email protected] Session 2 Last Update: 1/12Page...

Advanced Web Development using C# David Figge [email protected] Session 2 Last Update: 1/12 Page 1 Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

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Advanced Web Development using C#

David [email protected]

Session 2

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Advanced Web Development using C#


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Session 1: Introductions, Overview Gridviews Controls

Session 2: More on GridView Controls

Session 3: GridView Once Again ListViews

Session 4: The DetailsView and

FormView Caching

Session 5: File Streams Using XML

Session 6: User Controls

Session 7: CSS and Themes

Session 8: LINQ

Linq with DataSets Linq with Entities

Session 9: Deployment

Session 10: Final Lab

Class 2 Schedule

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Advanced Web Development using C#

The List View

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The ListView Control

The ListView's purpose is to assist you in creating lists You can think of it is a GridView – with rows

only, or an enhanced version of the Repeater control

You define the rows – using templates (which keeps it flexible)

And the ListView doesn't have the "drag-and-drop-and-it-works" functionality that GridViews have

Most developers with data to display start with the GridView, and move to the ListView if they need more specialized options

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The ListView Control

Let's start by looking at the ListView in action We'll add a new Table View page to our

app We'll then list out the table numbers

and their capacities I know, pretty simple, but it will give you

the idea… Besides, they need to know that stuff in

restaurants .

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The ListView Control

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1. Create a new page for the web site2. Add a link in the Master page3. Drag a ListView onto the new page4. Link it to a new DataSource

1. SELECT * FROM [DiningTable]

5. Use the style links to view the different styles

6. Look at the source code generated

Page 7

You have lots of freedom to use any template/HTML code needed here. Lots of

flexibility is the value of ListView. Play with it a bit…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

The ListView Control

The Major Control Templates

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Template Description

ItemTemplate Sets the content of the Data Item

AlternatingItemTemplate If alternating (rows alternate), the above does odd, this does even rows

SelectedItemTemplate Sets content currently selected

EditItemTemplage Content when editing

InsertItemTemplate Content when inserting

LayoutTemplate Sets markup for wrapping content

GroupTemplate Sets markup for each group (if grouping)

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

ListView Exercise

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Create a new pagethat displays thenames andaddresses ofcustomers in"address label"format: Mabel Smith

127 Main StSeattle, WA 98103

Group them 3 across the top, paging as needed. You'll have to add some addresses to the table…

Page 9

45 Minutes

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DetailsView and FormView

As you know, we've spent quite a bit of time on displaying data This seems appropriate, as it's a major

purpose of a web application But before we delve into other

aspects, I want to touch on two other controls The DetailsView The FormView

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DetailsView and FormView

The GridView – and to a lesser extent the ListView – are going to be your primary data display tools Both are very flexible, especially when

you bring templates into the picture But both of these focus on displaying

data by rows Sometimes you want to have one page

for each record That's where these two controls enter


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The DetailsView

The DetailsView control displays a single record at a time

It does so in a table, which each element (data column) being a row

Multiple records are accessed through page links at the bottom

It can auto-generate the rows, or (like the GridView) you can take control

The table uses the BoundField controls just like the GridView does

DetailsView supports delete, insert, and edit. This is even easier in the DetailsView than in the GridView.

The auto-generated code works well, and you can fine-tune it with templates as needed

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The FormView

The FormView is similar to the DetailsView, but requires templates Given the assumption of templates, the

FormView becomes even more flexible that the DetailsView

You get to specify the templates you want for Viewing, Editing, Inserting, Footer, Header, and

more. The book covers these more in detail

As well as some more advanced uses of all these controls

I'm going to send you there for more information on these powerful tools.

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Advanced Web Development using C#


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Caching is a performance optimization that retains selected elements in memory, rather than recreating them every time.

There are two primary categories of caching Output caching – where rendered data is stored and

reused Data caching – where elements in your code are marked

to be saved and reused rather than recreated There are also two sub-categories of caching

Fragment caching – a type of output caching where only a portion of the rendered page is cached

Data Source Caching – using caching that's built in to DataSource controls that side-step repeated data queries

To begin with, let's look at the concept of caching and how that helps speed up systems…

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What Is Caching?

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Let's start with a basic browser request for some data driven web page.So we start with the client (with the browser)…

The client requests a web page from the Web Server. This is where the ASP and code-behind pages live.

In order to display the data on the page, the web application makes a SQL request to the database server.

The database server retrieves the data from the database and returns it to the application on the web server.The Web application then uses that data to render the HTML page.

And the rendered data is returned to the browser on the client machine.

Any questions on how this process works?

So now we're going to replace our requesting client, and replace it with five clients. When you multiply the number of machines accessing the

system, you are assessing the system's scalability.So 5 machines hit the web server at about the same time…The data is retrieved for each client request…And the rendered pages are returned.So far so good. But as you can image, when we scale this scenario up to

hundreds of machines, lots of things are getting overworked.

So what if we look at the Web Server. If all the requests are looking at Dining Reservations, there's really no need to keep going to the database

server for data that hasn't really changed

So we tell the Web Server, "When someone requests a page, save a copy. If someone else requests the same page, give them the already generated

copy, saving the database access and the rendering.

Instantly, we've lightened the load on the Web Server (it only creates one page), and almost eliminated access to the database server (it's only called

to render the page the very first time).

This is the "big picture" concept of what caching is all about…

Does this concept make sense?

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This is an example of Output Caching – Saving the output from the Web Server and using it for subsequent requests

Data caching is the same concept, but for data elements (for example, images retrieved from the database)

Both of these caching techniques allow you to control how long the saved copy is valid

So, pictures of our customers (changes very little) could be cached for 24 hours before refreshing

But dining reservations (which change quickly in the evenings) might be cached for only 1 minute

For data, you can also say, "Cache this item until it changes", which gives you the ultimate flexibility

So let's delve just a little deeper and see how all this works…

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Output Caching

Output caching is the easiest to implement (and often has the greatest impact) Once again this is caching a rendered page so

it can be used for subsequent requests Put, just below the <%@ Page… %>

<%@ OutputCache Duration="20" VaryByParam="None" %>

This says Cache the output Expire the cache (e.g. recreate the page) after 20

seconds 20 seconds may seem small, but if it's getting hundreds of

hits per second, it makes a difference!

Ignoring the VaryByParam part, does this make sense?

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Output Caching

So VaryByParam comes into play when you have sites that are called with query strings By specifying VaryByParam="prod", you can

cache a separate version for each "prod" requests

One for phones and another for music players To specify more than one, separate them with

semicolons VaryByParam="prod;color"

Note: this only works for server-based data You can't, for example, vary by session data or


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Output Caching

The final option for output caching is to write your own function that returns a string

Specify VaryByCustom="…" This is in addition to the VaryByParam

Whatever string is in the VaryByCustom string is passed to the custom function GetVaryByCustomString

public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string arg)

You can then (using the context) identify a "category" (you define this) that you want this request to be in

You return a unique string for each category For example: VaryByCustom="browser"

Your GetVaryByCustomString method – using "browser" as an indicator – can return the browser type being used, and cache a separate version for firefox, chrome, or IE.

Make sense?

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Fragment Caching

Fragment caching is a way of caching only a part of the rendered page

To do this, you create a user control A user control is a collection of asp

controls…we'll do this later Within the user control, you put the

OutputCache directive (not in the page) This causes the control to be cached,

but not the entire page

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Advanced Output Caching

You can also specify custom Cache Profiles within the web.config file You specify the profile name and the duration You can then specify the CacheProfile="…" in

the OutputCache directive This allows you to apply the same profile to

multiple elements in the site (and change them as a whole

While these are the major options… there are a couple more advanced output

caching techniques in the book that were not covering here…

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Data Caching

This is the most flexible type of caching, but takes specific code to implement it

To use the Data Caching, you simply add objects that you want to cache to a global collection object "Cache"

e.g. Cache["Photo"] = myPhoto; Some basic tips about the global data cache

It's thread-safe No need to lock/unlock the cache when using it

Items are removed automatically If they expire or if memory gets low The means you MUST check for null when retrieving it!

It supports dependencies You can specify a resource (data table, file, etc.). If it

changes, the item is marked expired automaticallyLast Update: 1/12 Page 23

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Data Caching

When caching, you typically use Cache.Insert(key, value)

Inserts an object (value) into the cache retrievable by using the key

This is the same as Cache[key] = value Optional parameters (in order, all previous

parameters must be there): Dependencies – Changes to this resources causes

invalidation of cached element absoluteExpiration and SlidingExpiration – absolute is a

real DateTime, sliding is minutes-from-now Can only specify one. If using absolute, set sliding to

TimeSpan.Zero. If sliding, set absolute to DateTime.MaxValue Priority and onRemoveCallback – Sets the relative

priority (for removing objects when memory is full) and a callback (delegate called when discarded)

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Example Data Caching Example

private DataSet customerNames{ get { // Get the names from the cache DataSet names = Cache["CustomerNames"]; if (names == null) { names = GetNamesFromDatabase(); Cache.Insert("CustomerNames", names, null, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); } return names; }} ... DataSet ds = this.CustomerNames;

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A great way to set up data caching for an object is to create a property for the object. In this example, we're wanting to use (and cache) a

dataset of customer names.

The get method starts by trying to get the data from the cache. The times it will fail are 1) the first time, and 2) whenever the object expires.

If it fails, the cache returns null.

If it's not in the cache, we need to create it. So here we create the dataset.

We then insert it into the cache with the proper expiration settings.

Whether we created it or pulled it from the cache, in the end the property has it

and returns it to the requester.

When your program wants to use the dataset, it simply sets it through the property. The

complexity of caching and creating are hidden.

Does this allmake sense?

So this way you have the code that retrieves the data from the cache, the code the stores

the data in the cache, and the code responsible for creating the data object all in the same


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Cache Dependencies

As we discussed, you can make cache expiration dependent upon changes in other objects.

To do this, you create a CacheDependency object Example:

CacheDependency pd = new CacheDependency(Server.MapPath("Products.xml"));Cache.Insert("Toaster",toaster,pd);

This makes the inserted item expire whenever "Products.xml" is modified

You can also create dependencies on other cached items Example:

String depKey = "Hello";CacheDependency cd = new CacheDependency(null,depKey);String key = " There";Cache.Insert("HiThere",key,cd);

Now when 'depKey' changes, key is expired You can also create aggregate dependencies

It's covered in the book, along with some lesser-used caching options

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Caching Summary

Things to keep in mind about caching Caching is an optimization

Address it as you start planning your deployment After you have an idea of where the bottlenecks are…

Look for objects that take a while to produce and look to cache those first

Often, even for a short time, you see advantages This is why output (page) caching make sense

Pages often take a long time to produce, so are ripe candidates for caching

Once you've identified an object, look seriously at how long it can be cached

Resist the temptation to make everything short You can often live with "not quite up to date" data for longer

than you think

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Questionson caching?

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Advanced Web Development using C#

File and File Streams

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Directory and File Classes

There are two ways to access information about files and directories

Directory and File These are static classes, and are used for quick access to

files or directories DriveInfo, DirectoryInfo, and FileInfo

These are used to retrieve similar information, but are associated with a specific object

The Directory and File work well for one-time quick tasks (e.g. creating a directory)

The others work better when you're performing a series of tasks on the same object

This way things like security checks are done as you create the object, rather than every time you use it

Let's look at the major tasks and methods in both systems…

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Major DirectoryTasks

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Task Directory Class DirectoryInfo class

Create a directory Directory.CreateDirectory(path) dir.CreateSubdirectory()

Delete a directory Directory.Delete(path) dir.Delete()

Check for existance Directory.Exists dir.Exists

Get array of directory names

Directory.GetDirectories(path) dir.GetDirectories()

Get array of files Directory.GetFiles(path) dir.GetFiles()

Get drives Directory.GetLogicalDrives() ---

Get parent dir Directory.GetParent(path) dir.Parent

Get current dir Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() ---

Set current dir Directory.SetCurrentDirectory() ---

Move dir Directory.Move(path,path) dir.MoveTo(path)

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Major File Tasks

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Task File Class FileInfo class

Create a file File.Create(path), file.CreateText(path)


Copy a file File.Copy(path,path) file.CopyTo(path)

Move a file File.Move(path,path) file.MoveTo(path)

Delete a file File.Delete(path) file.Delete

Get attributes File.GetAttributes(path) file.Attributes()

Set attributes File.SetAttributes(path…) file.Attributes()

Get parent dir --- file.DirectoryName

Get file length --- file.Length

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The Path Class

If you end up manipulating directory and file paths, consider using the Path class It is a static class that has some helper functions

to assist in creating, modifying, and using paths, including

Combine – Combine directory and file into path ChangeExtension GetDirectoryName – Full directory list GetFileName – Returns filename from path GetFilenameWithoutExtension GetFullPath – like c:\windows\notepad.exe GetPathRoot – From C:\windows\notepad.exe: = c:\ HasExtension – True if has extension, false if not IsPathRooted – True if from root, false if relative

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B4 A8 C3 F2 38 44 D3


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The C# I/O system is based on streams. A stream is simply a series of bytes. So when you work with steams, you work with Byte arrays.

The FileStream is a stream that is connected to a file on the disk. So it allows you to read and write using Byte arrays.

(This is not very convenient)

So when we want to work with something other that Byte arrays – like always – we wrap the FileStream in class that translates it to something

more useful.

So if, say, we want to read text files, we wrap the FileStream in a StreamReader object. StreamWriters allow us to write text to the file.

If, on the other hand, we want to write binary data, we use a BinaryReader/Writer. These know how to read/write ints, floats, strings,

etc.Let's look at some simple examples of reading and writing a text file…

Four score and 7 years ago…27,3.14,"Smith, Bob" FileStreamStreamReaderBinaryReader

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Example Stream Examples

FileStream fs = new FileStream("textFile", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs);for (int x = 0; x < 25; x++) writer.WriteLine(x.ToString());writer.Close();fs.Close();

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("textFile");StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder("");string line;while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) contents.Append(line + ",");reader.Close();

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("textFile")){ String contents = reader.ReadToEnd();}

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Let's start with the basics: writing a series of lines to a text file.

We start by creating a FileStream object. Because FileStreams only work with bytes – and we want to work with text – we'll wrap it in a StreamWriter.

So here we're doing that. Notice that it takes the base FileStream object as a

parameter in the constructor.

Now we write 25 lines to the text file. We do that using the

WriteLine method of the writer object. Each 'wrapper' object has the ability to work with its

data types, so (for example) BinaryWriters can write ints,

floats, etc.

When we're all done, we make sure to close the writer (most recently opened),

then the filestream.

Questions so far?

Okay, so let's take a look at reading in that data. Here we create a StreamReader. Notice

that there are many constructors to a StreamReader. This one takes a filespec, and will create the underlying FileStream object

for us and open the file for reading.We're going to read in several lines (one at a time), so we'll put the results into a

StringBuilder object

Here we read in a line of text using the ReadLine method within the

StreamReader object. ReadLine returns null when it reaches the end of the file.

For each line, we add it on to the StringBuilder, and when we're done we


Is this code making sense, too?

Finally, I want to bring up even more flexibility within the streams system.

If you recall, there is a block that starts with a using statement. Anyone

remember what it does?

It allows you to specify a block where you're using an object. When the block goes out of scope (either normally or by

an exception), the dispose method is automatically called.

More importantly – with objects that support it – you can create objects that sort of clean up after themselves when

you're done with the block

Well, Stream objects support that. So these 2 code lines do what those six

lines did above.

Here we create the StreamReader object in the using clause. This opens

the file for read using the StreamReader

We then call the ReadToEnd method, which reads from the file until it

reaches the end of the file (a very convenient method!).

When we reach the end brace of the using statement, the reader automatically closes the file.

Pretty convenient, huh?

Questions onany of this?

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Customer Email Exercise

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It's time for you to playwith this a bit…

You're going to addfunctionality to generatean email (in a text file)that can be sent to acustomer to remind themof their reservations.

You'll need to use whatyou've learned to…

Add a command button to each row in the reservations GridView labeled Email

When the button is pressed Create a file called "Reminder Email.txt" that has the above text

customized for the customer in the row Good luck!

Page 35

To: [email protected]: Your Reservation at Le RestaurantDear John,

This email is a reminder that you havea dinner reservation at our restaurantfor 8:30 tomorrow.

See you then, the Le Restaurant staff

50 Minutes

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Advanced Web Development using C#

Using XML

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XML Review

XML is a ubiquitous way to transfer data, and is an integral part of C#

XML has several advantages:1. It's plain text: human readable, easily written and

read by programs2. It's flexible: you make up the structure as you need

it3. It's an industry standard: there are many tools to

create, read, and manipulate data within XML files Over the next several slides we'll see the

pieces that C# provides in order to create, read, and use XML files.

Let's start with a simple review by looking at a typical XML file…

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Example XML Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding=“UTF-8" ?><!-- Breakfast Menu --><breakfast_menu xmlns=""> <food number="1"> <name>Belgian Waffles</name> <price>$5.95</price> <description>two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup</description> <calories>650</calories> </food> <food number="2"> <name>Strawberry Belgian Waffles</name> <price>$7.95</price> <description>light Belgian waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream</description> <calories>900</calories> </food> <food number="3"> <name>Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles</name> <price>$8.95</price> <description>light Belgian waffles covered with fresh berries and whipped cream</description> <calories>900</calories> </food> <food number="4"> <name>French Toast</name> <price>$4.50</price> <description>thick slices made from our homemade sourdough bread</description> <calories>600</calories> </food> <food number="5"> <name>Homestyle Breakfast</name> <price>$6.95</price> <description>two eggs, bacon or sausage, toast, and our ever-popular hash browns</description> <calories>950</calories> </food></breakfast_menu>

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This first line is technically optional, but is usually there. It tells the

‘version’ of XML that is being used. Version 1.0 corresponds to the W3C

specification for XML 1.0.

It also specifies that we’re using UTF-8

encoding (8 bit Unicode characters)

Comments in XML start with <!– and end with -->.

Each XML document has one (and only one) root element, in

this case breakfast_menu.

For every element/tag, there is a closing element/tag (the name

with a / before it)

In XML, the tags are made up by the writer. This is what makes it so

flexible. When used as input to a program, the program must

understand what the tags mean (so coordination is needed).XML documents have no

required layout format, but this example is typical of how most XML documents are made and

displayed. Like C#, carriage returns and tabs are optional (but you should use them).

This XML document contains a collection of food offerings. Multiple

food tags are stored in the breakfast_menu. Each food block starts

with <food> and ends with </food>

There are two ways to define information for an element. The name tag defines a sub-

element of food, and (in this case) contains the text Belgian Waffles.

The other way is to specify an Attribute, which is within the

Element tag like this.

You can specify all elements as Attributes instead (they are seen as the same). For example

<food number=“1” name=“Belgian Waffle” … />

The /> can close a tag when there are no sub-elements.

Questions on XML layout?

Finally, let's talk about this portion of the root tag: xmlns. This defines a namespace, and

typically has a server address for the company. The idea is to keep it unique. If any other

"breakfast_menus" were processed at the same time, this would differentiate them.

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XML Files

XML files are expected to follow several rules. These are stricter rules that applies to (for example) HTML files

Primarily, XML files are held to the "well formed" standard, which means: Every element has a start and end tag Empty cells end with /> Elements can be nested, but are fully enclosed

by their parent (no unclosed tags at the end of an element)

There is 1 (and only 1) root element Comments start with <!- - and end with - ->.

Comments cannot be inside tags.Last Update: 1/12 Page 39

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

XML Schema Documents

In a database, you use a schema to define the elements within the tables

In an xml file, you can also create a schema document to define the contents of the XML file This way, a receiving program could

know the xml layout Not surprisingly, these documents

are stored in XML format Let's see an example…

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Example XML Schema Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:element name="breakfast_menu"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="food" type="foodType" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

<xs:complexType name="foodType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="calories" type="xs:decimal"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType></xs:schema>

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Here we say the primary element in this xml file is

breakfast_menuIt is a complex type (meaning

more than one intrinsic element).

Breakfast_menu contains a sequence of elements named "food", which is defined below in the "foodType" definition, and there's no limit on how

many food elements can be in the XML file.

The foodType complex type is defined here.

It contains one attribute and 4 elements as defined here.

These were all simple data types (strings and decimals). If we had

any more sub-elements, we could define more

complexTypes. XML Schema definitions help in processing the XML file so that the processing routine can find

out at run-time the layout of the XML file. You don't need

the schema if you have a processing routine that is

specifically designed to work with your XML file layout.

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Reading and Writing XML Documents

Functionality Method Comments

Write whole document

doc.Save Saves an XMLDocument object as an XML file (example coming)

Read whole document

doc.Load Loads an XML file into an XMLDocument object

Write line-by-line writer.WriteStartDocument()writer.WriteComment()writer.WriteStartElement()writer.WriteElementString()writer.WriteEndElement()

Use XMLTextWriter to write each line of the XML file. Methods allow you to add any part of XML file by method calls.

Read line-by-line reader.readStartElement()reader.readElementString()reader.readEndElement()

Use XMLTextReader to read in elements and values

Read Line-by-line, unknown structure

reader.Read() Use XMLTextReader to read in nodes, elements, and text using reader.NodeType (XmlNodeType.Element, XmlNodeType.Text, etc.)

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The XMLDocument object allows you to read an XML document into a tree structure of XMLNodes (each of which may have XMLNodes themselves

Use doc.Load() to read in the entire XML document

You can then use the collection(s) of XMLNodes to navigate through the hierarchy

In fact, a really easy way to create an XML file is to create an XMLDocument object, then use the .Save method to write it to a file

Let's look at an example…

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Example Creating and Saving an XML File

XMLDocument doc = new XMLDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), new XComment("Created: " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), new XElement("breakfast_menu", new XElement("food", new XAttribute("number","1"), new XElement("name","Belgian Waffles"), new XElement("Price","$5.95"), new XElement("description","two of our famous..."), new XElement("calories","650") ), new XElement("food", new XAttribute("number","2"), ... ), ... ));doc.Save("Breakfast_Menu.xml");

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XPath (and it's navigation tool XPathNavigator) is a similar tool to XmlDocument, but uses a cursor-based approach

So – unlike XmlDocument which uses a tree-like structure – XPathNavigator goes through the elements one at a time.

More info on XPath, XPathNavigator, and XmlDocument are in the book

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Transforming XML Documents

A common requirement with Web sites is the need to translate an XML file contents into something usable for a Web page

You can, of course, use XmlDocument and/or XPathNavigator to go through the document in code

But a very useful (and more common) way is to translate the XML file into HTML using an Extensible Stylesheet Language Translator file, or XSLT.

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XSLT is a language unto itself, with loops and other such constructs As such, it's beyond the scope of this

class to teach you XSLT – which could be a class all by itself

However, you don't need to take another class just to get the gist of how it works.

We'll investigate this by doing an exercise together

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Adding a Dinner Menu

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We're going to work together to add a Dinner Menu page to our project The dinner menu will be

Read in from an XML file Translated into HTML by an XSLT file Displayed in our application by an XML control

Start by getting the file This contains the XML file, the XSLT file,

and the images that will be displayed

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Adding a Dinner Menu

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Uncompress the Zip file and add each element (pictures too) to your project Put them in the main folder (where the

aspx files are) Add them to Solution Explorer with

Project/Add/New Item… This helps VS rebuild properly when files

change We'll take a look at the XML and XSLT

files in a second, but first let's get them working on the site…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Adding a Dinner Menu

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Add a new Web Page (with Master) Call it Menu.aspx, linked to Site.Master Add a new menu item to Site.Master labeled

"Today's Menu" linking to our new page On the new page

In the Main Content section Add the text "Today's Menu"

<h1 class="style1">Today's Menu</h1>

An an XML control Set the DocumentSource property to "~/menu.xml" Set the TransformSource property to "~/menu.xslt"

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Adding a Dinner Menu

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Your "Today's Menu" item should nowwork

Let's take a look atthe XML and XSLTfiles…

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Advanced Web Development using C#

End of Session 2

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